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tv   [untitled]    October 19, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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dot com slash the launch show more interviews as well as the show in its entirety next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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in india she's available in hotels. remote have been turned. sunday a beach hotel the western result. the. ground many as you call it a hotel full seasons hotel the sultan who to. call
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for change fifty years since the u.s. imposed a crippling trade embargo on cuba some say the policy isn't working at a major as required. meeting of minds the leaders of russia germany and france put their heads together as they try to find a common vision for the future of european security. and russia's grand car crash that to stick calls for better driver education is it illegal raggett of selling licenses government efforts to make roads safe for. eighty out of the russian capital you're watching r t with me marina josh welcome to the program now it's fifty years since the u.s. imposed an economic embargo on cuba. prohibiting most trade with the island
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recently there have been some minor policy changes under the obama administration but the main restrictions are still in place costing the u.s. economy over a billion dollars a year or two's going to reports in the emergence of new factors which could cause a resounding of the blockade. politics aside americans miss cuba at this club in washington d.c. they make most of probably the only thing americans can legally import from the communist island the rhythm. while the love for cuba flourishes on the dance floor it goes cold when the revision of the fifty year old embargo is up for discussion wait a minute. why should we give them after all these years benefits of trade relationships more tourism everything like that when they basically say they're not going to change their system whatsoever but that doesn't stop the u.s. from dealing with china the same standard that applies for china does not apply for cuba cuba has a communist regime that has
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a state undynamic model that is is is sort of it's very weak china has a big economic engine in other words you were represents everything we're against it's a totalitarian repressive communist state but don't like china and lend us money and cuba is criticized for violating human rights not without a reason and the harshest criticism comes from a nation that slammed worldwide for preaching human rights and its kuantan of obey prison which it rains in cuba the embargo was the way the u.s. punished the castro regime for seizing power in nine hundred fifty nine directly hurlyburly and we've that wiping out the vast share americans having the cuban economy arguably the idea behind the argo was to let castro's regime wear out and prompt people to revolt against it it's been fifty years and it never happened let's lift the embargo will sell more products there more americans will be able to
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spread their influence there i think it's our best hope for having influence in cuba when that wonderful day comes when the castro regime falls the embargo has been largely seen as in fact it it's given the castro regime a handy excuse for the failures of its socialist experiment it's hurting the very cuban people that we claim to be helping cuba now hosts businesses from europe can about latin america and mainly leaves off its beautiful resorts but booming tourism does not seem to make life easier for every day cubans they're set to make four cents of every dollar a foreign company pays that the government takes the rest but q. where has recently taken steps to modernize its economy now overhaul the museum people are allowed to engage in small private enterprises but for the u.s. to lift the embargo there needs to be a prick magic reason ideological ones have proved unsustainable there's a really strong then i think economic interest people are seeing there are markets
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that can be exploited and if we don't take care of them. or if we don't jump in europe is just going to feel it for us and that's not nor interest and then there's the question of oil and that's a new thing as well moreover russian and spanish companies are queuing up to help cuba exploited supposedly huge offshore oil reserves the opposition over the embargo here in washington has long been down to this question will trade with cuba make the castro regime stronger or will it eventually help bring them down but some would argue the regime is not the biggest issue here the u.s. bills with china all right one thing that could make the u.s. really care about cuba is what it can get from it salsa wrong thing garzon beaches maybe not strong enough oil on the other hand could have a bigger potential going to check on our t. washington d.c. . as to how this hour here in our t.v.
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non jews not happy about pledging loyalty to israel. this country defines itself as a jewish and democratic state but if you ask just about any arabs they'll tell you it's heavy on the jewish and draw the light on the democratic find out how the recently adopted loyalty oath bill is straining on easy israeli palestinian relations even further loss. of tension drivers are supposed to go to a driving school and pass a test on a closed course like this one that we're on right now as well as study the different tactics of driving from a written test but that's not exactly how it happens in most cases around moscow. we look at what puts russia on top of the list when it comes to road deaths. before the european security is under scrutiny as the leaders of france germany and russia meet in the french resort of deviltry president medvedev is to push his proposal yet again for
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a new security framework to replace the current system which he says is outdated are discussing as are has more. they're going to be some very serious issues of course on the table as the three leaders tackle various issues relevant not only to the european community but also to the international agenda issues such as stability and the middle east the ongoing situation in afghanistan and iran is nuclear agenda those are all going to be discussed by the means of a defined his colleagues from france and germany but it's also issues of course that are relevant to europe specifically and they are expected to dominate the talks here and specifically the issue of european security proposed by the russian president a little earlier russia's cooperation with the north atlantic treaty organization is also going to be discussed of course and that will be done tailing into the new proposal for european security plan and various other aspects of european corporation of course the aftermath of the global financial crisis and the various
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effects that it has had on bilateral trade on european trade on russia's relations with those members of the e.u. the negotiations to have a visa free regime for russian citizens wishing to travel to europe right now of course we know that russian citizens are obliged to get a visa in order to enter the european union that's according to the shang agreement that is currently enforced and for a number of years of officials have been talking all over the possibility of removing the visa regime and making travel for russians into europe visa free and that is yet another issue that medium and if a certain to raise with nicolas sarkozy and angola merkel and of course many russians are keeping their fingers crossed that something definitive will come out of those talks and thomas clough from the european council on foreign relations told our team that it's improved ties between moscow and poland which is paving the way to a new era in russia e.u. relations. the habit indeed great to be within the you about how to manage the
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relationship with russia what we've seen over the last few weeks and months is an airing of these divisions and in particular the the very important part of the polish russian. has really and to be a whole new dynamic and i think the u. today is much less divided than it was two or three years ago and this is the background against which this meeting is taking place and i would almost argue that it couldn't take place without the background being watched i think that's an absolutely crucial fact there was a big split between bill and also especially about how truly managed the relationship with moscow was a source of strain in the pro to term relationship that is now gone and we are seeing a much more polished anomic overall and german president christian wolf is in turkey while back home the immigration debate is raging his visit comes just days after chancellor angela merkel admitted multiculturalism has failed in germany and in about twenty minutes we'll bring you an interview with journalist and author from
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berlin is the problem of integration stamps from religion. as a believer as a muslim you should not learn from an unbeliever you should obey to islam and to the muslims so we have saudi percent of muslims of turkish muslims in germany leaving schools without learning anything they don't have a diploma or anything because their religion tells them to pull to obey to what the unbelievers tell you this is going to cause conflicts this is going to cause big problems so what i believe that there is a place for muslims in this world and for their culture and there is a place for european and western culture to live in what i don't believe. they will live peacefully together. israel is facing criticism over
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a bill that requires non jew or citizens to swear allegiance to the state governments as a loyalty oath is a necessary step for peace but arabs are refusing to pledge themselves to a country they say is snatching their holy land artist fall asleep before it's this photograph is all that remains from some near the family home the house survived for generations but it couldn't survive an israeli demolition two years ago in the middle of. i started to have problems with the settlers ten years ago they wanted to take all of my land they took one house and then they wanted to take this house since then he started rebuilding the only. thing god the supreme courts discovered that big documents they changed the name of my grandfather on the papers that heidi. but the discovery didn't help him hang on to most of his grandfather's land a family of israeli settlers now on his own property shamir insists is his and his
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story only one of many. in a two hour. as we spend here before a recess and the usual round of tear gas rubber bullets and blame and their ability shouldn't complain about anything they should say thank you thank you that we are still here. and they'll be saying a lot more than that if the country's foreign minister avigdor lieberman gets his way he wants all one million arab israeli citizens to pledge loyalty to the jewish state the arab world if they want us to give concessions for peace if they want us to give you some sacrifices for peace they should start looking at the us legitimate state so lieberman has his supporters those who believe there is reason to be suspicious of israeli arabs whoever talks about peace. as to who knows. but he's also got his detractors arabs and many israeli jews are up in arms this
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country defines itself as a jewish and democratic state but if you ask just about any arab here they'll tell you it's heavy on the jewish and rather light on the democratic. angry demonstrators take to the streets claiming the next step transferring arab israelis to a palestinian state but the government is doing its best to accommodate lieberman's demands and recently approved the loyalty bill by a twenty two eight majority and the government decided upon it because it wants to make sure that lieberman sparky is a manger is a government it's a lot component of the coalition and. the government under american pressure to freeze settlement building and needs lieberman support but arab citizens like well why the will never give in all or most of the whole that argument i'm a muslim
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a man allowed to swear in the world you two are jewish do what you wanted to in the first word to them what do i think them for. but how do you go on and those jerusalem announces preliminary plans for two hundred thirty eight homes seems like there's so much more likely than arabs pledging allegiance to an israel that keeps them under the thumb policy r t. check out our web site for the latest updates on everything we're covering as well as expert analysis blogs and videos at r.t. dot com here's a taster of what's there right now. and this might be staring back a year in the supermarket soon as in u.s. debates whether to allow thousand growing genetically modified salmon to make it on to dinner plates. the russian mob inspires fear of the world but how much do you know about them.
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now there's a new wiki leaks lead scandal brewing in the latest allegations suggest a tie in troops have been carrying out secret raids on afghan villages resulting in civilian deaths and those charges come as a country and now its plans to withdraw its forces from afghanistan by two thousand and fourteen although before that it intends to join the u.s. led surge and boost the number of italian troops to four thousand by the end of the year journalist from brito monta says the recent problems stem from the fact the time government has no idea what it's doing there. it really is part in a war in denial in afghanistan what's happening is that we are there are officially on the. peace keeping rebuilding a reconstruction mission because that was the way that the governments.
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of the political establishment in general not just the government also the opposition parties sought to detail in public opinion our engagement in afghanistan which is an engagement which is not well seen but probably public opinion being very costly in terms not of money of course but also in terms of risks and. of lives of our soldiers so the problem is that we're not there because our government or our establishment in general is concerned about the situation in afghanistan so we're not really there for strategic calculation if one we are there because it's a way two hundred and differentiate that we have with the united states. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world and strikes in france have hit the fuel supply hard forcing some petrol stations to close in airlines to cancel a large number of flights straight action continues this protesters fight the government's plans to raise the retirement age from sixty to sixty two students and
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workers have walked out of schools transport defoe's and oil refineries doing anything in an attempt to affect the coming vote in parliament this wednesday. a passenger a bus in mexico has crashed into an industrial trailer truck catching fire and killing nineteen police say all the passengers and both drivers perished in the accident the bus was heading north from mexico city when it hit the vehicle transporting industrial waste save maybe weeks before all the victims can be identified. a wave of mud and debris has swept through southern southeastern right up the roof forcing dozens of families to flee their homes in the middle of the night and here by a river burst its banks reaching inclusion of muddy water on the unsuspecting residents these fifty homes have been destroyed by the war and so far.
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now russia is infamous for its bad roads and reckless driving almost thirty thousand people lose their lives in traffic accidents every year and almost found out the problem start with a learner drivers bribing their way behind the wheel. welcome to russia where the roads are notoriously bad driver safety seemingly optional and the traffic notorious there were doing away. with very busy traffic which has been poorly organized and which requires improvement interchanges have been made inefficiently traffic lights haven't been working properly and road signs are located in such a way that drivers often can't see them all this results in numerous accidents. in two thousand and nine alone there were nearly two hundred four thousand car accidents the human cost was twenty six thousand deaths and more than a quarter of a million people seriously injured the international transportation forum it lists russia as having the most traffic deaths per capita in the world many believe corruption and general lack of knowledge are to blame. do you know the traffic
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signs. i do what does this one mean. i don't know really i don't know oh isn't this amazing drivers are supposed to go to a driving school and pass a test on a quote of course like this one that we're on right now as well as study the different tactics of driving from a written test but that's not exactly how it happens in most cases around moscow. there are two problems with fake driving licenses the first is that criminal groups issue fake licenses of such a high quality that only a specialist can see it's fake people buy a fake license and think it's real the other problem is bribes and driving schools to pass driving tests this girl wishes to remain anonymous but for the purposes of television we will call her like many russian drivers she's purchased her license illegally so how much did it cost her well the actual amount is eight hundred years
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dollars but there was that money i think should be from a driving school i was supposed to attend classes and so on but i was living in st petersburg at the time so i couldn't show up at the school. but as county learned learning how to drive properly isn't as essential as having the proper pay off some of my fathers or their physicians would blackmail me for money and that is why there was no need for me to upton my license in a traditional way it's easier to buy it he took me to some distant metro station in moscow suburb they are they invited me to a room issued my driving license to me and took my photograph i was so ashamed i said i am sorry i will really learn how to drive the answer doesn't matter to us. and now even thinks she may be a threat on the road. yes i have a feeling that i'm a threat to pedestrians a few days ago i feel to see a bicycle rider in the dark i think that can serve as just occasion prompting many to call for a complete overhaul of russia's driver's education system at the system or that
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it's not enough to fire a bribe taker it's necessary to change the entire system as long as there is the demand there will be supply we need real changes at the high level in the interior ministry we can probably even at the state management level hopefully making russia's roads a safer place to be sean thomas moscow. and that brings us up to date here in our to remember for morgan always long our website our business news is next with don't go away. hello and a very warm welcome to the business news here on r.t. the russian government has a fifty eight billion dollar reason to improve the country's investment climate it has an extensive program of time which i say she wants to get to the market but it is in a dim vision reports it's a plan that needs the help of foreign capital. hundred billion dollars has flowed
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into the russian economy as foreign investment but it could have been more if not for administrative barriers about access to infrastructure and labor difficulties in the regions it's inadequate training of the workforce number two it's difficult to use for accessing financing number three its high levels of corruption and number for unfair competition from the grey market the prime minister to get nude of the criticism and assured this emblem investors and business people he understood their problems however he was keen to point out the progress that had been made the right tave that had been slashed the fight against corruption and opening up of the russian market reforms would continue he said pledging that foreign investors could count on getting the same treatment from the offices of state as domestic companies which is in your position we do make a distinction between russian and foreign business when it comes to protecting the rights of investors it's important for us to create comfortable conditions for
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those who want to make investments in russia to develop their business to promote their goods and services. the russian government has a strong incentive to quickly improve investor sentiment and has an extensive program of privatization to get away with this many as twenty of the country's biggest state run companies marked for possible sale the finance ministry wants to raise around fifty billion dollars from the assets over the next five years to help cover the budget deficit it's an ambition that will be hard to achieve if i was certain my knees afraid to come here you know and we've a business r.t. . let's look at the markets now asian stock markets the high on tuesday with both indices gaining more than half a percent sentiment in the markets got a lift from wall street's rise helped by citigroup strong earnings and an improved measure of u.s. homebuilder confidence in hong kong resource stocks are also high on strong commodity prices. and in russia the r.t.s.
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and my six have closed in positive territory while there was a last minute rally at the end of the session meeting most of the major players were up on the r.t.s. leading the gaze will spur bank which climbed more than two percent off to a strong financial report a rebound in oil helped lift energy producers gas from climate one percent. and separately what about putin has approved a plan to give companies working in the multan insula a tax holiday the government is scheme to encourage gas production in the region which is rich in resources but is hard to access and subject to extreme which has the planning exemption from the resource extraction tax and zero exports usually for liquefied natural gas as well as local tax breaks terms of tax holidays will be read before the end of the year but will not exceed twelve years. b.p. has agreed to sell assets in venezuela and vietnam to its russian joint venture
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before one point eight billion dollars the deal includes b.p. stakes of three joint ventures in venezuela and two gas fields in vietnam the sale it spot of b.p.'s plan to raise up to two billion dollars by the end of twenty eleven to help the company need its financial obligations after the gulf of mexico oil spill their positions will be financed from k.b.p.s. own resources and won't require additional debt. versus old projects for global expansion plans. has adopted for itself in the near term to do over. fine so far out of russia and can become a truly global company. sure as a starting point for the first step towards that goal. wrote a modest sized modestly sized acquisition might be just the right thing. cop production and russia has almost doubled in the first three quarters year on here
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more than eight hundred thousand people's rolled off that sample in line with the period the live russia's economic ministry said it expected any cop production to nearly double by twenty thirty. and american mobile phone make a motorola is leaving russia it will close its offices at the beginning of twenty eleven and will no longer officially market or distribute its handsets in the country the company first came to russia in one thousand lines of three and leading positions but since two thousand and three a sin market share steadily declined it now accounts for just one percent of mobile phones sold in the country motorola has set out a number of cost cutting measures that ca including plans to close offices in africa and eastern europe. apple has broken its own records with its profits beating analysts forecasts the high tech and pirate ports net income of four point three billion dollars in the fourth fiscal quarter up seventy percent from the same
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period last year the main driver is i phone with sales nearly double in the reporting period whether the sales of i pad fell short of expectations with analysts still lay hopes on apple stop it. that's all the business for now but you can get more stories for web site are two dot com slash business.
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