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tv   [untitled]    October 21, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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in indonesia ots available in hotels come in dollar resort and spa my who could result in spawn phony come on come down upon the motive been turned on the radio sentry and nica body resulting spawn sunday of beach otoh the western resort nusa dua club med bonnie sofitel some in new york own an aston bali resort and spa the ritz carlton hotel grounds many as you call it a hotel full seasons hotel and the sultan who tom.
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angry backlash against rioters in france as the country is gripped by prime time stamp by lead over pension reform critics say they're only making the dire situation worse. chose to leave the time so familiar and sometimes three times a day for two issues it's time. none to wrong one of russia's oldest convents tonight allegations of child cruelty as prosecutors here accusations of severe physical abuse from teenage borders. plus a kazakhstan filmmaker hopes to have the last to laugh as he strikes back against a hollywood comedy war rock that bomb test country. and coming up in the business of they are going to appoint a new man who will be looking at the reaction from the business community here in the capital to join us in about twenty minutes time.
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live from our headquarters in central moscow this is archie with me nice and now it's six pm here in the russian capital and four pm in paris we begin in fact in france where it's another day of unrest ahead of a possible senate vote on raising the retirement age the upper house is debating eight hundred amendments that oppose the controversial bill approved by the lower house in september larches cut three novels are what is in paris now and joins us live hi there card say you of course are in the middle of it all what is happening . well any so right now the space right in front of the senate is empty it was filled with people just a few moments ago hundreds of people chanting waving banners and looking quite angry actually as riot. he's gathered very quickly to head them off and prevent
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them entering the senate they then started to make their way around the senate building of course the senate is where it's all happening right now where people are deciding tweaking the proposed pension reform that the french president nicolas sarkozy put forward in order to help the country's economy get back on its feet after the financial crisis and the people here in paris and in france are not happy about it they do not want their retirement age to be increased by two years from the age of course of sixty to sixty two and they've been taking to the streets daily the trade union say that nearly three million people are on the streets of the city and they will continue to bring people out as long as it's necessary for the government to step down of course this is the senate building other rallies taking place throughout the city also various student rallies we've been to a number of those throughout the day hundreds and hundreds of students it actually looks like a party you know lots of young people everybody shouting singing but the students
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are very serious about what they have to say and they say that it is as much their right as anybody else's despite the fact that they are nowhere near retirement age they fear that they will be more difficult for them to get jobs should their retirement age be extended to the age of sixty two and of course the protests are ongoing with nobody yet being able to say what the effects of these protests are going to be like on the already suffering french economy and just to compare in two thousand and seven nine day transport strike left the country short of four hundred million euros so how these ongoing protests could affect the country is anybody's guess right now specifically because they don't look like they're going to stop anytime soon and really cards and we're seeing a lot of anger with these demonstrations revolt cars being set on fire windows being broken i assume you've had a chance to talk to people on the. st what are people saying. and he's
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a most of them actually say that they do not support this proposition by the french president and government to extend to put forward this pension reform and extend the retirement age but there are a surprising number of people who actually say that what they're most tired of is the protest according to popular opinion polls nearly forty percent of the cause of the country's people say that they're really tired of people protesting of all the violence and chaos that is governing their french cities and specifically in paris young and old people alike are saying that this is really destructive to their of regular day to day lives. the young smart and ambitious lucy is slipping her time between a master's degree and working for a large international company for her the recent protests in paris are first and foremost a personal distraction i'm not driving because in paris you don't. so i'm using the
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. headquarter of my company yeah it's it's longer according to trade union officials in france over three million people took to the streets across the country but people like you see no the numbers don't always reflect reality and in france there is a committee is. like six years ago i made the same when i was in high school. i went through this because. the rowdy crowd certainly give off a celebratory vibe singing dancing and shouting but while they're spending day after day protesting a reform that is aim to aid their country their very actions are doing serious damage basically this is one of the reforms that. restore.
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system removed for working order ages. of the commitment of the government to. take structural reforms that. the numbers really speak for themselves france has a huge foreign debt the fourth largest in the world and unlike in the united states there is no board advertising the numbers also unlike the united states where there is no annual paid leave the french enjoy the longest paid holidays thirty days a year their retirement age which is what the people are protesting about this time is one of the lowest in the world countries also affected by the global financial crisis like italy and spain have already increased there but with less widespread opposition from the people so are these protests a true sign of a democracy or simply
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a force of habit by the french people used to pouring out in the streets to get their way or is this is a sign that government needs to negotiate with trade unions more so we have to say to the french people that is they who chose the deputies and members of the senate to make the laws laws are not made in the streets laws are drafted and approved not by revolutionaries fortunately we live in a democratic state and people who we select to be in power adopt laws besides it's necessary to respect the laws and in a year and a half we'll have the opportunity to say that we made a mistake and change our leaders but until then these are the people who run the country the my way or the highway philosophy certainly attention grabbing but who will back down first is still anyone's guess on the one hand it is a constitutional right of the people to project to gain something they don't believe in and don't agree but on the other hand as with anything if you do it too much it becomes a farce and democracy becomes a blackmailed institution in the hands of the big. catcher doesn't have
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a heart paris. but more stories coming your way this hour here in r t and quoting. there's a new mount at the top as moscow nor make his firm sit in the new bestseller good to be on and join me alison but in just a few moments from. but first the russian convent is under investigation over claims of child abuse within its walls teenagers say they were severely beaten deprived of food and sleep for the slightest fault with a convent in the region is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the country dating back to the twelfth century and it already faced abuse allegations a year ago but no evidence was found to prove the claims back then archie's arena reports. what we do know so far is that we have three teenagers who have seemed to escape from a boarding school located at this very convent that's right behind me and if their allegations prove to be true this may actually be the one of the loudest child
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abuse scandals in recent years in russia now the teenagers two girls in a boy say that the nuns at the convent have regularly mistreated them beaten them and have done all sorts of her really horrific things to them in order to bring them into model citizens as the boarding school positions it's all to be let's actually have a listen to what the teenagers themselves have to say on the matter beauty which in chester they beat us often sometimes three times a day for forty lashes each time once it was in one hundred and three lashes for one girl who cried every day our eyes were never dry and i was puffy who would always have headaches from crying so much and we had no one to complain to. i tried to escape but they forced me to come back i thought back but couldn't really do anything he showed me in the car and took me back. and they did escape it seems and
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the man they went to is the head of another boarding school also a christian boarding school located in a neighboring town of suzy and that man took them under his wing and is now doing everything in his power in order to find out whether or not these allegations in fact are true and to protect the children because according to them again the allegations that they are presenting are true and the details of the locations also with that but have a listen to what he has to say. with a garden tool and now has a spinal injury which he will have to live with for the rest of her life they would make kids eat a cup of salt or to stand on a stool might reading psalms and they were not allowed to sleep all kneel down on a train with nails one girl was forced to put her hand in a hot oven. and in one of the peculiar points about the investigation that did take place last year. was the fact that the investigators were not allowed into the premises of the convent and of course the boarding school so they had to rely on hearsay and on the testimonials all of the students all of the boarding school and
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ironically one of the students is now one of the three teenagers who have now it's capes and at that point that very girl said that all the i can say she is presented by a sixteen year old teenager who has escaped a year ago were not true of course now she says that she deeply regrets the fact that she did not tell the truth but of course now we have to wait for yet another mr gates and to find out what really is going on behind this conference walls. so there was our t.v. live from moscow where a new mayor has been sworn in in an inauguration ceremony the city's lawmakers voted to approve the appointment of sergei subdue a candidate chosen by president of the capital's new man in charge has been described as a skillful manager who can tackle the tough issues facing the russian capital hours hebert has more from now joins us live hi there alison seems it's been a busy day a big day for sergei sat down and take us through it. all moscow does now how its new mayor tearing out inauguration ceremony earlier today attended by president
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medvedev said against did not and it was sworn in as the new mosque a city mayor during the ceremony both but gave speeches of which they reiterated their commitment to making this new still of a better life for muscovites but of course these are just words it was the most of all it's a very used to hearing whatever and you may result should be. the word is that let's just wait and see whether these words to slate into action and then earlier in the day we did have the opportunity to hear. the milan and lay out his objectives for his a terminal face during the q. and a session with nor make his way to resulted in him being voted in he laid out his road bout he says he wants to establish a fund to schools how the city's roads and traffic were used he wants to tackle corruption head over to lead in the housing sector towns and he wants to preserve the city's cultural and historical architecture but these are all just words of this bill which is here in this city remain skeptical said again john it is
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a relative all noted the process through which he went through from selection nomination to election day it has been very speedy we know that he's widely regarded as an effective and competent about the judge he's a trained lawyer and he was by all accounts a very successful governor of the siberian to then we to wait with what you criticized with toppling its weight issues that it stood. the removal process is a big problems that also affect the russian capital but this is a last go but everyone's agreed that the most sco mayor will be here is the biggest challenge to date and two big things are all the agenda very shortly fastball he's got to tackle the twenty eleven secedes budgets secondly what's widely predicted to be one of the coldest winters on record is just around the coolness we'll have to see whether his place day was do you translate into successful auction now as moscow's previous mayor yuri luzhkov of course was sacked by president medvedev he
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cited a lack of trust and confidence a lot of controversy surrounded called what kind of legacy as he left for his successor some. well it's a complicated legacy he was found buoyancy was charismatic and yet either sculpted wolves mosco some say like a pastoral feast of some eighteen years was hugely popular at the beginning of his term use why the criticism without really improving the life of law school the lights of the look of the city drastically cheering the early ninety's bonds during the latter stages all of his turn allegations of corruption that don't seem at every which time they will stick stretch to include his property developer wife according to forbes she's a russia's only female billionaire he's also accused with just not doing enough to tackle the problems of corruption in the moscow the russian capital role but also of the capital's a traffic problem since road systems he's also accused over destroying the city's
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architectural landscape so a flamboyant complicated and carrots up publicly sunspot my president medvedev last month when he was told that he no longer how the confidence of the president a very harsh condemnation that baseball good english calls did no so ten today's inauguration ceremony but he did tell his supporters not to take to this. so great he's not a disruption and he also received an official statement saying that he wished the new mayor the very best of luck the remainder of his time very well surrogates have begun and certainly has his work cut out for him for now i once had bird live in central moscow where the city has a new mayor let's keep this discussion going on this development joining me now in the studio is a flood just large in those days he is from the center for post-industrial studies thanks for being with us that we heard what alice had to say about the main challenges expected for what do you think is ahead for him i think first of all i
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would like to congratulate so it's about him to be elected as a new moscow mayor and i wish him all the possible success as the changes which are facing him i would like to say that the biggest one is to change the system for education or for the city budget towards or be construction and. infrastructure works because moscow city budget is about eighteen percent of all regional budgets and russian federation is very huge and the city spans more than ten billion dollars each year on infrastructure works and construction and it seems to me and many other experts that this money is very effectively so you know you talk about corruption and also. talk about corruption i would just about inefficiency spending this money because. private company builds construction building. buildings to hold things like this spend approximately two point have
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less money. to do the job and spend spend and this is why it's not only because of corruption and maybe not even in major part because of corruption it's because of the local control over steps of this construction works and i think that as a new mosque i'm. should force much more control over the spending and i think this will be his very best accomplishment if he does well obviously the budget is going to be on the top of his agenda now the previous mayor was criticized heavily for neglecting to deal with so many problems at moscow how students are just too complex do you think sabean and will be able to deal with them not just the real estate now i just want to moscow face a lot of problems about i think it faces problems there's a city it's very. very well society.
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citizens in terms used to have. bigger pensions much bigger social locations and. many people in russia so i don't see the huge social challenge from a suburban there are some other challenges first of four. holes in the city it's a big problem but i think. you know i would say that it is completely easy to solve this problem it's not only about building and tunnels as mr it's also about controlling better control of police forces to regulate it more effectively i think it's more organisational problem and the problem of infrastructure it's. not just briefly because we're running out of time here what way can so be on in which he has promised to do help ordinary muscovites have a better life i think you. are forced to the politics of it all. benefits for for for many people missiles initiated i think he can change the.
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way of life for disease will people quite easily organizing all this possibility for the people in homes and. so on i think the social problems will be not the first priority for me as a band because they're quite there are already solved. for many years in moscow. steps to do to get the minds of the people all right we'll have to see how it works out day one of course has started to fly just love in the sense of thank you very much thank you. that's coming up to twenty minutes past the hour they say revenge is a dish best served cold and kazakhstan is heading back four years on after the hollywood movie borat mark their nation a director from the central asian country has created what he thinks is the perfect response as you grow grow reports. i like this oh my god they have
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a girl like that this right though not because. they said oh no or at best. not be. like they were. hiding behind their freedom of speech and democracy westerners insult her nation demeter soon backward it's all lives now was shaking back for years after the top grossing years film about the hapless cause like t.v. reporter because it sounds premier comedy director has come up with their past the new film centers on an american team to discover the real kazakhstan after seeing the original movie. we have such cars and such technologies here and i stand nothing like the american film. he meets borat brother only briefly mentioned in such a baron cohen's film my brother the law have a very a funny. story. together that to engage in various high jinks.
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in our film below gets a married to a donkey. the payoff is that borat and below are not kazakhs but actually jews from romania. i demand of the movie made the whole world laugh at us we will move out of whole world africa down. there have been several previous responses to not least this video by rob collect of the threatened to make him eat lead this time the producers are hoping for an international release new who know him after marrying a donkey becomes pregnant with this china. also you. are going to take a short break here on our team and charlotte joins us with the business.
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international association of russian language and literature teachers will host the world festival of russian language. are you interested in a better understanding of russian language and culture can you sing russian songs well. become a participant of the world festival of russian language and will an exciting trip to st petersburg in russia. for more information visit the festival website. hello and welcome to business program here on r.t. with michelle folly the resnik or shareholders the voted against changing the board of directors an extraordinary general meeting in moscow the vote was called in order to clarify a dispute between its two main shareholders interests and resell are in a battle for control of the russian mining giant with each owning twenty five percent all correspondent down a bushel has been following events from the meeting in the center of moscow. prasco
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has just failed in his attempt to rebalance the structure of control of russia's biggest minorities nicol as you say but the vote was much closer than anticipated for many minority shareholders who hold the key in this dispute was swayed at the last moment for the argument that north nickel is not being wrong anywhere near as effectively as it should have been we have spoken just now to the deputy head of roussel he's also a board member of north nickel maxim so-called and he says that the company should be concentrating on so-called core assets and not really be wasting time on the poor us it's not just energy distribution we believe that there are these every single program which have to be put in place and you keep women can bring the value of the company. to fifty or sixty billion in eighteen to twenty four months and it's simple i mean the quarter is known for assets that hold whole bunch of
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non-christian sitting on the balance sheet. which a family ties they have to be either sold to the market or they have to be spun spin off as as an indicator for g q three this is far from the end of the story this is only just the beginning in fact as i did that they will continue the dialogue in his words that's seen by many as shorthand for this is going to the courts it's now been taken from this extraordinary general meeting to legal action and it's been called the point of no return the two sides are not talking to each other that has just been confirmed to us by so called on the speaker hanging over all of this which no one wants is the government the democrats and says he will get involved if the two sides that it will put on in an interest and. pass go on the other side called reach an agreement. time we'll take a look at how the markets are doing in you where stocks are extending their gains
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into a second day after another batch of strong earnings reports from caterpillar mcdonald's and travelers these it overshadowed a mixed report on jobs and signs of growth in china slow the journey to the altar. over in europe markets are climbing as a clutch of key companies also financial results. and all moving in the same time credit suisse way down almost on the downside after showing a drop in profit the footsie is up will be seven percent this hour and here in russia them office are rallying to six month highs as we approach the end of trade is on the back of gains in crude in metals and also spare bank v.t.v.m. role snapped off the government announced it will sell stakes as part of a five year privatization program. have jumped more than five percent on the. city duma has approved to be out in as the city's new mayor promising to cut red tape and corruption his arrival has been greeted with some optimism by the
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capital's business community. a professional lawyer and experienced manager who ruled russia's oil rich two min wage and said isabel is no stranger to power in two thousand and five he moved to moscow to have the kremlin administration and in just three years was appointed deputy prime minister tried and tested he's seen as the right man to take the keys to moscow i think. enormous experience hall for work in the government he is known as an efficient professional he has managed to create a fact of system within the government stuff and he was quite successful as a governor of one of the. original russia banyan delivered his mayoral strategy to use feature colleagues in the moscow duma among his top priorities are to reduce brock rissi fight corruption and to prove the city's infrastructure a lot of hopes are being pinned on the new mayor not least by intrapreneur those
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who expect him to solve the small but still important problems. the new mayor should not only focus in global issues but also results small issues. public council satish the city district still in the small business we also expect him to think how to excessive to explode should a small companies would have an opportunity to invest in new technology opened her little green cafe in the center of moscow in the middle of the extreme summer heat and like many other into her nose she was lucky to pass all the registration from l.g. smoothly but an easy start doesn't mean any zeroed apart from high rent and interest rates she says red tape is the main thing holding her back it's her strong hope that. we'll be able to work miracles. so we hope the new mayor will sort out the weather next summer and it will be last we thought seriously speaking we want less bureaucracy and more transparency.


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