tv [untitled] October 21, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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right you know haven't thought oh you know how your yeah raising isn't that you know and it's so you know we have that go full circle and play it out i mean you cannot well put it this way you cannot. go out as a journalist or here's a journalist he's still a journalist and then hide behind well that's just my opinion there is asking me what i thought i think the whole word commentator blurs the lines and made it all let me just say you know i'm not i think that his statement was a stupid one he should have known better but i think what bothers me most is that there's a lot of people out there who were you know praising the fact that helen thomas got fired and say absolutely she should have because she made a negative comment about jews and then people today were up in arms well she writes the world and it is fox there are no you this is their lead story tonight newt gingrich is on t.v. going crazy and he has a very questionable moral ypocras see on a lot of issues but that doesn't matter it doesn't matter to their demographic it's
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almost if somebody came to me at the end of days and said that this whole thing was scripted and made up they did on purpose to get fired so they'd have another issue to talk about either actually believe it because this is how this machinery works now i mean it's tailor made for them they're probably loving it and he's got a new job after we are going to level ground us asking you know we set a standard let's have a standard to everyone chris thank you so much for being here our sort of come on tonight show thanks to all time when or if it is a colorado candidate who got so caught up in his attack against his opponent that well he forgot to do his research first and has the tea party been hijacked by god and guns that's what karl denninger a tea party founder says we're going to speak to him after the break. hungry for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice ceased to face with the news makers.
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stops here with the headlines at home plus the. protesters launched another day public sector strikes in france to maintain pressure on the government ahead of the senator but on pensions it seems students must for i'm not sure of the sun to the crosses over the matter of the previous day but support for the protesters is losing ground critics say they're only making the die situation. prosecutors are looking into the claims of child abuse and one of russia's oldest called the officers say they were civilian they're deprived of. any monic infringement of the rooms the home and denies that he gave. and the need to answer for an extra nine hundred million pounds of contributions from the u.k. and that was an outrage as the country grappled with the largest round of spending
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cuts of the second world war the country has already announced plans to slash four hundred nineteen tell the public sector jobs as part of the molten been one hundred eighty eight was to reduce record test that swelled during the global financial crisis. and those are the headlines this hour on the hounds back to you in a show for a look at wall to america's policies all about. it all tonight time award goes to a candidate who hasn't quite done his homework colorado house candidate cody gardner is decided to put out an ad against his opponent cory gardner excuse me and representative markey is opposing take a look. betsy markey put nancy pelosi ahead of us ninety four percent of the time voting to approve one point two trillion dollars in new government spending and a national energy tax that can cost thirty five thousand colorado jobs we deserve better i'm running for congress to fight for us to stop and out of control
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intrusive government that strangle small business this campaign is about having someone strong enough to stand up to washington to the believe i'm cory gardner i approve this message because i'll never forget where i came from and who i represent. well you know what cory you might not forget where you came from we've definitely forgotten who your opponent actually is up and this ad gardner is attacking the wrong candidate he shows the picture of representative betsy markey saying that she voted yes to the budget but those facts actually reflect the vote of representative ed markey a democrat a man from massachusetts hoops now the really sad part of the local denver news affiliate they were the ones who caught the mistake so they stop airing ads for only putting out wrong information but wait a minute the story gets even worse instead of trying to do a little p.r. fix get their facts straight garners campaign they just released
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a new ad betsy markey put nancy pelosi ahead of us ninety four percent of the time something for the most fiscally irresponsible budget in history national energy tax that can cost thirty five thousand colorado jobs we deserve better i'm running for congress to fight for us to stop an out of control intrusive government in the strangle small business this campaign is about having someone strong enough to stand up to washington still believe i'm. i approve this message because i'll never forget where i came from and who i represent. is it just me or does that ad look almost exactly the same and they just change the budget comments about three seconds of the video in the middle but instead of taking out betsy markey altogether they just expanded gardiner's approach to taking down liberals as a whole that's pretty weak if you ask me i mean come on cory you seriously don't even have time to figure out who your real opponents maybe you should spend a bit of time to actually do research before you attack someone otherwise you
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simply end up looking like a bigger idiot and not somebody who is qualified to be a lawmaker that's why cory gardner is tonight's tool time winner. now there are brand new cyber security measures underway in the u.k. and while they're pretty scary to be honest the british government has decided that it wants to have all communication outlets store data on their customers for at least a year that's going to allow the government to have access to every e-mail every phone call everyone's entire internet history now don't worry the government promises that this won't create a super database it will simply give authority has the ability to investigate a suspect activity that would lead to crime or potential terrorism now the interesting part about the whole thing is it just last summer the labor government was against this legislation back in may the two major political parties came up with a coalition agreement mentioning internet privacy concerns and the document says the government will and the storage of internet and e-mail records without good
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reason and now suddenly they have a good reason you know the worst part of it all is that i wish that we could before pointing fingers at the u.k. right now i wish that we could be saying shame on them how dare they but our government really isn't any better you know in september the obama administration sought to obtain even further powers and they already have to spy on all internet communications by requiring piece to make it technically capable to have a backdoor into emails encrypted communications even skype but i guess the funniest saddest part of it all is the laws rules regulations well they never seem to have stopped our government before that essays been wiretapping and spying on us for years so maybe the british government is just being more honest about it. now these days it's hard to know what the tea party is all about are they anti washington anti immigrant ten time muslim anti democrat the movement is definitely straight
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from its roots and the man that many credit as being one of the original founders karl denninger runs a financial blog called market taker he's an ex c.e.o. he founded the group fed up usa and early two thousand and eight after the collapse of bear stearns and he first called for a tea party protest to coincide with obama's inauguration generators anger was directed at the bailouts the stimulus the robbers on wall street the government that was letting them get away with it he says of the movement has now been hijacked by the very people that it was protested and it's now obsessed with guns and gays and god he also called sarah palin and newt gingrich the adopted tea party leaders a joke now earlier from florida i caught up with karl denninger and i first asked him if we go back to the idea of mailing tea bags to congress to protest the stimulus and bailouts then what did he expect then at the beginning for the movement to become. well the movement actually goes back well before that we were
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demonstrating in washington d.c. and in new york when bear stearns first failed so the movement and i was always fundamentally at the core been about the corruption of the government process and the use of taxpayer money to rescue failed institutions. the reality is the establishment on both the left and the right really like that system because they get a lot of political power from the campaign contributions and everything goes along with along with the revolving door that goes between wall street in washington so it was not all that surprising that they came in and attempted to co-opt it i was more than a little surprised that they were successful but there you know this is what happened this week in a political system that is based on free speech it tends to get messy sometimes wiring as a private a success on the do you think this is going to stay just a small portion of the people eventually obviously someone's going to throw money at it some politicians especially in a midterm or you know when midterms are coming up when there is
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a democrat in office the republicans need some kind of ammo could ensure that expect that somebody to pick up on it. well sure but you have to look at the number of people that have been hurt by what is going on with both parties here and there is a natural constituency in the twenty so million americans that are out of work the eight million americans who are behind on their mortgages the million plus that have been foreclosed on and thrown out of their homes. the however many millions have lost fortunes in the stock market during the collapse in two thousand and eight. the political parties would throw all of those people under the boss not to mention all the retired people who are being severely damaged by the monetary policy coming from the federal reserve was a little bit of a surprise that they tried it didn't surprise me that it was successful surprised me now why do you think that is mean you've looked at you know you've looked at some of these people like the sarah palin's in the new gingrich is that now are
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these the leaders of the tea party movement you call them a joe i guess first of all why do you think they're in jail and why do you think that americans these disgruntled americans that are angry with our government are in bracing that. well you have to look at where sarah palin comes from sir pale and behold from the mccain campaign which was of course barack obama's opposition during the two thousand and eight presidential run and she didn't have anything to say about the bailouts and mccain in fact suspended his campaign on the eve of the vote to go back to washington and turn it into a campaign stunt so sarah palin was part of the political process that took the theft of seven hundred billion dollars of taxpayer money and made it a political statement that the people of this country would embrace that and forget about it just shows how shorter attention span is in this country it's unfortunate but i guess i really shouldn't be surprised if the american standard think of going
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to be well that's the thing right is that sarah palin has this charm she knows how to simplify things she knows how to dumb it down for americans. because if you look at really the basis right of the tea party of what our issues are which is fraud is that you look at bailouts you look at the financial system and the intricacies of how it works and that's a lot for the average american to take in and let's just say that our media isn't necessarily doing the job and telling you you know why it happened that way so is there any chance to take a complicated issue like that and make it a popular movement have people embrace it and mass without people like sarah palin dumbing it down and just pointing fingers at the government is bad too. well she was part of the government that was bad boo though and that's true that again that's why i'm surprised that there's any traction here newt gingrich for all of his player and favor with contract with america was part of why we got banks that got so big and got so deregulated that they were able to pull these stunts in the
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first place so again i go back to how difficult is this to figure out when you get fired and you're out of work it's pretty simple there's not there's really nothing complicated about the fact that your own employed i think they're trying to explain exactly how all the intricacies of this happened is complicated and maybe beyond the attention span again the comprehension of a lot of people in this country but the results are not hard to understand at all and what i am having trouble with understanding as a as a citizen who someone who has to go to the polls here in a couple of weeks is what choice are they offering me when we were voting for a choice with barack obama and the democrats in two thousand and eight the republicans were the ones that were in office when all of this happened we threw them out of office now they want us to put them back but what they won't tell us is that they're going to stop all of the looting and start putting people in jail for doing the things that caused this
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a regis treating one group or another why does seem like unfortunately i like that's what happens every time we have an election a midterm election it's just a referendum on you know there it shows the families of our two party system you only have two choices i don't really think that tea party counts as as its own and today as we've seen with all the corporate interests of the g.o.p. just hopping on that bandwagon karl thank you so much for joining us. anytime thank you. oh we've got just one more segment left on tonight's show we're going to ask is the u.s. army glamorizing the idea of being a soldier to get new recruits some activists think so and they want the recruiters to be more honest about what happens when you actually sign on the dotted line artie's you know soft you will join me with that after the break. it's the secret incursion into the country. it's the invasion by means of. tradition the language is really you know this is the first to go feed the beat.
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and culture. the thing is that the had the dems are still unaware of what's going on in their mind you're still asking them why do you. like me i don't know you but the less they're great. on our cheese. every month we give you the future we'll do you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on r g. like millions of americans i've lost thousands of dollars in retirement funds that i haven't had as bad as many it's not just about the fit it's about me to.
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me man brad. got to show. it see. me. now. since this is life still i get the last word this financial crisis will not be turned off like a light switch. you know for the past few months the obama administration has been boasting about the president's upcoming trip to india he'll take it this november it's going to be his longest visit outside of the country and president obama hopes to build a strategic relationship with india and its diplomats now his schedule is still
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tentative but there is one little visit that's already causing quite a stir see obama was supposed to visit the golden temple it's the holiest of sikh rinds in india and it's located right in the northern city of star and because it's holy everyone who enters must wear a head garb but because there have been so many ridiculous rumors swirling around about president obama being a closet muslim advisors have suggested that he doesn't visit the temple at all they're actually scared the pictures of obama where ng ahead garb of any sort are going to cause americans to link him to radical islam not the crazies that already think those ties exist but you know normal impressionable people now this whole story it's just depressing to me a it's just sad that so many americans actually think obama is a secret muslim you guys have to be kidding me but what's even more disturbing is the president has to change his agenda to avoid conspiracy theories about his
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religion and his intentions as the leader of the u.s. you know lots of other world leaders have entered the golden temple it's a historic site it's an important piece of another culture it is normal for world leaders to do things like this and without facing a serious backlash from their citizens and no now thanks to all those conspiracy theorists who actually get air time on channels like fox news a large number of americans really think that obama. is a must so now he has to carefully planned his every move and walk on eggshells this is like the closing chapter of a very dark story americans don't trust obama for whatever reason obama clearly can't trust americans to be open minded to look for truth instead of believing in lies so how do you govern a country full of so many lou going on with jon stewart on this one can we please return to sanity thank you. now in a potential soldier visits the army recruitment center what do they learn maybe the
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pay or the benefits but do they tell the person the real gist of what's involved when you list in the army or do they simply high the negative aspects do they first tell you what you're going to benefit from this for the first part of this series to go softly ask if the u.s. army isn't fact glamorizing the idea of war. two we're. all pulling yes sir good job if you can't see and he can't really see him set up by himself or simply press press or the seals to stand up and care all over. he's thirsty he can't go get something to drink so any anytime he needs anything he needs somebody to do it for him not only depend totally need twenty four year old jason earhart and his family that was then before having served in iraq and this is now this was a movie that pam's brother matt put together the first i've seen this you have seen
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it once before but you just don't remember he's since comfortable where he sat and doesn't. doesn't know what he's missing you know there's parts of his brain that don't let jason see reality as we would see it. but valerie selleck sees reality all too clearly right. right right. right right. especially today august thirty first twenty ten as her son twenty year old lance corporal kevin michael cornelius who fought in afghanistan is the turnaround. right. here at arlington national cemetery one can see the most tragic consequence of war is where sometimes as many as five funerals are held each day and on these gravestones we can see the names behind the casualty statistics where they died the
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date of birth the date of death and the rank what about the stories behind what actually drove these young men and women to enlist to risk coming back here. their final resting place six feet under and though the ending to each story is different how it begins usually centers around a common theme iraq war veteran and winter soldier jesse hamilton is no exception because in less than twenty four hours. to mcdonald's and i had gotten lunch i was sitting outside finishing up my soda and a recruiter walked by me in his dress uniform he was a special forces so they were the green beret and i remember being so intimidated and so impressed with that image it was at that point that i knew that i was going to join the water with no time to really consider the consequences it was that
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night he was he was over my house and i was signing paperwork for kevin it was one of the last pieces of paperwork he'd ever sign his mom spoke to me by telephone because of the sensitivity of the matter she want to be filmed but she wanted to get her message across you see kevin was as she says nabbed by a recruiter in high school who was determined to get him to join the marines as for jason they had pretty heavy recruiting and high school where the army recruiter would come into the school we were turned off obviously as parents i mean it's ok to consider something like that but it shouldn't be forced on you quite like it was that's why the pentagon says its programs don't force anything on anyone instead choosing to call centers like this. army experience not army recruitment it gives the opportunity to learn about the army without feeling pressure and without feeling stress and that anxiety of learning does something new
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the price tag about twelve million dollars the results at least for the military are priceless everybody was so welcoming and then they were startup. thing about the army and the benefits and i just said was sold immediately that's our next project but not all americans were sort anti-war encounter recruitment activists like kathy leary and build back hard have worked tirelessly to shut down the facility goodbye army experience and that's what i want to my people hard says days from picket signs to rallies to spread the truth about the center first of all there was that the thought of city and that nowhere that it was a recruiting center and it was a recruiting center and the one of a kind facility actually closed to the summer earlier than planned there's a way about thirteen years old so this place really teaches me what war is like so how can you not go out and protest the army experience center i don't agree with
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their marketing strategy and their target audience i don't believe that that promoting violence is the way that the army should be recruiting but it isn't war violent war is violence and so the last thing i think that the u.s. military should be doing is taking something as serious as war and the the act of taking another human life and likening it to a game they've taken out all the horrors of that and they've they've made it far we're the caskets they came home we're the people that come home that our main demand you know severely severely disabled that's part of the army experience why aren't they portraying law i just want these kids to think you know yeah army experience this is great fun and games. jason and his family learned the hard way that not only is war not
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a game but recruitment is no joke either in part two jason story in his own words what really got him to sign the papers and list the answer is both shocking and disturbing. well dean is here in the studio with me to give us more on this story actually crazy to watch this because i've been to the army experience center in philadelphia which apparently now closed i've done stories there and i know they make it look funny how can you have humvees simulators in blackhawk simulators and not try to sell this as a fun experience you know and i think that's what a lot of parents complain about is that they try to act like war is a video game but but it goes beyond that i mean sometimes they don't even have to do that because as you said jason's family these recruiters are very aggressive as they come into schools they will call homes. family since you spoke with them a lot of the length did they ever say that they regretted that they wish they would
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have pushed back a little more you know we spent quite some time with the family and i was definitely a question that i asked and you know of course there's a sense of regret because you know mike told me his father said we want to retire you know that's one of the things people look forward to they want to retire and he said ok i will retire to be a prisoner in our own home because as you saw in the piece jason is totally dependent on his parents on the care taker as far as jay's and his dad told me he just doesn't remember a nuff to be depressed because of his brain injury now is that a blessing or a curse i mean you decide but that's the reality that they're all facing right now i mean it's a it's a horrible situation now you know there's a lot of different methods out there like we were seeing the army experience center calling houses but i think there's one thing that really entices a lot of people to enlist and what is that that's money you know in jason's case he got to be hundred thousand dollars signing bonus i mean this is a kid out of high school of course that would entice everyone so it was definitely
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appealing to him and his mom told me that they needed troops to go to iraq so badly that they were pulling out all the stops and that was one of the things that really got jason to join us he tells me in part two but alone i also want to mention the speed with which all of this is done we heard jesse saying he was in this mcdonald's sipping his soda litter. that same day because he was so impressed by this image of the special ops guy and the guy knew he was impressed that he was at his house that same day to get him to sign the paperwork is that they want it seems like they don't need to have any time because if you have the time you have the time to actually think about it you have the time to do research look at casualties just six look at how many people come home severely me and or disabled you know that's going to stop you from joining they don't want you to see that while they're definitely very aggressive out of these days and part of the problem is that you know not that many people are signing up for the military and it's definitely happening in a search in certain regions of the u.s. you know i mean in california in the coastal areas you don't see it as much and i definitely happens with you know a certain socioeconomic class of people that probably would never have the
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opportunity to go to college if they didn't go to the military whether it's course the u.s. military in the area get money yeah i mean so it's it's a blessing for some people and both a curse at the same time tomorrow of course we will see part two of your piece too thanks so much. all right well juan williams the search word of the day one williams has been let go from n.p.r. because of comments that he made on the o'reilly show now he's managed to score a sweet three year two million dollar contract with fox news we wondered what would murdoch tweet about his new computer contributor one man's trash is another man's treasure or that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure there's come back tomorrow we're going to have the slot skis on the show to the skies the week's funniest political stories and reasons that welcher beyond to talk about the deal jay and prop nineteen are saying if the feds will not accept california's new law it is legalized but isn't resting millions of stoners really the best way to use their resources in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any
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tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com slash the low to show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. dear mom i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore the stomach and chest pains have been getting worse and no doctors been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at peace and with no more pain i wish i could have had a life with elizabeth always pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ.
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