tv [untitled] October 22, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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is also you coming to you live from the russian capital the headlines. the way to the punch unveiled the french suns pulses of basically contested law to raise the retirement age from sixty to sixty two absent days of nationwide strikes including the locative oil refineries which led to fuel shortages of the country the final but by the way because of president sarkozy's radical plan its next week but you know it's not time on citizens right. rushing to do us agree upon a start as the world's greatest drugs and minutes but there's no agreement between the time you want to come back to it. and in the russian republic of coverage you know about carriage to militants under police must have been killed during an
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operational targeting a disused plane being used as a hideout by going on these surrounded by these tenements sins and may turn press so far and have a valid truck full of explosives. as the headlines coming out of our special report in which we open the doors to russia one is closed and the tracing of kiera a time capsule of a long gone soviet. less than a thousand kilometers northeast of moscow is the city of care of its regional capital a million people and if you like places that combine the historic. this is the town for you. isn't exactly. it was a closed military city until the fall of the soviet union and parts of the town still feel like they belong in a bygone era but the city is developing its transport hub outside investment is
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starting to improve facilities here and amongst the buildings you can still find a few done in the rough. place is a real institution it's one of the oldest buildings in the whole city and for more than two centuries it's been the center of the region's printing industry. books newspapers calendars magazines if you need paper they'll princes and they get through more than forty tons every week. there's been a press here since seventeen point two two and a living have some of the latest technology available there are still a few relics of a bygone age so i love this the fact that you get the. bits of history of the modern era and something that i guess would be about nineteen right with something that is spread out of the twenty first century. and in the mix room there's a machine that might easily have used it days it serves
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a role the different. would take it to mean the right entry in the bits we didn't. stray think of machines like this result as printing is itself and the hundreds of years ago oppressed it was like this one might have produced the first fake. a good book bible this one is producing packaging for delicious nazi treats but why dismissed it just will still use. see if i can. take this one without destroying much of it. fortunately as watchful supervision i managed to escape with all my fingers intact and i headed into the modern heart of the factory . it takes six min the good twenty minutes to get this machine up and once it starts it really knows how to shift. it i prefer to read it three by press. one thousand
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and. five and. the rest. of. the newspaper had a section of the times recently life music in the local park. and it seemed like a perfect place to meet my going to the city this party is mean. so it was built and. i'm like i'm the first. one to see shoes. and he's a second school teacher a born and bred curious point and she knows this town inside out. from this place you can see the monastery you can see the bell tower in the church and there's also a sense in which people order. there are areas of the city that are less
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picturesque carol has a real problem with its roads which is supposed to be some of the worst in russia and the overwhelming color on the streets is a steely gray change has been slow but i must say is that life here is starting to improve i think became even better we have a new things here we have new plants like the plants and we have. a new house. it's just. everything is different. and as a teacher she's very proud of their education system we have a lot of universities here and those in her study here can find a good job. is going to be to her school to see the facilities for myself and also to attend one of the most solemn ceremonies of the year if you're a seven year old it's another when i was little before of going to growed up school was a pretty scary but here in russia they have a ceremony
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a space make everyone feel welcome. and you get to wear some pretty cool. this is well the first years officially begin their formal education. gives the various classes a chance to show their proud mums and dads the few routine. thank you. for this moment the little ones being welcomed into the school they run the foreign exchange program here and several students from across the glued have come to experience the russian way of life and improve their language skills. they count gifts the milky way it was but is has to be the other way because those bells with feet but then i need to find them this one is broken so to speak we seem to end up with no link. each student comes for an academic year and after the ceremony
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i dropped in on a group of americans and germans having a russian lessons. there as we have yesterday here and this is. everybody this is a russian less law school troy do this in russian. james journalist is must be they're encouraged to try and immerse themselves as much as possible although of course every new city has its challenges. you find that that's helping your russian more the fact that you have your forced to communicate in russian and that you know sisters and one speaks no english and one speak some english so they need things communicated it's really helpful to have a sister you can communicate and translate but for everyday things like learning the words to use to make. me walk and we go to cafes and i'm going to do homework but in my city it's not the city it's a village and there's two thousand people and there's nothing there is nothing phil
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here is cafes here's a cinema he is a square so that's better i think living in a sleep regulated so close to sunny other people it's easier to find groups there are interested in so in that respect i think in most places for young people. i don't think it's necessary. recently for. the first and foremost they had to study and i am is determined that when they do go home they'll have had the full russian experience as an it isn't an academic program so the main objective of the course is learning the language but it's not only the language that's reward but also the cost from traditions of the country this to whether or not they go home speaking like natives the guys are certainly going to be loaded down with souvenirs and you can get much more authentically care of them these toys . lydia and her daughter a carrying on a little tradition that started in the neighboring village of dim cover i'm goes
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back more than four hundred years from brightly colored milkmaids to a huge variety of animals each piece is handmade and i was about to learn some of their secrets and then we're going to put the reason why toys were made locally. was that there were many rich merchants in quito where you what they decorated homes with such toy is that the people in didn't cover didn't have enough money to buy toys for their children even yes we did so they supplied their children with toys made locally at the same time last year people decorated their homes with toy horses cows and the lie. yet thrown upon you and i was put to work on some bird life so i have a good. thing is that what we do to manage here and then do it. and it'll surgery here. look. how much we take
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a piece of clay each. and do like this. that's a duck that might actually swim. but countless this. stuff is here and it's must try it's real temperature for four days yeah he did yeah right so i felt this is a long process it's the you have to leave and drawing room temperature for more days was the end well then i took enough and p.t. and then they go in the oven and they bag but of course that's really just the start half of the piece has been fired you've got a delicate brushwork to take care of so i get the bear with the bottle like. well the bear with the better tell us better. and just as painting white i don't mind must peace will be joining any sales catalogue but lydia has had some
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serious v.i.p.'s walk through her doors looks like good walking and some pretty famous footsteps because the ladies made this run with president but that was. but i think i hope that a deal only that i get to make amazing duck and. cure of him could toys may have been around for centuries but the fur trade here has been going on far longer. the area is rich in mink fox and even introduced raccoon and the local clinker factory has been making the most of it. it was founded in one nine hundred ninety one and has gained a reputation for international collections and its bespoke clothing. for this we were everything star says. this is the sign with a pencil and paper she draws. chekist coats hats. the factory employs around
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a hundred people who take care of the various stages of production and once the government starts to take shape it's time for the embroidery. would make the sign on level so they can broad picture on it so clever. compared to the western world there's little stigma attached to wearing fur in russia and the shuba coat is still a part of most women's wardrobe although if you want to pick up one of these designs only in very deep pockets so i guess this would be the really exclusive stuff this second is made from ship skin. so a short cut it ships skin and the lining. and here is a long will and ship skin. in broidery made out of a lever. but how much would this set you back. eight hundred there hundred dollars ok now this one is really unusual but it does seem. like this where is this for i'm going to start us to hunt and make claims
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llama and this is why i read quite unusual and they're quite expensive. but with those coming in from across the country it seems that they're all people willing to pay the high prices and a new campaign for the twenty fourteen winter olympics in sochi is likely to give killing even more public city production is always going to be controversial but in russia it's just a fact of life when the temperatures plunge outcome the schubas but if you want a new one. well that's going to cost you. but if you don't happen to have several thousand dollars just lying around there are always other ways to make money like digging forward. carries a metal detector unspayed with him everywhere he goes and it seems cure alls has a few. buried treasure.
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believe it but where we're standing there used to be a village now it was abandoned forty years ago but it was actually centuries. and his friends think they're still life if you think we're finding here. the metal detecting here can be a rover hazardous profession. at the really. only there are any bets. that get there. fortunately our furry friends kept their distance and we were able to start hunting everyone's been searching spots like bees for more than a decade and he's had quite a few impressive discoveries. found a medal it was made in sixty two russian craftsmen. find is not a surprise in england there are a lot of such medals how he did appear to. be some mystery.
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it wasn't long before we came on something on selfs. because to cope. with dreams of hidden riches running through my head i decided to have a go myself although it didn't quite work out like that. it's like a baby buzzing in you. know this. i have no. clue what that is. well this is excellent. but i'm from an accordion. to make something in about a year. but then the metal detector started going crazy and i was sure we were on to something big. it's a basin. well big it was my label it was not what we might not have
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ended up millionaires but it had been a real adventure coming out with it and he left me with a few keepsakes to take home and strange then about just a couple of searching and found things from three different eras of the village. nineteenth century. for the last years of imperial russia and. finally a little soviet. army jacket but. some pretty good treasure hunting for me. and it was time for me to go and see what i could dig up about life in the care of reach him.
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question is that so much differently. as the western powers do their best to isolate the islamic republic iran itself has demonstrated it remains a key player in the greater middle east. you people of have to abandon the trappings of the twenty first century but could you imagine living your life as if it was ten o nine rather than two thousand and nine well in cure of there's a man who's done just that. this place looks like it could be straight out of a grimm fairy tale. even looks like it might be home to some enormous which. fortunately for me the which wasn't home but just around the corner little did i know i was about to bump into
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a medieval blacksmith. the man is the head of one of cure olds most popular historical societies and he considers himself a modern day viking. we for chair it's our little smithy and a house this meadow belongs to our club we arrange holidays we can rest and even sleep here sometimes we spend the weekends people in our club make different decoration years and weapons we just have fun for example actually throwing this thing. every viking needs to prepare for a day's pillaging with some weapons practice and remember that down to a fine art. one on the other hand may require a few more lessons in the middle. ok
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the man's not a man to tolerate this he invites belong to his training group where they recreate historical battles. for the. nation ok. ok ok. ok. james the destroyer is here to crush your menfolk and drink much of your. confusion turns out that fighting with what feels the equivalent of a small color on your body is really quite how these guys used to do this all day. yeah i am the head of the team yes i am yes.
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i am james incredibly tired. as i change back into my civvies i decided it was time to let some of the people round my head it off was one of carroll's most popular and unusual sports this is bundy a combination of football and ice hockey that was apparently invented by the british in the nineteenth century who sadly like many of our sports were not very good at it but the russians and supposedly have the top ten teams in the world. is one of them. the game is played on a field the size of a football pitch uses a round plastic pool and. there's minimal physical contact as this is a sport that requires primarily skill and agility definitely better that i start. you can really see why a game that so. the best of ice hockey out of football to capture people's
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imagination and i haven't even seen anyone try ronaldo style dive yet. and the people here love their team open them matches can attract up to ten thousand spectators even in the dead of winter but those who prefer to watch the sport from the comfort of their armchair will be seeing this much. but. this is an expert to tell you who runs a couple of best restaurants and i was very keen to meet. for russia almost twenty years ago and he's been educating pilots here ever since the chance to help make some of my favorite salads was too good to pass up please to me thank you very much. started up a pizzeria in moscow in the early nineties but after his daughter was born he decided to move out of the big city and as his wife's from kiro it seemed like the obvious choice. we call
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a opened restaurant and the the russian reacted to have having a real italian restaurant here was a surprise for the disability. restaurant they have. every. year evolution for the. first time. you know. after. home after. players reach people and after a few finishing touches i was ready to try it for myself. that's what i was waiting. for. that is so rare that something look that good smell like. real thick grass in it that will bring i think.
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i found the best restaurants but there were a couple of other things i wanted to see to go. home normally i don't pitch lifts with strange men on motorcycles honest but the city had one of russia's most unusual clubs although to point it you needed someone in the know. i had been expecting to be dropped off at some level. so i was a little surprised when i opened the door to a chair which was my new friend hinting i should play for my so. maybe the local vicar could shed some light something else. i'm sorry i think i was told that this was actually a bike his club. bit of a mistake. yes hello i'll explain everything to you wait a moment i'll be back ok. this is.
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a priest. we'll explain exactly what all that means. let's go. but then all was revealed as i met father alexander cure of his very own by caprice he's the founder of the city's motorcycle club although admittedly not exactly hell's angels hello lou. i was only took me outside and introduced me to some fellow club members including my old friend. as well as writing the group also meet to restore old bikes lou i think this one's going to take some serious work so this was a real russian classic about forty five years ago the. because equivalent equivalent to the italian vesper seen better days but little bit of russian history. this certainly isn't your typical pollock of the cure old scripts to reuters have
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become part of the landscape you noted by love of going on the roads. it looks like . we're off to spread the bike a words one last time this year but as for me they are going to enjoy the rest of care of. me. it was almost time for me to leave the city but i always like to check out a bit of the local music scene on my travels although in the basement of the johnston face point when i can expect. these are the shakes it's a little slice of nineteen fifties america in northeastern russia and one of the most popular but. not all came over here really that. he was a long while living in cairo. ok i have stated
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that i wasn't expecting to come to. visit but is also thank you how did you guys get into playing kind of fifty's fifty's country and all the rock n roll well you know we've been playing this music. for almost seventeen seventeen euro. we got to know about it from our parents who are also big fans great fans this music and elvis presley and bill haley so that's how it happened this is about his wealth and it's obscene. well you're right. the fact is that we're the only band around. i think that the popularity of this music. depends on this fact once or twice we go outside our region. to think. it was getting the benefits and there are always in the mood for a. scratch
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