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tv   [untitled]    October 25, 2010 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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you're watching r t we're broadcasting live from moscow well straight to our top story now two israeli soldiers await sentencing after being convicted of using a palestinian child as a human shield the jury in the gaza war israel reinforced a ban on involving civilians five years ago. reports palestinians believe troops continue to risk innocent lives in war maneuvers. measured robber was just nine years old when soldiers grabbed him and made him check for bombs. i was just sitting here is really soldiers took me over there there were two bags and he told me to open them but i didn't know how to do it. he was terrified of the abandoned briefcases which the soldiers thought could be booby trapped and his fighting family forced to watch one of us a video one of them put his hand on my son shoulder and made him go into the toilet cubicle i heard a few shots fired soon afterwards i felt like i was dying my little daughter he was
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with me kept saying they killed him. and yet it was five years ago that israel supreme court made the law crystal clear human shielding is an absolute absolute no no endangered civilians deliberately is absolutely prohibited but the reality on the ground is still very different you had a shoulder spent his army years in the palestinian territories he knew the supreme court's ruling but watched his sergeant ignore it so did he and the soldiers serving under him so what we did is we just bumped into a house nearby house we grabbed one of the kids were talking with us put them in the front of the patrol you just walk your patrol in the village with your kid and then no one for a start one hundred sixty complaints were filed about the way soldiers behaved in the gaza war two years ago but only forty seven criminal investigations were ever carried out most of them have since been closed but i think that to ask a combat soldier and serve in the occupied territories where you use palestinians
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as human shield is like to ask you to drink coffee in the morning but israeli lawyers say convicting the two soldiers is to the i.d.f. scribus there are always soldiers who step out of line that's that's part and parcel unfortunately of running a military operation to say that as a general phenomenon as i.d.f. soldiers you know use human shields that's absurd for much of the family they take comfort they finally be getting justice even if it's only against low ranking soldiers and not the commanders they accuse of allowing human shields behind the laws back here r.t. jerusalem. iraq's prime minister says the latest we kill eeks revelations are a move to deal released charges of forming a government by linking him to death squads the latest we can leaks files allege abuse by iraqi security forces some of which happened after nuri al maliki became prime minister in two thousand and six of the premier's office denies he had death
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squads under his command and suspect the timing of the minutes from me is designed to shake his fragile control he's still yet to form a cabinet despite being seven months since the election. now joined by middle east expert james denselow from king's college in london thank you very much indeed for joining us here on r.t. do you think there's anything behind the timing of this release xerox premier claims no i don't think that would be very doubtful to imagine that there would be leaks and the soldiers responsible for giving these documents to them had the undermining of the iraqi government in mind when they chose this date let's bear in mind that there hasn't been an iraqi government for seven months so it's not as likely as if there's many dates to choose from from releasing this in this sense but i think that the document certainly do point to a particular problem with the prime ministerial office in iraq it is an office that's been significantly empowered as part of the u.s. exit strategy with its individual sort of special forces units that have supposedly
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run internal prisons that these documents have now shown so maliki who is almost that close to the finishing line it seems at the moment with relations with iran and syria sort of confirming his role as the next prime minister now seems that he has another hurdle to jump across ok he rejects that forces under his control acted as death squad so how irrefutable is the evidence we kill eeks has published in your opinion. well this is u.s. military documents so ultimately unlike any previous media story all anecdotal reports from iraq this is words from their own mouth which makes it very difficult for them to deny it and they're not really doing that if you actually listen to what the state department spokesman is saying what they talk about is the critical nature of their nature of the leaks and whether u.s. soldiers are informers or people working with the u.s. will be put in danger by then they're talking about the method of the message rather than the message itself now the message itself paints a very different picture of iraq the americans have been telling us about the last
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seven years and nowhere is that more true than the issue of body counts general tommy franks who led the invasion in two thousand and three said quite natural for actually we don't do body counts but you know things have been doing body counts and those body counts now combined with the iraqi body count of n.g.o.s and surveyed agencies say that some fifteen thousand iraqi deaths have not been accounted for so the history of iraq is being written by these documents which are as i say from the americans miles and selves so very briefly then how might we can weeks data affect maliki's position as prime minister well honestly the idea is that what happens in the wider world in terms of affecting iraqi politics is debatable i think he will still be the front runner for the next prime ministerial post in iraq and his competitor either laurie also has a checkered record with claims of torture when he was prime minister as well so it's not as if there's whiter than white politicians operating in iraq so i don't feel this will really have a long term impact on his position in the country if the revelations though did
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manage to force him out what would that mean for iraq. well hopefully i think it would mean a good thing for our show that the new iraq was supposed a democratic iraq does treat human rights seriously unlike the previous regime that supposedly we were supposed to trying to replace is not the case at the moment iraq is still a deeply divided and dangerous country in which human rights are far from sort of enshrined in the protections in the operation the rule of law that the police and the army are trying to and that so i feel that it would send a huge message to all those involved in iraq politics that this level of abuses will not be tolerated by future leadership. ok middle east expert james jones they would have to leave it there for now thank you very much indeed for joining us here live on l.t. . well coming up soon we look at a problem which moscow can't bury for much longer we hear my environmental play is pushing the russian capital to the brink of ecological disaster. the nine billion
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dollars deal rejected in the battle for a stake in the world's top nickel producers that's in our business news in ten minutes time. fear is that countries could use their currencies as a weapon to drag themselves out of recession have been laid finance ministers from the world's twenty biggest economies have agreed they won't devalued to drive out their competitive edge they spent the past few days in south korea tackling global financial and balances other agreements saying clue did given the international monetary fund a bigger role in supervising exchange rate growing economic tensions between china and the us also came out the beijing accused of holding its currency down on the us was criticised for having a loose monetary policy on balance the south korean eating is considered the temperate truce it was boneless to report some suspect us of lining up its economic artillery. the united states has waged well known wars in
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afghanistan. and in iraq. but some argue it's also waging a lesser known battle with the united states leading financial world war two train foreign rebirthing. especially to make other economies pay tribute to a war being fought not with force but with credit in this war us dollars are the bullets and they are cheap ammunition because the us federal reserve has been printing and pumping billions upon billions of them into the economy federal reserve out of balance sheet of about eight hundred fifty billion dollars and have shot up to two point one trillion dollars more than one point five trillion dollars spent buying bonds and home mortgages from banks in the last two years to try to prop up the u.s. economy this policy called quantitative easing is supposed to stimulate the economy
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lowering interest rates and enabling banks to lend more but it hasn't exactly helped the average american the united states so it's interest rates very low and tries to open up large routes to one being that american corporations in america investors take money borrow money and then they go all over the world and buy things the money leaves the u.s. because low interest rates mean investors aren't getting much return on assets at home so why does this matter for you why should you care well let's talk about the things best like to buy things like soft commodities wheat sugar soybeans those affect your food prices i'll take these so investors for lots of money and a soft commodities i mean global food prices your food prices go up like happened in two thousand and seven in two thousand and eight. but if they all put their money into oil the price of energy for most of the world that consumes it goes up to. and when you see us are acting like an a.t.m.
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for the world pumping cash into the economy trillions of dollars this is the scenario you're helping to create. and pushing down the value of the u.s. dollar and the international reserve currency while pushing up the value of other currencies and we're hearing an outcry from the developing countries because those are the hottest markets for foreign investment now but countries affected by the flood of u.s. dollars are now taking steps to protect their own currencies and their exports from getting more expensive we believe it's very important yet u.s. policy makers are rattling their sabers at the i.m.f. and g twenty meetings they're calling for countries to let their currencies rise but with no mention of the declining dollar there is no doubt readers. think very much in terms of power and. they want to keep that as the u.s. appears poised to fire off a new round of quantitative easing the rest of the world is fighting back instead
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of having this multipolar world led by the i.m.f. and the world trade organization with a very heavy influence for the u.s. government and the united states treasury we're seeing lots of governments going around the world cutting two party deals cutting deals to trade not in the reserve currency but in local currencies fighting back against the u.s. is financial world war that in the end may prove a losing battle or in the stir are t. new york. now internet access is no longer a luxury it's rapidly become a vital tool for its nearly two billion users russia is calling for a global body to govern the web and protect us from some of the crime rather than responsibility being dominated by the united states and its habit reports. the world wide web all knowing all conquering it crosses borders and breaks down barriers but can something that we've allowed to become so vast ever be properly
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managed currently it's the united states that's tom asked with attempting to regulate the web boss the united nations international telecommunications union or do you think they could do a better job at this conference earlier this month in mexico its members announce that proper management of the internet requires global corporation russia's representative agrees. we have a very good dialogue with america but we believe the threats now facing the web a too big a necessity it's an international response and he wants countries a united in their fates of the tackle terrorist extremist and child pornography networks but the complex debate playing out on the other side of the atlantico probably won't be playing on the mind of your average web user like these game is enjoying a saturday night in the russian capital internet cafes or clubs as this one calls itself the splitting up all over the city at an increasingly alarming rate and
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that's because they're meeting a growing demand him off the likes of all ages and backgrounds to get together socially either to just surf the web or is this close to doing compete against each other playing very latest interactive computer games and that's largely thanks to russia's burgeoning telecommunications industry bringing high speed wireless networks to the masses with russia's new wave of scarily technologically savvy tweezers a blog is paving the way youngsters like these now this may look like an internet cafe complete with state of the art matlab tops this is actually school russia style for thirteen year old alexander and his classmates keypad a mouse in our house much of a lot of learning is the textbook and pen. scope it until it's more interesting with computers even if you have to do boring research or crown facts without it you're only told things but with a computer you're shown things that these students and teachers i see features in
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almost every subject lesson and every aspect of the school's functioning skype and online messaging have replaced the no just bored overhead tannoy and school report counts but it's headmaster insists that all this is used alongside more traditional means of educating he also believes his school is not a rarity in russia but i think it's part of a growing trend but what's important is to use this technology properly to hold the learning process i think computers in schools will become more widespread but it's crucial to understand that no computer could have a substitute teacher. as the question of who should regulate how use of the internet rumbles on it's reaching our dependence on it continues to grow saturday nights in moscow may never be the same again alice habits r.t. ask. and in fact i will have more on russia's plans on getting more global governance for the internet when we hear from the country's communications minister
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in just over an hour's time here lotty. and you can head for our website to see more of the world's biggest stories this some other news analysis you can check out on the dot com the only cause which. for a day. warns of women seventy victims we saw explosions of half a century ago. come back for a comedy that made its people worldwide laughing stock because that director whose film is revenge against obama. let's take a check now of some other international news haiti's cholera is now two hundred fifty dives the disease is spreading over three thousand others are infected across the country there's concern it could spread to the camps where over a million people have been living since january is powerful earthquake part of that is down to the ongoing effects of the disaster that three hundred thousand people
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different. fronts fuel shortages could get worse as oil workers continue to protest against the government's decision to raise the retirement age in the country riot police broke through the blockade of one of the country's key refineries with a few supplies have made it out to transport minister says petrol stations are well stocked from the ground before the days of unions are turning the other week. somali pirates have seized a german ship off the coast of kenya it's not yet clear how many people are on board the believe the fortune but at least two on the german citizens comes a day off of singapore gas tanker seventeen who was hijacked in the same area the european union naval force says pirates are now holding nineteen vessels and four hundred twenty eight hostages. and indonesia's most active volcano is thought to be on the verge of
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a major eruption and thousands of people are being evacuated out of here. began spewing the superheated clouds a week ago put any area on the highest of the villages on the island of java being moved to refugee camps. now that lags behind many other capitals when it comes to taking out the trash but a lack of recycling infrastructure is forcing environmental protection up the priority list especially since for many residents the problem is now staring them in the face as he explains. when bought a flat in a new important walk around outside moscow he knew the hill next to the house was an old we still covered with soil when he began seem fresh piles of rubbish appearing in disposal trucks coming in doing it made that he became suspicious and then few years possibly like you we're all shocked officially the worst yard is closed but i can assure you it isn't our apartment buildings are just around twenty
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meters away it's a direct violation of the law if i get to go through i could get rid of my trash right out of the window under the law dumps can not be closer than five hundred meters from a residential area but unfortunately this and many other issues on the disposal are often trashed like here in the town of not much further away from the capital this is quite a typical picture of this area is used for garages but since some of them were built illegally they had to be dismantled but instead in their places these piles of rubbish have grown all around the area deeper into the area the picture becomes even worse another closed waist york or is it the area is disputed between a town in a local forestry and don't want to take responsibility for the mess environmental inspectors say they're hopeless even finding the officials didn't help since the biggest penalty is only around two hundred dollars each to the environmental
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consciousness is there. people just don't care for me needs much easier to come and just down there trash it here and bureaucracy is making it even worse there is simply no one to clean this up but specialists say there's still a way to fix things. we have to get people interested and the best way to do it is by giving the money each bottle has to have a good return price who is ever going to throw out an empty bottle if they could get at least one third of the money back for it perhaps increasing the return price for different packages me improve the situation at least partially but that means we need two new rules building the needed infrastructure to either recycle or resell used bottles. produces at least five and a half million tons of waste per year and less than fifteen percent is recycled a picture hard to believe in many western countries where from a young age people are taught how to recycle you got is going to already moscow.
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occurring as head of the latest space news news and. it's all in its monday korea well so far so good a lot of start of the week on a positive note and a look at the figures and just a moment but first to our top story. welcome to business now we start with an exclusive to business our table ashes giant land of michigan on bank wines it's not ready to take part of the government's vast privatization program top officials unveiled a sell off of nine hundred state firms are wednesday and presidential. has said they could be one of the first to become a joint stock company deputy chairman says it's too early. turn of development bank. owns a village to be prepared by. the capacity of wholly own devices is this. more than two decades to be through the times so our i don't see that it is. there for. functioning
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only. this president only with those three years. has rejected a nine billion dollars bid from into raso nobody can put that in for its twenty five percent stake in nora's the world's largest other medium company on friday claimed that offer was too risky and that their stake in the nickel producer was not for sale at any price the news comes after north makers shareholders voted thursday against an effort to oust the current board of directors who saw an interoffice who both own twenty five percent majority stakes have been locked in battle over control of north nickel for several months now. the positive trends which drove the russian markets higher last week are expected to continue in the coming days talking dialogues vice president gives us his outlook for the trading week. after the correction on friday i think this week who will be also very
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positive still the markets will be expecting to have the third of november the markets will be leaving in the environment when they expect you know cement of this quarter to prison and policy from the other states the reporting season is almost over and but still those who'll be reporting those states will report still decent results we can see some small inflows into russia did acutely phones because russia became a beach more interesting for international markets and i think the sentiment towards russia is changing indeed it will it will be very gradually but still i think russia will start experiencing more and more inflows soon in the coming few weeks. now the russian stock markets started the week in the black both of my eyes it's an r.t.s. open over half a percent higher in monday's morning session with all of blue chips in positive territory banking stocks and energy majors are lifting the indices as burbank is trading in two percent higher in asia stocks are mixed this hour japan's nikkei
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down point three percent despite japanese exports increasing more than expected the hang seng is point nine percent higher and oil climbs above eighty dollars as u.s. dollar drops after g twenty leaders pledged to avoid can see war. was a little company mail dot ru could list it initial public offering within the next two weeks according to the sunday times the mail dot ru group previously announced that it hopes to raise up to a billion dollars by placing twenty percent of the chairs on the long stock exchange by the end of the. aviation is ushering into a new era of eco friendly technology first tests of bio fuel for planes have already proved a success global manufacturers such as boeing and airbus say green planes also make economic sense but i hope that parts. cleaner sky higher profits global ambition giants are investing in eco friendly planes they say. the best technology will not only help save the planet but also money we're just moving
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inventing implementing integrity new technologies on board off the top aircraft and the price of the aircraft remains quite stable if you take into account by strict also such inflation and so on so the fact is that the aircraft market and average friendly so it means more fuel efficient because fuel means c o two and about mental damage to some extent and the new trees improve profitability for the airlines with more people flying every day the market in russian c.i.s. is growing and demand for new aircraft is high u.s. manufacturer boeing is expecting to do booming business with plans to supply around a thousand new planes over the next twenty years worth ninety billion dollars that's certainly our intent so new airplanes to service airplanes that are already here and to meet the. russian market requirements work closely with already and your lives are concerned so we have good prospects
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for market growth here we expect the markets will continue to grow a new generation of jets will help russia update its obsolete fleet but little of that technology is being developed here famous for its two players and dilution planes in the past russia was lagging well behind the global leaders in aircraft construction analysts say it will take a long time and large investments to catch up and believe at least for now russia will have to put up with the role of consumer rather than producer. at the liquor business r.t. . and that's all the update for this hour i'll be back with more in about fifteen minutes from now. you're.
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culture is that so much as i know in which of course you can write on a fundamental unit a block receiver say is a form of little crowd of capitalism ready to replace good product capitals in the us and further afield. russia would be so much brighter if you knew about song from finest impressions.
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who threw stones on t.v. don't come. good every month we give you the future we help you understand how we get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for technology update on our g wealthy british style roads america has moved on to the guys. in the. markets finance scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headline news june into cars a report on our.
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they feasted this is not a provocation but warn. the forces that we should just step before you shoot a supreme retreat speech so they have no idea about the hardships to face. plate one it's the this is it all going to new things for any army to live forever you see them is the most precious thing in the world. uses of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world need to see. victory
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nineteen forty five don't auntie dot com. past the hour harry musket headlines for you down to israeli soldiers face up to three years behind bars for forcing an artist in a way to search for the buddha traps through the guns of more five years ago israel's reinforced a ban on using civilians as human shields the palestinians say it's constantly breached. the world's twenty fastest growing economies are missing fears over the currency war by agreeing not to deem vonnie to use the exports have folks in some detail the finance minister has also decided that international monetary fund's role in monitoring exchange rates. and russia says the world
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wide web should not be governed by the u.s. and that a bad global by.


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