tv [untitled] October 25, 2010 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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i was dying my little daughter he was with me kept saying they killed him. and yet it was five years ago that israel supreme court made the little crystal clear human shielding is an absolute absolute no no endangered civilians deliberately is absolutely prohibited but the reality on the ground is still very different you who to show his army years in the palestinian territories he knew the supreme court's ruling but watched his sergeant ignore it so did he and the soldiers serving under him so what we did is we just bumped into a house nearby house we grabbed one of the kids were talking with us put them in the front of the patrol you just walk your patrol in the village with your kid and then the interest outs one hundred sixty complaints were filed about the way soldiers behaved in the gaza war two years ago but only forty seven criminal investigations which if i tell you dealt most of them have since been closed i think that to ask a combat soldier and serve in the occupied territories where you use palestinians
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as human shield is like to ask you to drink coffee in the morning but israeli lawyers say convicting the two soldiers is to the i.d.f. creatives there are always soldiers who step out of line that's that's part and parcel unfortunately of running a military operation to say that as a general phenomenon it's i.d.f. soldiers you use human shields that's absurd for much of the family they take comfort they find to be getting justice even if it's only against low ranking soldiers and not the commanders they accuse of allowing human shields behind the laws back here r.t. jerusalem because real first time inside here and talk to the soldiers featured in that report or should i say former israeli soldier now the founder of the breaking the silence movement you could assure someone from jerusalem to show thanks for being with this ok no one ever pretends being a soldier is easy but we heard you in that report saying using a human beings as human shields is common in your day's work serving
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a cup of coffee in the morning i guess with hindsight looking about there's something very much regret doing these days you're. of course but look when i was a soldier and then later on when i was a commander that was part of our procedure in any arrest operation which sometimes you end up doing like two three a week it's what we called a neighbor procedure you come to a specific ouse you surround a house and then you grab one of the neighbors and said i'm in front of you into the house to make sure that if someone is going to open fire he's going to take it out you so that's like that was the common procedure we were all trained and operated under was really discontents about amongst you and your ranks at the time . i must say that back then we didn't really understand anything we didn't understand the meaning of what we're doing and it was something that was so natural for us to do and i think this tells of a lot of doubt the mindset of a soldier and you can see it also now with to to give out the troops or convective
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all their comrades don't really understand why why there are now in court and why they're going to to face an indictment because this is something that doesn't really look bad for them when they are inside that was so much part of their life talking of those two soldiers convicted of using the nine year old boy as a human shield you think they will actually be convicted you think they will receive a prison term at the end of the day. i i don't know i didn't read the case and i have no idea you know the level of evidence and how this case was run but there is one thing that is that we cannot ignore and that is the p.r. impact of this case and i mean from just you know not and what you would think first i mean i think that this is in a way a political trial and this is a trial to try to clean the system these two late low ranking soldiers are going to pay for the mistakes of all the a separation of all the military for the big problems of the strategy and weapons
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that were used in operation cast lead for the rules of engagement and they're going to pay for it and in a way the army is trying to sacrifice them to clean itself yeah good point is i think a probably good point to clarify there they are low ranking soldiers as you say how about their commanders are people who allowed this to happen in the first place. look in the same operation there was another case we published because one of the guys who participate in activities gave their give us testimony in a story which is a special forces unit near jabalya in a different corner of the gaza strip that also used human shields and there there was no court martial nothing happened because it was an order of a coming down from a lieutenant colonel a commander of a unit of special forces so it's quite clear that when we talk about alternate colonel or commander of special forces the system cannot allow putting him on trial
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and we talk about two lower ranking sergeants they're going to sacrifice for everything to be sacrificed for it is five years since israel supreme court david's firm ruling the human shields were totally unacceptable palestinians though still say that that's not been forced to think this high profile case will impact that now. look it's important to say that yes it's not being enforced and human shields are being used less than before but they're still being used so these are two things we need to state the record straight on but i'm not so sure i'm not so sure either i have a good comrade in breaking the silence who served in special forces of the paratroopers brigade up to two thousand and six if i remember right and in his case when he confronted usage of human shields he went and complained to the head of the unit and his complaints were ignored so there is a history of this of more and more cases of soldiers complaining of palestinian
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complaining and still it seems like the ground level and the military and a ground level including low ranking and middle you know medium ranking officers cannot accept in a way this change because when you are in the field goes think that the judges in jerusalem they have their own idea about how to do things and you know how to do things and this is the way you were trained on and that's why this is the way you do and in a way when you are in the system and when you are on the ground enforcing the occupation you are in a way to lose the ability to really distinguish right from wrong. the judgment of the judges in the port city to come toss aside times but again says i want to ask you one more question if we want to get this one and movements like goes. through will be abuse of palestinians carried out by israeli soldiers so how where are the israeli public do you think i've been turning a blind eye till now. look i think in that case the israeli public is not different than any other public when you do bad things you don't want
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to face the america this is our nature as human beings we find it very easy to look through a window at someone else we find it very difficult to paint one side dark and face america and this is our job our job is breaking the silence as israelis as people who are work comp that soldiers are people who today some of us served today still is to come back to our society raise up to america and try to demand from our society to take responsibility over what has been done in its name we as a society as a democratic society must debate and decide for ourselves what are our board red lines and that's in a way the job of breaking the silence is coming back home and demanding from our society to know the truth. thanks for being with us i really hope that these former israeli soldier and founder of the breaking the silence organizations you are frightened out of time as i thanks for very much for being with us it is pretty shady. surely the greenback to choose as a weapon the u.s.
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is expected a probable cause to its economy despite fears of triggering a global currency war the report on that for. now the largest leak of secret u.s. military documents in history is stirring up a storm of reaction as outrage in baghdad as iraqi prime minister nuri al maliki says it threatens the balance of power in the country the iraq war files published online whistleblower wiki leaks detail fifteen thousand violent deaths over the past six years previously unaccounted for maliki's brushing aside allegations that death squads under his command of the whole of the killings the premier's currently struggling to hold on to power after being unable to form a government following a parliamentary election in which mideast expert james denselow from king's college london believes maliki's overreacting though to make this latest mccain. i think that would be very doubtful to imagine that the wiki leaks and the soldiers responsible for giving these documents to them had the undermining of the iraqi
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government in mind when they chose this date and let's bear in mind that there hasn't been an iraqi government for seven months so it's not likely as if there's many dates to choose from when it comes to releasing this in this sense but i think that there are documents certainly do point to a particular problem with the prime ministerial office in iraq it's an office that's been significantly empowered as part of the u.s. exit strategy with its individual sort of special forces units that have supposedly run internal prisons that these documents are now shown so maliki who is almost that close to the finishing line it seems at the moment with the relations with iran and syria sort of confirming his role as the next prime minister now seems that he has another hurdle to jump across this is u.s. military documents really unlike any previous media story all anecdotal reports from iraq this is words from their own mouth which makes it very difficult for them to deny it and they're not really doing that if you actually listen to all. the pentagon and state department spokesman is saying what they talk about is the
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critical nature of the nature of the leaks and whether u.s. soldiers or informers or people working with us will be put in danger by them they're talking about the method of the message rather than the message itself now the message itself paints a very different picture of the iraq the americans have been telling us about the last seven years and nowhere is that more true than the issue of body counts general tommy franks who led the invasion in two thousand and three said quite natural actually we don't do body counts but americans have been doing body counts and those body counts now combined with the iraqi body count of n.g.o.s and agencies say that some fifteen thousand iraqi deaths have not been accounted for so the history of iraq is being written by these documents which are as i say from the americans miles themselves. so what's there james then slow from king's college london we got more on the whistle blowing scandal including interviews and in-depth coverage as well on our home page r.t. dot com we have not checked it already why not take a look at her instead in this story find out what the wiki leaks spokesman indeed has to say about the exposé and why he believes that secrecy leads to corruption
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plus a check or interview out as well but we got yesterday with the site's founder julian assange see what he's got to say about them the only answers for your brother particularly big story on our home page online article home plus life for the elderly could be about to get bright say here in russia is good news find out what authorities have got in store to lift their standard of living it's often page again ahti dot com. well talking of the internet internet access is no longer a luxury it's rapidly become a vital resource for billions of users the web's currently coordinated by an american organization but with virtually anyone able to access the net it's become a powerful tool to of course which compose a massive security threat which is why many countries now feel it should be managed
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globally as artie's others have it reports. the world wide web all knowing all conquering it crosses borders and breaks down barriers but can something that we've allowed to become so vast ever be properly managed currently it's the united states that task with regulating the day to day running of the web through a partnership with california based company i can bump the united nations international telecommunications union i t u wants to start playing a bigger role as well as his conference earlier this month in mexico it's niet c one hundred members decided that effective management of the internet requires a global intergovernmental cooperation. governments want to have an equal role in the policies that govern internet not in the regulatory not in regulating the day to day running of internet not in my unique identifiers of
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the internet which is the role of icon but in the public policies just as you have in every domain in health in education you have eleven u.n. organizations where governments crammed together and agree on international public policies is the same thing which applies to the internet russia's representatives agree. we have a very good dialogue with america but we believe the threats now facing the web are too big and necessitated an international response only once countries are united can effectively tackle terrorist extremist and child pornography networks human the polls. he understands america's reluctance to lose control of what it perceives to be a large we'll do you mind. if it's essential that we're capable of reaction swiftly to any new technologies or legal issues and that's why the i to you is discussing how best to reform and become more flexible and dynamic but the i.c.u.
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says it's pretty dynamic has it it. is involved in things more fast moving and more dynamic than the internet it is scope lately for was those who believe that i to some large bureaucratic un organization we existed in modern for more than eighty years i'll say the un system where technical body and we developed a technique of cutting edge standards but the complex debate playing out on the other side of the atlantic probably won't be playing on the minds of your average web. according to the eye to the number of people with internet access at home we're all supposed to billion by the end of the year so with its ever increasing the un things that now is the time to get their program online before the web spins out of all control alice habits assy moscow. and we've got more on russia's proposals for global governance of the internet when we hear from the
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country's communications minister now it's time to not quote that interview already today. the u.s. dollar weakened on monday a week before the federal reserve's expect a decision to pump more cash into the american economy the drop wasn't prevented by the g twenty finance ministers pledge not to devalue their currency to avoid trade wars but as i said lauren lister reports next many believe the u.s. isn't ready to give up using the greenback as a war machine. the united states has waged well known wars in afghanistan. and in iraq. but some argue it's also waging a lesser known battle he led it's a fluke leading financial world war two foreign reserves. especially to other economies tribute to a war being fought not with force but with credit in this war us dollars. are the bullets and they are cheap ammunition because the us federal reserve has been
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printing and pumping billions upon billions of them into the economy. hundred fifty billion dollars and that shot up to two point one trillion dollars more than one point five trillion dollars spent buying bonds and home mortgages from banks in the last two years to try to prop up the u.s. economy this policy called quantitative easing is supposed to stimulate the economy lowering interest rates and enabling banks to lend more but it hasn't exactly helped the average american the united states so that's interest rates very low and tries to open up. that american corporations in america investors take money borrow money and then they go all over the world to buy things the money leaves the u.s. because low interest rates mean investors aren't getting much return on assets at home so why does this matter for you why should you care well let's talk about the things speculators are investors like to buy things like soft commodities wheat
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sugar soybeans those affect your food prices i'll take these so investors for lots of money and a soft commodities i mean global food prices your food prices go up like happened in two thousand and seven in two thousand and eight. but if they all put their money into oil the price of energy for most of the world that consumes it goes up to. for the world. cash into the economy trillions of dollars this is the scenario you're helping to create. and pushing down the value of the u.s. dollar and the international reserve currency pushing up the value of other currencies and we're hearing an outcry from the developing countries because those are the hottest markets for foreign investment now but countries affected by the flood of u.s. dollars are now taking steps to protect their own currencies and their exports from
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getting more expensive we believe it's very important yet u.s. policymakers are their sabers at the i.m.f. and g twenty meetings they're calling for countries to let their currencies rise but with no mention of the declining dollar there is no doubt. very much in terms of power and are. they want to keep. the u.s. appears poised to fire off a new round of quantitative easing the rest of the world is fighting instead of having this multipolar world led by the i.m.f. and the world trade organization with a very heavy influence for the u.s. government and the united states treasury we're seeing lots of governments going around the world cutting two party deals cutting deals to trade not in the reserve currency but in local currency fighting back against the u.s. is financial world war that in the end may prove a losing battle or in the r t new york. twenty minutes past the moscow time
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world news this monday night the youngest detainee held in the u.s. prison in guantanamo bay is pleaded guilty to all five counts of terror against a. canadian citizen was captured by american troops in afghanistan when he was fifteen now twenty four these charges include throwing a grenade which killed a u.s. soldier made his plea in a bid to limit his sentence. afghan president hamid karzai has confirmed his office was thieves' around half a million euros iran's twice a year but insists the donations are transparent comments come in response to the u.s. media report accusing two of handing over cash to promote a great interest in afghanistan he says several states gives him a strong money in the form of aid including the united states. thousands of villagers have been urged to leave their homes with fears of a volcano eruption in indonesia officials said activity of the volcano in central java increased markedly over the weekend hundreds of elderly people and children
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have already been moved to the countries raise the alert to its highest level of divergence in shelters being prepared for away thank you ladies coming up pay to live well talks to us politics and politicians in the us edition of crosstalk be sure to check that out if you're in the mood for some heated debates coming away shortly for business update from you. that's right time to get the latest from the world of business long term investors and russian stocks may soon be exempted from paying tax on profits it's part of a new package of incentives put forward by prime minister vladimir putin he also recommends making the installation of some high tech and energy saving equipment exempt from duty put in says the text breaks will help russian business attract additional capital. we suggest implementing tax amendments to create favorable conditions innovative activity the tax changes will send
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a strong signal to lose in the economy and we hope that companies and producers increase efficiency and. to produce high tech goods. russia's giant land of michigan on bank warns that it's not ready to take part in the government's fast privatization program top officials unveiled the selloff of nine hundred state firms on wednesday to presidential aide out of which has said v e b could be one of the fast becoming joint stock company but deputy chairman of tony barlow says it's too early childhood development bank is on the verge to be prepared ties by. the capacity of wholly own advisors this is a theory that more than two decades to be privatize. i don't see that it is jammed there for. functioning only in this
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capacity at all over the last three years and also on the privatization private the executive director of the international energy agency tells r.t. that the energy sector in russia will attract great investment once it has greater private ownership. but the privatization is a very often taken as a very important policy to get more investment from around the world and subtly rochelle's the huge. federal resources and privatizing it ten getting money from. it's a perspective make good sense and that gives more let's say a potential or developing development and technologies. and russian internet company male dogs argue has sucked the prize range for its initial public offering in london at twenty three point seven two twenty seven twenty seven dollars. but would value the company which owns instant messenger i.c. q.
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and a stake in facebook at around five billion dollars the male dogs are you crew previously announced it's hoped to raise about one billion by placing up to twenty percent of its shares by the end of the year. quick look at how the markets are faring that sol and to the rush of the mice at something r.t.s. rose about one percent on monday most of the blue chips finished in the black with three to be trading of a twenty percent high on the r.t.s. nicole leading over three percent on the my six bucking the trend was bruce hydro who took a stand. let's cross over to europe where the markets finished monday's trading session high of the footsie on the decks were up at the heart of the cent and in london shares of mining companies one of the leading the gains. finally u.s. stocks are rising up to world finance three of us have pledged to match up balanced global trite i was told that has resumed its full and it's driving stock and
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commodity prices quiet but all that has hit a fresh fifteen year well against japanese yen. china is to issue a six billion dollars credit line to russian coal producers for the development of new deposits the loan is aimed at companies interested in shipping coal to china and would be used to invest in development of the fields and the surrounding infrastructure to areas already earmarked all located in the russian republic of tuvalu so how do you. russia's fourth largest still make a m m k house launched a new metal processing joint venture in turkey all correspondent margin of caution of a spoke to the chairman and president of m m k big that i should go about the company's latest strategic move. and there are more dangerous for sure but have been our company has been operating here for the past ten years there's a great demand for hot rolled metal that we used to supply not less than
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a million tons of that while a deficit between the supply and demand in two thousand and six two thousand and seven amounted to four five million i've reached an agreement with a port that will allow us to export our product to europe and the middle east if we are unable to sell our old metals here basically we wanted to exported to turkey but the crisis has changed our plans we may exported to the balkans its elite and asia the arab countries in the persian gulf where huge construction projects are on the way and where zinc plated polymers are needed here syria and iran are also very close and so it metallica and i think it also owns an iron ore felt and during the financial downturn the development of the self was postponed so what are your plans now. we have an investment program this year we have opened this us not a scam i have but we are now enriching or there so we have an opportunity to increase environ or production to fifty percent plus we want to buy call mine in or extracting some more from there today we need thirty percent of the overall demand
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in real materials and in the next three or four years we are planning to meet the internal demand for iron ore by fifty percent so. when do you think you can return to pre-crisis annual production levels for them whether we do it or not but i thought we are planning to produce ten million tonnes of rolled metal this year we're going to increase the output by some twenty percent by twenty eleven and by another twenty percent the year after we are aim is to restore the pre-crisis output in two thousand and seven we work to full capacity and produce twelve million tonnes a year this task can be so focused. that's all we have time for now i'm now back to kevin owen from a news headlines after a short break. question
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nice for instance on t.v. dot com. hello you're watching our t.v. international english language news broadcaster from moscow these are all top stories this monday night forcing children into the firing line two israeli soldiers await sentencing after being convicted of using a palestinian boy as a human shield the child was falsely open bugs thought to contain bone stew in the gaza war. also from us condemnation vicious debate and calls for investigation all . in the aftermath of the biggest leak of military files in u.s. history suggesting torture and civilian deaths in iraq prime minister nuri al maliki claims the timing of the exposé is aimed at sabotaging is efforts to form a government and undermine his power. and reigning in the way about cyber terrorism
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and child pornography of u.n. experts calling for international cooperation to eliminate internet threats the web's currently coordinated by an american organization but experts say the problems are too big for the u.s. to handle alone. more of those stories in full in thirty minutes time up next tonight people are values gas talk capitalism and cash is midterm elections heat up in the united states that's coming your way in just a moment. for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers. in. a little welcome to.
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