tv [untitled] October 25, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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he told me to open them but i didn't know how to do it. he was terrified of the abandoned briefcases which the soldiers thought could be booby trapped and his fighting family forced to watch whatever civilian one of them put his hands on my son shoulder and made him go into the toilet cubicle i heard a few shots fired soon afterwards i felt like i was dying my little daughter he was with me kept saying they killed him. and yet it was five years ago that israel's supreme court made the law crystal clear human shielding is an absolute absolute no no endangered civilians deliberately is absolutely prohibited but the reality on the ground is still very different you had to show his army years in the palestinian territories he knew the supreme court's ruling but watched his sergeant ignore it so did he and the soldiers serving under him so what we did is we just bumped into a house nearby house we grabbed one of the kids we took him with us put him in the
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front of the patrol you just walk your patrol in the village with your kid and then the interest out one hundred fifty complaints were filed about the way soldiers behaved in the gaza war two years ago but only forty seven criminal investigations were ever carried out most of them have since been closed but i think that to ask a combat soldier and serve in the occupied territories where you use palestinians as human shield is like to ask you to drink coffee in the morning but israeli lawyers say convicting the two soldiers is to the i.d.f. scribus there are always soldiers who step out of line but that's that's part and parcel unfortunately of bringing a military operation to say that as a general phenomenon it's i.d.f. soldiers you know use human shields that's absurd for much of the family they take comfort they finally be getting justice even if it's only against low ranking soldiers and not the commanders they accuse of allowing human shields behind the laws back here r.t. jerusalem. earlier r.t.
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spoke to the former soldier turned truth campaign or featured in that report show or he believes that the two servicemen in question are being used as scapegoats by army superiors seeking to clean up the image of the military. this is in a way a political trial and this is a trial to try to clean the system these two late low ranking soldiers are going to pay for the mistakes of all the a separation of all the military for the big problems of the strategy and weapons that were used in operation cast lead for the rules of engagement and they're going to pay for it and in a way the army is trying to sacrifice them to clean itself and this is i think a problem there is a history of this of more and more cases of soldiers complaining of policy and complaining and still it seems like the ground level in the military cannot accept in a way this change because when you are in the field you always think that the judges in jerusalem they have their own idea that out to do things and you know how to do
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things and this is the way you were trained on and that's why this is the way you do and in a way when you are in the system and when you are on the ground enforcing the occupation you are in a way to lose the ability to really distinguish right from wrong. coming up shortly it is a trashy business. this is quite a typical picture of this area is used for garages but since some of them were built the illegally they had to be dismantled but instead in their places these piles of rubbish have grown all around the area find out of the rubbish future moscow faces if it doesn't get to grips with recycling. plus the u.s. is expected to pump more cash into its economy despite fears of triggering a global currency war. the largest leak of secret u.s. military documents in history is continuing to generate political shock waves worldwide there's outrage in baghdad as iraqi prime minister nouri al maliki says
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the release of the files threaten the balance of power in the country and has called for a thorough investigation the war in iraq war files blow open by the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks show that over one hundred thousand died told the pentagon had denied knowing but had been collecting all along almost seventy percent of the dead were innocent civilians iraqi prime minister nouri al maliki's a brushing aside allegations that the death squads under his command were involved in some of the killings the premier's currently struggling to hold on to power after being unable to form a government following in an inconclusive parliamentary election in march middle east expert james denselow from king's college london believes however that al maliki is overreacting to the latest wiki leaks. i think that would be very doubtful to imagine the wiki leaks and the soldiers responsible for giving these
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documents to them have the undermining of the iraqi government in mind when they chose this date and let's bear in mind that there hasn't been an iraqi government for seven months so. many dates to choose from when it comes to releasing this in this sense but i think that the document certainly. do point to a particular problem with the prime ministerial office in iraq it's an office that's been significantly empowered as part of the u.s. exit strategy with its individual sort of special forces units that have supposedly run internal prisons that these documents are now shown so maliki who is almost that close to the finishing line it seems at the moment with relations with iran and syria sort of confirming his role as the next prime minister now seems that he has another hurdle to jump across this is u.s. military documents really unlike any previous media story or anecdotal report from iraq this is words from their own mouth which makes it very difficult for them to deny it and they're not really doing that if you actually listen to what the pentagon and state department spokesman is saying what they talk about is the
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critical nature of the nature of the leaks and whether u.s. soldiers or informers or people working with the u.s. will be put in danger by them they're talking about the method of the message rather than the message itself now the message itself paints a very different picture of the iraq the americans have been telling us about the last seven years and nowhere is that more true than the issue of body counts general tommy franks who led the invasion in two thousand and three said quite matter of factually we don't do body counts but americans have been doing body counts and those body counts now combined with the iraqi body count of n.g.o.s and aid agencies say that some fifteen thousand iraqi deaths have not been accounted for so the history of iraq is being written by these documents which are as i say from the americans miles and selves iraq war veteran turned anti-war activist josh stieber that while he was undergoing u.s. military training there was little regard for the safety of civilians with some even encouraging be attacked. i think these documents
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a number of different things a relative lack of concern for civilian life and that was something i experienced even as far back as basic training we would you know sing songs talking about killing civilians we would have battle cries like kill them all that god sort them out and in training you might not think it's a huge thing and then you get to the battlefield and you slowly reinforce those ideas and combine that with trying to keep yourself safe and civilians are high on the priorities list as we got into iraq and were doing different things we would have again policies that were did not treat the civilians very well and just pretty much ignored their humanity if a roadside bomb went off we were entitled to open fire on anybody standing in the area with the philosophy of trying to al intimidate the local population so that they would be more vigilant against the people setting up these attacks and some of
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us younger soldiers would question our leaders and they would say that they received the order from higher up and that's what we need to do to make it home alive so that's what i was hearing from my military leaders and i would write back home you know telling my friends and family about this kind of thing going on and pretty much the answer would be and this justifies the means. don't forget that you can always have your say on all the stories we're covering on our website. let's have a look at what's just a click away for you online. they. may be represented. by a russian orthodox. social network. emerges from the misery of gridlock as drivers in the city using their own initiative to. lots more.
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rubbish dumps are nearly overflowing with no new facilities are built in the city in the last twenty years and for many residents the problem is now too close for comfort as you go to peace going off explains. when ileum bought a flat in a new apartment block right outside moscow he knew the hill next to the house was an old we still covered with soil when he began seem fresh piles of rubbish appearing and disposal trucks coming in doing it mate that he became suspicious and then few years like you were all shocked officially the worst yard is closed but i can assure you it isn't that our apartment buildings are just around twenty meters
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away it's a direct violation of the law if i get to go through i could get rid of my trash right out of the window under the law dumps can not be coarser than five hundred meters from a residential area but unfortunately this and many other rules on the disposal are often trashed like here in the town of canal you off not much further away from the capital this is quite a typical picture of this area is used for garages but since some of them were built illegally they had to be dismantled but instead in their place as these piles of rubbish have grown all around the area the deeper into the area the picture becomes even worse another closed waist york or is it the area is disputed between the town and a local forestry and they want to take responsibility for the mess environmental inspectors see there helpless even fining the officials didn't help since the biggest penalty is only around two hundred dollars each to get the environmental consciousness is very low people just don't care for me needs much easier to come
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and just down there trash out here and bureaucracy is making it even worse there is simply no one to clean this up but specialists say there is still a way to fix things why do we have to get people interested and the best way to do it is by giving them money each bottle has to have a good return price who is ever going to throw out an empty bottle if they could get at least one third of their money back for it. perhaps increasing the return price for different packages me improve the situation at least partially but then. building the needed infrastructure to our the recycle. produces at least five million tons of waste per year and less than fifteen percent is a picture of hard to believe in many western countries were from a young age or taught how to recycle. or d. . now let's have
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a look at some of the top stories from around the world afghan president hamid karzai has confirmed his government receives about a million euros annually from iran he added that the money for aid has never been a secret and that the white house has known about this all along the comments come in response to a new york times report claiming tehran was using cash to push its interests in afghanistan karzai says iran is one of several states that gives money to the administration for aid including the u.s. . nearly ten thousand tons of garbage have piled up in the streets of marseilles incinerator workers strike in protest of the state's rise of the retirement age of sixty two however workers at three of the country's twelve refineries have voted to end their strikes the french finance minister said the nationwide unrest was costing the economy over half a billion dollars a day protesters have also been blocking access to points but president sarkozy's
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government is not budging over his pension charges. youngest detainee has pled guilty to all five charges leveled against him by the u.s. . canadian citizen was fifteen when he was captured by american troops in afghanistan nine years later he still stands accused of killing a u.s. soldier with a grenade the admission of guilt was part of a plea bargain for a less severe sentence. the u.s. dollar lost value on monday as financial markets expect a federal reserve decision to inject more cash into the american economy it comes just as g twenty finance ministers pledged not to devalue their currencies in an effort to prevent global trade wars but as laura lease to reports some economists believe the u.s. has no intention of giving up using cash as an economic weapon. the
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united states has waged well known wars in afghanistan. and in iraq. but some argue it's also waging a lesser known battle with the united states leading financial world war two of the foreign retailers. especially to make other economies pay tribute to a war being fought not with force but with credit in this war us dollars are the bullets and they are cheap ammunition because the us federal reserve has been printing and pumping billions upon billions of them into the economy federal reserve out of balance sheet of about eight hundred fifty billion dollars and that shot up to two point one trillion dollars more than one point five trillion dollars spent buying bonds and home mortgages from banks in the last two years to try to prop up the u.s. economy this policy called quantitative easing is supposed to stimulate the economy
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lowering interest rates and enabling banks to lend more but it hasn't exactly helped the average american but the united states sets interest rates very low and tries to open up large routes to one thing that american corporations in america investors take money borrow money and then they go all over the world to buy things the money leaves the u.s. because low interest rates mean investors aren't getting much return on assets at home so why does this matter for you why should you care well let's talk about the things speculators are investors like to buy things like soft commodities wheat sugar soybeans those affect your food prices i'll take these souls investors who are lots of money and a soft commodities i mean global food prices your food prices go up like happened in two thousand and seven in two thousand and eight. years old so like oil but if they all put their money into oil the price of energy for most of the world that consumes it goes up to. and when you see us are acting like an
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a.t.m. for the world pumping cash into the economy trillions of dollars and this is the scenario you're helping to create. and pushing down the value of the u.s. dollar at the international reserve currency while pushing up the value of other currencies and we're hearing an outcry from the developing countries because those are the hottest markets for foreign investment now but countries affected by the flood of u.s. dollars are now taking steps to protect their own currencies and their exports from getting more expensive we believe it's very important u.s. policy makers are rattling their sabers at the i.m.f. and g twenty meetings they're calling for countries to let their currencies rise but with no mention of the declining dollar there is no doubt. very much in terms of power and. they want to keep but as the u.s. appears poised to fire off a new round of quantitative easing the rest of the world is fighting back and sort
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of having this multipolar world led by the i.m.f. and the world trade organization with a very heavy influence for the u.s. government and the united states treasury we're seeing lots of governments going around the world coming to party deals cutting deals to trade not in the reserve currency but in local currencies fighting back against the u.s. is financial world war that in the end may prove a losing battle lauren mr r.t. new york. crimes such as cyber terrorism and child pornography have been brought un experts to call for international cooperation and to police the internet russia also believes the worldwide web should not be governed purely by the us next up russia's communications minister gives us is view of the watchdog for the web and what needs to be done.
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with the u.s. government was among us we might use. it mainly cooperates with the department of commerce but the fact is that a certain monopoly is present in the world this technology was invented to meet the interests of the u.s. but then it expanded around the world it's been developing very rapidly truly embrace in all levels of our life people make money on the internet and for the internet even government systems now use these technologies none the less the corporation has still been deciding everything it is aware of changes taking place worldwide and it makes certain concessions to the international community it has good relations with russia on the syria which is proven by the fact that our country was the first to get the right to create a national domain of the top level doj aref within the present framework of cooperation we can hardly complain about the americans we're very good dialogue we hear each other but some threats are rising for the in. net and internet technologies these threats can only be responded to internationally this technology
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the world wide web it doesn't brace the entire world therefore governments and even more so corporations simply cannot resolve internet related problems therefore russia among a number of other countries is proposing the development of international mechanisms that would help fight the problems that even the americans are concerned about what our american colleagues have been telling us that we should be working together against common threats opening our borders taking part in the international forums and so on so how does the u.s. explain its own refusal to expand international participation in the internet's administration. some of. their key argument is that this is a very dynamic resource therefore any attempt to bureaucratize this technology within an international structure would slow down the internet's development and hinder efficient response to new technologies are rising at least every six months if not every month moreover they reasoned that so far this resource is been
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developing successfully without international involvement they're willing to cooperate bilaterally at the non-governmental level to tackle specific issues that arise but they contradict their own position one of the main concerns that the u.s. government has until communications and see t. is a threat to what they call cyber security how can one fight such threats unless they find a mechanism to enforce was aleutians in a corporation as long as things keep developing according to commercial law we won't be able to fight technological risks or extremism terrorism and other things that the international community believes are an acceptable on the internet a commercial corporation in spite of all the u.s. power it will not be able to cope with these problems even at a bilateral level therefore russia believes that we need an international institution that would respond to such issues and we believe that the international telecommunications union will be the best institution for the job. what. this international telecommunications and that includes one hundred and ninety two
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countries intends to take over the internet. and by doing so to end the american monopoly here what are the benefits of devolving power from one state to a group of states. and that's why. we aren't saying that the i to you should take up all areas of the internet is development we believe that some aspects should be regulated internationally this organization was formed in eight hundred sixty five when the un was nonexistent it was founded by twenty countries including russia consequently it became one of the un special purpose organising. yes it does bring together practically all countries in the world and communications exist in all countries as well as some technological communications related issues arising between one state and another or between a state and a group of states are perfectly regulated by this organization i'll go so far as to say that this is one of the most efficient special purpose organizations if not the
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most efficient which has an excellent reputation and great experts as well as established mechanisms and that knows how to respond to all problems with its response is probably not as efficient as modern technology requires nonetheless communications work in all countries operators maintain their relations in spite of different levels of development and types of technology one way or another they manage to find compromises and technical and technological solutions that enable communications to function properly. as for russia what concrete proposals has it made we can say that it's necessary to define a set of issues falling under the regulation to set up mechanisms of regulation and try to apply them in practical life for that we also support a reform of documents of the international telecommunications union under the itu you charter all underlying principles should first be approved plenty potential conferences and leaders submitted for ratification to national governments naturally this bureaucratic process can go around in circles forever this is how
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things stand now we suggest revising the charter so that it reflects only cornerstone issues we want this document to be untouchable like national constitutions and be subject to occasional change only while the current issues could be solved without interference from national parliaments and without creating an excessively difficult procedure that would be a response to the concerns of our american partners that the mechanisms were suggesting don't get stuck in red tape because i want to change the contest but one of the potential difficulties of changing the model of running the internet putting some of the critics of course with the potential difficulty consists in the fact that the internet is a fast changing to. knology and constantly trying to gain in something is not the best solution even if an international regulatory body is set up but there's little we can do about that because this is a condition dictated by the high speed of development of modern technologies i see the main problem in the ability to react promptly to new technologies new notions
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new terms and new legal relationships that is why we're talking about the need to reform the governing procedures in the international telecommunication union and to make it more flexible and dynamic thank you very much for this interview thank you very much. dear mom i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore the stomach and chest pains have been getting worse and no doctor has been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at peace and with no more pain i wish i could have had a life with it was
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a bit always pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ. thousands of u.s. troops in iraq received one of these drugs a drug called lariam and it may have prevented many soldiers from getting sick the question tonight is whether or not soldiers were adequately warned about its rare side effects serious life changing side effects. soon which brightened. soon from fans to christianize. who threw stones on t.v.
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broadcasting live from our studios. let's get right to. kids on the front line soldiers may face up to three years in prison for using nine year old palestinian boy as a human shield. for almost two years ago israeli military authorities say using civilians for. a claim of ridicule by civil rights campaigners it's a regular army tactic. iraq's prime minister is under pressure following the massive leak of secret american files revealing. civilian deaths in the country with critics asking if he's unfit to be in power meanwhile he says the release of the files which he says are to be investigated threatens the balance of power in
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the country. that the city may soon find itself suffocating under its own rubbish unless a proper deal with its garbage is found environmental inspectors say. the biggest. wars or. what is the future of the global economy archies spotlight host discusses this and lots more with the director of the macro economic research department at the moscow higher school of economics.
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