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tv   [untitled]    October 26, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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monocultural communities such as new clothes in west berlin foreign influence in this area really is very evident you got lots of foreign signs of foreign shopfronts and add to this the discussions about education failure is welfare abuses and crime within immigrant groups and you've got real problems with many of these issues popping into prejudices a lot of people still holds about immigration. the recent survey conducted by the foundation in germany found that almost a third of respondents felt that immigrants were coming to exploit the country's welfare system and should be sent home when jobs were scarce almost the same amount the country is being overrun by foreigners here you have a mix so you have a german here and you have english here and english here and this is turkish this is this is nice so everybody can read but if it is only. turkish people they
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feel strange when they think where am i living this is an arabian city much of the ensuing to date has focused on muslim immigrants with migrant families reluctant to integrate into a society that they feel is prejudiced against them i don't think that changing my personality or the way i look the way i talk or my even my mother tongue would change. have an effect on the german culture projects like this local community center aiding integration and teaching children the german language from an early age that with few bilingual arabic or take if schools families like mrs sending their children to private schools where they do not yet learn german if they were if they were germans to be honest with respect to . religion i would want all. despite the tough rhetoric from
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the top germany acknowledges that immigration is desirable for its economy that migrants have to be willing to integrate we need people in all of the industrial countries because we have not so many kids anymore i have no kids not of germans have no kids so where should the kids come from to work and help the industry going on so we need people from other countries to come. you know. that there's been a rise in the. u.s. of course. it's coming from. from the religion because people are not used to. make traditions. closing. even going. to. talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others and a major challenge now with the faith. would be to chime bridge. which had been
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simmering quietly for a long time. well from the german coalition christian democratic party freedom of religion shouldn't be confused with freedom from obeying the law. religion is freedom of religion and certainly not only within the. constitution. to the church another to the synagogue third to the mosque and a fourth was in the tent on the house i'm going to hold up to what's the problem is . preached to contradict the constitution that's why we have a special criminal going to hold he preachers especially at this point i must be on the phone. to a meeting in two weeks in a society because those who publish dentist make themselves feel just as opposed to
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society has to be. coming in to be not a compromise between the german i'm sorry and low your reader has no place here in germany and that story. and if you watch the full interview with from the german coalition christian democratic party in just over an hour here in our team. and the panel god has denied it ignored cases of abuse in iraq classified files published by a whistleblower website wiki leaks detail torture carried out by local forces as well as hundreds of civilian deaths are just military contributors says america's failure stam from the growing gap between the country's political and military elite how can the u.s. military slide on the slippery slope. and were involved in such a nefarious behavior including the shooting for sport and demonstrating their
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trigger happiness during the case is hopeless coalitions of force agreement and later in afghanistan before you blame the military for war did happen in iraq take a break and think about who their real masters of the u.s. military in the overseas conflicts it was the white house political decision makers who got the military into the mire the iraqi war was the first time when the political masters in the white house completely ignored their professional advice against the unprovoked military occupation of iraq and as a backlash the whole chain of command and the unity of effort has totally unraveled the military establishment trust in their political masters has totally snapped being discredited by politically immoral decisions
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and the us media stands accused of ignoring the contents of the biggest intelligence leak in u.s. history in order to concentrate on defaming weaken leaks founder julian assange former cia analyst ray mcgovern told r.t. the media purposely diverts public attention from the atrocities the documents reveal. you know goes back to the ancient greek times when you didn't like the message shoot them but you kill the messenger and in those days so what they're trying to do is deflect discussion of the hard details that have come out in these documents and have in on ad hominem arguments against us to make it sort of to trivialize it and to make it sort of a personal sort of thing the the treasure trove of documents is precisely what you would expect from a war of aggression and i don't blame me for that word because that's the way you
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define what we did in going into iraq and afghanistan i would never in barracks and it was justice jackson our own supreme court justice who said perpetrating a war of aggression is to commit the supreme international crime differing from other war crimes only in so far as it contains the accumulated evil of the whole what's the accumulated evil torture kidnapping shooting civilians it's all there right in the wiki leaks thing i want to point to some apache helicopter soldiers say we have some civilians that i don't want to surrender and the lawyer from headquarters says he can't surrender to a helicopter. and those civilians i mean it's the worst kind of thing and wiki leaks has done a great service to our country by exposing that. long before the bullets of american troops landed in iraq came the invasion of the tiny caribbean nation of grenada that military operation twenty seven years ago is now viewed as an initial
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testing ground for future campaigns to project them for tac u.s. power and control the way the media reports that archy's carling ford has more on the legacy of them warm. it was a lovely little war a show of overwhelming force a made for t.v. invasion a tiny island nation whose socialist government was an eminent threat to freedom and prosperity in the western hemisphere grenada we were told it was a friendly island paradise for tourism what it was and it was a soviet cuban colony being readied as a major military bastion to export terror and undermine democracy. we got there just in time twenty seven years ago the u.s. invaded grenada by air land and sea show overwhelming force called operation fearing the invasion of grenada was really the most extreme example we had until that point of us imperialism abroad because you have seven thousand u.s.
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troops going into a country of only ninety five thousand people and you know it was it was there was no reason for it what so i mean there is no possible justification for that kind of force against such a small island nation or not as mark says prime minister maurice bishop's social reforms and close ties to cuba worried the united states. hundreds were killed and injured when the u.s. bombed the densely populated areas we never could get a final. complete estimate of the number needed to. the number of cubans of the. country small population of one hundred thousand. it was very hard in many ways it was a litmus test for u.s. military might in the post vietnam war era and an opportunity to fire reagan's billion dollar war machine absolutely. the us updated on the basis. of the most blatant. cuban
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military base. the quick brutal invasion became the us blueprint first in grenada then panama the gulf war and the invasion of iraq. grenada also marks a paradigm shift in journalists' relationship with the military the invasion of grenada with something of a testing ground for what we've seen come afterwards in which the media with extremely controlled so that the message coming out with the message that the united states wanted the people to hear you know first one of the first of the sort of media wars that culminated in what we see today with journalists actually. being embedded with the troops and only reporting the vision that is the official vision of a united states army for the tiny nation's largest community these days symbolizes intense anger to see. this going to you're going. to want to. live. in mosul that is
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not yet. the u.s. invasion of grenada remains a symbol of how far the united states will go to keep socialism from spreading in this hemisphere and while grenada may be a distant memory for some the recent interventions in haiti. and ecuador still remain fresh in those people's minds here and for an artsy washington d.c. well coming up god crime and rehabilitation we find out how russian pastors changing the lives of dozens of convicts the old fashioned way using hard work and abstinence. and with the u.n. predicting catastrophic water shortages brushoff force the world to drink find out how they need to become a major exporter of water in our business boiled in ten minutes time. before that in india newlyweds are being paid not to have babies and the government
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offering money to couples who remain childless in the town to put a lid on the country's surging population but in a family oriented nation it's a sensitive issue as current singh explains. she told job of and her husband have promised to honor and keep kids out of the equation at least for now if they manage two years without having children the government will pay them one hundred ten dollars a lot of cash in rural india. my dad out of the money is important but i was moved worried about my house even logan levels were very low and the nurse began giving me magic ation delaying pregnancy made sense to me also i had just married into my husband's family and didn't want to have a baby right away. here. in western india four in every five couples have a child within the first year of marriage but the health risks here are immense i
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doubt that much of our maternal deaths and infant mortality are quite high to bring them down the mother's house has to be improved before pregnancy that will help the child as well so many miscarriages happen due to anemia. that's where the government honeymoon package comes in and two thousand four hundred couples have already signed up but there's more than individual wellbeing at stake india is experiencing an unsustainable population surge pushing it towards being the world's biggest and with the birth rate here dropping from seventeen birth thousand to fifteen point four the honeymoon package is a proposal that other states are now keen to accept but at the village level it's not so easy i just thought of how different are that i what the biggest hurdle is the elders of the family though the newly weds are willing their parents are usually against it due to the social pressure to bear a child right away. and that's exactly what's dividing the backcourt family
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when i heard there was immense pressure on us we know the scheme is good but my mother is adamant that we have a child immediately. went along. wanna know if they don't mind neighbors will start asking me what kind of daughter in law have you brought into your house who can produce a child they will also start to question my son's were reality what is the point of one hundred dollars if you don't have social respect. population controls are emotive in family oriented india but where stricter policies are failed it's hope that shifting attention towards health and prosperity will help young couples focus on their future instead of society's traditions god and seeing hardy in western india. and you can always find more on our website which is r t dot com and here are some of the highlights the world wide web of support the international community gets together to challenge the u.s. dominance of internet regulation. and how practicing your deejaying in russia going
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to leave you without a roof over your head and you're in the worst with some healthy compensation this and lots more on our t.v. dot com. well some take a look at some other stories from around the world and the u.n. warns that thousands of people across haiti are threatened by a call or outbreak the disease has already claimed more than two hundred fifty lives and over three thousand others are infected health workers are fighting to keep cholera from reaching camps were over a million people have been living since january. and the white house has expressed concern of possibly reigning in influence in afghanistan after it was revealed to rada was sending a million euros a year president hamid karzai insists the aid money has never been secret an american knows about it it comes in response to a new york times report claiming iran was using cash to push its interests in
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afghanistan karzai says there are several states will give use of ministration money including the us. students across france are planning street protests to have a file approval of pension reforms on wednesday becomes oil refineries a look likely to reopen after a walk by striking workers were lifted employees of three out of twelve are fineries of also voted to an industrial action the country's finance ministers have a nationwide strikes were costing over half a billion dollars a day. amateur footage has been released showing it to the steam to remain ripping through texas four people were injured including a driver who swore to be always partially crushed homes were destroyed cars overturned and a school roof ripped off. well ex-con the turn pastor has opened russia's first territory had bill the center for
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former criminals halfway house offers sanders a home and support in return for hard work and abstinence he has more. go to goes about his carpentry with the confidence of a man who's been doing it all his life in fact this is the first real job he's had he spent more than her his life in prison for burglary drugs offenses and murder. and we have when i came here i had nothing no relatives or schools some people to me address but as soon as i came the allowed me to stay now my life is here but that and thirty others live in this church from the dribble it. on the outskirts of moscow the first of its kind in russia those who come mostly formal criminals and drug addicts are given bed and board indefinitely in exchange they agree to avoid both sets of strict rules. that are sleeping quarters as you can see the conditions
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here are spartan not an extend this is due to the material limitations but also think any thoughts of this place people who stay here get up at seven work all day and then lights out that eleven those so-called drinking or smoking are excluded. most of the residents credit this man for saving them for that are xander was a young offender himself. and soldier before finding god when he started the center nearly two decades ago the church was in ruins its surroundings a wasteland. which you're trying to do this but it did not succeed god chose me to do this to carry the cross this is a difficult job i was once the victim of an assassination attempt but i have the strength to do it. i thought that alexander says anon hand is needed to deal with people more used to living by prison rules three days his son's punishments from
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reducing someone's portions at mealtimes to toilet cleaning and worst of all banishment. he knows everything about everyone a bad father is one who doesn't punish his children on the other hand if you have the smallest problem down to a torn shoe he's the man to take care of you. he's an extraordinary person although there is nothing wrong with me i have been here for years because of him. but for most the purpose is to leave eventually. i have found a boyfriend here now little understood get a job maybe study i want to go back into the out. europe there are no. reason to take a raise here with the latest business for us and we're hearing that russia can start exporting wire for yeah it's an exciting water well the government of one government official actually thanks it's good it's
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a good idea as there are alarming figures that most of the world's population is short for that and more coming up in a moment. hungry for the full story we've got it's. the biggest issues get an invoice sales to face with the news maker on. kind of welcome to business good to have you with us long term investors and also stocks may soon be excepted from paying tax on profits it's part of a new package of incentives put forward by prime ministers had put it he also
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recommends making the installation of some high tech an energy saving equipment except on duty put it says the tax breaks will help russian business attract additional capital. we should just implementing tax amendments to create favorable conditions for innovative activity the tax changes will send a strong signal to those who participate in the economy and will help companies and produces increase efficiency and competitiveness to produce high tech goods. europe is recovering from his deepest recession in the last fifty years with the exception of greece and portugal growth in all countries will be positive next year according to the latest economic outlook from the international monetary fund global g.d.p. growth is now approaching precise as levels forecasted four point six percent this year and four point two percent next year while she has also received positive forecasts from the i.m.f.
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with inflation expected to be six point six percent by the end of this year and unemployment seven to help percent quest of playing it from i.m.f. told business what was behind the growth of the economy. in terms of domestic demand and exports exports in russia are back to the level that there used to be before the crisis and also the development of domestic demand was much more strong in russia than in the in the rest of the region the metal plate there are two countries where domestic demand is rather strong in the region and that is russia in turkey. let's look at the markets now in stocks i've mixed with japan's nikkei under pressure as the whole business have fifteen year high against the dollar he was down zero point two percent at the end of tuesday's morning trading session investors are selling exporters of a strong yen against but. in russia the markets rose about one percent at monday's close most of the blue chips finished in the black would be to be trading over the
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percent of the r.t.s. and noise critical leading over three percent of the miser bucking the trend though was bruce hydro that was down at the border of the perceptive. one of the major holders of mattel invest may sell take leading russian steelmakers as that was the daily reports business when nice about this continuing selling his twenty percent stake in the company as it's at its highest price analysts estimate the asset at about four billion dollars the buyer has not yet found has not been found on the company's other two major shareholders including. are likely to buy the stake as they are short of cash says newspaper. it's up government officials told business that russia plans to make water a major export it comes as alarming new figures show most of the world's population is poised for shortages but some are pouring cold water on the move as industry leaders war the country's cut even provide for itself then
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a bushel has more. two in three people will like water the u.n. says within fifteen years russia which has the world's largest drinking water reserves plans to plug that gap or we shouldn't be buying bottles of perrier we should be selling our own abroad with boosting export volumes by improving conditions for businesses to do so because exporting water is not a job for government cross border disputes already springing up from the middle east to north america and africa now top ministers of called a clean water summit to make it a multi-billion euro export second only to oil and gas yes that i've seen russia's place in the world water market is taking shape we have a quarter of the world's fresh water reserves in little use or a competitive advantage to the force yet at the moment russia can't even supply itself two thirds of drinking water reserves don't meet sanitary standards or
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storage fees admit to in three water pipes need urgent repair if they exist at all . in moscow we're buying the technology to improve our water quality in other parts of russia it's still a question of fitting water pipes to homes. so foreign firms are doing deals at the summit but it's to clean russia's water not by its infrastructure in their ratio is likely compared to their western standard and a lot of money to be spent in the infrastructure for the doing for water or for the waste water saw. the world for the technology and design for what the treatment they've always a rating. system or anybody most russians use bottled brands or if they can't afford that filter and boil tap water before drinking just picking up steam is a bit to tap what's becoming a new goal but until their own citizens trust the safety of their water it seems.
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little child's performance. but no one has been thought see what's going to. solve the business news for this hour now if you want to find most stories up on to our website r.t. dot com slash because it's. more
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news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images coke world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations are on the day.
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welcome back to join us you're watching live from moscow these are the top stories the german government says it's making moves to integrate foreign born citizens just days after the chancellor said multiculturalism had failed but immigrants insist they are being discriminated against even when they do try to doubt. the details of the latest for you lisa rock expose they make front pages around the world the spy the pentagon denying the revelations u.s. media are accused of trying to divert attention from torture and killings to concentrate on the faming the whistleblowers founder. and newlyweds in india are being paid by the government to put off having children for at least two years to initiative is an attempt to put a lid on the country's surging population. finance ministers from the world's major
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economies have agreed not to devalue their currencies now al gore now finds out whether the danger of currency wars is really past spotlight is next here in our teeth. just go in just a few moments. we've got the future covered. russia would be soo much brighter if you knew about someone from feinstein freshens. means for instance on t.v. dot com.


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