tv [untitled] October 27, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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averagely discovered in the state of israel there's a joke in israel that where moses led the jews out of egypt he took a wrong turn on his way to the promised land bringing them to the one spot in the middle east that has no oil but that punchline might need to change because it seems that moses might not have been so wrong after all in two thousand and nine israel announced the discovery of a first major natural gas field off its coast but the most recent reports from the giant live ethan natural gas site off the coast of haifa point to a potential for billion barrels of black gold we will be able to future. energy. it will be less expensive which is how important. from a political. appointee we should we should be less dependent on the. import of foreign oil but it's not only israel laying claim to the reserves greek cyprus
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turkey and lebanon also say the oil is and while the international no one lousy country to drill in the so-called continental shelf off the coast the fact that israel and lebanon have never agreed on maritime boundaries makes it unclear when israel in and lebanon begins i know the club about how its version of think the border line will pass if and when they will have a negotiation and i know that they will have its own version or the pub but they're not the agreement on whether and because the two countries are enemy states there's unlikely to be any agreement anytime soon both have threatened to go to war over the issue obviously this is an israeli company. company and. will not be allowed to enter into lebanese territory or will have any further connection with. lebanese aghast lebanon filed a complaint with the united nations after israel placed floating markers extending
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two miles into the sea and weighing in on the conflict hizbollah says because the major political actor in lebanon. and his strongest supporter from the very syrian you around. and it would seem if we take statements and public positions seriously which we are to they will interest in form and teen activity creating tension israel has the upper hand for now it's already struck a deal with cyprus and is preparing to start extraction while lebanon still needs to sort out the boundaries of its economic zone with cyprus and syria and it will be years before it has the evidence it needs to show that israel's fields extend into lebanese territory policy r.t. television. still ahead for you here on r t the price of a safe border what will it take to stop the flow troops being stationed even closer to its front here expert analysis is coming your way in just
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a few minutes. so insider trading illegal for the average american but not if you're a senator r.t. looks at how u.s. officials are using legal loopholes to line their pockets. the u.n. has an investigation into the alleged torture and iraqi prisons details of which were leaked by the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks also among the documents is a report expressing concern that the kurdish controlled northern iraq could be plunged into bloodshed when u.s. troops withdraw. found out in cork many kurds living in the relatively stable region fear they will soon become targets. a dawn raid a race against time to catch militants off guard in the iraqi province of kirkuk we're in the suburb of duck cook and the police have just a few minutes to get into position before sunrise. daybreak's in the raid begins
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police under the supervision of the u.s. army go door to door searching rooms and checking residents against lists of unknown terrorists. police dominated heavily by kurds have been remarkably successful recently they have cut terror attacks by over fifty percent in the past few months but these guys are very good and they are very good and they're very good at intelligence and develop they are gathering intelligence and developing intelligence and they oversee a very strong police force not worried about it but others mainly the city's non kurds are here in downtown they're going to live with her charity target with their own historic claim of the kirkuk is a unique city in iraq a true melting pot of all the different ethnicities in the country but this mixture continues to lead to extremely volatile ethnic tensions the two thousand and nine field report that was recently leaked by the whistleblower wiki leaks states that without strong and fair influence likely from a third party these tensions may quickly turn to violence after the u.s.
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forces withdraw in this way in terms of security when the u.s. leaves it will be no independent security force right now the securities from the kurdish side of the city this is the truth when the u.s. leaves things will get worse it will be conflict arabs will stand up and prayed and we should say with that and this will buy loads of god for a bit but wars will begin between the groups as. an example of this violence wasn't long in coming no more than five minutes after we finished the interview a roadside bomb targeting the police detonated in the center of the city. luckily for the police the terrorists missed it appears that despite the gains that the police are making. the american troop withdrawal could easily lead to a return to sectarianism in kirkuk for kurds arabs and turkoman alike the consequences of the u.s. led war have left the future of kirkuk very much uncertain sebastian meyer care cook for r.t. . campaigner carol turner says iraqis would be forced to deal with the new post-war
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reality very quickly if the us left the. kurdish regions in the north always regarded all the governments the regional governments always regarded themselves as having an interest in aligning with the united states they thought that was their best chance to pursue their own particular interests. and interests in having the us present because it doesn't want to see itself in conflict with other parts of iraq and it's looking to the united states to defend it is this a positive thing will that be the case in the future and i would say it's very unlikely i don't think it's particularly positive i think the presence of the united states anywhere in iraq is preventing the citizens of that country coming to
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terms with the problems they face and dealing with it in a way that's appropriate to them in the society and i don't think in that sense i don't think america in the north of iraq is a positive thing. live from moscow this is r.t. and russia is seeking to prevent nato from placing major forces close to its borders the russian capital has presented a plan which would limit the alliance's military presence in its youngest member states the move comes ahead of a summit in lisbon which will focus on the creation of a single missile defense system covering the whole of nato and afghan security russia's proposal is likely to come up at the meeting and perhaps earlier when the alliances secretary general visits moscow the foreign ministry is keen to stop nato pushing any further to the east now for more on this issue because we are now joined by you or your local off director of the franklin roosevelt foundation for united states studies at moscow state university so previous calls have not stopped
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nato from increasing its military presence in its new member states what are the chances do you think that russia has a new demands will be fulfilled. well i see the chances are pretty good for us the wall we're talking about there reset of the relations between the united states and russia these days and there are a lot of talks about the improving all relations between nato and russia as well and certainly there the first step on this road would be to limit a substantial military presence on the borders. of of russia is considered by russia as a threat or as a potential threat and of course we can see a lot of areas of cooperation in the future and the first real their possible step would be a limited number of troops and military presence on the borders and the cooperation
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on certain practical matters to dream nato and russia for i so you're for seeing a slightly more optimistic future between nato and russia but let me ask you this let's talk about the issue of trust nato has already violated the supposed promise of the not expansion move made to the soviet president back in one nine hundred ninety can russia trust the alliance tapa hold any new deal. well of course a matter of trust is an important feature in the relationship between a nato and the russia now we can speak about the lack of trust on both sides and certainly there were such promises at the beginning of the era of opposed cold war era. world not fulfilled by a nato countries i only mentioned that those promises were unofficial those were not. promises which had been brought by any formal
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agreements between the russian and nato countries but nevertheless you are correct that at the present we consider as still each each side considered itself as a potential enemy and of course the lack of trust is a serious problems now nato is anti missile defense is regarded by russia as a threat to national security the alliance can decide where to station it how the lisbon summit could include to some discussion for russia to take part in the a n d programme is not likely to. well of course you know that right now there are several practical problems are under discussion in which. both sides can increase corporation of russia and the nato countries one of them certainly is afghanistan russia potentially can make their life over the western troops in afghanistan much harder than it is now by the russia can also held
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a lot and there are lots of a lot of discussions in the participation of russian trading. military forces and police forces. in russia. supplies which can come from russia to get us down supplies. to the russian helicopters and some other. wise and another area of course is a transition and transportation routes which go through russia don't get us that we can improve the present situation in a covert operations in afghanistan certainly another important area is missile defense system you know that russia had been opposing american plans for establishing good a strategic missile defense system in europe right now there is a possibility that nato countries will discuss consider they are the european
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theater military and iraq and a missile this and defense system in which russia can participate. why this will happen or not it's a matter all for negotiations but i'm very positive on that that russia can participate first of all because it was a position of russia in the past as you remember president putin already suggested all right they use of some will certainly will see that certainly it's going to be an interesting few months for the development of the anti missile defense program and the future relationship of nato and russia when you have that upcoming summit in lisbon you do you know director of the franklin roosevelt foundation for united states studies at moscow state university thank you. well russia has the highest rate of youth crime in europe that's according to a world health organization report which says it could be prevented by offering more activities to keep young people busy other experts blame parents for not paying enough attention to their kids' diarrhea pushed over reports. please show us
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on the dole where exactly you stabbed him with the knife it was here how many times . i don't remember roughly seven or ten times. in this reconstruction the suspects showing police just what happened when his gang carried out a brutal murder the main perpetrator would soon join his pee is in one of russia's sixty two young offenders institutions i live close enough has already served more than half of his sentence for committing a racial murder he was a fifteen year old skinhead when both him and his friends attacked a foreign looking youth i saw the guys nice lying next to him i suddenly thought he must have been using this knife to kill russians i stepped into ice event posted to my three friends each night him stabbings account for almost half of the homicides carried out by youngsters in the european and central asian region according to
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a report by the world health organization and it puts russia with the highest rate of violence among the surveyed age group from ten to twenty nine. a change in psychology morality even moral values all this contributes to an extremely high crime rate went up by the activities of religious sex and i'm sorry to say this by all media including television which stories full of blood in russia around five thousand seven hundred miners are currently serving prison terms the majority are either from a one parent family or an orphanage experts say about eighty percent of syria's juvenile crimes take place in the evening or night when children in theory are supposed to be looked after by their parents however in reality many children often end up on the streets searching for their own entertainment. and that's primarily alcohol which is fueling so much of today's youth crime this situation among mynahs
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is actually slowly improving in the league i'm dealing with the underage crowd and in the past five years have seen a considerable decline of juvenile crimes the grim statistics among those who are of each take for itself while many of these young boys hope they will be able to survive crime free in the future it may be down to those on the other side of the barbed wire to ensure they don't become another those generation dairy pushed over r t moscow capitol hill insiders in the us are using and abusing their positions to make some extra pocket money according to the wall street journal many are taking advantage of their knowledge of markets they often have direct influence over and as r.t. is a guy nature can found out it's not even illegal. the annual salary of members of the united states congress one hundred seventy four thousand dollars the profit they can make by trading on inside information priceless. a
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number of u.s. lawmakers and dozens of congress staffers have reportedly traded thousands of dollars worth of stocks of companies they or their crosses wrote last for under the u.s. law there is no conflict of interest here they're just plain cheating and it's not fair what they're doing currently all u.s. lawmakers and their highest paid staffers have to do is to disclose information once a year on their finances by the analysis of the wall street journal u.s. public servants have been phenomenally successful trading stock at the peak of the wall street crisis senator spencer backus made hands of thousands of dollars betting against the market that he's a media helps overseas and he's the ranking member on the house committee on financial services. chris miller a top energy policy advisor to the senate majority leader harry reid nearly doubled
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his bat when his boss helped pass legislation that won't up benefiting the fir after his staff or his name was mentioned in a list of capitol hill stock traders mr reid reprimanded his aide. pocono spoke with chris meller. my attempts to talk to some of those involved were time consuming and unsuccessful. we talk a lot about exporting democracy one of the bedrocks of a successful democracy i believe is freedom from credit corruption the sense that elected officials are elected to serve the public not to and hence their own wallets or that of their friends or cronies or family congressman brian baird offered a bill that would ban insider trading on capitol hill years ago but the act received the support of only nine out of four hundred thirty five members in the house of
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representatives and none in the senate and in this case you've got the possibility of making great amounts of money. in ways that are illegal and ways that are hard to detect congressman baird says annual disclosure reports are not enough to my knowledge there is no human being employed by the congress of the united states who has looked at our finance reports with a with an eye towards possible conflict of interest now there is no initiative to change the rules what for the rest of america it's perfectly legal for the country's lawmakers why would they want to change it as it is now a public servant stock market activity is are hard to track there are no investigators here on the hill doing that and some believe those senators and staffers who have recently been in the spotlight are just the tip of the iceberg than a step down are to washington d.c. . check out some other stories making headlines around the world this hour the
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locals in haiti's city. try to store my doctors without borders set up to treat color of patients they feared its proximity to a school would contaminate the students stones were thrown up the campsite and road blocks to stop patients from arriving un peacekeeping forces had to intervene as n.g.o.s stuff negotiated with community leaders around three hundred people have died so far in the cholera outbreak. thousands of romanians hit the streets of bucharest in protest of government austerity measures the demonstrations coincide with a parliamentary no confidence vote against the government opposition leaders saying they'll continue to protest whatever the outcome in parliament even before wage cuts career teachers were forced to get by on an average salary of less than five hundred on. ronnie and president mahmoud ahmadinejad and his bolivian counterpart evo morales have had a bit of a kick around ever letting their head down after
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a number of official meetings iran is among bolivia's main trading partners accounting for over one billion dollars. an investment in two thousand and seven within a job became the first iranian president to visit. our brokering is now here with all the latest from the. so why are you worried i'm here you could be talking about the top fifty most influential russian businessmen well that's right newspaper published a list of russia's most influential businessmen and will find who's topping that list in just a moment but first the american company responsible for running operations at sun hullin one may be swapped for a russian company x. a next to gus has twice asked the government to raise subsidies for the oil and gas project while production has fallen an audit chamber says involving russian companies in several adventures has previously raise production and cut costs rosneft is among the probable candidates for operators it already owns twenty
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percent of sudden one dollar firms. now top russian still producers are concentrating on domestic consumers to book to boost their profits a recent changes in tax law and other government incentives have made the market more attractive and this is also giving a competitive edge to russian companies over their european and asian peers but your question has more. top russian national producer sever stout has opened two new plants and the moscow region to supply can manufacture is what do you is just one of a number of that are ramping up production to profit from growing domestic demand you have asked is upgrading its plant in that world mountains well came funds to invest up to three billion dollars in the country to boost capacity. we are planning to produce ten million tons of metal this year we're going to increase the output by some twenty percent by twenty eleven and by another twenty percent the year after our aim was to restore the pre-crisis output recent changes in tax law
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will have made it more profitable for russian companies to sell processed macel to domestic consumers rather than exporting it in addition to the state has gone for tax breaks to foreign carmakers if they buy supplies from russian producers it's apology of the government's plan to encourage manufacturers to produce cars from start to finish with locally sourced materials the russian market is recovering has recovered enough at all sure enough straddle xed here to consume all finished feel and therefore make the roughest filmmakers even better positional competitor compared to the global still makers selling precise still in russia can be three times as profitable as sounding it abroad but the market is being distorted by government intervention worldwide the demand for still has yet to recover from the financial crisis and prices remain weak so producers here have little reason not to
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take advantage of the situation my do not question the business. a list of the top fifty most influential russian businessmen has been published in news and i guess yet that the paper commissioned the list head aleksei miller russian will always. c.e.o. i lead to the pasta top that list thirty seven experts compiled the list from a total of one hundred seven candidates placing them in four categories minimal moderate high and very high influence. and let's look at the markets now european stocks are mixed this are the footsie is still down half a percent with minors leading the declines with xstrata and rio tinto are all down over two percent at the start of the trading day on lower metals prices germany's dax is slightly up this hour with deutsche bank up one and a half percent on company results and here in russia markets are trading lower following downturns in asia the r.t.s. is losing a point seven percent of the my six. is half percent lower at this hour all the
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blue chips are in the red of the bourses although utilities and communications are trading in the black whilst telecom is up for sept. russian banking sector profits have grown twelve fuld in the first nine months of the year the banks made the banks made a net total of twelve billion dollars compared with just one billion in the same period in two thousand and nine russia central bank is forecasting that the sector net profit will reach sixteen billion by the end of two thousand and ten however the crisis is still taking its toll on many banks with one hundred seventeen still suffering losses russian companies listing on the world stock markets all but dried up during the financial crisis now there are signs the trend is beginning to reverse among others male dog or you have a nose there intention to go to the market told blackwell managing director of communications says the success of these deals will give a clear indication that conditions have improved. for the first time really since
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the crisis averted for a number of years you've got a number of deals that are out in the market that are being marketed and there are seven companies that look into this six of them are in london one to moscow and if the majority of those get away i think you'll have an ounce of that will show something about the level of investor demand an appetite for russian issues it's no secret that russia america has had a fairly challenging story of the last few years most of the companies that have listed if you have civilian reform well below the market and so this is maybe as a turning point if these deals get away in a reasonable price you might find that suddenly the mood around russia my peers is considerably improved right now as of today it's a bit skeptical and its investors need to be proven. global cop reduction in two thousand and ten could exceed pre-crisis levels according to pricewaterhouse coopers the number of cars to be produced this year could reach sixty nine point nine million russia's own production this year could rise to one point seven million cars if the current macroeconomic tendencies continue russia's industry and
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trade ministry stated in september that russia could make up to three point six million cars by twenty twenty. state owned dubai world has secured support from its creditors for a twenty five billion dollars debt restructuring plan bag has reportedly bought the debt held by the only creditor not to give approval to the plan and the restructuring agreement signals the first step to resolving the debt crisis which hit the middle eastern countries last year. that's all the business says that i'll be back with more in less than one out meanwhile had like as with all. the.
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in the. now past the hour here in moscow you all with ati the headlines now east of the mediterranean oil rigs i saw the latest point of tension. in the troubled region a four way race is on with israel and lebanon resorting to threats to stake their claim. american support for a kurdish only police force causes into ethnic tensions in iraq's cultural melting point kurds in the city fear that the u.s. pullout will lead to much. russia has come top for youth violence and knife crime and world health organization study experts blame parents for not paying enough
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attention to their kids'. insider trading illegal for the average american but not if you're a senator the wall street journal says many are taking advantage of their knowledge of markets they often have direct influence over. well how much does it cost to be an e.u. member state and is it really worth it dr lee roth a veteran from behind the scenes of relations shared his thoughts with an interview right here with us at r.t. . i'm talking to dr. who for many years has been an advisor to the government on european affairs and he's also a member of the bridge group which campaigns for a europe of links not dr other and thank you very much for talking to r.t. now first of all tell me how much it costs the u.k. to be a member of the well that's of both a very import.
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