tv [untitled] October 27, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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the last two hundred seventy six miles per year that is a lot of wasted time and a lot of wasted money now the study also says that more out of four men twenty six percent wait at least how if an hour before asking for directions and a stubborn twelve percent were fused to ask a stranger for help all at all now the study didn't address which gender is more likely to get laws just which sex is more likely to ask for directions and it's women obviously not because we don't know where we're going we just know the best way to get somewhere faster ask them for you going to help if you don't know now the study by a british insurance group said that seventy four percent of women had no qualms asking for directions just think about it this isn't just a boys to time think of the estimated cost of gas used by each man driving around lost or reluctant to ask for help that could add up to thousands of dollars over a lifetime do you know how many better ways you could use that money unless of course you're driving around in your car wasting time on purpose because you want
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to avoid someone like your wife well that's a whole different story and that's a real problem but i have an idea how about when you guys are lost you pull over and you ask for directions this is not a reflection on your manhood it just means that you're human you need a little help but if your pride still gets in the way why don't you just buy a g.p.s. it will cost less than the cost of the extra fuel and the blow to the ego and that's why men who refuse to ask for directions are tonight's tools like a ward with. now as president obama tries to rally voters ahead of next tuesday's midterm election there's a new viral video hitting the web it's a hip hop parody called head of the state and it's racked up more than a million hits since last thursday now we can only play a tiny little clip of the video because we had to do some really really creative editing just because the late.
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now trust me the rest of the video including the obama look alike moving there a rough neighborhood spilling x. was racial epithets involved garrity about everything from his wife michelle the one of his biggest fans oprah winfrey well it's thoroughly entertaining now the man playing obama baracoa flocka is james davis a stand up comedian he told the new york times that he hopes the portrayal will help loosen up the image of a president who's considered to be stiff i'm sorry james but i'm not really sure that this is going to make voters think that obama is chill smoking weed talking about his mistress using the n. word they obviously the rap isn't getting glowing reviews in the media they say that it's in bad taste to show the president and the first lady in such a way and they say the parody is just respectful to the office of the white house i guess i would say the same thing for the races billboards obama's
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a tribesmen posters so this one wasn't all that shocking to me this is a new way of seeing all the time but i can say that i did find this entertain you guys can decide for yourself but the video is a hit and it seems to have a lot of people watching and talking. bill clinton mark sanford eliot spitzer just three politicians who were caught with their pants down now clinton sanford weather the storm and remains in office while spitzer resigned and then got a cushy t.v. so is being involved in a sex scandal no longer the career ender for people in office parties christine for south takes a look. between the sheets many secrets secrets that sometimes. never stray i did not have sexual relations with that but when they do. i've been unfaithful. last year i had an affair everything can change for this reason i am resigning from the office of governor
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and teaching william jefferson clinton president of the united states. for high crimes and misdemeanors but in the shadows of shame seeds of forgiveness it seems can grow south carolina governor mark sanford who disappeared for six days in june of two thousand and nine was thought by his staff to be hiking on the appalachian trail he was instead ditching his job to cheat on his wife i've developed a relationship with say. what started as a dear dear friend from argentina i hurt her. i hurt you all i don't know why and i heard her voice today governor sanford is not hurting at all when it comes to public support health initialed his term as governor with a fifty five percent approval rating. and in the fight to see who will replace him the candidate in the lead remains at the center of
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a scandal of the same sort nikki haley is rumored to have had an affair with political blogger will folks he recently gave a sworn statement in which he said they did indeed have an inappropriate physical relationship while she was married her response it's up to them to prove it's not up to me to prove that on that i'm telling the truth it's up to them to prove that it is true and voters seem to agree haley is polling at about forty eight percent versus her opponent vincent shaheen who has about thirty seven percent heading into the final days before the election louisiana senator david vitter also riding high in the polls despite admitting he was once a client of the d.c. madam prostitution ring i want to again offer my deep sincere apologies to all those i have let down and disappointed with these actions from my past even lives and awkward testimony can be put in the past if he says that they were in the
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area you took your breath you keep. going. there's something about all that no need to say a thing today mr clinton some are coming to bring you back to the white house and a recent gallup poll shows you with a sixty one percent approval rating higher than president obama and president bush or if you're the governor of new york and you choose to bench yourself from the political playing field i did something egregious the wrong to my family i apologized i resigned and now i'm ready to move forward it seems america is ready to. i c n n gave eliot spitzer a primetime show as human beings our greatest glory consists not in never fallen but in rising every time that we fall perhaps we've simply reached the time in america when the road to forgiveness is getting smaller or maybe we've started to
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realize what so many in other countries already have that while the political sex scandal may change the conversation it doesn't necessarily have to change the game reporting in washington christine for is our our team. so what's happening in america we seeing a fundamental shift in attitudes a march away from our prudish nature a more liberal tone when it comes to sex i'm not so sure i buy that considering the oppressive inoffensive jargon that we hear from conservative politicians on the daily when it comes to gay marriage but then again maybe that's it maybe our politicians are the ones who make it a scandal while the rest of us don't really care when joining me from our new york studio to discuss it is limit marcus the editor in chief of the gloss dot com thanks so much for joining me now tell me this do you think the you know the the traditional sex scandal the way it used to be in america is a dead. well i don't know if we have a traditional sex scandal i think now that there's the internet it's
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a lot easier to find out about these things i mean f.d.r. had a mistress for years and the press just didn't cover it it's not that it wasn't happening it's that we just didn't know but in that sense do we say that we're becoming somehow desensitized because we now we have this twenty four hour news cycle we have the internet where you get to read about it you get to hear about it all the time and it seems like there's a new one popping up every day because of because of the cycle sure and i think the fact that there are so many new ones is what enables people to have career comebacks you know it's the fact that yes this particular politician might be you know in the hot seat right now but in three weeks maybe there will be another one and then we'll just forget about the old one but do you think that i mean should we hold politicians up to a higher standard a lot of people will say that you know this is something that's going on in their private life but when you're a politician you are a public figure you ran for office you asked to be put in that position. sure and i understand that argument i think my a position on it is if they're having an affair and it's
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a private thing and it doesn't interfere with their work life i'm not going to butt into someone's private life and make judgments about it where i have a problem is if it starts to interfere with how they do their job i mean look at john edwards if it's true that he was dipping into his campaign coffers in order to get hush money for his mistress that's a problem that's when he's doing something illegal but the legal part isn't that he had an affair that's between him and his wife well let's say that you're just a good old family values republican and turns out you've been cheating and having a mistress. yeah i mean i find it really discordant that so often many of the people who are against for example gay marriage are often the people going off and having these relationships on their own and i think it's good to point out these people's hypocrisy is specially since gay marriage is such a personal issue and people relate to it on such a visceral level i don't necessarily think we need to throw people out of office because they have an affair but i do think it's important that that news comes out and that can really make a decision about who you want to vote for but let's put it this way i think that
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you know. the point that i brought up earlier is maybe it's the politicians that are more obsessed with these scandals than it really is the people because they're the ones that can benefit if they start pointing fingers their opponents if they start slandering them tearing them down so are they are they the prudish ones and we're the people are the liberated ones. that's an interesting theory i don't know if i completely get behind it i do think you're right there is a reason for a politician to point out something that another politician is doing but i also think that in america we suffer from a little bit of what the australians call tall poppy syndrome we love to build people up and then we love to knock them back down and start the cycle over again and i think if tabloid magazines first didn't sell then they'd stop making them i think that if you know tabloid t.v. shows didn't make a lot of money from ad revenue they would have to cover something else we're just as guilty and that's true people definitely they eat it up i'm just wondering if they don't believe it is much to tell me this what do you think would happen if barack obama got involved in
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a sex scandal i mean would that be the sex scandal extraordinaire the one that really just toppled all others at least in this point in time well the fact that he's the sitting president certainly would make it overshadow everything else in the news look what happened with bill clinton it would be the same thing and i do think that because he has a reputation for being a family man it would certainly change people's opinion of him but ultimately it's up to voters to decide whether they want to vote for a candidate because they like the candidates morals or because they like what the candidate stands for i guess i just worry that thanks to all the conservative commentators out here today that we have him being a cheater because he's a muslim and a socialist not just because he's a man obviously articulate i mean look very going to make up a story anyway even if we don't get them through thanks so much for joining us. thank you. all right still to come on tonight's show he's a school board member in arkansas but tonight he's under fire for some comments he made about gay students we're going to tell you what he said in just a moment and we all laughed at tina fey's impression of sarah palin during the two
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thousand and eight campaign but where are the g.o.p. comedians i'm going to pose that question to brad stein a conservative comedian in just a moment. more news today. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing operations around. last chance to be soon which brightened. soon from fans to the christians.
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who threw stones on t.v. don't come. dear mom i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore the stomach and chest pains are been getting worse and no doctor has been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at peace and with no more pain i wish i could have had a life with it was a bit always pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ. thousands of u.s. troops in iraq received one of these drugs a drug called lariam and it may have prevented many soldiers from getting sick the question tonight is whether or not soldiers were adequately warned about it's rare side effects serious life change and side effects.
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there is not enough space for them on the ground. down to. get things nonexistent under the sun. through the gap of adrenaline. discovered deeply hidden secrets. they are seeking. find. and even. talking to grow. from. under the. for the feast we've got. the biggest issues getting voice face to face with the news makers.
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while schools across the country are taking action against gay bullying in the wake of several recent suicides as a school board member in arkansas that's become the new face of hate clinton mccance was the board member in the middle and school district in northern arkansas responding to a call to wear purple last wednesday to support l g b t youth mccants wrote the following message on his facebook page and i'm telling you these are his direct words he said seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves but all the way i'm wearing it for them as if they all commit suicide i can't believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid we're honoring the fact that they sinned and killed themselves because of their sin really people now he went on to say several more things and more rants that he's happy fags can't procreate and that they're spreading aids and will die even set at one of his
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children came to him and said they were gay he would disown them now i'm not clear if my cancer is taken down this thread since his facebook page is private but the messages were made available to the advocates the screen capture of the superintendent of the midland school district isn't commenting on the case of the arkansas department of education they say that they are dismayed by his comments and i would certainly hope so considering the fact that this man is a public official but here's the beauty of facebook to you since this story broke about twenty four hours ago more than eighteen thousand people have already joined a fire clint mccance group on the social networking site i think he should just lose his job in fact i don't think he should even be allowed children with those kinds of views so let's hope that clint mccance does join those unemployment rates varies. now for all the ladies here in the u.s. especially those right here in the washington d.c. area looks like your odds of landing the great eight alex ovechkin as
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a mate well they're pretty low sorry you see it seems that the caps star prefers women from his neck of the woods and by that i mean russia and interview with g q of it was asked to compare russia and america and he said the two are just different worlds he said people cars clothes girls figures especially girls figures why do you think that is the one american goes to russia for a week he stays for two extra weeks girls and when a russian goes to america for a week he leaves in five days i'm serious there's a statistic ask any american about russia and you know what they'll say. ok ovi what statistics and we did g.q. article goes on to say that during the interview in a moscow skating rink over he made out with two girls while the writer asked him questions can you just imagine that imagine tom brady or tony tony romo showing up for an interview and then making out with two different women in front of the writer in the middle of it all personally i don't really think that would happen
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here in america although maybe maybe it is just more open about me thanks to brett farve we all know what the u.s. athletes are doing in their free time for back to this story you know sizable chunk of the story also focuses on of education and his hunt for women while in moscow the writer says that each time he sees a pretty girl walk by a veteran sheilds bowl of the top of his lungs what happened is being a nice horn dog and whistling but here's what i have to say about that yeah the women in russia are incredibly beautiful there is a lot of truth to that but if you want that whole bull turd to keep working over why don't you get back to playing some real hockey because these days you're not looking like the star that you can be on the ice i've been to a number of games lately so maybe you should party last date less girls and train more. now you ever wonder why there aren't any conservative comedians why we don't see a jon stewart or
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a tina fey that leans to the right why the best conservative comedy out there is stephen colbert who mocks their views while playing one of them now some claim that it's the mainstream media the late night talk shows and television hosts that just won't let these people into the spotlight so they have to resort to the other to argument of course is that conservatives well they just aren't funny but perhaps one man could prove that wrong joining me from nashville is conservative comedienne brad brad i want to thank you so much for joining us tell me first i guess why do you think it is that there aren't any real big time conservative comedians you know the ranks of jon stewart. well i mean the truth of the matter is we had the same argument years ago when the baseball players wondered why they weren't letting black players end for years and the truth was as we all know the owners didn't let them play and once they played they dominated and so the truth of matter is and i know you don't like to hear this but there were conservatives oftentimes aren't
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given opportunities to be on television you're certainly not going to see some letterman i know who books letterman they don't book me i've had numerous experiences i've i wrote a book called life for middle america ranch for the red state media to get terribly lambasted by the review and i went to the new york. to my age and i said what happened he goes hey i represent bernie goldberg they hate him they review him terribly to he's a new york times bestseller glenn beck's the new york times bestseller o'reilly is a myth bestseller and they always lambaste him so the truth is we do have a little bit disparity between liberals who do not offer an opportunity for conservative viewpoint to be put on so we kind of have to blaze our own trail but what about the people you just mentioned i mean what about glenn back what are bill o'reilly what about rush limbaugh these guys are huge they're huge public figures they're that entire channel dedicated to the conservative mindset which we call fox news so i mean how can you say there are no opportunities out there are these guys
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just making it serious instead of being funny well and like you said i mean if you ever heard glenn beck's radio show he was pretty funny television shows a little different he's going to different direction but the truth of the matter is you made the point yourself they only are seen on fox news does fox news lean right you better believe they do but not only do they lean right they dominate every single cable news channel combined cannot compete with fox news and who's on conservatives not to mention conservative radio dominates the airways and air america went broke so you prove your point if conservatives are given that audience they dominate the there there were. they do great but you don't see conservative represented with dignity on sitcoms you don't see is being given opportunities to do a comedy and i'm not complaining i mean this is america we know what's cool about america is the conservatives found another way and they went to the web like you said they would do radio rupert murdoch was just smart enough to see this gaping hole and use
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it if liberals would just be all they asked him to be be liberal be divided have a show on where there's a great funny conservative comic like me who can be given equal access and you will not only will it show open mindedness and show both sides of the plate you'll actually double your revenue because there's a giant group of american that wants to hear us i've been doing twenty three years i've had many people lambaste me on the internet and they all say this conservatives aren't funny or this guy is not funny it's like can you imagine what they're saying they're making this general statements that are saying i don't think is funny that's fine that's america but they say he's not funny which is basically making an absolute truth claim which is untrue how would i make law granted let me let me interrupt you there i mean what is it exactly that the you joke about it because i'm someone who considers myself liberal i consider myself to be very open minded i would love to hear a conservative comedian but i am just kind of fan like a liberal comedian and they would make fun of conservatives because you guys are about god and gays and guns and then if you make fun of
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a liberal we're going to make fun of them for loving the environment wanting to help people. well i would make fun of them loving the environment i might make fun of them we're shipping the environment that's made i think that the very fact that human beings actually have a discussion as to how they should treat animals proves we're better than them because i guarantee animals and serengeti right now are having this conversation if you limp your lunch that's all the animals played you see that kind of stuff that i've said for years of people laugh at it it's a very simple thing to find humor in somebody else's point of view again i don't attack ad hominum you know bill maher who's a liberal icon is a comic actually said one of his funny jokes is a genius liberal joke was i never say that republicans are racists that's ridiculous and wrong but if you're a racist in america today you're probably a republican now that was his joke now that's a bigoted comment it's ad hominum attack it's not funny but if you are
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a liberal and he has his sheep in his audience laughing at everything he says and he's lionized be h.b.o. which is liberal and i know i was on their show in anger joe. friends of god i was on in that or in her documentary. they are given free access my people christians and conservatives are mocked through malicious bigotry on a regular basis and you know what we actually will take it we're so used to being made fun of that we see the humor in some of the jokes or some of them are really good liberals oftentimes are very smart people come from very like i get any gotta do brad is they got to start fighting back a little more of it and then maybe in a funny way right by back with humor like yourself the inside of their ranting and the motions that we see from glenn back and the bill o'reilly that i think that's what turns liberals off but you know definitely we're going to have to hear some of your conservative jokes next time thanks so much for being on thanks for having me appreciate it. i had time for a tweet of the day before we go now the i'm not
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a witch candidate christine o'donnell she's in the headlines again after giving a radio interview her campaign became angry when they discover the station had videotaped her appearance so they then reportedly told the station that they would crush them if they released the tape so we just wondered over that radio station tweet to o'donnell we thought they'd say why are you ruling with an iron fist if that's what makes the word communism come on christine don't call obama economy this for no reason and then make yourself sound like one of the most notorious and cruel dictators in modern history but the moving on that's it for tonight show thanks for tuning in to make sure you guys come back tomorrow i'll speak to the author of herding donkeys our berm to try to figure out what happened to all the support for obama and the democratic party in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com slash the loaner show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety and make sure to catch our show on friday because we've got
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a special episode store for you and let's just say that i've got a great cause to think chubby white male wears converse and cries what coming up next is the news of the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. to see a slight metallurgical as better. to protect yourself we can see to many for. the future avar. wealthy british soil. is no time to.
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the french are again to head out to the streets to protest against pension reform angry at the senate for moving the new bill closer to enforcement. how to make an anime r.t.o. looks at how the f.b.i. creates fake plots to boost arrests and homegrown terror cases. and levels of global junk e-mail have fallen by a fifth after the man thought to be the world's biggest spammer was dragged down. it's already out of the russian capital you were. joshua welcome to the program french trade unions are to have back into the streets in protest at the new panshin
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reform passed by the country said it all wednesday the bill is moving closer to ratification despite weeks of strikes demonstrations and public anger. saving face the french trade unions are still taking people to the streets despite the fact that reform they're protesting against is a given still angry french citizens say the show must go on as ordinary persons look on dragging their coffee and mineral water members of trade unions and students continue taking to the streets just outside the french senate protesting a reform that is pretty much already guaranteed to take place they haven't even had a chance to learn the new slogans but it's not enough to stop them. this is overheard we can we do mystery games through form we have decided to montreux systems with no possibility of retreat we're here because we have resolved that we have a noble again.
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