tv [untitled] October 28, 2010 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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every treat we're here because we have resolved that we have an obligation to complete our planet with these protests miller convincing enough for news broadcasts but do the unions in france really hold any sway at the moment the only thing they've achieved is to cost the already struggling economy a shocking two hundred million euros a day. as the protests spread across the country they got out of control of the unions throughout october the unions had only one tactic left to lead the protests and try to tame them to avert widespread violence because of this the risk we face is greater than just the spread of violence which we face before now we have the blockade of production and disruption to the traffic because of lack of fuel and blocked access to gas stations will be fuel. so what has changed between one thousand nine hundred five when the same unions managed to shelf the pension reform in one thousand nine hundred five the unions enjoyed a lot more public support compared to now where only fifty percent of the people
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say they would support those on the streets but not go out themselves today only the two main trade unions are united in their fight against the pension reform in one thousand nine hundred five most of the existing free trade unions were as one on the streets the then prime minister was seen as a cold technocrat despite the fact that the current french president nicolas sarkozy is not a popular figure in france his popularity ratings are still a lot higher than former prime ministers but the main difference it seems is that the french people are tired of losing battles that drag on grinding life in the country to a halt. extremist there's an extremist populist radical current in france today that encourages violent actions and this time they went too far. even more with the people losing patience with not only the government but also the never ending protests it appears public opinion is changing and the trade unions may well lose not only the battle but the war as well. gasoline is over. r.t.
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parents. well do stay with us here and i'll see there is a lot more coming your way in clearing as britain slashers its budget the country's mind is the beginning to look elsewhere we speak to an oxford academic with a stop warning for the future. a pakistani born american has been arrested for carrying out surveillance on the washington d.c. underground as part of a suspected terror plot. is accused of working with people he believed were members of al qaeda but who were actually f.b.i. agents and u.s. counterterrorism officials said there's no indication ahmed was ever in touch with real militants and as a team is more important found out critics say the f.b.i. is increasingly using tactics that amount to entrapment. may two thousand and nine according to the f.b.i. the four men intended to carry out their planned day for african-american muslims are arrested we have to say sorry paraded in front of new york news cameras
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presented as the faces of homegrown terrorism for individuals a. jewish facilities here in the bronx and also take on a military aircraft. a terrifying plot the f.b.i. claims to have more than the suspects quickly dubbed the newburgh four are poor illiterate x. convicts with neither passports nor licenses no direction by a foreign entity or a real terrorist group instead direction came from shahid hussain a pakistani immigrant on the f.b.i. payroll reportedly paid nearly one hundred thousand dollars for his services f.b.i. operatives provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile fake weapons and a manufactured terror plot according to court testimony hussein recruited the economically strapped defended by offering cars in cash to carry out the orchestrated operation then the agent provocateur war testified as the government.
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key witness in post nine eleven america the f.b.i. has upped its ante against terrorism how much of the boiling pot surprise the country question is would there be any plots well with our government in place to help free that despite surprisingly little criticism from amnesty international and human rights watch others have expressed a war over what they termed entrapment a practice considered unacceptable in countries all throughout europe i now think it is i know what is entrapment aleesha macwilliams mccullum is the honor of twenty nine year old david williams one of the new birth for she says her nephew is languishing behind bars for a fake terror attack grown in the home of the u.s. government they are creating scenarios they are manufacturing crimes that would not have occurred if you had not planned on unconstructive seen into a community bin ladin is still out there there are real terrorists out there that
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we should be concerned about and they should use goes resources to those individuals and not sit back and rely on a woman's to make up crime well these are all people that we begin to identify attorney steve downs who tracks cases like newburgh for argues the u.s. government is systematically employing preemptive prosecution targeting those whom officials deem predisposed to committing crimes before an actual crime is committed or taking some really down and rather vulnerable individuals and not only implanting the ideology of jihad on them giving them all the things that they need all the material setting up the plan and doing all the research everything else and then grabbing them and then claiming that these were homegrown terrorists it's just a fiction downs created this ten foot wide visual listing the names of individuals he believes were entrapped by the f.b.i. government this. sides that for some reason your ideology is causes them concern
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because then they can come after you and they can manufacture crimes against you and they can make up a whole case and put you through the whole thing and eventually if they can persuade a jury that this manufactured case is valid you can go to jail for a very long time guilty verdicts for all four men as is the case of david williams and the other three who now face life in prison i don't have slaveholders i've got government. government that will sell of me or for political gain. and this is a god damn shame as a son said to be a goddamn larry king to date. r.t. new york and still to come for you our interview with american professor and historian norman a markowitz who compares modern day america to an iconic sayf i movie with millions in the u.s. left homeless due to foreclosures and millions more left without jobs. why did
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states. the people who are called the middle class are the working class that's a very important point and the consciousness of what happens if the working class is not working what are known as the working class is not working. then they become what in marxist terms would be them proletariat the marginalized poor do you know the. utopian movie playground yeah a world where you have a small group of enormously powerful super corporations and a world and the masses of people are living in a kind of endless slum and the rich in that in that novel the elites are planning to colonize outer space but if we are showing to the other planets that in speaking of you know you know we could be holding the situation on the masses really being in terrible conditions many are saying that that is what's going on right now yeah well so it's not it isn't it is yes yes no it's not
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a fantasy at all. and you can see the full version of that interview next hour right here on. well internet users across the globe can now breathe a sigh of relief after the man thought to be the world's biggest spammer was revealed thirty one year old igor to. choose to being behind a fifth of the world's junk e-mails and he's now on the run. you might not have noticed but there have been less spam messages churning around the internet every day in the past few weeks in fact fifty billion less spammers are source for hard to find and how vast networks of virus controlled computers to pass on emails but it seems that once you do start looking in the right place the results can be fast dramatic officials say the recent fall in spam emails is because the world's most prolific spammer was done a runner i hope we will be. it depends on
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on there he moved recently. although no pictures of him are available bigger goose of a suspected of flooding the web with bogus marketing. according to the law he might get as much as five years in prison for this kind of crime we can't tell at this point how much money he has an easy counts he's considered the biggest spam and based on his grabbing knees and the number of messages he was sending. goose effused the web site spam it dot com and glove med dot com which supposedly paid spammers to promote fake versions of prescription drugs are often quite new anyone who responded to the mails will be paying to further the scam rated as the internet's largest such operation but with the russian police investigation closing in on who serve who still to fled the country searches of the seven removable hard drives for flash cards and three laptops found in his moscow apartment may bring
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charges related to his online empire which reportedly made him over a million dollars both to serve and his lawyer of denying he promotes spam but now that he's gone the mount of prescription drug related junk mail has dropped significantly amounting to a fifth less daily spam traffic worldwide spam itself as a big problem for everyone so from this point of view yes it does a pretty dangerous and currently the note is the. number of especially a pharmaceutical spare computer security companies however are being cautious warning that spam volumes could quickly spring back to their previously high levels tom watson r.t. . eruptions of two volcanoes income in russia's far east of caused an entire town to be covered in ash huge plumes around nine kilometers high have forced air traffic controllers to shut down airspace while most of the region's roads have been closed more than five thousand people have had to stay at their
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homes with the windows shut the volcanoes are still spewing ash one of them also erupted last year has more than two dozen active volcanoes. and now let's get to some other stories making headlines around the world this hour the death toll from a double disaster over a tsunami and a volcanic eruption in indonesia has now reached over three hundred forty hundreds are still missing after the tsunami triggered by a massive quake struck off the western coast over twenty thousand people have been forced to seek refuge in shelters rescue workers couldn't reach victims for two days due to bad weather. france has stepped up security after a threat from osama bin laden made against the french people he said the band of muslim veils and support of the u.s. war in afghanistan justifies the threat of violence the comments were made in an audiotape which has been aired on al-jazeera this is the first time france has been
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specifically targeted by al qaeda. in haiti international aid workers and the u.n. trying to put a stop to the spread of cholera samples are being taken from a river near a nepalese peacekeeping base over fears that from the site caused the deadly outbreak at least three hundred people have died so far and over four and a half thousand have been hospitalized. are our about the lisbon treaty amendments is set to dominate a meeting of e.u. heads in brussels and germany and france one strict penalties including the loss of voting rights for countries which break budget rules critics argue this may lead to more referendums through. europe's smaller member states say france and germany are trying to influence policy without consultation. or britain is already beginning to suffer from the drastic consequences of the huge budget cuts announced last week the country's universities are among the sectors affected as
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artie's a lor i met found out top academics are starting to look at broader for better funded research positions. oxford city of dreaming spires and academic excellence but not for long according to some if the government refuses to support it professor brian foster loves oxford he's a particle physicist head of one of the leading research departments in the world but he's also a reluctant participant in a brain drain as scientists abandon the u.k. for better funding abroad everything about oxford is fantastic except that the funding we're getting to do our research from the government is you know perpetually going down becomes a point when you can no longer even with the best people do what you need to do so professor foster's off to hamburg where the government will give him a million euros a year the research into whatever he likes plus
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a generous salary that's a lot of money he says roughly half what he gets in oxford to run his entire department with thirty academic staff and all that entails for now britain has one of the best research reputations in the world held by prestigious universities like oxford but some academics believe that ranking could be undone within five years if funding is withdrawn and this is a time when other countries like singapore france and germany are increasing their budgets scientific research got off relatively lightly in the government's recent spending cuts it will see only nine percent of its money disappear due to inflation in the next four years. is instead of the fear twenty five percent hold coalition government has recognized the importance of science and research for the future of the british economy and so even in these tough times when we have to save money we're protecting the science and research budget in cash terms it's going to be
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absolutely stable for the next four years but it may be too little too late the u.k. has international agreements with institutes like cern in switzerland and it's already finding it difficult to meet its obligations in the past three years it's withdrawn from several such agreements since the time i've been here the amount of funding that we received in oxford which is one of the world's leading universities and is one of the world's leading particle physics groups has dropped by approximately a factor of two so the size of my department is about one half of that in terms of support staff technicians engineers than it was when i arrived dreaming spires they may be but if the government continues to cut funding academics say the only thing they'll be trimming of is former glory nor am it artsy oxford. looking ahead for you here on our financial analysts max keiser and stacy hope would explore a new possible cause of the financial crisis this time purely
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a psychiatric one you can see the kaiser report in fifteen minutes time but here's a preview. here's a cause credit crisis for kicks bankers blew up the financial system for the thrill of it according to one british academic there's a masochistic element to dealing with the client some of them enjoy getting you know roughed up by the broker those are your best clients it's not about fraud so much it's about six psycho financial terrorists i've got a financial terrorist driving. that looks like lloyd blankfein to remax knows lloyd blankfein c.e.o. of goldman sachs is a financial to. now since these guys have been proven to be very ill and psychologically addicted to losing people's money what's happening in the foreclosure fraud stacey is knowledge is coming out now that for example a three hundred thousand dollar mortgage that they foreclosed on they get paid like
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nine million dollars on a credit default swap because our pathologically trying to kill people it's it's an extension it's a whole cost so this matters a whole the cost perpetrator lloyd blankfein so i'm trying to think what we should do it on should we waterboard them how about waterboarding lloyd blankfein. and the obama administration has come in heavy criticism after a computer glitch knocked fifty us intercontinental ballistic missiles offline for forty five minutes many believe the white house's taking too much responsibility for global nuclear security rather than sorting out its own problems. mistakes in computer systems is something which is ongoing in you know in the storage and deployment it's no and documented invariably the news doesn't get out. and. public opinion is that we don't inform i think that we
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are at the very dangerous crossroads. notwithstanding this this incident in wyoming because the united states and its allies nato. pointing nuclear weapons at not only are there rather but several other countries they have said that they can use these weapons all the preemptive basis political analyst michel chossudovsky right there and the hands of christianson from the federation of american scientists washington's nuclear policy has two objectives but it's impossible to achieve them by. if you talk about the importance of nuclear disarmament and how to get there are concrete steps. and at the same time also talk about the importance of maintaining a strong nuclear deterrent for the indefinite future how are you going to square those two objectives which one is most important and how can you show and demonstrate that you're more making more progress on one of them than the other and
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so this is the big dilemma of course for policy like that of the obama administration so this is a big big unknown how are we going to move forward on this and get down to significantly lower numbers without glitches like this and there is the expectation that some people in congress will tie try to hold on to this particular incident and use that as an excuse for why they should not ratify the new start treaty whether it comes to that. i don't know we'll have to see but i certainly hope not. r.t. is coming to you live from moscow dmitri medvedev twitter account is again in the spotlight this time of the russian president's posted a link to a clip from a popular t.v. show poking fun at his summer holiday. so he doesn't you go yes yes i am relaxing here like you lose really really man i can do everything by myself now how to stop. this if you do drugs to make you
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look likely to just let you leave like a little human being the russian president says he enjoyed the program even though he wants to go back to some of the jokes but also a well known fountain of modern communications technology is blog which he started in june during a visit to california as more than one hundred thousand followers. ok now let's dive into the world of business where you know hello if you kareena hello so are bad news for the european commission what so i was going on well that's why the european commission is launching a legal proceedings against its own member states over a dispute with russia. more on that coming up in the program after a short break. for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the newsmakers. i
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don't welcome to a business program thanks for joining me and we start with an hour to business exclusives to talk a dollar has been in talks whether or no anderson about the possibility of selling at stake in russian comic after of us try to cover a no and state hold in russian technologies each owned twenty five percent stake about the us where now see all callers call and spoke to business out of the world economic forum in the middle east and north america and north africa and he explained the french and japanese firms position on the matter. but we have
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a desire to buy choice a dialogue share and after vials and we are in negotiations however we have not come to any decision yet we are not in a hurry and have plenty of time however both renault. are interested in buying choice of dialogue share. now the heat wave in russia this summer has helped coca-cola put something in its sales coca-cola bottling company says the weather coupled with improving economic conditions led to a thirty percent increase in sales the company has fourteen plans and seventy five distribution centers in russia. now the markets european stocks are high at noon in london the footsie got a letter from world out shell up to the world john reported increases in quarterly profit on production germany's dax is up over half a percent this hour with deutsche telekom metro and siemens meeting between one and a half until percent. and the russian markets are trading in the black boosted by energy and financial stocks the r.t.s.
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is up over a quarter of a percent and that point six all the blue chips are in the black with laurence nickel gaining the most one and a quarter of a percent on the r.t.s. but look oil has slipped into red on my six. greece may have a greater budget deficit for two thousand and ten then the eight point one percent agreed as part of a rescue package from the i.m.f. and the e.u. the new york times reports it may reach eight point nine percent of the g.d.p. of the country's g.d.p. and investors fear that greece will be unable to close the gap greek ten year bond yields have jumped one percent on the news. and staying with the e.u. the european commission plans to launch legal proceedings against its own member states that pay over flight fees to russia the move is a roundabout measure by the commission to eliminate billions of dollars in fees that russia charges european airlines to fly over siberia germany. and austria will be the first to face proceedings that the other twenty three member states are also
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under investigation the commission says the deals with russia break rules that require all e.u. citizens and companies be treated equally. russia's state carrier air flight has entered into a sponsorship agreement with n.b.a. team the new jersey nets owned by russian billionaire. this is the first time air flight has supported a professional sports team in the u.s. the deal has been agreed for two years but team representatives hope it will be extended this is the second sponsorship contract the hopes team has signed with a russian company it agreed to a five year alliance with study each level this month. b.p. could invest up to two billion dollars in a shale gas project in ukraine's done yet the russian british oil company says it could put in fifty million dollars in the first stage which involves drilling six test wells by taking b.p. warns the investment would be possible only once a memorandum has been signed with the ukrainian government. russian because dairy
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producer wimble done has bought back eighteen percent of its own shares from the known for four hundred sixty million dollars the deal marks the end of the french food companies involvement in the dom which started eight years ago the transaction was able to proceed after the government approved the merger of russia's unknown's milk production with ukrainian you know. and about one fifth of russian insurance companies are facing bankruptcy the insurance watchdog said out of seven hundred firms up to two hundred fifty are in financial difficulties however major market players say the industry is need of some rationalization. not a very real. b.s. most old leaves a market by market healthy and through the whole affair of the market the company is really probably too far from so real. as will. the wrong to be affected by these. are all of them octaves. that's all of us
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market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images cobol has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations are on the day. for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get
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a human voice face to face with the news maker. coming to you live from the russian capital. the headlines now to make an enemy the f.b.i. is facing a backlash over its approach to dealing with homegrown terror critics say agents helped organize plots simply for the p.r. boost when it gets. global junk e-mail has fallen by a record fifty billion a day after the manifold to be the world's biggest. french head out to the streets again to protest against pension reform angry at the senate for moving the new bill to enforcement. possible
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new hidden cool's of the world financial crisis that's in the latest edition of the kaiser report coming up right now on our. guys are and this is the kaiser report markets finance and scandals hey how about that wiki leaks thing they put four hundred thousand documents in the public. and folks are saying oh this is bad for the soldiers it might endanger the soldiers you know who it's endangering former prime minister john howard who had a couple issues thrown out of there being a boat as this is a.
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