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tv   [untitled]    October 28, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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a lively thirty minute chat stewart challenged the presidents on a few topics but after careful review the need had decided to focus on only one single comment made by stewart take a listen. there is so much that a heck of a job trying to figure out how to if you don't want to use that phrase i. want them to all right. that's right jon stewart called the president of the united states of america dude and the reaction has been pretty swift out there to take a look at some of the headlines this morning on the internet the wall street journal is asking should stewart have called the president dude if pointed out that this is the very first time that a sitting president has been a guest on the comedy central program and likely the first time that a president was ever called do an interview now the boston examiners headline read president obama talked politics on the daily show called the do and c.n.n.
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and fox also jumped all over this little slip. case you missed it mark just call the president dude can you imagine anybody calling your father do you know it's like well regular took his coat off never took his tie off you know in the oval office because he had the respect for all those who went before him the leader of the free world dude which was a. surreal moment but secondly he was calling him out of course heckuva job brownie the famous words of president bush speaking in wow so jon stewart a comedian who hosts a fake new show called the president dude during an interview now look i understand the office of the president it deserves respect i'm sure that stewart just misspoke you know it came out fast and the president seemed to laugh it off he didn't really seem all that offended either walk off set like he's the queen of england or something but seriously shouldn't the media be analyzing what the president said in
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the interview what kind of questions jon stewart asked you know the substance not just one little tiny single word but i think stewart asked the president a few challenging questions about larry summers about a change turning into tiny little fragments the basics what i wish i would have seen were actual tough questions on don't ask don't tell on expanding presidential powers like putting american citizens on assassination lists on the increased war against whistleblowers on why the hell we're still in afghanistan i guess that's just a little too much to ask maybe i should just stick to the basics like the rest of the media and focus on the word dude so that's why our tool time award tonight goes to the media for creating the entire dude debate for making something out of nothing and throwing any real analysis out the window. now science has finally provided an answer for politicos all over america why are
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liberals so different than everyone else well according to scientists from u.c.s.d. and harvard it could be all genetic they have located a gene called d r d four and they're calling it the liberal studies concluded the ideology isn't just a social thing it is built into your d.n.a. they say that our genes predispose us to certain political behaviors for example liberals are more open they're more receptive to different lifestyles to different norms and customs that's scientifical perhaps back to people now the d r d four gene or liberal gene that's been known to contribute to more risk taking personality to you and i just now we know where all those crazy pro change liberals get it from you know when i totally give my stamp approval to this research i'm just wondering if there is any way for us to spread this wonderful gene to others you know maybe started genetically engineered world full of liberals just getting to know the best part about this research is actually that liberalism runs in the
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family and parents could pass it down to their children the research team also says that the liberal gene is independent of ethnicity culture sex or age so here's to being a liberal certainly is nice being welcome caring and open to all of those around. now as we approach the midterm elections the question on the minds of many americans especially democrats or progressive is what happened two years ago we saw a population mobilize around the words hope and change or its promise by charismatic eloquent young candidate obama well now we see a democrat a democratic party in disarray a disenchanted left immobilized angry excited swept up right chanting to take the country back so when that it all turns sour to the people expect too much do they underestimate the strength of washington's political system or that obama never really mean to fight it has been fooling us all along joining me from our studio in
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new york is ari berman contributing writer for the nation magazine who also has his new book out titled herding donkeys the fight to rebuild the democratic party and reshape american politics are i want to thank you so much for joining us now before we get into you know a democrat so for we get into the entire political system i just want to start with barack obama with the president do you think that we kind of that jeff i mean do you think that his man really meant everything he said everything he promised when he was campaigning to be president. well he obviously raised expectations so high that it was going to be impossible to meet them but i think he also talked about some stuff in his campaign that really resonated with people and that was why he was able to have this incredible grassroots mobilization and movement and the promise of obama's campaign was that all these people who supported him after the election would play a role in the running of the government and would form an alternate power base to
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the entrenched interests in washington that were blocking change but i think what instead has happened is a lot of the people after he was elected his supporters said ok we're done you get this and then obama himself relied on a much more conventional team of washington insiders that i think people. expected in terms of solving problems and he ended up having a much more conventional top down a washington white house than i think a lot of his supporters wanted and thus that whole message of change that was so powerful in a way has now really been co-opted by the right and the tea party and the democrats now look like the party of the status quo which is not where obama wanted to be right before this major election but so do you think that some of his supporters that we talk about the people outside of washington you think if they gave up too soon that they were just expecting too much change to happen in eighteen months like obama keeps defending him self like he did on the daily show you don't think that maybe they have
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a reason to be disenchanted here. now they do know i don't think they gave up too soon i think they really wanted to fight for his policies and they weren't asked to they weren't asked to mobilize and the policies themselves weren't as visionary as people expected and then not only that in terms of the policies but the way the policies got passed i think that whole process was just way too messy and instead of obama looking like he was going in and really changing washington he looked like he was playing by those washington rules and that actually came up in the interview with jon stewart obama said you know we decided to work with the system instead of transforming it but if you look at the american people's reaction to washington i mean they really believe that obama was sent there to shake up a corrupt washington system and they don't see him doing that as much as he can they see him relying on the traditional legislative process relying on the old school leaders of the democratic party and not really being this new face of change
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that he was elected to bring so i mean obviously some of the expectations were too high and were not met but i think there's also tangible things that obama could could have done differently that would have put him in a better position going into the midterms now do you think that obama could perhaps deal with the media. a little bit differently because one of the things that i find perhaps the most frustrating right is that this is ministration well they haven't taken kindly to this professional left as they like to call that they feel like they are under attack and they can't believe that anybody out there would have the gall to critique them and to me that just seems so crazy right i mean if it gets to the point where you can't even pressure your leader then we would it would kind of democracy is that. but that's been a real fundamental mistake that i think the obama people have made and it's funny because you know obama talked a lot about reagan being a transformational president and what reagan figured out is you harness the movement aspect of your campaign when you get to the white house that you figure out how to put pressure on your own people and that'll push the debate to your side
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so the new right was very effective in pushing reagan to the right just as you know in the days of f.d.r. the labor movement on the left was very effective pushing f.d.r. to the left in acting the new deal and and roosevelt welcome that pressure he said you know if you want to make me do it but the obama administration any time there's progressive pressure on them they try to shut it down and i think that's been a mistake because the tea party is putting so much pressure on the right now and pushing the political debate so far to the right that there needs to be some countervailing pressure on the left to at least move things back to the middle and hopefully in a in a progressive direction and i think that's what would really benefit the president in the long term and maybe they'll do more of it now maybe they'll realize that they need to quote unquote professional left more once they've lost one or both houses of congress yeah well at the moment it seems like they're kind of banking on this idea that those crazy tea partiers those that are so far right are going to
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make the entire republican party look bad and ultimately hurt them now you know the other day last week you wrote an op ed in the new york times where you actually took aim at these blue dog democrats the conservative democrats and you say that you know the democratic party actually wants to be progressive wants to than actually wants to push their policies through without a bunch of pork then all centrally they need to ditch the conservative democrats they need to make their rank smaller so they can be i guess more philosophically in line with what it is to be a democrat but the only problem with that is you know if you have fewer people then you don't have the vote so how would that work. well i don't necessarily true i mean i wasn't calling it a purge of all moderates and conservative democrats what i was saying is that the most reactionary democrats in the caucus who are consistently voting against obama's agenda and are running around blasting nancy pelosi on the campaign trail now are doing the party more harm than good because they're not bringing them any votes but they're severely undermining the democratic brand and weakening
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legislation at key moments and if you actually look for example at the reagan or bush two presidencies i mean they never had more than fifty five votes in the senate and obama had fifty nine and sixty votes for most of this time and yet the republicans were able to get a tremendous amount done actually i would argue that bush got a ton done with a relatively small ted coalition because there was a philosophy that held that all together and i think the democratic coalition has got so broad that it's really blurred what it means to be a democrat and i think that's hurt the party in terms of governing and i think it's also hurt the party in the midterms in terms of laying out an affirmative philosophy in terms of what they're for so i'm not saying that they should cast away you know thirty or forty members of the that might happen in the midterms what i'm saying is think about what it means to be a democrat and if there are people that are out there every single day undermining your core democratic agenda is it really worth spending millions of dollars to reelect them and having them around in my opinion the only people there helping are
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republicans tell me quickly that since you know we're talking about it so much what do you think it means to be a democrat what is that brand because it seems like these days you know even if you concent but someone who is progressive or someone who is conservative seems like the definitions are getting so skewed that what is to you a democrat i mean to me it just means believing in the power of the government the responsibility of government to help people and to help those in need and i think if you look at obama's agenda through the stimulus through the health care bill through the energy bill through financial reform i mean that's what he's tried to do but they haven't really made affirmative case for. that and so when i see democrats voting as the stimulus for example blocking the extension of unemployment benefits i mean i really see that undermining what should be and what has historically been the core democratic value which is you know helping people through government in times of need as opposed to the republicans you know who want to shrink government and let everybody on their own now the republicans just seem
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to have that really powerful world word of socialism to scare everyone off these days but we definitely will have to wait and see what happens in a few days because it's not lookin so well for the democrats or for obama whose approval rating is at an all time low right now thirty seven percent ari thanks so much for joining us. thanks for having me. so to come tonight the tea party is going international great find out where the party full of full time complainer is have decided to form over seas in just a moment and google gets another pass from the federal government they've decided to drop an investigation into google's collection of private data wall street so we're going to ask why the government is letting it slide next.
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would be soo much greater if you live. from sun still these. stunts on t.v. don't come. your mom i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore the stomach and chest pains have been getting worse and no doctor has been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at peace with no more pain i wish i could have had a life with elizabeth always pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ. thousands of u.s. troops in iraq received one of these drugs a drug called lariam and it may have prevented many soldiers from getting sick the question tonight is whether or not soldiers were adequately warned about its rare
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side effects serious life change and side effects. thanks.
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now on to the tea party you know my favorite right wing anti big government hypocritical we don't really know we want to let corporations pay for a fake grassroots movement american now it turns out that they are not the only obama haters on the international scene because they have some very kindred spirits in israel who hate obama just as much as they do and who decided to establish a tea party of their own you know you heard me right there is a tea party movement forming in israel and just like the tea party here their main efforts right now are anti obama the israel's conservative party the likud faction is not a fan of benjamin netanyahu is history of quote caving to pressure by the american
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government kind of funny because i can't really remember the last time that israel caved on any kind of pressure last i heard they were still building settlements but apparently that's not enough for the israeli tea party they were outraged about president obama even saying that israel should extend the settlement moratorium anyways some conservatives just don't feel like the likud party is acting out strongly enough against netanyahu or obama so it was small group of hardliners has branched off in what they call a grassroots efforts to stop it sounds kind of a million right now the israeli tea party will hold their inaugural rally this weekend in tel aviv but i just wonder which founding fathers are they going to start harking back to. that might be a little tiny problem of iran to do but either way we're going to keep an eye on them so don't worry. now privacy advocates in the u.s. are furious with the federal trade commission today do you remember that whole scandal about google street view cars you know the ones that accidentally captured
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all e-mails u r l's users passwords when they were scanning people's homes around the world when the public learned about this excessive information gathering several countries like the u.s. britain spain france they decided to have their governments investigate the matter but the federal trade commission announced yesterday in a two page letter but they've decided to drop the investigation here in the u.s. because google has promised to improve its privacy practices and said that it never did and won't use the private information that it gathered promise really sounds pretty weak to me and privacy advocates have jumped all over this story saying that google has gotten a free pass so i guess the question now is why did google get this free pass especially if we consider the fact that other countries are going into a full investigation could it be the fact that google and the government are getting a little bit too cozy with their relationship is getting
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a little too close an america that's definitely what privacy advocates are questioning that we're going to ask our guest in a moment to you know we also have to wonder if these improvements that google is putting into place those promises like appointing a new director of privacy for engineering product management adding core privacy training for key employees or incorporating a formal privacy review process for new initiatives if that's something they shouldn't have done a long long time ago joining me from san francisco to discuss it is. i'm sorry declan our guest is not ready to discuss it yet with us but we're going to keep waiting him in a moment but you know i think that i'll give you a few thoughts of mine on this matter google these days google is a huge company. google is no longer just a small startup that can afford to make these types of mistakes especially when it comes to to privacy action so i think the u.s. government definitely needs to investigate investigate this fully because the
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american people deserve to hear the truth and we lost our guest on that stuff topic so i'm sorry that we're not going to do that interview today but we'll try to do it next week and to give you another story now we're going to talking about going to college they used to be the path that led to the american dream for most high school kids but what happens when instead of getting the american dream students and graduating with a mountain of debt and no drop prospects are correspondent on this they see it in the shows us of the struggle to find jobs as having an unlikely group especially hard. a ticking time bomb of american debts this time all this is owed by college students three thousand dollars adding on every second . if i keep going at the rate that i want the first year i had by the time i'm finished i will have about one hundred twenty thousand dollars for. just from school loans the most traditional financial baggage dragging behind for americans
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has been credit card debt for the first time debt belonging to college students has taken over that number one spot students graduating in two thousand and eight two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten are are facing the worst job markets in a generation at least and so you have people who have more debt than we've ever seen before and are having a harder time finding any job let alone a job that pays them enough to somehow pay off all this debt twenty nine year old shana is haunted by major money problems what she earns now is barely enough to survive on a day to day basis let alone pay back for her education the money that comes from an internship that's. like i said very little and doesn't pay for much and will pay for maybe a dinner or two the connection between lack of a good enough if any job and growing debt has never been as tight for graduates according to some reports that certain american universities students have been
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borrowing seventy percent more money in the last year the universities are actually cutting deals with the student loan companies and making money on the side and there's been a lawsuit in new york a million dollar fine against columbia university for steering people to expensive loans the danger here is that instead of capitalism we end up with serfdom because these students are kind of indebted for life then his house lives in a basement in queens with two roommates your loan that you're paying back shouldn't cost as much as it cost you to live in a home what they're doing is completely lowering this. and of living for an entire generation of people who could not help it in any way just months after graduation dennis is relationship with his loan company is already abusive they're terrible they're there they're the biggest loan sharks you know in the world right now if you're late on a payment the whole like the harass you this one last thing can never go away
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college debt owners cannot file for bankruptcy your housing debt your card debt your credit card debt if you go bankrupt it gets wiped away you literally cannot get out of your student debt if you decide you can't pay it too bad. student loan debt special that it's specially sticky and hard to get rid of when your credit score falls getting a job becomes even harder many companies check these numbers outside of major loan corporation journalist joe weisenthal says youth is often pressured into taking on commitments it can't afford without even realizing it there's an incredible amount of propaganda regarding student loans in education in general just in terms of people saying you know you know how many times have you heard the phrase education is the best investment you can make but unless a drastic turnaround in the system takes place that statement may soon become obsolete ever since an economic crisis began in the u.s. the debate of how it started and how to define what's happening now has been nonstop in this turmoil a generation that is supposed to be the driving force of the country but stop
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jobless and the debt it so what happens next is the future of those who have run the future is this week in space that you're going to artsy new york. now before we go tonight it's time for our day see last night was the first time that a sitting president was a guest on comedy central's the daily show we're going to talk about that when obama was talking about larry summers the president said that he's doing a heck of a job words similar to those a former president george w. bush so similar in fact the john stewart responded with if you don't want to use that phrase do today like we showed you a lot of media outlets are saying that stewart was being so disrespectful but you cannot call the presidents of the united states of america do you know we think we think that anybody out there who's a huge fan of the film the big lebowski you know that being called do you actually
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not that bad thing at all so we want to know what would the big lebowski tweet and we thought it say hey as far as i'm concerned being called the dude is an honor it's definitely something that we might start here. more now it's important thanks for tuning in and make sure that you guys come back tomorrow night you know the tamar's a special day right it's going to be the hall the way an episode of the in the in a show i don't expect to see the usual me i in fact will be dressed up in full character as the world's most dangerous fox news host i have a feeling you know who i'm talking about there you guys are not going to want to miss that now in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the lower show on facebook and follow us on twitter and as always if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch all the you tube dot com slash the launch show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news at the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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wealthy british style. time to explain things go. to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger the no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to gaza report on our. world with. the killings continue. next year it strikes me to see a slight milledge of the magic has better players in the sky seeds of hope to protect our hearts here so you know we can provide such accuracy to many forms. in
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six days. we've got the future covered. in indonesia she's available in hotels. result. good results in the. remote have been turned bone. sunday of beach otoh the wisdom result use of do not suffer till summer. result in the rich coals and ground many of your coats of
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a full seasons hotel the sultan who took. france and germany forced the e.u. to consider treaty changes to punish overspending member states triggering allegations that increased centralization is being used to keep the euro afloat. a scramble for the door top u.s. officials quit the white house with a number of excuses but some believe they're just deserving a sinking ship. taking out the toxic pieces american forces pulling out of iraq leave behind piles on wanted and poisons junk for locals to clean up and sell and risk of illness. and aid not sleep instead of plunging in a peaceful hibernation hungry russian bear head into town to live stock and sometimes a tap people. am
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in the russian capital you're watching our joshua welcome to the program now tough for financial discipline and punishment for over spanners the european union is looking out ways to avert future debt crises and threats to the euro at a brussels some an e.u. leaders agreed to prepare changes to the organisation's fundamental treaty under pressure from germany and france are diesel or am it explains how you are peons hope to shore up the region's struggle to coddle me. this is what's turned out to be the u.k.'s postes into the realms of financial security because those who are using this are now in brussels heading into a not the route over the yuri's de france and germany but changes to the lisbon treaty adopted controversially less than a year ago they will punish them and.


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