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tv   [untitled]    October 29, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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there were ten russian people in the u.s. and they ended up being sent back back to russia and we had in that case a fascinating details that unfolded as the story develops and the interesting thing about that situation was that a lot of the techniques apparently appeared to be fairly amyt show and indeed they didn't end up having any espionage charges and the whole thing seemed to be handled with a minimum tension a minimum first now whether that will happen in this case remains to be seen but how this will be seeing more interesting details such as the use old school spy technique do you think of carrying in a spy novel such as easing invisible but of course with a history of tension between the two sides it's not known yet whether the situation will unfold and be handled as smoothly as it was in the summer of course or you bring up a good point that the relations between georgia and russia have been strained for quite some time just take us back remind us how did they become so-so. well since situation president mikheil saakashvili came to power in two thousand and four the
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relations between russia and georgia really started quite dramatically at that point that culminated in the start the setting war in two thousand and eight where two to attack the russia with both respond to protect the students in south the sexier i know it's not actually the first time that there has been a spy scandal involving children and russia in two thousand and six full russian officials were arrested and accused of being spies and they were eventually released back to russia that's certainly didn't help relations situation and again as we're seeing with this story it's certainly not going to help the situation between the two sides the tensions that have been made at the many years especially since the two thousand and eight war all right over to you sir for other porting right there and i will be keeping you updated on this breaking news story throughout the day so do stay with us for that. russian and u.s. special forces have conducted the first ever major of
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a joint operation against drug producers in afghanistan they destroyed four labs and seized almost a ton of hair when russia talked antidrug in force says moscow and washington can only talk all the afghan architects trade if they work together on tuesday really go to school reports. in a puff of smoke. for drug producing labs in the mountains on the border between afghanistan and pakistan more than a ton of hurin and morphine destroyed in the process this is rushing nato working together closer than ever before in its first ever joint operation on a grand scale. trees in the mountainous area and either pakistan. after we gave information to our u.s. and afghan partners the three sides plan the inspiration for three months we used about seventy special forces units three landing helicopter. and six supporting ones the whole operation lasted less than four rounds as we discovered and
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destroyed food drug producing lamps and seized more than one hundred kilos of heroin it took russian need to an afghan anti drug forces three months to organize the joint operation in only three hours to carried out the estimated value of drugs destroyed a quarter of a billion dollars and about two hundred million single doses of heroin rushes to close to ghana stand for comfort and has been asking for help from international organizations in fighting drug trafficking across the border an influx of opium leads to an exponential increase in the number of drug users and the profit from the drug trade is said to go to sponsor international terrorists who threaten russia's southern regions using statistics say thirty thousand people die from drug use every year predominantly young people i think it's important to realize the growth of the drug trade has grown to forty four times since the beginning of the u.s. led operation in afghanistan and we must remember that a u.n.
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mandate exists which orders coalition forces to counteract drug trafficking to ship it with winter maybe fast approaching but russian leader releases seem to be only now heating up this is on both sides said that joint efforts seem to be the true relaunch of relations in action and hope that this is the beginning of the end for outgoing drug trafficking in the coast guard c. moscow and earlier i spoke with afghan parliament member would of sultanzoy who says although this operation can be hailed a success brought her efforts are needed to win the fight against drugs but we should not look at it as an afghan problem it's a global problem that requires a multi-pronged multitrack approach that would require the russian and the european and american cooperation not only not in afghanistan but also outside afghanistan to interdict trafficking to dry up the chemical. precursors that come from
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chemical companies in the world and also tracked down the banking systems that launder money and also taking money to the rest of the world the trafficking is a more rote lucrative business than than cultivation for afghanistan to be able to join this war and succeed in this war the things we have to find alternative crops and alternative livelihood for these farmers who are cultivating these things because of poverty not because they're making a lot of money that money's made elsewhere and europe and beyond but so it seems like you're shifting the blame away from afghanistan and saying it's the rest of the world that has a drug problem tell me this how is it then that ninety percent of the world's opium comes from afghanistan who's to blame. i think air the ninety percent of the opium that comes from afghanistan finds its markets alsa where so there's a demand that's why their supply we are just cultivating poppies in this country but. the heroin goes to europe and america because there is demand we have to.
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stop pointing fingers at each other we have to look at the problem as a global problem not just an african problem that's what i'm saying i'm not trying to dodge the blame from afghanistan but i'm saying that we have to look at it as a bigger problem. now coming your way later this hour here on. i still can't understand how. you somehow managed to push the animal so he found. the dangerous increase in. the european union. heavyweight. paying for the mistakes of smaller nations. brussels they've agreed to change the current workings of the bailout system but it comes short of the tough punishments proposed by germany which pay
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dearly to rescue greece from its crisis. turned out to be the case into the realms of financial security because those who are used. to changes to the lisbon treaty adopted controversially less than a year ago they want. a responsible and a permanent. fund to bail these countries out when they do get into trouble. in germany to pay the price of the country's irresponsible money management ever again as they did. europe. so there you are we have created this economic block a trading block. a very powerful block of crises if you the individual member states who have picked up the pieces and you know. they meet.
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but this is the euro skeptics say the reason it's not working is because it's fundamentally flawed the economies in the eurozone differ so much it's impossible to have a common monetary policy and it's the strong soffits germany particularly paid the lion's share into a seven hundred fifty billion euro fund to bail out greece earlier this year it was a move that was opposed by more than half. chancellor now says she couldn't do that again without risking action from the constitutional court in germany in theory changes to the lisbon treaty would mean individual countries would be able to hold a referendum on whether to stay in the e.u. but there's increasing your a skepticism relating to the cost of being in the e.u. and the benefits involved if countries did hold a vote it's not a tall clear what would remain of the union. dr lee rather i'm from the taxpayers
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alliance told r.t. that although the states won changes to the treaty there are too small to be considered a success. the commission and the the council seem to be suggesting that although there's a treaty change it's considered to be a minor treaty change bearing in mind that the last change with respect to the m.e.p. numbers adding a few more days to the numbers that was achieved by a short meeting held in brussels without recourse to any referenda i'm not sure to what extent there is going to be a sort of a massive treaty change at this still a lot of play for because the the commission is going away and the various governments are chipping into a process that when we actually see a series of proposals coming out next summer and then after that there's another two year tension or the two years before the the change the treaty or fight so there's still a lot to play for but i think if you look at how the economic and monetary union
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was put together and you compare that with how other federal currencies such as in the states in the nineteenth century and equally in germany how they were put together you can see how there's a long process where power is constantly going towards the center i think this is just one small step in that i think there's a lot more to come yet it was dr lee rather and from the taxpayers alliance. it's one of the enduring myths about russia hungry bears roaming the streets but now there could actually be some truth in it with natural food supplies dwindling this year many wild animals have headed into towns in search of a meal peter all of a house more on a bare necessities the big one of the iconic images of russia recently though the relationship between these animals and the people who live alongside them is be less than cool deal in heat and fires which swept through russia this summer destroyed much of the bill as we do food supply forcing them to search for
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alternatives. in these russian city of safety of cars a twenty six year old man had a very lucky escape that he was attacked by a band right in the center of the city the man was bitten in the neck and realizes how fortunate he was that one i still can't understand how i escaped death i somehow managed to push the animal away so he felt crushing offense. elsewhere in the city there was a more macabre incident involving a bear while visiting a cemetery two women saw what they believed to be a large man crouching trying to grieve as they got closer they realized that it was in fact that there was a dungarpur body and was feeding on it the women screamed scared beyond the way it's at least hundreds took turns to guard the cemetery but it's still far there has been no sign of the banks that so we had the situation under control who. it's not just the human residents that have had some close encounters with bears airport c.c.t.v. caught this guard dog having to run for its life after drawing the attention of an
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inquisitive bear it another form if we were told that the day came from the direction of the tongue the dog attacked it trying to smother the dog the dog got away and started leaving for bear way from the house a lot of it all asserted bears have also taken to attacking livestock as a source of food in the u. kamensky district of central russia until it had to be employed to protect cattle in some cases humans made problems for themselves with bears it's strongly recommended not to try and feed the animals in order to get a photo opportunity so as incidence of contact between humans and increase around rush hour at this time of year it's important that we respect these iconic creatures so as not to become the next victim of bear attack peter oliver r.t. . well don't forget we've got much more for you on our web site. videos of. giving away the.
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humans in the russian capital. the details on this story. the bulk of u.s. troops might be out of iraq but there is one thing that's not going anywhere then military junk. trash may be another man's treasure but not when it's contaminated and poisonous. it's the city of mosques and it's fast becoming the
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city of leftovers junk left behind by the american army now dots the falutin landscape. of things generators car bodies engines all for sale for just a few dollars the highest bidder gets to walk away with second hand goods american soldiers no longer want what. prices are attracted quite reasonable here so the sellers claim they came across the beach in different ways some they found some was stolen the risk they bought a loss was just given to them. as for me i would buy a wheel rocky's or not o'keefe and rubbish we say take your junk away with you. across iraq can fly this have been evacuated by the american army and handed over to the iraqi security forces property and equipment that has nothing taken afghanistan has either been returned home to the united states or kept behind but american officials worry that the tens of millions of dollars of equipment left
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behind could end up in the wrong hands. talk to the americans didn't leave anything behind for four years i'm sure of it all the stuff it's all generic and sort of the reconstruction tuesday humvees the regular army get from the american army had to buy them. anybody can come here to shop but very few do there's no love lost for things american in iraq today most. people here in america if they are also scared that these things may be polluted in cause disease or up to save says he wouldn't take a chance buying anything here he's been warned by local media they could be poisonous substances in the abandoned u.s. military camps were illegal to remain diseases including chest related and cancer and the concern is backed up by the iraqi government but look at who acquitted the court. there must have been a great impact on the environment a great number of weapons were used in this way and on
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a wide scale tests show an increase in pollution would be a good chunk of the american army has nifty rock in what u.s. officials are calling the biggest movement of people and machines since world war two but the soldiers and the equipment that remains i was stalked reminder that the war is not quite over. iraq. war as in both iraq and afghanistan have taken a heavy toll on american soldiers and sometimes things meant to ease their life on hostile soil such as certain prescribe drugs so now to be more dangerous than the frontline later today we bring you a report that lifts the veil on the mystery surrounding the death of one u.s. soldier. dear mom i'm sorry that i had to do this i've been in so much pain in the past year that i can't take it anymore stomach and chest pains have been getting worse and no doctor has been able to help me please know that i'll finally be at
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peace and with no more pain i wish i could have had a life with that was a bit always pictured her being my wife and mother to my kids i love you all see you all in heaven when your time comes i'm going to meet jesus christ. thousands of u.s. troops in iraq received one of these drugs a drug called lariam and it may have prevented many soldiers from getting sick the question tonight is whether or not soldiers were adequately warned about its rare side effects serious life changing side effects. russia has launched its latest warship the brand new stealth frigate the admiral got scoff it is the first large warship capable of operating across the globe fully designed and developed in post soviet russia up to twelve similar warships will be built over the next decade each of them costs around four hundred million u.s.
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dollars and will be armed with cruise missiles and air defense systems that also carry a helicopter that can be used for anti submarine anti-piracy missions the admiral is expected to join the navy in two thousand and eleven. now let's check out some of the other stories making headlines around the world this. cold following a powerful tsunami in indonesia has now reached about four hundred people another three hundred are still missing and bad weather is hampering rescue operations survivors are having to live in makeshift camps with their houses were washed away by the giant wave many others are being treated in hospitals and among them a two month old often who was miraculously pulled alive from a storm drain. from strikes may be losing momentum across the country but protests are still causing a widespread problems new demonstrations have been held in paris leone and marcell elsewhere in the country thousands of people have been returning to work following
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a week of strikes the president's plan to raise the retirement age which ignited the protests has now made it through parliament it will now be signed into law by the constitutional court and after a short break stephanie is here with the business. hungry for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. wealthy british scientists and some expert on. the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy is a report. in indonesia she's available in hotels. resort and spa.
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resort and spa. remote have been turned. to spawn sunday a beach otoh the wisdom result use of doing. so if you tell some of. the resort and spa the ritz carlton hotel grounds many as you call it a hotel full seasons hotel the sultan who took. to the business bulletin the russian government has unveiled its general path to develop the oil industry and till two thousand and twenty it focuses on maintaining extraction at current levels but the extra investment this will require maybe at the expense of government support for refining. reports. that me of spent five and a half billion dollars to build the state of the art oil refinery in central russia
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the refining the official sell this complex is unique for russia mine to seven percent of all the crude that the arrives here is turned into a usable product with only three per cent waste analysts warn however such expensive projects may stop making economic sense if the government increases x. producing on refined products up to ninety percent of the tax on crude. can from your all save says the government is thinking about the contras deficit and which areas of the oil industry it's most wants to develop they just might be looking for this sector that it's not yet tax and taxed enough and not this generation cost and so what they see there with observing is that there's there's a. lack of cash for investment in the upstream so perhaps the shift to offer up some segment at the moment the average x. producer on refined products such as patch oil and kerosene is about fifty five
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percent of that on crude the prime minister says the rival two hundred fifty or refineries in russia producing a very low quality product bots making a lot of money on pressure and tional taxation putin wants the government to introduce a new tax regime for the oil sector by the end of this year but analysts warn against an indiscriminate price for refiners the best way to turn courage complex refining seconder to posture would probably be to increase its life so that companies that are producing too much heavy fuel oil will be penalized the biggest problem for the oil sector is the lack of new oil field projects and the massive on their investment in the construction the government wants to ensure there is no tailing off from the country's crude output even if. that is done at the expense of refiners that's you're not going to business are to you staying with the energy
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sector russia will increase gas supplies to poland by as much as forty percent for in the signing of a new agreement after nearly two years of negotiations on legal delays the deal has been sealed the outline of the contract was agreed in january this year but it then faced a long process to comply with the european anti trust school under the new agreement poland's will be able to import over ten billion cubic meters of gas a year as opposed to the seven and a half billion in the previous contract. and let's turn now to the two markets european stocks are higher on friday the footsie has had earlier losses gains and you turned the sector all setting plans in basic existence on british airways trading around two and a half percent this hour. and u.s. stocks are flocked opposed to going to trade on friday the technology sector is lending support u.s. economic growth it rose slightly in the third quarter in line with expectations but not enough to end investor speculation of for that moment she easing from the federal reserve. and russian energy markets finished high on friday here in moscow
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the r.t.s. to raise earlier losses a modest should just pull into positive territory by six games will get one of the cent energy may just lend support and banks had losses on the my sex but not just two percent i'm close. after climbing past the sixteen hundred level at the beginning of the week the r.t.s. a couldn't hold on to those gains despite the rebound on friday but the r.t.s. on the my sex and did that week below where they started really not capital explains why. mark you started off quite well earlier in the week and then it came off towards the end of the week and the really big talking point of the stimulus package coming out of the u.s. can pump enough money into the u.s. economy to not only get the u.s. economy back on track but to get those dollars into global assets one of which is russia is to say the russian companies move to sectors that are really in the public eye right now the first is the banking sector and the second is the utility
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sector and banks is all about the privatization this announcement russia is going to be privatizing states inspired bank and b t v as a lot of people pretty excited and you know there's been some pretty positive changes that have taken place but in the management and in the way in which those banks are being driven they're looking much more because of the pan russian platform and people are quite enthusiastic about that so the banks have done well and then the utility side there's a lot of speculation about when tariff reform will actually take place and we had some very good news this morning that finally the markets expectations have been met and you know tariff reform seems to be on track and so we've got a lot of money coming into the utilities such as well. russia central bank has left its k. refinancing rate unchanged at seven point seven five percent for the fifth straight month he said weakening consumer demand and uncertain prospects in the global economy paced added risks for great. advantage says there was no room to cut
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rates father. i would support it because they could for very serious years of inflation. give the budgetary problems. for the budget station the soft i would say . also. would be a state so i guess they could behave adequately. i'm not so that now but of course you can always find those stories if you log onto a website. called slash it's. download the official anti up location on the phone called touch from the shops to. watch on t.v. life on the go. video on demand on t.v.'s my old
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costs and says feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. in some petersburg multis available in hotels a story of a little ambassador in a small school to kowtow to troppo soto patricio toto gold to gold in nova tilson to. extol dostoevsky. and see how this city business.
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breaking news this hour reports that twenty people. for allegedly spying for russia. she quotes a source in the georgian interior ministry saying all twenty a georgian citizens. united they fight us forces. and destroy four labs in their joint operation. says moscow and washington. if they continued working together.
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and agreed to amend the lisbon treaty. a new measures include punishing those. and creating. becomes reality. the streets. as they went to food supplies were largely destroyed by the summer heat wave. of choice so. well in half an hour's time my colleague built will be here but for the meanwhile the world running out of food some people would seem to think so join people and his guests on cross talk that's next. wealthy british.


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