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tv   [untitled]    October 29, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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information to our u.s. and afghan partners the three sides planned the operation for three months we used about seventy special forces units three landing helicopters and six supporting ones the whole operation lasted less than four hours we discovered and destroyed four drug producing labs and seized more than nine hundred kilos of heroin it took russia nato and afghan anti-drug forces three months to organize the joint operation and only three hours to carried out. made to the united states was more committed to fighting. but not the right and right the ship was never the top priority for them from russia on the controversy brian thought prioritize the feel and then know when they decided that they want the final vote that they felt they had fashioned that the estimated value of drugs destroyed a quarter billion dollars and about two hundred million single doses of heroin but many believe this is just a start this is
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a very unwelcome. news. not enough but it's a good start i think fight the drug. eradicate the drug problem in afghanistan we should not look at it as an afghan problem it's a global problem russia's too close to the ghana stand for comfort and has been asking for help from international organizations in fighting drug trafficking across the border an influx of opium leads to an exponential increase in the number of drug users in the profit from the drug trade is said to go to sponsor international terrorists who threaten russia's southern regions using statistics say thirty thousand people die from drug use every year predominantly young people i think it's important to realize the growth of the drug trade has grown to forty four times since the beginning of the u.s. led operation in afghanistan and we must remember that a u.n. mandate exists which orders coalition forces to counteract drug trafficking. winter
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may be thoughts approaching but russian leaders really since seem to be only now heating up officials on both sides said that joint efforts seem to be the true relaunch of relations. and hope that this is the beginning of the end for outgoing drug trafficking in the coast guard c. moscow. former u.s. drug policy spokesman. has taken the us so long to come around to the view of eradication there's going to reluctance in the united states to even go after the drug trade in afghanistan it's been a policy of the military to let it go and that's tragic and it's unbelievable to me that it took russia to tell the united states where the drug labs were when we have a hundred thousand troops we spent eighty billion dollars on intelligence we have one hundred thousand additional contractors so we had to know were crawling all over every inch of that country but it took you to in fact to out the united states
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to force us and to embarrass us to cooperate with you to stop the drug trade which is in the interest of the entire world including the united states because as your report said drugs finance the terrorists coming your way still. i still can't understand how i. somehow managed to push the animal away so he found crushing and finds. looks into what's called the unusual and dangerous increase in people's close encounters with. this case russian. report still to come but first reports say that twenty people have been arrested in georgia for allegedly spying for russia a correspondent sara firth has all the details. couzin police have reportedly detained twenty suspects that they vickie's spying for russia all of the detainees
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a georgian sister and under suspicion of having created a spy network and sending back secret information to russia well the timing of these reporters detentions comes at a good thing concerns about the internal situation in georgia and the oppression of the opposition that now in march this year the u.s. state department released a report that details human rights abuses including kidnapping and assault this looks like another of george's internal political battles in russia is used as the boogie man as usual russia doesn't need a spy network in georgia it will be waste of resources russian officials can get all the information in georgia without leaving their desks there's a massive georgian john spirit here in russia was john tory's to homeland so there's absolutely no need for any old spying methods to gather intelligence it's obviously nothing more than part of george's internal policies there are a few exact details on the story at the moment but of course already reminiscent of
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the spy saga that we saw unfold in the summer it can be compared to the to the scandal that took place in summer between russia and the united states in fact there was practically nothing in substance in it but as a media tool is a lever that may be useful i really cannot imagine the world moscow can undertake now because the official relations between russia and georgia are not zero they are below zero they are minus. there to only means that will take another time more time for them to improve that's a recap on that story that was ten russian agents found in the us the details that emerged and the case i want you to much i'm reading about it a spy novel and the way they described it. details such as invisible ink more reminiscent of that spy thriller than a not chill high tech spy network so in this story we're waiting for some of these
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other details film photos indeed thought that a lot of those things will come out. and it'll be interesting to see how it's the situation is handled and whether it will in fact take its lead from the way that the situation was handled in the summer since the jews in president mikheil saakashvili came to power in two thousand and four the relations between russia and georgia really started quite dramatically at that point that culminated in the south the certain war in two thousand and eight which the russian response to protect and in southeast i know it's not actually the first time that there has been a spy scandal involving children and russia in two thousand and six full russian officials were arrested and accused of being spies and they were eventually released back to russia that's certainly didn't help relations situation and again as this thing with this story is certainly not going to help the situation between
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the two sides the tensions that have remained at the many years especially since the two thousand and eight. and that was sara first reporting from moscow. the european union has bowed to the demands of its heavyweight members who grow weary of paying for the mistakes of the smaller nations at a summit in brussels they've agreed to change the current workings of the bailout system the new measures include fines for those members that overspend and creating a stash but come short of the tough punishments for overspend as proposed by germany which pay dearly to rescue greece from its crisis. from the u.k.'s tax presence told r.t. the changes to the treaty too small for a lot of states to consider them a success. the commission and the the council seem to be suggesting that although there's a treaty change it's considered to be a minor treaty change bearing in mind that the last change with respect to the m.e.p. numbers adding a few more piece to the numbers that was achieved by a short meeting held in brussels without recourse to any referendum i'm not sure to
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what extent there is going to be a sort of a massive treaty change at this still a lot of play for because the the commission is going away and the various governments are chipping into a process that when we actually see a series of proposals coming out next summer and then after that there's another two year century no the two years before the the the change the treaty of actually fight so there's still a lot to play for but i think if you look at how the economic and monetary union was put together and you compare that with how other federal currencies such as in the states in the nineteenth century and equally in germany how they were put together you can see how there's a long process where power is constantly going towards the center i think this is just one small step in that i think there's a lot more to come yet when earlier i spoke to john gaunt head of the e.u. referendum campaign in the u.k. and he believes being part of the e.u. club has had a devastating impact on the british economy. it's costing us forty eight million
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pounds a day in the u.k. and our prime minister today who had the backbone the spine of a blind man and gave away another four hundred million pounds of our money out of figures to a lot of a democratic mandate to do that we need a referendum on the football and david cameron some would say was strong and he saved the u.k. taxpayer paid even. in some way his assertions that actually gave the u.k. a very strong voice and it prevented further budgets being asked from the u.k. by the command that there was more space in the washing machine assembly line he basically told us that he was going to say it was the law he knew he couldn't do that he knew the minimum it have to pay is the true point nine billion pound commitment because there was no way out of it and that's what's happened today he's trying to spin it that he saved the other four percent garbage absolute garbage and
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i'm worried as well there's been so god g. deal done with the germans and the french so that there isn't a referendum on the changes that they want to the lisbon treaty as well this is an affront to democracy not just for u.k. shits but for germans and french and the other twenty seven countries in the european union lots of you've been rubbing your hands with glee then we see a lot of this intense internal debate over the bailing out of weak economies obviously a lot of dissent between some of the major players would you rather then see the whole or do you think this perhaps could be the beginning of the end of the european union. yeah it is the beginning of the end the euro is crashing and burning thank goodness we never joined the single currency we now have a situation where there's riots on the street in athens parish we've also had riots of course in barcelona in parts of spain and of course now the germans and the french don't want to bail out these so-called pig economies or let me just ask you one thing in the turbulent times we've seen that in the greek crisis in fact the eurozone survived they're now saying the euro will strengthen. this latest summit
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how does it introduce the new crisis mechanism there's a lot of positive thought that's exactly what a union should be doing getting together sorting out the problems and moving forward even the saying this is a tool a mechanism to fight the crisis that's what a union is all about isn't it and that's why the union has survived. what has survived will it survive i'm saying initial age of austerity that has nothing to do with the working man we didn't cause the problem it was the bankers on law tribulations by politicians right across the eurozone we don't fit not understand why we have to feel the pain for that and it's obvious the german people feel the same way which is why angela merkel is trying to change is an open treaty now but i'm saying if you want to change it you've got to have a referendum and very confident now that referendum will come we had a poll out this year why don't you five percent of the u.k. population want a referendum seventy five percent why won't the political elite give a shit what are they scared of i'll tell you what they're scared of the ordinary
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man and woman on the street who pay for their extravagance they don't need a two point five billion pound prize they need to be cut back and cut back to size because it's rich nations like the u.k. and france and germany that are paying for that expensive part. talking to be a little early on. time now for a brief look at some of today's other stories making news around the world a major security sweep is underway in the u.s. and u.k. of a fears bombs have been planted in cargo several planes have been grounded and a suspicious package is being investigated in new york initial reports suggest that no explosive devices were found as a result of the searches in the u.s. according to several officials investigations were prompted by a suspicious device discovered in a cargo harbor in the u.k. . north and south korean soldiers of exchange far across the border that's according to south korean officials who claim some of its troops are injured incident comes two weeks ahead of a g. twenty summit in seoul there's been no response from north korea as yet. what is
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one of the insuring myths about russia hungry bears roaming the streets but now there could actually be some truth in it with natural food supplies to ending this year many wild animals have headed into towns in search of a meal paid oliver has more on the bare necessities. the bare one of the iconic images of russia recently though the relationship between these animals and the people who live alongside them has been less than cordial the searing heat and fires which swept through russia this summer destroyed much of the bear's winter food supply forcing them to search for alternatives in these russian city of sifted garden a twenty six year old man had a very lucky escape after he was attacked by a bear right in the center of the city the man was bitten in the neck and realizes how fortunate he was. i still can't understand how i escaped death i somehow managed to push the animal away so he fell crushing a fence. elsewhere in the city there was a more mecarbil incident involving
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a bear while visiting a cemetery two women saw it they believed to be a large man crouching by the grave as they got closer they realized that it was in fact a bear which had dug up a body and was feeding on it the women scream scared the animal away it's at least hundreds took turns to guard the cemetery itself far there has been no sign of the bear so we have the situation under control who. it's not just the human residents that have had some close encounters with bears airport c.c.t.v. caught this guard dog having to run for its life after drawing the attention of an inquisitive bear it i don't know if we were told that the bear came from the direction of the town the dog attacked it he tried to smother the dog the dog got away in started leading from bear way from the house that all us bears have also taken to attacking livestock as a source of food in the year kamensky district of central russia hunters had to be employed to protect cattle in some cases humans make problems for themselves with
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bears it's strongly recommended not to try and feed the animals in order to get a photo opportunity so as incidence of contact between humans and increase around rush hour at this time of year it's important that we respect these iconic creatures so as not to become the next victim of bear attack peter all of our party . well next morton andrews takes you on a tour of haunted for creative ways to celebrate halloween in the russian capital.
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this weekend thousands of people will dress up as witches or ghouls and celebrate halloween but when it comes to actual ghosts in the russian capital whether you believe them or not well there are several famous spooky stories here now this is an old abandoned ferris wheel kind of eerie just like many of the cities around the world this capital has its fair share of creepy locations cost lives and fascinating nations so join the boston entries as we discover
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a whole to the subject of this week's program. to kill program from legendary stuck to the district but the famous t.v. tower is located some locals say the area is possibly linked to evil spirits and the rumor is that centuries ago symmetry from a. situated in. the districts name sounds like the. old remains strange coincidence maybe. hard times today to. some want. of days gone by. scary territory. who knows what looks to be. there is a lot of unexplained. everything else now. what
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happens is a lot of. history was first broken and revived you know all of the. all it all was so i think. it would normally be the area that was eventually built on the size of a burial ground. according to legend i've always. been seen here since the sixteenth century now the locals who claim to have seen today complain of dreadful headaches. for several days afterwards. quickly escaping to the streets. and. right across from the kremlin.
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with this much in sixty's bright colored interior promises to be the latest hangout venue for the. venue has already. guests of the trimming top international tennis tournament. reproaching a new leader. in a. department store. just in time the. design assuming that a visa only presents the latest fashions controversial or not they might end up being this season's must as expense. could be the coldest she has seen in one thousand years. i absolutely love the russian market as women here and know how to wear fur and they like our brand styles garments are not tacky or simple warm very light and makes you look younger as i'm trying to refresh people's concern of attitude toward wearing.
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trick or treat moving to another creepy location let's meet this week's guest. her. here. i am an actress and i'm doing a play right now called the tale in which is based on the nickel. and also to travel and then for the moscow is a fantastic place to believe. i have traveled all over the world and i love ghosts and ghost stories selling the best travel stories one of the not. a lot of stories. of the castle in house and or at the dungeon there is one of the best i've ever been to very scary and also in toronto we have a theater called the royal alex and it's been haunted by a famous goes for a hundred years. and costume. and
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since i've been here in moscow i go to the kremlin where there are three. sort of famous ghosts. can be seen in the halls at night apparently and i also heard about the german. cemetery the flag of seventeen seventy one the one that had the russian orthodox church refused any foreigners to be buried in russia cemeteries so they have that separate seventy for foreigners there by chance and so one night sometimes you can go. both. there. will be culture through how we can possibly without looking what happens to people
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dress up for the occasion. a written a celtic and pagan holiday it was believed that until midnight on the eve of the saying stay on the first evil spirits would roam around frightening people and wreaking havoc. so lucas would dress the scary costumes to keep away the evil spirits. there are many halloween outfits and accessories aside here and this fancy dress shop just very well out of the celebration notice or should know to continue to get ready paneling many people come to our show in fact it's when we have the biggest number of customers. and experts living in moscow get costumes here there is no don't do that it becomes more and more popular every year. because some of halloween was brought to america in a few filters by irish immigrants and recently did west the celebration its way here to russia but the hollowing is a rather new dates in the recent calendar the western imports has been welcomed with open arms especially by the younger generation and in this case the party to
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go of one. of the traits our. well it's my turn to see this all has to offer. the retail industry should be happy every year more money is spent on how are we goods in a rush and whether you're looking for a creepy cost. skeleton masks there are a range of outfits and accessories you can buy or hire. so what you think i was carrying us. on the territory of moscow in a park between the trees there are several mystical wooden statues you can see carvings of ancient gods made by slavic pagan pews yes what is believed to be a twelve century settlement freethinkers gather at the spot and i always remember to bring some gifts and offerings to the various logs not to test the spirits
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temples. and of course more schools restaurants and we're getting ready for the spooky holiday celebration to not only costume parties are being organized but special menus from pumpkin soup to eyeball lychee cocktails being created by chefs and bartenders and so trick or treat trick or treat give me something good to eat. this weekend children in russia and around the world will enjoy halloween themed food sweet apple bubbling and trick or treating especially the a. young russians office a native of the country's new halloween celebrations. it's nice to have a little piece of home very much hell or so far away from home so it's really great .
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so it's midnight and got my own finished pumpkin and i'm all alone here in the park just opposite the cabinet. and it's about this time of lights where all the ghostly spirits are meant to come out. so you might not believe the evil spirits will come out and. very. long history it's hardly surprising that. maybe it's. meanwhile. arriving. many traditional russians on tap a. place in the russian calendar some states the how to leave is a demonic celebration others believe the event is a way to express oneself dress up and simply have fun.
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or not i think it's a good way to be a free. speech haunted by the shadows of history to the ghosts of so the hosley does exist. something. that's enjoyed by millions around the world and old and new so no secrets and spirits like. costume to well maybe not a mystical a magnificent itself is. excellent very good. some people like it or not hollowing is definitely to say in russia.
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on this week special. see you again same time next week and sell them from a list the same. wealthy british style. market. really happening to the global economy
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with. global financial headlines. you know. russian and u.s. forces. and destroy. of a joint operation. if they continue working together. there are reports of twenty people being arrested for allegedly spying for russia reuters news agency quotes.
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economic collapse include publishing. and creating a. true. into food supplies were destroyed. concerns about the choice of human remains as part of the. tape for the moment i'll be back with more news for innocent thirty minutes from now in the meantime we follow a quest for the truth undertaken by the parents of a u.s. soldier whose death was blamed on drug abuse but turned out to be caused by a medicine prescribed by his superiors that's a special report next on.


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