tv [untitled] October 29, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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again as i transform into my with one eye ball from a boiled toad watch my transformation on to a chop conservative full of cotton antics until. now that my spell is sad good start to show as glenn beck. welcome america as you can see i'm not exactly myself and tonight you know in fact i'm not myself at all you know to fully celebrate the hall in spirit i wanted to put myself in somebody else's shoes to see the world from their perspective so i thought why not go with the person that i understand the least with fox news host glenn beck and now that i am in high i can tell you i'm scared and it's not just scared i'm concerned you see my heart my heart is heavy because the nation that i
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love whose ideals i live and breathe well his face i can't even recognize it see we the american people we are surrounded by corruption by greed we're being told by our government to consume to spend and essence to pay for everything the we want as a distraction while they take without asking they sneak through the back door you know this is a nation that's no longer guided by by its moral principles no longer grateful for they have been granted to us by god we've forgotten what it means to be proud to be american and i'm proud we should be have a map of the world and point out one other country that gives so much that's always the first to respond in times of crisis when natural disasters hit anywhere on earth who they come to come to america because we care we respond because we are made up of strong individuals and that i tell you again. that these days my heart
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is heavy because we're being told to give up that pride to humble ourselves you know to be ashamed of what our country stands for what we the people the individuals have achieved we're being told to surrender our rights to let somebody else make our decisions for us to reduce redistribute the wealth raise our taxes just let socialism write a hit and if you don't well hey they're just going to ram it down your throat anyway and to that we must say no i don't watch nuts on my watch and most definitely not on god's watch tonight we're going to pinpoint some of those evils that are lurking in the corners of the government's agenda you know some people out there are trying to tell you that the gold bubble well it's about to burst it's a risky financial investment if you think the dollar that little piece of paper that we print out of thin air is any better you're going to find yourself swimming in a river of tears or not then you guys want to know what's really wrong with america's
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youth today it's not them in fact fact that we need to be guiding the children in the right direction towards god maybe a little laughter can do the trick we're going to speak to comedian scene smith about that then we have a little more proof that obama the man but this country now calls its president is marching on a path towards dictatorship you know when meeting with a group of progressive bloggers barack obama probably so comfortable in the company of like minded people he left the big one slip i'm going to tell you all about that and chris christie new jersey's governor just allowed a three billion dollar public works project to get canceled because that's three billion dollars that the government doesn't have to begin with now i salute the man and in the a show a fellow patriot michele bachmann is going to join me to take a last good hard look at who's running in this year's midterm elections are going
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to brush through the slanderous headlines all the tab leinster tabloids her mind you who really makes this country great and that's why now we're going to get started. you know people we are in trouble we're in trouble because a big red beast known as china well it's creeping its inching towards us i can feel it in my bones and i can tell you that oh it doesn't feel right now it doesn't feel right that america's power our sovereignty is being threatened by the east by that dragon that's just waiting to breathe fire on the world as we know it. they say they're the people's republic of the people's republic. big you and i both know that that means they're communist you and i both know that there are people they don't know freedom they can't taste it because they're told that equality the repression that those poor souls consider to be equality that that's going to take
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care of them the government will do all they can for the greater good so they should just sit back relax think that they're all a part of it now. they'll know what of it what they are a part of once the dragon is unleashed once the world is covered in blood once they're forced to do their government's dirty work as an army that will show no mercy to its victims yeah i worry i wake of sweating for nightmares sometimes i even scream at night because i feel like no one's paying any attention no one is listening no one is considering what our debt means what it means to have all foreign power that wants nothing but that but power what it means when they own you and they do. they own us well now we have news that china says it's built the world's fastest computer. she gets hear me they're not one of but the wii or world fastest computer that means that they've surpassed us when it comes to
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super computers now who knows what that thing could be capable of and to be honest does it even matter anymore with the economy there is there already you know there's global financial crisis there weathering it much better than we are they're building up their industries they have a never never ending number of hands to help them manufacture their way to the top and now we are sure of that because they have now taken over technology we all know that no one can function without their little cell phones these days and those are just little tiny cell phones they're just the beginning cell phones compared to a super computer that just reduces them to about nothing i remember china now also has a monopoly on rare earth metals needed for computer chips and such i guess they figured hey you know we control all of this let's just make the best computer in the whole goddamn world it's blatant america china just wants us to be their slaves so what do they do they just one of us and everything supercomputers the fastest trains
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a nonstop growing economy soon we're going to be in second place on all levels we will all be slaves to that communist country will constantly be trying to play catch up. you and i are smart enough to get this people but the progressives obama for some reason they keep trying to play nice i mean our art of it to understand china's message here if anything it even sounds like our president idolizes their country china spends about nine percent of its gross domestic product on infrastructure europe spends about five percent we've been spending two percent. and that's part of the reason why we no longer have the best airports we don't ever have the best rail systems you see washington has been telling us to wait for decades even as the problems have grown worse. meanwhile china is not waiting to revamp its economy. there is get all that china is not waiting to revamp its
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economy china won't wait because it knows that it can take advantage of america but it can take advantage of a president who is trying to transform our capitalist society into a socialist society and china knows that all that paper that we print it all back in just vanish into the dust while they stay mineral rich so why that what it is so obvious that having a currency not backed by any standard having a country that no longer manufactures but depends on exports how after all of that can anyone even question why i would invest in gold a lauren lyster r t financial correspondent joins me right now from our studio in new york to talk more about this now you know lauren i got to ask you where for can americans turn to if it's not gold i mean we are just in debt up to our ears we
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have two wars abroad and the dollar it's losing value where else can you go. well from an investment standpoint maybe silver it's less expensive and it's actually performed a lot better than gold aside from all the hype but you know seriously gold has been the go to for a lot of investors and a lot of the world because they see it as holding real value but now it's been so inflated that people are calling this a bubble because at the end of the day gold doesn't really have any innate value it doesn't produce anything it doesn't produce profits it doesn't grow it doesn't have any industrial purpose it's just gold and at the end of the day it has the same value that you attach to it as a attach to the dollar or to anything else but if it's gold like you said you know gold isn't like paper paper paper it can burn paper you can blow away with the win gold you can at least hang onto so don't tell me that there's a gold bubble if you're holding a big chunk of gold in your hands. well you know what are you going to do with
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a big chunk of gold there are several a.t.m.'s now an obvious dobby that are pumping out gold but what are people going to do with that bullion i mean bury it in their backyard there's really not much you can do with that you know u.s. dollars you may argue it's paper but it's paper that's backed by the number one economy in the world and even though it's struggling still reserve currency it's still an economy that is the largest in the world and there's a lot of value attached to that and you know if you're not looking at the economic prowess to back it up at the end of day you can look at the u.s. military spending which is fifty percent of the entire world spending so there's a lot of guns and a lot of ammunition that the u.s. has in its arsenal backing that dollar when do we have enough guns will there ever be enough ammunition you know that's what i worry about in a day where we have to worry about terrorist threats where we have to worry about a nuclear armed iran what we need is goals we can't just depend on currency on their values in
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a global economy one that could fly up in smoke any moment why can't we just return to the gold standard. well you know there's a reason the u.s. got away from the gold standard the u.s. had to leave the gold standard after the great depression it was the only way the economy rebounded so the u.s. really had no choice that's when things turned around and i think that you know going backward not not exactly be you know even an option but you know to look at it how inflated gold has gone and how many people have turned to you know there's only so long that billionaires like george soros can back you know tens of billions of dollars that have been poured into it are from him that money could all disappear and go away i mean even warren buffett was a great great long term you know prognosticator about where things are headed has pointed out that with the amount of money that they gold is then on its value that you could you know buy ten exxon mobil's all of the farmland in the u.s. and still have a trillion dollars of cash to spend in your hands you know it's overvalued is the
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problem and you know back to a gold standard any talk of that is going to change you know the u.s. situation that it's that it said he's not going to you know what are you progressive saying you never want to go back to anything even though it's wise loren i thank you for joining me and for you my audience don't forget you can buy gold you should buy gold that's like gold line is there now we have to you can quick break but believe me america we've got a lot more in store for you tonight the young adults of this country are turning away from god only fifty three percent even think that god exists somewhere along the way they've forgotten who it is that made them so i invited a young comedian on the show to see if i could show him the light and guess who your president invited the white house five of the most influential progressive bloggers five people to see things just the way he does and who support his radical agenda professor christopher chambers will be here to discuss that meeting with me for the break. you.
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is the quote that says we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that you have got that endowed by our creator orders yes our founding fathers they knew that we are nation under god oh holy nation but we were a special country divinely ordained to be a shining light in this world but our light is faith. fact that's almost no president obama and he's doing his best to make sure that that light gets a sting wished for ever america has turned from god america's children have turned away from god and progressive's well they're going to do whatever they can to make sure that we never find him again they'll tell our children to love and accept everyone who was still like it is because you know what i mean by the inside until
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you realize that there's a very important figure missing in the definition of everyone is the big man the most important man in my life you know our children are lost they take their freedom for granted and they forget their creator or that it is time to get them back on track to bring them back to a basic way of life the way that our founding fathers lived when men were free and god was almighty. you know. we're only five days away from midterm election and the youth of this country the young driving force of hope the new generation of change our future like i said they're turning away from god more than ever and let me tell you something according to a recent pew poll only fifty three percent of what are called millennial that's a generation of those born after nineteen thousand nine hundred eighty one the young and well they believe only fifty three percent of god exists and according to
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researchers from the american religious identification survey the percentage of people who don't affiliate with any religion is up in this country by fifteen percent so those who don't believe are growing and like i said before they're putting their faith in government not go instead the young people in america well they're all for the following approach i think that we have some good pictures of them no. we're getting to them. this is what america's youth choose to do these days that looks like a misguided youth to me and they're misguided because we're letting them we're all guilty of it in one way or another no matter how much you try to do right by your family by your children along the way there are just too many demons to protect them from their everywhere they're on the streets they're out there schools they're on their television sets now they're even on the internet areas where there is no
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religious framework because in public schools the government won't even allow it this is important for founding fathers built this country we have from nothing to a leading world power based on the sole foundation benjamin franklin has insisted that schools teach the excellently of the christian religion above all others ancient or modern so what happened like i said we let it happen outside forces in our young are just too strong we need to figure out how to reel them back in so tonight joining me is a member of the one of many who will take the reins what has become this godless state and smith thank you so much for joining me now the queue for having a seat and young man just tell me just tell me because it really you know it pains my heart i'm a family man myself and. we have we gone wrong where did we not guide you. i just want to apologize to you first off i didn't know we went so askew into the
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last thirty minutes it really illuminated me. i don't know what point did we lose it i want to say maybe the eighty's maybe when crack came into play i mean we had a lot of good music maybe rap music i'm really i'm really proud and i'm of led to this is that what leads to drinking to these celebrity costume ninety five i mean you know on the internet ninety five percent sure lho was being played during one of those parties had to be had to be or little influence i don't know i don't know but this is just it does disgust me i look at these facebook pictures constantly part of why how do you look at them why do you look at them if they're so disgusting i think they're just studying i have to study these things are i have i have to know where these things come from i can't just be letting all these naked breasting drinking just exist in the world somebody has to observe and i do it every day at my desk but why is that the you observe he's. naked breasts pass to
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be sort of observing god instead of believing in the man i am of this really this divine will deserving god i'm just i'm praying i'm saying oh god look at those breasts every day that's how i do it all right that's just that's just that's just that's just fun foundation a prayer right that's not ever nothing a peerage you. you don't think god if you really spoke to the true god if you really meant what you were saying that he would guide you in another direction that he would tell you see. you stop observing those breasts every day why don't you start thinking about what you can do for this country what you can do for other children so whole about rice you know the problem with god never really tells me these long sentences that i wish i got these e-mails i was somebody articulate as well as you usually guy kind of gives me quick signals and he signs maybe a bird flies on my porch and i take that as like ok maybe i should go on the internet and look at porn that's usually the. way mean god goes but if i could just get these clear statements maybe bullet points i'd be all over that we have special
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use needs maybe if we can put it maybe if god can get together make a quick song writing a song because the christian wrestler said why don't i don't know who this little guy right is there right you're talking about you know you can go ahead you're going to live but it isn't i mean is this man a mentor because like i was saying i don't blame you i don't blame you and your friends an address out there whatever size whatever color or shape they may be and i blame me i blame everyone else like myself we're the ones that are supposed to be the teachers and the mentors and we're clearly guiding you wrong so how can i lay out those bullet points more clearly how can i make it easier for you. i i i don't know what the most clear way to do it is i mean yes nickelodeon is not working anymore we clearly have to move on if there was a way you can maybe have a t.v. special that would just kind of clear it all up we could all kind of get together make it i phone accessible if you can make i phone i've really just got one of these things let me tell you i. just every time a new app comes out you made
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a guy glenn beck app i'm going to i'm going to download the interesting and make it very i don't make it over to. you know when it comes to god when it comes to the bible when it comes to christianity there is that for that is there there absolutely is an app for that and that's why we need to spread the word we need to talk about these things but as you know if you download that app realize the danger where this country is heading and you should also considering buying a food survival kit because we are having an upcoming food shortage in this country just for two hundred dollars you can buy kit that will feed you and your family for an entire week. thank you so much thank you now moving on to this white house who also would love to tell you if there isn't a food shortage coming they're going to try to tell you that they're bipartisan that they work both side of the political aisle to move our great country. to a better place that they don't have a progressive agenda hidden behind every. year oh oh oh lovely it is
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to catch them in a lie to have prove their actions tell a much different story than their rhetoric you know they think they would no one's looking they can just slip a group of fringe progressive bloggers into the white house to hold private meetings i secret meeting to discuss their radical changes i'm not talking about just any old bloggers that are out there out of the millions of people that sit in their homes in their basements who actually get healing from letting their personal thoughts out you know now these men and women these five little individuals they have influence these are the same bloggers who are advocating moving this great land of ours and so she was there for big government free services there for handouts and guess who ends up paying for all those freebies well it's you and me both through our heart earned tax dollars you know earlier this week our president barack hussein obama he decided to have a little socialism a love fest with those five liberal bloggers side the white house
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a sacred building how i wish i could have been a fly on the wall actually that's a total lie probably i probably would have gotten physically ill from being forced to listen to them laugh at each other then patting themselves on the back saying hey great job because you're collectively ruining this country with me all while phil's whilst filling their own coffers but that's why i'm thankful that we got our hands on a little transcript and what this group to reveals well it shouldn't shock you if you follow my program then you have faith that i tell you. because i care what appears skeptic. believe me you're no longer going to have any way of reasoning that at this point that this press that these progressive bloggers they have an agenda and they'll do to push now i'm joined by christopher chambers georgetown university professor and founder of the blog natural reservation professor chambers
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what a pleasure to have you on the show really thanks so much you know. you know i'm telling you for me this is just proof what i heard what i read of this transcript i just want to go to a little quote ok let me let me just start here with what this president said they were asking him about his policies how he feels about getting them through and he said the fall look i'm pretty stubborn guy when it comes to on the one hand trying to get cooperation i don't just give up because i didn't get cooperation on this issue i'll try the next issue if the republicans don't agree with me on fiscal policy maybe they'll agree with me on infrastructure but they don't agree with me on infrastructure i'll try to see if they agree with me on education so i'm just going to keep on trying to see where they want to move the country forward. did it ever occur to this president that forward isn't the direction that everybody wants to go in then maybe pushing
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a ramming it down our throats is not exactly what we want i mean this clearly proves to me that these people have an agenda and here he is with five other people saying in the room well first of all i don't understand why that's such a great a bad quote i think most normal people do want to move forward i mean maybe you might not are you considering are you saying i'm not normal well so you know i'm crazy possibly because most sane people want to move forward there were five seeing people coming to the white house and they are not yes people they're not yes men or women they disagreed with him if you had bothered to read the rest of the transcript the normal parts of the transcript of their blog. be such as daily kos i read the whole room i've read their blogs chris let's go over some of these people right i want to talk they are not lot of bloggers that are not one. of the progressive bloggers. we have john
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a model. from crooks and liars right this is the man that is the founder of this website this is a liberal progressive blog they do walk in lockstep with this administration they push their progressive policies that no one else wants to hear all over we'll it's also of crooks and liars was there when this man has called the tea party an exaggeration and fact you know it's not even to me perhaps that they will agree with the president it's that they lie and lie that the word is not a lie i ration have you ever seen not all over world let me tell you something look there are so far coming out look at the face of a liar right there that looks like the face of somebody who is honest first of all second of all he has ideas that he likes twinkies perhaps whoa he might he might have to come here and bury you in a mountain of twinkies because twinkies represents the truth first of all what do you mean by truth what i mean is they have been fighting people who have been
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attacking the president and defending the president basically they they are mad at the president because he they feel that he has basically had them fight this battle horribly they were so mad at the president right the president got scared and decided hey i know you guys if you first of all you're not world leaders because some world leaders were in their eyes for a while or are there just regular i'm sure you chew on it why don't you come right on did. you know yells what we're doing this transcript if you read the whole trance yes i have a lot and i follow our blogs laughter i've never gave question mr president president says it's ok man laughter oh so if you're the loser violator lin has been invited as a gay be derogate cause no. nobody has ever invited any gay activists or gay gay bloggers or gay journalists express the gay journalist to the white house they're americans to first of all now previous presidents both bushes and reagan invited people like that to the white house in secret meetings they were called oil
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creating this and living on the grassy of a gender to ruin the country christopher thank. you that much more. and you are watching our t.v. direct from moscow let's take a look at your headlines right now russia and nato joined forces and destroy heroin and opium labs in afghanistan wiping out two hundred fifty million dollars worth of narcotics the operation it came as a result of increased pressure from moscow to block the flood of heroin entering and russia after months of planning the raid in the mountains near the border with pakistan looked took less than four hours. reports say georgia has rounded up twenty people allegedly working for a russian spy network tbilisi is yet to confirm or deny the report diplomatic ties between russia and georgia were severed in two thousand and eight following the war
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in south and. the european union agrees to a new financial bailout system with a major players tired of paying for weaker state's fiscal blunders the plan includes a permanent fund to aid the euro in times of crisis it also gives the e.u. the power to scrutinise member states of national budgets coming up in about half an hour marina joshie my colleague will be here with a full picture news but right now it's back or should i say back to the second part of the alley and showing her how in special. for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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