tv [untitled] October 30, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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about the importance of the asia pacific region and russia's cooperation with them . the successful completion of the new asia pacific is in the country's interest in . a constructive life i would like to note that russia is going to this kind of cooperation especially the creation of alliances of course many issues were addressed during the a.c.n. working sessions of for example the issues of natural disasters which of course this region is specifically prone to also various other issues like konami corporation global security dealing with the aftermath of the global financial crisis all those issues were discussed too much satisfaction it seems from the region is a very attractive one primarily because it has a lot of growing economically growing countries china of course is one of russia's main partners and is of course a part of bric brazil russia india and china so some experts say one of the strongest emerging economies in the world today in those boys to deal with the
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effects of the global financial crisis a lot better than the so-called economic giants like the united kingdom the united states and the european union's but also its relations with vietnam go back a very long way and they do seem to be very strong ties as russian president dmitry medvedev said in an article published in the local newspaper russia stood by the vietnamese as they fought for their independence and will continue to stand by them as they emerge a strong economy into the twenty first century into the world arena as my colleague muddies the notion of found out the economic ties between moscow and how annoyed are growing stronger by the day. in the twenty first century it might look like a throwback to kuwait. but it's not the case vietnamese its economy growing at an increasing rate and it's. used to help spur the.
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russian money big companies are flowing to vietnam bringing millions of dollars of investment which is a good sign of healthy relations. but the biggest venture a still had russia is to build vietnam's first atomic power plant it took several years for georgeson environmentalists to find the right place when vietnam to the country's first nuclear plant they chose the central province one chan haiti's locals call it the land of sand and sun there is no rain here now it's raining but it's for the first time in the last few months and as a result few people live in here and that makes it an almost ideal place for a future project and the plans include a power stations within the next two decades we think the first unit we launched by twenty twenty it will provide us with cheap and safe energy to meet up to fifteen percent of the rise on demand local people welcome the ideal the region which is
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among the poorest in the country becoming vietnam's an a g powerhouse communities here have traditionally been dependent on fishing and dries growing but now the sense of brighter future. infrastructure and give us opportunities i think one day my children can work has planned for this they worked hard and got a good education i am going to be smart to action on. that one long ridge over the red river north of annoying vietnam the country's longest for years it symbolized a long friendship between vietnam and its strongest ally the big communist brother u.s.s.r. its vietnamese name could be translated as rising dragon and it seems the drug got its tail flying high twenty years on after the collapse of the soviet union russia is among vietnam's closest partners riven ocean r.t. vietnam. and on the sidelines of the summit moscow and washington vow continued
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talks on the u.s. missile defense shield program and a new european security plan russian foreign minister sergei lavrov off met with the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton the two also praised the successful joint anti drug operation in afghanistan and agreed to go on with the fight against the narcotics trade on thursday russian u.s. special forces conducted the first of a major of a joint operation against drug produces in the region they destroyed four labs and seized almost a ton of time when. u.s. drug policy spokesman robert we know says it's a shame that washington couldn't come around to the view of eradication of crops until russia forced it to act fortunate that it has taken this long to really come together with you there's going to reluctance in the united states to even go after the drug trade in afghanistan it's been a policy of the military to let it go and that's tragic and it's unbelievable to me
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that it took russia to tell the united states where the drug labs were when we have one hundred thousand troops we've spent eighty billion dollars on intelligence we have one hundred thousand additional contractors so we had to know were crawling all over every inch of that country but it took you to in fact to out the united states to force us and to embarrass us to cooperate with you to stop the drug trade which is in the interest of the entire world including the united states. hour.
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after reports. of a report. what we know at the moment is on friday the reuters news agency put out a report that said twenty people have been arrested in georgia were accused of trying to set up a spy ring for moscow now we still haven't heard anything from the georgian side from they say so far to say where they confirm or deny that this was happening they've said they will issue
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a news conference later on what we have heard though is some comments from the russian side what russian politician saying that there is no need for russia to have a spy ring in georgia it would be a waste of resources and suggesting that perhaps these people who have been arrested could be the police using these they spy a cover up story to try and take the opposition political opposition away from the streets of georgia. this looks like another of george's internal political battles in russia is used as the boogie man as usual russia doesn't need a spy network in georgia it would be waste of resources russian officials can get all the information in georgia without leaving their desks there is a massive georgian john spirit here in russia was strong toys to homeland's so there's absolutely no need for any old spying methods to gather intelligence it's all basically nothing more than part of george's internal policies it's not just the politicians that have been having a say in this political analysts as well suggesting that this could be the just the
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further magination of somebody that's read far too many spy novels it's also being brought up the comparisons between this and the the situation we saw earlier this year in the united states there wasn't so much spy saga as it was well a bit of an embarrassment really where ended up with. less charges for espionage and a lot more glossy magazine cover shoot on a chapman with a case where the alleged ship between the two countries has suffered since because he came to office in georgia in two thousand and six or so for russian military personnel arrested accused of espionage that ended up resulting in transporting. is between a two cars. been temporarily suspended their relationship really hit its lowest ebb in two thousand and eight when george aggression against the the south the city and people saw russian troops moving into the region in a conflict taking place in august of that year so quite a few incidents over the past few years involving tensions between these two
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countries. well for more analysis on this story we're now joined by fred ware from the christian science monitor good to see you so speculation is just running rampant on this story here there are some people that are even saying that this could just be a p.r. stunt by the georgian president mikhail saakashvili now when you look at what we had over this last summer with that attention grabbing incident with the russian spies being caught in america do you think this recent story could all be inspired by that well i don't know the extraordinary thing about this story is that. it. it has no legs you know i don't believe in my professional career i've ever encountered a story that erupts one day and it's got the scope of this one and twenty four hours later we have no further details about it. it is. you know we journalists have lots of ways to milk a story you know but in this case for example there is no social noise i've been
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phoning down to all day talking to people that i know who are well connected and so on and they know nothing it doesn't happen especially in a small place like shibli see that twenty people disappear into the night and fog and nobody knows anything about it. their neighbors who've seen something usually family members who create a ruckus opposition politicians who have something to do there in this case there is dead silence and even more peculiar than that the georgian media is only reporting what reuters said yesterday now it doesn't happen that the story of blows up in your own backyard and these journalists and there are many good journalists in georgia i know some of them. don't track it down so i mean as you say there is obviously a lot of speculation to this but now in the recent past we've seen an improvement in relations between russia the u.s.
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and nato could perhaps georgia be trying to undermine this improvement in relations but anything anything is possible but i would like to point out another thing that is passingly strange you know in a democratic law governed state arrests are a public matter. and that is so of necessity because. in a democratic state. when someone is arrested they're entitled to due process that means they can call a lawyer that family members can be contacted therefore arrests are announced and it never happens i can't tell you how bizarre it is to hear a police spokesman say. i can neither confirm nor deny that arrests have taken place secret arrests are the hallmark of a police state and we don't think georgia is a police state so it's either the case that georgia is becoming
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a police state and this is some kind of release range opening to that or perhaps there were no arrests well i mean this really is certainly shrouded in mystery here but the relations between russia and georgia are certainly haven't been good since the war with the south or set here in two thousand and eight is it possible the saakashvili is simply trying to worsen the relationship. well. any anything's possible but i think it is connected if it if we're going into the realm of speculation. you know there is a new law before the georgian parliament which is called the freedom charter and it's something akin to the patriot act in the united states it will drastically increase the powers of the security service. past its first reading in the in the georgian part parliament recently and it is possible that someone is trying to whip up. a social mood to support that
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a spy scandal would have domestic implications if you if you create a scare but as i say that's just speculation. as it stands the only really important thing that we know about this story is what a bizarre thing it is indeed we're from the christian science monitor thank you thank you well could a comedian in america have more power than the president the majority of voters on an online men's magazine certainly seem to think so they selected jon stewart as the most influential man of the year in america and as artie's anastasio going to reports this saturday the funnyman will see if his popularity translates into political action. when it's an box get in the way of political promises were promised during the campaign change you can believe in right it wasn't change you can believe in in eighteen months when the media over with fear and anger.
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and the minds of a population are attacked with misinformation there's such a lack of truth on the airwaves were being dumbed down by the news business who are americans left to trust according to a poll conducted by an online men's magazine comedian jon stewart is the most influential man in america after eleven years on the daily show how four million voters bumped him up to the number one spot and i would be concerned if it was they said larry the cable guy was the most trusted man comerica so i feel like. one way of earning the trust has been confronting the mainstream media we need help from the media and they're earning us a sect in the lies being spun by pundits taking over t.v. screens in america who. are you know your kids going to kill you doing are you how do you learn the border collies doing
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the learning period. you know do you think it is dangerous well i wonder what the letter would have to say about. the security in the u.s. these days it is taking a comedian to show that the lack of trust in the media is what's causing programs ratings to crowd i have privately amongst my friends and also an occasional newspapers and television show. mentioned this show as being bad you made the right choice you are leaving this place you know where you are in the last guy out of a burning building and draw on. and you are so up and so comedian jon stewart became the most trusted man in america he calls crap like you sees it and always uses humor humor and simpler reasons to he's just a handsome man he's just
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a handsome trustworthy fellow but it's far from just believing he's appreciating the humor for the first time a sitting president has appeared on stewart's show just a couple of days before the midterm election democrats this year she had to be running on. please baby one more chance. in the same pool stewart won the number one spot obama didn't even make the top twenty with tens of thousands of americans if not more headed to jon stewart's rally to restore sanity this weekend the fight for truth in media and in politicians is moving almost right into the homes of the political elite and even those stewards and denies being a man of politics there is this idea out there that comedians do not have a personal political agenda but has one i can say that we do if the comedian were to push his agenda forward the most trusted man in america would have his followers join him which should be the scary thought things for all those politicians media
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pundits and the rest of the establishment so far the way to earn trust with their own people once they see it you're going to r.c. your. all right time now for a brief update on some other international headlines he is in yemen say they've seized over twenty possible after explosive devices were discovered on u.s. bound cargo planes in the u.k. and dubai the packages were addressed to synagogues in chicago president barack obama called it a credible threat against the united states the focus is now on yemen where the packages originated the country's active al qaeda branch is being linked to the plot. the number of dead in a suicide bombing in iraq has risen to twenty six officials say five more people died in hospital from their injuries a suicide bomber blew himself up inside a busy cafe on friday night in a town north of baghdad this comes during a period of relative calm in iraq the last major attack came on september the
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nineteen twenty thousand bombings in baghdad killed at least thirty one. an exhibition to showcase the latest arms equipment available to military and civilian security forces has taken place in the moscow region are to use sarah ferguson to long for a ride on one of the new super vehicles at the frontline of the war on terror. politics. the fourteenth international poll read said that means the provision of state security say they're alive devastations going on today at the moment we're told they only gods aping this ceremony and throughout the day they gave me ten months of life back to the officials such as the russian forces a capable of this is a three day event that combines full connected specialized exhibitions one with the international exhibition at police and defense technologies another is the international specialized exhibition of technical systems and facilities the
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buddhist service and specialized international exhibition at the medical equipment and technologies in that area is one of the largest the fans of its kind in russia it's a very unique event with the book from the russian government that's the only exhibition in russia that demonstrates in the way it does the technical capabilities the face the full system and the equipment you have a demonstration by the russian a tear and then a straight question the combat operation and you can see now that the landing that i have also. been the specialist the so often to be going at it taking this building hit by so this was a high ranking official says because all the participants of the exhibition a chance to get up close and personal some of the specialized military equipment like this heavily armored vehicle. taking live they could easily carry up to ten sodas at a time you can see that it really does provide a unique opportunity took the disappearance of the exhibition to see exactly how these vehicles work in combat situation. well tougher
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production here as more foreign carmakers are expanding their operations but as medina caution of reports the relative lack of locally produced components is putting the brakes on the russian auto industry. dashboards bomb the radiator grills and other components that's what this newly built plan and the cougar region will produce and more importantly that's what the fast recovering russia call market lacks at the moment the kaluga plant is just one of the serious of russia projects run by magna in late september the canadian company also announced the opening of three plants in sin peters back the total investment into the kaluga project top seventy four million euros the plunge will manufacture components from false fagging school into renal and trying for certain products. but they're all up. for sale so we still have to import.
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data for example from from outside. pretty sure that this will change over time experts say this year global cop production could exceed pre-crisis levels with seventeen million vehicles rolling off the assembly lines russia will contribute about one point seven million to the total by twenty eleven for many of those are simply sampled han't rather than build from scratch the biggest bottleneck for production in russia is the lack of social components plenty of manufacturing plants but the source of supply of world class quality components is pretty limited and a lot of the plants that have been set up a store importing a vast majority of components so now the big question really to consolidate the restoration of the russian car industry the growth potential of the russian call market is such that x.
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prize believe more foreign manufacturers will be looking to set up joint ventures with domestic firms but as the industry here expands some kinks in the manufacturing process need to be are in outside analysts say russia needs to produce more high quality natural. components if it's to fulfill its potential as a base for foreign carmakers might in a question of business and region russia would increase gas supplies to poland by as much as forty percent following the signing of a new agreement after only two years of negotiations and legal delays the deal has been sealed the outline of the contract was agreed in january this year but it then faced a long process to comply with european antitrust law that the prime minister igor sections of the talks in warsaw also included agreements in other areas of the energy sector. utica in the power industry we plan to export russian electricity to poland we've offered our polish partners to participate in
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constructing a baltic nuclear power plant but the shareholders and in other forums. informed us about the privatization of some oil assets that would take place in the near future and we agreed that russian companies would be able to participate in this. russian acting markets finished high on friday here in moscow b r t s a raised earlier losses and managed to pull into positive territory in my sex also finished more than a percent higher energy majors lent support and banks had losses on my sex with two percent higher claims. after climbing past the sixteen hundred level at the beginning of the week the r.t.s. couldn't hold on to those gains and despite the rebound on friday but the r.t.s. and the my sex and the week below where they started well in national capital explained what caused the downturn. well he started off quite well earlier in the week and it came off towards the end of the week and the really big talking point
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is over the stimulus package coming out of the u.s. but enough money into the u.s. economy not only get the u.s. economy back on track track but to get those dollars into global assets one of which is russia is to say the russian companies move to sectors that are really in the public eye right now the first is the banking sector and the second is the utility sector banks is all about the privatisation this announcement is going to be privatizing states inspired by and can be as good a lot of people pretty excited and there's been some pretty positive changes that have taken place but in the management and the way in which those banks are being being driven by looking much more because of the pan russian platform and people quite enthusiastic about that so the banks have done well and then the utility side there's a lot of speculation about when tariff reform will actually take place and we had some very good news this morning that finally the market's expectations have been met and tariff reform seems to be on track and so we've got
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a lot of money coming into the utilities such as well and finally russia plans to create twenty one national parks and expand eleven existing ones over the next decade the state will also increase spending on pay and training for park employees they will be provided with modern equipment to manage the forest and fight fires mr putin says he hopes the new parks will help develop eco tourism following this summer's devastating wildfires the government has pledged an additional two hundred forty two million dollars of investment for forests in two thousand and eleven. and that's all the business use for this hour but of course you can always find stories if you go going to our website that's our t. dot com slash business.
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spring the nineteen forty five on our team. now some of that if you am here in moscow with r.t. your headlines now the russian president is in vietnam meeting with leaders of the region as poised to become a major world player dimitri medvedev has already inked a deal to build a nuclear power plant in its southeast asian allies. and on the heels of a landmark joint russian u.s. anti drugs operation in afghanistan the country's foreign ministers hint at more cooperation to come they see room for coordinated action on nuclear disarmament and missile defense systems among others. and there's another spy scandal brewing with
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reports of georgia north or to use nothing twenty come country it's said to be russian agents officials won't confirm or deny the reports but promised a statement in the coming days. well in half an hour's time my colleague bill dog will be here but for the meanwhile it's time for the spotlight zoom in on a prolific russian film director with high hopes for hollywood thanks for watching . i'm. just going to take you to. the future cupboard. hello again to welcome to spotlight the interview show on r t i'm going on.
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