tv [untitled] October 31, 2010 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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one nine hundred seventy four russian metal makers have long been world class dimitri cherno if was known as the father of russian metallurgy was nineteenth century discovery of crucial temperature points and still casting changed the industry forever even earlier puzzles and no self and over her someplace scientific base in metal alloy research and steel artillery the russian empire may have been a metallurgical foundation but soviet modernization drives in the twenty's and thirty's build new hubs like big need a ghost and helped ready the country for intense industrial demands in world war two wartime production greatly expanded the geography of soviet metalworking setting the groundwork for a real explosion of output in the post-war years that still underpins the industry in the post soviet space today. bush is among the world's leaders and digging up and pumping out perhaps the most historically coveted of all elements shiny number seventy nine gold while the first to lose the all gold deposits in russia were found in the urals in the early nineteenth century the country's eastern regions
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have been the site of many gold rushes and now a longstanding extraction industry since much of the territory was underdeveloped in brocade and twentieth century gold miners conquered literally uncharted territory on route to making the soviet union the number two gold producer on the planet and gold digging in russia is no mere blast from the past just test poll you sold to russia's largest and one of the world's prominent purveyors of our beloved the outward appearance of the operation is changed significantly as we're barely finding reversed still running with nuggets but with the help of new and improved technology to use is now killing pounds of gold out of oceans of essentially typical topsoil. the gold or from the n.p.r. ins could suppose it also contains such elements as car bombs with and and some money and these elements trump the gold particles and resists the soil and that process through which gold is normally recalled. developed by oak sedation which helps us to screen out the. resistance elements. increased cold extraction levels
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as compared to traditional techniques. beaching approaches have just come into fashion in the gold industry over the last two decades it's developed in major mining in research countries several of the key bacteria and extraction system used by. our russian. exactly it may not look like gold just yet but it comes out cheaper more energy efficient and with fewer environmentally harmful byproducts than traditional methods relying on heat and pressure. serious scientific and engineering challenge the solution developed. and implemented on the cross. is unique not only for russia but for the international market as well as unique. experience shows it was a successful solution. to the basic science behind by oxidation is the introduction of bacterial cultures which is the predominant latched on to the precious gold
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we're trying to get. content. in their competitors in search of new and improved. in place have doubled savings and increased extraction rates by fifteen to twenty percent. gold is number one and in terms of production volume. and it has the most advanced in terms of methods. so what's the payoff for that kind of positioning for the first half of two thousand and ten. some fifteen point six tons of pure gold. six hundred million u.s. dollars demand in prices for the rich man. they can take any technological advantage straight to the bank. the only element it'll cost you an arm and a leg also rich and precious. they're more than worth their weight only eight of
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these metals passed through the refining research laboratories of crusty admit in the siberian city of. their discount branded a mere seven hundred fifty bucks a kilo they also process well over ninety percent of russia's significant platinum and palladium output commodities with prices measured in the tens of thousands of dollars per kilo inside the lab itself they're more interested in measurements than the flow of banknotes crunching the numbers to tell russian in foreign clients what's worth extracting the price you can even hear. from various companies that explore and develop metals oppose it see pretty much what they dig up some posts and bring them to us. we test it for gold. deposits be considered perspective. contain gold particles equivalent to at least one granpa ten that gram is separated from the surrounding sludge through
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a process known as cuba lation which oxidizes base metals like lead copper zinc and arsenic to isolate the precious metal in question here a small piece of crushed school is a process that's been around in primitive forms for millennia conducted with unprecedented perception in the twenty first century because he admits laboratory both analyzes crude for its contents and refines with they're given to obtain a pure product ready for use in a range of applications if it's metals they're searching for turning out they're also equipped to analyze alloys of precious metals in total the factories laboratory has the modern equipment and technical savvy to sort through some one hundred thousand geological probes in a year to satisfy outside clients as well as the company's internal production needs. but in this reanalyze the easing techniques like inductively couple plans more atomic commission spectroscopic to say to quit makes this lab unique because there's no of the liberal. in russia that has the capacity to
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analyze samples of all the platinum group metals thoughts gold silver platinum palladium rhodium iridium ruth any him and. tree contest sample concentrates from one part per million which is one ten thousandth of a percent all the way up to one hundred percent. plonk one attend by the london bullion market. to design then produce the international silver stunted which is basically a benchmark silverball it's a fairly complicated task the material must have a certain composition also we have to ensure homage an a.s.e. and proper distribution of additives but thanks to our expertise in the use of various methods and hindsight facilities we manage to rise to the occasion and come up with a clue as he sounded that is now used across the well. while the super standard
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is certainly handy for other analysts the jury crusted mit turns out has an even wider appeal they're among the top producers of gold jewelry in the russian federation with tons upon tons of fourteen karat chains and necklaces leaving the assembly lines each year for the more discerning buyers there are also the makers of more creative accessories combining a whole range of precious metals and still. not all that glitters is gold and not all that precious a custom it is for gifting and glamour the platinum group metals they process are prize not just for their shine on your neck or finger but for unique properties ideal in agriculture in industry because you see here are made from an alloy supplied them with other precious metals like rhodium palladium in retaining all refined and ninety nine point nine five percent purity at their facilities. these alloy oils are he treated shaped and separated into fine threads the. platinum
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makes threads are split down to the size required for the ultimate application. in this case the work is for christie admits catalysts nets. in a chemical reaction a catalyst just like the guy did starts the fight but comes out at the end untouched. platinum group metals are particularly useful catalysts because they're largely resistant to chemical reactions they're also stable electrically and can effectively sustain at high temperatures. once these nets are woven they're treated with a hydrogen torch did leaves them ready for installation. at the end of the production process the catalyst cause looks like this a fine mesh of ninety five percent platinum and five percent rhodium alloy finished products like this disc are ideal for use in the high pressure high temperature process of making nitric acid which is used to make our fertilizers due to his use platinum mellowing catalysts like the ones in your car's catalytic converter
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reducing your gas guzzlers toxic emissions it's not going to be precious is bought them to play an important role in our lives and that's certainly true of the world's most abundant metal aluminum rush is home to the world's biggest aluminum producing conglomerate whose sole which now controls over twelve percent of the global market still even before the volatility in aluminum prices that came with the financial crisis in two thousand and eight the top dog has been tectonic looking for innovative ways to make better products more cost effective cure aluminum is worth roughly two thousand dollars a ton but when you strengthen it in an hour with silicone or other additives you can roughly triple that value but you get that valuable product you have to make sure you get the mix just right. fortunately the mix is being monitored by the magnetic hydrodynamic center disciplined out of the poly technical institute not far from new cells massive production facilities you cannot say honestly. pioneered installations that help macs. the quality of the alloys produced in smelting using
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magnets. with the what's the mood of the year tony twenty dollars an ounce they want a minimum of fifty percent of their production to be aluminum and these are very ambitious plans being implemented for that the company needs to introduce new melting and casting equipment including new founding machines magnetic hydrodynamic mixers and other installations. the designers of dissent well aware of the value of their ideas their blueprints and products are in demand not just down the road if he sells facility but on the international market as well they've concluded to deal with the european division of the top aluminum production equipment company altaic to distribute their m.h.d. mixing hardware to clients outside russia meanwhile the main task is to make sure the next great idea in the field is there. there is one of our installations this used to simulate
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a model physical process is occurring naturally and. this is the magnetic mix one of our key products you can see how it works in this physical model it's mixing of the molten metal is in juice here by the electromagnetic field it's a very convenient way to study the exchange of peace and weight in the finest during the mixing process analyze the operations on the hole and to find the most effective modes of using the magnetic hydrodynamic make set. has been designed in one tenth the scale of typical industrial furnace is which helps us to check the before and other characteristics before the project is physically implemented the projects could run up to tens of millions of dollars said both weigh in the customer interested in the highest degree of precision when setting up these physical models to study what can actually be happening inside the future industrial installations since the heat source in aluminum smelter sits above the liquefied metal or include layers for significantly impacting the quality.
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even in the best mixing methods use magnetic impulses creating. in addition to the small swirls move the edges and transfer the heat energy. under five minutes making for even quality at less likely to corrode. that work for the federal space agency requests that we provide thin aluminum cable for aircraft that's an industry where it's the weight that counts most of that experience. and the. magnetic crystals. shape and. it doesn't have any contact with. the resulting aluminum rod had a very fine structure we did the first time which proves you can make.
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something no other russian laboratory has been able to do so far the method of electromagnetic. to produce. this is a. has been and. the make it usable as a. palace supplying aviation. the initial supply was successfully used in the assembly of several planes. as i've heard the technology of electromagnetic. has been listed as part of the technical requirements for this type of aircraft. we received a large order for these rods are now busy filling it with. the next plane. still kurdish still
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shrouded in much secrecy with just a few test flights under its belt in a few years until full scale production obviously more than one metal goes into making claims and we'd be flying nowhere with rock solid twenty two i'd take. that take cheney i'm a takeoff aboard american boeing or european air buses but it's tacked on and factories in the form of russia. piece to the smoke is in fact the world's largest producer of titanium and through contracts and joint ventures like wood all boeing they're proving their metal on the next generation of passenger jet liners the moscow state aviation technological institute might see also has years of experience testing titanium above the clouds but of course their experimental work starts in earthly laboratories and before anything gets added to the assembly of any aircraft they are testing different types of metal for their suitability despite being part of the flyboy family their research has recently uncovered some
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of metallic magic it's intended to help out the more grounded among us. in the. aviation projects our institute developed some unique will stick knowledge is there are currently it was also used for various medical applications. the technologies are based on nickel titanium aloysius known simply as the composite was actually discovered by u.s. naval researchers back in one thousand sixty two but due to production complexities it's the only game proper appreciation in the last two decades when its founding increase in use in their arena in planetology is intriguing because it exhibits both sheep memory ensued to allow us to city this means that through manipulations and temperature and stress the material can be deformed it will and reliably return back to give you a better idea of how did it know works in action we've constructed a quick experiment you. seeing this implant for patients with
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a sunken chest you can see i can bend it out of shape because we chilled it on ice but when i drop it in warm water i can bring it back in a second's time useful here because of its capacity for reversible solid state phase transformation above a temperature fixed by the producers of each nit no alloy the metal has a simple interpenetrating cubic crystal structure at lower temperatures it spontaneously transforms to a more complex clinic crystal structure this makes the substance easily deformable but with a reversed temperature shift it reverts. waterstreet the implant to its original shape with impressive force the human body is sturdier than it beat her but it's important to keep the transformation under tight control. which improvement is the main problem is to ensure the proper range of temperature within which the material can change its shape it's vital for medicine to have exactly thirty six point six
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degrees celsius. and those species would only we can provide such a curiously because we've developed the technology to give the same chunk of metal a transition temperature anywhere from minus thirteen to plus seventy degrees that within that it could be basically any temperature that would best fit a specific product with. the alley pioneered by my t. is already finding its place in practice helping improve human lives one of our most important protective devices as humans is. the enclosure from our spine to our breast bone either holds in or hampers the functioning of our most vital organs. our patient here on technology update who will simply call suffers from a defamation in that crucial area a sunken chest bone this she says has caused her pain and hindered her in her physical personal and professional like to free her heart and lungs from the stress of big. condition doctors will implant in it no bridge much like the one used in
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our studio experiment. material provokes no one wanted reaction from the body of. the employee has been designed to last for the rest of the patient's life. is definitely an invasive procedure requiring narcosis and sizable chest incision. but the advice of cut just doctors in the promise of a permanent solution to a lifelong problem made the choice of surgery a no brainer. fortunately the materialist time tested and tailor made for this kind of huge and just caretakers are very experienced. is the x. ray taken eight days off to the operation you can see the nickel to tanian bridge implanted into the rib cage holding the chest in the proper position the difference
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is really clear on the lateral x. ray. this is the same bridge viewed from a different angle this is the breast bone right now it's in the right position before the operation it went in like this a concave defamation of the chest. with a. more active lifestyle now. without fearing negative effects on my hearts or my lungs yes. there till the time i suffered the operation was really quick and painless. has helped our friend and many others like her to breathe easier but it's hardly reached the outer limits of its potential variations of the alloy or under constant dura billet toxicology endeavor mission testing to see what problems it might help solve next it's already found its way into gulf close. years and bending spoons but mit team is most convinced of
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its prospects in medical implant ology be it a joint replacement vital stents orthodontics or prosthetics. has a bright helpful future. titanium maybe the so called space age metal but we're still making breakthroughs with familiar old number twenty six the periodic table sign me. up and coming company based in the girls reaching city of paris their specialty is turning affordable iron based alloys into high performing equipment for the oil and gas sector in particular so-called electric submersible problems e.s.p.'s made to pull petroleum up from deep beneath the surface under often uninviting conditions it's a complete production cycle from raw metal materials to the constituent parts to the packed off and ready pumps the e.s.p. is along in close to that houses both the motor and the rotating stages that make up the pump in it's cheap in purpose the never meant product may not look unique
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but the stories in the metal. we had to push were innovations i mean new types of products unique on the market tests showed a significant increase in the fish and sea between two some of the poem stages of the same design the first being close in the mold but the second to using the method methods increased efficiency by several points up to five points which is a very serious push to shift. the trait to push up the performance instead of being poured liquid hot into a mold and then cast this status or stamped out of iron copper alloy powder aside from saving energy heating the middle to great melted temperatures the powder method allows for better flexibility combining and shaping materials produces parts with better balance and just less energy loss through vibration in the field and overall improves precision and surface roughness to optimize the flow of the pump liquid. that we've been. these parts are made of compressed metals like iron and i
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haven't exactly been doing my time in the weight room i can still snap them with my bare hands so to make them stronger we have to stick them in the oven and crank up the heat. inside the kolker this stages are subjected to high pressure and five hundred plus degree celsius sheet which not only for just iron copper alloys together but compresses and strengthens the whole stage. the idea of metallurgy did underpins never met the production is hardly new it was developed by the russian scientist show that somebody in the eighteenth twenties to make clones out of class number his methods already include most of the basics used in the modern era as machine building exploded in the twentieth century so too did the waste from the forging of even the smallest metal details particularly in the post-war context the desire to economize on this valuable waste brought back more precise on matters after the manufacturing of the stages there passed on for
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chemical treatment that's vital to making them ready for action deep under the earth the conditions for oil and gas drilling and pumping are increasingly inverse as the older and more easily accessible wells novum it has already pioneered their own centrifugal steves designed to better withstand the long months of sand blasting they're sure to receive underground and well known homes are now proven to work for a competitive warranty period of nearly three years they're doing laboratory tests to see if the nano train can give them another boost a large part of their operation is committed to simulating downhole dynamics to test new components and the nano newbie's might be just the ticket. but it's though when they do there is some of the devotion to go on a series of tests on our equipment used to be new and shiny like this but this one has undergone serious degradation from the fact is common in saudi oil wells is to apply a new coaching to make the stage more effective
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a case where in ten. watching r.t. coming to live from moscow i'm marina joshie welcome to the program well it's been confirmed within the last few minutes that russia has to build them first ever a nuclear power plant comes in as president has been taking part in a summit of southeast asian nations in one way the region is one of the world's economic powerhouses and needs to modernize its anderson why to continue its rapid growth right now we're looking at a live picture coming out of the get another vietnam capital and we can take a look and have a listen to the news conference given by president dmitry medvedev. today we have discussed many issues concerning ministers including politics economy culture
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education and science. we also touched upon the issue of cooperation in many and important areas you will . worry affirmed. of friendship and our commitment to the development of further strategic partnership in my my. we are committed to strengthening our relations and we will do our best to strengthen the friendship between vietnam and russia other. countries confirm their desire to continue cooperation in the end i was just here. and today's signing of an agreement on the construction of an atomic power plant in vietnam says a lot about the close intimate and friendly relations between our two countries and
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it also indicates the confidence that vietnam has in russia's technology. and agreements all cooperation agreements in the oil and gas here also shows our commitment to cooperating. on the development of oil and gas to both us in vietnam and russia and also expressed desire to. keep on cooperation. in the oil and gas projects in both vietnam and russia. and we also as parser cooperates in third countries as well. now we're also boosting our cooperation in the investments and economies fair. in vietnam. and i would like to see more russian investments in this economy. and the parties have taken a closer look. at the possibility of creating
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a free trade zone between vietnam and russia and the customs union that russia is a member of. i. would also like. to see a train trade turnover to reach three billion three billion dollars by two thousand and sixteen so there is a great potential for cooperation and we're also boasting cooperation in the sphere of politics and security. russia is a very important partner of ours in this here and there are also very many spheres where we can cooperate. include in this sphere of science and technology medicine and health care. and have made many
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important agreements today. and i would like once again. to underline our high appreciation of mr medvedev spares a top country. and we are grateful to russia you know this is tons and help russia has provided and for the help it provides at this stage. we had lived pretty she was growing role on the international arena. russia has been able to overcome them the consequences of the world economic crisis and russia's show unsteady and then i make developments in all areas and we're happy to see russia doing so well. and i would like to express our hope that the relations between our two countries develop steadily and i hope mr medvedev has visited our country is successful. thank you very much mr president.
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mr president of the socialist republic of vietnam ladies and gentlemen. our two countries are indeed strategic partners. and this visit reflects this nature of relations between our countries first of all i would like to congratulate vietnam and the people of vietnam a good little bit on the progress the country has made over the last time in the last eleven years. i remember sitting in this whole nine years ago and of course the country has changed a lot that has made a movie great progress while driving around the streets of annoy i saw lots of new construction sites and this is great this means new dynamics of develop.
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