tv [untitled] October 31, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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independent economy. big deal in the construction of the nuclear power plant is a major project. you need someone to leave you reach the goals we set this power plant will account for vietnam's energy markets and to develop as a separate modern state that not only produces and processes oil but also uses the source is of energy which is very important in today's world. countries are eager to develop in the energy sector the agreement on the construction of an atomic power plant in vietnam demonstrates the specialties we have with russia. to do shows how much confidence we have in russia technology. continue working together in the oil and gas industry both in russia. is responsible for sixty percent of the world's g.d.p. and as the russian leader himself said today it is the strongest emerging economy
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in the world today russia of course wants a bigger role and it's a development in its ambitions because it has a lot of potential the russian leader he was very pleased about his visit from everything starting with the weather which he said was a reflection on how good the relationship between moscow and noise and weather here has been perfect blue skies very warm not too hot not too cold just pretty much perfect and of course his personal impressions he also spoke about his experience of vietnamese food saying that for some russians it might be a little too spicy but he actually prefers that way so it was a very pleasurable experience for him not only did he manage to take an experience he also met a grand so during a later part of his program he met one vietnamese student who said that was somewhat of a role model for her and that her biggest wish would be to shake his head the russian president said that is possibly one of the easiest wishes to grab. and
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proceeded to do exactly that shaking ladies had he certainly seemed pretty good impressions for everyone so far. marty's katrina as our reporting there from hanoi . in other news russia and georgia could be entangled in a spy scandal with reports to these to detain twenty people on friday for espionage and the mammas source quoted by reuters said those detained are all georgian and are suspected of being part of a spy network gathering information from moscow the georgian interior ministry has so far refused to comment and says it won't do so until next week russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov said moscow was not aware of any details that there are no diplomatic relations between the two countries experts say to relief invasion shows how authoritarian the country is. when someone is arrested they're entitled to due process that means they can call a lawyer that family members can be contacted therefore arrests are announced and
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it never happens i can't tell you how bizarre idea is to hear a police spokesman say. i can neither confirm nor deny. that arrests have taken place the secret arrests are the hallmarks of a police state there is a new law before the georgian parliament which is called the freedom charter and it's something akin to the patriot act in the united states it will drastically increase the powers of the security service past its first reading of the georgian part parliament recently and it is possible that someone is trying to whip up. a social mood to support that. but one of the countries opposition leader says to me she uses the slightest link to russia as an excuse to prosecute. this kind of charges russian links russian ties russian experience is always used in georgia as political propaganda i just know anything about these people but i know that it's
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quite enough to be some holding three zero. knowing your spinach may be there but if you're a business you are showing your family in that i show you everything in georgia it's quite enough for georgia law enforcement off shows to make criminals. coming up in a few minutes here in r t the ethnically diverse iraqi city of kirkuk is a real box which makes you want to raid to prevent the site becoming a hotbed for terror. and in brazil the incoming leader will have to deal with the enormous gap between rich and poor learn about their first stop that's coming up on our take. but first the first ever joint u.s. russian anti drugs operation in war torn afghanistan has been held a success special forces knocked out for drug labs on the afghan border with pakistan and confiscated a ton of hair when worth hundreds of millions of dollars afghan president hamid
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karzai condemned the operation claiming it violated the country's sovereignty but russian officials say karzai statement is confusing as the raid was led by the afghan interior ministry the operation marks russia's return to afghanistan twenty years after soviet troops withdrew from a decade long war against the mujahideen insurgents parties katherina groucho reports how for some moscow's boost to the u.s. but anti drug effort came as a complete shock. it was gordon this one this one this one this one. and this one lost his leg. and you got a mush is showing his corporate skilled in the soviet war in afghanistan two decades ago only four out of the fourteen in this picture made it out alive under a was a command over mine disposal unit in kandahar in two years his ward lost thirty
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five people dozens of others lost limbs a third of all mines used against soviet soldiers were american made. the us or our enemy which supplied them with dean with equipment weapons medicine it was american stinger missiles which helped shoot down our planes. two decades after the soviet army is axid and dre was taken aback to find out that russia was back in afghanistan again base time with its former anomie. these are the pictures he saw on the news reports food truck producing labs on the border between afghanistan and pakistan were destroyed in a special rate and a ton of heroin worth over two hundred million dollars. after we gave information to our u.s. and afghan partners the three sides planned the operation for three months we used
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about seventy special forces units three landing helicopters and six supporting ones the whole operation lasted less than four hours. but many experts say washington needed a push before it started to act it's unbelievable to me that it took russia to tell the united states where the drug labs were when we have a hundred thousand troops we've spent eighty billion dollars on intelligence we have one hundred thousand additional contractors so we had to know were crawling all over every inch of that country but it took you know two in fact to out the united states to force us and to embarrass us to cooperate with you to stop the drug trade which is in the interest of the entire world including the united states with more of the truck passing through its food has than any other country russia is convinced that the scan which must be confronted at its source however those who know first hand what fighting in afghanistan is like learning against being drawn
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into a full scale war because. of course there should be special operations carried out against drug cartels but again special unit should be in charge of this nineteen year old boys should not be recruited for the job every single operation should be planned in detail starting from the intelligence section of the operation itself and wrapping it all up it's easy to get trapped in this war and hard to get out of it and remember it. as long as islamist militancy and drunks emanating from of ghana's stamp are seen as a threat to its national security rashi is likely to remain a force in the region even as the u.s. works out an x. it strategy. faced with bigger war is sound less reliable neighbors say in the region the united states and nato appear willing to accept growing russian influence at this point they need all the help they can get at the gathering florrie objectivity in afghanistan is a sign russia is back and this time around not as the us cold war anime but as
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a mordant a lie because it is going to travel r.t. . iraqi lawmakers are demanding their government investigate allegations of war crimes if we comes a week after the online whistleblower weekly leaks released four hundred thousand secret u.s. documents on the war in iraq files detail american forces handing prisoners over to iraqi interrogators despite overwhelming evidence of torture the data also shed light on fifteen thousand killings over the past six years which had previously been unaccounted for iraqi prime minister nouri al maliki says the revelations are aimed at undermining the country's political stability but that's an overreaction and an unlikely motivation for the leak according to one leading actor. i think it would be very doubtful to imagine the wiki leaks the soldiers responsible for giving these documents to them have the undermining of the iraqi government in mind
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when they chose this date and let's bear in mind that there hasn't been an iraqi government for seven months so. many dates to choose from when it comes to releasing this in this sense this is u.s. military documents really unlike any previous media story or a report from iraq this is words from their own mouth which makes it very difficult for them to deny it and they're not really doing that if you actually listen to what the pentagon and state department spokesman is saying what they talk about is the critical nature of the nature of the leaks and whether u.s. soldiers are informers or people working with the u.s. will be put in danger by them talking about the method of the message rather than the message itself now the message itself paints a very different picture of the iraq the americans have been telling us about the last seven years some fifteen thousand iraqi deaths have not been accounted for so the history of iraq is being written by these documents which are as i say from the americans miles themselves well of course fifty thousand u.s. troops remain in iraq to train and support local security forces but in many places
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like kurdish controlled care kook the legacy of the american led invasion remains an uncertain one people their fear of civil war could eventually you're. that's the passion meyer now reports. a dawn raid a race against time to catch militants off guard in the iraqi province of kirkuk we're in the suburb of duck cook and the police have just a few minutes to get into position before sunrise. daybreak's and the raid begins police under the supervision of the u.s. army go door to door searching rooms and checking residents against lists of unknown terrorists the police dominated heavily by kurds have been remarkably successful recently they've cut terror attacks by over fifty percent in the past few months these guys are very good they are very good and they're very good at intelligence and of gathering intelligence and developing intelligence and the overseer version from police who are now worried about what others mainly the city's non kurds are doing here in downtown they're going to live with her charity
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target with their own historic claim of the kirkuk is a unique city in iraq to melting pot of all the different ethnicities in the country but this mixture continues to lead to extremely volatile ethnic tensions the two thousand and nine field report that was recently leaked by the whistleblower wiki leaks states that without strong unfair influence likely from a third party these tensions may quickly turn to violence after the u.s. forces withdraw all of this will in terms of security when the u.s. leaves there will be no independent security force right now the security is from the kurdish side of the city this is the truth when the u.s. leaves things will get worse it will be conflict arabs will stand up and prayed and we should say with thirty and this will. by god for a bit but wars will begin between. us and we are not an example of this violence wasn't long in coming no more than five minutes after we finished the interview
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a roadside bomb targeting the police detonated in the center of the city. luckily for the police the terrorists missed. it appears that despite the gains that the police are making the american troop withdrawal could easily lead to or turn to secretary nism in kirkuk for kurds arabs and turkoman alike the consequences of the u.s. led war have left the future of kirkuk very much uncertain sebastian meyer kirkuk for our two. well coming up later this hour for you the streets of moscow are why did with empires gavels and begins as it gears up for halloween we can find out more here on our team. this week global warming skeptics in the u.k. mark the second anniversary of what they've dubbed climate fulls day two years ago as the british parliament was debating a bill to tackle climate change the earliest snow in almost a century fell in london while activists claim the chilly coincidence was just more proof that the bill is
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a waste of taxpayers' money environmental offered fill fill up faster in this climate change is a natural thing and man's actions don't have any effect there is not a particularly dramatic rise in c o two. anyway carbon dioxide does not affect the climate i think that's a fundamental statement that is the misconnection that the climate warming. alarmists may but there is climate change of course but that is a natural thing but no it isn't due to a man's actions anyway man's amount of carbon dioxide represents a tiny proportion of the shift anyway about four percent whether extreme events always take place always have and always will blame them on human emissions is simply. pointless because there is no real connection. environmental author there philip foster now in brazil people are voting for a new successor to the highly popular president lula da silva in the first round
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earlier this month dilma rousseff got more votes than her main rival jos a sarah it's widely expected that will take power and will become the contras first woman head of state millions below the poverty line have benefited from the current president giving them better lives and start his loyalists to reports from sao paolo the gap between rich and poor seems to be knowing. in brazil there are those who live tucked away behind barbed wire walls. and those who live behind shanty cinderblock ones who is a rich country but the majority is poor guarded gates pave the road to that majority separating rich from poor and cementing the vast divide of inequality that in many ways is the story of latin america but in this developing nation and one of the fastest growing major economies in the world where they are pioneering deep water oil research and ethanol production for example signs of human development to
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marked by a before and after before outgoing president lula da silva took office and forgot going to walk the people didn't recognise the poor today the rich are en route because the poor as poor as they were before people have the opportunity. he's increased the job market civil construction for me and for others he's giving jobs to people who didn't have it after lula's eight years in office is a brazil where jobs but really social policies are bringing inequality down were income from the poorest in the country has grown eight percent a year while the richest has grown only one and a half brazil is part of a trend in latin america of countries that are electing leftist governments that are essentially redistributing wealth to the poor in neighborhoods like this in brazil you see that most evidently and their program called both the familia. janina and her two daughters live together in one shared room about one hundred square feet in this favela or slum she gets by on
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a few odd jobs and she gets the equivalent of twenty four u.s. dollars a month from the government through bolsa familia and helps with food or sometimes i use it to pay a bill in return for both of familia cash to naina has to show the government that her daughter samantha gets her vaccinations and is in school and intends at least eighty five percent of the time as a result and i thought most of all she's ten years old and she knows how to read how to write in everything she even knows how to use the computer samantha's life is one of learning an opportunity where once in a slum like this reaching her age meant dropping out of school to work and help the family i worked when i was younger ten years old i was already a nanny i didn't have the means to study but a little government cash is helping to break that cycle and create a new one. i want them to said he a lot so in the future they'll have a profession and they're not going to suffer like their parents suffered so i want them to study. at the same time the parents are suffering less
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both the familia is responsible for six of the reduction in poverty in brazil while it costs just a half percent of g.d.p. basically it's considered very cheap and efficient it's a model being transferred globally from mexico to new york city though by some accounts it still amounts to chump change. it's. five dollars. for their lives but here you see how it's helped resiliency beyond their cinder block cities turned football playing fantasies. into goals these kids say of being doctors and teachers and where here for the first time arguably in its history the walls separating rich from poor don't look so set in stone. lauren mr r t so paulo brazil. germany's reevaluating its multicultural society after the transfer site efforts to
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build it have quote utterly failed angela merkel says immigrants need to do more to integrate and learning the language of their new homeland should be a priority first now reports more and more germans feel foreigners are taking over . and. learn the language of and accept. we need to have a place. the message to immigrants in germany integration tough talk from the german chancellor controversial speech recently friended multiculturalism. that it to date on an extremely sensitive issue. which is also called gaza strip because from my blood's up to the yes box he's becomes more and more arabian with high immigration over the past few decades germany has seen the developments of monocultural communities such as new clothes in west berlin foreign
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influence in this area really is very evident in lot of foreign and foreign shop fronts and add to this that the question is about education failure is well and crime within immigrant and you've got real problems with many of the it is popping into prejudices a lot of people fill holes about immigration. recent survey conducted by the free chick foundation in germany found that almost a third of respondents felt that immigrants were coming to exploit the country's welfare system and should be sent home when jobs were scarce and almost the same amount for the country was being overrun by foreigners do you have a mix so you have a german here and you have english here and english here and this is turkish this is this is nice so everybody can read but if it is only. turkish people they feel strange when they think where am i living this is an arabian city much of the
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ensuing to beit has focused on muslim immigrants with migrant families reluctant to integrate into a society that they feel is prejudiced against them i don't think that changing my personality or the way i look the way i talk or my even my mother tongue would change. have an effect on the german culture projects like this local community center and aiding integration and teaching children the german language from an early age but with few bilingual arabic or take if schools families likenesses sending their children to private school where they do not yet learn german despite the tough rhetoric from the top germany acknowledges that immigration is desirable for its economy migrants have to be willing to integrate we need people in all of the industrial countries because we
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have not so many kids anymore i have no kids not of germans have no kids so where should the kids come from to work and help the industry going on so we need people from other countries to come in get it himself no one would talk much in society if they knew how often they misunderstood others and a major challenge now with the debate blown wide a plan b. to chime bridge cultural divides which have been simmering quietly for a long time. so i see that. let's take a look now at some other stories from around the world an explosion in istanbul's main square has left at least thirty two people injured police say a suicide bomber was targeting police officials that lives occurred near a place where via police were stationed in case of protest bomb squads have discovered more devices at the scene and are working to diffuse them. one of the two explosives posted from yemen last week was transported onto planes before being
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seized in dubai according to capture airways bombs were found on u.s. bound planes in the u.k. and dubai earlier yemeni security forces arrested a female student suspected of sending the explosive parcels to us to new gods. and on doris at least fourteen people have been massacred by gunmen during a football game the group armed with assault rifles opened fire at point blank range at a stadium in the northern city of san pedro sula the motive is on a clear but police believe the killings are linked to the drug trade it comes almost two months after gunmen stormed a shoe factory in the same city killing two. well witches and zombies have been taking center stage in moscow as people are celebrating the freakiest holiday of the year about how the week of course this weekend clubs have been full with a crowd that has swapped its glad rags to real rags and wigs artie's tom barton join
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the fun. it's hollow we got time for trick and treating and dressing up but here in moscow it's really an occasion for jessica here's an idea one of the clubs in moscow will see not just scary costumes but the whole variety of weird and wonderful garb to see my rights to see the system policeman to see whole souls of professionals but also it's a time to party with me here because out of the sky he's a d.j. started out saying let's be here is the name of the last hole holloway's mother was a new and fresh savior there's only a way in space about it and. people make a lot more every day at. the end of the saving unit that was not all that we didn't . want to see things become. seems to become more popular all over the world to me like i spent a lot of time in venezuela and they are really big on how to leave their homes so to them and everybody every instance of dressing up i mean
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a lot of people think it's a little scary costumes but this lives in a different time seems to be sort of time listen well no disrespect but you look like scary to me. but yeah baby yeah going to be on the road thing yeah. thank you down in the sky high high to no i don't say scary i might make trying my best but anyway that's right i'm going to cause a very good night larry scary all funny. comedy. well for more on how moscow celebrates the scariest day of the year head on tartini dot com you can also check out the latest news and analysis for some of what's online for you right now americans put their trust in comedians above politicians as a satirist jon stewart is named the most influential man in the lab. and moscow authorities sound the alarm as estimates suggest the city is crawling with rats and some figures even claim. rodents outnumber people in the russian capital
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is not enough space for them on the ground. zero down to. get things nonexistent under the sun. fill the gap of adrenaline. discovered deeply hidden secrets. they are seeking to. find. and even. talking to god. from. under the ground. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. .
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welcome back companies now with the latest here in our tea and a look at the week's top stories russia seals the deal to build vietnam's first ever nuclear power plant in a bid to help the country develop as an independent and modern state the agreement was signed as to meet me today did visit the noid to boost cooperation in the region. fresh tensions flare as georgia has reported the arrest of a network of twenty people all georgians for spying for russia to d.c. has refused to either confirm or deny the claim. and the first ever joint us russian anti drugs operation in afghanistan has been held
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a success forces have destroyed four drug labs and confiscated a ton of heroin worth over two hundred million dollars. when that started follows the quest for truth by the parents of an american soldier whose death was blamed on drug abuse by turned out to be caused by medicine prescribed by his superiors that's next.
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