tv [untitled] November 1, 2010 4:00am-4:29am EDT
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some will do misty type the hotel kuvasz otoh photo slim hotel resort evergreens those are totally victorian hotels gloria prince hotel called springs resort and spa tied to hotel royal cheap an ambassador hotel hotel. the evergreen clothes a hotel in thailand to eat london hotel time ambassador type the hotel full points and would print certainly the splendid hotel in touch with the hotel and touch your group the photo guru gold how would international house change every green local hotel in talk of. culture is that so much time in which of course you are right on it so here it is as americans go to the polls it would appear that nothing's energized the republican party and hot tea tea partiers for the g.o.p. . pacific
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storm frances did to the south korean island provoke. join. the couple of minutes. the world stops ignoring it you could feel technology that's supposed to maximize our pollution rejecting claims it's a waste of time. economists predict trade war between china and the us ok washington is trying to bankrupt beijing's fast growing economy. but the bull attack in russia sparks heated debate some calling for certain breeds to be blacklisted by the others did on the dog owners of punished.
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on air and online you're watching r t welcome to the program president medvedev has sparked an outcry in japan by visiting one of russia's most far flung outposts the coolants remote occupied to go in the pacific thousands of kilometers from moscow japan which claims for the islands as its own has called and get his visit regrettable ortiz oksana boycott has been following maybe it in stride. the main reason why the east visit triggers such a dramatic reaction from japan is japan's own territorial claims to these four islands and because of these claims russian leaders in the past have been very careful or even reluctant to visit those searchers in fact reaching me the video became the first african leader of russia or the soviet union to visit these audits and he first announced that he was in town sion to do say about a month ago but back then bad weather prevented him from flying in and immediately
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after the news broke out japanese foreign ministry issued a statement mourning that if indeed that takes place between these would seriously damage ties between russia and japan now this statement also irritated their russian diplomats who in turn retorted that it was absolutely up to presidents made a bet have to decide where he wants to travel within the boundaries of his own country to give you an idea of what is like to be and to leave on those islands here is our next record. it's a leftover from the second world war old soviet tanks rusting on the shore but there barrels pointed towards your pan the coalition island together with three other pacific islands was taking over by the soviet union sixty five years ago but the tussle to define its national identity still goes on. this cross appeared here a few years ago soon after the russian orthodox church opened its parish on the
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island of she katon to dickie to phoenix population window on and is now in the midst of a baby it will. have the highest birth rates in the into a region. of young people of servicemen says their living standards a coin decent nowadays through many kids here and parents bring them to be baptized it's wonderful to have children on the island. building the church is part of the russian government's effort to raise the living standards of the korean island beach here means reinforcing national identity all but the band and in the nineteen ninety s. they are and saw a large influx of japanese charities and officials trying to persuade the locals that they might be much better off if the audience were under japanese administration because you know if we get the owners bark we won't move the russians who live there we know how painful it is then you look for them
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citizenship. the dispute over the islands known as northern territories in japan always had a third party to it it was the united states that encouraged the soviet union to take them over in nineteen forty five and it was also washington that later still japan's territorial claims but now many japanese see both russia and america as occupying forces you knew of the japan has two issues one is a territorial claim to russia and the other is to get rid of american military bases on japanese turn tree under international law the real island unequivocally belong to russia but due to geographic and economic reasons its residents of palm of get to japan than to the mainland. and while russia may be in their hearts japan is still vying for their minds and it could you mortar is teaching japanese at a she could turn school his soaries paid by the japanese government. is
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a very popular when it comes to the school the children are already waiting for him and those people who i see there are many people who came here last year i'm happy here sometimes it seems to me that i was my family again and here class seventh graders study alongside their parents who hope to get a job in japan life at the career may have a brew of the recent years but not quite so to stop eyeing the horizon based on the real audience have beautiful nature of their very reach in by restore some mineral resources but when you walk over all these coastal villages you come out getting depressed because the infrastructure is so poor for many many decades now been essentially neglected by first the story of the thirty's and later by russian authorities that many people living on this island feel abandoned at birth and made it clear that he's goal was to change things around here regenerated that indeed
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russian. people here's exactly what he said so. in recent years we've managed to change the situation for the better you has ng is being built social infrastructure being created this is good as it's improving living standards and giving hope that they could reach the same levels as the mainland within a reasonable time frame obviously it's a remote part of the country but still the opportunities that people have there should be at a decent level we need more professionals to go there helping provide housing good living conditions incentives. under international law to be belong to russia but the russian officials on this trip to return rated that there are open for dialogue with chip out of a brick. it's to this day to the southern korean islands and they say that these deals stick to the terms of the nineteen fifty six agreement that was reached between russia and japan an agreement that included and not what you just think few
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of the audience back to japan but this is something that japan is not the ready to accept it wants to get all the islands back and this is something that russia thinks too much to ask. well still ahead for you in the program sets in the crosshairs. the chinese are being set up to be the next bogeyman and the only thing that's interfering with that is that the muslims are in effect of a bogeyman for right now. while the emerging chinese economy is being perceived as a threat by the debt stricken us. it's an obscure metal but it could end our dependence on fossil fuels and reinvent the world's energy potential named after the god of thunder know this many scientists believe thore and is the best alternative to a new producing nuclear power ortiz lower emirates explores why the metal has stood to gain a foothold in the market despite its many advantages. we
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all use energy but at what cost. energy security why many more wars are fought the oil's running out and there doesn't seem to be a viable alternative insights but unbeknown to most there's an energy source that clean green and abundant all over the globe thore m z nuclear fuel and its supporters believe it will change the world conflicts that we see today based around energy could go away and that these energy sources that i'm talking about which don't emit carbon dioxide or or greenhouse gases and don't produce dangerous ways chord. unable to have cleaner water cleaner air and less intrusion on our environment from energy production a ton of the silvery metal produces as much energy as two hundred tons of uranium
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three in the hall million tons of coal. the amount of thorin that it would take through vied all the power to run your entire life. is about the size of a marble that big a group working on three in the u.k. says it hasn't managed to get the british government on board so far so it's looking to cooperate with countries like russia for several years now a russian physicist has been proposing to build saurian power stations but i wanted his ideas haven't been taken up there's a lot of focus on renewables at the moment so maybe that's where they feel that there's more public support. but i think if they truly understood the potential of story. then they would realize that it's a good investment research on thore and was largely halted in the middle of the last century after a year rainy and powered reactor was designed. many believe
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also fell out of the spotlight because making a bomb out of it is thought to be almost impossible but today not all scientists are thore and calm but it's all in reactors don't really work every challenge and it's a whole new technology which has very insurmountable problems in my opinion they would have problems in developing the process in which you split the fuel from the waste from the reactor they would have difficulties in actually store in the fuel. since two thousand and seven cities from london to sydney have held our turning the lights off to save energy proponents say if there were a power became a reality we could turn the lights back on with confidence. through. the rooms a divisive thing some say it's a technology that's being tried tested and found lacking others say that because
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the light water reactor got there first the room was never given a proper chance but while it's cheap. abundant and even a possibility the scientists here at the annual thorin conference say give it a go it might even change the world you are at it r.t. london. and later r.t. talks to a top russian c.e.o. about the importance of developing an innovation economy going to resign says it could be just a matter of years before all materials run out and that new forms of energy will be needed. in the next ten fifteen or twenty years the world economic architecture will change so much but the raw material sector will simply lose the significance it has today a considerable part of the ultimo bill fleet will operate totally differently it will be electrical environmentally clean etc who will then lead us to their oil if the world stops consuming oil as an energy resource in such huge amounts and if we
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fail to diversify reorganize our economy and reduce innovative development then russia will turn out to be competitive in the world market. and in fact you can watch that interview in full here on r.t. in just over an hour's time. now china's emergence as a major economic superpower has raised concern among policymakers in washington they fear beijing's rise could result in the u.s. for the trade wars between the two you have some experts saying that america is out to bankrupt china's rising economy that we're in this to have the story. it's on our genes in children still made in china three common words quickly becoming bad words as part of smear campaigns made in the usa used to be voted to give china's special trade status the chinese are being set up to be the next bogeyman and the only thing that's interfering with that is that the muslims are in effect of
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bogeyman for right now but that hasn't stopped china and its alleged us supporters from being the bad guys does your recalls help foreign companies create chinese jobs to make it as seen in countless political campaign ads ahead of the two thousand and ten midterm elections with china in the u.s. china's ascent in the world is becoming the popular perceived threat from washington maybe you ought to run for senate trying to holywood going to be handed over to the way they're remaking the eighty's flick red dawn. but this time around instead of soviet troops invading the west you guessed it it's the chinese it seems for longer the u.s. economy stagnates barely growing at all oh. and the more china celebrates the ten percent plus rise in its economic growth the more we see china vilified it's very important to see more progress by the major emerging economies
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with policymakers accusing the country of manipulating its currency to boost exports at the expense of the u.s. recovery and demanding they do something to change that every just look at the issue from that perspective you may think china is to blame here but the u.s. and china have a very dynamic interconnected relationship and when you look at what the u.s. is doing because a lot less clear who is the bad guy it takes two to tango there are two sides to that and the only way to get out of this imbalance is to coordinate a process that is mutually beneficial both. an invalid. that has china the largest creditor nation on the globe. funding the west the largest debtor nation in the history of the world asking for the dollar to go down twenty percent against the chinese currency chests the you on essentially as china who holds two point six trillion us dollars in its reserves to just lose
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a half trillion dollars china doesn't want that and economists say this is anything but mutually beneficial to us no we want to screw you we want to bankrupt you like we bankrupted japan him we want to disable you because if we can destroy your canonically then you can never become a military threat and outside of this paranoid psychosis but it doesn't stop the u.s. from parading its military might around china's borders china's also held drills in recent months and both sides are duking it out in what's been dubbed a currency war i happen to think china should open its currency up and be freely convertible on the other hand the united states is running up the gigantic debts and printing money now everybody is making mistakes here and that's where economists say a larger war is impending looks like we have a trade war developing a losing battle for both sides nobody in history has won a trade war but that may not stop anyone from putting up a fight and recent u.s.
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history as seen here here and here doesn't seem to even be allowing a fair one lorin mr r.t. new york. well coming up would be where all the dog's owner calls you know all over who's to blame when pets get out of control just a few moments. now to some other world news this hour at least thirty seven people have been killed in a police operation to release off a catholic church in baghdad militants took over the church after attacking the country's stock exchange where they killed two guards they were reportedly demanding as we said three. afghan officials say the taliban overran an entire district in the east of the country overnight insurgents captured government buildings and the police headquarters all the security officers guarding the area were reportedly killed or taken captive before the attackers fled the scene officials say they've restored government control of the district.
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in brazil of the ruling party's candidate to run in the runoff vote with patrice first woman president. roxas really beat opposition rival. in the second round with more than fifty five percent of the vote who said that it continue the antipoverty policies of outgoing little silver should be sworn in as the country's head of state on johnny the first. australian police have made one of the biggest ever drug busts seizing there in its value of more than four hundred million us dollars over a hundred sixty kilos of illegal drugs were hidden inside wooden doors shipped from malaysia police have charged three people including a mother and if convicted he should face life in prison. or after a woman in the south of russia was a viciously mauled by two pit bull terriers the debate over who should be held
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responsible for dog attacks has been heating up some say about the owners are to blame others are calling for a blacklist of certain breeds of dogs what he's done is political reports. this eighty five year old woman was almost killed by two pit bulls and here on the yard she was screaming for help and when a neighbor heard her cries she called the police when the officers arrived the region animals turned on them. one of the officers blew his whistle the dollar dropped the victim and attacking the policeman badly injuring his arm the officers had no other option but to should both animals dead by the time the woman was unconscious she was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where the patient was in shock upon arrival went to perform an emergency operation to amputate her arms the owners of the bulls kept them for breeding but it seems they didn't keep them secure enough since on the fateful day they managed to escape jumping over
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a fence and tearing through the neighborhood so when you have to believe unfortunately it's not the first time when dangerous animals are causing severe and sometimes deadly injuries and i think that one of the reasons is that there's a gap in legislation when it comes to dog ownership and punishment for those whose animals attack people with large dogs should be considered dangerous just like common goals of the owners of the big bowls in question have been charged with negligence resulting in but really harm and could face the two and a half thousand dollar fine or a six month jail sentence but courts rarely impose prison sentences for such crimes however the case has once again sparked heated debate on whether breed specific legislation should be introduced in russia currently twelve countries have banned or special conditions for pit bull and america stuff which are terrier ownership restrictions are not an option say the members of this dog owners club in the city of sochi let's speak to the enemy trainer and greet the seventy year old
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staffordshire terrier you when you're with us you know and there should be no breed specific discrimination considering one dog good and another one evil is just plain wrong always take into consideration certain traits that also. should be considered by the dog's owner when choosing the dog but it doesn't mean that some dogs should be rebooted more dangerous and therefore require some kind of special super training. with the last name maybe dog owners leagues with insist that in most cases it's not the animals but their owners who are to blame the average basic training course with but bull terriers last two to three months and could cost up to six hundred dollars something that in the cross your case known seems the bargain considering the price spree by the elderly woman remains of the cold war with doctors pointing to her life. r t across the region. well all our stories videos and blogs are online any time you like at r.t.
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dot com here's what's on the site right now and make it comes true wild day is driven by hunger sparking panic after attacking humans on the streets of russia's tells. us have you ever wondered which sport would suit you best scientists believe they have the answer and it's stored in our d.n.a. . well charlotte joins us now with all the business news and the biggest renewable energy company is purchasing an overseas shot at what more can you tell us about that that's right news that unrest hydro is buying fifty one percent of a new plant being built in vietnam details later in the program but first this hour the third international another technology for ross another tech twenty ten is
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getting underway here in moscow more than three hundred fifty russian and foreign companies from thirteen countries will present their work at the exhibition of innovation products our correspondent allan bushnell has the latest from the event . today we're here for bruce nanotech twenty ten which really focuses on the most part profile sector here in russia nano technology which breaks the materials down into tiny little bits of i tunes and then reassemble them into law it's a smaller troll dog which room with three produce you would hold says in medicine oh i see so for food on the ground the promise is a lot of will staple fresh and bruce no has invited experts from leaving companies like north korea the most largest mobile phone maker hewlett packard also the world's largest producer of computers here and they're really trying to shed light on how it's gone the big fear of foreign investors is getting caught up in red tape
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in fact this year's physics nobel prize winner on great game refused to return to work across a silicon valley called stoke over being built near moscow here because he says the whole project will become poor talk in red tape and corruption now we're joined by the head of russian scientists a broad there to stuff stuff far off the interest of what the government have to do to bring scientists back the best scientists from abroad. because they do something now. minister of science education africa's problems one program to provide for a temporary position scientists work in a bar is worse success so many people fostering so many russians are too lazy or scientific area for cam to russia to leave the cerebral. tool through
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here as another program is right. for the more important project which has been budgeted about two million dollars to hear us talking to the head of the us not an apology by sweet caring. bribery project import ship with ross now that you believe. yes it's inside it looks like there is more of. it because they're not the sort of our situation. like special attention to this. they refuse to participate in a game so about. time else take a look at how the markets are doing and they're climbing here at the start of that point eight percent. bank is among the main game is that more than one percent of my sex as is the country's largest bank one approval to acquire a seventy five percent stake in most case based lottery company. and over asia
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stock markets are mostly higher with china and hong kong rising sharply after solid manufacturing data in china take a rocket has struggled and concerns over the outlook for earnings and a strong yen. is climbing more than two percent. now russia plans to attract hundreds of billions of private capital to make the country more energy efficient president very of says the modernization of industries and households were just the country's energy consumption by thirteen point five percent of g.d.p. in the next decade such an employer over reports. of. insulating paint on pipes more than water meters president is exploring the basement off an energy efficient house in the russian republic of thirst on the city off not only is a leader in conserving water resources. were very impressed with how we meter everything so don't care so we came to learn from
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your experience. russia on average consumes three times more and the richer per person than in the developed world the country wants to attract three hundred billion dollars often. cement into improving and their fish and say as part of that effort the government could provide loan guarantees for companies wishing to modernize the rules we are considering introducing energy saving before months contracts it's a new institution for our country and it will become popular only of banks are involved burbank has already started developing the products which will help will attract private investors more than russia was built in sauvie at times ninety percent of all power stations were built before the ninety's as well as it is three percent of all private homes and more than half of community hitting systems but it's not just infrastructure many household goods validated and inefficient this
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thirty year old soviet fridge it's four times as watch average it as a new one does the government wants to encourage people to get rid of such refrigerators replacing their very new energy efficient ones the first half will be labeling all electric devices with their energy efficiency closs a practice of doctors in europe fifteen years ago made better for the mantle that was the time when russia should have started thinking of saving resources at the other critical of business are to. the first time purchasing an overseas russia's biggest renewable energy companies buying fifty one percent of a new hydro plant being built in vietnam the project is worth one hundred fifty million dollars with apologies aiming to finalize the deal by the end of this year and g. consumption in vietnam has been growing at an annual rate of about twenty percent
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