tv [untitled] November 1, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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this is more a region is economically and socially one of russia's better developed provinces the region has a significant scientific and industrial capacity that will realize its full potential after the construction of this you. can tell ya he has completed the i t. park or has r. and d. projects in the spheres of automotive construction aerospace and oil chemistry high
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tech data center ferber's with cutting edge servers and communication equipment will be constructed at the core of the park the project has been personally approved by prime minister vladimir putin the federal government is planning to allocate sizable funding for the parks construction investors will be given benefits such as property tax exemption low land rental prices and other preferences but it is the samoa region government is open to mutually beneficial cooperation we invite investors to participate in existing projects and we are ready to give a hand in fulfilling your projects and growing your business in this small region. a storm over the could heal dmitri medvedev becomes the first russian leader to visit the islands sparking protests from japan. baghdad's christian community takes to the streets over iraqi security forces and the link of the deadly church attack
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that left fifty eight dead. leave it mean and green scientists struggle to get an alternative power source recognize. i. live twenty four hours a day from russia's capital moscow this is r.t. certainly glad to have you with us moscow has dubbed as unacceptable japan's diplomatic protest over dmitri medvedev his visit to russia's southern islands tokyo which claims that the four islands as its own said the president's trip was regrettable and summoned russia's ambassador to japan the islands that lie in the pacific and are part of a larger russian held archipelago to the north of japan became under moscow's control at the end of world war two the region has rich fishing grounds and mineral deposits and is believed to have vast oil and gas reserves president medvedev
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became the first russian leader to visit the area on a boycott reports it's a leftover from the second world war old soviet tanks rusting on the shore but their barrels pointed towards your pan because the island together with three other pacific islands was thinking over it by the soviet union sixty five years ago but the tussle to define its national identity still goes on. these cross appeared here a few years ago soon after the russian orthodox church opened its parish on the island of c. katon to dickie fifine its population window on it is now in the midst of a baby boom. with the highest birth rates in the region. of young people of servicemen. their living standards are quite decent nowadays there are many kids see and parents bring them to be baptized it's wonderful to have children
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on the island. building the church is part of the russian government's effort to raise the living standards of the korean island beach here means a reinforcing national identity all but the band and in the nineteen ninety s. they often saw a large influx of japanese charities and officials trying to persuade the locals that they might be much better off if the aunts were under japanese administration because you know if we get the owners bark we won't move the russians who live there we know how painful it is then you look for them citizenship. but this is precisely why the president is here to tell the locals that russia has not forgotten about them and while the regional authorities tried to paint it three to picture the role would set a crumbling infrastructure betrayed the audience chronic financial problems so. it's an important part of our land we would definitely invest money into the region
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. reach in buyer and mineral resources the islands have been a bone of contention for over two centuries russia held them briefly in the nineteenth century before losing a war to japan took his defeat in the second world war a lot less good to be gained control of the territories which prevented the two sides from signing a formal peace treaty the president's visit wasn't missed on the japanese side tokyo sad the trip was regrettable and her japanese public sentiment was that only japan's reaction to president visits trip to the pool islands is unacceptable it is our land wishes and the russian president was visiting a russian territory i'm sure we've already spleens to our japanese partners. under international law the grill island unequivocally belongs to russia but due to geographic and economic reasons its residents of palm of frequent guests to japan than to the mainland. and while russia may be in their heart japan is still vying
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for their minds erica mortar is teaching japanese at a she could turn school his salaries paid by the japanese government. class is a very popular when it comes to the school the children are already waiting for me amanda's people who i see there are many people who came here last year i'm happy here sometimes it seems to me that i am with my family again and here class seventh graders study alongside their parents who hope to get a job in japan life a degree allowance may have a proven recent years but what sort to stop are the horizon some of ours in russia's forests. authorities in iraq are stepping up security after a deadly catholic church siege by a group of militants on sunday left fifty eight dead and scores more wounded meanwhile there have been mass protests in baghdad over the deaths it's estimated more than one million christians have been forced to flee the country because of sectarian violence andrew gilligan
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a journalist from the sunday telegraph is skeptical whether iraqi police are capable of controlling the security situation in the country. clearly one of the main reasons so many people died in this hostage situation was because the iraqi security forces started a firefight inside the church is not clear how many of those hostages were killed by iraqi people it's and how many by the hostage takers bullets and and that is one of the serious questions that probably will never be fully cleared up and there's a question mark over how competent the iraqi forces are to deal with situations like this tactically and then as you say strategically the security situation is deteriorating it's it's hard to know that the thing is whatever the iraqi people and whatever the situation might demand i think it's very very unlikely in the american forces will reengage in any kind of particularly large scale manner i
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think america has essentially not exactly washed its hands but it certainly put iraq on the backburner when the entire focus now is on afghanistan iraq is a problem that the americans want to try to put behind them. and your with r t still ahead in the program a few of the future scientists claim to be found a green alternative to uranium though some doubt its effectiveness. elderly woman left in a coma with no arms and almost no hope for justice dog attacks end of the burden of responsibility in just a few months. moscow does not feel that nato treats it as an enemy russia's foreign minister has said during talks with his counterpart in germany the ministers streamlined their positions ahead of the russian nato council in lisbon later this month and also discussed disarmament plants that he has been following
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the talks. the central topic of the talks between the two ministers was global security and russia now is pushing for a new joint european security architecture and defense better defense as a part of it to be better protected against common global threats of course russia is keeping a close eye on the u.s. plans and nato plans about deploying elements of missile defense system on the european continent officially in september this year nato invited russia to participate in these missile defense system today sergei lavrov said certain work is being done we did snape partners in particular they're preparing a joint assessment of threats and challenges of the twenty first century and he hopes that the document will be ready by the time this russian nato summit takes place in lisbon and but before russia can come up with any answer to that pose
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a lover of so it would like to know how nato partners see russia for its participation in that project and most importantly to come to a common understanding on where those threats originate now answering the questions on whether russia and nato nowadays treat each other as enemies both mr lavrov and his german counterpart said this was not the case and today russia and nato hot not cold war anime's but rather modern day allies or does this make the image of the enemy shouldn't exist anymore and must be left in history we view russia as a strategic partner we've got mutual interests we of course have differences in opinion but we can talk about them and solve problems in terms of nato and it was always the goal of germany to bring russia into the project of mutual defense i have stressed that russia must work on the issue with us we are making good progress towards a poll just recently russia and nato two part in
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a joint special operations in again. stands as a result of bleach some of several tons of trucks were destroyed worth over two hundred million dollars and for drug producing will bore a trace russia mostly helped nato its nato partners by providing them with intelligence data to carry out that open ration but anyway questions were raised whether russia was going to be back in afghanistan with its troops to that sergei lavrov the son to clear and loud message today russia is not going to take part in the war in afghanistan if the ball is to last will see if there are speculations that russia will return to afghanistan this is a probably cations it's totally out of the question russian troops will never return to afghanistan this is our firm positions that will not be changed apart from global issues like european security and the war in afghanistan of the two partners discussed a stimulus packages for the economy as modernizing the economy so trade between the
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two and an a g l cope ration in an issue which is important and crucial for the economies of both countries are to grab children reporting there for us now feeding imaginary cows and growing nonexistent fruit are just some of what you taxpayers have to foot the bill for to the tune of over a billion euros a year the european commission has found that fraudulent payments have doubled last year with most irregularities in funds going to the poorest regions shana herbert from open europe a think tank concerned with improving the direction of the e.u. says the unions wasting money by eating farms. phenomenal amount of money is spent on on farming subsidies and it's a very very complex procedure and how those those funds are by people in fact by farmers in fact and they have improved over the past years but it's it's just not working because if you look at the substantial amount of money which is is going to for example cows that don't exist and going to various schemes going to people who
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should be applying for it i mean we really have to ask questions if this is the right way we should be spending our money we do need to look at where the funds as spent in in terrible sort of wasteful ways and whether there are clear cases of fraud spending so much of the budget on subsidizing farmers is not really the way to make us grow and to make our economies more competitive we need to seriously look at our priorities we need to seriously invest in things which add value like research like development you can check out our website for a lot more stories blogs and videos here's a taste of what's online right now at. a time bomb is ticking for american students who know what the government more than credit card debt or and with no jobs around most have no way to pay. bandits have their bubble burst after breeding millions of dollars from moscow cash machine.
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newly elected brazilian president dilma rousseff is expected to continue her extremely popular predecessor lula da silva has left leaning policies some in the country believe she can go even further mark was brought co-director of the center for economic and policy research explains why rousseff election is important not only for brazil but for the whole of latin america. well i think you're likely to have continuity with the policies of the previous administration and that's pretty much what people voted for and i think that's why she won the mean unemployment is measured on points at a record low of six point two percent you had much better growth during these eight years twenty three and a half percent per person as compared to or twenty three percent as compared to three and a half percent in the previous eight years the big thing why so many other countries in the region we're watching this election in the world is that brazil is part of
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a group left of center governments in latin america that have really transformed the region this is something you've never seen before the region is much more independent than it's ever been and you have these governments that have delivered a lot more on their promises than governments in the past in brazil in their core and bolivia and venezuela in argentina if brazil had gone to the right that would have really changed the equation in the hemisphere. mark wise broad co-director of the center for economic and policy research for us and now to some other international news in brief according to the day officials the tip off that led to finding parcel bombs on cargo planes came from a repentant al qaeda member x. one ton i'm obeyed detainee five feet handed himself into saudi authorities two weeks ago the parcels were placed with cargo with one parcels used in dubai and the other intercepted in britain u.s. officials have named a saudi bomb maker as the key suspect in the attempt to send the explosives from
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yemen to the u.s. . tropical storm tomas is heading towards haiti threatening over a million people still living in refugee camps following january's devastating earthquake earlier five people were killed when tomas swept through the ribbon with one hundred fifty kilometer per hour winds forecasters say the storm that's been downgraded from a hurricane is set to gain strength and hit the island at the weekend authorities in haiti are urging people to move to higher ground and have been distributing emergency shelter materials. two pit bull terriers have left a woman mangled and disfigured after jumping over their yard fence igniting the debate over russia's lax dog ownership laws the complex issue is difficult to solve with some pointing the finger at dog breeds and others blaming bad owners ortiz dennis blonsky reports. this eighty five year old woman was almost killed by two
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pit bulls and here on the yard she was screaming for help and when a neighbor heard her cries she called the police when the officers arrived the region animals turned on them. one of the officers blew his whistle the dogs robbed the victim and the tag the policeman badly injuring his arm the officers had no other option but to should both animals dead by the time the woman was unconscious she was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where the patient was in shock upon arrival we had to perform an emergency operation to amputate her arms the owners of the bulls kept them for breeding but it seems they didn't keep them secure enough since on the fateful day they managed to escape jumping over a fence and tearing through the neighborhood so that the unfortunately it's not the first time when dangerous animals are causing severe and sometimes deadly injuries and i think that one of the reasons is that there's a gap in legislation when it comes to dog ownership and punishment for those whose
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animals attack people large dogs should be considered dangerous just like common guns. the owners of the big bowls in question have been charged with negligence resulting in budgetary harm and could face it to him to have thousand dollar fine or a six month jail sentence but courts rarely impose prison sentences for such crimes however the case has once again sparked heated debate on whether breed specific legislation should be introduced in russia currently twelve countries have banned or special conditions for pit bull and american stuff for chair terrier ownership restrictions are not an option say the members of this dog owners club in the city of sochi let's pick to the enemy trainer and greet the seventy year old staffordshire terrier. and that there should be no breed specific discrimination considering one dog good and another one evil is just plain wrong always take into consideration certain traits that also. should be considered by the dog's owner
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when choosing the dog but it doesn't mean that some dogs should be more dangerous and therefore require some kind of special super training. maybe dog owners like insist that in most cases it's not the animals but their owners who are to blame the average basic training course for that bull terriers last two to three months and could cost up to six hundred dollars something that in the cross in our case now seems the bargain considering the price paid by the elderly woman who remains of the coma doctors pointing for life there is a lot ski r.t. across the region the idea of eco friendly nuclear energy may have once seemed impossible but now scientists believe they've found the fuel of the future for e m is more abundant than uranium and could end our dependence on fossil fuels artie's laura emmet explores why the metal has still to gain a foothold in the market. we
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all use energy but at what cost. energy security why many modern wars are thought the oil's running out and there doesn't seem to be a viable alternative in sight but unbeknown to most there's an energy source that's clean green and abundant all over the globe story m z nuclear fuel and its supporters believe it will change the world conflicts that we've seen today based around energy could go away and that these energy sources that i'm talking about which don't emit carbon dioxide or or greenhouse gases and don't produce dangerous ways chord. unable to have cleaner water cleaner air and less intrusion on our environment from energy production a ton of the silvery metal produces as much energy as two hundred tons of uranium ore three and a hoffa million tons of coal. the amount of thorin that would take her via all the
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power to run your entire life. is about the size of a marble that big a group working on story in the u.k. says it hasn't managed to get the british government on board so far so it's looking to cooperate with countries like russia for several years now a russian physicist has been proposing to build saurian power stations but i wanted his ideas haven't been taken up there's a lot of focus on renewables at the moment so maybe that's where they feel that there's more public support. but i think if they truly understood the potential of story. then they would realize that it's a good investment research on thore and was largely halted in the middle of the last century after a year rainy and powered reactor was designed. many believe
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also fell out of the spotlight because making a bomb out of it is thought to be almost impossible but today not all scientists are thore i'm converts for an reactors don't really work every challenge and it's a whole new technology which has very insurmountable problems in my opinion they would have problems in developing the process in which you split the fuel from the waste from the reactor they would have difficulties in actually storing the fuel. since two thousand and seven cities from london to sydney have held our turning the lights off to save energy proponents say if there were a power became a reality we could turn the lights back on with confidence. through. the rooms a divisive thing some say it's a technology that's being tried tested and found lacking others say that because
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the light water reactor got there first the room was never given a proper chance but while it's cheap. abundant and even a possibility the scientists here at the annual story in conference say give it a go it might even change the world you are abbots r.t. london. russia is also seeking new forms of energy to reduce its dependence on oil and gas in a moment we'll be talking to the man who's got an important task to develop countries innovative potential.
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yes. mr the museum thank you for being with us today so why did the authorities decide to build a innovation center from scratch rather than use takes base of science cities switch to moscow region alone has quite a number of good i often joke of skin for instance. little. firstly this innovation center isn't designed to be the same as a science city in soviet times science cities were built in our country as centers for scientific research the way i see it skolkovo is primarily a commercialisation center the military industrial complex was the main consumer of products of sciences he's. everything is different its focus is on the junction
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between applied science and the commercial use of innovative technology products this is due to the fact that the market provides consumers for innovative products and development the consumer being primarily the population itself. because their ideas have high expectations regarding an american venture capital fund investment in why americans and what can we give them in return for investments that investors are afraid to invest in to corruption and difficult business conditions as they put it. very. firstly i think it's rather obvious why he wants the americans silicon valley is the world's largest innovation center today this means that it has accumulated the largest wealth of experience which is closely related to investments we're interested in international investments in russia's projects not merely for the phones themselves but primarily for the experience competence expertise vision of the market understanding of mechanisms and technology of business dealings that
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a company investments. i venture investor always brings his experience along with his money when investing in a business and experience wise american funds are certainly the most experienced today. having visits skolkovo last spring some investors criticize the project citing a lack of scientific minds is russia planning on involving russian experts from the west. i don't believe that in the modern world it's actually necessary to physically bring people back from the west from developed economies where they've undergone training in international universities and research centers rather establishing a fish and mutually beneficial cooperation with the most important of the modern world's doesn't really require someone's physical presence as long as they participate in a project in my opinion the development of technological diaspora networks has become a commonly accepted concept establishing official cooperation with these is more
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important than bringing a certain limited number of our fellow countrymen back to russia. even though this is something that is possible and is also worth doing. well in your opinion is there a guarantee that's called will not turn into yet another costly but inefficient project which we have quite a few unfortunately how much does russia actually need it. in my opinion political will. the will to carry out the project and an understanding of its necessity are the only possible guarantees as for the necessity i believe we absolutely do need us the scope of innovation center project is a response to a challenge of the market and integration of the russian economy into the global innovative technology system one of today's very significant challenges for our country is the fact that we are poorly integrated into these international networks of added value to be more precise were integrated into them at the lowest levels
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a suppliers of energy resources raw materials and lower level process products however in order to meet today's challenges and to make our economy competitive at the next stage of development our task is to integrate into this market at the highest levels in other words into the developments production and sales networks of these high tech products. what role will role materials plain innovative economy. raw materials will undoubtedly remain one of russia's main sources of income for a long time yet i think we should openly admit that the current economic modernization in russia would have been impossible without raw materials because this sector pays it earns the phones which state and private business invest in modernization projects an innovative economic development. block well nevertheless we're trying to reduce our dependence on raw materials. in my view russia
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isn't trying to use its dependence on raw materials the thing is that those responsible for economic decisions understand only too well that we have quite a short time left to continue living off natural resources in the next ten fifteen or twenty years the world economic architecture will change so much that the raw material sector will simply lose the significance it has today in the next ten to fifteen years a considerable part of the ultimo bill fleet will operate totally differently it will be electrical environmentally clean etc who will then need us and our oil if the world stops consuming oil as an energy resource in such huge amounts and if we fail to diversify and reorganize our economy and introduce innovative development then russia will turn out to be competitive in the world market. and fortunately today our major companies at home are not at all keen on innovation. member of a working group which deals with the innovative development of state.
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