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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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all. in the united kingdom he's available in the house bill and he will go to the old waverly who tend to get him closer to the mill stone who took some of the old country house today is the. town's to remember the crew me the chance to feel the montague the turn the oil the rubens hotel. a long standing territorial dispute has sparks flying between moscow and tokyo. japan has recalled its ambassador to russia amid a diplomatic dispute following president medvedev is busy to the far eastern
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russian territory of the korea lie woods. the democratic process is supposed to be a check on corporate power and instead what we're seeing is appropriations hijacking that system in order to quantum more money so that you as votes in midterm elections with opinion polls putting republicans in a strong position but many fear massive corporate funding has put democracy in danger. and triumph of science and human endeavor the international space station marks a decade as a manned mission that's critical to match results from the multi-billion dollar project. it's five pm in moscow and this is r t coming to you live first up this hour scandalous that's the way russia is doing the recall of the japanese ambassador from moscow over an escalating territorial dispute tokio was protesting against
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president madrid his visit to russia's southern creel islands which japan claims as its own let's get the latest now from archies peter all over joins us live. peter are we expecting any kind of response from moscow following tokyo's decision here. well the latest that we have is from foreign minister said again after all he says that the russia will not recall it somebody from from japan in response to ambassador chordal being sent home greeting the cold hope earlier on today a very strongly worded statement from the foreign minister certainly pulling no punches we could hear from him right now. yes it was japan's ambassador in moscow receives directions about his actions directly from tokyo so this is their internal affair but generally the ongoing stary of emotions on japan's part of a president medvedev is a visit to the caribbean islands is causing concern with us and i stated repeatedly that such actions and protests from tokyo are unacceptable and we reaffirm this position. now mr lavrov also said that president medvedev may visit more of the
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korean islands in the future now as i look at where those islands exactly are this fall islands make up the could else and they're based in the just off the northwest coast of japan now they are they out of the cause of much discussion in japan as they were they became part of what they came under control of moscow of the one nine hundred forty five and japan currently believes that they should be returned to them at the moment but this all comes on the way on the eve just about next week we see the apec summit taking place in japan and yokohama now we're hearing from the kremlin that president medvedev will still be attending the apec summit and the japanese side is saying that bilateral talks between president medvedev and the japanese prime minister will go ahead as planned and we can hear now from the japanese foreign minister about the recalling of his ambassador. most you know it is extremely regrettable that president medvedev visited the crew islands even
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though japan had earlier notified russia that there could be a negative impact on bilateral relations we decided that ambassador kono should return home temporarily so he can brief us on the background of the visit. well this diplomatic dispute is caused many politicians here in russia to term it is scandalous and it's something that will be ongoing for a little while yet. you know what are the main factors at stake here why is japan pushing so hard on these claims for the islands. where the islands have been pretty much disputed since they were first discovered by explorers in the seventeenth century the dispute that we're seeing at the moment stems from one nine hundred forty five and the end of the second world war when moscow took over control of them and they became part of the soviet union now the cost part of the russian federation now japan says that these islands should be returned to them as they belong to japan before the second world war now one of the main reasons that these islands are so hotly disputed is because they have vast wealth of minerals oil and
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gas reserves so key economic places and that's why both sides want them so badly right peter all of our following this as collating diplomatic route between russia and japan thanks for that. well the head of the state duma's foreign affairs committee constantine the child says talks over the korea islands won't start unless japan recognizes them as russian territory. the russian behavior. completely on our interpretation of the situation and this interpretation is of the. belong to russia is a result of the second world war it is not discussable and in japan has a certain opinion and there will be aerated to discuss that certain opinion but on the basis that the belong to russia and that any change of this situation may be just a result of for good will and nothing else and they believe that the behavior of
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japanese authorities we know troy to present. pressure on russia is a big mistake because it does not create any further motivation for russia to demonstrate. and does not create any further. opportunities for these discussions on. live from moscow you're with r t i have in the program a mother's love bring you the story of the afghan woman forced to decide between her children and her safety also. a record that out of this world as the international space station marks ten years of manned orbit find out if the station has justified its stratospheric costs and what the future holds for mankind gateway to the final frontier. first the u.s.
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where americans are voting in midterm elections to decide the future of the house of representatives and one third of the senate opinion polls predict barack obama's democrats could lose control of the house to republicans but with vast amounts of campaign cash going into these elections some voters are more concerned about the corporate backing behind candidates are going to camp reports. the typical attack ad from this election season. actually was to. try to. accept the opponent to approve the ad is herself an expert in months throwing and the organization that back surgeries funded by view enters. this election cycle as being the torrijos in the amount of dirt candidates were pouring onto each other their bankrupting america and leaving our children the bill this is a special election year in the u.s. for the first time corporations are allowed to funnel as much money as they want into political campaigns and they're definitely not missing out on the chance to
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buy influence on capitol hill what they're hoping to do is bend laws and regulations or prevent new laws and regulations from being approved they'll cut their bottom lines the problem is that a lot of these rules and regulations exist for a purpose they're supposed to protect the public interest the election system in the us is such that it's virtually impossible to run for office without strong financial backing but the bigger the backing the more candidates ole to their benefactors creases enormously you know equality in influencing policy makers policy made can be increasing their legal process influencing their regulatory process because we. are behind all of these contributions not all of the citizens of the united states but basically the most powerful and breach effect mentor population to watch the influence in action take a republican leader in the house of representatives john boehner wall street
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invested millions of dollars in his campaign is also a darling among large health insurers oil firms and drug manufacturers boehner is campaigning again asked all kinds of government regulations as well as a tax increase for the rich and other candidate wanting for reelection we're. publican congressman spencer baucus who is the ranking member of our house committee on financial services he has reportedly taken over four million dollars from wall street and planche to find against tougher rules for the financial market the list of corporate favorites on capitol hill is long and not only republicans are on it the democratic process is supposed to be a check on corporate power and instead what we're seeing is corporations hijacking that system in order to funnel more money to themselves many argue the new supreme court decision which made it possible for corporations to invest unlimited amounts of money in politics and be able to be credited as anonymous donors has basically
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legalized corruption one definition of corruption private truth of public party fear mongering is arguably the main tool corporations use to gain public support for the candidates they choose some channels like fox news are especially good at getting their message across and it's clear that pushes people to the streets i would like my boat to come as you'd be more democratic. next monday and some fear their interest may be left out because of someone's special interest on the outside this democracy is new voice people coming to the polling stations putting a cost before the name of a candidate they like but in these elections with the influence of corporations on meat first it seems that really has a vote in american mail is money going to shut down on t. washington d.c.
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. former oil tycoon me how of course he who was jailed for embezzlement and tax evasion in two thousand and three is back in court new charges brought against him could see his term extended until twenty seventeen well he's been giving his concluding speech at a court hearing sarah ferguson following the case and joins us live start tell us what is harder koskie been saying. lou strong words today for mikhail khodorkovsky as he gave the final speech to the mosque a cool head of the verdict this child like had a close game along with his school the business partner plots on lead the day standing trial accused of rules and investments but now he says we had him say today call on the judge to have courage saying that the fate of all russians rests on the verdict that will be delivered on little day he doesn't want to die in prison so that if it required it he wouldn't hesitate thanks but if the strong language that says we invest in reference to the criticisms that we've had. people
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saying that these new charges put against predicates gave a punishment for the opposition that had a close to his shame to government now he is currently in prison on an eight year for tax evasion and now with one year to his release we've seen these new charges pools that there are others that have said that i actually had a close case has ruled this country of billions of dollars and that now he may be trying to evade his responsibility for that setting for the prosecutor in this case valerie elected saying that cuda coasties the fed is completely built on a lie and that he's trying to create a political elements and play up to the political element in this trial so the verdict will these new charges is expected to be delivered on the fifteenth of december. sir can you just tell us a little bit more specifically about these new charges what are they what kind of
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case to the house against him. with the new charges against how to close down his business partner let the. know crude and embezzlement now the standard keys of stealing over two hundred eighty over two hundred eighteen billion tons of oil. from the former oil company yukos now that's twenty seven billion dollars worth of oil if the found guilty they could face time behind bars they can live up to twenty seventeen that he said that verdict will be delivered is that. right sara for of reporting live on the latest in the so-called yukos case thank you sara. now despite international efforts since the taliban's removal from power in two thousand and one women's rights continue to be violated in afghanistan many women face domestic violence and abuse with a growing number committing suicide because of
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a lack of trust in the justice system and with many courts and ruins and judges facing death threats the situation shows little sign of improving party's policy or house the story. it's a choice no mother should ever have to make her children or her family her husband's thrown her out and this woman's parents will only take her back if she abandons the children she had with him. was i'm feeling so alone my husband hates me a lot i'm sick my daughter is sick my other two children are with him. her family was against the marriage from the beginning the man was from another tribe already married and taking drugs but at the age of fourteen desperate to be with him the goal ran away and married him. my brothers want to kill me i'm very fraid of them they say if you come back alone will accept you. but if
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you come with your children will cure all of you i'm also afraid of my husband. the twenty four year old now hides in a shelter last year the human rights commission received eight hundred and fifty similar cases and that's only in the ball it says the justice system is falling far short of helping these women that have won this problem and about it from us we have no women prosecutors and most provinces no women police or family courts whenever a woman is accused of something and there's no one to help her these judges are listening to a case of a young girl who wants to break up her engagement they tell her to come back in the next hearing a husband wants to divorce his wife because she visited her parents for a week without his permission you know women feel helpless and even in the rare situations where they cases get to court they feel justice has not been served in the last six to seven years the problem of women burning themselves has grown
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especially in herat and kandahar provinces to suicide because women feel they have no way out afghan court officials say they have enough to deal with even before trying to help these women. but i had. a three decade war it has damaged the capacity of the afghan judicial system we've had fifteen judges killed across the country many of our court buildings are destroyed and we have problems with transportation and staff. in remote areas the problem is worse many judges simply refuse to be posted there complaining of bad salaries and even worse security hooman the horsemen for law and order and security help implement law border security are better in open areas but unfortunately the villages are not ready to practice these kinds of all. and often there's precious little the courts can do especially in places when warlords and special allegiances of the law we've
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got to pay higher salary so that we can cope with the. needs of the life provide police. in the district the. training of them and also. reporting the cases. the public should do so while this woman waits for the courts to hear her there's no guarantee that even after they do she'll be any better off paula c r t. we're more top news stories on our web site that's our t.v. dot com including an eighty five year old woman who was savage and had a ball attack in her own back yard in russia's south she died after several days in a coma. and being targeted as a criminal before even committing a crime find out about preemptive prosecution in the united states r t v dot com.
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let's take a look now at some world news in greece for you this hour a powerful bomb loaded at the swiss embassy in athens police say the device was thrown into the courtyard of the building but there are no reports of injuries or deaths it comes amid heightened security in the greek capital after a mail bomb exploded at a delivery company on monday a suspicious package was also found after both karajan embassy. britain and france have signed military treaties which include setting up a joint force sharing equipment and testing nuclear warheads the u.k. prime minister and french president are discussing their plans in london officials say the deal will save millions and boost the fighting power of both countries a nuclear testing center will be set up in france and technology is expected to be developed in britain. hundreds of people gathered in baghdad to bury the victims of sunday's catholic church. at least fifty eight people were killed when iraqi troops stormed the building after al-qaeda militants had taken the
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congregation hostage during mass the gunmen were reportedly demanding the release of all imprisoned al-qaeda members of the rock and egypt and iraqi police commander is being questioned in connection with the attack. now one of the most ambitious projects in history the international space station is marking a decade of manned operations has been an epic milestone for space exploration as it served as the longest home away from home that's been visited by some two hundred people are. takes us back to the station's early days. of the second two thousand the first permanent crew reaches the international space station as the world watches its arguably humanity's most them bushes engineering project to date a mixture of science technology and political cooperation between formal sworn enemies in the ten years since the since has expanded to the size of
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a football field and received two hundred lives it is. now the station is nearly complete but the jury in what it has achieved is still out but about the before the i s s is a breakthrough of corporation before there were separate space agencies now they work together it's a leap forward this station has cost the taxpayer one hundred billion dollars and that's just absurd it's too much but it's their money now admit they're not sure what to expect from the station and that includes the expedition one cosmonauts themselves you to get them going up trains but then i says crew members his own training was more chaotic than i thought when we started training for the station itself did not exist there were no manuals there were no exercise machines but the first crews job was to fully activate the station much of it had been assembled separately in russia in the united states and the first time these parts came together wasn't space the militia with the first two weeks on there were extremely stressful if we failed we'd have to return to earth and abandon the station it
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would never have been constructed as planned expedition one was a success despite problems with construction following the columbia shuttle disaster three years later most of the modules were eventually successfully docked the completed space station provides a unique platform for experiments and weightlessness that could develop new materials and medicines starting real now and next year we're going to find out if you have researchers tinkering in space we can have breakthroughs if not the whole thing was a waste but others believe that the value of that i assess is not that scientific discoveries it's lifespan has already been extended to twenty twenty and possibly beyond we're looking at projects of using their says as a docking port for missions to the moon and even mars. and it does mention further afield so it will serve both as a blueprint and an instruction manual of space should do. whatever its limitations
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and budgets over and the assess is important at the top worth no longer seemed like everything was possible in space and there were no longer the cold war budgets to fund that all there are assessed still proves that space research can be right at the edge of human endeavor either of nerve moscow. former cars were not from russia's mir space station believes it was that program which laid the foundations for the i assess here was the first constantly inhabited station in orbit and carried out houses of experiments it was they commissioned in two thousand and one and sent to a fiery grave burning up in the earth's atmosphere. the modules that are now used on the surface of the same ones used on mir of course they were more technologically advanced better equipment is used including digital but it all started with mir and that's where it all began and there were long term cosmic flights with representatives from other countries including europe and the us he was our program we were independent and anyone so it might be more interesting to
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be on the international space station there's always an exchange of experience when we were on mir we could use the equipment as we pleased. but that brings you up to date in ten minutes from now we talked to the spokesperson of russia's oil giant gazprom for that let's check in at the business desk they with us. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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hello and a very warm welcome to the business news starts with all top story armed police have surrounded a bank owned by russian tycoon alex on the name of death national reserve corp is one of the key assets of the london evening standard and independent newspapers all correspondent aleksey russia is at the bank's office in the central moscow. in the afternoon a group of. policemen walked into the building of the national reserve bank searching for some documents there's been no clarification from the authorities as to what these documents were and what this search was all about the only comment we managed to receive from a spokesperson of the interior ministry in moscow was that this search was conducted in accordance with a criminal investigation which was launched earlier but he did not clarify any details about what this investigation was about and what the search was for now by
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this moment as we know of the men in the mosque the armed policemen have already left the building but the prosecutors the investigators are still inside looking for the documents and there's still been no comments as to what these documents are i'd like to remind to all of you was the national reserve bank belong still very well known russian businessman alex on the libby defense the owner. several investment companies in russia as well as owning several media including the british newspapers the evening standard and the independent so far there's been nothing illegitimate about his business and this is the first time that such search is being conducted in one of liberty of school buddies and we are of course waiting for any comments from the law enforcers as to what the criminal investigation is it about and what the businessman could be charged with. business artie's alexia shuts her porting there let me just add that alexander lebedev as number thirty four in forbes list of one hundred richest russian businessmen his national reserve corp is
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a financial industrial holding which includes more than one hundred companies that is also the president of national reserve bank which is a part of the corporation. and time to check the numbers now european stock markets are making gains in london the footsie is climbing moving one percent on the decks a stop point eight percent b.p. shares jumped about one percent even though the quarter profits fell by six to seven percent the company set aside new money to pay for the gulf of mexico oil spill. and in moscow the bosses a flag and even a traitor investors around the world awaiting the outcome will think us a special reserves to james said holding off on any big moves. and the world bank has lowered its outlook for russia's growth its revised his g.d.p. forecast to four point two percent from four and a half percent for this year and down to four and
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a half percent from two point eight percent for the coming here for those fears the slowing pace of the global recovery. well that's all we have time for now but you can get more store small website r.t. dot com slash business. the close up team has featured in the current creature claire russia first free
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elections were held a thousand years ago. party goes to the area they used to be in place of exile since the seventeenth century cooling businesses take advantage of the wild growing products to come more rich academic life gives birth to the fate of idea come to come screeching crusher close up on r g. more news today violence is once again flared up to fill these are the images cobol has been seeing from the streets of canada to find corporations or on the day. to come.


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