tv [untitled] November 2, 2010 10:30am-10:59am EDT
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minimums forward to be held down say. the pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well as the joy of not going to. spring the nineteen forty five. into the nazis available in the snow till bankole can see i'm square photo so it's a luxury hotels bangkok sign on the land motels bankole a movie watergate hotel. princess hotel married cool john hotel bank all by oki sweet hotel one called the imperial queen's photo tower married results in spa to showers and hotel new supply is fun deuce and funny hotels golden cliff resorts and
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spun the indian hotel the a one world cruise hotels the taj discovery peach hotel chilled chunk of time was a disease mantra pure result deceit d'souza barracuda l.j. magickal her ilk a renaissance hotel ok roll suites hotel pacific sylvan resort and spa. in israel ots available in some hotel time periods in hotels original. five thirty pm in moscow and he's our team's top stories for us as doubt the recall of the japanese ambassador from moscow al scandal with tokyo's out. non-problem
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president medvedev visits russia southern real island which japan claims with so. the u.s. is voting in midterm elections with opinion polls putting republicans in a strong position but some voters fear mounts of corporate backing behind the counter that put democracy in danger. and the international space station marks a decade as a manned mission proving a milestone as humanity's longest home away from home but critics say results are needed to justify the multi-billion dollar project. now with winter on the doorsteps russian gas is becoming as valuable as ever next we discuss gas prices and shipping security with gas price. for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news maker. hello
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again and welcome to spotlight. on i.t.v. i'm going to be my guest in the studio is syria gate. this one or the world's biggest producer and exporter. will be heating hall from the european continent and with cold season had talks about gas prices. there's something going to happen maybe something bad something we better be prepared for to share the news on this subject here is the official spokesman of a. new president you cautiously craned the gas wars with russia that occurred across the continent over the two countries reached an agreement on discounts for natural gas bookkeeping return russia got
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a long. pole naval base but ukraine is still not happy with the gas price and prime minister putin says russia is ready to discuss enough to discount the most of the several european countries agreed with discounts for important natural gas it seems a good deal for the europeans who progress in london from central asia is an ill turn to russian gas but some experts suggest not because just words and no alternative to moscow's north stream and south stream pipeline. hello thank you for coming to our program as i said the winter is coming the words winter and ukraine somehow connected in the minds of. journalists could you tell us if agreements have been reached with ukraine minister said that the price would be lower and he was talking about two hundred thirty two hundred thirty five dollars for a thousand cubic meters from gazprom we have the number two hundred fifty dollars
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four thousand cubic meters how are these negotiations with ukraine going to go to. do we have a contract based on which we calculate the price which is adjusted every quarter depending on how prices change so the different numbers that you hear at different times contradict each other they just reflect the current situation so there have not been any new agreements on gas prices we were just discussing what price we will get you based on the formula that we have in the contract. contracts could you just clarify something for me this is all happening under the agreement that put into a shank assigned right there. well it is more appropriate to see that the deal was between us croman after god it is the same contract right because i've heard give wants to revise these agreements we've got a ready to revise it was. we have heard about this from our ukrainian colleagues
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of course we can consider different proposals and suggestions but it is the producer we're satisfied with these contracts after which so you're ready to revise the contract see if it's because some of the new ones will benefit you. or could there be other conditions or if they propose something that we would find interesting also not today but maybe sometime in the future well you've already mentioned it several times let's see if russians the russian people think that good relations between the two countries should influence gas prices i mean in relations between moscow and kiev spotlights. that. hi there well the recent change of course in the relations between russia and ukraine has triggered an interest expense regarding gas prices today i'll try to
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find out if this improving relations of the two countries. the good relations between russia and other countries should influence gas prices. i think everything should be fair i think ukraine should pay the same price for gas as any other of neighboring countries why should we lower the price for them if we do that other countries with their prices lower would too. i think we should because we need to have as many allies as we possibly can it would be even better if all these allies could surround us that we would have a more peaceful life but it is anything else would come with a price. yes i think we should lower the prices because they are our neighbors would you try to have a good relationship with your neighbors. why should we on one hand on the other hand in order to support good political interests we have to pay the price just you know we shouldn't lower the price because i think that everything should be based on market conditions good relations between state should be
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measured by some of the criteria the economic relations. yes in order to have good relations of course we should because everybody would gain from it so who would actually benefit from the creation of russia ukraine. russia ukraine even europe. the. who's interested in creating this consortium you alluded to crane would be willing to make some concessions for the sake of this consortium. we think that all sides will benefit from this is for a state interests are concerned for the most because on the gas business side of things. there is a very tight technological connection. between naftogaz and gas products and the so well that it was created as one system. therefore we control the
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system from one place you know it will be able to save more we will be able to be more flexible and so on and so forth. that you will be shown how would your a benefit from this consortium. on interrupted deliveries. point different entities controls supply and transit given that ukraine is responsible for transit to russian gas prong are responsible for supply should to move that if we have one control center yes and the whole system will be more reliable obviously which europe will naturally benefit from from steve you know who these he. is convinced that these consortium is beneficial not only to you but also to the ukrainians europe c. of the producers consumers transit countries absolutely everyone put you in why are you the ones who have to convince everybody and they concessions and lower prices
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but does it benefit you more than anybody else am i right it is anywhere near doing that i don't think so. when problems with transit to europe took place. they mostly complained to us because they had signed contracts with us not somebody else. so when looking at such initiative and european if this would help us carry out our contractual obligations. as far as ukraine is concerned. this issue has been on top of the for a long time now. for ukraine this is a very sensitive issue from the standpoint of politics. and it is the main reason for doubts about this consortium. we have
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just heard what people in the streets of moscow think. correspondent ask them if they thought russia should pay for this friendship in other words should gazprom sell gas at low prices to friends and allies like ukraine belarus ukraine everybody knows things that you see choose. i was there not too long ago during what the russians themselves called the gas war i don't know what you think but to me didn't look like a gas war because it was different from the situation in ukraine belarus thought it was a war because you wouldn't of the prices in two thousand and eleven the current agreement expires a new contracts will have to be do you think it is possible that there will be another the so-called war prices will be raised. you know all right yes team a different question so all trials they're open necked what can we expect from the
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situation bellerose. the first of all the stuff about whether or not gas prom should be a full friendship with our allies if we look at these two examples in ukraine and belarus we will see that certain concessions that can made for them didn't truly affect their business the discount the economy got this year is to basically a lower x. sports tax this money goes to the student budget and they didn't get a lot of polish and package deals which involve stationing the black sea fleet and it's a vast of all are something that just needs. this is really to pay for that you don't gasp wrong as a business was not affected by that. so you know the same with belarus about some time ago we agreed on a transitional period. for us as the producer this was a chance to prevail period the consumer for higher prices it also i'm no expert tax
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on gas deliveries to bill reduce which we initially did with it so this should be green into the ukraine it expires seen the twenty nineteen issue so we are fine here i hope we don't need to warry. as far as bill russo is concerned though i just think you're right and the contract expires next year but it will have to negotiate the terms for a new agreement. at this point it is hard to say what is going to happen with these negotiations but we think that over time we have reached a mutually acceptable level of god peroration. and based on this city and we hope you do sign a new contract and new an idea said no to sky. you don't expect serious complications the so-called gas war was bello's. was
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a scene when you hope to signing you usually beneficial agreement to they look at the little move and go well we all know the expression of hope for the best prepare for the worst how to shop all right another question about belarus. these negotiations will affect the consumer not but the bt heating it want consumers in europe. it is a difficult question. you need any negotiations our objective is to make sure that they don't hurt anyone you know but if we're concerned about the earth consumers we consumers in countries where we deliver gas to the consumers in transit countries and of course every time we do everything we can to make sure it doesn't happen in your position there are no problems but of course there are exceptions squishing says on the gas prospects that spotlight will be back shortly after we take
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will never be forgotten. as well as the joy of liberation. year a spring of nineteen forty five on our team. welcome back to spotlight i am al green of and i just want to remind you that my guest here in the studio today is sygate. the spokesman for russian gas problem who is the gas giant here in this country and this one could be on the mystical prion of one of the journalists favorite topics to discuss with a guest from a fish the unit is south stream is the majority opinion that
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a recess stream these the bucco pipelines rival the still guys gazprom has recently started work on the project and is currently negotiating with the french i need d.f. and the german. are you negotiate ing with any new partners in this project see any as gazprom or. to reduce its share for the sake of new partners but no look that's what. i would say we have activated our work since we have always been absolutely working on the project but the fact that as you say people talk a lot about sauce three now because among other reasons. there is nothing to say bulk nordstrom shipping into the pipeline construction is under way. and you may remember that some time ago there used to be a lot of criticism and doubts about it budging it was i know for some reason but i actually enjoy lists. with journalists completely forgot about it when everything
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is fine they needed to forget about it so what's wrong with south korea since all of them out there. in a book in south through rivalry we have many times he repeated that there is no reason for such a rivalry with the. south stream is a to have it delivering our gas to our rick consumers national can other words. transit they versification into and the two for delivery it's diversification. doers in a pipeline he's and was created as a two for its source diversification for the european consumers in this respect we do not compete it's all well read enough to be sure that our project will be implemented according to schedule. twenty fifteen gas delivery will be performed i forgot or i mean right now we are at this teacher when they
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fizzle billet he study for the c. part of the project he's reading which us so next year we expect it considering all the she haas abilities in all the options we have ships and you know that recently . became interested in this project to you. was not part of this project prior to the. when you say interested do you mean that you have started negotiations already yes a direct contact right there just saying direct contacts at the moment they are trying to give their proposal so they will jump on this train which is running fast already past soonest possible and in the first part of the next year we are to make the final decision on this pipeline. in a final name self the intermediate geographic the route to. a great. clarifying question is gazprom ready to decrease its share in the project to attract new participants are you talking about the c part of the project and i
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assume because regarding the lamp board in every country we created two interventions sharing it is fifty fifty plus one cheered so obviously you've asked about the sea port issue that unless it's an issue to be negotiated with are telling in french nurse and any new partners if they emerge. you don't comment much on the pipeline however the majority of russian commentators and the next person analysts are more politicized than usual because you are more about business decision they tend to criticize nabucco saying that it has little chances to get implemented it has little grounds to exist and there is nothing much to sell and cetera what do we as a representative of russian and big business. can you really say that the pipeline is not a rival to gazprom or do you have to consider it as the business that can stale
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a bit from your profits. i repeat once again it's a two for resource there versification we are and we're building a soft stream to increase the reliability omar deliveries are. transferred to risks that's why these are two different tasks that cannot contradict each other. in the book i don't think i have just become that skeptical sure enough skeptics and supporters of this project without. i think that for example the fact they're denied because financing. claimed to be needed so lead by state banks shows what the ratio between economic. non economic interests is. in this project.
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now about. we often hear that. council of ministers recently gave consent to signing a new gas agreement with russia. into it if i understood it correctly the owner of that part of the pipeline on the polish territory is the polish state owned company system. but western newspapers say that this system company will perform only technical functions but the. problem will be the real organizer and will limit the company's role in maintaining this part of the pipeline that they control the pipes. in your opinion will be european commission approved of this agreement to each hole and has already agreed. or all i have just said is not true. this iteration is
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as follows you probably remember that the model europe gas pipeline in the polish part of it was built onto the program all for delivery route diversification. and the only new key do with an initially there was only one corridor that went through ukraine so in addition to that it would have a pipeline period to the polish one and sometime later lose three most build directly just the right now the polish part of the amal europe a pipeline belongs to the joint venture a europe whole gas and joint venture with gasper on the polish national gas company but it would be a new putting to the new requirements of the european commission. if it is soo guess transporting system is to be operated by an independent company and at the moment gas system which is a hundred percent polish state on company use
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a point two billion as i'm dependent operator we s. era poll guess shareholders are interested that the company receives enough revenue to be able to pay for credits. and we wanted to provide us with a reasonable terrorists for gas transit through polish territory which we think that the agreements which we have signed but i don't know but maybe less to do so it wasn't illegal but with the intergovernmental agreement you proving the entire package the cream and so we hope that it will be signed soon and poland itself is interested more than anybody in the region as a community face gas deficit if you're in the winter which is theory unpleasant. it's a list system of agreements with poland to do what is just going to visit the takeaway systems of only take or pay that with the leader yes of course i would. gazprom
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negotiating abolishment told the paper principal with other clients about me they could be even needed to know what i know means so you're satisfied with it right we do our best to demonstrate to our clients that it's good for them as well because if you don't consider just the current situation. and for. you you will see that as a long term condition it's good for everybody because our clients know that they will always have gas they will have a secure source of energy. to the head of gas alexei miller says that the domestic russian market is becoming the development priority for the company here i have several questions. first of all why is it a priority gas is much cheaper at the domestic market and what looks like gazprom
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doesn't want to earn more money and secondly it would is it the reason for europe to look. if it's a take or pig remain and then they have nothing to worry about now as for the domestic market its volume is twice as much as so rock supports and considering their decision to shift to equally profitable domestic prices by twenty fourteen will have to markets like europe within our countries and we won't have to build expensive pipelines. to provide gas market which will be asked profitable because the european market and. you know considering that there will be no x. import tax and that we won't need to delivery of gas to remote regions for russian consumers gas will be cheaper and the wounds lose their competitive advantage based on the fact that russia. he's reaching natural gas but i share
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that ana and you did it as you said that russia is a region guess where does this paradox come from as i know in russia there is still no guest supply and that even in moscow region there are many villages without a guest supply is their name to provide guests applied to every settlement in russia there are two issues here your first let you say something about cheap gas considering that it's several times cheaper than any other shanachie source like boil or get cool or anything else due to the fact that it's more convenient to use gas in case we had to lower g.s.t. all consumers would have caused when it's going to negative profit and would have exhausted gas resources that's the first thing and now just as the price is cruel we are sure that demand will be reasonable and that we'll be able to deliver as much historic clients this they will need and i mean signalling in the country is
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huge and from the economic viewpoint it's not always profitable stall if you point to a separate village but there are other options we could provide autonomy as gas supply with. a chain or anything that was difficult they're all options but of course there won't be one hundred percent gas supply network it's not profitable. that's rationing would have to think. thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today said again on the spokesman for the russian gas giant and that's it for now from all of us here if he wants have your say on this show. spotlight will be back with more first and comment on what's going on in that until then stay on our team and take.
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