tv [untitled] November 2, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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the international association of russian language and literature teachers will host a world system of russian language. are you interested in a better understanding of russian language and culture can you sing russian songs will. become a participant of the world festival of russian language and really exciting trip to st petersburg in russia. for more information visit the festival website. a longstanding territorial dispute has sparks flying between moscow and tokyo japan has recalled its ambassador to russia amid a diplomatic dispute following president medvedev visit to the far eastern russian territory of the woods. the democratic process is supposed to be
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a check on corporate power and instead what we're seeing is corporations hijacking that system in order to funnel more money to themselves the u.s. vote in midterm elections with opinion polls putting republicans in a strong position but many fear massive corporate funding has put democracy in danger. and triumph of science and human endeavor the international space station marks a decade as a manned mission as critics demand results from the multi-billion dollar project. at seven pm in moscow and this is archie coming to life with me and he said now a thanks for being with us first up scandalous that's the way russia is viewing the recall of the japanese ambassador from moscow over an ask a lady territorial dispute tokyo is protesting against president madrid his visit
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to the southern creel islands which are internationally recognized as russian territory but also claimed by japan r.g.s. peter all over is following the diplomatic route. well the latest that we have is from foreign minister said again after all he says that the russia will not recall . from japan in response to ambassador being sent home greeting the cold hope earlier on today a very strongly worded statement from the foreign minister certainly pulling no punches yes it was going to japan's ambassador in moscow receives directions about his actions directly from tokyo so this is their internal affair but generally the ongoing staring of emotions on japan's part over president medvedev visit to the carrillo islands is causing concern with us i stated repeatedly that such actions and protests from unacceptable and we reaffirm this position mr lavrov also said that president medvedev may visit more of the creel islands in the future as four islands have based in me just off the northwest coast of japan they came under
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control of moscow of the one nine hundred forty five and japan currently believes that they should be returned to them at the moment this all comes on the on the eve just about next week we see the apec summit taking place in japan and yokohama now we're hearing from the kremlin that president medvedev will still be attending the apec summit and the japanese side is saying that bilateral talks between president medvedev and the japanese prime minister will go ahead as planned and we can hear now from the japanese foreign minister about the recalling of his ambassador. it is extremely regrettable that president made very to visited the crew islands even though japan had earlier notified russia that there could be a negative impact on bilateral relations we decided that ambassador kono should return home temporarily so he can brief us on the background of the visit. well this diplomatic dispute is caused many politicians here in russia to term it is scandalous and it's something that will be ongoing for a little while yet but the islands have been pretty much disputed since they were
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first discovered by explorers in the seventeenth century the dispute that we're seeing at the moment stems from one nine hundred forty five and the end of the second world war when moscow took over control of them and they became part of the soviet union now of course parts of the russian federation japan says that these islands should be returned to them as they belong to japan before the second world war now one of the main reasons that these islands are so hotly disputed is because they have vast wealth of minerals oil and gas reserves so key economic places in knots why both sides want them so badly but the head of the state to most foreign affairs committee constantine kasich says talks over the creel island won't start unless japan recognizes them as russian territory. the russian behavior depends completely on our interpretation of the situation and this interpretation is that the. belong to russia as a result of the second world war it is not discussable and in case japan has
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a certain opinion on this well we are ready to discard that certain opinion but on the basis that the belong to russia and that any change of the situation may be just a result of for good will and nothing else and they believe that these behavior of japanese authorities we know try to present. to overthrow our show we should try to set pressure on russia is a big mistake because it does not create any further motivation for russia to demonstrate. and does not create any further. opportunities for these discussions. here with our t.v. live from moscow still ahead for you in the program lost in space. for the match when we started training for the station itself did not exist there were no menus
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no exercise machines. today marks ten years since the first group boarded the international space station find out if the station house justified in stratospheric cost and what the future holds for mankind the gateway to the final frontier. but first to the u.s. where americans are voting in midterm elections to decide the future of the house of representatives and one third of the senate opinion polls predict brock obama's democrats could lose control of the house back to republicans but with vast amounts of campaign cash going into these elections some voters are more concerned about the corporate backing behind the candidates are going to reports. the typical attack ads from this election season. trying to. exact the opponent to the truth of the ad is herself or samantha spurgeon montero a washington post and the organization that back surgery is funded by the un nurses
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. this election cycle has been a torrijos in the amount of duress candidates were pouring onto each other their bankrupting america and leaving our children the bill this is a special election year in the us the first time corporations are allowed to funnel as much money as they've gone into political campaigns reach and they are definitely not missing out on the chance to fly the employees on capitol hill what they're hoping to do is bend laws and regulations or prevent new laws and regulations from being approved that will cut in their bottom lines and the problem is that a lot of these rules and regulations exist for a purpose they're supposed to protect the public interest the election system in the u.s. is such that it's virtually impossible to run for office without strong financial backing but the bigger the backing the more candidates vote to their advantage baxter it's the. norm of the you know quality in influencing policy makers policy making. process influencing their regulatory
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process because. behind all of these contributions it's not organized so for the united states but basically the most power for a breach of the population to watch the influence inaction take republican leader in the house of representatives john boehner wall street invested millions of dollars in his campaign he's also a darling among the largest health insurance for firms and drug manufacturers beanery scam painting a gas all kinds of government regulations for as well as a tax increase because the rich and other candidate wanting for reelection republican congressman spencer baucus who is a ranking member of a house committee. on financial services he has reportedly taken over four million dollars from wall street and pledged to find a guest on four wheels for the financial markets the list of corporate favorites on capitol hill is long and not only her colleagues are on it the democratic process
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is supposed to be a check on corporate power and instead what we're seeing is corporations hijacking that system in order to funnel more money to themselves many argue the new supreme court decision which made it possible for corporations to invest unlimited amounts of money in politics and be able to be credited as anonymous donors has basically legalized corruption one definition of corruption probably but to think of public parties we're monitoring is arguably the main tool corporations use to gain public support for the candidates they choose some channels like fox news are especially good at getting their message across and it's clear that pushes people to the streets i would like my boat to come should be more democratic. next monday and some fear their interest may be left now because of someone's
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special interest on the outside this democracy is new voice people coming to a polling stay friends putting a cost before the name of a candidate they like but in these elections with the influence of corporations on meet first it seems who really has the vote in american mail is money going to check out on t. washington d.c. . well let's get more now on the american midterms which are well underway from scott mccarty are not folks with us the green party thanks for being with us scott now this midterm voting is seen very much as a verdict on president obama's first two years in office but is it so clear cut when you consider the massive amounts of campaign money used by the parties to sway public opinion like we just heard from guy now. well the important thing to point out is that that money comes from corporations and corporate money has poisoned our democracy we're seeing an erosion of responsibility to the american people
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and disregard for the their well being and of the of the people and the health of our nation health of our planet now republicans seem to be hoping to capitalize on voter discontent here with the economy and corporations and companies have criticized obama's handling of the crisis and throwing their support behind the republicans but without obama's bailout many of them went even be here one day well let's remember that the bailout the first bailout occurred under george under george w. bush it happened in september two thousand and eight and it was indorsed by both the democrats and republicans. candidate obama endorsed it as did candidate mccain the republican and his running mate sarah palin the truth of the matter is that we have a widening gap between the wealthy and the poor in this country and that gap is going to continue growing regardless of whether we have democrats or republicans in
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office and in fact it speeds up on the republicans now no friends here is gone but i don't think many people know the u.s. even has a green party with that said do you think the two party system is fair is it working. well it's not working for the american people it's working for these these corporate but he moths that are. that have taken such control over the policies of our government through their influence through con through campaign contributions through money being given to the two major political parties we often in the green party we often call these the two titanic parties. why our parties like the green party not able to get in on the races that all have to do with not being able to raise enough money. well the green party has us does not take corporate money and so therefore we do have
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a lot less to spend on our campaigns but the real problem is an election system that is is rigged against us in several ways there are state laws regarding ballot access that democrats and republicans have passed together to privilege themselves to privilege their own candidates while hindering the ability of all the parties and independents to participate in the democratic process in this country we need to get those laws overturned and. we need to we need to make the us a multi-party democracy the only real democracy is a multi-party democracy how do you propose making the united states a multi-party democracy and do you actually realistically ever see that happening. well at some point or other the american people are going to say we have had enough we're we're no longer going to swallow all the propaganda hurled at us without
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limit now because of the citizens united ruling you know in our mass media and it's going to spark some kind of revolt and embrace all of the alternatives including the alternative parties and we hope that the green party is able to lead that and point the united states in a different direction all right scott mccarty a national spokesman for the u.s. green party talking to us on the line live from washington thank you thank you. or top news is always available on our website r.t. dot com including eighty five year old woman who was savaged in a pit bull attack in her own backyard in russia's south dies after several days in a coma. and being targeted as a criminal before even committing a crime find out about preemptive prosecution in the united states at r.p. dot com. now russia has started delivering free gone to now munition
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to arm the afghan police the first aircraft has already landed in kabul sixteen more shipments are expected to take place as part of a bilateral agreement reached in august well for more on that we're joined now by if i didn't come in who's the director of the conventional arms program at a russian think tank thank you thanks for being with us do you believe aiding local police will prove a fact is for ensuring peace or with massive corruption in afghanistan do you think there's a chance of the weapons falling maybe into the wrong hands here. yes it's a matter of big concern for civil society we all remember this story as well huge amounts of small arms and light weapons will last i'm not going to stand on the iraq. i guess that there are good chances to prevail i'm repeating all of this. stories in future. russia should ensure that all equipment which is supplied has been properly stored improperly registered probably late the inspections might
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be too of denniston police or the defense ministry of water houses just for inspecting the weapons or not in any case the security situation is very. difficult and it's very important to provide proper storage of small arms foreign minister sergei lavrov has stressed that russian forces will not enter afghanistan again but how far is russia prepared to go in its assistance of nato operations as you see it. as far as of denniston is a big threat not only to. all neighboring countries and to russia as a regional superpower i think that russia should feel engaged as far as needed the only limit is not in gauge amount of russian troops in afghanistan.
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it's understandable position we all remember the history of one of your troops had to withdraw from afghanistan participation of russian troops would remind. these. favorable page of our joint history would you want to repeat i think now russia has recently carried out a successful joint drug operation with the us does that mean that russia and nato are finally seeing eye to eye on the importance of fighting the drug problem. russia pays much attention to drug problem russian officials discussed these problems at all levels it was very remarkable new street. recently evolved the successful joint operation we all expect out of this corporation real continue in the future because russian people them all from their
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everyday life. drugs. for free preserve the huge threat to all our c.d.'s and all our generations right because you wouldn't rector of the conventional arms program at a russian think tank thank you for your input. now one of the most ambitious projects in history the international space station is marking a decade of manned operations the i.s.o.'s has been an epic milestone for space exploration as it served as well longest home away from home that's been visited by some two hundred people our team takes us back to the station's early days. of ember the second two thousand the first permanent crew reaches the international space station as the world watches its arguably humanity's most them vicious engineering project to date a mixture of science technology and political cooperation between formal sworn
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enemies in the ten years since the since has expanded to the size of a football field and received two hundred lives it is. now the station is nearly complete but the jury in what it has achieved is still out but for a short bit of optimism for the i.s.o.'s is a breakthrough of corporation of before there were separate space agencies now they work together it's a leap forward this station has cost the taxpayer one hundred billion dollars and that's just absurd it's too much but it's their money now admit they were not sure what to expect from the station and that includes the expedition one cosmonauts themselves you to get them get out trains but then she says crew members his own training was more chaotic they were going to give them an edge when we started training for the station itself did not exist there were no manuals and there were no exercise machines with the first crews job was to fully activate the station much of it had been assembled separately in russia in the united states and the first time these parts came together wasn't space three militia with be the first
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two weeks on there were extremely stressful because if we failed we'd have to return to earth and abandon the station it would never have been constructed as planned expedition one was a success despite problems with construction following the columbia shuttle disaster three years later most of the modules were eventually successfully docked the completed space station provides a unique platform for experiments and weightlessness that could develop new materials and medicines starting we all now and next year we're going to find out if you have researchers tinkering in space we can have breakthroughs if not the whole thing was a waste but others believe that the value of the i assess is not that scientific discoveries it's lifespan has already been extended to twenty twenty and possibly beyond that if we're looking at projects of using di assess as a docking port for missions to the moon and even mars. and if mankind does venture further afield i search will serve both as
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a blueprint and an instruction manual of space should do and don'ts whatever its limitations and budget over and the assess as. important that the door word no longer seemed like everything was sponsible in space and there were no longer the cold war budgets to form but all the was still proves that space research can be right to the edge of human endeavor. nerves all see moscow coming up to twenty one minutes past the hour let's turn to some other world news in brief a powerful bomb has exploded at the swiss embassy in athens police say the device was thrown into the courtyard of the building but there are no reports of injuries or deaths it comes amid heightened security in the greek capital after a mail bomb exploded at a delivery company on monday a suspicious package was also found at the bomb garion and chilean embassies. britain and france have signed military treaties which include setting up a joint force sharing of quick mint and testing nuclear warheads the u.k.
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prime minister and french president are discussing their plans in london officials say the deal will save millions and boost the fighting power of both countries a nuclear testing center will be set up in france and technology is expected to be developed in britain. hundreds of people gathered in baghdad to bury the victims of sunday's catholic church siege at least fifty eight people were killed when iraqi troops stormed the building after al-qaeda militants had taken that congregation hostage during mass the gunmen were reportedly demanding the release of all imprisoned al qaeda members in iraq and egypt and iraqi police commanders being questioned in connection with the attack. you have to date now up next on the latest business stay with us. that's right let's see what's happening in the world of business the world bank has lowered its outlook for russia's growth but it says domestic consumers are driving
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the local economy helping to offset a global slowdown. we expect a four point two growth rate this year and a slight improvement for next year at around four point five as domestic demand and credit recovers. so the second message is that this growth in russia in particular is driven mainly now by domestic demand which is good news it's locally driven right so you're less vulnerable perhaps there aren't any pretention deceleration in outside markets. time to check the numbers european stock markets are making gains in london the foot so is climbing more than one percent the dax is up point eight percent shows jumped about one percent even though so the profits fell by six to seven percent the companies set aside more money to pay for the gulf of mexico oil spill. and in moscow the post has closed up on tuesday most of the major blue chips
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finished up bucking the trend was there a fourth down about one percent this comes on the news of such as conducted by the police at a bank over one of our own us and it's on the leverage of nineteen point five percent of the russian flag ship and carry on what could have helped chest against the company's profit report tariff says its net profits soared one hundred thirty percent according to russian accounting standards. and u.s. stocks a climbing in the opening more moments of trading as investors await their results of meet ten elections traders saw also waiting for the federal reserve to read the team while stay where it is expected to announce plans to stimulate the economy. now the russian stock exchange r.t.s. has decided to hold i.p.o. as soon as next year it will place twenty percent of shows worth around six hundred thirty million dollars r.t.s. representatives say the i.p.o. has nothing to do with any merger with my six. year old report we are an open joint
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stock company so everyone may buy shares but i think these processes are no connection at all. to buy the shares of has no connection with this the primary goal of the i.p.o. is to encourage the strategic development of. russia's placed fourth in the world in terms of investment in nanotechnology but some investors have doubts about the government's attempt to create a local silicon valley heinz could next president of semi europe spoke to our correspondent daniel bushell i haven't fully understood the project and i must say that i cannot tell you exactly what is in their mind. but what i can tell you is i've been working with the russian technology for for thirty years and i have seen the history of russia in technology is excellent so there's a lot of stuff here a lot of parts a lot of brilliant people the problem is to translate that into products and applications to build up an industry that's the bottleneck under sink the russian
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government has understood they want to build up a strong industry so it's not technology's not signs forget about that in russia it's building as an industry you have a wonderful cluster in russia. so when the. effect of semiconductors technology. s.m.u. so small and medium enterprises pass an excellent university to me it has a lot of insecure woods so this is the class that actually for semiconductor manufacturing is a model they takes a very long time rushes everything but no time to take capture the public imagination you cannot see that and that's the problem it's very difficult to explain to the consumer when to buy a product what is now nor is it good is it bad it's just not is part of our daily life and all the gadgets and all the applications in a car in a telephone wherever you go it's part of our life will sort of man oh products can
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people see in the shops this coming more and more it's also energy saving reducing the amount of materials you use it's improving your performance so that. there's a variety of applications and products. russia's oil output has reached story high for the second month running with daily extraction reaching the ten million barrels. per two percent of the same period last year to more than four hundred twenty million barrels in ten months that's just spike food costs of a decline russia has been squeezing more oil out of the existing fields but has also washed new fields and the city. full of business come out during the next stop for more business news.
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