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tv   [untitled]    November 2, 2010 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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moon the stars. look forward to be held don't say. the pain and suffering will never be forgotten. as well as the joy of liberation. your spring of nineteen forty five on our team. mornings today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. china operations are off the bat .
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you're watching our t.v. and here's a recap of our top stories for this hour. the recall of the japanese ambassador
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from moscow was ganda list tokyo follows president medvedev his visit to russia southern real islands which japan claims as its own. the us is voting in midterm elections with opinion polls put it republicans in a strong position but some voters fear of massive corporate backing behind the candidates has put democracy in danger. the international space station marks a decade as a mission proving a milestone as humanities and longest home away from home. next wall street insider max cars or looks at the greed eating away at america's troubled economy. time now for the kaiser report markets finance and scandals all the scandals that
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are driving the global economy into the ditch let's get more details from stays there or heard max kaiser the first headline reads pimco likens us to ponzi scheme this is bill gross who manages two hundred fifty billion dollars pimco bond portfolio he wrote in his newsletter to his clients check writing in the trillions is not a bondholders friend it is in fact inflationary and if truth be told somewhat of a ponzi scheme so he argues that creditors have always expected to be paid out a future growth but now he says growth in dow it seems the fed has taken ponzi one step further the fed has joined the party itself has there ever been a ponzi scheme so brazen there has not been so need to examine a little bit because everyone knows the ponzi scheme concept from the bernie made off scandal that has new money came in you pay out old investors and he built those
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pyramid and what pimco is saying bill gross i guess is that the fed now by joining together various elements of the banking and and government systems is able to create the mother of all ponzi schemes and the suckers who are coming in at this point this is the money that will almost guaranteed be lost well that's right and so he's talking about the fed's expected announcement of new quantitative easing this is that they're going to buy various assets what we don't know yet until they start to do it but actually bill gross goes on to say that he thinks it's a good idea because it's the liquidity trap yeah well i notice that the bank of japan has announced that they are expanding. their definition of quantitative easing and they'll be buying actually stocks and bonds and real estate and precious metals and gold spiked up on this news and to get back on you know last shows topic you know we asked people lloyd blankfein areas criminal large financial terrorist
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of the twenty first century we asked is lloyd blankfein should we decapitated him in effigy of course dall or should we warn or boredom and we got some interesting responses i think what we got over there is one from paul from but tavia first have his doll appropriately cursed by a voodoo priest it shouldn't be hard to find one in haiti they're all pretty ticked off right now then following his instructions and serpens and the desired body parts well let me show you what we've been doing so far in our program i mean this isn't the first time we've been busy. engage in this type of citizens action committee i mean here is. ben bernanke here you get a good shot of ben bernanke you notice that just ahead of ben bernanke the rest of his head is body is missing well that's one thing we have found that no matter what you do to the top of this ponzi scheme of bankers there's always another banker to replace you remove lloyd blankfein from the equation then well first of all you
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actually release you removed hank paulson from the a quote here sec paulson you know we we've removed try to remove him from the equation but it just another banker pops up they've got a you know banker infestation problem. that's correct so there's always another ponzi scheme operator to step in and so here we're talking about ben bernanke he. and his new quantitative easing thing well here's a headline on quantitative easing a paralyzed fed defers decision on monetary policy to primary dealers in an act that can only be classified as treason so according to zero hedge the new york fed . issued a survey to primary dealers which asked for suggestions on the size of q e two as well as the time over which it should be completed treason so business insiders headline on this ben bernanke is now simply asking wall street how much stimulus it
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wants so asking those effigies after asking the real life versus that these guys how much money they need to keep the party going that's right there's no justice there's no rule of law and in a world with no justice clearly there's a demand for many macs many men. the final word in justice now what people might not understand is that if in case goldman sachs tries to open a bank in a galaxy far far away there's micro-mini space max micro-mini space banks can actually fly into parallel dimensions of need be to chase down the financial terrorists and to deliver justice deliver justice this is what we see well ok so let's go back to the story so the fed has asked the primary dealers who are the primary dealers well they're in the likes of cantor fitzgerald j.p. morgan h.s.b.c. bank of america goldman sachs credit suisse deutsche bank r.b.s. and u.b.s. so here i had says the reason why they're saying this is treason is because they're
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now being put in control of u.s. monetary and fiscal policy so while the primary dealers and they mentioned a few there arsonists and they're asking for more matches and the federal reserve is just giving them all the matches they need and lighter fluid to continue to destroy the economy all the quantitative easing all the free money they want to confront run the free money which means as they see the orders coming down the pike they can place orders so when the rat goes through the snake they place an order ahead of the rat getting through that part of the snake and as the rat goes through that snake the nice little graphic up there you see as the a rat makes it through the senate you see put an order in there and you can pocket by inside information if it wasn't for insider. for measure there would be no economy whatsoever so let's look at this headline to see how how these bankers are doing how good their life is thanks to ben bernanke operating this ponzi scheme on behalf of the bankers the biggest richest party ever this is the
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global party and this is how their web site reads eighty thousand plus of the world elite eighty plus of the world's finest locations all within twenty four hours they want to have this big party of rich people at one hundred thousand pounds per table and the wall street journal writes about this party being put on by a hedge fund manager in the u.k. who is married to thurman and he's one of these people who fed clients into bernie made office fun wall street journal writes before we get all judge mental let's be clear that this is all for charity the money an expected five to ten million pounds will all go to charity well look let's be clear about something thurman's husband hedge funds for mata these guys are living on the large us of a corrupt banking system they don't work for a living they exist on subsidies gifts and handouts from a corrupt banking system in bed with the politicians and the quid pro quo is that
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they tacitly give the green light to things like war in afghanistan war in iraq the bombing of iran coming soon from the same group of corrupt hedge funds and politicians so when were the leaks comes out they say you know what the number of dead in iraq in the hundreds of thousands supports the lancet report which talks about up to a million civilians dead that's the blood of thurman's husbands hedge fund his hands you're dripping in blood because you're a murderer you support murder ok now come on the show defend yourself oh that's right you're too busy swilling it up with your small friends and your coward otherwise you'd be on the show otherwise you defend yourself but you're not there you are so shut up. stanley fink is interviewed in this article for the wall street journal he's a hedge fund manager and a tory party treasurer and he says yes to the average man in the street they do look a scene but they do an incredible amount of good didn't do any good if you're talking about five or ten million dollars in charity versus bankrupting the economy putting
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millions out of work people starving to death these are the charlatans that are destroying the economy they're not doing anything good in the wall street journal of course is the poster child of the rag it's murdoch's rag that he puts out there with these editorials that are concocted by a diseased mind of another oligarch there's so much murdoch in all of our telling is hedge fund oligarchs supporters that it's ok to starve kids around the world to have your swell little champagne parties you know this is pathetic in oh this is why marie antoinette ultimately ended up in a state not dissimilar to what we see right here with who is a schmuck oh this is frickin ben bernanke ok notice he's missing is body. thurman husband bought a hedge fund do you think you did your body. ok negative light supports what you're saying about the the bottom ninety nine point nine percent being eviscerated new
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figures detail depth of unemployment misery lower earnings for all but super wealthy so these are numbers released this month by the social security administration but it didn't make headlines until pulitzer prize winning taxi porter david cay johnston looked at the numbers and what he found was that one out of every thirty four americans who earned wages in two thousand and eight earned absolutely zero nothing nothing from unemployment welfare nothing in two thousand and nine and yet average wages median wages and total wages all declined except at the very top where they leapt dramatically increasing five fold well look for the wall street journal and rupert murdoch to write an editorial soon called the final solution because obviously there's too many poor people than the system can support so let's just round them up and incinerate i mean that's going to be murdoch's answer and the hedge funds answer and then we've seen this movie before and it's
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time i think to step ahead of this freight train of corruption and to maybe do something or end up living on a reservation a concentration camp or drawn to a crisp at the bottom of an incinerator somewhere or you don't care and every time these guys get together of course as their wages their their share of the pie is increasing five fold annually there you're going to see more and more that they're saying we're just meeting for charity the g. twenty we're meeting to help the world the u.n. we're meeting to feed the world you know as more and more money goes up to them and the u.s. midterms are of course today and everybody is expecting the tea party to you know rescue save the day the final headline max wall street tea party the twelve leading tea party senate candidates have accepted over four point six million dollars in campaign contributions from wall street for the upcoming for the. these elections pat toomey collected one point two million dollars jim de mint who the financial times calls the head basically of the tea party in in the senate marco rubio from
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florida and so now it looks like the same there well the tea party are for hire i mean they'll go in there and get in the way of any populist movement to restore power down to the citizens at the base level of the citizenry and they as a political suffer karl denninger the entire tea party you notice that when you're talking about oligarchs who replaced the word charity with cake let them eat charity is let them eat cake let them let them eat charity ok this is what they're talking about let them have a little charity slash cake and of course if you're talking about cake and eat a little tea to go there your tea party goes with the cake so these are the same royalist they all sit to the right of the monarch the tea party since to the right of the monarch they're not pushing back in any way that's meaningful in terms of progressive movement they're just more killers for hire and fortunately obama has been the weakest president of the past fifty years he's got no base whatsoever he
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inspired no one except the health industry to extract billions of more subsidies stays here but thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max now don't go away we've got plenty more coming your way so. would be useless without. needed to make.
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welcome back to the kaiser reports i'm out to go to san francisco to talk with james scam analogy to third who has been writing about the tea party movement james the former civilian intelligence analyst who worked for the department of defense where he specialized in putting an indicted war criminals of prison in bosnia he also specialized in counter organized crime and counterterrorism james cavanagh sheets of third welcome to the kaiser report thank you for having me back to be on all right now you've been writing about the tea party movement and their platforms it's all gone as gays god as karl denninger says not do they have any policies on wall street and the economy well it. protests were never about wall street.
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they were motivated to get out of the street because of the bank bailout in fact if you would get the literature that came out of. her libertarian think tanks that were plugged into the tea party movement it was all about the government was taking over the banks and so it was it was a it's a private property that they were making they were really upset about the fact that the money they were upset about they thought it was a bad government takeover the banks they didn't see it as actually what it really was it was no wall street robbery of the treasury price so it but at this stage of the game the tea party candidates seem to be woefully disconnected from the realities on the ground in terms of the what you could be characterized as the plutocrats that they are now working for so is there anyone in the tea party movement has not been completely compromise is not completely corrupted if you go back i think was like mid two thousand and ten john boehner was went up to wall
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street and said you know don't take the republican party and we'll walk go wall street go regulatory reform there were no protests that if you party movement at that time. baker is now given hundreds of thousand dollars spread around a tea party candidate rand paul was taking money from mitch mcconnell jabbering money from wall street guys have nothing they have no problems with wall street they have no problems with the rip off all right so the tea party candidates are raking in huge wall street donations and as you point out they don't seem to be concerned about the larceny that's going on it wall street looks down the diff just become another part of the wall street machine and the war spending that three trillion dollars is joseph stiglitz has projected this is something again that the tea party does not seem to care about even though it's a fundamental reason why there is the need a stance a plea for some kind of reform party to begin with there's actually two tea party
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movement and one was organized by david koch of your americans for prosperity and then you have more it's coming in on that and then that was one organized by ron paul and ron paul of course and been trying to cut defense spending get out of iraq get out of afghanistan and oppose the patriot act. andy that part of the movement is actually much smaller than the movement and if you saw sarah palin when she went to the national convention or were twenty that it was a very much a conservative talk on foreign policy very hardline very pro war in the guise of being pro military and so there's actually competitiveness there's ideological rift in the party movement but it's dwarfed by the fact that most of the right wing most of the christian right are in. our. foreign policy or
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militarist kind of people and it ties beurre much into their end times lot and she and her christian zionism so they're very much hard line on the military and they're not really going to be focused on cutting defense spending or cutting our points into afghanistan right and david koch of course the part of the of the koch brothers who in the last couple of years anyway there's been a lot of. investigation into their support of climate change denial groups who are the front groups to perpetrate and to put out the false information suggesting that there is no such thing as manmade global warming and climate change which of course directly lines the pocket of the koch brothers now the count brothers of god of co-opted the tea party movement that co-opted ron paul and others to put forward this so-called grassroots movement which is what's called astroturf movement there's nothing grassroots about it it's from the old accompli on down and they've
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got these kids sexes out there like sarah palin or christine o'donnell the show little five and all these white guys vote for him because they're lonely and they don't know what's in their self-interest here's what i would say to that max i don't really disagree with what you're saying. it goes to the whole consciousness of the working class and middle class but here's what i would say. if you look at the right wing over the last thirty forty years even from the one nine hundred sixty s. when it really started. they have an ideology or theology that plugs brain much into a right wing very libertarian conservative economic program. and because they perceive the federal government as being evil and tonic and move rules as being the agents of satan they have an ideology and nothing ology whether go on the secular side of the religious lie that they don't believe anything that comes
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out of the federal government or comes from science and so it's very easy for a coke or an exxon or whatever oil company you want to do this is to promote climate change denial is because these people don't believe it on theological grounds yeah well i thought and so amazing that some of these tea party candidates don't understand that one of the founding principles of the united states was the separation of church and state they seem to think that it's perfectly it's acceptable to have a fear craddick autocratic extremist form of culture a neo conservative right wing charis running the country like the koch brothers and their minions and they don't seem to understand that it was this very thing that got the founders of the country to revolt to begin with why are they throwing the keys of america way back to the monarchs the right wing has been influenced since the early nineteenth sixty's by christian reconstructionism which was founded by
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r.j. rushdoony and is now promoted by gary north who is ron paul's informal strategic advisor on the tea party movement and other people around ron paul like howard phillips who's the head of the constitution party and mcguinness who's the head of the john birch society all these guys have brought in this kind of christian reconstructionism that america was founded as a christian nation and the constitution and all laws ought to be based upon biblical law. and that's the reason why he's cavities now christine o'donnell will talk about well the separation of church and state is not in the constitution well those specific words aren't in the constitution but is that whitman clause is and they've they've bought into this reconstructionist interpretation of america as a christian nation and that's why they spend what they do it's a media can't see beyond these people they're not crooks in that extreme but
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they're not kooks they're not idiots they have a completely different ideology and a completely different and people don't see the broad strong influence of christian reconstructionism on the entire right wing movement not just the party all right so basically america wants to forget about the enlightenment absolutely at what point will the fed demand that the banks on wall street turn water into wine and to survive in america three hundred thirty million people on one loaf of bread and a bucket of fish. gary north is suggesting that america should live on one loaf of bread or the bucket of fish according to biblical interpretations and he started to come out of the scary not he's a propagandist and i would talk to those people get him on the shelf if you were to
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ask gary north one question and hope to get him on the show what would it what would it be what are you going to start the revolution i'm saying if you were to ask gary north one question well that's what that's what the question i asked gary north put forth a strategy for ron paul. and that their strategy is based on two things the first thing is to be rid of my professional government and the entire right wing not only tea party movement but the entire right wing is trying to be rigid in my eyes the federal government not just view and you know my president obama on the second thing is is that the central premise of been more ron paul strategy is that the federal government will. financially collapse and that will bring him remember power well i mean don't these people have a right to be afraid of the federal government i mean the federal government's been involved in teacher in constitution abuse and assassinations
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yes i you know it's i've become. amused when certain progressive or certain progressive organizations. made fun of the conspiracy theories if you will of the right wing. and it's not really totally fair because you know if you look at the situation. there's elements of truth in those conspiracy theories and progressions should thank him too to heart i mean i was shocked one day i was reading r.j. evans his book on the i would not use came to power and then the second volume was the nazis in power and you know whole basic chapter on what the nazis did very early on. against the communists socialists the jews. and you could go through and i found like about nine or ten things that the nazis very early in
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their in their administration did that george bush and obama have done so you know the federal government is a threat to civil liberties there's no doubt about that. where i part company with the right wing is like so what are you doing about all you do is spread conspiracy theories do you act against the patriot act and try to repeal it you try to do anything constructive i don't think they do it is there anything in the quiver of possible remedies a right wing could do i mean what comes to mind immediately is that second amendment is not playing with us at all well that's the cornerstone of the constitution actually is the second amendment and what they basically argue is a theological point of view is that our rights are god given and the federal government transgressors those rights then you have the god given right to pick up a weapon and fight the federal government so they view it that way i think it would be a war if successful on say opposing the patriot act if they reached out to progressive
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groups as they work with the american civil liberties union other groups and said you know the specific parts of the patriot act that we want to change but they don't they just want to. put forth the conspiracy theories raise people's fear anger paranoia call it what you will and suck people into the movement. and of course the one guy in congress to. voting was going against the patriot act russ feingold looks like he's going to be replaced by one of these tea party people these guys are as a republicans they're going to they're going to elect republicans russ feingold is like you know a demonstration of principle over politics and they're opposed to him there's no reason actually they should be opposed to russ feingold. but they want to elect republicans to ideologically driven and the people who drive this movement ok it's not driven from the ground it's driven from the cop down by christian bureaucrats
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is they need to get rid of everybody in their way all right well james. the third thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you for having me max. and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey herbert i thank my guest james cameron actually the third is going to same email please do so at times report at r t t v dot ru until next time this is nice guys are saying. the eat.


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