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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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which brightened if you move the sound from phones to prince. he starts on t.v. don't. go ahead joe kill the diplomatic pressure over russia's and southern islands japan has recalled its ambassador to russia and moscow says more presidential visits are planned to his far eastern territory and. most of the polls have closed in the
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united states before the american mid-term elections early results show a republican leaning. and dubbed as the greatest feat of human endeavor it's now ten years since the first expedition stepped on board the international space station. next year on our t.v. all you want to show and as one world power fades another blossoms is this why us politicians so often engage in china bashing takes a look. for the feast we've got to. get voice face to face with the news makers. welcome the ilona show where we get the real headlines with none of the mercy we're
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going to live out of washington d.c. now today we're going to take a look at recent attacks by u.s. politicians on china is a fair for them to make it the new big bogeyman or is this just a way to distract voters from our government's own policies and actions that will have an unusual take on election coverage you see the mainstream media they can literally speak of nothing else it's as if the world is going to come to an end when all the results come in tonight we're going to help you out we're going to predict what all of them say from m s n b c to fox news with comedian kamau bell also everybody acts like it's conventional wisdom that there's a liberal bias in the media but is that really true we're going have met well sean from reason magazine to dispel the myth using prop nineteen as the example then we'll speak to a woman who served in the u.s. army for five years who was deployed to iraq after the invasion and who has no problem telling the truth about her experiences kayla williams author of love my rifle more than you is going to be here in the studio with us tonight and today is
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the tenth anniversary of the international space station ten continuous years that humans have had a presence in space and bridge their own national differences so what's next we're going to have commercial space entrepreneur jeffrey manber in the studio to let us know that's at the end of the show but now let's move on tonight's top story. you know it's a scary day for an empire to see itself ascending into watch as another superpower creeps closer to the number one spot so that our politicians have gone all crazy have begun releasing vicious ads against their opponents for be. to china friendly artie's lauren lister shows us how china has become the new bogeyman in u.s. politics but is that really in the u.s. interest to make this an all out battle it's on arch even children still made in china three common words quickly becoming bad words as part of smear campaigns made in the usa to be voted to give china's special trade status the chinese are being
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set up to be the next bogeyman and the only thing that's interfering with that is that the muslims are in effect of bogeyman for right now but that hasn't stopped china and its alleged us supporters from being the bad guys does your great holes help foreign companies create chinese jobs to make it with as seen in countless political campaign ads ahead of the two thousand and ten midterm elections with china in the u.s. china's ascent in the world is becoming the popular perceived threat from washington maybe you ought to run for senate trying to hollywood good to get it over to where they're remaking the eighty's flick red dawn. but this time around instead of soviet troops invading the west you guessed it it's the chinese it seems for longer the u.s. economy stagnates barely growing at all oh. and the more china celebrates the ten percent plus rise in its economic growth the more we see china
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vilified it's very important to see more progress by the major emerging economies with policymakers accusing the country of manipulating its currency to boost exports at the expense of the u.s. recovery and demanding they do something to change that every just look at the issue from that perspective you may think china is to blame here but the u.s. and china have a very dynamic interconnected relationship and when you look at what the u.s. is doing because a lot less clear who is the bad guy who takes two to tango. the only way to get out of the. ordinary a process that is mutually beneficial. an imbalance that has china the largest creditor nation on the globe. funding the west the largest debtor nation in the history of the world asking for the dollar to go down twenty percent against the chinese currency. the yuan essentially as china who holds two point six trillion us
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dollars in its reserves to just lose a half trillion dollars china doesn't want that and economists say this is anything but mutually beneficial to us no we want to screw you we want to bankrupt you like we bankrupted the program we want to disable you because if we can destroy your canonically then you can never become a military threat and outside of this is paranoid psychosis but it doesn't stop the u.s. from parading its military might around china's borders china is also held drills in recent months and both sides are duking it out in what's been dubbed a currency war i happen to think china should open its currency up and be freely convertible on the other hand the united states is running up the gigantic debts and printing money oh everybody's making mistakes here and that's where economists say a larger war is impending looks like we have a trade war developing a losing battle for both sides nobody in history has won
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a trade war but that may not stop anyone from putting up a fight and recent u.s. history as seen here here and here doesn't seem to even be allowing a fair one lorin mr r.t. new york. so is it time to realize that this is a fight where both sides can suffer is it unfair for politicians don't work the people up into a frenzy thinking that china is their only for how about the bankers that brought down the world economy how about free market principles in corporations who took advantage of. them to take jobs away from america you know it's easy to point fingers at china the big red dragon as if they are these sole actor creating looming looming currency and trade wars but maybe we're all being played by larger forces at hand who will come out on top no matter who wins this fight you know the girl scouts of america this year have decided that they want their uniforms to be made in america but maybe they should ask why they weren't being made here in the
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first place now earlier i caught up with christina larson contributing editor for foreign policy and i first asked her why she thinks china has become the new book. well china is in a lot of headlines these days and a lot of americans china's a bit of a blank slate so you can say almost anything about china and you know there's a sense that maybe it's true so we hear china at once held up as sort of an example of what america should be calm in terms of clean energy investments into clean energy in the future at the same time we hear china as an example of what america shouldn't be in terms of pollution or military aggression so there's a lot of lot of confusion one of the things that's really you know if you're trying to learn about china from watching these elections you could see so many different messages broadcast in campaign ads and speeches it's it's pretty confusing but the one thing i think we know is that china is a metaphor and could be metaphor for many things not so you know i mean a lot of americans obviously are angry now because all our economy is is kind of in
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the gutter a lot of americans are unemployed so it's very easy for these politicians in their campaign at some point fingers at each other and say will you ship jobs over to china but. i mean if you know it becomes fingerpointing of one individual versus the other americans be angry it i don't know the free market corporations that ship those jobs over to china. the bankers the banking a leech that essentially took down the entire global economy right now one thing that's true of elections in the u.s. in many countries is that elections are centrally about hopes dreams characters actually nation and finger pointing and this year finger pointing at china has become one popular theme if you. will go on we elected a president based on hope it does work but it's not a common theme in this election cycle well tell me this too you know because i feel like on one hand yes it's a scary thought to realize that the american empire perhaps well what i don't know if you want to say in our waning days but it's a dramatic fashion yet china is becoming
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a superpower they are growing thing up so it's a really in our best interest. to start an all out war with them you know to point them out as the enemy and sort of. try to kind of figure out if we can do this and afraid a lot of people in china just my friends who are chinese news editors have called me and said we've seen all this really sort of aggressive portrayal of china during the election should we should we be scared is this something that signals a shift in u.s. policy i don't think that. finger pointing at china is the same as a shift in u.s. policy but it is true that within china it's setting off some some anxious signals and certainly if there's two important countries that are going to have to to some extent work together on things like climate or the economy other important global issues it doesn't help to create more animosity than is an announcement that you can have the world's largest debtor and the world's largest creditor necessarily fighting the grandmother in the letters or john legend that ultimately is not about setting us china policy it's about particular politicians trying to get elected in
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whatever they think is the best way possible one thing i think is interesting i had thought that china bashing would be sort of an equal opportunity theme but looking at it there's definitely more democrats than republicans who are doing that probably has more to do with domestic politics with sort of messaging from the d.n.c. but it's not really helping is another thing that's important i mean maybe that's a good thing about the american character you can't get elected just by bashing china but a lot of the candidates who've come for an center saying you know my candidate wants to create jobs in china. that really has let him do what i did you know maybe there's just too many bad guys to go around which is why these negative ads aren't working right now because you have illegal immigrants who have muslim terrorists now you also have china i mean there's a million things that you could point to but you know if we do shift it to a little bit of more serious conversation just away from seoul the elections mean is there a currency war is there a trade war that's looming of the war you know that we're about to be involved in well there's nothing new the moon and what's new is that the elections are
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happening we do know that region how is visiting the u.s. in january so i don't think we're going to see any ships between now in january and the other thing that's important to note is that china is beginning to enter a period when it's just a. next leader is going to be a process that obviously is it transparent but you know a lot of what we're going to see happening in china is going to be based on their own domestic politics so there might be some degree of bashing of the u.s. or bashing of japan that will be driven again by domestic politics there but i don't think that what we're seeing in terms of scary campaign ads is indicative really of anything about to happen i mean if even for a user we're through music viewing you girls because you're going to want their clothes you know made in america but it's at the end of the day everything somehow leads to china and i don't really i don't think that getting out of the equation can be can be a solution to the question of how do we work you sensibly responsibly with fabulous question christine thank you so much for being here on. so to come on tonight's
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show buying votes this year corporations are jumping millions into the two thousand and ten midterm elections so look at the money being spent and then we'll ask how will the media spin the results when votes are counted tonight i'm going to get comedian kamau bell as predictions in just a moment. the issue is the same of your argument because i think you're right about taliban bad guys we being in journalism are an opaque organization we can understand anything. what is the difference between. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. they say money talks and this year buckets were being poured into the mid-term elections here in the us from foreign donors and from corporations leaving average americans
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feeling like they no longer have a voice like their votes no longer count our to correspondent guy n.h. the cat has the story. the typical attack ad from this election season. was. trying to. exact the opponent to approve the ad is her son over say next virgin month throwing in the organization that back surgeries funded by view enters. this election cycle as being the torrijos in the amount of dirt candidates were pouring onto each other their bankrupting america and leaving our children the bill this is a special election year in the us for the first time corporations are allowed to funnel as much money as they want into political campaigns and they're definitely not missing out on the chance to buy influence on capitol hill what they're hoping to do is bend laws and regulations or prevent new laws and regulations from being approved that would cut in their bottom lines at the problem is that
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a lot of these rules and regulations exist for a purpose they're supposed to protect the public interest the election system in the u.s. is such that it's virtually impossible to run for office without strong financial backing but the bigger the backing the more candidates to their. benefactors between creasy enormously you know equality in influencing policy makers policy made can be increasing their legal process in influencing their regulatory process because we. are behind or these contributions if not or good citizens of the united states but basically the most powerful and drita effect mentor people relation to wash the influence in action take a republican leader in the house of representatives john boehner wall street invested millions of dollars in his campaign is also a darling among large health insurance oil firms and drug manufacturers baner is
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campaigning again asked all kinds of government regulations as well as a tax increase for the rich and other candidate wanting for reelection republican congressman spencer baucus who is a ranking member of the house committee on financial services he has reportedly taken over four million dollars from wall street and pledged to find against tougher rules for the financial market the list of corporate favorites on capitol hill is long and not only republicans are on it the democratic process is supposed to be a check on corporate power and instead what we're seeing is corporations hijacking that system in order to funnel more money to themselves many argue the new supreme court decision which made it possible for corporations to invest unlimited amounts of money in politics and be able to be credited as anonymous donors has basically legalized corruption one definition i've heard of core option is the privatization of public party fear mongering is arguably the main tool corporations use to gain
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public support for the candidates they choose some channels like fox news are especially good at getting their message across and it's clear that pushes people to the streets i would like my boat to come. if you would be more democratic. mother and son fear their interests may be left out because of someone's special interests on the outside is democracy as usual with people coming to a polling station putting a quasi before the name of a candidate they lie but in these elections with the influence of corporations on meet first it seems we really have the vote in america now is money going to check out all t. washington d.c. . so why average americans are feeling disenchanted disenfranchise dissed by their government in general and ready for the constant campaigning to be over well the media they just can't get enough.
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the leader of meet the press welcome to our web special meet the press two thousand and ten the final countdown in our house and governor's edition. stormfront parsons founder and c.e.o. of carson wealth management group ryan you know what's interesting is. i mean seriously if you guys been watching the cable news networks and their twenty four hour news cycle you would think that the midterm elections are the only thing going on in the entire world you think of the world might end depending on the result of today's votes and i guess that for the mainstream media well it might because what on earth are they going to talk about now while we think we have a pretty good idea in fact that they've become so predictable that we're going to tell you now who will say what tomorrow caught our little crystal ball earlier from
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our new york studio i caught up with san francisco bay area based comedian kamau bell who's currently in new york performing a solo show and i called on him to be our psychic is he sarah palin has said that these elections are going to be a political earthquake bill o'reilly issued a viewer warning for children not to watch m s n b c. because he thinks some people might kill themselves so i first asked him if he thought republicans were getting just a little too excited if they're laughing about suicides and natural disasters. yet don't know that midterm elections normally lead to earthquakes and natural disasters this is the the most hype around it's almost like we compare politics depression wrestling with this actually sounds like a pay per view debate of the event this time. i don't know that it's going to be as earth shattering as they want to although we know that the right will make its own earth shattering no matter what happens if they win the say this is a referendum that brock is clearly a leftist militant kenyan nationalists muslim muslim garb wearing militant i
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think you forgot to list and artist. oh that's right that's right yes fake birth certificate having he also doesn't like puppies and fun on if you heard that recently i did i missed that little bit but that just makes it even more of a horrible human being but the thing that i don't get is you know bill o'reilly is acting like people i must have is here going to kill themselves if he lives back to i don't know when george bush was president that's you know that was prime time viewing for us and we see because they have people to make fun of so these days you know sharron angle wins over harry reid but amazon we see is actually going to have material this time around. yeah i think if anything i miss him b c and jon stewart the daily show kind of hoping that the republicans take a hit because that's how their ratings go up you know it's it's hard to do jokes about everything's going pretty good so far hope it works out everybody you know of anything i think you know keith olbermann and rachel maddow probably secretly in a bunker somewhere going the sharon angle plume he's at will give us two years to
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the next presidential election please when you know and besides if the if the democrats do in i don't want to kill himself i would like him and going back to maybe tongue kiss while wearing muslim garb i think i'd like to see that. you know you arizona i think i'd like to see this thing a little what do you think glenn back right away to. you can be some of the one of them or at least predictable of them all what do you think he's going to say tomorrow or even tonight. well you know with going back it's lucky because no matter what happens the world is coming to an end and we're doomed if we don't turn to him and have him point us to a higher power so luckily for going back no matter what happens if you know if jesus comes back and rains down forgiveness and hands. which is to everyone and says peace is overcome he's going to be like this is the worst thing that could have ever happened so luckily for him there's no there's no way it's going to work out because he can always be the arbiter of doom that's i mean he's going to sell a few more food service. for two hundred bucks a pop if he needs to but you know one of the interesting things as i was looking
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over and there is a pew research poll that they did looking at media coverage for two thousand and comparing you know which candidates they covered more barack obama obviously was way up there but other than that christine o'donnell she got more coverage than any other candidate in two thousand and ten i mean that's not even a race that people should be worried about you know that we should really be worried about the fact that it is supposed to which might win so i think that shows you exactly what the media likes to focus on not what the actual outcomes might be of the election you know who wins what special interest they're representing but whether they're away action whether they're female or not i guess. you know and i want to be clear first of all i am not a witch just to be clear but i have no problem with which is which people out there until the good with you but yeah it shows that i mean who ever heard of covering the senate race of delaware that's i mean the media is just going where the story is we're lucky that snooki is not running for office because that would be a huge story she would suppress christine o'donnell you know who christine
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o'donnell loses tomorrow if you can just do the thing that all failed republican wing nuts to she can start getting ready for a presidential campaign you know that seems to be what they do when they don't when we know andrew sullivan from the atlantic he actually stated that probably pretty brilliantly comparing sarah pay. and to snooki because you know the more outrageous things that snuffy does the more famous she gets and somehow that's happening with sarah palin also so what do you think after these midterm elections now now that fox the republican party doesn't really need the tea party anymore are they going to turn on them. you know i think it i think it's kind of like you know it will be gremlins like it's hard to put the gremlins back in the box what you feed them after midnight expose them to bright light and get them wit i think they're going to have a problem sort of turning on them i think that you know it's the tail is going to start wagging the dog and i think they've you know they pretty much unleashed the worst thing possible and good luck to the republicans you know i'll be with my american passport waiting for the for the rapture you create to come. they have
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unleashed a crack in the i guess you could say they've only seen a crack and this is the real life crack and i don't think they're prepared for what they've done so good luck to you guys over there well i think you get when you were trying to legalize we check in with you tomorrow about this what are your thoughts well i'm a californian myself recently says that all the polls are turning. i know it's one of the funny part is that the people who are turning the polls are actually the pot growers of california because they realize that parts legal that their profit their profit margin goes down significantly so actually the pot growers of california are rallying against legalizing marijuana again only in america. i want to thank you so much for joining me and basically i mean don't even watch the news tomorrow right all the viewers because we've already predicted everything they're going to say. now somehow the claim that there is a liberal bias in the media has become known as conventional wisdom we hear
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politicians right wing pundits media watchdog groups repeat it over and over again but is it really true or if we look to mainstream newspapers their coverage of things like prop nineteen crime issues even our wars abroad as examples to prove that wrong you think that a liberal media would overwhelmingly. support the passage of prop one thousand in california but they don't you would think that a liberal media would question the government's wars abroad cheer on whistleblowers who try to force transparency on it well they also don't do that so why does the notion of a liberal bias remain so strong we're here to discuss it with me is matt welch out of there in chief of reason magazine thanks so much for coming back on the show so tell me this first do you think that there is a liberal bias in the media i think if there is in the sense of the the temperature of the water that journalists swim and fish don't feel the water around them as someone who works the newspapers in this country the common assumptions about what is right and what is not right and who are the good people who are the bad people
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that's where the bias is nothing it's more biased than it is agenda right when critics frequently i think get that wrong they seem to think that the media has an agenda to elect democrats to do this i think that's all wrong with that there's a liberal bias in the media than there are just like minded folk who think that certain things are right and wrong and yeah characters are beyond the pale and that these are the lines in which that we can color in and everything that you know outside of those lines seems dangerous and deviance and that's where we get into i think what you're talking about more is you can have this kind of soft bias but when you actually look about incendiary or issues issues of really import suddenly these people who are supposed to be liberal were not reliable at all when it comes to were a lot of progressives or just were a lot of non-u. mean things like prop nineteen in california but on the show before to say that twenty six of the top thirty dailies in the state were opposed to prop nineteen right you can also talk about prison in terms of how african-americans are you know
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much more harder hit with these prison sentences because of marijuana possession rather than than white americans but. you know what do you what do you want the media to say about that it's it's officially what i would like and i argued this when i was on the editorial. board of the los angeles times is to not take as your default. the legitimacy of the status quo that is with biases it's a status quo bias we have in this country prop nineteen a drug war that we've been fighting for for decades depending on how you measure it it's a failure everyone recognizes that it's a failure but it's the law of the land it's what everyone grew up on and understood so deviancy from that to say that we should just repeal those laws that everyone agree that it's a failure then i mean isn't that the status quo now a belief is it's the new status quo and eventually they will have to change because they lose their audience but you see the same thing like that when you talk about war during a time of a run up to
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a war people are terrified journalists more than anybody of being seen as deviant but it is not the are they terrified out you know i mean who's going to come get them in our fire them these are the editorial boards of newspapers that tell them that if you use the word torture instead of and handsome terry geisha in techniques you no longer have a job i think it's more that they're terrified of their own colleagues they're terrified of being the first one to be seen as on serious with a capital s. and you had disgracefully in this country in two thousand and two and two thousand and three people being described as fundamentally and serious if they weren't in favor of the iraq war you have a similar situation that goes on i now look at it with the way it's turned right now everybody is opposed to the war in iraq now are pointing fingers and saying well you were a supporter of the war in iraq back then and everyone's making up excuses for it i mean shouldn't you know the whole point in journalism be that you're excited to be the first one to say something i would think so it's fun to swim against the stream but conformity is a very powerful thing when you're near.


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