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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2010 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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mine. would be soon which brightened if you moved some from funds to pressure these. these firms don't totty don't come. waltzing global security and procreating on afghanistan dominates discussions as nails cheap visit small scale in a bid to boost nato's partnership with russia. in other news broke obama's
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democrats just managed to keep the senate while republican secured the house after a fierce battle in the u.s. midterm elections but there is voter skepticism over whether the political changes will bring about any boost to the economy. was shifting allegiances iraq is fear of those who were trained by the u.s. to stop and search and they are now helping to create it as armed groups go back to terrorism. and coming up in the business update brushes services a growing of the false toothpaste seems to find out the details in about twenty minutes time. for and welcome to you live from our headquarters here in central moscow this is our team with me nice and now way it's two pm here in the russian capital twelve
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noon in brussels and first stop combating international terror beefing up global security and deciding the future of. missile defense there are the key issues nato is looking for for russia's support on during the visit of the alliance the secretary general to moscow and. has already had a brief meeting with the russian foreign minister and will hold talks with president medvedev in just a couple of hours putting a great show but has the latest now for us and joins us live together in a not so long ago that a meeting like this would have been unthinkable but they're becoming more and more frequent recently what has changed here. and nato is an organization is at a crossroads or another was it faces an identity crisis many analysts have been saying that nato recently has bitten off more than you can choose and in afghanistan in particular and what it wants now also is to get away from identity crisis as a cold war organization and partly because of that nato is now working on
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a new security global security strategy for the twenty first century rasmussen isn't mosco to seek advice and assistance on several key issues one of them is of ghana stem remarkably this visit comes just a week off to an unprecedented joint open ration in afghanistan russian intelligence officers called to nato carry out a successful antidrug straight several tons of power when it worth several hundreds of millions of dollars would destroy it russia is saying under no circumstances will it be sending soldiers to get a stunt but he is willing and ready to continue working with nato on antidrug policies because of troll russia is the country where most of afghan produced and now another important and very sensitive issue for russia is european me self defense this new nato has blueprint promises that russia will enter the new system
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in europe but the crandon wants to know how as a mere observer or as a participant all being top pro. starting from construction on that system activation we know that u.s. plans to go for it for a showed in the czech republic and poland under the former us president george w. bush they seriously rolled relations with russia after brock obama scrapped. countries like germany have been saying that wash must be a part of the new ship at the moment russia and nato are working on a joint document which they dumped assessment told the main threats and challenges of the twenty first century so they have to agree on what those threats. from a most importantly these today's talks is a college appropriations for the russian nato summit that will be taking place on the twentieth of november in the least for now you mentioned that russia and nato are currently working together on many issues but also that they still have king
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differences what analysts saying about the way the future between them is looking. under the stars saying that both moscow and made to acknowledge the sea response among the differences still divide them for example russia's nato's expansion east worse is listed as russia's one of the toll threats to its national security according to its military doctrine and just at today's press conference. several minutes ago. that ukraine was well to welcome in nato well it's interesting how most though will react to those remarks of course another primary source software tensions between nato and russia were events georgia's up to george just military invasion insult to set in august two thousand and eight ties have been slowly recovering up to those tensions it seems that there is a chance that nato and russia can push it was
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a bargain in their relations just like russia did with the united states and thanks to u.s. votes to restore. relations leads one must go support for sanctions on iran. washington signed the new start treaty moscow is now supplying a fresh. military route for the afghan war so cope rationing does load seems to be a thing of the future between nato and. great you could didn't crash over following nato secretary general visit to moscow thanks for that let's get more analysis of the secretary general's visit we're joined now by dmitri trenin he's the head of the carnegie moscow center thanks for being with us let me begin by saying name of course is trying to redefine its role in the modern world and it's expected to unveil a new strategy later this month do you think there will be major changes and if so what would be russia's role. although i think that there will be changes and this
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is clearly what the secretary general was very insistent on. his. russia over the two issues for the nato to look at a. new strategic concept so i would expect the concept to walk. part of the way to meet. russia. over russia and the west. to realize that. a number of countries they have different takes on the russia russia as well as russia was role so what we will see in the years will be the result of a compromise with the alliance the big concern of course for russia is drugs a narcotic in afghanistan and just last week we saw a successful joint operation to destroy drug labs in the country does this mean
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that nato is starting to share some of the views in moscow house. exactly as i will say just a few moments ago that's what's happening you have the russia that was talking as though you loudly to the us to needle people on the need to. gauge and counter-narcotics operations and we heard the first case of the successful us russian operation from the russian perspective this is a good down payment for a new relationship between the alliance and russia on afghanistan. and nato has been discussing plans for a joint missile defense system of course a sticky issue between the two the secretary general has been saying russia should take part in the new project do you think a deal could be made anytime soon and how would rush feel about that. well the secretary general is a champion of joint missile defense on russia's russian. corporation
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with nato on missile defense and he made that statement during his first speech on russia first major speech on any issue does he made in september last year under the auspices of the carnegie endowment basically you need to realize that no amount of the strategic arms reductions or limitations can transform the russian nato russia western russia u.s. relationship one nice to have a strategic collaborative project and it looks like a missile defense is the one thing the silver bullet the project that has the potential at least to transform the entire russian and western relationship it's a game changer or if with fail to seize the fall that it could be a game breaker right to me to be penned in the head of the carnegie moscow center the russian division of
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a us think tank thank you very much for your analysis. thanks. to the u.s. now. where president obama's party has lost control over congress in the midterm elections democrats have managed to retain a majority in the senate but the house of representatives is now in the hands of the republicans well with congress divided between the two parties it would make it much harder for obama to go forward with his legislative agenda but many voters have other concerns they're worried about the corporate bankrolling of candidates after vast amounts of campaign cash was poured into these elections a spokesman for the u.s. green party says the runaway spending is detrimental to the country's political system. of the important thing to point out is that that money comes from corporations and corporate money has poisoned our democracy with the real problem is an election system that is rigged against us in several ways there are state
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laws regarding ballot access that democrats and republicans have passed together to privilege themselves to privilege their own candidates while hindering the ability of all the parties and independents to participate in the democratic process we need to get those laws overturned and we need to make the us a multi-party democracy the only real democracy is a multi-party democracy. well with political difficulties in science for getting legislation through former congressman thomas andrews says it will make it even harder for washington to solve its pressing economic problems. there are a lot of things that need to be done in this country that are not being done unfortunately the script in this election is number one we haven't seen the change in the economic prospects of this country change enough with a nine point six percent unemployment rate nationally and in some of these very competitive districts double digit unemployment rates and of course the deficit has
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continued to increase as the economy has continued to slide so what you have is people who are taking advantage of that very dire situation and saying it's the politicians in washington who are spending like drunken sailors and causing this economic collapse and we need to change fundamentally the decision makers in washington d.c. the problem that we're going to face is that these candidates who are now being elected who have been running on the basis of this very very high octane rhetoric and all these negative ads are not going to be in a position or feel that they're going to be comfortable compromising and engaging in the kind of give and take that you need in order to make a government work people are anxious they're nervous they want to see immediate change what they don't want to see is gridlock and i'm afraid that one of the consequences of this election will be gridlock in washington and i think that will translate into a pox on everyone both parties houses if washington can't step up and get some things get some things done once the election smoke is cleared here in the nation's
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capital. thomas sanders there former congressman talking to us from washington you know of course our with our team still ahead for you the curious case of a radical anti drugs activist. bits of wall street today with. the fed. with a bit sad. this week has been the bloodiest in iraq for months at least seventy six people have been killed and two hundred wounded in a series of attacks in mainly shia neighborhoods in baghdad the multiple blast came just two days after al-qaeda militants took a christian congregation hostage leaving fifty eight dead with a total u.s. pullout scheduled for the end of next year many iraqis say they feel abandoned amid escalating violence and that's where singsong to join the enemy when sunni are appropriate is why the u.s. for its help in providing security is now falling back into the help of local more
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or more. parties possibly or report. there is still a force to be reckoned with tens of thousands of sunni muslims angry at the shiite iraqi government known as the sons of iraq four years ago they were run over by american dollars to fight al qaida one of the strains they live in the neighborhoods in which they keep watch. we did a great service to iraq. working with the terrorists before they joined and they give us information about the armed groups. but despite attempts by the iraqi government to disarm them in communities like this they continue to patrol the streets because they insist iraqi soldiers just can't keep the peace. and security forces sometimes just turn a blind eye to what's going on there's lots of human rights violations and there aren't enough human rights organizations to defend and protect people from. but all
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these paramilitary groups upholding the rule of law or some of their activities questionable as suggested in the four hundred thousand iraq documents released by wiki leaks in one account his sons of iraq leader is said to be responsible for the murder of innocent civilians conducting insurgent activities under the guise of his sons of iraq leader extortion and rape. everything has a positive and a negative some leaders use their position for settling troubles stockpiling weapons making money and killing innocent civilians certainly but the majority of stability. but that majority also feels abandoned by an america which armed trained and paid them and despite big promises mess than half of the ninety thousand strong force has been given with or absorbed into iraqi security forces where this man is one of the few who has but he's afraid to reveal his identity. to talk after the americans were finished with his group's iraq or security they no longer supported
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us especially when the iraqi government charged earlier theirs with crimes a lot of the leaders have lost trust in american and iraqi governments and they're afraid that's going to working for them so he might face charges and or assassinations. iraqi security officials say hundreds of sons of iraq members have returned to al qaeda and that many of the thousands now in the iraqi government paid secretly aid the insurgency for observers like a deal iraqi security forces are running a losing race to keep up to speed to either integrate the groups or to be able to secure iraq without them and i think that how that the training given by the u.s. was not complete and it never did because america wants iraqis to keep giving them it when they don't want to run to build a strong army and that way they can justify staying in the country and making sure iraq is never strong enough to control the region. in army bases like those iraqi
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federal police are trained in intelligence tactical side exploitation medical anything like that they do patrols connor. but for many iraqis what the americans left behind was destruction and devastation it will take a lot for them to rebuild the wounds of their minds. armed and dangerous these parent. struggle to find a place for themselves leading some observers to warn that while they might have been used for short term military gains in the end they could be the roadblocks to peace. a celebrated russian anti drugs activist conviction of forcing addicts into rehabilitation centers has successfully appealed the decision to jail him a court in the urals reach and replace your board which calls three and a half year sentence with a thirty with a thirty month term of probation he's previously been hailed as a pioneer in tackling the country's drug problem and we can now get more work to use our first she joins us live so sorry successful verdict for rich called tell us
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more about this case. absolutely a success story yes i think today it's good having that original three and a half year jail sentence if it's on the high court handing down the last census of the two and a half suspended sentences is closed today then looking for you but of course he has been found guilty. and legal at the attention of these limits that's the bitch book and the action flicks that you've got to use as part of that technique that's helping us forcing people to quit but addiction he was found guilty with two colleagues and we see this case really during nationwide at tention even president but they did come and sing about it saying that the case needed closer attention and many supporters have been saying that fall for him being punished which actually have been commended for his actions. now some of the convictions you've
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mentioned are pretty serious crimes how does he manage to maintain such solid public support. we've seen a lot of a lot of the public reaction has been very positive towards this idea of forcibly fighting drug addiction and noticed. with fish cooperating additional to kill the main foundation city without a new question but that the people who actually live that have seen the positive effects of actions have had we had to get to your question but just over a month ago i had the people there with the key to the chief ten years ago they would know you guys say the truck addiction was so bad you know people were afraid to get their freights let their children live and they say that now there's been a few. very very positive impacts and even more interesting that some of the drug addicts at least like to come see the treatment that themselves
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little to these methods are incredibly harsh that actually they work you know we can end up in the fountain you get a voice but you have the same approach that despite the criticisms the most important thing here is that you test the but that these methods are having a positive impact. eagle carried out with two hundred operations against drug but it was a result the mortality rate was hosed the gypsies were free to sell drugs and consequently didn't bribe you for it is clearly a good sort is that i didn't like that. those are there been a number of cases in russia where addicts have been subjected to forced treatment how are the authorities planning to deal with this. was the acceptance of the warning i guess it's like the ones that we steamed fish called the foundation and so we've cut the russian state out you know cause this committee they're the moment developing new forms of treatment and they said other some of these methods methods
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of coercion persuading drug addicts to face their addiction but nothing physical which is what we think it's called the foundation. but other people come back and said well hold on a bit what you've actually got head up people who are willing to test the situation certainly the city that sunday should not discuss himself has said that they were simply stepping in. that wasn't big it just popped in the first they took addiction to russia. this is just a bit around thirty thousand people a good drug addiction an unofficial statistic say that much is true in a million drug addicts in russia. and she needs to be tackled interests me as well to get the message and this needs to go to the foundations be not great take that much longer for a bit ten years they've now got to a situation where they're actually working with the thirty's and that's working very well to say that it's all been legal i would then be looked at and that's
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hopefully maybe what will stick with people like that's called these two sort of techniques being used perhaps developing in the future because as we said that's really a drug addict it is an issue that needs to be tackled and it certainly seems to have worked in your country for now sarraf earth reporting live from moscow. let's take a look now to world news in brief for you this hour greece has suspended all mail deliveries abroad for forty eight hours after a series of parcel bombs were sent to foreign embassies in athens three of them were addressed to germany's chancellor angela merkel italian prime minister silvio berlusconi and french president nicolas sarkozy some parts of athens have been closed off and security has been tightened at all foreign missions police have already charged two men and say the finger of blame is pointing towards greek for last left extreme. a five point three magnitude earthquake has struck central serbia killing two and injuring dozens more local t.v.
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reports say the hardest hit area was around the town of cry of the quake caused damage to buildings and left parts of the town without electricity and water and the tremors were also felt across the country including the capital belgrade. dutch authorities have recalled number plates which mistakenly carried a dutch equipped. for the board nazi over one hundred car owners receive license plates with the letters and be on them they were issued to drivers after a computer ever found letter combinations in the netherlands include abbreviations for political parties and swear words. let's get down to business now star that joins us hi there starlet hi now it seems like there's no big moves taking place in the market does that have anything to do with anticipation state five exactly that's where i guess they're running to the sidelines and waiting for the announcements by the u.s. federal reserve expected later today for the details later in the program but.
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russia's services are growing at the foster's pace since june as off the hate where the. contracts the drought killed up to forty percent. pushed up prices lower the business activity index a little small the index rose from fifty one point five to over fifty five indicating a strong recovery in the service sector this data is along with the recent pool which claimed the rising incomes would soon raise short term increase in poverty levels. expect a four point two growth rate this year a slight improvement for next year around four point five that's the best part of recovers. so the second message is that this growth in particular is driven mainly now by domestic demand which is produced it's locally driven right so you're less liberal perhaps there on any potential deceleration in outside markets . then the incentives sets become russia's second most popular promotion to
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television analysts say this could happen as soon as the end if this year online advertising is waning from a shop increase in shopping on the web and some fake rosie o. ports. in the entire world is that your fingertips whether it's buying high tech gadgets or just paying the bills virtually everything can be done through the internet. and russians are getting hooked on you at least one of them to be examined what people are searching for it turns out the use of the phrase body online has increased threefold since two thousand and eight the requests are coming from moscow and st petersburg which accounts to over seventy percent of only search requests by research by google and citibank shows russians most often pay for things like telecom services twenty nine percent of operations railway tickets and music each account for more than ten percent news and data represents six percent along with air tickets however the volume of web purchases in russia amounts to no
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more than one percent of the g.d.p. in comparison the figure for the u.k. is seven times higher but that's not something out of the market of internet purchases in two thousand and ten is around twenty billion dollars for the quota. in two years because it grew up to twenty nine view on the doubles but last year despite the crisis it showed substantial growth and for some companies on why should you go with a cost so let's and pressure to be a lot greater it's a pickle porch of an online buyer in russia as a young single male from moscow with higher education women it seems still prefer the classic shopping techniques timothy cross or business archie moscow. time to see how long it's the falling out here and making slight gains with investors know making any big moves so far this resistance factor coming as long as the way you can on that announcements for us is rushing past the two days of a national holiday i very near. anti-riot ahead of today's u.s.
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federal reserve announcement among the biggest wave is that russia has a soft. three percent in paris after the bank topped expectations. belarus will become the first country outside russia to sell bonds denominated in rubles and they will save belarus as much as two. point five percent an interest compared with borrowing a dollar even though dollar loans. would have to pay to convert the money into rubles which trade with russia the ruble bond issue also supports russia's efforts to promote the ruble was the result of currency. despite. giving the line i'd be a paper that's had a run for its money with a rival bid for calendars potage corp but on wall street says of course i was to put together a coalition of contagion and the quote is bit but it was valued at forty three billion dollars that's higher than b.h.p.
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billiton its latest offer thirty eight billion dollars to be approved by the canadian government will. be announced today a false are very spokeswoman said to come late on wednesday. and that shopping for now we can always find. business.


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