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tv   [untitled]    November 3, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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hailing a leap from the cold war to real partnership. common security structure in europe and cooperate on afghanistan delineated talks between made us cheap and the russian . president barack obama could be facing
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a tougher challenge pushing through his reforms including his foreign policy agenda the democrats lose control over congress in the midterm vote. and it could be back to square one in iraq with us for the stepping down we look at how local militias may be falling back to insurgents. it's one am in the russian capital i met good to be with you here on r t our top story russia has a reaffirmed its readiness to create a joint anti-missile defense system in europe with nato but only on an equal basis there reassurance came after a meeting in moscow between the russian leadership and the nato chief catherine mcgrath has been following the high level talks. both nato and moscow realize that a new global security strategy is needed for the twenty first century and it is
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time for change it is time that nato and moscow boast the partnership now nato is an organization that is currently facing serious challenges has an identity crisis analysts say that north atlantic alliance has bitten off more than it can chew and it and in afghanistan in particular nato so wants to read itself always cold war one sided identity rasmussen is a moscow today for talks all the two main issues the first one is anti missile defense in europe recently nato invited russia to participate in that system but the kremlin keeps asking hard questions on what role will it be given will it be just a mere observer of the new technology or will it the to supply a say in the new system as a hands on mom but will it to dissipate in the entire process starting from construction to at savation up this system will sergei lavrov today says that of
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course the. new system will be discussed in detail cheering the upcoming russian made zero summit in lisbon in two weeks' time but he said that russia sees. its agreement to accept the invitation is only possible if they take part in the system as equal partners look at the condition that city was in their nature is a serious organization and everything that comes from the organization is taken very seriously by russia as a nation have a clear understanding russia's participation in this project is possible and will be based on equal footing before we go into this project this work should be carried out in full leaders of our state take decisions well russia is currently providing nato with crucial support in afghanistan it provides a military supply routes for the afghan war and just recently russia to part for the first time a. in many years in a president a joint open ration against. several drug producing more interest trucks were
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hundreds of millions of dollars were destroyed in the russia hope regime with nato on hand to drop all this in afghanistan is one of the top priorities because after almost about complete use tyrant hands up in russia russia and nato acknowledge of course that there are fundamental disagreements that still divide russia nato ties have been slowly recovering after russia repelled georgia's military invasion in seoul the setting office two thousand and eight russia has been there is sun city or tornadoes moving east woodside it's nice to see it as one of the top grad students national security but it seems that chances are high that the two sides could push it was said bottom similar to that that the united states and russia pushed a while ago the process and the the two sides should not treat each other as cold war anime's anymore but rather like modern day partners the right approach would be
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true develop a true strategic partnership between nato and russia and focus on the areas where we are faced with the same security challenges areas where we share security concerns show my approach would be the pragmatic true to go for a true strategic partnership made us blueprint for change also says further cooperation with russia told priority but mostly it was pushing for more than just words from nato. to retreat from the russian council on foreign and defense policy says russia is ready to expand its cooperation with nato in afghanistan on certain conditions. so seems to seems like linking expansion of its support of nato operations in afghanistan to nato support off russia's agenda. is first and foremost signing
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a legally binding agreements with me to limit the expansion will be u.s. and nato military infrastructure i mean troops at the territories all of you still in central europe nato is quite reluctant about supporting that russian initiative but still i think the sides could agree on first expansion of russia's support over reconstructing the old soviet era economic infrastructure the tears that afghanistan secondly russia signed the agreement with nato about france itself really to troops to afghanistan through the russian territory to him for its rasik in the expense of the its supports of training of gamble lease. anti-drug sports i think these are the possible areas of the group. turning to the u.s. president obama's democratic party has narrowly managed to maintain a majority in the senate in midterm elections but thousand of representatives is now in the hands of the republican opposition with congress now divided between the
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two parties it will be much harder for the president to move forward with his reforms including foreign policy and security agenda u.s. radio host scott horton says obama's goal to rid the world of nuclear arms could now be undermined. democrats in order to get the republicans in the senate to sign on which the democrats still control the senate but by less of a majority now but you need two thirds to ratify a treaty and in order to get the republicans to sign on to the start treaty they basically had to add so many amendments and riders to the thing that it basically allows for the creation of brand new generations of hydrogen bombs dozens and dozens uncounted new facilities for manufacturing hydrogen bombs more submarines more air. power and they've changed the accounting methods for the nuclear warheads in such a way that actually united states doesn't really have to reduce their stockpile of nuclear weapons hardly at all so they've turned what ought to be the most important
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issue in the world the. usual. reduction of american russia's nuclear weapon stockpiles towards zero and turned it into a farce turned it into a way for republican congressmen to get bankrolled so that they can run again next time and keep the companies that manufacture nuclear weapons and or make the parts for the manufacture nuclear weapons in business at the expense of the rest of us and at the risk of our entire species in fact remember our website is also keeping you up to date twenty four hours a day here are some away you'll find online right now when you click over to argue that. hope is running low for women in afghanistan a shocking number fall victim to domestic abuse and violence with the suicide rate rising despite international efforts. and moscow's landmark metro unveils a new attraction as it turns one of its stations into a museum or more click over to r.t. dot com. russia is mourning the death of
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a veteran of post soviet politics picked dorchin immuno and in the one thousand nine hundred. from communism in ninety three russia in the us created a joint commission on economic and technological cooperation known as the gore attorney mirrored commission that also dealt with the use of plutonium extracted from nuclear weapons tribute and also served as the presidential representative on the balkans during the yugoslav war and in the last few years he was russia's ambassador to ukraine weathering strained relations between kiev and moscow. a famous russian anti-drug enforcer of with already has hoped to jail for up to twelve years has been sentenced to two and a half years probation go to bitch cause of tackled the drug problem in the year old by forcing addicts into rehab but his methods were slammed is inhumane despite winning huge public support r.t. sorry for a thousand more. discuss today then looking for you but of course he has been found guilty of kidnapping and a legal detention of these
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a must that's the fish hook and the action flick that. is part of that technique that's helping the full sting people to quit and fight that addiction and this case really going nationwide at tention even president but they did come and sing out it was saying that the case needed that closer attention and many supporters have been saying that i fall for it big on a speech coach i actually have been commended for his action scene a lot of a lot of the public reaction has been a very positive towards this i did a full simply fighting drug addiction and now we see now with fish of operating a tissue to help the main foundation city without a new question but that the people who actually live that have seen the positive effects of these actions have we actually visited a castle but just say for money the guy had the people who is addicted to the chief
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ten years ago that would know you guys and so the drug addiction was so bad you know people were afraid to go there right to let their children live and they serry it and now there's been a. very very positive impact and even more interesting that some of the drug addicts at least like to. see the treatment that themselves the thirty's methods are incredibly harsh that actually they were. eagle carried out over two hundred operations against drug dealers as a result the mortality rate has hugged the gypsies are afraid to sell drugs and consequently don't bribe you for it is clearly good so it is they didn't like that took addiction. hope that this is just takes better out thirty thousand people a good life and they couldn't unofficial statistics say that that's not million job addicts in russia. a drug addict is a. it's you that needs to be tackled. brazil's new president dilma rousseff has vowed to intensify the government efforts in fighting rampant poverty but despite
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advances made by her predecessors hunger and unemployment are still the reality for millions of brazilians now the downtrodden are sidestepping government and leading their own fight for change from the ground up as artie's lauren lyster reports from sao paulo. just a simple life. tending your own garden. growing your own food it's a simple life worth fighting for even if you've built it illegally six times they've tried to kick us off and together with the church and with some politicians we've been able to appeal standing your ground because another life one you've worked to escape is always in sight not far from where you toil these are the favelas they are the slums in brazil it's the way the majority of the poor live in this country and where here are just a stone's throw away on a settlement this is where a group of people now live off the land in a commune as an answer to the poverty and joblessness in the slums brazil is the
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largest country in south america and almost half of the farmland is controlled by just one percent of the landowners and there's a lot of activism to a huge social movement in fact behind changing that. misty struggles so brazil can do radical agrarian reform so that we can settle the land and get rid of property pushing to get all poor brazilians like the forty families living here back to the earth after they were pushed off by the world. when the green revolution led by powerful foundations and governments like the us turned farming in the developing world into an expensive and high tech agricultural industry with this revolution huge businesses occupy the land and this has been happening since the one nine hundred fifty s. and they've been kicking small farmers off the land the kick them off and they send them to the city saying that the cities need workers but the cities didn't need all those workers so while the land became a means to produce and export food for the world to consume benefiting the few
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people who controlled it. the large land owners the bank owners and the multinational corporations small land workers like these lost their jobs to technology or lost their land going into debt. trying to compete and were left to starve or today it is very much an oppressor capitalism is becoming a monster because wherever the market or product is the principal focus everything or everyone else and if excluded but everyone's included here in their own collectives socialist solution a model of their dream for brazil is enough. that we want wealth distribution for the poor and the workers we want land distribution the green revolution of their own. a simple life worth fighting for loren mr r t so paulo brazil to you look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe the greek government has suspended international mail delivery for forty
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eight hours after a series of letter bombs were found in our fans some were sent to foreign embassies while three were posted to germany's chancellor italy's prime minister and france's president police have already charged two men and are searching for five others suspected of involvement and extreme left wing group is thought to be behind the attempted attacks. iran denies reports that an execution is imminent for a woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery earlier this year the mother of two sentence was suspended after her case sparked international outcry but authorities said she could still be hanged for murder the iranian foreign minister has reportedly told his french counterpart that no decision of the case has been made yet. the indonesian volcano that first erupted last week has unleashed its biggest blast to get sending a huge cloud of the sky reports say this latest activity from not more rocky was three times as powerful as the initial blast ten days ago about seventy five
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thousand people have already been evacuated from the area near the volcano more are fleeing from their homes at least thirty nine have been killed since the eruptions began. in the netherlands authorities have recalled the number plates that carry a dutch equivalent to the word nazi. more than one hundred owners of vehicles were given license plates with the letters m s b and they were issued to drivers of new cars all of the computer glitch bad letter combinations in the levelers include abbreviations for political parties and swear words. a rock has been shaken in the wake of its bloodiest week for months at least ninety one people have been killed more than two hundred wounded in a series of attacks centered around baghdad shia neighborhoods a series of blast came just two days after al-qaeda militants took a christian congregation hostage resulting gunfight left fifty eight dead with a total u.s. pullout scheduled for the end of next year despite escalating violence many iraqis say they feel abandoned and it's forcing some to join the enemy one sunni militia
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group praised by the u.s. for its help in providing security is now falling back into the hands of local warlords and al-qaeda as paulson reports. there is still a force to be reckoned with tens of thousands of sunni muslims angry at the shiite iraqi government known as the sons of iraq four years ago they were won over by american dollars to fight al qaeda one of the strains they live in the neighborhoods in which they keep watch. we did a great service to iraq some where members were working with the terrorists before they joined us and they give us information about the armed groups but despite attempts by the iraqi government to disarm them in communities like this they continue to patrol the streets because they insist iraqi soldiers just can't keep the peace. and security forces sometimes just turn a blind eye to what's going on there's lots of he rights violations and there aren't enough you rights organizations to defend and protect people. but all these
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paramilitary groups upholding the rule of law all some of their activities questionable as suggested in the four hundred thousand iraq documents released by wiki leaks in one account his sons of iraq leader is said to be responsible for the murder of innocent civilians conducting insurgent activities under the guise of a sons of iraq leader extortion and rape. everything has a positive and a negative some leaders use their position for settling trouble scores stockpiling weapons making money and killing innocent civilians but the majority brought stability and. but that majority also feels abandoned by an america which armed trained and paid them and despite big promises less than half of the ninety thousand strong force has been given work or absorbed into iraqi security forces this man is one of the few who has but he's afraid to reveal his identity. to talk
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after the americans were finished with his groups after iraq was secure they no longer supported us especially when the iraqi government charged early theirs with crimes a lot of the leaders have lost trust in the american and iraqi government and are afraid that by working for them they might face charges and or assassination. iraqi security officials say hundreds of sons of iraq members have returned to al qaeda and that many of the thousands now in the iraqi government payroll secretly aid the insurgency for observers like honeyed for deal iraqi security forces are running a losing race to keep up to speed to either integrate the groups or to be able to secure iraq without them and i think that how that the training given by the u.s. was not complete and it never will be because america wants iraqis to keep beating them they don't want to rock to build a strong army and that way they can justify staying in the country and making sure iraq is never strong enough to control the region. in army bases like those iraqi
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federal police are trained in intelligence the tactical side exploitation medical anything like that they do patrols counter a.d.'s but for many iraqis what the americans left behind was destruction and devastation it will take a lot for them to rebuild the words of the minds. armed and dangerous these paramilitary groups struggle to find a place for themselves meeting some observers to warn that while they might have been used for short term military gains in the end they could be the roadblocks to peace policy r.t.e. baghdad. next to find out how the iraqi military will cope with the challenges ahead our team needs general mohammed spokesman from iraq's ministry of defense.
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but now i have general mohamed i'll ask again an advisor and spokesperson with the iraqi ministry of defense so thank you very much for joining us here are not. the american soldiers have left by and large the majority do feel confident that roxas soldiers and the iraqi security force is able to accept the situation here and. it is a good question it's worth talking about the readiness of the iraqi security forces because the number of american troops left in this country is less than fifty
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thousand it's important the americans a gone what's also important is the timing the timing of implementing this phase of the agreement was put forward by the minister of defense why did he choose this time each timing has a meaning there are steps that need to be taken so that the iraqi forces will be ready by december thirty first twenty eleven we believe that we will be ready enough to have full security control at that stage and for all the american forces to leave iraq as well you say that the timeframe is given by the iraqis and not motivated from the american side. if the recent departure of american troops was because washington wanted to improve a bomb as picture so what or if it was because of american pressure or desire it doesn't matter to me as an iraqi as an iraqi i welcome the american withdrawal and
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i wish that we will be ready by the thirty first of december twentieth levon to say goodbye to the americans for good because we will be fully ready to take over as a rocky's we cannot accept that the americans will stay in iraq for good i don't care for the reason but we will not let anyone stay. in iraq for a long time the timing issue is very important but having timetables is critical because they serve as a pressurizing factor on us we have to meet each deadline we have to improve the level of the iraqi security forces the difference between iraq and afghanistan is that we have put timetables for everything we're doing the afghans and not doing that they relying on the americans and nato to do things for them. how well trained have your soldiers been by the americans. and how the current iraqi soldier is different to the soldiers we had before two thousand and three today's iraqi
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soldiers were young during the two thousand and three war but they were also trained on russian weaponry like for instance on the russian tank later iraqi soldiers were trained on american weapons which are different but we still have a lot of russian made technology here and many pilots who were trained on russian planes so we need their help to keep training their americans maybe in charge of getting our soldiers ready whenever we get another expertise from for example france or russia we go to those countries and we get the help that we ask for. evidence that there have been tied to this that the security forces are now well trained enough just two hours ago there was a bomb not far from that. do you think that you are the incumbents can make you back a safe and secure place. or they are not untrained but the training they receive is not enough when the americans came in the borders were open to terrorists and
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violence spread the americans dismissed the iraqi government did not think to form an iraqi army before two thousand and four and it was too late because the terrorists were already in we got volunteers we gave them brief training and sent them to the field they were combat soldiers with not enough training the bombs that are going. off in iraq today another measurement for how well the soldiers were trained bombs were going off even when the united states was in the country we need better intelligence who's behind these bombs and how they managed to still carry them out. at the moment the iraqi security forces one and there has been no war that's been put forward to reintroduce conscription do you think that the snow will be implemented. and i feel that this compulsory service has not been approved yet it's still a draft only the retirement law was approved for now we don't need compulsory recruitment because when we ask for example for ten thousand volunteers we have at
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least one hundred thousand young people coming to volunteer so we don't need it the countries need compulsory recruitment when they need soldiers and they don't have them besides we don't have the facilities and equipment to train all these personnel when we have them in the compulsory recruitment we have enough soldiers for now in the future when iraq is stable enough and investment will start coming in the young men will go towards civilian projects by that time we will be having a lack of personnel and by that time we will need the compulsory service and. general thank you very much for joining us here on our back of it was. culture is that so much i think. there's taliban that we can leave thing in
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journalism or an opaque organisation with an unmistakeable to. what is the difference between. a close up team has been. reached where russia just free elections were held have found. years ago. if not party goes to the area that used to be a place of exile since the seventeenth century. where businesses take advantage of the wild growing products kumar rich academic life gives birth to the idea come to the screeching. british stock.
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market. it's. really happening to the global economy with. global financial headlines kaiser report. more news today. the fees are the images. from the streets of canada. today. a passenger liner sailing in the blank sea. august thirty first nineteen eighty six.


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