tv [untitled] November 4, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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visits moscow. president obama could be facing a tougher challenge pushing through his reforms including his foreign policy agenda after the democrats lose their hold over congress in the mid-term. iraq mourn the victims of the deadliest wave of sectarian violence in months amid concerns tsunamis are being drawn to insurgency. and in about fifteen seconds on the show with an in-depth look at the fallout from the u.s. mid-terms. we've got. the biggest issues good voice ceased to face with the news makers.
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welcome ilona show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mercy we're going to live out of washington d.c. now today marks the first day of a new washington or republicans now control the house you've heard hour upon hour of what this means for the president's domestic agenda but what does it mean for start for iraq for the war in afghanistan we're going to have lawrence core from the center for american progress on the show to hash it all out then it's framed as democrats versus republicans tea party versus obama but are we missing the point when there's so much corporate money on both sides of the aisle are voters really making a choice based on principles and a citizens united means that it's all just going to get a whole lot worse next politicians across america have a love hate relationship with latino voters their numbers are growing but so is the anti immigrant sentiment in this country so what does a savvy politician do while they tried to play both sides and hope it worked we're going to hear from marty correspond among the lindo on whether latinos actually bought it then the federal reserve announced today that is going to buy up six
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hundred billion dollars of long term government bonds the day after midterm elections so what does this mean for the u.s. economy and why the fed wait until elections were over to make their move i'll speak with r t financial correspondent lauren lyster then is tough love the only type of love that works on drug addiction in stark contrast to the posh rehabs that we see all over t.v. in the glamorous celebrities who inhabit them one russian anti-drug vigilante has taken to kidnapping attics and making them get sober by force so does that method actually have merit versus a glorified world of l.a. rehab as of the end of the show but now let's move on to the night's top story. yesterday's midterm elections here in the us went no they went pretty much as expected which is poorly for the democrats they lost control of the house of representatives but they also left some republicans with a slight tinge of remorse as they didn't win the senate seat thanks to
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a few crazy tea party candidates but clearly obama's path will become an even more difficult one from here on out one of the questions we have to ask is how these elections are going to affect his foreign policy goals what does it mean for the withdrawal from afghanistan for closing guantanamo bay for working with iran and of course for the yet to be ratified new start treaty officials are trying to downplay the change in command but if we look at some of the key committees from which democratic leaders have disappeared and those who are stepping in well their voices now drown out some of obama's goals and how's the international community going to react here to discuss with me is dr lawrence korb a senior fellow at the center for american progress on the former assistant secretary of defense and the reagan administration dr cord thanks so much for being here with you again now if there is one thing where you could say there is going to be a fatal blow dealt to obama's foreign policy goals what is that going to be i think it will be the start treaty because in order to get a treaty ratified you need sixty seven senators he's going to hold we have maybe
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fifty one fifty two which means he's going to have to get fifteen or sixty republicans to support or if he doesn't get it done in the lame duck session that is the congress will come back before the new members are seated i think it's very improbable he'll get it done before the two thousand and twelve election but how can you just not get this treaty done i don't understand what happens if start doesn't get ratified then the two countries no longer have to reduce their nuclear stockpiles they no longer have to check or have the right to check each other's nuclear stockpiles i mean you would think that you know certain republicans certain war hawks that are talking about how dangerous our life is on this planet and the danger of nuclear proliferation that they would want this treaty to pass well. i would think so but don't forget they've dragged it out over a year we even though they've only had forty one senators there arguing that the treaty has loopholes for example it supposedly stops us from developing missile defense they are arguing that it gives the russians of advantage because they were
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going to downsize their nuclear weapons anyway given you know the state of their. military they don't like the fact they don't think the verification procedures are intrusive enough but they're really coming up with things because they don't want to give obama a victor this would be his biggest victory right reset with russia so far has been his largest foreign policy victory and this would really be the one that sealed the deal but i want to segue i mean what happens with the war in afghanistan with a withdrawal from afghanistan beginning next year what happens with iran i mean there are a lot of people that are going to be beating the war drums here that are going to be just laughing at the fact that robert gates the defense secretary now wants to actually cut the defense budget by one hundred billion dollars well what you're going going to see is a couple of things the republicans one but not all the republicans are war type you can on the republican strategist calls the war party it's a lot of them are the tea party and the tea party basically do not want to see the
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united states continue to spend lots of want to on wars abroad the last thing they want to have it all laid out that agenda quite so clearly i mean it with the exception i think of rand paul we really don't know where a lot of these tea partiers stand they're not a fan of obama's economic policies of course they want to bring down government spending but they don't really speak out on foreign policy foreign policy was almost completely absent from the political debate during this campaign it was remember this the democrats who lost in conservative districts they wore blue their poor impulse was made it very similar to the republicans so i don't think it's going to change the last thing this country needs is another war with a with a muslim country and obama is a can. chief they can they can give him permission to attack or if they can't make him attack around similarly they may not like the fact that he's withdrawing from afghanistan but there's nothing that they can can do about it because they control the body if he's leaving he's going to leave less money for their voices to share
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are going to be allowed out there now let me ask you one thing because you know if we look back to let's say the clinton administration and when he lost both the house and the senate during his midterm elections what he did afterwards was he really kind of shifted towards the towards foreign policy that's where that's where he made some of his priorities and started becoming more active should obama do the same thing can obama even do the same thing considering the state of the economy no i don't think he can and when clinton did that we really didn't have many foreign policy challenges of course that he went into bosnia and kosovo and then al qaeda was just beginning and he did attack talk afghanistan but right now the united states if anything is overextended i mean we have one hundred thousand troops in afghanistan still fifty thousand in iraq we're fighting a counterterrorism struggle in afghanistan you have the whole question about the negotiation with iran and iran developing nuclear weapons the president trying to broker middle east peace process or you got enough foreign policy challenge he's not going to air anymore if you will to distract people from the domestic problems
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well i would hope not i mean you know it seems like such a logical argument to say that we are a country that is completely overstretched here but then you always have these politicians that are saying well there's the looming threat of china who is building up their military and we can't even tell how fast it's happening we have to be prepared for a nuclear iran you know it raises so many questions but i want to ask you one more as white house is going to look abroad you know i mean do you think that some of our partners who obama has been forging a relationship with are going to think how can we trust anything this guy says if he doesn't have the backing at home well i think this is going to really make it more difficult for the united states with a lot of its allies because i think people tend to over interpret our elections which we lost sixty house seats because of the paula metric system. which most of them or the government would fall but that doesn't happen in our system roosevelt for example lost seventy seats in ninety eight thirty eight but we still went to war you know with the early forty's so i think they would tend to overreact but they should not he still has the senate you've got the the white house you
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basically the republicans have one sixth of the government but you know they don't have as much as people like they can delay things but they can't really initiate very much well i guess with the exception of the start treaty let's hope that they're not successful there because that will not make you know the relationship with russia as as friendly as i had all the instances i was going back to quite that some of the. i saw to come on tonight show the latino vote and something politicians both fear and meet so that they turn out yesterday and who did they help our teens are among the linda reports that in just a moment but first a look at the money spent in the midterm elections by corporations everybody frames the elections as a battle between democrats and republicans small and big government but is it really just a battle between all the large companies artie's kalen for ports on the free for all as soon as a writer. the
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tea parties are over the rallies are done the ballots have been cast and some seats have been won but after the most expensive midterm election in u.s. history the real winners are the corporations that finance parties kalen for shows us how grassroots groups on both sides have deep roots and billionaires pockets. the future of america and the mid-term elections didn't come down to democrats or
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republicans free enterprise or socialism. the fight wasn't field by t.v. or sanity but we live now in hard times not end times but rather by billion dollar oil and media giants on both sides of the political spectrum vying to expand profits and maintain control think you're barriers tentacles of wall street wall street is always going to win no matter who wins you have a left wing group you can say that's jeff immelt of general electric and the n b c m s n b c and their group and they are pro obama as you can see every night with obama and people like this and then of course you've got rupert murdoch and the reactionaries and there you have fox news. whether at tea parties or rallies america's grassroots have deep roots in big corporations that house speaker nancy pelosi said the tea party's astroturf.
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meet the koch brothers oil magnates new york city ballet benefactors and the finance years of the tea party they've poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the right wing political infrastructure former president jimmy carter has no doubt about whose interests the tea party is really advocating for today a plan hatched by oligarchy and all industry primary they call brothers and others who want to avoid any sort of regulation of what they do so how do you get so many self-proclaimed. tea party patriots out in the streets for that god bless the united states of america and plenty of free air time from rupert murdoch's news corp yeah that's their popular front so to speak just like the communist party has its popular front corporations knowing they can't be out front because people don't like a lot of these big corporations and they count five years they give the tea partiers certain deceptive information and focus on certain politicians
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and therefore they continue their work their world behind the scenes but the left has its own billionaire benefactors general electric parent company of n.b.c. a.b.c. n.b.c. and this n.b.c. studio are the market for very sure and there may be one or two welfare conservatives trying to you know put their finger in the dike of this liberal media agenda but no matter what there's going to be like are said that c.b.s. n.b.c. m.s.m. you see and c.n.n. leftward leaning. for its part viacom the billion dollar parent company of m.t.v. and comedy central gave president obama a commercial free hour long town hall across all of its networks just two weeks before the midterm elections then televised all three hours of jon stewart's rally and obama's last t.v. interview please baby one more chance also with stewart so who are americans really voting for when they headed to the polls yesterday wall street's going to win no
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matter which one of these prevails because there's no anti wall street interest it's going to get traction from the moment. the elections are over the votes have been cast but the money doesn't seem to be going anywhere last year david koch surpassed the mayor michael bloomberg as the richest man in new york city with an estimated annual income of twenty one point five billion dollars for its part viacom is worth an estimated sixty billion and rupert murdoch through his various holdings can reach one in six people on the planet so while power in congress. may change hands it seems a vested in the hands of corporations and media conglomerates whose interests are just too big to lose he'll in fort artsy washington d.c. . so the voters really know who or what they voted for or who is money behind his behind the candidates i think it's pretty safe to say that no they didn't and in large part thanks to the supreme court's citizens united ruling this january not only have the floodgates been opened to allow record numbers of spending to become
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the norm but some are feeling that a little piece of democracy has been lost when foreign donations can affect our local elections so is there anything we can do about it we're here to discuss with me is alter net's economic editor carter thanks so much for being here except now you know i'm assuming you're with me here that the floodgates essentially have been opened thanks to the citizens united ruling but is this something that we have to get used to all the time you know even in off years not in election years that there is going to be insane amounts of money flowing in unfortunately i think so i bring a blog about this for the past two weeks and for all of the music it's working dot org and a lot of the reporting this is pretty frightening out there these these organizations such as those that are being run by karl rove right now have already pledged to keep running attack ads even though the elections are over because that's part of how they fulfill their sort of mandate for existence in order to to live up to the citizens united test cases they have to do at least fifty percent of their operations have to be nonpolitical so they're going to run attack ads that aren't
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attacking specific candidates protection issues we're going to have a permanent campaign cycle out of john political it's all right exactly so they're finding technicalities in order to run more and more destructive i'll tell you this i mean who is it that it's actually affected or you know who's actually swayed by these negative campaign ads that they see on t.v. that we were trying to you know look around and talk to people we couldn't find anybody the bought into that crap well sure plenty of them are ridiculous but when unemployment is at ten percent people are looking for someone to blame i don't think the attack ads stick when people are fundamentally happy and prosperous but when the economy is terrible as a. has been for the past two years though listen to almost anything and with good reason i mean the economy's been terrible. that doesn't mean that it's the president's fault but he has not been able to fix it but i but the thing is ok if you're looking for somebody to blame right a lot of people would just say well point all the thinkers at wall street if you're upset about. about why are economies in the gutter right now and that's where you know the tea party event that they spawn from essentially right being upset about wall street bailouts and yet for some reason i didn't hear any anti wall street
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campaigning you know from any of these candidates where did that go. party is it pretty astonishing case because if you just look at campaign contributions one of the areas where we actually have some money trail to follow the twelve leading tea party senate candidates took in over four point six million dollars from wall street in direct campaign contributions that's that's why you didn't hear the tea party lashing out against wall street but also the big umbrella organizations for the tea party freedom works americans for prosperity the tea party patriots these all have millionaire anonymous donors many of which come from wall street we don't really know because they don't have to disclose their donors so was webster right there i mean no matter who wins or loses you know a democrat or republican does wall street always win well there they win the big picture we did get a reasonable financial regulation bill this year the new consumer financial protection agency is a significant agency elizabeth warren being in charge of that agency is a major step forward but that's that's it i mean the ban on proprietary trading wall street gambling that doesn't go to that for seven years that's that's
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a very long time to have time to have another crash or a particularly when you're gambling with taxpayer money in your bank is too big to fail so those big issues like can we get by with taxpayer money can we continue to exist even though we've proven to be ourselves to be too big to fail those did not get fixed by the legislation and wall street retaliated against the democrats nonetheless because they didn't like this new consumer financial protection agency and you saw the spending going to conservative organizations but they did win the big picture but i mean yes there was a lot of a lot of money going to conservative organizations but i mean democrats are part of this too democrats spend a lot of money on. campaigning on television ads i think they even spent more on television ads and the republicans did and you know i mean less some of their biggest backers are the unions but so why is it that it's always evil when the money is coming to the campaign from a corporation but not necessarily evil to tell us more you well there's two there's a difference of degree one the unions actually have members who are ordinary people you don't have a whole lot of billionaire unions for instance out there so a single billionaire can can funnel millions of dollars and run their own attack ad campaign against harry reid for instance and second of all the unions just didn't
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spend nearly as much as the corporations did this cycle at least if the disclose donations are any guide. the corporations just have much deeper pockets than the unions do but i would also say i mean democrats are not perfect angels here harry reid who i just mentioned took a lot of money from wall street so did most of the democratic leadership the republicans aren't the only people who are sort of playing with their corporate money here but the fact is they are taking more and they have pledged to explicitly do all survivors and current money something that we almost feel like has become the norm unfortunately sadly enough in america but i think that it's you know the fact that foreign money could also be coming into our domestic elections which is upsetting a lot of people i mean it seems anti-democratic doesn't it i think it's particularly worrisome on environmental issues because if the pollution happens right in your backyard it's much more destructive than if it happens overseas so if you have foreign oil companies for instance funneling money through the u.s. chamber of commerce to push for weaker environmental laws and states you know that the these foreign companies those people in their countries may not have to fuel
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the immediate effects i mean with global warming climate change it's not quite the same story but i think for the most part that is a very worrisome development i mean the constitution defines a certain political body and people who are not part of that political body don't have to live within its laws i think it's pretty reasonable to say that people live under that under the rules of a democracy get to make the rules definitely freaks me out of that i guess money makes the world go around a fan for centuries i thank so much for being here thanks for having me all right my twenty fifty minorities will be the majority in america and as. latino community that will be driving the growth a census bureau already predicts that one free americans will be hispanic a fact not lost on us politicians who are looking to score as our teens are among the lindo finds out latinos have become both the target in the hunt for a coveted votes. that are many of america's problems. speaking across our border putting americans safety and jobs at risk according to campaign
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ads like these there's a war brewing in america illegal immigrants are the enemy and life as you know it is the target reacting to a growing immigration mood in the country republicans are stepping up their war on illegal immigration by stoking voters' fears but when the so-called enemy is also one of the fastest growing voting blocks in america politicians are trying to pander to latinos hoping their other voters aren't looking like nevada republican sharron angle who have been in her about face attempt to reach out to latinos actually ended up offending them i don't know that all of your life. more asian in arizona senator john mccain has been known as an advocate for humane immigration reform but in the past year he has embraced the right wing attack on illegal immigration drug and human smuggling home invasion murder and complete the dang fence it will work this time senator if you want to pass. for many
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latinos it was simply another poignant example of politicians abandoning them democrats also use spanish language ads to target latino voters if you leanest i'm going to there was no requirement that we have an increase in deportations and a lack of progress on immigration reform has many questioning the motives of democrats as well but the hypocrisy of us politicians saying one thing but doing another is it lost on wrong go to is a community org. nizer although we might have a ford in two thousand and eight with the promises of hope and change i think that people have seen in reality the conditions have actually worsen for our people nor on this los angeles voter the one that i'm going to vote for it's not going to change anything. because it's pretty much it comes down into money feeling abandoned and demonized by the politicians they elected latino as a growing disillusioned about politics in general something that conservatives try
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to take advantage of. don't vote this november this is the only way to send them a clear message. you can no longer take this for granted. don't. just to kind of just fall behind this this message that we were taken to the system when you actually have a political agenda for one of the parties producer and activist acts of god you know helped launch that went on the online campaign which urges latinos to flex their political might latino voters are growing in numbers and whether politicians like it or not. says they'll soon be forced to get the message well they're going to care we're going to have to care because we represent for example specifically in california almost twenty one percent of the electorate but for the moment the feeling in the latino community remains that politicians don't care there would've been a change we all would have seen it and we all would have allround out and vote here
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we have what we call a two party dictatorship it's an addict or dictatorship really it's a two headed beast that represents the same elitist group it is this hypocrisy by the politicians that is both a source of frustration for latino voters and inspiration to rise up and stand up against the forces that have oppressed them after all revolution and social mobilization is in the blood of this growing population of americans in los angeles . r.t. . well earlier i caught up with a man from our studio in. los angeles to get more on the story and i first asked about his statement that the latino community is becoming disillusioned with politics in general while that may be true their votes did influence yesterday's elections especially when it comes to senator harry reid and that to nevada is one of those surprise states where we actually saw a higher turnout among latinos and then we did two years ago during the presidential election and i think a lot of that was due to just these extreme stances that sharon angle was taken so
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much show that it inspired voter outreach to come from different states people really working hard to get the vote out in nevada in hopes of you know defeating sharon angle there was a lot of tea party support for her but i think people from different states pitched in the unions were a big help in las vegas where there's a big service sector a lot of latinos and lower income people working there so in that instance there's very extreme extreme campaigning that was very anti latino actually hurt her but we had to look into the neighboring state in arizona where we also have a very extreme candidate the governor brewer there and she won very handily in that instance let the males were not able to overcome that extreme anti let the you know sentiment now what about you know if we look at examples like in nevada there was a right wing ad that was urging latino voters actually not to go out and vote
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because the obama administration had fulfilled you know whatever promises they had made to them have we seen other examples or did we see other examples yesterday you know voter suppression specifically with the latino community. in every election there are cases of suppression in this case is specifically here in los angeles we got a lot of calls from spanish speaking people spanish became voters who say they received robo calls telling them that the election had been moved to wednesday no november there. obviously so that they wouldn't show up at the polls and this isn't just here in los angeles there's reports of this happening throughout the nation another case here in los angeles where people in kind of lower class neighborhoods east l.a. . traditionally latin american and african-american communities were also receiving similar fliers that told them to go out and vote on wednesday obviously knowing that they are not going to be voting for the republican candidate so these types of
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issues definitely very concerning and there's some investigations going on right now as to who was up behind all this now tell me this do you know anybody you know he's spoken to anyone in latino community was actually formed by this this two faced approach that a lot of candidates had like made women like sharon angle who you know on one hand were making a lot of anti immigrant statements and yet at the same time started releasing spanish language ads to try to beef up that vote i mean did anybody actually fall for it well here in california specifically may whitman spent a ton of money on latino outreach even opening up an office here in east los angeles i mean her staff spent a lot of time and money reaching out to latino voters and there's a. polls were showing that she was actually making headway i mean this was a very tight race up until just a few weeks ago with this whole controversy over housekeeper not having papers in meg whitman.
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