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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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all. in taiwan multis available in. the how would close a hotel tonight be sure to tidy hotel hotel while show his the groom who took the
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show would have turned. the hotel kuvasz otoh photo full of hotel evergreens the old hotel twenty grand victorian hotels. photo springs resort and spa tied to hotel royal cheap and ambassador hotel. the evergreen clause a hotel in thailand to eat london hotel time ambassador type the hotel full points and. the splendid hotel in touch with the hotel the touch of the photo a good gold how would international house. every hotel. chasing sex predators on the web t.v. show. child abuse is the supposed. critics say the show is just off to. george and farmers say they feel they're being pushed out of their land by their
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own government to be seen to offer to south african farmers while locals who can't even afford to buy seeds complain. and place of punishment on teams close up to go to the siberian regional or even the most infamous. this is. the world news and much more twenty four hours a day welcome to the program sex crime and the internet a controversial show exposing the dangers of paedophilia on the web is at the center of public attention in germany the program claims to be raising awareness but many say it's simply chasing ratings. it's every parent's nightmare their
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child is being lured by someone they met on the internet this girl is pretending to be thirteen years old the man at the table is in his sixty's they've been conversing online for weeks my little girl friend it is you isn't it yes if i'm a little kid. when it is the case can you tell me. the back of your neck maybe ok perhaps that might turn you on that later is actually an undercover journalist and it turns out the man works for a children's charity he is completely unaware that the meeting is being secretly filmed as part of the german t.v. show a cool tattoo the internet and is exposing the danger is a sexual predator online. in the very beginning we expect the expected. to have a very specific. person to be maj and you know what you usually imagine as
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a sexual predator you know the guy with the glasses on. but we've met people from all kinds of society those who praise the show format say that the authorities should have been informed straight away especially as in this case the man worked with children and the shay's desires big ratings is their primary motivation the people who took the video clip took the clip in may. broadcast of it in october now and in between there was no information for any. investigator. officials or police not for the employee employer as well but the producers argued that the reason for having to keep the identity of the men they film secrets is due to a major leap hole in the law. chatting on the internet with
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a child even about cirqus is almost never considered a crime but it is loved very unclear what exactly constitutes a criminal action. so kingly under current law unless there's an actual physical assault there's not much that can be done and it's an international problem with many experts openly acknowledging that guidelines are in desperate need of. araf occasion instagram is not anything nominate and as a number of children going online grey's say there's a danger and the scariest part is that right now there's not much that the police can do to protect their team shaders how often within minutes of going into an online chat room praising as a young girl sexual advances were made the people we were conversing with were completely unconcerned when we told them that we were under the legal age of consent which it full teen in germany is already extremely young despite the criticisms those behind the shay adamant that raising public awareness of internet
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creaming can make a difference if we can succeed with the goal of really changing the law making the approach of minors online for cyber grooming. under. picture we can avoid those people of treason but sarah r.t. . or he van tanky director of a russian software producing company says when the north for short installing a special program is the only way to block negative content. there are no really popular social networks for children in russia so they use the ones adults do and some of these have a lot of violence free or negative content that's why more and more parents want to control the time their children spend online they don't understand that it's simpler to use special software to block the content there are many programs
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available this is probably the only measure that can help when the law's like clarity. coming up a little later in the program. but you know the. market they. find out why hispanics in the west say they're feeling let down our country's midterm elections also. all this war is one of the prison cells it's only school. about fifteen to twenty people in this room. to do something on their. team takes a look at the city built by exiles with them you can start them staying among them . farmers in georgia say they fear being pushed off their own land the government wants to attract agricultural workers from south africa birds in their expertise will rub off on locals it says this will
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revive the industry's flagging fortunes of an additional reports the farmers claim they'll be the ones to lose out. three years of land but his family barely scrapes by the toggle odds and lives on potato soup all year round one of many farmers struggling to survive in georgia though he has plenty of land he cannot afford to grow anything on it. most the fuel for the tractor is too expensive the pension i get is eighty larrie most of this goes towards my medication after i buy that i hardly have anything left over trish what or has a heart condition but still works the land to zing straining his health over hunger his neighbor a maas is hardly any better off with only meters but he said that it would they gave his american seeds a couple of years ago but they failed to thrive we hardly got any harvest and i know most of the people in my village are struggling with this about the georgian government has introduced
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a policy it says will turn all this around it's encouraging huge numbers of south african farmers to come here bringing fresh ideas and expertise but the plans have been met with stiff opposition in the fields of agriculture and politics alike to go to resources for discipline our government is conducting a policy of betrayal of their own country they're creating problems for georgians by not only strengthening punishment for underdeveloped farms but also by inviting say the african boers to come and work here our farmers will be forced to abandon their land because the kind of afford to farm it they don't produce enough to sustain themselves let alone anything to make a profit and yet the government appears to be ploughing alone far on this issue but it's shrugged off all criticism and believes the scheme will revive an ailing industry or sarwari well we. are going to culture. the best farmers one of the best farmers in the wall they visited one of months ago we
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showed them a culture of farms. the opportunities what they could have. here there may be an influx of as many as forty thousand boers who'll be able to buy as much land as they want but that idea does not go over well with everyone georgian farmers say they feel they're being pushed out of their land by their own government and south african boers don't know what to expect from the land or people and efforts to resolve that given the distances between the two countries currently south african farmers knowledge about agriculture in their potential new home is sketchy at best they read industry. that's supposed to be this type of food before i remember correctly they produce only ten percent of the. meat but this seat is eighty years old they never heard of the hybrid seeds selected with the seeds the first south african farmers are expected to arrive next year and
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once that happens george and farmers who may lose the land that feeds them say their future looks bleak it even goes ga. of course you can always find more news videos and blogs on our website that's a. quick look out a couple of the stories. here i like how to. balance interview supercuts we need a team of engineers who change to russian work horses into race horses. and national space station is celebrating ten years in the longest stretch ever spent outside the earth's atmosphere you can discover more interesting space a track set out into.
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a shellacking that's how u.s. president obama has described the country's mid-term elections the president and mitt. the losses suffered by democrats in the house of representatives show the frustration felt by the american public and democratic party did manage to retain a majority in the senate with a congress divided between the two parties it will be much harder to bother to move forward with these reforms than a common mistake want to see the country's controversial immigration or some dictions estimated one let me spank by twenty fifty both parties have made moves to target this group in their campaigning many voters claim the politicians are simply playing the game. speaking of cross our border putting americans safety and jobs at risk according to campaign ads like these there's a war brewing in america illegal immigrants are the enemy in life as you know it is the target reacting to
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a growing immigration mood in the country republicans are stepping up their war on illegal immigration by stoking voters' fears but when the so-called enemy it's also one of the fastest growing voting blocks in america politicians are trying to pander to latinos hoping their other voters aren't looking like nevada republican sharron angle if we have been in her about face attempt to reach out to latinos or actually ended up offending them i have no no no more like you know. now you know the number one eight here in arizona senator john mccain had been known as an advocate for humane immigration reform but in the past year he has embraced the right wing attack on illegal immigration drug and human smuggling home invasion murder and complete the dang fence you know work this time senator if you want to pass. for many latinos it was simply another point your example of politicians abandoning them democrats also use spanish language ads to target
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latino voters if you leanest i'm going to they were not a part of my. an increase in deportations and a lack of progress on immigration reform the process as many questioning the motives of democrats as well but the hypocrisy of u.s. politicians saying one thing but doing another is it last on wrong is a community organizer although we might have a ford in two thousand and eight with the promises of hope and change i think that people have seen and in reality the conditions of actually worsen are people feeling abandoned and demonized by the politicians they elected latinos are growing disillusioned about politics in general here we have what we call a two party dictatorship it's an electoral dictatorship there really it's a two headed beast that represents the same elitist group latino voters are growing in numbers and whether politicians like it or not they'll soon be forced to get the message or they're going to care or going to have to care because we represent for
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example specifically in california almost twenty one percent of the electorate it is this hypocrisy by the politicians that is both a source of frustration for latino voters and inspiration to rise up and stand up against the forces that have oppressed them after all revolution and social mobilization is in the blood of this growing population of americans in los angeles . r.t. . but a brief look now at some other international news this hour qantas airbus forced to make an emergency landing in singapore part of the plane's engine i know that flight three eighty plane bound for sydney carrying more than one hundred fifty people the engine cut out of indonesia shortly after the plane took off from singapore china point witnesses from the neighboring island but pointed a huge blast and seeing pieces of debris. three passenger you know.
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the sin germany have arrested twenty three people suspected of running an illegal internet radio station resistance. radio broadcasts music and speeches reflecting far right ideology the rest sweaters off of almost two dozen raids across the country those detained face charges of forming a criminal organization and inciting racial hatred he's saying there's a growing trend among far right groups to use music for recruiting young people. when they stop the close up team is off on its travels around russia for another in-depth look at the country's history and culture. this time we travel to the tomsk region situated in western siberia with its four hundred year history its capital tomsk is known for having been a place of residence for many exiles also there are reports on how the past of the
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area has affected its present. we're here in tomsk in southwest service siberia with a stunning natural environment beautiful architecture and rich history for outsiders though siberia is more often than not associated with banishment punishment and the gulag now this negative fame of being a lot of convicts and special settlers is not without basis of course now during the regime and the soviet rule under stalin and many people were exiled to this region and to tomsk in particular now those exiled included criminals political dissidents and opponents of the regime but of course history is not one sided there are many perspectives from which to look at this in retrospect now on the positive side those who were exiled here became a crucial part of shaping the intellectual and cultural personality of this region . there's a saying every times local knows god created paradise while the devil created no room no room is located in the southern part of the tomsk region difficult to get
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to and right smack in the middle of a swamp cut off from the rest of the world it's a place renowned as a destination for exiles dating back to the sorry. if all the fast exiles came here in sixteen thirty eight they were most likely polish jesuits later there were more exiles decemberists who rose up against the tsar in one nine hundred twenty five then russia's pre-revolutionary political parties like the bolsheviks and i case and the road nicks. in the early nineteenth century the population grew rapidly because of exiles to the. point that every fifty residents of tom scandal surrounding areas was in exile in the last batch who form a wealthy peasant they were cooled oppositionists but in fact these people were just hard working families among those exiled peasants was nicholai gook during stalin's time forced collective farming was introduced many landowning families lost their properties and were deported to siberia his family was sent here in one
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nine hundred thirty one he was just four years old. or in the work of years we were transported by horse drawn carriage then by railway then locked on a boat down the river at the destination there was nothing except burnt out forest we had to build barks of wood and earth to live in when it got cold we made windowpanes of ice labs we had no food only dry bread it was very difficult. while nicholai supplied was because of stalin the former soviet leader himself was banished in a room in one thousand and was exiled for the sixth time and sentenced to four years in siberia he lived in this house but after only thirty nine days he escaped the owners of this house and excessive family were already exiles who were sent to this region and it is in this room that the state and it was here in this bed that stalin had actually slept. stole is
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a riot he lives on in tomsk preserved in this investigative prison museum until the one nine hundred forty s. this is story building house the tomsk pretrial detention center and was also headquarters of the people's commissariat for internal affairs or n.k.v.d. . here people charged with council revolutionary activities kept in detention interrogated sentenced to death and there is evidence that executions were also performed here. to go order alexina's that ankle was sentenced to ten years of hard labor in one of stalin's gulags and five years in. i was tried for treason against the motherland i told him it wasn't against the motherland it was against the government in the cases and charges they made up from were horrific well this right here is one of the prison cells and some of the. crowd about fifteen to twenty people in this room. for desertion on their feet. but despite the
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tragedies in tomsk sr e good things did come out of them did not many political exiles well educated people who contributed a lot to developing education culture and economy in siberia december set up schools for local children exiled polish rebels develop sausage production businesses here coffee and barber shops. for citizens the past and the future are inseparable men like alexei lookahead. i still feel the pain but i just have to carry on with life i'm eighty six and i'd like to live till i'm ninety and see what happens next she had more you would. think of while young people look back eager to learn lessons from the past tense are celia r.t. reporting from the tomsk region. people across russia are celebrating the day of national unity holiday marks on his start occasion when the whole country came together to overthrow
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a common enemy polish with you when you see it seize control of moscow over come in and then in the sixteenth twelve an icon which inspired people to rise up against the interest on that by russia's part you cation recently found it has now been returned to place and the kremlin's tallis holiday is one of russia's newest it's only been five yes days usually filled with tickle rallies as well as historic reconstructions and celebrations taking place around the country. looking ahead ten fifteen minutes we'll unveil the phantoms behind europe's austerity measures as a preview of next chis and stacy have a chef. it's to me the whole the whole phantasmagorical nonsense called the fractional reserve banking model supported by fear currency and phantom judges adds up to one big goose egg and that's the lord over by phantom judges with no
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authority anyone is being victimized by these austerity measures has the option at this moment to opt out don't pay the credit card debt don't pay the mortgage debt don't pay any of these debts because they were fraudulent is unknown with authorities trying to impose them upon you and the only reason you would pay in these debts is because you're a glutton for punishment. if you mess with have all the business see the charlotte stay with this. this is more a region is economically and socially one of russia's better developed provinces the region has a significant scientific and industrial capacity but we realize its full potential after the construction of the. park can tell ya he has completed the i.g. parco has r. and d. projects in the spheres of automotive construction aerospace and oil chemistry high tech data center furbished with cutting edge servers and communication equipment
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will be constructed at the core of the park the project has been personally approved by prime minister vladimir putin the federal government is planning to allocate sizable funding for the parks construction investors will be given benefits such as property tax exemption low land rental prices and other preferences this is a region government is open to mutually beneficial cooperation we invite investors to participate in existing projects and we are ready to give a hand of fulfilling your projects and growing your business in this small region. and i welcome to the program. the federal reserve is to pump six hundred billion dollars into the u.s. as part of the fresh stimulus package to boost the country's economy this amounts to seventy five billion dollars a month the second round of quantitative easing the u.s. central bank. by printing billions of dollars the fed will set five balls to
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replace the repay loans which increases the cygnus volume to around nine hundred billion till the maid of the next year. will need to inflation but the federal reserve denies this saying over a trillion of dollars that was already put into the economy didn't affect the interest rate is being left. well bankers causes for. cast for of russia's g.d.p. growth for the next three years banks analysts say russia has achieved a modest recovery there are fears of a further slowdown earlier i asked the world bank's chief economist for russia get it about the key drivers for the country's economy. i think what is actually happening in the past few months is that investment has been back and much of the growth was actually led more by investments and the kind of a cyclical rebound of restocking of inventories but that's going to cyclical part i
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think the good news is that we also see consumption gathering steam and. reflects basically fundamental factors driving consumption searchers the fact that. really incomes are growing again for the crisis unemployment is lower than in feared certainly and then in many other western countries and remember a russian consumer is not particularly indebted compared to many western countries so there's a lot more credit i think that can be taken on by the russian consumer i think that all these factors are going to continue. providing the winds in the sale of the russian consumption and growth in the next six to twelve months so we expect to grow this year to be about four point two percent and then solidified next year to about four and a half percent largely driven by gains in consumption by the port also mentions as a temporary increase in poverty levels here in russia all through the drought that was felt last summer now we have rushed government on a lot to try and help support the employment in russia's amano current state was
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the overall tendency in regards to employment unemployment is. not where one would want to see but it's lower than fear and lower than in some other countries. and hopefully over the next couple of years with the continuation of growth it would begin to come for a bit down as far as the parties concerned which is closely correlated with employment and employment in russia because the cultural saving so quite limited in this country. russia's main actually made remarkable gains in poverty reduction over the past ten years and certainly up to up to the crisis. rate fell from about a quarter of the population down to about percent thirteen. center so there was a temporary uptick you're in crisis of course but now it's a trend that we believe is going to continue with the. continuation of recovery and growth in medium term now we have had
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a lot of talk about modernizing russia's economy and our attempts of efforts to build the so-called silicon valley are in scope what is your opinion on this well this is probably the most difficult challenge diversification of the russian economy and. there's no magic bullet there and i think so clearly creating some of these high tech clusters you know may help especially in specific areas where they develop and so on so forth i would emphasize that it's really going to be an error a different kind of measures and policies that i think will have to be put in place in order to unlock that creative potential of russian businesses and entrepreneurs and sometimes the devil is in the detail it's for example innovation why is it that russia has so many very bright engineers and innovative and creative. grassroots. thinkers if you like and yet there is a very. small number of patents in russia compared to many other countries
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i think some think. maybe holding back the innovative creative energy of russian business and it could be a combination of things could be intellectual property rights and could be. additional legal wriggled through barriers so one has to look at a whole area of things that holds back russia's innovation competitive spirit and and business development overall and you know some of these clusters meet me actually do some good but i think one needs to go and look for beyond. time now seven of the markets in the european stocks that i hire on thursday rallying on news of the three to six hundred dollars or a billion bond buying market announced by the u.s. better is there on one side. taking. one point seven percent shares of you gave up four point six percent pace. and in asia stocks are higher japan's nikkei rose more than three percent on the hung saying is that by.


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