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tv   [untitled]    November 4, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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if. you dig. dig. dig. dig dig dig.
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all. in the czech republic he's available in a hotel as serious central hotel for a living room most of the stuff i used to i'm a taste in bosnia and herzegovina available in. the children of each. but you know who to put you know. to make hotel. turn toast. in serbia multis available in one hundred regency. german opinion is split over a t.v. show that aims to expose online pedophiles searching for underage victims critics say the programme makers put themselves beyond the law. the georgian government so
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seeds of discord as it plans to offer land for south african farmers step opposition from locals who were afraid of losing their only source of survival was this wife who is one of the prison cells and some legal residents clearly there's really not about two thousand to twenty people in this group sit around between the decision on their party's close up team travels to the siberian region of tomsk a place of exile for many key figures in russian history even the man who founded the infamous gulag camps joseph stalin. and the russian stock markets have been based in this three day week shortened by the national holidays business will bring you analysts assessment.
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live from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching our team with me and he said now it's six pm here in the russian capital ten am in washington but we begin in germany. they were debate is raging over a t.v. show which aims to expose possible internet pedophiles by secretly filming their meetings with decoys posing as victims while critics including the country's justice minister claim the program flouts the law in pursuit of better ratings but creators claim they have to resort to such methods as the law fall short in tackling internet predators are to firth has more. it's every parent's nightmare their child is being looted by someone they met on the internets this girl is pretending to be thirteen years old the man at the table is in his sixty's they've been conversing online for weeks. girlfriend it is you isn't it yes if i'm a little kid and you. went just because. you tell me i'm shy.
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the back of your neck may be ok but perhaps that might turn you on that later is actually an undercover journalist and it turns out the man works for a children's charity he's completely unaware that the meeting is being secretly filmed as part of the german t.v. show a cool tattoo internet and a thick spacing the danger is a sexual predator online in the very beginning we expected it expected to have been to have a very specific. person to be imagined you know what you would really usually magine as a sexual predator you know the guy with the glasses. but we've met people from all kinds of society those who praise the show say that the authorities should have been informed straight away especially as in this case the man worked with children and that the chaise designed for big ratings is the primary made savation the
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people who took the video clip took the clip in may and broadcast of it in october now and in between there was no information for any. investigate. officials for police and not for the employer or employer as well but the producers argue that the reason for having to keep the identity of the men they film secret is due to a major leak hole in the law. chatting on the internet with a child even about cirqus is almost never considered a crime has left very unclear what exactly constitutes a criminal action. shockingly under current law unless there is an actual physical assault there's not much that can be done and it's an international problem with many experts openly acknowledging that guidelines are in desperate need of
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clarification instead grooming is not a new thing nomination and as a number of children going online so there's a danger and the scariest part is that right now there's not much that the police can do to protect them it seems shaders how often within minutes of going into an online chat rain praising as a young girl sexual advances were made if we can succeed with the goal of really changing the law making the approach of minors online for cyber grooming. under. restriction. can avoid those people be tracing the surface r.t. . still ahead for you this hour america's disillusioned hispanic voters why the move actions have left the fastest growing minority group in the u.s. feeling betrayed by both parties also. russia is celebrating national unity day holiday with a start colludes but also allows people of different social and political opinions
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the share their ideas. that's coming up but first georgia plans to revamp its alan agricultural industry by inviting new farmers from south africa boars are a minority there and the georgian government believes they would find better opportunities far from home and bring investment and new ideas but local farmers fear the drastic measures will see them plowed off their own land going to go sky reports. three years of land but his family barely scrapes by the target logs and lives on potato soup all year round one of many farmers struggling to survive in georgia though he has plenty of land he cannot afford to grow anything on it. most the fuel for the tractor is too expensive the pension i get is forty five years dollars most of this goes towards my medications actually by that i hardly have anything left over. trish or tar has
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a heart condition but still works the land choosing straining his health over hunger his neighbor a mas is hardly any better off with so let me just what he said it would take it was american seeds a couple of years ago but they failed to thrive we hardly got any harvest and i know most of the people in my village just struggling with this about what the georgian government has introduced a policy it says will turn all this around it's encouraging huge numbers of south african farmers to come here bringing fresh ideas and expertise but the plans have been met with stiff opposition in the fields of agriculture and politics alike to go to. our government is conducting a policy of the trail of the. in country are farmers will be forced to abandon their lines because the kind of afford to farm it they don't produce enough to sustain themselves let alone anything to make a profit. the government appears to be plowing alone far on this issue but it's shrugged off all criticism and believes the scheme will revive an ailing industry
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or sarwari well known. culture. best farmers one of the best farmers in the wall visit teach months ago we showed them the opportunities what they would have if they would comment here there may be an influx of as many as forty thousand bores who'll be able to buy as much land as they want but that idea does not go over well with everyone georgian farmers say they feel they're being pushed out of their land by their own government and south african boers don't know what to expect from the land or people and efforts to resolve that will be easy given the distances between the two countries currently south african farmers knowledge about agriculture in their potential new home is sketchy at best they weed industry. that's supposed to be this type of food if i remember correctly they produce anything percent of the wheat they need but this seat is eight years old but i've never heard of
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a hybrid seeds selected the seeds the first south african farmers are expected to arrive next year and once that happens george and farmers who may lose the land that feeds them say their future looks bleak. georgia. you can always go to our web site or to dot com for plenty of other stories catching people's eyes right now online it's time to invest in so we have bangers once upgraded they can give many of today's super cars a run for their money slip into top gear and check them out. and happy birthday to the international space station many times home away from home is celebrating ten years of constant service outside the earth's atmosphere or on the ambitious engineering project at auntie dot com.
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people across russia are celebrating the day of national unity while the event has strong historic origins it's the modern day significance of the holiday which triggers a nationwide reaction artie's peter all over is following the celebrations. national unity gives people from different political social groups and the ability to post rallies the demonstrations around russia full with their ideas in a public forum well he remarks go we've seen people from all different a litany of organizations raging from people wanting to throw tells the eating too far right nationals the nationalist groups posting rallies some fifty thousand people we're told have been out in the streets of moscow in what's been a poor ingrate state it's been pouring with rain terrible weather but people have
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been taking to the streets the largest of those gatherings a rally by the pro kremlin you filled a nice ational national which doing around twenty thousand people at a parade along the riverbank here and said to most go so plenty of people get out and about putting forward their ideas in the cities that the holiday actually has its roots in sixteen twelve when the people of russia from all around the country came together to expel the polish in lithuania invade is that up by the country well during the time of the soviet period the beginning of the november holiday was used to commemorate the bolshevik revolution and in recent times we've seen this be called the holiday be named the day of national unity today because to celebrate the day we've seen it is not just people putting forward their own political and social ideas but also people bringing together the past of russia with the present we've seen the head of the russian orthodox church the patriarch he unveiled today and i call him the. saint nicholas that had previously been the last few decades
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after it was hidden away during the soviet union period now he's unveiled that not snow but in the place where it was before on the kremlin one of the kremlin towers we've also seen a very touching reunion between family members of those who fought on both sides of the russian civil war being united and meeting here and talking about what went on that beginning in the twentieth century so lots of vents taking place. peter over there following community day celebrations in russia. now russia's state duma its foreign affairs committee has recalled if this isn't ratify the new strategic arms reduction treaty with the u.s. that's in order to look into the twenty six amendments to the original version made by the american senate well the deal signed by president obama and medvedev in april but see both countries nuclear arsenal slashed by a third but the midterm elections have trimmed the democrats' majority in the senate meaning the deal could face stiffer opposition from republicans obama says
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he hopes the senate will still approve the deal by the end of the year and again live from the russian federation council says the current reset between the two countries will not be affected the full interview is coming up in our spotlight shelled later today but there's a. reset is not in danger we managed to create some substance for the reset but we are working hard on the providing military transit and civilian transit to afghanistan through the russian territory we are fighting together against drug trafficking in afghanistan so we are doing a lot and i think it will help democrats and those responsible republicans who are still present in the senate and in the house of representatives to move forward in the recess. well it won't only be the start treaty facing difficulties now the republicans have taken the house of representatives the democrats will have to be more susceptible on a number of fronts to move policies forward one of the top priorities is the
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country's controversial immigration law with the hispanic population steadily growing both parties have targeted latinos in their campaigning. sneaking across our border putting americans safety and jobs at risk according to campaign ads like these there's a war brewing in america illegal immigrants are the enemy and life as you know it is the target reacting to a growing anti immigration mood in the country republicans are stepping up their war on illegal immigration by stoking voters' fears but when the so-called enemy is also one of the fastest growing voting blocks in america politicians are trying to pander to latinos hoping their other voters aren't looking like a better republican sharron angle if we have been in her about face attempt to reach out to latinos or actually ended up offending them i don't know that all of your life. is a little more patient here in arizona senator john mccain had been known as an
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advocate for humane immigration reform but in the past year he has embraced the right wing attack on illegal immigration drug and human smuggling home invasion murder and complete the dang fence it will work this time senator if you want to pass. for many latinos it was simply another poignant example of politicians abandoning them democrats also use spanish language ads to target latino voters if you leanest i'm going to they were not a part of my belief an increase in deportations and a lack of progress on immigration reform as many questioning the motives of democrats as well but the hypocrisy of us politicians saying one thing but doing another is it lost on wrong go to is a community. the organizer although we might have been for two thousand and eight with the promises of hope and change i think that people have seen in reality the conditions of actually worsen are people feeling abandoned and demonized by the
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politicians they elected latinos are growing disillusioned about politics in general here we have what we call a two party dictatorship it's an addict or dictatorship there really it's a two headed beast that represents the same elitist group latino voters are growing in numbers and whether politicians like it or not they'll soon be forced to get the message or they're going to care or going to have to care because we represent for example specifically in california almost twenty one percent of the electorate it is this hypocrisy by the politicians that is both a source of frustration for latino voters and inspiration to rise up and stand up against the forces that have oppressed them after all revolution and social mobilization is in the blood of this growing population of americans in los angeles . r.t. . it's gone sixteen minutes past the hour let's have a look at some other stories dominating world news the australian airline quantas has grounded all of its air bus a three eighty super jumbos after one of them was
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forced to make an emergency landing the plane touched down safely in singapore after an engine failure shortly after takeoff reported hearing a blast but the company denies there was any explosion parts of the engine were found to be the way it was carrying four hundred fifty people and no one was injured. there's more bad news for haiti as tropical storm tomas heads towards the island the country's been struggling to stem an outbreak of cholera but the worsening weather could complicate complicate matters the storm may trigger floods that could spread the epidemic which has already claimed over four hundred lives over a million people remain in camps and emergency shelter following january's devastating earthquake which left much of the island in ruins. next up they are too close a team is off on its travels this time to the tomsk region situated in western siberia well it's a place renowned as a destination for exiles dating back to czarist days as are sillier reports on how
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the past still affects its present. there's a saying every time slogan knows god created paradise while the devil created no room. nearing is located in the southern part of the tomsk region difficult to get to and right smack in the middle of a swamp cut off from the rest of the world it's a place renowned as a destination for exiles dating back to the song research team in the early nineteenth century the population grew rapidly because of exiles to the point that every fifth the residents of tomsk and its surrounding areas was in exile. the last batch will form a wealthy peasant they were cooled off position ists but in fact these people were just hard working families among those peasants was nicholai gook during stalin's
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time forced collective farming was introduced many landowning families lost their properties and were deported to siberia his family was sent here in one nine hundred thirty one he was just four years old. or in the work of years we were transported by horse drawn carriage then by railway then locked on a boat down the river at the destination there was nothing except burnt out forest we had to build barks of wood and earth to live in when it got cold we made window panes of ice labs we had no food only dry bread you can work it was very difficult . well nikolai's plight was because of stalin the former soviet leader himself was banished to the rim in one thousand nine hundred twelve stalin was exiled for the sixth time and sentenced to four years in siberia he lived in this house but after only thirty nine days gaped the owners of this housing annex
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a family were already exiles who were sent to this region and it is in this state and it was here in this bed that stalin had actually slept. staal was it a riot he lives on in tomsk preserved in this investigative prison museum until the one nine hundred forty s. this is a story building houses the tomsk pretrial detention center and was also headquarters of the people's commissariat for internal affairs or n.k.v.d. . here people charged with counter-revolutionary activities were kept in detention interrogated sentenced to death and there is evidence that executions were also performed here. you know or i like saying is that ankle was sentenced to ten years of hard labor in one of stalin's gulags and five years in exile. i was tried for treason against the motherland i told him it wasn't against the motherland it was against the government in the cases and charges they made up from
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were horrific. well this right here is one of the prison cells and some of the. crowd about fifteen to twenty people in this room. for a decision on their feet but despite the tragedies in tom success story good things did come out of them. many political exiles who were well educated people who contributed a lot to developing education culture and economy in siberia december set up schools for local children exiled polish rebels develop sausage production businesses here coffee and barber shops. for tomsk citizens the past and the future are inseparable men like alexei look ahead. i still feel the pain but i just have to carry on with life i'm eighty six and i'd like to live till i'm ninety and see what happens next said morey who. while young people look back eager to learn lessons from the past. r t reporting from the tomsk region
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that doesn't for us here at the news desk and we will be here with business after a sure thing. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in indonesia she's available in hotels coming dolly resort and spa. resort and spa only. remote have been turned bone. resulting spawn sunday of beach otoh the western resort you said do come from ed bonnie so she tells him in the. resort and spa the ritz carlton hotel grounds many as you call it a hotel full seasons hotel the sultan hotel.
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hello time to get the latest from the world of business aims to become one of the top ten high tech countries by twenty fifteen how the head of also not a corporation explains. let me give an example. of non silicon electronics electronics which is produced not from silicon with all speede of all of the silicon valley and that's something which is very interesting. there is the new generation of electronics which may be produced from not silicon from plastic. and that is something which of the unique possibility and we pick the best partner to the company a place to project and this company will become our partner in building conversion a new factory which will produce the the cutting edge computer made from plastic actually made from the same materials which of the year the beer bottle made from
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and the potential of the cost reduction in this sector of electronic industry is. at the start of. existence you talked about a three billion euro hundred ninety billion rouble a year industry at least you said can we now start to raise that estimate we will be successes at the start and currently you would do have the final target the final key which is the thirty billion euro none of their production in russia thirty be done on your toes so to be don't deal with different than one hundred billion rubles and what did we achieve by now from the moment you just mentioned i know we already have more than ninety projects in total investment in this project which will be made by osama is more than forbidden door and what is it's especially important is that we was able to attract some six billion dollars of private pool
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investment together in a line with before we don't of course none of us but that's something which proves that we are not just spending money financing because partner will spend their own money and even with a big of reports. and then when will russia produce a startup as famous as google or instead it takes minimal three five seven or ten years to develop a company from the guy like hewlett packard or microsoft or the world famous business i believe that we are already a lot on the garish stage but we're not yet on the stage of facebook and google you said forty million russians think you are a thief why do they think that and does it upset you. well that's that's a long story i believe that much more than you just mentioned and the reason is very simple if we come back to the privatization history of the reason is that. privatization was russia in the russia wasn't fair it wasn't fair. but it was
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something which was needed for the country and if able unfortunately common the situation when they have to do it again i will do. russia's ministry of finance has effectively banned the national reserve fund from buying the bonds of irish or spanish governments investors are steering clear of the forms of both countries which bailed out their troubled banking sectors on thursday on deals jumped to their highest in the euro zone's history buffs seven point four percent. the federal reserve is to pump six hundred billion dollars into the u.s. spot of a fresh stimulus package to boost the country's economy there's months to seventy five billion dollars a month in a second round of quantitative easing the u.s. central bank will push as long term u.s. bonds by printing billions of dollars critics say a liquidity inflow will lead to inflation something the fed denies saying private
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stimulus measures of more than a trillion dollars didn't have this effect the world's largest economy grew at an aerial rate of two percent until september but this wasn't enough to significantly cut high unemployment the interest rate has been left at a historic low close to zero. the world bank has cut its forecast of russia's g.d.p. growth for the next three years the bank some let's say russia has achieved a modest recovery but there are fears of a further slowdown my colleague charlotte last fall i asked the world bank's chief economist for russia's border to about the key drivers for the country's economy. i think what is actually happening in the past few months is that investment has been back and much of the growth was actually led more by investments and the kind of a cyclical rebound of restocking of inventories but that's going to cyclical part i think the good news is that we also see consumption gathering steam and this
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reflects basically fundamental factors driving consumption searches the fact that. real incomes are growing again after the crisis and employment is lower than in then feared certainly and then in many other western countries and remember russian consumer is not particularly indebted compared to many western countries so there is a lot more credit rating that can be taken on by the russian consumer i think that all these factors are going to continue. providing the winter the sale of the russian consumption and growth in the next six to twelve months so we expect the growth this year to be about four point two percent and then solidified next year to about four and a half percent largely driven by gains in consumption. that's how the markets are faring so we've got stocks shopping higher thursday despite a bigger than expected rise and jobless claims as investors reacted positively to the federal reserve's latest efforts to prop up the sagging economy.


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