tv [untitled] November 5, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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responsive it will cost a small one hundred dollars in iraq into iran over four hundred living conditions in northern iraq. by smuggling to neighboring iran where. he follows the dangerous trade. one of the oldest. one of the most promising innovation. around the world around the clock. live from. well russia says the suspects arrested in georgia have nothing to do with the national secret service it comes as georgia's interior ministry has confirmed that thirteen people were detained last
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month accused of spying for moscow. reports from tbilisi. they basically gathered a holes or a journalist to announce that they have arrested thirteen people four of them are russian nationals the rest of them are georgian air force officers there are also some members of n.g.o.s and businessmen news broke about this a week ago but the ministry of interior has decided to keep mum about the details probably trying to maybe make it sound little bit more important than it actually is in fact most georgian officials have not said anything on the matter claiming of the fact that this case is top secret russia is outraged you could say because there are some who are saying that this is happening right only of the russian nato summit so of course georgia has been trying to get into nato for the longest time and of course they're trying to play and most likely others are saying that this is a probation and a farce designed to exacerbate tensions between russia and georgia
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and the relationship that is already a way to tens of course we have to remind our viewers that this is not the first time that aspires scandal broke out between georgia and russia back in two thousand and six four russian officers were detained and also accused of spying for russia as for postures as actually sounds they were released later on but that actually led to the dollar fall in relationship between the e.c. and mosco and that relationship has been going downhill there was also the south the city in georgian war off two thousand and eight in which russia of course supported south the city and afterwards diplomatic ties between moscow and for the sea were broken georgia's opposition leaders are saying that this also could be a way to try and put pressure on them because at the in the middle of the there were some opposition rallies scheduled to be held and of course that may be a way that georgian government is trying to tell the georgian opposition be quiet
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or else you will also be accused of espionage because this actually happens to be a rather frequent case in georgia as of late. i think the really good reporting more political analyst things the georgian president may be trying to provoke an angry response from russia but could turn political balance in his favor. if you'll put yourself in the shoes of saakashvili he is really in a very difficult situation he cannot attack south or sit and applies there for the second because that will be a political suicide and he cannot afford to political pressure diplomatic pressure on russia because he was so bad it just created. internationally so the only way for him is to organize all kinds of p.r. stunts to try to attract attention to the problem to shoulder georgians the keys at least doing something so we've seen all we've seen all of these p.r. stunts in the last few months born out of the mourning meant for the second of all
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the war arrest in a turkish capital for fourteen years where god wanted us now thirteen people arrested in all beaks spy case all bristly he expects a russia at some moment to call spacious and to do something dramatic increase military presence in up high as yourself to see here you know a little something that would make russia will quote an aggressor. in the us. media. business. is the abundance of great universities like. people. with. lawyers in the u.k.
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seeking a public inquiry into allegations by a group of iraqi civilians that they suffered abuse by british soldiers over one hundred forty iraqis claimed they were subjected to torture. degrading treatment. took place in british controlled detention. between two thousand and three and two thousand and eight the u.k. ministry. investigating. public inquiry. to such similar cases involving the alleged torture. widespread. there's no doubt that this is systemic within the interrogation. policy because we have those documents from the bar most inquiry so we know for example that there was
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a policy of getting them naked get them a kid keep them naked if they don't cooperate the way in which there was still be searched the harshing we have video. the training video of this on the bomb mission quite a web site these are clearly systemic issues and it's absolute nonsense to suggest this is a few bad apples that's the interrogation policy and needs to be exposed and we need to ensure that we never go into theater again with with an interrogation policy which is blatantly unlawful poverty and the lack of opportunities in iraq forces many to make a living illegally often putting their lives at risk many survived by smuggling alcohol into iran where drinking is officially banned r.t. follows the booze trail when our special report. in northern iraq kurdish smugglers load their horses with hundreds of boxes of booze they're taking into
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a brain although alcohol is forbidden in the islamic republic much of tehran's boars wasn't can't resist a drink and these smugglers provide them with an extraordinary selection we hear in a smuggler storm in a mountainous area of northern iraq that borders around we have absolute fuck you here teachers fifty here mr chavez risky black and white whiskey back here we have johnny walker black label we have johnny walker red label over here and we even have over four different kinds of smear now flocka this box of luck will cost a smuggler one hundred five dollars in iraq he will sell it in tehran for over four hundred although the profits appear amends to men who actually take the dangerous journey are paid a mere fifty dollars a night this is not work for those looking to make a fortune he does work for the poor uneducated and desperate. i do this because i'm a literate are you doing your thing you know so this is the only job i can do out
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of the rain is brutal in its approach to keep alcohol out a smuggler recently arrested and was sentenced to life others who have been wounded in police ambushes have been fined up to half a million dollars and then charge the price of the bullets that were shot at them with a mind of a step down. we cross the border and there are explosions shootings arrests or fights terrible nothing we can do because we have who are. not only is the job dangerous but the living conditions are bleak on the iraqi side of the small river that makes the border so it's a series of shanty towns full of tattered shacks to serve a small shelters for the smugglers as well as stables for the horses the place is filthy and stinks of horse dung then man it is this isn't a lion there's no food or drink it's given the cold in the wet now and it will lead you down. on the other side said hundreds of a rainy. border police. in their pursuit to
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keep the smugglers out of their country a few days before we arrived they mounted an ambush on one of the smugglers. and shot everyone. on the riverbank as a warning to the smugglers. and then take off towards the border. on the iranian side is uncertain. is tomorrow the same dangerous job awaits those who are desperate enough to do it sebastian meyer. on the iran iraq border. you can always find. in the world. science fiction.
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declassified documents show that in the one nine hundred eighty s. the state department was doing exactly that known as white propaganda editorials and stories were planted and pushed in major u.s. media outlets the washington post c.b.s. usa today the new york times and more. and sharing favorable coverage of the controversial contra war in central america the office of public diplomacy had a very innocuous sounding name but in fact it was a sinister covert office running illegal propaganda operations hello my name is art all right meet the man at the forefront of this effort cuban american cold warrior and former head of the office of public diplomacy for latin america has the reputation of a tough operator that's why you are telling a lie employing special psychological operations experts to craft messages for the american public putting people secretly on the u.s.
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payroll reporters writers and having them then pretend to be independent and writing op ed pieces and nobody would know that this was a u.s. government financed and directed opinion but from these declassified documents we know that auto reich was behind these similar tactics were used by the bush administration and the lead up to the iraq war the iraq war is a textbook case of how a government or a couple within a government uses propaganda planting stories in the u.s. media to convert public opinion favorably toward a war within a matter of days on september eighth the new york times michael gordon judith miller published a front page long story you know which they talked about how u.s. intelligence officials had. i found out that saddam hussein had purchased aluminum tubes which they believed could only be used for nuclear weapons
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what they did not say of course was that that was a minority view within the intelligence community the drums of war beat faster the u.s. invaded in march two thousand and three in two thousand and nine immediately after the president of honduras was overthrown in a military coup are right resurface in the mainstream media quoted by columnists interviewed by pundits. well what i want to know about stuff like this there's nobody else better to call than the guy you're about to meet right here you could better explain what is happening and herbs and just about everybody else otto reich is what i'm talking about you know there since he was in charge of what he was doing back in the eighty's and he's been around like like a ghost and you see him. personally writing op eds for important newspapers in the u.s. and you see him working behind the scenes for mongers in honduras and what you what you have to wonder is who's paying him to do so why propaganda has proven effective
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in garnering support for america's more contentious foreign policy the office of public diplomacy it became the sacrificial lamb of the iran contra scandal follow your congressional investigation otto reich moved on unscathed first to become ambassador to venezuela assistant secretary of state he remains an influential consultant here in washington frequently quoted in the media and regularly called to testify here on capitol hill as an expert witness for our t. washington d.c. . well norman solomon american media critic and founder of the institute for public accuracy so those propaganda and policy driven media coverage have become particularly rigorous and democratic societies like america. in a dictatorship often it doesn't matter what people think and so propaganda is often less rigorous in a society with important elements of democracy it's all the more important to try to affect public opinion this is a characteristic of governments around the world there's
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a lot of spinning out of the governments and those who are aligned with it through the news media the propaganda game it's all the more important when it's a powerful country perhaps most important for the world when it happens in the united states lot of the coverage in media and the attention on capitol hill is policy driven out of the white house in the state department so journalists often columnists often members of congress take their cue explicitly or not even for what's even worth talking about from the state department certainly it's not only government it's in coalition tacit or otherwise with think tanks with pundits with others who have big money interests certainly with lobbyist planting stories mass media outlets themselves who have a proclivity to target certain regimes around the world say they're bad we're good we might have to confront them even militarily. you all with thank you for joining us today now let's check out some other stories making headlines around the world this hour a suicide bomber struck a mosque in northwest pakistan killing fifty people and leaving around eighty
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injured officials say the target may have been a member of pakistan's senate who had encouraged people to oppose the taliban targeted procession took place in an area where the taliban has recently gained ground. more than sixty people being killed in the latest eruption of indonesia as a volatile mount merapi it takes the death toll to over one hundred twenty since the volcano became active again last week after lying dormant for four years residents are being treated for burns and respiratory problems seventy five thousand people have been evacuated from central java while people with ash covered faces have been seeking a means of any escape. for a while now up next it's a close up series as we continue to explore the many diverse parts of russia.
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this week we travel to the tomsk region the city of tomsk one of the oldest towns in western siberia which was officially open to foreigners only in one nine hundred ninety s. become one of russia's major hubs and fastest developing innovation based centers. has been finding out what makes to tick. well we are here in tongs in southwestern siberia now this is a very important region for oil exploration and production companies and some of the major industries here are machine building metalworking and timber but over the years this region has also diversified their industries and they have become known as a town of science and an important economic center here in siberia and it's also a subject for nuclear research and production however today investment is flowing into new relatively new and growing industries and that includes technological innovation scientific research and development as well as the start up companies well tom is continuing to carve
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a name for itself in technological and scientific innovation now in this report we'll look at some of the people behind this effort as well as the business ventures that have come out of this region. it's one of the oldest towns in siberia but it was only officially opened to foreigners in one thousand nine hundred ninety today wooden houses hundreds of years old still lined the streets and there contrasts it by the youthful enthusiasm of students who flock to tomsk the home of siberia's first university. is a graduate of the thomas cloyd technic university he's only twenty four but he's already working on a ph d. and is running his own welding company with twenty six branches all over the country because. i started doing this three and a half years ago while still in underground we sampled our first models in a small garage then we want to few contests and received grants which allowed me to launch the company. but in the world of business
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a great idea needs money to get off the ground. and that's where venture capitalists like nikolai but dual income in. my business model is if not me then who are the few different ways i could invest and i found something that i thought was best investing innovations creating new products new technologies. one of the many businesses but truly an invested in is this water purifying technology it's still in the testing stage but he believes in its potential but dylan has another project up his sleeve a new technology that may be able to advance the battle against cancer. in two thousand days we started testing the drug silver all on twenty eight cows eighteen later tested healthy scientists still need to study this drug but i personally have not seen anything better for treating leukemia this was so one of the main advantages of having a baby so when tom says the abundance of great universities like the main street
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here in the city center and one in i will six people is pursuing some form of education. we were told that in this town it's cool to be an intellectual well one intellectual locals aren't cool with this russian playwright and don chekov who once wrote to his sister saying tomsk is a very dull town to judge from the drunkards whose acquaintances i have made and from the intellectual people come to the hotel to pay their respects to me the inhabitants are very to. chuckle of sun favorable comments earned him in this marking statue and amusing reminder that the people of tom's don't take kindly to such remarks even from an intellectual. guesser cilia r.t. reporting from the tomsk region. and interest a few moments with the latest business news. hungry for the full stop we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in
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moscow well she's available in hotels course them but i do know a little is a military term keep a promise it is congress hotel east west never told center nobody. bought. bredesen s.a.'s sloviansk i insulter historical hotels of escape culture in the city so it's in the sky calls me. as a good i've been told the strength for this to tropicana hotel. alone the very welcome to the business program here on r t with me here live back about china's central banks us the latest burst of money printing from the us could endanger the global economy it's us the fat stimulus highlights the need to reform
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the international monetary architecture trying to size special drawing rights developed by the international monetary funds could be used as a global reserve currency that is something emerging economies have been proposing via the g twenty ever since the global crisis erupted moved into he has a go on the central. as do horace would offset a speculated bubble created by the hewitt's liquidity injections. on stocks rather than off to the facts new round of still lows but the us dollar fell to its lowest level in the year some say the u.s. has cautiously aiming at inflation devaluation and hoping to export its problems to the world. decision to increase quantitative easing by six hundred billion dollars is a complete disaster i mean we're not in a situation where the total is going to be something like eight hundred fifty to nine hundred billion dollars by the end of next year and that's going to be approximately one hundred ten billion per month which effectively means that really
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what we're seeing is a sort of a repurchase agreement of the american deficit if you look at the economics actually manufacturing was rebounding in october according to american statistics true there hasn't been a particularly exciting number of private sector hiring but the truth is that actually the job picture was improving ever so slightly within the private sector which is the engine of the american economy the american government is certainly not the retail sales have been remarkably strong over the course of time therefore it's quite bizarre because what we're risking is an economic and market distortions the dollar is being pushed through the floor and that's really the sort of a polling beggars our neighbor kind of approach which isn't going to help the american economy because it's simply making imported foodstuffs more and more expensive and creating inflation for the average working mom while at the same time it's basically leaving places like the eurozone with a further problem because it's increasing the value of the currency and making
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those economies less competitive. a quick look at the markets now you don't so that's and plus to fall into softer into a proportionate to the cave investors another reason to be hopeful about the economy and european stock markets on high as they often market rather than reaction to another round of quantitative easing by the u.s. federal reserve this is again on world bank of scotland and nathan left that shows up around the center. of news and brings not a russian invest in facebook an internet holding mail dot are you forty one percent in london after raising nine hundred twelve million dollars and this is his biggest i.p.o. since july of stocks climbed from eleven point. two thirty nine dollars in london trading today at that price well daughter here earns the best first day performance among london stocks or at least to hear. the skies are open once again across moscow russian pilots no longer need to stick permission to fly in the city but
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while certain regulations for light weight craft have been canceled some obstacles remain as i do it of explains. the skies over russia open to small of me sion as of this week light aircraft flying below three thousand meters no longer have to sit permission for their route twenty four hours ahead rather than giving permission authority is now required pilots to notify them of their flight plans small of nation existence is far from florida and while the new rules are welcome once will doesn't make a summer as the saying goes on an international regulations regional regulations are still an obstacle to open skies it's rather small but important development for russia's air industry well it's a little small aviation can become a good base for pilot training because now we face a serious deficit of pilots small aviation can also keep alive the whole range of regional airports all over russia in the future form the basis of commercial
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transportation. unlike europe in united states flights over big cities are banned and regional flights have to navigate a mountain of people who are it requires commercial and political will to develop the segment legislation might ease their way through but it wouldn't change dramatically if saw a market driven. and in our case or in case of the aviation market development in russia it's about the mentality change flying around russia even in small planes is still a lot to read and every day reality with the rush is vast here too is it crucial to develop your transfer. at all levels you go in is starting small but the potential benefits are huge. zinaida many doing business are cheap. that's it for now but you can always find most or is on our website our dot com slash
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