tv [untitled] November 5, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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discover the treasures of russia with interest see its most valued and amazing gyms . moscow parts of russia palaces and romantic channels of st petersburg golden jones and sacred spires the fairy tale of the russian winter every moment of your trip will bring good visitors to russia for over eighty years interest will ensure your visit to russia is what you will never forget. russia says thirteen people arrested in georgia had never spied for moscow and calls to police these allegations a political arse and a provocation. responsive laws will cost the smuggler
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a hundred and five dollars in iraq he will sell into iran over four hundred leave living conditions in northern iraq force locals to risk their freedom and lives by smuggling alcohol to neighboring iran where abuse is bad art he follows the dangerous trade route. plus artes close up series takes you to one of the oldest houses in siberia which has now become one of the most promising innovation hubs in russia. good to be with you here on r t where it's midnight in moscow our top story russia says the alleged spies arrested in georgia have nothing to do with national special services this comes as a georgia's interior ministry confirms that thirteen people were detained last month accused of being undercover agents for moscow the loucheux has more from
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tbilisi. this story has all the makings of a spine movie and not a quality wanted that let's get the facts out first thirteen people four of them russian nationals arrested by the georgian ministry of interior if there is for allegedly spying for russia now and no evidence has been presented at least publicly they do say that apparently they have concrete evidence and that evidence has been gathered by none other than a mall which also allegedly has been implanted into russia's directorate of military intelligence by georgians this statement was made a week after every foreign media source broke the story the reaction has been coming from russia's ministry of foreign affairs almost immediately they have called it a provocation in part and they have said that this is just another attempt on tbilisi's be have to exist or bait the already existing tensions between moscow and tbilisi reaction has also been coming from russian state duma particularly from the
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head of the foreign affairs committee consenting to such a. georgian president mikheil saakashvili as at least two passions one relations with russia as much as possible and present russia as an enemy of georgia the second is to destroy as many people are away i mean the tragedy in south the city jail as many people as possible. people have been arrested who have nothing to do special services or do nothing against georgia but who once again will be declared the enemies of the georgian people this is happening first of all only eve of a very important summit of a lisbon summit where russia and nato are supposed to come together and discuss some very important issues and of course georgia has been trying to get into nato for the last several years also they have to remember that november is almost traditionally a month for the georgian opposition to start yet another round of attempts. to
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overthrow the georgian government in particular president saakashvili and they did already say that they did plan some massive many stations later this month now there was this very similar spy scandal back in two thousand and six when former russian officers were arrested for spying for russia they were released afterwards but relations between moscow and police when downwards from there of course there was also this georgian south states in the war of two thousand and eight in which moscow supported the said shia and afterwards diplomatic relations between russia and georgia world all together dissolved and the communication has come basically to nothing abut throwing verbal punches at each other and at this point it seems like president really does not want to stop continuing this a war of words and sometimes questionable actions what it all analysts dmitri babich says the georgian president may be trying to provoke an angry response from
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russia that could turn a political balance in his favor. if you'll put yourself in the shoes of saakashvili he is really in a very difficult situation he cannot at tax office sit and applies there for the second time because that will be a political suicide and he cannot afford to political pressure diplomatic pressure on russia because he was so bad it just created internationally so the only way for him is to organize all kinds of p.r. stunts to try to attract attention to the problem to shoulder georgians that he's at least doing something so we see the little we've seen all of these p.r. stunts in the last few months bull in the morning meant for the second world war i rest in a turkish kept on for fourteen years like this now thirteen people arrested in all beaks spy case all busy he expects a russia at some moment dual spacious and to do something dramatic increase military presence in our parts yourself to say to you know do something that would
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make russia look like an aggressor stay with us here on r t coming your way later this hour the businessman says one of the main advantages of having a base there when tom says the abundance of great minds universities lined the main street here in the city center and the one that was six people is pursuing some point of vegetation to discover what else there is venture capitalism scientist the siberian town of toms artie's close up team travels there in a few minutes. but first the war has left many iraqis dusty to with some estimates suggesting that a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line that forces many to make a living illegally smuggling alcohol into iran where drinking is officially banned already follows the booze trail in our special report. in northern iraq kurdish smugglers load their horses with hundreds of boxes of booze they're taking into a brain although alcohol is forbidden in the islamic republic much of tehran's bourgeoisie can't resist
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a drink and these smugglers provide them with an extraordinary selection we hear in a smuggler storm in a mountainous area of northern iraq that borders around we have absolute fuck you here teachers you ski here mr chavez whiskey black and white whiskey back here we have johnny walker black label we have johnny walker red label over here and we even have over four different kinds of smear not flocka this box of rock will cost a smuggler one hundred five dollars in iraq he will sell it in tehran for over four hundred although the profits appear immense to many who actually take the dangerous journey are paid a mere fifty dollars a night this is not work for those looking to make a fortune he does work for the poor uneducated and desperate. i do this because i'm a literate i don't know how to do anything i was so this is the only job i can do out of the rain is brutal in its approach to keep alcohol out a smuggler recently arrested and was sentenced to life others who have been wounded
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in police ambushes have been fined up to half a million dollars and then charge the price of the bullets that were shot at them with a mind they stepped on. we crossed the border and there are explosions shootings arrests or fights it's terrible nothing we can do because we have who are. not only is the job dangerous but the living conditions are bleak on the iraqi side of the small river that makes the border so it's a series of shanty towns full of tattered shacks they serve a small shelters for the smugglers as well as stables for the horses the place is filthy and stinks of horse dung then man it is this isn't a lion there's no food or drink it's getting cold in the wet now and it will lead you down. on the other side said hundreds of a rainy. border police summon concrete towers and canvas tents put all in their pursuit to keep the smugglers out of their country a few days before we arrived mounted an ambush on one of the smugglers. came from
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the other side into three of my muse back across the border and showed everyone. the remains left the corpses rotting on the riverbank as a warning to the smugglers nine a phone call comes in is clear the smugglers quickly finish packing their horses and then take off towards the border what awaits them on the iranian side is uncertain what is certain though is tomorrow the same dangerous job awaits those who are desperate enough to do it sebastian maya party on the iran iraq border remember you can always find more news videos and blogs at our website r.t. dot com here's a look at what's online right now. in the world said to become a film set and not just for science fiction i doubt the details. plus kids and grownups alight flocking to a gamers paradise and experiencing the latest three d. video games in moscow you can get a taste editorial with our team dot com. us
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stood before the u.n. human rights council for the first time this friday at the forum the country faced harsh criticism for human rights violations ranging from racial discrimination at home to cases of torture at jails abroad. from the american civil liberties union tells r.t. that the form should lead to justice. we feel that high level officials should be held accountable to engage in torture the administration to its credit has said that they passed an executive order prohibiting torture but i think that they should definitely be held accountable we know that in reality torture is still happening we are we have people living in conditions and horrific conditions of confinement both in the united states and abroad and i think those those issues
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need to be addressed we think that what was really positive about this review today is that they were concrete recommendations i mean you had countries asking when is the united states going to issue a moratorium on the death penalty they had asking very specific questions these countries raised legitimate concerns about the use of aggressive immigration enforcement tactics both at the federal level and at the state level and that implications that it has for our community and the fact that it has invited racial profiling and has impacted people many u.s. citizens of latino descent in a disproportionate manner. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe a suicide bomber from a mosque in northwest pakistan killing sixty seven and injuring around eighty officials say the target may have been a member of pakistan's senate who had encouraged people to oppose the taliban targeted prayer session happened in an area where the taliban has recently gained
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ground in a separate attack three were killed after hand grenades were thrown into another mosque near the city of peshawar. more than sixty have been killed in the latest eruption of indonesia's volatile mount merapi this brings the death toll to more than one hundred twenty since the volcano became active again last week after lying dormant for four years residents are being treated for burns and respiratory problems seventy five thousand people had to be evacuated from central java while people with covered faces have been seeking a means of escape. the earthquake stricken haiti is really need again as hurricane tomas batters the caribbean country at least three people have died and a large refugee camp destroyed as winds reached up to one hundred thirty five kilometers an hour there were fears that the storms will worsen a cholera epidemic have urged people in tent cities to flee but they have nowhere to go to tent homes arose after january's quake destroyed the capital port au prince. the lift off of the space shuttle discovery has been postponed for the
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fourth time in a week because of a leak discovered during fueling this is the third delay because of technical problems with one due to stormy weather a launch is now scheduled for november thirtieth as it will take some time to repair the problem there will be discovery's last flight to the international space station as nasa plans to ground the shuttle program next. next artie's closeup series as we continue exploring the diverse parts of russia. this week we're touring the tom screening which is in western siberia artie's tests are selling has been exploring the city of tomsk known as one of russia's major hubs and fastest developing scientific and innovation based centers it's one of the oldest towns in siberia but it was only officially open to foreigners in one thousand nine hundred ninety today wooden houses hundreds of years old still lined
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the streets and there contrasts it by the youthful enthusiasm of students who flock to toms the home of siberia's first university. gordon is a graduate of the thomas cloyd technic university he's only twenty four but he's already working on a ph d. and is running his own welding company with twenty six branches all over the country look at the thought that. i started doing this three and a half years ago while still in underground when we assembled our first models in a small garage then we want a few contests and received grants which allowed me to launch the company. because with them but in the world of business a great idea needs money to get off the ground. and that's where venture capitalists like nikolai but dual income in. my business model is if not me then who of the different ways i could invest and i found something i thought was best investing innovations creating new products new technologies. one of the many
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businesses but to invest it in is this water purifying technology it's still in the testing stage but he believes in its potential but dylan has another project up his sleeve a new technology that may be able to advance the battle against cancer. in two thousand days we started testing the drug silver all on twenty eight carriers eighteen laser tested healthy scientists still need to study this drug but i personally have not seen anything better for treating leukemia this was a one of the main advantages of having a baby so when tom says the abundance of great minds universities live the main street here in the city center and one and i was six people is pursuing some form of education. we were told that in this town it's cool to be an intellectual well one intellectual locals aren't cool with this russian playwright and don check of who once wrote to his sister saying tomsk is a very dull town to judge from the drunkards whose acquaintances i have made and
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from the intellectual people who come to the hotel to pay their respects to me the inhabitants are very. chuck of son favorable comments earned him this marking statue and amusing reminder that the people of tomsk don't take kindly to such remarks even from an intellectual guess are cilia r.t.e. reporting from the tomsk region. next host martin and his explores everything about russian breading quoting bread art and takes a look at the famous news drink called stay with us.
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. ladies with just a few thousands of years he says culture you see been the foundation of making. music here showcase the district of bread making it in russia untrue so the person is a fish and to use an example of a different person this righties you can see the implicit well bred plays and still plays in every day life so mr campbell your bread has its roots deep in the history of mankind and nowadays tea not a single russian table can be imagined without to buy a fresh sweet scented bread only snow and dozens of recipes now. but no matter what the flavor of bread is still an important part of any dinner. bread represented life itself during the season any ground. for the nine hundred days of the blockade locals russians was known as one hundred twenty five grams of bread. over one million people died of starvation stress and exposure
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but for the fortunate people who survived the small amounts of bread was literally the life time. a thousand years ago grains were crucial to the diet of the slavs rye was the dominant grain in the northern parts where it's tolerance to poor soil short growing season. which is more widely growing in the southern parts of ukraine. it was all about surviving the long harsh winter his bread was the key as a staple food source to millions and it still is today. and proving to this week's entertainment news famous italian grand have come up with a special project celebrate one of the favorite movies twenty fifth anniversary in fashion collection of t. shirts with prince by the best international photographers a featuring the only combo he sold in the bt acceptable fashion capitals and at the
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ingredients creating a number. if you want freshly baked bread or any time. a bread maker of these machines. and easy to use. several locations he just makes the pounds and hey presto you. know welcome back to tell me how did you end up working. couple of times on consultation jobs. when i had the call from one of us. and i came back. i'm so lucky because the menu i have here is really international as you can see. you've been here for a few years now. i mean i've been here five you really do see the difference.
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when i first arrived. plastics. old dog heavy rye bread which is very much the staple of the russian cuisine. mazing you. can't share and baghdad with cheese all. different flavors fantastic. because it's a tasty. development. so the rye bread is here. absolutely because i know that most of my family in the before wouldn't even know what this is . that it has at least seventeen difference. and traditionally it has. caraway c m final and the other variants it has
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around to see that but you can at the very least amount it doesn't. it's about seventeen flavors and in the olden days and st petersburg they lived with her and hope it is. nothing out but as molasses. brings it has also been about power and status and. also for example. russians get married the first bytes from the new bride will symbolizing the future wealth home so this means that you're very wealthy that. normal everything you have this food is calling to me it's a great life. and we've arrived i'll find a location the trunk of a drink spiked drink and founded in one thousand nine hundred seventy eight's the plant is well known for the class that they produce here known as the bread drink
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in my home country that you're making it here in russia for centuries. past has been a russian staple of refreshment for centuries if you're by generations of russians across the country. describes how russians believe they need to be living in russia and the great. drink in every close of society. is officially here they have a small museum and an area where you can taste different varieties. sounds good to me made from black regular rye bread the color of the bread to use contributes to the color of the resulting drink and the alcohol content from the fermentation is typically around one percent. for centuries green extremely popular and russian army times mass manufacturing you have to drink to supply the whole country began but then don't converse has become popular and nowadays when talking about goodness
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we think of the don't go on first but only a century ago. drink was made it was called white christmas and it was on the bill to. coca-cola the shia even started selling class in new york in hopes of winning over the american pallets to the motley fool mentioned russian drink with a particular crisp molds taste. the splendid mighty russian dress. and since you say symbol of life itself but the use for a drink simply tastes the students the subject of bread in russia is rooted in the country's social history and i'm sure it will continue today two decades to come. i want to express in the rye bread great you really should arrive in the first important. role oh larry life in
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a rush of course really that's all the time we have and i think higher ground i'll see you again in the same five next week so that for me on the record i think i'll buy. down the official. i pod touch. from the choose our story. jaunty life on the go. video on demand atienza live broadcasts and says feed now in the palm of your. question on the dot com.
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