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tv   [untitled]    November 5, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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in hopes of winning over the american pallets to the motley fool mentioned russian drink with a particular crispy molds taste. the splendid mighty russian french. and sushi he says it's a symbol of life itself but the use for a drink simple data system it's the subject of dread in russia is rooted in to countries social history and i'm sure it will continue today to decades to come. to lift it when the express in the rye bread or the drink that you really should drive in the most important of all it's wrong and oh larry life in a rush the force of the doubtful that we have they speak for about i'll see you again and the same time next week tell them from me and read the thing. about.
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hi again this is all see
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a quick check of the headlines. also calls the latest spy scandal in georgia a political follows the same thirteen people accused of secretly working for russia an innocent victims i was stunned by president saakashvili attention seeking before a nato summit. and fourteen iraq forces locals to turn to smuggling out the hole into neighboring iran risking death across the border in a country where good news is triggered a bitter. and for the first time in history the united states has been accused by the united nations human rights council of human rights abuses and the allegations come after it emerged that ex-president george w. bush personally authorized torture in interrogations while we do us also accused of racial discrimination. on the eve of the anniversary of the bolshevik revolution in one thousand nine hundred seventeen talks to the grandson of sergei rachmaninov the great russian composer and pianist who would like others for lead the country at
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the top even time our interview program spotlight with guest alexander rock mine and coming your way shortly. oh cell phones would be useless without this mineral. tiny pieces needed to make them work. but every piece of coltan is extracted at a cost to life. hello again and welcome to spotlight the interview show on our team. and today my guest
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in the studio is alexander marmion. remembering the event that changed the life of millions of people in the country often tragical after the bolsheviks seize power in the revolution nine hundred seventeen many chose to leave the country among them was a great russian composer said again. his family emigrated to europe and later to the united states today we have the privilege to talk to the grandson of the great master alexander. the great russian composer mine enough left the country after the bolshevik revolution he never forgave them and once even interrupted his concert in america when he saw a soviet ambassador among the audience his grandson alexander of mine enough was born in europe but speaks perfect russian he says it is the language of his family
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alexander established the rick man a foundation to promote the music of his grandfather these talented miners and last year a british survey supported alexander calling so good a mind of the greatest composer of the twentieth century. hello mr thank you very much for being with us on the show. well first of all i wanted to ask you as far as i know from from the history books your grandfather said left russia in december. nineteenth seventeen says the seventeenth of december here so it was like two months maybe less after the revolution has happened so why didn't he accept the revolution why did he choose to leave. first he was invited by a king of sweden to play. christmas here the real reason
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because he had so. bad among his people who were working who but it told him but if. you have a group of persons who is coming to kill you and you did there was no. so why he took his wife his children so it wasn't a coincidence it wasn't by chance it was a decision to leave he was leaving the country for good yes well it's estimated that up to two million people emigrated from russia after the revolution of nine hundred seventy spotlights you know the media has more in that. one thousand nine hundred seventeen revolution and russia wasn't on the ballot change in the political system the communist ideology tended to penetrate all areas of life who fields of science could be declared who are pseudo science says as was the case
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with genetics as for odd the only acceptable type of it was socialist realism thousands of intellectuals and artists who felt it impossible to play by the new rules chose to leave among the world celebrities of the time like on the part of us who is regarded as one of the finest classical ballet dancers artists like marc chagall obviously we can do most enjoyed special privileges from the soviet authorities but eventually chose greater freedom offered by the west eager stravinsky was called a musical revolutionary but even the reputation of an artistic rebel could not reconcile him with the transformation of russia into the soviet union among poets and writers who flocked to europe was a von boon in the first russian also to get the nobel prize for literature. in one nine hundred thirty three pre-revolutionary russian culture and way of life was
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something russian immigration was trying to preserve most artists never found themselves completely at home in paris or berlin in the style geopolitical times was so strong some of them chose to return home often facing repressions by the salutatory days or finding out that something they missed was gone for a. house and when sarah give us money of any family when they were leaving russia in december nineteenth seventeen did they realize that they would never come back again that they would never see them was always telling her he didn't realize he didn't really know exist so he thought it was for a while one of the year two years for years but the save the same mistake was made from the second world war everybody was figured it was only for free weeks it was for four years is so difficult so so why because because he thought that he could come to peace with the bolsheviks or did he didn't expect the the boss of
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a christian to last so long. have no letter about the subject ok now as far as i know manning of and his family's impression of the united states was rather mixed in one thousand nine hundred mindset right when he first visited this country but why did he decide to settle finally settled in the united states in nineteen eighteen was it here in the eighteen nineteen years can he was the first advisors once for his famous prelude in c. sharp minor to call a u. haul it was in kenya or no wait yes in his once. twenty years later he decided to settle in but he didn't really like the united states when he first went there is that true true perhaps. afterwards he was very happy to be. he he even he had bought a property about one hundred miles north of new york and. it's true to say it's
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real truth to say that he was sometimes like a man some days he was very happy sometimes he had. bad news of anything but normal life but any idea why why the u.s. because most of most of the russian intellectuals the russian elite settled in europe and most of them in france some in germany but why did you choose choose the stables i think for the community of pianist carnegie hall is number one. you know over statistic it's about one. one the case of one thousand and that's not what it was. it has a chance to play a whole once in his life and that's was alexander you were. ten years old when you give us money and died right if you like to make some substructure yes . ok now now did you do you remember do you still remember him alive did you miss
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him a lot yes of course really every summer we spent together for months so all of these international pianists you know he spent from october to april in the states and in europe from may to october so you do have good that's why he had visited this property of us with sort of things you must have not for one week that for two weeks but regular every four or several months what kind of a person was he because you should have like childhood. recollection magical and never heard him in a bad mood never increasing she's voice always very flat or very kind with everybody. there's. he was a good grandfather i mean he got all the good grandfather he was
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a good bad with his wife never go scandals nothing. nothing no quarrels no less interesting you know how strong i was his nostalgia for russia was there was your family and now was it in a style that's. absolutely self. invention for russian people really yes yes yes yes about percent. the group. the strand for attraction of a group they want to belong to this group he's happy if a group out of a group. it's a very complex rules everywhere so you want to say that that neither neither sort of get out of my you know the family we're not really nostalgic of russia perhaps sometimes you have to know your wonderful full moon of the study of the subject like this everybody could have some nice but not like
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a general rule for ten years in a row half of life no that's not true he was happy so he was happy happy with his life and with the way with the way he lived with this for so ok now but. i figure the best proof is the music because the music if you would be it would be refusing to use but he has some more energy. the second so it's only possible if you are. happy and you have so much positive positive creative if if he was so happy with this in your life and he in the new world why didn't he write anything for eight long years. he was only playing concerts but he didn't write anything. exactly mathematically he could post five hundred eighty two works but it was in the first eight years but he has
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fifty percent fifty you take a pencil you may cross fifty percent was written out of one small it's a propaganda it's a propaganda. take a piece of paper and you will have exactly fifty percent certain verb most of the most famous well who are just the. number one audience into for us tonight it was the reps of it so. it was the work who played the most of every quote bribes because so it was the reps reps it was not composed in moscow and not composed in separate fields book it was composed it's with ok now. getting back to this to this estate in switzerland he had another one in the united states but in switzerland and again the official biographies of the miners say that he tried to rip reduce the state that he used to have in russia even of that is that perhaps i
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don't. see. he liked. to speak about all the music he makes. he make the design of a house so he liked to look after the. part about the trees yes he has many kind of interest have you ever visited him out of just does it look anything like this so we send the american steps are not snow that is there and you have an example i have to tell you so you had a lady who can tell the figs which are. not true looking and so she. opened the door that's where your grandfather slept he was everybody knows he was one meter. to. bed was one.
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for calm all. for a small child she was looking at me she was even that the cute red color telling me such a big deal says a says alexander last minute after grandson allegedly composing said to get off my spotlight will be back shortly right after a break we'll continue this interview south stay with us. close up speech. where russia first free elections were held a foundation years ago. if our party goes to the area that used to be a place of exile since the seventeenth century. plan businesses take advantage of the wild growing product. more rich academic life gives birth to a kind of
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a divine dia come to the thomas krishna crusher close up on our. admiral know him. a passenger liner sailing in the black sea. august thirty first nineteen a d.c. . twenty three twenty. four kilometers off shore. crashing into another vessel. four hundred twenty three people down. russian titanic. to. walk a back to a spotlight on al gore and often just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is alexander rahmani not the grandson
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of a legendary composer say to get him on the fire xander is also the director of the damane enough foundation. mr kind of we started speaking about the years that we get our money and have spent abroad after he fled russia after the bolshevik revolution of nine hundred seventeen well was he closely following the events in soviet russia and the soviet union was he interested in what was going on in the music and russian contemporary music what was in touch extremely extremely in touch you can redress that looking every day and you know that what he did in new york times yes i'm sure you know yes. yes that's where he his music was not allowed to play for until fifty three thousand nine hundred fifty free for the reason he was of little he was a very close look at this do you think that your family may have ever returned
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to live in russia once again if the communist regime had fallen in. thirty's forty's fifty's. no you don't think so ok now mentioning mentioning this social activity in the early four thirty he's saying get out my enough alongside with salad leo tolstoy they signed they signed a letter. protesting against the repression oppressions in russia was he so really socially engaged person in general who she was helping very much with russian people was. he made a check of one we shall have to speak to one million dollars of russians. yes yes he was helping many people and he and he was politically active socially active so he wasn't the kind of a person you know he was interested only in music that was the last but so was
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exactly the country. as i told. you can buy a book he will over he's responsible for the creation of the copters you lot about a very popular story his relations with sikorsky tell me more about it that's interesting i know he supported sikorsky yes he was rigged coffer to work for look like. for every day he saw. this guy is a russian he was right he was russian he asked him to come to his table to have a coffee with him you start to speak what are you doing yes i'm preparing a machine which is to fly vertical. so and finally he help him for free he. spots a breakfast lunch and bread for years until he he's a. copywriter for over and washed for his machine so it was
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sponsored. so the world the world should be or should be thankful. two two two so good when the not only for the music you know but also for the telecast. make you claim you get the you have really copters for siri every day one or two persons envelops this extraordinary machine was in. two thousand and seven there was a film a movie by pavel than being here in russia. i never saw you never saw him nobody told me about about but in this movie you may know that there is a scene. but i'll tell you there's a scene in the movie where sara get off my enough refuses to play in the carnegie hall and the presence of the soviet ambassador so i'm not going to pay what is it true was the war was there a true story like that or is it fiction. was told the visitors will do if it's
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through the two door you don't know but maybe this is how it happened was he this kind of person he could be serious yes he could be was it because he hated the communists so much or he hated this specific person it could be very specific were you thinking whether it could have been the superciliousness he knew and he didn't want to be in the hole does it really matter do you think for for a person who likes a good man in the composer a pianist maestro who really is in the audience good could be one of the. it was a. word of listen and the interesting thing. i promised my producers i would be asking you this question but so i want to ask you . you keep saying in your interviews that romulus wasn't real the russian composer he was only partly partly a russian composer is that true is this an accurate quote from what you say you're
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saying. said that he's not hundred percent russian yes not hundred percent russian no one. because if you're working one day though but if you're working in the france the united states for forty use of course some figure is coming in your brain and your body and you start to fink it to speak differently of course yes it's absolutely with everybody so so so then we should say that for example. one hundred percent russian writer he's not so much involved in the states he was not working so much he was much more sitting in his room for its very influence of. pop music in the south of wall street you know what you had was wonderful songs and
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he was. very fond you have even a table today if you go to where you this table were sitting mindful so if you are looking for such a music. you have an influence if you like it you figure it differently you compose the you mentioned or when you have support for sikorsky did he did he have close relationship with the rest of the russian immigration did he support anybody else for years pledge yet you pledge for instance you know if you have a divorce wally with someone you you would do all your best to basically petty and if he for that his brother was we really and video he was paid to her so the little zero percent for until she died every month. he was sending her money for lady who was the wife of his brother just because he
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fought but his brother was wrong and believed it was lies so i support where did i . i've heard stories that he sent some help to the russian soldiers during the second world war through the red army and that and that the soldiers actually knew that this was some bread and meat and then wine from sarah get a one in and that they made a toast let's drink to composer might enough there's a true or is the made up to do if a soldier told a. speech but what he was sending to help was obvious a lot yes and these were considerable amounts of money spent for those who. just it was a big body. there are rahmani and of society in many countries in the united kingdom in germany and in some other countries but
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you decided to set up a city get a whine a foundation write us why what was all of us what you stories. are using you have plenty of people who are trying to be close to right by if for all purpose we are one to take profit from so to be on the sea in. the spotlight. but i am doing it for. zero sense of address and doing that all of because i was considering that it was a big if not just for the level of music of my grandfather and a very early thing and i touch wood it was i was right because to compare with ninety two we freeze the audience by one fails the said. by ted and since he was elected. first position in office by english but we received my
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sister's we have seventy we are receiving phone calls who became official the first phone call came in seventy two hours afterwards from so very very nice lady who is responsible for the whole. proposal is to be will next year with a gala and we have much more first forty me they'd be free it took me free months to have the whole group was to vids of the sollie said so and elvis coming so completely different but i you are you happy with the attention that one in the music has today in russia or in awe less about russia you. i shall tell you to all i felt to compare how audience reaction and over reaction looks the most difficult people either you have are we made with
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the nice but. and we had hundreds even though all the journalists wrote that you had a thirty three years old upstairs and everybody was standing and applauding. and legs so for judy it's really perform so i have a look so you through this question that forty eight. does make profit today sometimes and sometimes not it depends sometimes it's we just had three days of gala in paris to show the music it was fully booked. if you go we were never a composer. have ask me please could you help me and of course i know i shall not tell the names of course you know if i said yes to one man this man i shall not have more than forty percent of the whole to think it depends of ok thank you very much and i wish you all the success with what you do thank you much thank you thank
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you and just a reminder that my guest today was alexander rahman you know grandson of a legendary composer said here and that's it for now from holmes if you want to have your say and spotlight on maybe you have someone in mind who you think i could interview next time please drop me a line at al gore not r.t. t.v. dot r.t. and we'll try to keep the show interact and we'll be back with more right than a comment on what's going on in and outside this country until then stay an hour to take care thank you but here i see.


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