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tv   [untitled]    November 6, 2010 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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our political interests often who it is that we will call human rights abuse or and who we will forgive actually that it was an interesting point in that the reason why the obama administration decided to engage in this rogue's gallery at the un of human rights abusers is they felt that the united states could be a role model and it's been turned back against them so how has it been turned back against them because this rogue's gallery is now pointing the fingers at you know if that's what they're supposed to do though this let it lie argument is right have you ever done a show or a segment of the human rights council has criticized china or cuba or saudi arabia libya sudan we discuss human rights issues very often here on this show and the point is that the moment by talking about what would be actually i'm sorry guys we have to we're out of time but thank you very much both for joining me clearly this is an issue that has a lot of people divided on it thanks. still to come tonight sarah palin's new reality show is already online and she's complaining about her invasion of privacy so when a caller out tonight's told time award and of the new g.o.p.
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congress coming to town a conservative think tank is trying to build support to block the start treaty so we're going to tell you about their new campaign to end the reset in relations between the u.s. and russia in just a moment. and again this is all see the headline. who calls the latest spying scandal in georgia
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a political fallout saying thirteen people accused of secretly working for russia innocent victims of the still is but president saakashvili attention seeking before the nato summit. over to iraq forces locals to take desperate measures to make a living some missiles to smuggling alcohol into the neighboring the world risking down across the border in a country where booze is strictly forbidden. and for the first time in history the united states has been accused by the united nations human rights council of human rights abuses then again. also he's emerged that next wasn't george w. bush personally also rise to train and to regain the u.s. is also accused of racial discrimination and. there's the headlines back now to part two of the i don't know.
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well it's time for tonight's to all time award and we're giving it to the half term governor of alaska sarah pailin the darling of the ride made her reality show debut last night in the first episode of sarah palin's alaska it's now online at t.l.c. and you know what it really didn't take long for her to start making herself into a martyr take a listen. and invasion of our privacy and i don't like it some reporters had said i was overreacting and i wanted to ask them how would you know if some dude who you knew was out to get she moved in fifteen feet away from your kids how would you feel. so sarah's complaining about her privacy while cameras are rolling on her reality t.v. show that she signed up for you can see the irony here is the sarah was upset that an author moved next door to her house over the summer so she then called that an invasion of her privacy as well against their if you're worried about your privacy why are you letting t.v. cameras follow you around there to somehow doesn't seem to understand that when you
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go on your t.v. you give your opinion you take to twitter and facebook daily to complain about things when you appear rally for a hefty peek fee to support a cause when you write a book and then go on a bus tour across america that makes you a public figure forget the fact that you were a governor as well as the public figures they don't get to decide when they want to be in the spotlight and when they don't remember this is the exact same pailin that repeatedly asked for privacy concerning her unwed teenage daughter bristol palin and her baby but now the bristol is on a.b.c.'s dancing with the stars shaking her ass for some money mama pale and even appeared on the show to cheer her daughter on again sarah do you see the irony here if you want your privacy then drop out of the spotlight stop being a media whore tell t.l.c. to take their camera crew and go home but if you continue to seek the spotlight may . even run for president then your privacy is a thing of the past you just can't have it both ways it actually amazes me how
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sorry she feels for herself and must be so hard having millions of dollars in the bank account thousands of adoring fans all that crazy ones all around the country that's why sarah was still a wingnut pailin is tonight's tool time winner. now did you hear president obama is on his way to india the president left washington d.c. this afternoon on the ten day trip to india and other parts of asia now he's hoping to expand trade in the region and he's taking more than two hundred executives with him to try and boost the country's economic ties but all the information about the trip has somehow been lost in the media because the crazy right the sighted to make up a lie about it they claim that obama is spending two hundred million dollars a day on the trip and of the navy is deploying thirty four warships off the coast of india for his protection glenn beck sean hannity rush limbaugh along with congresswoman michele bachmann all decided to run with this information after the website drudge posted an article out of an indian newspaper saying of the trip was
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costing two hundred million project take a look. india is going to be the taj mahal all they get to see is the whole hotel entire hotel booked is going to one of the biggest mosques in indonesia two hundred paranoid three thousand people that i read their rights to what is a million dollars two hundred million dollars a day i think we know that just within a day or so the president i would states will be taking a trip over to india that is expected to cost the taxpayers two hundred million dollars a days taking two thousand people with him he'll be renting out over eight hundred seventy rooms in india this big hearing today back and forth about how many hundreds or maybe maybe billions of dollars this is going to cost to insure the president's security but no one is asking wait a minute it could cost up to two billion dollars to make sure he's safe. hey guys i'm going to let you in on a little bit of
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a secret just because it was written online that doesn't make it of fact but of course the right wing hate machine well they just can't help themselves all it takes is one member of the right wing to say something over the top. and then the rest truth that is information that's been confirmed it's unbelievable but here's my real problem with the story because so many media outlets reported the false facts while the rest of the world that believes that the us is already seen as a global behemoth who floats around the world for our personal gain the more than seven hundred military bases we have around the world the two wars that we're fighting they certainly don't help so perhaps that's what the always frugal right wing machine in this country should be freaking out about we know they won't because when it comes to the military everything is sacred so they're totally right we should be definitely be cutting corners on the president the united states' security and then not touching our military budget which is more than the entire
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world can bite that will certainly put an end to our national debt. now on wednesday we asked of the republican victory in the mid-term elections what effect obama's foreign policy goals on now we seem to have a definite answer at least on one issue that is the new start treaty heritage action for america the lobbying arm of the conservative think tank the heritage foundation has sent out a new mailer across the country targeting specific senators in an attempt to influence them to vote against start the fear mongering here has been taken to extremes the mailer juxtaposes images of obama lattimer putin and mahmoud ahmadinejad says not only that the treaty is severely weakens our national security but also asserts that it will somehow lead to more nuclear weapons in the hands of rogue regimes such as north korea and iran countries that according to the mailer quote want to do straw us now not only is there a mountain of misinformation there but bringing north korea and iran into the
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picture makes us question the heritage is true moves but could their fear campaign actually work on joining me to discuss it is tom collina research director at the arms control association tom thanks so much for being here my pleasure well now that we've seen this. do you have any question in your mind they getting start passed with republican control is going to be a fight. it will certainly be a fight but i think you know we're feeling confident we can get it done this year if the republicans put the election behind them realize that the politics time for politics is over now it's time to go to governing and so we're going to way and the republicans have ever decided that it's time for politics to be over time well governing you certainly if there were a time it would be now i mean so it's a wonderful goal but i just don't see i just don't see how that will ever you know have it unfortunately but do you think if they're going to do it in this lame duck session right now i hope they will and they should there's no reason why they shouldn't the country is ready for the treaty needs to be ratified if it's not
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uncertainty is never good for us and russia on nuclear relations so now it's time to ratify this treaty the president's ready to ratify it the democrats are ready to ratify it and again for the republicans the election's over let's get on the government but that's the thing and now they have this this pressure right now they have these mailers coming out and most of the targets here are republican senators these are the people that need to get on board that are still kind of on the fence do you think that it's going to work at all of this is going to influence their moods you know i think they're just foundation is trying to get attention and they're getting it right here but i think it's a distraction really i mean i think what's going on here is the president is trying to set the tone by saying now is the time for this treaty national security is at stake this should not be played as a political issue let's get on with it was ratify this treaty now and the rest of it really is a distraction but that's what i wanted to write i mean definitely seems to me like the heritage foundation is trying to get some attention too because otherwise i tell you about the un truth that they've put in to here and why is the start treaty also make you know why we also supposed to worried about nuclear weapons getting
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into the hands of rogue nations i mean should not be something that we should worry about if we don't sign a start treaty i mean i think the mailer's is unfortunate it's misleading and it's not. going to come to any good and in fact senator should be seeing it as a desperate move by an organization that really sees that it's on the verge of defeat i mean this is what organizations do when they when they get into sports straits i see this as a sign that actually things are moving in the direction of new start ratification if again everyone sort of grows up a little bit and gets serious about this issue and moves on and does the right there so you think this is a clear sign of fear because they think that it might really get passed you know i can't speak for them all i can say is they groups do this kind of thing when they feel like their back is against the wall and that's certainly my sense is that one of the birds of a breakthrough here and we need to get on with it while someone give me a i know you don't have a crystal ball but could you come up with perhaps
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a timeline when you think when you say you hope it might get past the lame duck the lame duck session excuse me but realistically when one of my to happen you know early december is a good as time as any as politicians will come by the center will come back middle of amber for some time they've got other things to do they'll break for the thanksgiving recess than the come back again early december would be a great time but again it's time is of the essence we don't want to let this slip into two thousand and eleven there's no reason to do that everyone is ready to ratify this treaty and we just need to make it happen now hell that's a fact the reset and relations between the u.s. and russia i think if it doesn't happen you know how will it affect not only that relationship but obama's foreign policy goals as a whole it could set things back quite significantly and certainly with us russian relations you know the treaty itself was a major achievement if it doesn't happen that's a setback in terms of broader relations the nonproliferation agenda you know this is key in this is sort of the nexus of a lot of things yet to come and u.s.
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russia relations of course are so important for us iran and relations and moving on with the iran situation and reducing wrongs nuclear weapons ambitions so there's a lot at stake here and this treaty needs to get ratified and we need to get serious about how many are there are any other changes that are going to happen in the treaty because it read a lot of. you know how they just might succumb to senator jon kyl's requests here because he clearly wants to make sure that we have more we build up our nuclear arsenal are in the sense that we we rehash it we make sure that it's up to date will the open e. trade changes to the treaty itself i mean the treaty is done but yes they'll be negotiations between the white house and the republican leadership and they'll be some horse trading but again at the end of the day you know the time is up we've had we've had over twenty on this treaty there have been nine hundred questions for the record it's been eight months the treaty has you know overwhelming military support you know there's no reason to wait this treaty isn't being rushed as opponents say let's get the job done all right now do you think there's anything
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else from the obama agenda that really might be at stake with her republicans coming in. with control now of the house well you know with us foreign policy in terms of military policy it's interesting because this election really wasn't about form balls i mean this was an election now they are leaving the nation to i don't think i heard it once on the campaign trail you hardly mentioned it at all so it's really hard to find one issue that there was campaign rhetoric about that would say there's going to be sea change here i think the new senators and house members coming in will have to dig deep to think what do i think about foreign policy because i think that's where they're going to figure it out there's nothing obvious to me you know that says this or another issue can't happen now and if anything i think what we're waiting to see is that you know what is the position of new members of congress in foreign policy and are they willing to be constructive in how they approach issues that have broad military support. or not and certainly the start treaty is
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a perfect first test of that and if there are going to govern it's activity it's definitely making people ask a lot of questions because we know where they stand and terms of want to cut spending but somehow they haven't mentioned foreign policy or defense all along the way so we have to wait and find out but hopefully heritage's evil plans. upstart doesn't work thanks so much of a you're welcome thank you card so to come on tonight's show we have our friday fireside chats and that is it actually good news concerning jobs here in the u.s. party financial correspondent lauren lister will break down the numbers for us in just a moment. a moment when the world has changed forever. thousands passed to nothing. thousands wounded. to suffer to endure the. worst the first but
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probably not the last military uses of this weapon. well many more will be come. children come and get on in the future. the close up team has fiends are no good creature where russia first free elections were held a thousand years ago. now margy goes to the area they used to be a place of exile since the seventeenth century. where businesses take advantage of the wild growing products. where rich academic life gives birth to innovative idea come to the tomsk region russia close up on r g. holidaymakers i wouldn't dare to swim so deep.
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a tourist would be scared of such cold water. and would never die if nothing is seen within arm's reach. they are not to lists if they are researchers if i'm feeling worse on land than in deep water. which brightened. about sun from finest impressions. for instance on t.v. . this is just a parliament building in durban. but then. sixty five
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years ago. it was the final target on the last major offensive from the red army. its country became the symbol of the fall of the fascists in a. victory over nazi germany and. the fall of muslim. if. i was cell phones would be useless without this mineral. a tiny piece is needed to make them work. but every piece of culture is extracted at a cost to human life. in some petersburg ots available in grand hotel you're a grand hotel emerald smoker with
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a club school it's so close hotel in the big old circus hotel lets you create your netscape minutes reticent s.a.'s roy kempinski might go to when you take a look you look at sky park and sky now so it's. local to tonight's fireside with your host of cops. you know earlier this week i spoke about bad ideas and then the fact that there are some really horrible despicable disgusting ones and on monday a case in point was david broder column in the washington post where he argued that what obama really needed for success in the two thousand and twelve election was to rally the nation around the idea of war with iraq because preparing for war would not only boost the economy but also give everyone that really warm and fuzzy
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patriotic feeling of coming together against an evil enemy as if war is something that should be thrown around so carelessly as an election tool well that was one of those sick horrible disgusting ideas and then today i heard another one and this time it came from mark penn a former campaign adviser to hillary clinton again the topic was what obama and the democrats could do to win in two thousand and twelve but again it was finding a way to connect to americans it wasn't asked to reconnect with the people remember president clinton reconnected through oklahoma right and the president is not removed and it wasn't until that speech that he really clicked with the american public for obama needs a similar some working words a word from president bush you guys hear that. but obama needs his own kind of similar you mean his own kind of similar domestic terror attack like oklahoma city
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really do think that is what he needs again i'm absolutely appalled i'm sick and i kind of want to vomit after hearing that i know that we have an oversaturated media culture there runs twenty four hours a day that everyone is struggling to stand out to say something for you people get a grip you're talking about a terrorist attack on american soil as a good thing and again you're using it's an election tool so can we please please all come back to earth back to reality for long enough to realize that wishing for war or terror is not only a bad idea it's a morally decrepit one and it should not be thrown around that should clumsy. we've got quite the story for you members of the u.s. military they are given you know a certain degree of deserved respect but there's definitely a difference between respect and blind faith navy seal nicholas pickle was arrested
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this week for smuggling weapons from iraq and afghanistan and then trying to sell them to an undercover agent with the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives all since june now the so-called rogue navy seal he was part of a gun trafficking ring in the u.s. that illegally sold handguns machine guns even some weapons the belong to the iraqi military so a big hole in his four cohorts they ran a relaxed business on because accomplices communicated via text messages with their customers they kept explosives in their own homes but the seal who supply the weapons well he painted himself as a mysterious and a menacing criminal he allegedly warned one of his accomplices not to mess with him with the threat of you know who we are we're the government will catch you because if he was selling these weapons on the black market on behalf of the government to make a story even stranger big oil was also working on the set of transformers three as
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a military consultant i wonder if he was giving shiela both some tips on how to make his character more bad ass now that because actions are in any way cool because it was even difficult for him to smuggle these weapons into the country in the first place and why is that possible that's the kicker how did big will even get past the security measures well apparently it was very easy for him because according to documents regarding the case navy seals are not searched when returning from deployments you would think that if the u.s. was really trying to stop weapons or crossing into the country they might try checking the luggage of people who have easy access to them just a suggestion so shame on you airport security for letting navy seals get an undeserved free pass you can never be to say. now finally a small ray of sunshine in an otherwise very cloudy and stormy economic forecast we've got what they want to take the jobs report released today was much better than expected with the economy adding one hundred and fifty one thousand jobs in
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october far more than the expected sixty to sixty five thousand range but before you get too excited this doesn't change the unemployment rate it's still stuck at nine point six percent and one hundred fifty one thousand jobs is nowhere near what we need to get us back on track so again it seems that things are so bad that whatever normal economy would seem like mediocre figures somehow were forced to applaud them so what is an embattled president to do with a divided congress who isn't likely to agree on any stimulus measure and a public who wants jobs to be the main focus he may have to turn his to his only two weapons that are left the fed and foreign policy joining me to discuss the state of the economy from our studio in new york is our chief financial correspondent lauren lyster now lauren obviously this is a good jobs report compared to what we've been getting every single other month for about the past year but how good is it really. well i mean come on her re we
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finally beat expectations for one month of paltry job growth i mean it's easy. for an after four months of job losses but c'mon fifteen million people close to that many are still unemployed and the reason why the job rate is jobless rate rather is staying at nine point six percent as you mentioned it was unchanged is because the new jobs are not enough to keep up with new entrants into the workforce i mean it's easy to forget that every month more and more people are getting of that age where they're looking for work looking for full time jobs that's in addition to the close to fifteen million who are unemployed and the number of jobs have been created are barely enough to keep up with them so we're kind of treading over you know flat growth and then in addition you know when you look at the number of jobs that would need to be created to get out of that ok if the economy started growing two hundred eight thousand jobs a month which is the average of the best a year and that this is the month for this decade during the best year of growth if the government started adding jobs or excuse me if the economy started adding jobs
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at that rate do you know how long it would take before the gap between the number of american workers and the jobs available was closed would take twelve years so when you look at it from that perspective it's a lot harder to get excited about you know this month's jobs numbers i'm happy you told me because i didn't actually know exactly how much that would take you know i want to talk on these bush era tax cuts because they've been you know the talk of the town lately and a lot of businesses so they're not willing to start hiring they feel like the economy is too uncertain also they want to hear the fate of these tax cuts and now we hear from robert gibbs obama's press secretary that the administration might be going against their original word and they might actually be extending tax cuts for the top two percent of the population from the bush era so i mean does it feel like like republicans like business has the obama administration hostage here. well it
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takes two to tango i mean let's be honest if these tax cuts expire they won't be looked at as tax cuts expiring they'll be looking at looked at as tax hikes and the obama administration doesn't want to be cast as raising taxes you know they don't want that so it seems like that's kind of behind what some of this maybe compromising is about an analysts say you know it's good for the obama administration if it looks like he's making compromises and working together with the republicans that's what they want to you know so it's hard to say you know who's wagging the dog here but the tail that's wagging the dog or whatever that phrase is but it does sound you know like clearly politics are involved but to be clear and to be fair you know there are even economists at the d.n.c. who are obama supporters who don't think tax cuts should expire for anybody because they say that's just not what you do during a recession when you need people to spend when the economy is still suffering and struggling that you need those people to spend you need businesses to spend and so the jury is really out on on what impact those cuts expiring would have but you
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know even letting tax cuts not letting them expire that alone is not going to create job growth here and it does seem like obama's not quite sure what else he can do he now has the congress that has a republican majority and even when democrats had control they couldn't pass a second stimulus bill so i mean is he kind of helpless now does he just have to rely on whatever move the fed decides to make him like we talked about earlier this week that move us to put six hundred billion dollars more in the economy. you know really seems so even before these elections there was just no political will for spending and fiscal stimulus was what so many economists have been calling for because consumer spending has just been so low and definitely not enough to fuel any kind of recovery so now we've had these midterms now there's even less of a chance less of a will for any stimulus i mean forget it come on the whole tone is reducing government spending you know not adding to the deficit cutting the deficit saving there's absolutely no way so what's happening is yeah it looks like the federal
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government is rely more on fed policy because they're the only ones that can make a move but you know that's an expensive move six hundred billion dollars on top of the two point one trillion balance sheet they already have to try to stimulate the economy i mean with efficiency that is absolutely not guaranteed i mean economists say that there is probably little that the fed can do any more than they have already done you know interest rates are already so low there's already so much liquidity that no one has hope that will even help but yet it's causing problems all over the world with capital flowing into emerging companies such as brazil which they've all reacted to it's fueled you know this discussion of a currency war and the issues of a currency war which are very real so if that is the case and the federal government is relying on the fed to do its job that's a very expensive decision and you know not necessarily a wise one according to most of the economists that i speak to our of our our thank you for filling us in there and of course it just is all about jobs jobs jobs even .


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