tv [untitled] November 8, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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live out of washington d.c. now today we're following president obama's trip to india we'll tell you what cities he did and didn't go to all for the sake of keeping his image with the american people and we'll ask will this trip really make an impact on his foreign policy then speaking a foreign policy are some u.s. lawmakers simply out of touch there are new attacks on the start treaty some senators are claiming that our best way to keep control over iran is just to neuter them but are these people foolishly still living in a world where they think america can act alone without seeing any reactions and how does that reflect on us internationally we're going to speak with the cables josh rogin next is decision time nine eleven first responders have to decide by tonight if they're going to accept a settlement of up to eight hundred million dollars for their health problems resulting from the attacks of ground zero we're going to speak with one of the very first responders who isn't happy with that offer then he's back george w. as much anticipated book decision points will finally hit the shelves tomorrow but
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some activists are asking the bookstores move the former president's book to the crime section where they claim it really belongs so we're going to speak with an editor about the book and about president bush's legacy and single ladies if you want to find a man maybe you should start looking in europe we're going to sit down with one author who spent many summers abroad and she claims that she knows the best way to find your european knight in shining armor so i want to put her knowledge to the test at the end of the show but now let's move on to the day's top story. president obama is currently on a ten day trip to asia the longest so far of his presidency and it's a perfectly timed getaway for after the midterm elections and the slaughter of the democratic party a perfect chance to focus on foreign policy now with china not included in the trip but rather for asian democracies it's pretty safe to say that he's making a point the point being the ties between india and the u.s. were strengthening politically and economically and in a speech in new delhi today he even endorsed india becoming an expanded member of
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the u.n. security council but just because the president is home in washington doesn't mean that the american public and politicians aren't watching some made perfectly clear by looking at which cities the president decided to cut out of his agenda to here to give us all the details on the president's trip and what it really means is our correspondent preassure there thanks for joining us now let's start with where president obama started out he started out in mumbai and there he gave a speech where he announced a new ten billion dollar trade deal between india and the u.s. so what details can you give us about it so basically alone india and the united states have our major trading partners the united states spends about twelve been billion dollars it exports to india every year india spends about nineteen billion dollars to america so ten billion dollars more is obviously a huge deal that's practically doubling the amount of trade that's going to happen between the united states and india four billion of those dollars is going to be for boeing boeing is actually going to bring build ten c. seventeen fighter jets for the indian army and that's supposedly going to create
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around twenty thousand jobs there's also twenty similar deals some with harley davidson some with general electric electric and that's going to create around fifty thousand jobs here in the united states so obviously as you mentioned before you know president obama is jetting off to the other side of the world after those kind of disastrous midterm elections so he wants the american people to know that he is still thinking about america still thinking about job creation another huge announcement he made was that he is going to be taking. india off the entity list which basically means that india was kind of put on a blacklist after they did some nuclear tests back in one thousand nine hundred eighty and the united states wasn't sharing a lot of high tech exports with india on the other hand you look at some of india's other ally allies like france and russia and they were sharing a lot of high tech exports with india so president obama said we're going to take india off the list so let's take a listen to what he had to say. we need to forge partnerships in high tech sectors like defense and civil space so we've removed indian organizations from our
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so-called end of the list and we will work to remove and reform our controls on exports both of these steps will ensure that indian companies seeking high tech trade and technologies from america are treated the same as our very closest allies and partners. so indians were really excited about that announcement it made the headlines all across the newspapers in india so it should be a big deal for the relationship between the united states and india now that was a first now he's also in new delhi and today he gave a speech there where he actually supported becoming a permanent member of an expanded u.n. security council that's something that we've kind of seen him waver on before before he left for the trip he simply said it's complicated and now he went ahead and he endorsed them how is that being that this is a huge deal for india because as you know the members of the u.n. security council are the only ones with veto power when it comes to the u.n. and india actually was elected to be
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a rotating member of the security council so they'll be there for a two year term starting in january but they really say hey we're the next big superpower we have china there we have russia there france united kingdom united states we deserve to be there too so a lot of people are saying that this probably isn't going to happen anytime soon but the fact that president obama said it is a big deal now let's talk about somewhere that he didn't go we have two cities we want to cover but first i want to start with bangalore i mean this is essentially like india silicon valley why would no one would go there absolutely this was seen as a huge slap in the face to indians as you know alone i got a chance to go to bangalore in july this is the center of most of you know india is i t. i t. boom i guess you could say but you know president obama didn't really want to go there because he didn't want to see this he didn't want to americans to see it as him kind of endorsing outsourcing but a lot of indian americans and entrepreneur is over in india in bangalore really weren't too happy about this you know president obama also says that india needs to
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open up its economy to right now you know wal-mart starbucks they're not really seen in india because india only allows foreign companies to have fifty one percent of the retail space so basically they're trying to prevent foreign companies from coming in and kind of boosting out all the mom and pop local businesses in india so let's take a listen to what president obama had to say about that. together we couldn't resist the protectionism the growth of the bench. the united states remains and will continue to remain one of the most open economies in the world and by opening markets and reducing barriers to foreign investment india can realize its full economic potential as well. so that was president obama obama's way of saying you know hint hint nudge nudge you guys need to let us and we'll let you guys into the united states and if all these american companies get a stake at the one billion people in india and the fastest growing middle class in the world tons of consumer spending power there obviously he thinks that that will
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create even more jobs for americans and of course that's what happens now is even his trips abroad even foreign policy now has to be about america has to be out of jobs and you know one more place that he didn't go to is to is where they have a famous golden sikh temple and we told you about that earlier on the show where he didn't go because he would have had to wear a covering on his head and they didn't want the rumors circulating around again that obama is a muslim thing so much. you know sometimes you just can't help but wonder if some of america's politicians are out of touch wonder if they're living in a world where they still think that america can act unilaterally without any it's as if globalization didn't happen as if we're not living through a massive global power shift where emerging economies are playing a larger role new york mayor michael bloomberg well he called them out on it in a not so subtle way he essentially called them stupid but sometimes you might even wonder if you are politicians are straight up out of their minds take for instance
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senator lindsey graham who said that we should neuter iran or the heritage foundation's lobbying arm that sent out a fear mongering mailer saying that voting for the new start treaty would severely weaken our national security and put nuclear weapons into the arms of rogue nations even though it's going to do exactly the opposite now these suggestions go against all sensible logic and you know our lawmakers make these types of statements on the daily so how do we get them to wake up before it's too late or earlier i caught up with josh rogin writer for the cable and foreign policy magazine and i first began with new york mayor michael bloomberg is quote so the following he said if you look at the u.s. you look at who were elected. to congress to the senate they can't read he also said i'll bet you a bunch of these people don't have passports we're about to start a trade war with china if we're not careful here only because nobody knows where china is nobody knows what china is those are some pretty harsh words so i decided
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to ask josh if he thought the bluebird was right. yes so it's there's an element of truth to it i believe that most senators can read but i believe that they don't spend i don't know if they can reading about foreign policy i mean let's face it senators are elected on domestic issues they're elected on taxes and jobs and things like that they don't have to actually deal with foreign policy until they actually get to the congress which means they don't have foreign policy expertise for years after they joined so every time you have one of these elections where there's all sorts of new senators freshmen and a lot of old senators longtime senators are pushed out you lose all of that is there to tional knowledge so there are big foreign policy issues that congress has to deal with and the new senators are ill equipped to deal with those issues that's a problem but china is not only about foreign policy i mean this is the global economy right now i'm assuming that anybody who you know is elected now to the senate or perhaps to be a congressman or woman that they would at least learn about globalization and they would realize that our world is so entwined these days that you know we're the largest debtor ject china is the largest creditor that we can't just go to war with
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the person that owns all of our data sensually well it's a hugely complex problem on the one hand china is manipulating its currency that does have a bad effect on our economy but it's not clear what our response should be and whether or not that response will do more harm than good so it's always been popular for democrats to demonize china on trade and jobs issues because they play to their base which are the labor unions and it's always easy for republicans to demonize china on security and foreign policy issues because they play to the defense industry which is building weapons to combat that threat so both sides have a good reason to demonize china neither side has a really good reason to praise try to work constructively with china that's the administration's job and they're fighting both fronts they're fighting both democrats and republicans and they're fighting uphill on both fronts now i want to bring up another issue now we have senator lindsey graham who was discussing iran and iran also is everyone's favorite bad guy these days and he said that we should not just neutralize their nuclear program but we should sink their navy destroy
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their air force deliver a decisive blow to the revolutionary guard. in other words neuter that regime i mean not to me just feels like a little bit of irresponsible dangerous language don't you think it's very responsible because we don't have the capability to do what senator graham is saying which simply there are no good military options for attacking iran not to mention the huge fall out all over the region and the millions of deaths that could result from the from the from the fallout of that decision but also it's just the fact that harmful and dangerous rhetoric and having a negative effect of its own we know as far back when president bush announced the axis of evil that changed how the countries named him axis of evil namely north korea iran back to bed changed how they thought they changed the negotiated with us so there's always a tendency on both sides of these issues to have the reactionary extremist positions have negative effect on the debate we have to try to minimize that and have as much rational discussions if that's the thing right is that obama then again change that relationship and say hey we're no longer to call you the axis of
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evil now we're actually going to try to reach out our hand to you see if we can all negotiate like adult because what obama did is at least he came in and said hey we realize you know you think that america the word we're so ignorant we're so naive that we think that we can control everything in this world and there will never be any representations that nothing will ever come back to harm us and he's saying no we're ready to be a global player and then you have people like lindsey graham saying ok we have the nuclear capability we have the largest military in the world let's just neuter them let's just completely demolished and destroy an entire group of people an entire country i can't believe that people still talk that way not to mention you know even this kind of rhetoric then why wouldn't iran perhaps you know jump off of the nonproliferation treaty why would the rest of the world still want to try to collectively. push them and pressure them not to supposedly develop nuclear arms and even if we want to give him the benefit of the doubt that they can tell the difference between some horrible rhetoric coming out of
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a single senator and engage with me on the. distraction it does hurt the administration in obama's credibility because these countries know that if obama wants to do things about iran he has to work through congress and it's very easy for congress to thwart foreign policy and it's very easy for one senator to throw a wrench into anything that the administration is going to do so even one senator saying really ridiculous things about iran can have a negative effect on the actual effort of reaching out to iran so it's not just words it's not just confusion in the message it actually harms the negotiations and this is a big problem for the administration and fortunately you know sometimes all it takes is one senator to say something and then that's the way the rest of the world is going to view america because after all these senators they are elected officials they are mouthpieces for america for the administration you know and i guess how they feel but i want to bring up also this is something you and i talk about often is of course the start treaty which there felt like there is so much promise that this is going to be passed this is obama's you know actual success story in foreign policy and now we have this mailer coming out from the heritage
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lobbying arm that says that this is going to be a grave danger to u.s. national security that weapons are going to get in rogue arms of nuclear weapons weapons nuclear nations excuse me they're going to get into the arms of north korea and iran i just don't get it i mean clearly to me this just shows that heritage they just want the whole thing dead because there is just so much lies so much mistruth in this manner yes that's exactly right they want the treaty to die now the question is how much of the republican caucus to do they represent we know they have guys like mitt romney on their side who are also trying to use these sort of fear mongering tactics to turn regular people in key states are against the start treaty it's not clear to me that people in the flyover states and all over the country really are tuned into the start treaty or vote on it or care about it's really kind of an inside the beltway issue even to this day but this shows them attacking senators even republican senators and trying to say that if you vote for this treaty we're going to use that against you probably in a primary challenge coming from the tea party in two thousand and twelve that's
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something the g.o.p. . senators who are facing elections in two thousand and twelve take very very seriously so yes there are horrible accuracies in this mailer how the new start treaty puts and weapons into the hands of north korea iran is totally unclear to me but what's going on here is a struggle inside the republican party it does have an effect you have moderate senators on the problem side like bob corker who are inclined to vote for the treaty who are sensitive to these types of that so they could put hopefully won't work because like you said for voters this really isn't one of their main issues this is something that's very much inside the beltway but i mean these things are just ridiculous it's fear mongering to the extremes josh thanks so much for being here thank you. still to come on tonight's show has obama lost his groove the white house has lost the media message and now i can't help but ask where is the guy who was such a great campaigner back in two thousand and eight that's later in the show and it's decision day for first responders will they take the federal government's offer to help cover costs related to medical issues for nine eleven we'll speak with
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if there aren't enough problems facing the u.s. right now our report on the global life expectancy chart shows that america has now fallen to forty nine plates as a drastic difference from just ten years ago at a time when health care reform although passed is still up in the air thanks to a new republican leadership the statistics couldn't be more scary for americans a time when every american even those that we consider heroes are need of health care more than ever before arty's or lester house the story. new york. the big apple it's this city that never sleeps and just beyond the urban chaos. neither does kenneth george from one of the most. deer in his closet and you can see why his of course here kenneth is a sick man and despite appearances the photos with us politicians and plaques from the president recognizing him as a hero in the aftermath of nine eleven x.
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zero is what i got from the president obama he still can't afford his health care a lot of the medications i'm eating called lead. you know it's expensive his insurance fall short which means every month you have to pick and choose what ailments he treats this is what i do a lot of times i stick with the course here to help me breathe at night and i skip some of the other medications my sleeping pills to help me sleep even without sleeping pills he hasn't slept well since nine eleven a city employee working on highways he was drafted into the search and rescue team in the aftermath of the attack on the twin towers basically picking up human remains and searching to see if anybody was or why the aftermath for him has been forced early retirement in a fixed pension basically a kick you know and a cut in health care which puts him in a deadly dilemma forced to make possibly life or death decisions because of the chronic diseases he suffers arising from his work at ground zero but i really got a foot in the grave because of heart and lung disease you know i did was get
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punished for doing my job down there the kind of case is unique in that he was a nine eleven first responder grim statistics show he is not alone the united states now ranks forty ninth in the world in overall life expectancy this is the drop from twenty fourth back in one thousand nine hundred nine if put that behind countries that is south korea bosnia as well as bigger yet the prime reason for the decline researchers say it's america's deteriorating health care system with a growing number of people who are uninsured or underinsured so well the course is about people just like kenneth i think that insurance companies make decisions that are not necessarily towards. the betterment of the patient some of his patients are even worse off than canada if they don't have insurance that means it's all out of pocket a lot of these people are not working there's a lot of problems i think the president has tried. to repair
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a system that's out of whack you as president obama's health care reforms might. help someone like kenneth but there's still lots of red tape to be faced with insurers and now the reforms themselves are under threat from a house now controlled by republicans who vowed to overturn them but as the politicking goes on kenneth still needs his prescriptions but i will tell you paid . these uncovered and he'll still be forced to make desperate choices on which ones he can afford and which ones he can't this in the richest and largest economy in the world in a country where he was praised as a hero by its president but that won't change his grim reality his prognosis as well as of his nobody knows. but just like the city that never sleeps kenneth george may not ever either who is here take care of my family when i'm gone and even if his family does no one is resting easy concept that right now lauren this
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year r.t. new york. there are thousands of firefighters health workers police and other emergency responders who have experienced serious health problems from toxic dust and the debris that emanated from that were destroyed at world trade center where they work to help over nine years ago now today a deadline looms to accept the settlement the could near eight hundred million dollars a settlement was reached in june and requires approval from ninety five percent of the plaintiffs by midnight tonight but not everyone is on board somewhere either not only will they not get the amount that they deserve but also that they'll lose any future rights in court to seek retribution for what happens of a few people hold up the entire deal for joining me from our studio in new york is john walcott retired and y.p. detective and nine eleven first responder john thank you so much for joining us first of all just tell us you know in the past nine years since you first responded
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to this attack of the world trade center what have you been through emotionally physically. well physically emotionally discards are forever i mean you're still friends that have been recovered. physically each day gets worse than the other day and i'm a lucky one because i was diagnosed with a male that came in which is a toxin blood cell cancer you don't know i had the aftermath of. the robert c. joy and rashes were like i have no feeling in my hands or my feet you know every day you know every day i'm going to differ and i'm taking a prescription drug. use once a month i'm seeing colleges are different type of doctor now so why is it that you . you know are against accepting this settlement wouldn't that help you out in terms of medical expenses. well. i was the line of duty which means that my on this day would come from my work at ground zero in the
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police department did retire me. or you would think that would help but i've paid for all my medical and prescriptions and co-pays out of my own pocket over the last since may of two thousand and three when i was diagnosed. i didn't take the settlement. the main reason was it's not guaranteed it's it's a point system they still don't know what it is many how what each point is going to be or and i felt that to give up my rights and not know exactly what it was within a year old at home and. you know what you have cancer and you have leukemia and all the other stuff you have one there and what's the next cancer i get or something else because of one one form of the hema i mean one form of chemotherapy or all the toxins that were down there what else is going to cause it's going to cause something else i mean i've talked to other responders who had one type of cancer not have another type of cancer. now do you have any idea how many others are like yourself that don't want to accept this settlement because like i said that tonight
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by midnight it has to be reached a deal and they need ninety five percent of the plaintiffs to agree is what they're saying. i don't do did they did they agree on our own i mean i did probably six to seven automated messages this is the only deal out there take this if you don't take this this city problem is they're going to pound you into the ground in litigation and. you know i was down there for a long time i've done everything from the former mayors v.i.p. tours to body parts to this place residents came back in their homes again they're like loved ones pictures and things and. i thought i earned a little bit more than being pounded into the ground so are they all the automated calls that you're getting i mean ari have you had other first responders call you to try to influence you to accept the deal or what about attorneys. i have had
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attorneys call me to tell me this is the best i've spoken to two of the partners and allies two days told me this is the best deal for me i should take it that i haven't really spoke to him in my case one i haven't spoke to more than twice in a years that i've been with the firm or seven years do you think that it's unfair that you're being forced to make this choice so you either settle now or. who knows and then the rest of your future your medical costs could be up in the air. you know but this is a life changing saying no i was the very first played of an issue and unfortunately i'm going to be probably the last you know it's still mostly going to turn my faith over to the judge and i think he's very sympathetic in these compassionate and. you know sometimes the the only thing you have to go by is the truth and i think all the mentally ill sees the truth in here was enough chemicals
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down there i'm sure it's going to prove my case and you know it's but they're asking you to take seven there's no guarantee i mean they can give you a set amount and. tomorrow this independent poor bob board from ohio to say well i don't think so i think the point should be last and you have no recourse it could be more which you know let's face it it's new york city is never going to be more because it's always going to be the last or if what they offer you and you know it's then you have attorney fees and expenses and everything else i mean the only thing that's ever guaranteed in this whole sue was both sides both attorneys from both sides of their fees guarantee well john tell me this very quickly how do you think that the government has handled this entire situation how does it make you feel that it took them nine years to even pass legislation for the. nine eleven health and compensation act. thank god it didn't take me nine years to go down
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there and try to put closure and get the country back on its feet and i wasn't alone obviously there was forty or fifty sixty thousand people that rushed out here from all over the world i mean nine years in we're still got her fingers crossed that they do the right thing with the bill that's in front of the senate next month it should never took this long i mean it's it's sad it's disheartening. not when i mean not if but when it happens again which we've already seen signs of. times on america they're setting a bad example and you know people are going to really start to think now we kids at home and married in college and bills by going to rush down there i can assure you that people are rushing down here anymore i mean it was proven when we had the gas explosion. a couple years ago when nobody was a steam explosion no one was near it they all came with a tie that suits you and you know steps were very easy no one got sick to watch them because they weren't allowed on the site at the pentagon without a hazmat it's definitely raising the right a lot of questions i'm sorry we're out of time john but thank you very much for
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joining us and of course we'll be waiting to see what happens tonight with this deadline thank you so much all right still to come tonight we have our tool time award which goes to google for their mapping information actually lead to invasion of a country we're going to tell you about that we come back and president bush has a new book coming out tomorrow but should the book be placed in the crime section for some of the war crimes the former president committed were discussed in just a moment. welcome back this is on to see a potential to have a. three to pos cell the exiled russian also has time to try and stop to electric chair and notice a deadly internet but a lot of people but online a few minutes of delays a leg not responses says that centric experiment just to show just how society
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views its freedoms. china is america's biggest creditor and one of its top two trading partners but has become public enemy number one with the country's right wing politicians have been whipping out there mongering but others like new york michael bloomberg think that until chinese sentiment can backfire and spoke of trade war. red stones in georgia as the country is about to introduce a bond and some of its symbols the opposition says it is an intolerant and pointers attempt to rewrite history and that the government should sort of this instead of the real problems. let's go back to part two of the i don't wish. now it's time for tonight's jewel time award and tonight it goes to our favorite company to hate google see it seems that they're mapping system is responsible for a recent innovate.
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