tv [untitled] November 9, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EST
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thousands of vietnamese struggled and not for financial reasons. that saying all is fair in love and war has been used to justify many military decisions but when during the vietnam war the united states began deploying chemical weapons they claim agent orange over this country not many could have predicted that those all suffer from that most will be the soldiers on the battlefields but their children most at home or even born at a time. hootie whom is thirty four years old but you'd never guess by looking at or born blind and with many severe physical difficulties her parents feed and bathe her to this day her life was taken away from her before she was even born. my daughter was born blind and we didn't know why until would soakers of the hospital in one thousand eight hundred one and the doctors did some blot says that's when they said she was affected by agent orange it's very difficult second care of her because she is completely helpless completely dependent. for
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a decade american jets dispersed eighteen million liters of the then brand new herbicide over the territory of vietnam operation ranch ranch did not win the war but did achieve its goal of destroying millions of hectors of agricultural fields and expose nearly five million people to its deadly poison half a million children in vietnam were born with severe physical and mental disability all because of agent orange. no u.s. government nor the chemical companies that made the herbicide have paid a single cent in compensation to those whose lives were destroyed by their work their only relief has come from the vietnamese government and various international organizations like the red cross who have set up so-called peace villages their affected children get their chance to live a life with as much normality as their conditions allow pound woman who can treat kids and then detain them at the same time we only get fifty cents per child from
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the government but we need more of course to help the children in the home they study in a school on site play with friends living in the village and get medical and physical treatment from the doctors but not many of them will ever grow to be fully independent and self-sufficient adults and that is the harshest of all their burdens. even if the united states they've some compensation for what they did no money can give my daughter her life back nothing can pay for this pain. gas runners are our t. vietnam. and u.s. officials warned of rising chinese sentiment in washington could spark a crippling trade war with beijing that's despite china being america's biggest creditor at its number two trading partner but as artie's garnished account reports the chinese aren't the only improvised bogeyman on the u.s. horizon. when the economy's bad unemployment hard i blame
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china many u.s. politicians use that tactic to get elected this year maybe you ought to run for senate trying something close to hatred is being promoted against china here to the point when new york city mayor michael bloomberg said enough is enough. i think in america we've got to stop blaming the chinese and blaming everybody else and take a look at ourselves but china is not the only scapegoat u.s. politicians used to score points. when it comes to security and defense issues there is a host of other countries actively promoted as bogeyman in the u.s. fliers like this are being turned out by a major conservative think tank in washington they're designed to form a negative public opinion on the landmark arms control deal with washington that's up for ratification in the senate it would be absolutely wrong for anyone to try to demonize russia at
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a time when we need russia's cooperation in order to limit the amount of nuclear weapons when it comes to the future of the start treaty the ramifications of washington's fear mongering policy can be destructive as far as i'm concerned forget about reset by not ratified start by not going forward with deputy accession we are just going to bolster that latter group that people don't want to do business with the west sending mixed signals has become normal business in washington d.c. has a media organization which oversees america's international broadcasting walter isaacson has recently included the country's supposed partners china and russia on his list of america's enemies as he put it a statement that he later backtracked on speaking of capitol hill is popular trend in demonizing china michael bloomberg warrant that the cahsee quinces may backfire badly if you look at the us you look at who were electing to congress to the senate
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they can't read i'll bet you a bunch of these people don't have passports we're about to start a trade war with china if we're not careful only because nobody knows where china is nobody knows what china is. fear mongering so wives where there is a lack of information and with ignorance making people more susceptible to bogeyman theories and some us politicians take advantage of it but a question they don't answer is a fear will be able to remedy the country's economic difficulties or make americans more secure get a check on our team washington d.c. . the ratification of the latest russia u.s. arms reduction agreement has ground to hold the new start treaty signed in april should cut the two country's nuclear arsenals by a third but it won't come into force until ratified by both sides something moscow says it's ready to do foreign policy reporter josh rogin explains what's holding washington back. if they've made the decision that they want to postpone the vote
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on the agreement on next year or if they just want it to go down altogether or not pass at all that's a decision that's going to be made totally absent of the rational substantive arguments for against the treaty how it affects our security this is pure politics it's not really about the merits of the treaty it's about the politics of republicans versus the obama administration you've got the public in leadership who wants to sort of see if they really think this could be a benefit to national security and then you've got this far right group the heritage foundation and their friends in some party some members of the tea party caucus who are just going to be against it off together who stands to benefit those who want to put an end to the u.s. russia reset as put forth by the administration the bottom line here is that what they have to benefit is to deliver a huge foreign policy failure to the bomb ministration what we have here is their white house putting all of the credibility of the reset process on this agreement and it's also one of the only few foreign policy successes that they can really count this year so if this goes down this looks very bad for obama it looks very bad for the senate democrats it looks very bad for those republicans who want to
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work with senate democrats so there is a new thinking about russia both in the administration and in congress but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction so those who are skeptical of the u.s. russia relationship are ripping up their efforts to oppose this new dynamic and that's what we're seeing here and unfortunately the takeover of the house foreign affairs committee by a noted russia skeptic representative roslyn and points to increased power for this group within congress minority and small as it may be for resisting further u.s. russia cooperation so it's much easier to thwart initiative meant to implement it so what we're going to see here is increased attempts by those who are russia skeptics to push back against the administration's efforts to improve relationship with russia and the administration will have to read but its efforts even more to overcome that we just don't know yet how it's going to play out. and i was foreign policy reporter josh rogin there still to come in the program old classics are never forgotten as dominates modern t.v. parents are turning their kids towards old soviet cartoons. palestinians are
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demanding the giant israeli barrier that surrounds them to be torn down as the world marks an international day against the wall some locals are using the five hundred kilometer long fans for their own benefit and while palestinians are organizing wall tours to showcase their oppression some israeli companies are cashing in. honey a mare lives on a hot piece of real estate but it's not because of his view seven years ago these radio army bills had sworn in front of his house and behind it and to the science of it so that now he's completely closed in this gate his only contact with the outside world and he's the only one with the key but over all just trying different ways to get me to move they tried to force and also by offering me money indirectly they offered me an open show and told me how my life would change for it took the
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money and left the country construction on the wall began eight years ago among the nine hundred forty nine armistice line between israel and the palestinian west bank israel insists it's for security but palestinians complain it's a party and the international court of justice has said it breaches international law since the wall was built so ironically as well as keeping people out it's also been bringing others in businessmen who his son runs what he calls alternative to is and brings tourists to see israeli settlements checkpoints and border fences but his highlight the wall of the mill mine mainly the work he was shot i have a lot of people been occurring in the truth you know on the have like some jewish people come with an office of jewish americans but jewish israelis aren't allowed to sign up to go into the palestinian territories it's shutting this well we i mean i as a fan of pink floyd that i thought that this world belongs to belong to the past so
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this is this people here because no good inside jerusalem nobody some of them there but they have to go through checkpoints. you know what's the what it's like. israel insists the walls kept suicide bombers out army spokeswoman avatar leibovich says most of its nearly five hundred kilometers is infected feigns with less than four percent. concrete in the entrance to bethlehem you will see a concrete wall because in two thousand and four fifty percent of the suicide bombers that entered israel came from bethlehem so only in those places that has extra security sensitivity that's where the concrete wall was built elsewhere as you can see here we're talking about a regular fence with electronics but there's nothing regular about caging people in say this israeli couple who are taking the wall on to a goal to gussy is leaving for america where she's arranged to give talks and raise money to help palestinians you know surrounded by
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a wall and that she can't live without having certain moments. you live in poverty but the war means money for some travel agencies winning business from showcasing or perhaps revealing in israeli security measures. if you're planning a trip to the holy land gone are the days of visiting traditional religious sites now if you go online you'll find two is like the ultimate counterterrorism mission a tour with the army territories and a to if it involves a palestinian raid but it's no holiday for honey because while tourists can come and go he's stuck here him didn't buy ms rady wall paula sphere r t israel. a prominent russian journalist who was brutally beaten a moscow is still recovering in hospital after a close brush with death two attackers pounced on the lead caution with male rods on friday night president dmitry medvedev says it was clearly not
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a random assault and has vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice police have so far been unable to identify who the attackers were caught on camera cautions beating sparked an outcry in russia and abroad the journalist made a name for himself by slamming several high profile government officials investigators say cautions professional activities was the most likely cause for the attack. a top afghan government official has been killed by roadside bomb in the country they also reported two of its service members were killed in action in afghanistan over the past twenty four hours and the u.s. led international coalition is struggling to bring peace to the country as the alliance plans to begin a troop drawdown next year however britain's top military commander says at least a thousand u.k. troops must stay after twenty fifteen. forty say the death toll has risen to twenty eight in southern iraq after a series of blasts thought to be targeting shia muslims at least ten of the data
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bringing pilgrims who were visiting the holy cities of karbala and the job where the first two explosions happened a third bomb rocked a busy marketplace in the sea of basra if follows last week's attacks which killed more than sixty in mainly shia neighborhoods of baghdad. more than ten thousand people have fled across the border from myanmar to taiwan after fighting between rebel and government troops broke out the violence in which several died came in the back of me almost first election in two decades the vote has been internationally condemned for being fixed and early results indicate a party linked to the ruling military government is set to win. the death toll from an outbreak of cholera in haiti has risen to. were five hundred about eight thousand others are in hospital with growing concerns of the disease and spread to the capital port au prince authorities fear of the outbreak could worsen after a hurricane last week triggered floods and mudslides and forcing people to drink
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contaminated water. and so in two weeks of eruptions from indonesia's most volatile kaino has risen to one hundred fifty three residents of the city at the base of mount merapi are fleeing afraid that a volcano will erupt again and it's still spewing ash though it has not had a major ructions since friday the ash clouds from the delhi will cain no forced several commercial flights on monday to cancel departures and landings and to carter airport. despite the odds saw that cartoons remain a favorite with both kids and adults in russia and beyond and as criticism towards modern day telly at its obsession with violence rises a number of parents are turning to old school cartoons as a way of educating their kids yet with huge funding cuts the future is looking bleak for those drawing the future artie's dumbarton reports right in front of the . time in the moskovitz household. on the telly
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not the latest animation creations rather old soviet classics i mean apart from many other things these cartoons lay the very basics of my concepts about life what's good and bad what's bible and what's to be ignored. whether you like them or not these old cartoons have a huge following throughout eastern europe in the former soviet union and new generations are just as captivated thirty. years and they gave us a very good. mental many say they prefer soviet cartoons even if they're decades old to western creations and one called hedgehog in the fog the little hero has to find his courage and some friends to help him out of the mist of beer that of god but mostly it's about good over evil he was lonely and fearful in the fog but able to tell who or what was around him but then he was
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helped by his friends and was rescued while you do hear the cartoons creator says that works like his to live a healthy morals to children as well. we're speaking of humaneness pope john paul the second used to say if you want to bring up your children in a humane way show them some of your cartoons. one of the most famous is culture of russia. where the furry little hero learns lessons about life and friendship with his crocodile friend again or another just you wait who can wolf chases a hare without the violence of some of its western counterparts. when i was small i love to watch just to wait for who is my favorite character i always pity the wolf to the wolf was perhaps my favorite more than the hair. and here was one of the homes of modern russian animation the center of national film in moscow has helped create welcome stroker a new animated feature film about the famous one nine hundred sixty s.
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. based talks so far has sold well but its critics say it is just a copy of american cartoons. certainly there are some american clichés nonetheless is a unique product a unique russian picture we tried gathering as much information as possible about the fifty's and early sixty's to demonstrate it in our film despite the team's hopes some old russian cartoon micah's worry that the innovation of the soviet era is over the reason capitalism in the financial crisis have slashed state funding in half. with state sponsored films one could take a risk the film that didn't go to distribution could be written off the program produced it these days would never take risks he just wants to make money from films. which means that for now the mascot children who stick with the current that parents watched soviet and russian animators have long innovated despite a lack of funding the cartoons they created scene if anything to be growing in
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popularity with the current funding situation as bad as it is the question is whether the question animation can survive to inspire children like these. pesky. you're alive you twenty four hours a day with many more stories and here's a taste of what you'll find right now. the mayor of moscow is now tapping the city's most pressing issue traffic and has outlined basic measures aimed at solving the problem. it's a story might be more difficult than it sounds but don't worry as a new service guarantees you'll be forgiven for still i still love ones on your. details r.t. dot com. and just hours from now we've got a visit. hungry for the full
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decision to print six hundred billion dollars in new stimulus money central bankers and economists all of inflation new bubbles and hot money in sleighs russia could be on the receiving end of the. covert reports. stimulus war as. the biggest offensive from the west strong has washington's decision to print new hundreds of billions on greenbacks japan was first with over sixty billion dollars of financing but the us shot back with a round of stimulus ten times as big huge waves of hot money are expected to hit the man in the eastern and southern emerging economies russia's official response so far is surprisingly positive but the capital of some additional capital inflows into russia of course you know interest currently foreign capital is very small and we are interested in attracting further capital so in the short term this move can be seen as a plus for us. bottom many voices are critical germany calls the u.s.
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policy clueless it will lead to artificial economic growth in the u.s. asset prices bubbles all over the world and eventually in march high inflation that will erode incomes and savings if you're a businessman and you want to get a credit to develop your business the bank would incorporate this inflationary expectations in it's created in the streets which eventually would mean that rates would go up create activity as a result would slow. analysts say developing countries inflation is already quite high and they cannot match the u.s. moved by increasing their own money supply so analysts predict the dollar will depreciate against many currency is speculator of capital stock markets now keep assets overvalued in ben bernanke his words higher stock prices consumer wealth
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increased confidence and sparrow spending analysts say this is simply a rerun of the ass a bubble before the crisis broached as it must once again that's. our team. russia's government may sell ten percent of state and. u.s. investment capital this is according to russian news. daily paper reports that merrill lynch could manage to do which is estimated to be worth three billion dollars this week the first step of the state privatization program announced earlier this year. time will have a look at how the markets are performing in stocks in asia have mirroring it decline in the west shares some investors took a break of recent market around me. and hearing loss came markets ended in the black on monday and in the majors were among the top gains on the l.t.s. the new rules nichols hoped the winners list machine for the state on the my
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sixpence before taking it well the t.v. was up three percent it closed rubinstein for leisure paul says invest to see value in russian stocks. in addition to their. easy ringmaster men's and increasing expectations about russian microeconomic growth russia still offers high interest rates and good morning always choose their higher returns some point they will depress interest rates and some point interest rates will start calming down but so far they're much higher than international interest rates and that leads to extra. inflow of their international capital into russia that could create acid bubbles which they call me and russian officials are concerned about right thing we're not at that point yet so i think there. inflationary pressures that we see there is to a manageable and so in my view yeah give us more money. to
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europe now in germany thought she helped sell in september showing that the region's largest economy is slowing down no point eight percent decline surprised economists would have expected again there was also a falling demand for goods from europe's top exporter as the region's governments cut spending. ireland has outlined its tax and spending plans monetary affairs commissioner as a struggles to avoid a greek style bailouts and more trim next year's budget by the equivalent of eight billion dollars but with fewer investors willing to lend to the country its cash reserves may run out by the middle of next year experts doubt the country can afford even the modest five percent interest offered in the greek west. the bric countries will spearhead the growth of global tourism according to a world travel market report with many south american and european markets already developed two operators are looking keenly at other emerging destinations india and china will increasingly attracting generate tourists by european travel companies
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and field workers on land then in deep water. they faced it this is not a provocation but a war of the. faithful to insure against steppers are you sure to support the treaty speaks of they have no idea about the hardships to face. they wanted to says it all to tunis and for any army the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism of those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. to three thousand nine hundred forty five dollars on t.v. dot com. in toyland multis available in hotels friends to convince myself to tell
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bangkok bunyan treated by income unless it's held by income source a telecom cold ground a big joke. from a god in search of hotel princess in bangkok radisson hotel danko dream hotel bangkok separate cells until a grand bangkok qantas if it hotel bangkok hotel banco close a company phone calls a role in the region. this is actually a lot for moscow a look at the top stories the side effects of the vietnam war raging on destroying thousands of lives and many have been saying no amount of us compensation to give them back their help american army sprayed some twenty million gallons of a poisonous herb cycles and deaths as well as birth defects. china gets some
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competition as a bogeyman a whiz of washington using the star tree to make moscow the new scapegoat in town to go shaders of the arms deal and war and the smear campaign to become destructive to ratification and the relationship between the two countries. and palestinians are marking international day against the wall by demanding israel breaks its barrier with a palestinian west bank but some locals are making money more money out of the separation israeli companies are using the site as a tourist attraction and organizing showcasing the five hundred kilometer long. time now for our interview show spotlight and its host are going off asks philip ab out of boston college about the future of russia's higher education system.
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