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tv   [untitled]    November 9, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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the judge just put that new law on hold until a hearing later this month sharia law allows for stoning and spousal abuse but a muslim rights activist filed a lawsuit claims the ban on shari'a law violates his constitutional rights. oh dana don't chew fox news the rest of the g.o.p. ever get tired of trying to scare white people about islam it's kind of sad you joined the ranks of the fear mongering since leaving the white house what a fall from grace but dana while you were trashing islam on t.v. you for some reason didn't mention the numerous places in the bible where stoning and spousal abuse is also mentioned and in fact we actually found three bible verses that we'd like to point out for you first we have five twenty two twenty three says wives submit to your husband as to the lord for the husband is the head of the wife as christ is the head of the church his body of which he is this savior that's followed by corinthians fourteen thirty four thirty five says let your women keep silence in the churches for is not permitted unto them to speak but they are
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commanded to be under obedience also say the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church and that of course we have deuteronomy twenty two to twenty two twenty to twenty one it says but it evidence of virginity are not found for the young woman and they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house and the men of her city shall stone her to death see dana there is just three little bible verses talking about stoning and how women are supposed to be submissive to their husbands just because one christian fundamentalist decided to act on that does not mean that that is what the entire bible and all of christianity preaches so why dana did you mention shari'a law is dangerous for women but not those in the bible i'm honestly just getting sick of people looking at extreme examples and then painting an entire religion of people as those extremes and that's why dana perino is tonight's told time award winner.
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now unfortunately i think all americans most members of the world remember this moment when george bush announced under false pretenses that the us was invading iraq when america thought that saddam hussein was the bad guy who posed a major threat was weapons of mass destruction. the citizens at this hour american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. on my orders coalition forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to undermine saddam hussein's ability to wage war. now we can fast forward to seven years later this past august the us announced the end of combat operations in iraq and we see made headlines around the world when correspondent richard engel rode out of the war when in country with the last of the combat troops there are four
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hundred and forty american troops in this convoy traveling in sixty. soon as they cross the border into kuwait and it is not far to the border just about thirty miles from here and soon as all the soldiers leave iraq operation iraqi freedom the combat mission in iraq will be over. now even though n.b.c. had a little bit of interference there that live shot was a way to show the world that there was a light at the end of this tunnel well forget about all of that now because it looks like the u.s. might be staying in iraq longer than promised it could happen according to secretary of defense robert gates he says that if the iraqis requested the u.s. would be open to the idea of keeping troops there past their scheduled deadline at the end of two thousand and eleven yeah you heard me right iraq where the u.s. just announced it was ending combat operations talk about going in the opposite direction now the iraqi troop drawdown was hailed as
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a glorious moment it was proof that the president had held on to his word the u.s. troops would be coming home to their families by the government's pre-determined deadline i mean even obama made the declaration himself. so tonight i am announcing that the american combat mission in iraq has ended. operation iraqi freedom is over and the iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country. now sure iraq has regained control of its country technically but even with you know operation iraqi freedom over the country has been ridden with attacks more civilians have died than keep in mind that even though iraq did hold elections back in march politicians have yet to form a government amid a deadlock between sunni shia and kurdish blocs so exactly what iraqi government is going to tell our troops to say mr gates is this just an excuse to keep our presence there then blame it on the iraqis rather than u.s.
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politicians and military officials give me a break operation iraqi freedom lasted for seven years there are still thousands of troops there. of course only in an advise and assist role rather than combat which in itself is a bad joke but please let's not keep pretending that keeping a u.s. presence there is going to be the idea of iraqis and not ours and let's get real about the fact that this just means more lives will be lost. lately the bomb iran rhetoric has been picking up across america we've covered on this show senator lindsey graham's call to neuter the nation david broder piece claiming that obama's only way to win a second term will be through rallying the nation around the idea of taking on the wallace and for the most part we scoffed at the neo con warmongering we've called them crazy and out of touch not realizing the long term damage to the coup because if the administration did listen to their battle cries but what if their target isn't obama isn't iran right now what if they're paving the way for an attack down
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the road some are seeing the iran talk pressure as an echo of how we came to invade iraq now earlier i caught up with mathew das national security adviser at the center for american progress and i first asked him if he agreed with me though lately we've really seen the bomb iran crowd picking up some major steam and making their battle cries louder than ever. yeah it's definitely true it has especially with the elections last week with a number of republicans coming in to take over key committees i think and with senator lindsey graham especially this past weekend up in canada making the point that containment is off the table i thought it was pretty notable that senator lindsey graham he is still a senator he's not president was kind of taking it upon himself to dictate u.s. foreign policy toward canada exactly what it was a new era exactly let's look at maybe later on when so yeah i mean this has been building it's been it goes back a number of years even after the iraq invasion there were
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a number of new conservatives who wanted to just move right on into iran. but now it's definitely due to a higher gear of the past or do you think that you know we're just hearing more loudly right now because of the midterm elections because republicans have taken over some key seats or is there really some type of a long term strategy it's being planted here well i think it's both i think there is definitely a strategy to to foreclose certain policy options for president obama i lot think a. it does and i think a lot of conservatives are kind of feeling their strength after the elections but also we are reaching i think a key decision point for president obama in his policy toward iran and there's been talk of you know new nuclear talks coming up fairly soon here where they will take place whether vienna geneva or turkey is still up in the air but i think they they realize that president obama is going to have to make a choice pretty soon over which way he wants to take his policy he's made pretty clear and i'm very thankful that he's not interested in military action but they you know obviously they would like to see that happen now tell me this how does
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this remind you of the entire buildup to the iraq and the war in iraq if we were to you know draw some parallels here i think you have a democratic president. who recognizes there is a problem iran does represent a threat to a number of american interests in the middle east there is disagreement over how severe that threat is whether that threat can be contained as with clinton in the one nine hundred ninety s. i think the neoconservatives recognize that he's not going to launch a war but they're looking long term they're very good at this about planning for when the republicans eventually take back the white house to create a sort of escuela tory logic momentum toward an inevitability toward a war so as we saw in one thousand nine hundred eighty we saw the iraq liberation act which came around that was the whole lewinsky thing going on there where they were blocking and putting pressure on the clinton ministration across a whole range of issues they put up this iraq liberation act as a way to kind of show bipartisanship and relieve some of the pressure and of course at that time no one would have believed we were going to haul off and invade iraq
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at some point but i think we should expect to see something similar to that over the next year or two a kind of so you think it will work you think that we might see an iranian liberation you think that we might see at the moment we have a lot of rhetoric picking up also that's anti china we have the heritage foundation and their lobbying arm releasing these mailers about the start treaty and trying to pressure especially republican senators. you are thinking about voting for it not to do it because this will weaken our national security and nuclear arms will get us the arms of rogue nations do you think that they're actually that this will work to be a scare tactic so this fear mongering of the action clamp down on obama well i think they'll work to put pressure on him i don't know i don't know whether we can expect to see any run liberation act i mean iran is different in the number of ways from iraq one of the most notable ways is that there is no equivalent right now to the committee for the liberation of iraq or the iraqi national congress which was a group of exiles who kind of worked with the neoconservatives who were put up as
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representative of the iraqi people we found out that wasn't true they had absolutely no base of support in iraq and they sold us a lot of lies about iraq e w m d there is as yet no equivalent to that yet so we should watch out for that but i think. you know the key thing is just watch as they put pressure on obama to kind of foreclose certain options for him well that is a good question right if it is all goes their way when who is it that's going to greet us as the liberators with open arms in iran right now right i mean that is the real irony here very dark irony to be to be truthful you know the one of the main obstacles to iran war is of course iraq everything that was told to us by the bush administration and the neoconservatives about how iraq would benefit us and benefit the region has turned out to be completely false the causes and reasons for the war turned out not to exist al-qaeda or w m d in iraq. and we also have a number of iranian democrats and dissidents speaking out very loudly about the idea of military action i did an interview with shirin ebadi the iranian nobel
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peace prize winning human rights activists who was explicitly against even talk of military action we have gone gee who's another dissident journalist from iran who said precisely the same thing so i think we are dealing the situations are different but that doesn't mean that obama's critics are going to keep trying to push him in that potential sometimes like we're living in i don't know i feel like the world just doesn't make that somewhat logical world would starting another war make sense. that would just make iran want to accelerate their nuclear program right that would only tarnish our relationship with the muslim world that we have already that's a third war that we've been getting ourselves into and despite what david broder might say i don't think that's going to save our economy i feel like i'm listening to a bunch of crazy people and these are very influential voices they are i mean i think in that respect it's worth taking a look at two key elements of the neo conservative ideology in the first involves the exercise of american military power i mean there's a it's really an unfalsifiable belief about how beneficial american power is i mean
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in the case of iraq their argument was that we just didn't exercise power enough or we exercised it in the wrong way but there's all they've also been very honest and explicit about the role that foreign wars play in domestic politics the idea that there is if they promote this sense of an enemy out there and they've got a lot of help from the tide over the years and from the rhetoric of mahmoud ahmadinejad but the point is if you can identify this threat that's good for conservative politics having a very charismatic enough and they just might actually listen to your crazy idea that to say the least it's also very good for the defense contractors to fund their thing out of the u.s. well let's hope that it doesn't work this time in terms of a long term plan that thank you so much for being here. still to come tonight do you think you might have picked up an s.t.d. researchers in britain are working on an app to help you confirm your suspicions when i tell you more about that in just a moment and call of duty the hot new video game that just became available overnight is now out on stage shelves but the problem for the game says that anyone can be a soldier while actually they can't wait to get an afghanistan veterans thoughts on
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that in just a moment. holidaymakers wouldn't dare to swim so deep. tourists would be scared of such cold water. and would never die. soon within arm's reach. they are not to lists they are researchers. and few words on land then in deep water. down the official antti up like a ship till i phone the i pod touch from the i choose ops to. life on the
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go. see video on demand on t.v.'s my old costs and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the t.v. dot com. the moment when the world was changed forever. thousands passed to nothing. thousands wounded. and noone to suffer. to the end of the land. was the first but probably not the last military uses of this weapon. many more will me come. on common get on in the future culture is that so much i'm afraid we're going to make it a lot of people
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a variant of blood when it comes to finding solutions to the world's economic and financial woes is bigger and more better critics of the g twenty claim otherwise. this is just a parliament building in durbin. but then. sixty five years ago. it was the final target on the last major offensive from an army took his country and became the symbol on the fall of financial cinema. and the victory over nazi germany. the following on r.g.p. . to
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. lead to test for a pop. but you're just too embarrassed to see a doctor well guess what there will soon be an app for that british health officials say that they're hard at work on a new app that will allow users to pee into their cell phones and find out within minutes if they have an s.t.d. here's the guys i am not making this story up according to british newspapers six million dollars has already been spent on research in creating
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a smartphone app that will allow users to quote put urine or so live on a computer chip about the size of a u.s.b. chip plug it into their phone or computer and receive a diagnosis within just minutes i'm sorry but i don't want any bodily fluids near my phone period that sounds disgusting apparently they think of the tech savvy approach will lure young brits to get tested since as rates are on the rise in britain and researchers say that teens young adults well they don't like talking about sex with their doctors so the new app will test for a range of s.u.v.s including clemente and gonorrhea and if a person gets a positive test the app will also direct them to a doctor for treatment sorry but i think of these researchers are a little bit confused about what is and what isn't cool to young people just because it's tacky and it includes a smartphone does not mean that british youth are going to rush to put a piece o. stripe into their phone to test for s t d's i mean i support everybody getting tested don't get me wrong but this project that sounds like a fail to me not to mention it grows there is no way that i'm putting pee into
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a three hundred dollar. moving on to new court cases putting spotlight on the blurring lines between your professional life and your personal life when it comes to the wild world of social media the case involves a woman who was fired from her job because she posted negative comments about her supervisors on facebook and according to reports this employee got into a major argument with her boss at work then decided to vent all over frustrations on her facebook wall when the boss found out she got the boot because her company has a policy against employees making negative comments about their jobs on social networking sites now this case is still working through a lot of technicalities but it does bring up a pretty good point do you have the right to say whatever you want on social networking sites can you talk a little smack about your boss or a coworker after a hard day's work you know facebook and other social media platforms they were originally designed for individuals to communicate with one another no restrictions
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or regulations just hop on line and tell the world whatever you want but since everybody now is a cyber footprint it's easy to forget that when you comment on something anybody can see it is no longer private what if i had a bad day at my job and my boss really pissed me off and i just came up with a nasty little comment can i say have i mentioned to my boss is an arrogant bastard doesn't give a rat's ass about his employees if i made a comment like that what i mean violating my company's policies or just looking for a way to vent either way consider this a reminder to you that everything you do online can come back to haunt you in the real world so use some common sense people if you really value your job don't align and criticize your superiors otherwise your next wall post will read anybody know someone who's hiring. now last night gamers lined up to get their hands on the latest copy of call of duty the new version called black ops went on sale at midnight and even though it's only been released for about eighteen hours now it's
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already on track to break records for sales of a first person shooter game is the latest in the call of duty series which despite controversy in the past has made billions of dollars and fans of the game have ranged from the average joe to hollywood superstars professional athletes but the call of duty series doesn't just have a huge fan base it also boasts a ridiculous amount of violence not only against other soldiers but against civilians as well and in fact call of duty hasn't banned from some countries in the past because of its violence and many are anticipating that this version will probably be banned too and what really might do them in this time is the new ad campaign that they put out to promote it so here to discuss it with me is afghanistan veteran jay killer barito jake thanks so much for being here before we get into the story i want to play this ad that they put out for the audience to see . my.
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now jake at the end of that ad it says anybody can be a soldier that's their tag line how does a feel for someone like yourself when you or are soldier you're a veteran you fotch in wars for this country you you bled for this country. and then they say that anybody can be a soldier yeah i think that the owners of this this or the zine or this clip should really be disgusted with themselves kobe bryant is not a soldier he has never been a soldier he makes what does he make fifty million dollars a year or something like that were playing basketball not everybody can be a soldier being a soldier or a marine or sailor that is an elite title which people earn they earn it boot camp and they certainly prove it on the battlefield or on their duty stations were so not everybody can be a surgeon a soldier number one but the second thing about this is that when people go to war that's something that they live with that's something that they do that's it's an occupation that they perform a great sacrifice it's not them says should be taken lightly when you put kobe
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bryant i mean these people in the in this commercial setting like this it sort of makes it like as a pop culture phenomenon to say oh anybody can do this nobody can't only that only those that make the decision to choice to serve their country get to earn that title not everybody and i mean living with the reality is one of the after effects of it of course is something that's not. it's not a light thing you know this is a serious burden for a lot of other ends out there but i want to ask you to you know the defense is the kind of these people that make the games is that hey it's a game it's not real but here this ad the reason it's different is because we're not just seeing a c.g.i. version of people running around now you have real people you have little girls you have blue collar workers you have kobe bryant and jimmy kimmel running around shooting actual machine guns you know i mean it does that tell you that now it's become real now they're selling debt and this is and this is the most critical part of and i analyze this this commercial time after time i watched it over a dozen times i want tell you if you look at the weapons that the people are carrying the behavior of those that are carrying a k forty seven is an r.p.g.
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is the behavior behavior of insurgents it's not just simple ole fun war stuff they're actually mimicking that would takes place on the battlefield that's issue one but the secondly the issue the characterization that takes place we've got we've got a woman wearing a short skirt carrying a. sixteen which is something that american soldiers wear to have in the battlefield. what it's saying is doing that is sexy or is not sexy people believe we smelled somebody dying that's not pleasant it's disgusting it's gross and some of that's impermanent impregnated in soldiers minds and on the battlefield and this joke this commercial making it off it only adds to what the new york times showed last week or two weeks ago when they said that only seven percent of americans happen to care about what's taking place overseas that's what commercials like this do it only exasperates the problem it's disgusting and the owners of this film of this commercial should be ashamed with themselves or not to mention you're right i mean they have real people running around with real guns but you don't see real bodies there is there's no blood in this promotion here you don't actually smell
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what it is to be in war but you know tell me this. of course there's always a lot of people that are upset when these call of duty games come out but there was a lot of. the last modern warfare excuse me the medal of honor game going to be as the last one of our game came out were you actually earl out to play as the taliban you know and now the army is even banned that guys aren't allowed to play the on their bases do you think that you know the fact that this is supposed to play somewhere in the cold war this is a black ops mission black ops mission if this was placed in a more current setting with there be more people that you know are crying out against it well this is what should be telling i mean the pentagon has decided is made a decision that some american soldiers and marines cannot play this game they can play it because they don't want the psychological impact of river of reversing the roles of american soldier playing the taliban so if the pentagon doesn't want the soldiers do it what does it say about our households oh well people say well we have a little religious liberty instead of my wife there was no i would tell you what
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people in that make games like this and personalize that the person was war that make it cartoonish kind of fun i think that really ought to consider as the sacrifice the soldiers make i mean we have veteran's day happening this thursday i think it is thursday and we have to think about this thursday there are hundreds of thousands of americans that have put the uniform on sacrifice for this country and simply making a joke about it through video games it's a social more. the problem i think that we have overall in the gaming system and if people don't believe me then i would challenge them to put on put on the uniform of going to war also also case right now it's before the supreme court where they're deciding whether it is constitutional first certain states to put bans on you know the purchase or the renting of video games for for minors are up to a certain age but you know i mean the thing about this game though a lot of people are saying that they didn't even need a promotion because they sell so many of them they make billions of dollars you know worth of profit here jake thank you so much for giving us your thoughts on this which i mean our before we go tonight we have our tweet of the day so we were wondering who launched
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a rogue missile in california last night now of course the first person that comes to mind is the leader of north korea who has a love affair with missiles so we're wondering what would kim jong il tweet we thought he'd say dammit don't blame me i wasn't. there it was early in the evening i was already off to bed you know that kim jong il get a little older these days so he's probably better early or that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back tomorrow we're going to have the founder of the website green is the new red on the show will potter and he's of cisco's the fact the homeland security has been comparing environmental activists to al qaeda now in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the lowish on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com slash the alone a show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. we'll see british. it's time to. go.
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to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy is really large. wood to swim. so deep. that tourist would be scared of such cold water. and would never die if not soon within an arm's reach. they are not to list the researchers. and few worse online than in deep water. in moscow she's available in hotels for coolest i'm going to know
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a little toto keep a promise it is cool just photo east west never told moscow center. for scott brown assume s.a.'s sloviansk on book in soldiers historical hotels of escape culture in the city salutes in the sky calls most. men day as a good up until the strength for us to become the hutto. america's need to wake up because i don't know what in hell we go let's remember kids. the un human rights slams the us for its poor record while americans question whether they really practice what they preach. as russia's law enforcement force celebrates its on the first three it's being rebranded and we formed but there are fears it could take a lot more to police the police. attacks on christians in israel than
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the palestinian will tell me are only increase at the hands of both jews and muslims keen to ensure no one switches their fate. there and welcome to our table costing around the world twenty four hours a day on kerry johnston washington has rejected u.n. calls to abolish the death penalty it was hit with over two hundred recommendations to improve its human rights record racial profiling and inhumane prison conditions which just some of the issues raised by the un human rights council. has been finding out americans are having to deal with a dose of serious criticism. freedom justice and peace for the world must begin with freedom justice and peace.


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