tv [untitled] November 10, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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bulk of the alone a show will get the real headlines with none of the mersey are coming live out of washington d.c. now it's a peaceful protest turned into riots in london when students said no to propose to issue hikes to universities but what about on this side of the pond universities here are facing the exact same heights but without all the protests we're going to be why there's such a difference in attitude between the two countries next for focusing on more student problems here in the u.s. as truancy is becoming a major concern for public schools stumm some states have even taken measures to stop the problem but not by punishing the students by giving mom and dad jail time but is this tough on parents stance really the best solution for young turks and because ferran will join us to give us her take on the issue then has america come down with a bad case of amnesia even though it's only been two years since george w.
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left the white house americans are acting like his legacy while in office was admirable what about all the flubs all the mistakes that he made when he was the decider in chief artie's christine for his ows going to have more on that story then has the department of justice turned a blind eye to torture again after the cia destroyed numerous incriminating interrogation tapes the d.o.j. has now decided not to charge them to speak with a member of the a.c.l.u. to get the organization's view on this result and if you're an eco activist are you also a terrorist the government thinks so and the case of pennsylvania they're even comparing environmental activist to al qaeda is that supposed to make us feel any safer blogger will potter will join me to discuss that bizarre story at the end of the show but now let's move on to today's top story. protesters breaking windows and setting fires was the scene in london today thousands of students flooded to the street. to protest the university tuition hike in two thousand and twelve added
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teller government the college should not just be a privilege for the rich but as our chief correspondent laura emmett explains this could be just the first of many riots in the country that will see the future and i think. once does it off as a peaceful and jovial demonstration earlier today has now turned into what's going on behind me behind me is the head forces of the conservative party and demonstrators that gathered outside shouting slogans but in that van is in the middle of the courtyard there is a large fire that they've made that burning exult throwing sticks visit a large police presence inside the courtyard as well and they've managed to break one of the window use of the building at this moment to demonstrate they managed to make their way to one to bring from where they are waving at the police to all involved police in riot gear have been told and up to twenty twenty five police
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right there are also trying to steal the situation out i've been approached by a couple of people as a news crew who said to me that they want to make it clear this is just a small group of demonstrators who are causing this trouble and the majority of this demonstration is still a peaceful one and this is the biggest demonstration that london has seen against all stares he matches because we've seen demonstrations all a big europe students and trade unions alike they all around twenty five thousand people are from the streets we think will they obviously it's impossible to get make that number but that protesting an increase in fees for university tuition for the around three thousand pounds travelling to around nine thousand pounds and that is jesus happened in two thousand and twelve if no one does anything about it i speak to some students about why they turned out today here's what they had to say oh i'm ashamed to say i'm i think it's not right but it's true. right.
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even though the government claims this is necessary job you could do whatever you do for but there are many other ways you can help with this example of actually a good thing p.c.b. in financial terms so we need to think about what education is actually forgot who it's for that's where the water was expensive. i'm going to buy that you. know it's really the first time rex that we've seen in london but that has been all there on wrecks throughout europe and the backed up with this is that extraordinarily david cameron the prime minister think we need to increase the amounts of money that person gets to the european union every year i mean we spoke around seven hundred million dollars is due to be suggested that by any pain you negotiate he said that very good call simpleton that well and that they really gave the membership fees to the european union essentially wait to see seven hundred million will be upwards of one billion dollars now this is really the first address that we've seen and not to because some people are expecting to go base about job
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losses and student code. now why small number of student protesters in england resorted to vandalism and of violence the majority are just there to make their point to exercise their freedoms to tell their government that they won't stand up for education becoming too expensive to afford in the us we say the same change is happening in terms of price thanks to state budget deficits funding for higher education is getting choked off to wish and rates are skyrocketing california callus state trustees approved a fifteen percent hike in fees just today in virginia tuitions fees raised by the out ten percent this year and it's happening in nearly every state in the country and keep in mind college is already not cheap and in fact the average college debt when i was twenty four thousand dollars for graduating seniors in two thousand and nine but despite all of that we're not seeing here but we are in london so my question why is why. joining me to discuss it is josh goodman former american
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university student activist and current democratic campaign consultant and riley trey had a current sophomore at the university of washington and i think you both for being here and you will now be so i mean it's all over the news right everyone is looking at what's going on in london today there are thousands of people on the streets there as you know a lot of stuff being thrown around there's been some violence but we don't see anything like that here in america and like i said to mission rates are going up across the country so why not well first i think that we've got a problem here that's really twofold the first is that there is a dearth of student activism and i'm sure we'll get to talk quite a bit about why the other problem that i think feeds into that is a media narrative that perpetuates it i mean certainly student activism in the united states does exist otherwise right and i wouldn't be here but anybody you know just ask anybody who was at the february two thousand and three iraq war protests there were half a million people out in new york city and it was one day's news so we've got a cycle here that discourages activism but you don't think that it's because
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perhaps there's a little bit of apathy involved that we weren't we aren't seeing it's not that the media isn't covering protests in the u.s. today there simply aren't thousands of students out in the streets but i don't think that's the case because we saw in berkeley a couple years ago a similar at least an analogous response to increase tuition rates and the response across the country was generally that the students at berkeley need to sit down and pay their money people don't respond as well here to violent outrageous protests what they respond to is a sort of through the system way of doing things that actually in exchange and there is an apathy that underlies it and the unfortunate fact is that this is not a new problem. if you go back even to the heyday of activism in the sixty's you know don't forget that boomer activism is the movement that couldn't quite in the vietnam war but did all that ronald reagan twice you know so the fact remains that we've kind of seen that we need to move in a different direction here and it is it is a cultural thing and i'm not going to take a position on whether it's good or bad that we don't have mass demonstrations but most of the activism that i order. it was small and focused we did things that had
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instead of one hundred thousand people and fifty people but they were funny they were engaged they get results well i certainly thought so i mean not every time we ousted our university president at american university over misappropriation of funds we were successful at that we also once tried to arrest karl rove he's not in jail we obviously weren't successful at that you know but we did get a lot of attention and we were on bill o'reilly we did this we did that once over this i mean do you feel like you have you have the right the freedom to assembly right you have the freedom of speech but do you feel like you're actually allowed to practice those rights because i feel like you know that sometimes there is a bit of over militarization much a bit of a police state in this country i went to u.c. santa cruz also a politically active campus where i saw you know students trying to do what i tend to university this was a peaceful event they set up some tents on the line and you know within hours there were swat teams there kids were getting beat down for what i mean that was a peaceful protest that is a right it's a great point and we do have an overactive response to any kind of activism that is
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one of the things that discourages it you know it's really unfortunate that we've kind of reached the point where to win is already commodified and that's one of the things that they're worried about happening in the u.k. and we've been seeing rightly pointed out to me just before the show we were talking and you pointed out that even though we haven't seen the kinds of huge jumps that they're now railing against in the u.k. we have seen a steady climb since the seventy's and that's kind of the way that they've been able to get away with this they've snuck it in under the wire and we haven't been able to get people's attention but i do think that that's not just a result of you know millennia old or apathetic it is a result of the fact that there's a media culture that allows us to persist you know where a small tuition rate doesn't get have reported. that there's a feeling if you go through the system it's a lot harder but you do get things done i organized a rally called speak up or pay up the effort to keep what little money we have and it was just supposed to be at my school but fortunately the right people showed up and every public college. in virginia is trying to organize to have one and
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hopefully it's going to enact the kind of results where we're going to be able to see the state government putting more money into our public universities next year when some of this how about the fact that not everybody in america goes to college right i mean it university is so expensive these days it's absolutely absurd that some private schools cost up to fifty thousand dollars a year i mean after four years of school here two hundred thousand dollars in the hole that is absolutely insane you know and if you look at the socio economic differences here the gap even amongst races i mean in two thousand and eight only five percent of all college attendees were african-american males so do you think that if the entire country was actually experiencing you know and paying for these hikes that there would be more outreach yes and this is a deep endemic problem that contributes to the dearth of activism what you see is from a very early age students get to tracked into people who are expected to go to college and people who aren't expected to go to college and it's absolutely to our country's detriment but the fact is that part of our culture is you don't go to
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college unless you have an expectation that we're going to pay for it so by third grade when you get broken down into class bibles advanced by third grade you know if you're going to be able to afford to go out and if you're and i do you want to go like you want to get the scholarship which are all now going down the drain because the states are broke and from a very early age many americans have an expectation that because of cost they will not go to college the people who are in college are the people who have a plan to pay for it and it's very unfortunate that this is something that gets shouldered on the backs of just a few people when it really affects the entire country but you still believe in activism you're not going to stop your going to do what you can i think so. so will i i think that you're very convincing i think more and more people are going to take part in it because i think that the states as well as the universities are starting to violate the trust that should be held on a much higher level between students and their universities they're not just students and they're not customers they're alumni in residence and if you want your university to be your future all mater you expect a certain level of commitment from your university. to you and once you're there
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when they raise tuition twenty five percent on you for your next year and your options are pay the money or drop out you pay the money but you don't want to and i think that more and more students are seeing more and more tuitions and are going to become more active against this kind of why we will hopefully will see a lot of activism because the entire economy is in the hole right it's not just affecting students right now it's really spans all generations all walks of life here in america and we haven't seen let's go to london yet thank you. still to come tonight the obama white house said that two thousand and eleven would be a target for the drawdown of troops in afghanistan but now sources are saying that well that probably won't happen so my unplugged moment is coming up in our next half hour and he's on the t.v. i am book tour circuit former president bush left with very low approval ratings but it seems that americans are feeling a little the style jack about the former commander in chief artie's christine for us our reports all week about. wealthy british not to.
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if you had any questions as to whether or not america's education system is failing a large number of our children and the statistics i'm about to give you are going to make up your mind according to a new report only thirty eight percent of white boys in fourth grade are profession and reading only forty four percent and eighth grade our profession in math and if you look at the statistics for african-american boys in those numbers. are even more grant only twelve percent of black boys in the fourth grade are professional grade same goes for black boys proficiency in math in the eighth grade only twelve percent now some blame schools and teachers but now we're seeing a backlash against parents start to spread and october california governor arnold schwarzenegger signed a stage wide truancy bill the law allow officials to prosecute parents when their kids don't show up to school so the kids miss ten percent of their classes while the parent could go to jail for
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a year now in detroit michigan they're taking it even further they're proposing jailing parents that miss parent teacher conferences now it's definitely time for america to get serious about education but it's jail time really the best solution earlier from our studio in los angeles i caught up with anika sperry and from the young turks i first asked her if she was in favor of locking up parents for their kids' truancy or for missing parent teacher conferences. i actually don't want to lock them up i think that that's going a little too far however i would argue that kym worthy proposal does start up an important conversation and now people especially school administrators are thinking of ways to get parents involved in their kids' education and i think that even though these proposals a little orwellian it at least begat a very important conversation why can't i completely agree that parents the influence that they have over their children is very important but do you think that when they start these conversations they also you know take factors into
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account like the fact that so many kids live in single parent homes or that they live in poverty the facts that kids who already have parents in jail are only more likely to end their themselves so if you jail their parent well hey it sounds like you're screwing the kid for life. yeah i think that you know where these proposal didn't keep that in mind and you know there are a lot of parents out there that are single parents or there are parents out there that are in jail or have to work three jobs just to make ends meet and you know attending one parent teacher conference can be extremely difficult however the one good thing about her proposal was that she said you know if it is difficult for a parent to attend a parent teacher conference all they need to do is open some form of communication it could be an e-mail it could be a telephone call it could even be snail mail anything and you know i think that that is important and i think that even those who are suffering hardships can at
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least make that tiny bit of effort to communicate with teachers yeah i mean i guess the only thing that i worry about you know is that like you said that there are ways for them to try to communicate in california if we look at that last pacifically that's a little bit of a different story here it's about truancy and if your child misses more than ten percent of their classes then you can land up in jail for up to a year and i feel like this is just again that knee jerk reaction in america to be tough on crime so now since we're tough on crime and since we have the largest incarceration system in the world and since our drug war is working so well why don't we just start an education war and get tough on parents too i mean to me it sounds crazy because our tough laws aren't working in other aspects why would they work here. yeah i agree with you s.p. thirteen seventeen of the law that arnold schwarzenegger just signed is a little too strict you know the two thousand dollar fine the one year in jail if your child has missed ten percent of class time it is too strict and i don't think
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it will work but i think that you know one example of a very effective method was practiced by the baltimore city public school district and what they did is instead of being you know dependent on the government to punish parents what they did is they have their administrators you know knock on the doors of the parents that had kids who dropped out of school and they held those parents accountable themselves there was no legal action there was no you know crazy law enforcement involved it was administrators being proactive and i think it was effective and i'll tell you why the baltimore city public school district had a very high dropout rates especially among african-american students while their dropout rates as soon as they become became proactive dropped by eleven point nine percent in the last three years that is effective getting police enforcement getting our legal system involved putting parents in jail that's just crazy it's
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not going to work not to mention it's going to be extruding really expensive and california's already in a budget crisis the prisons are already overcrowded now they don't even have humanitarian conditions that meet the standards so far but you know since you mentioned. also the fact of about african-american students and their dropout rates and earlier i mentioned the statistics that in black males are doing so much worse than their white male counterparts and this even if they're living in the same socio economic levels this still applies and now they're asking for a conference at the white house i just can't believe that there hasn't been a conference yet we do feel like we just have our priorities messed up in this country that we don't put education first. oh absolutely absolutely that's something that i argue about on a daily basis on the young turks show on my examiner blog education is probably one of the most important probably for sure the most important thing in the united
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states it's what will determine our future and if we don't put an emphasis on education if we don't focus on how we can close that achievement gap between black and white students our country is doomed in the future and no one can argue that no one can argue that in order for us to be able to compete in the global economy in order for us to remain a strong powerful country we need to educate our youth and we really need to consider our future and what our future will look like if we don't emphasize education and for some reason i don't hear enough of that in our headlines and i thank you so much for joining us thank you. two years after leaving the white house george is now making the rounds on media networks promoting his new book decision points now when he was in office he had some of the lowest approval ratings that we've ever seen but when you talk to americans these days it seems like there's a collective amnesia sure is the president who got us into the iraq war who very
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slowly responded to the katrina aftermath but everyone seems to forgotten about that are to correspondent christine tells us what americans really think about delhi now. it's easy to see the tide turn it's hard for me to explain why that was the case that my work for this act will not stand. we will find those who get it. we will smoke them out of their homes out of his own foxhole former president george w. bush has reemerged with his version of his story his life his presidency as he calls them his decision points flying off the shelves of a bookstore near you exhibit in his blog george w. bush talks about his convictions and his addictions drawn at the dinner table at mother and dad's house and me and my brothers and sister there lars there and
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i'm sitting next to a beautiful one friend of mother and dad's and i said to her out loud what is sex like after fifty president bush virtually silent for the last two years. and when you ask someone about his reentrance into society you might hear something like this i think his silence has been golden and it will be difficult for him to rehabilitate his reputation here in washington but for many americans absence has made the hard grow fonder i like your when he was a good man personally i think he was a strong leader and one of our great presidents a c.n.n. opinion research corporation poll just out shows that many americans say obama is a better president than george w. bush forty seven percent to forty five percent but that two point margin is down from a twenty three point advantage a year ago you know bush's supporters like him more quiet probably for two years after he left office and what you saw with the midterms was them speaking out again so i think it's probably sort of timely that the book is coming out now because
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this is you know precisely the point at which those people who supported the president are you know coming back into the fold for many americans president bush was the plain speaking man. he said they'd want to have a beer with and despite getting the country involved in two wars. a housing crisis and the great recession the collective memory first son is this is he was the president through this situation that america will never forget nine eleven i lost my brother in law at the pentagon on nine eleven and we were very very happy with the way george bush handled all that in the white house gift shop directly across the street from where president obama lives are these t. shirts for sale a picture of former president george w. bush and the question miss me yet a billboard with the same question appeared in wyoming minnesota back in february it appears for some the answer is yes we get. abused by the small.
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george smacked in irak made him mad he spak them ok and that's what we should do more often and so it seems this man i said some stupid thing is still to many like every man he's a decent guy. he seems we're not those you guy who after two short years is defending his record on the record somebody. congratulations your popularity is way up since you left office my answer was so what who even at the lowest point in his presidency had nearly a fourth of the country approving of the job he was doing steps out and may not even need to put that flight suit back on so do you think he will redefine his legacy redefine it i don't know that he has time for him that mission may already be accomplished in washington christine for sound r.t.
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. well christine joins me now in the studio with more on this story you know christine i can understand why perhaps you know the media misses george w. bush why comedians miss george bush because. oh my god he just gave them so much material they all announced it when obama was elected that they have they're really going to miss the guy but when it comes down to the people you know and some of the people you spoke to on the street they say well it seems like an outdoorsy guy i mean is it more about you know i don't know him seeming like a likable character rather than an actual leaders someone that can be president the bottom line is you know and i was speaking to somebody earlier and they put it best george w. bush is like the uncle that everyone loves the party is always more fun when he's there he's very relatable he's charming no one that i spoke to mrs george w. bush's policies nobody was willing to say he did a great job as president he was the best president we've ever had no one said that they just said what a cool guy i can relate to him you have to remember this book decision points is
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very honest as far as his personal life is an honest account of his drinking of him saying rude things at the table in front of our parents who hasn't done that everyone can relate to that so i think it is to an extent about people liking that they could relate to their president but once again no one that i spoke to said we miss him being in the white house we miss him making policies i don't know i mean these t. shirts the you had one in your piece there i mean these things are selling people are actually buying them they're spending money on them but there was a store in martha's vineyard near boston and that was their hottest selling t. shirt over the summer do you think that's just because because the economy is in a slump right now because people are a little disappointed with obama that it's easier to just you know say yeah we kind of mr george bush i think the t. shirts funny i think that for people who don't like obama and probably didn't vote for obama and weren't going to like him no matter what he did this you know shirt is a great christmas gift and i want to talk about
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a perfect timing too with the release of his book right after the midterm elections and you could say this is the perfect p.r. stunt here but what i find very interesting is if we compare the way americans see george bush versus the way the rest of the. i mean people around the world are just livid at the fact that he still defends all this policies in this memoir you remember the headline in two thousand and four when he was reelected i think it was in the guardian or the telegraph or one of the newspapers and in london the headline on the front page was you know twenty four million stupid americans not george bush wins the presidency. well george w. bush what can i say i don't miss him first some reason other americans do however that sure might look really good on. that thing of not judging by his good hard still to come on tonight's show are told time winner involves a republican congressman god and climate change so stick around to find out more and then ninety two interrogation tapes were destroyed by the cia in two thousand
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and five yesterday the justice department decided that it will not file any criminal charges in the case was in fact kind of a big deal though i'm going to speak with a member of the a.c.l.u. about that in just a few minutes. and i got interested i don't see it which will probably have a. looming currency war threaten to of a shadow summit of the world's twenty most powerful countries that the leaders gather in so the u.s. and china have been accusing each other many amazing that this is two different democratic markets.
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providing student protests have shrike in london as turns of thousands demonstrate against government plans to trump funding taking a vote and triple tuition fees as part of spending cuts the ranee's of a big us and britain since deep cuts were announced in the country's months of debt . and the un human rights council accuses america of abuses including the main prison on the racial discrimination of international bodies says it's to draw blood lines to tell the us how to clean up its act. as the headlines now the second part of the i don't know is up next. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. all the time for is a night time award and burger.
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