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tv   [untitled]    November 11, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EST

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that's right an obvious by the lateral meetings president medvedev meeting david cameron used to meet with china's hu jintao and while the leaders gather as a group of twenty like you said the focus is going to be the economy that's of course why this group of twenty was formed in the first place during the crisis but the thing this time is shared recovery beyond the crisis and the only way to do that is to talk about currency wars the high stakes battle for global exchange rates let's take a look at the front you have the u.s. and china the u.s. recently pumping six hundred billion dollars into its economy essentially devalued the dollar while at the same time asking china to revalue its currency europe is all the spending you have the success story of germany it's turned into an economic powerhouse by cutting spending its exports have to drive the fastest growth in the country in decades to do was asking germany to lower its exports to spend more important more to join the team and help global recovery while pretty much back at
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home only taking measures to help itself some experts saying essentially acts sporting the crisis to other countries. as you say a lot of currency issues to be discussed reacting strongly against u.s. fiscal policy against on the protesters have gathered in seoul to express their discontent so how is america handling this because. that's right from the globalists who are protesting on the streets of seoul to countries like china and germany and a lot more we're going to be gathered here at this two day summit pretty much the u.s. to put it in short simple terms is going to get somewhat of a beating people are not happy china sees the hypocrisy in basically asking it to do what the u.s. is not ready to do germany has defended its right to trade competitively and defend its strengths. wall telling us basically it's recent q.e.
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two with the stimulus pumping six hundred billion dollars into the economy pretty much is a helpless move so a lot of different views about how to go about this what a closer look at these currency wars are to you alice hebert talks about the offenses and defenses in this battle over the bomb. there will be plenty of soul searching at this g. twenty for the south korean capital it underlines its economic awakening but there are major ion out as country circled their financial wagons while others try to cool the shots then there's the problem to the north this year's g. twenty is being billed as the financial coming out of the end of the south korea proof of just how far the country's come in the nearly sixty years since the end of the korean war once poorer than it's a northern communist neighbor and now the thirteenth largest economy in the world
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north korea may just like some four kilometers north of this freedom bridge in demilitarized zone but economically the two are worlds apart the threat from the democratic people's republic lives particularly large and solace in taking any chances with security forces on high alert but it's another conflict on the g twenty leaders minds the outbreak of the so-called currency war the us lead the charge accusing china of cheating world trade by also officially weakening its currency it wants the yuan to be bolstered the united states is going to try and saying we want you to commit economic suicide just like japan did we want you to follow the same thing we want you to revalue their currency we want you to squeeze your companies we want you to go bankrupt or you can imagine what the chinese are saying they're laughing their thinking are you guys and yet washington stands accused of allowing its own dollar to windell royal. in markets his own currencies
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are rising strongly and damaging the export competitiveness can plagues intensified after the federal reserve announced a second print run of six hundred billion dollars the course is easing designed to get cash flowing but with other economies warry will float their market is russia's president medvedev wants the summit to agree that when countries like the u.s. take big steps to save themselves that they consider the ripples it causes to get permission from the g. twenty first the russian position is that we need more coordinated approach we don't want surprises from partners. we want. a more. central banks. and great some stability in the markets among all the leading critics of germany the world's fourth largest economy it's finals minister calling the us helpless i don't think the u.s.
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is making its case any stronger through the measures that is taking through printing dollars to weaken its own currency because that looks far too much like a competitive devaluations one hundred european countries see it as a dangerous move because what it could do is increase the capital. around the world but that's not what barack obama wants to hear the president's call for germany along with china and japan to rely less on bad dominant export markets and spend more to. death is the truth is that no one is happy with today's international monetary system especially the dominance of the dollar as a reserve currency and america's management of it and what business leaders want the g. twenty to realize is that nations will have to fight their natural urge to try and protect their own countries trade it should boost foreign investment and less of it r.t. seoul south korea. economists told me that american monetary policy looks like
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washington is trying to tackle its financial woes at the expense of others. it's absolutely true that the united states of late has made don't mess to clean self-serving policy that was short sighted and that did not consider the rest of the world even though it's a well known fact that if the united states undertakes actions like quantitative easing that decrease the value of the dollar this can have negative and severe rounds occasions in terms of global money supply and the value of other currencies and it would look reasonably in some cases like the united states is trying to get out of its economic trouble by exporting that trouble to someone else in the depths of that sort of disaster of two thousand and eight and early two thousand and nine we did see a coming together with russian and brazilian and german and japanese and american and french leaders and british leaders coming together and trying to do things carefully so that each country could push its own situation up without hurting
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anyone else as soon as we began to see a recovery very different recovery in different places lagging in the united states we began to see this sort of every man for himself scenario and what these g. twenty meetings do is provide an opportunity for us to all get back on the same page or if they don't go well it looks like they're not a real highlighting of just how different uncoordinated the policy is with the united states going its own way and setting a potentially dangerous example for other nations around the world to follow in the coming weeks and months. speak to merican democratic congressman dennis kucinich about the financial situation in the u.s. he says the country's economy needs to be completely restructured. the structure of our system is wrong it doesn't work anymore for the average working person the american economic system when it comes to delivering to the practical aspirations of americans is falling apart look the economic system
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itself is the problem and the whether it's a democrat or republican in charge of it look it's a faulty vehicle right now we have to change the structure of our economy or people are just being dealt out of the economy what you would expect people to do are mad . that you can watch the interview in full here in the team just over twenty minutes time. now riots broke out among the tens of thousands of students who took to the streets of london protesting government plans to slash education spending which could see tuition fees trouble struggling to reduce a large budget deficits the ruling party is facing on the rest of the deep cuts required to tackle its massive debts. and it reports that in the u.k. don't want to pay for its government's mistakes. social unrest in europe has spread to london what's thought to have been up to
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fifty thousand students from all over the u.k. protesting a the having to pay three times as much for their university courses while education spending is slashed it began peacefully but descended into a riot as tempers boiled over outside the headquarters of the ruling coalition's main party the conservatives protesters burned banners break windows and stormed the roof throwing projectiles on to police below witnesses in demonstrators were divided as to whether the violence undermined their cause i think this is a reaction was angry frustrated by government who is acting in an extra constitutional money stop this once well first i guess that's what we dismantling the whole. situation the streets of all the roadways diffuser process joining previous choices. you. reach with also vented at the coalition partners the liberal democrats fate promised to phase out fees completely
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in a pre-election pledge for the students it's a u. turn too far as they told politicians don't make us pay for your mistakes it promises it to us your fears will be increased have just been wiped out you know the government claims this is necessary tell the home whatever we know for a fact there are many other ways you can help including try to craft rights it really runs well tried and my generation which is the baby boomer generation benefited from education. which was then perceived as a public good and that's. why. but education cuts are just part of the pain for hard up britain's spendings being slashed by up to a quarter across the board health care defense and benefits for the less well off yet money to pay for the european union will. next year prime minister david cameron is promising he won't spend more than the extra seven hundred million
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dollars. budget negotiators says that's not true it will be closer to a billion cash which critics say is money down the drain. we're sending forty eight million pounds a day forty eight million pounds a day to the e.u. i mean that's a huge amount of money i mean you know our cases are going if we pull out or least have a referendum and so on and pulling out would be saving that money we can you know we can look at all sorts of other you know savings and all these vicious cuts that you know that cameron and clegg are bringing in what's likely to make cash strapped taxpayers see red even more is that for the sixteenth year running e.u. auditor's have rejected the books saying over ninety percent of accounts have irregularities from awarding dodgy farming contracts through to rampant inefficiencies when the us tears the measures were announced last month that it seemed to be any tangible response from the british people and that made the
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government into a false sense of security but protesters laying siege to conservative party headquarters don't think they'll probably find. the red hot seat. but on the way in the program left right left thousands of young americans to fight in afghanistan some veterans say youngsters are being let into trapped by their own government. and officials in russia's republic of chechnya are cracking down on traditional marriage making actually saying goes against this law. for some more news making headlines around the world the u.n. says israel's easing of the economic blockade in gaza has had no impact on people living that certain restrictions on food and consumer goods lifted from international condemnation israel's attack on the twenty eighth of may. activists
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were killed in the incident blockade that was imposed in two thousand and seven as a means to supposedly tackle terrorism. in the region. the death toll from cholera across haiti has risen to six hundred forty four as aid workers fight to contain the spread of disease in the capital thousands of people with cholera are in hospitals across the country with fears the epidemic will spread because of the water supply affected by last month's hundred millions are now said to be at risk of catching the disease. over one hundred families have fled a mexican border town to increase drug related violence residents have fled to a neighboring town off an american tourist was killed in the area powerful drug cartels are blamed for a significant rise in medicine over the past five years. now
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as america celebrates veterans day the number of its troops heading to overseas wars is on the rise but so is the number of soldiers refusing to fight it is a rate among american servicemen has shot up three fold ortiz or in this to that iraq veteran who couldn't take any more war and says others don't have to either. autumn in new york the leaves red and yellow reminders that seasons change green becomes obsolete for people to meet sergeant sure row first name mathis u.s. army all formerly and now but there are vets who are anti military i'm one of them you know there are vets who are anti american specifically because of what they experienced and i'm one of them he keeps moving forward as a college student and activist trying to create change. because he can't turn back time i came to that conclusion that personal conclusion that we were actually not
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just we hadn't just made a mistake but we were and continue to be in violation of the law to wage the war in iraq that i said it is imperative that i not go though mathis took the military head on resistance even if more quiet is becoming more common since two thousand and four the number of soldiers who have gone a while in the u.s. army has gone up two hundred thirty four percent according to an army report i would say it's an extra quickly linked to the wars in iraq and afghanistan to repeat deployments to even abuse within the military realities perhaps not told to young people when they enlist they use a lot of different underhanded tactics to recruit youth into the military here you can see some of those after we already have n.b.a. basketball game behind me the west point military academy drill team is performing because it's military appreciation night sponsored by the u.s. army and it's also a student rewards night were students as young as grade school had been given free
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tickets to the game. so it was also a recruiting opportunity is what we like to call just kind of community relations if. it is it could be a recording event as well you know outside a souped up humvee welcomes kids from this poor new york suburb. off their bus the pretty awful hopelessness of virtual reality and video games market flying drones going into battle and firing weapons you know they don't have. you know feeling suicidal again today video game inside g.i. johnny draws a crowd and the future soldier trainer game as it's called you just draws a new recruit who recently enlisted you. had never shot around them. but mathis is nothing this young man knows will prepare him they say your travel the world and you'll meet interesting people. is really going to be busy.
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these promises are sold but something's missing and they never address the brutality they they always leave it out they just they just say oh you know what the military is like you know you you've played some shoot em up video game one time but war isn't a game and the u.s. military experience doesn't fit into a half time show and looking from a veteran on the other side of it this was a mile across a jacket to a soldier about to embark time almost stand still i was going to do something but seasons will change and time and its soldiers will keep marching on lauren lyster r.t. new york. women in chechnya don't expect to remember that proposal this kate of leaving their houses where they may be kidnapped and forced to marry someone they don't know authorities in the southern russian republic have condemned the practice and then singles and finds many women still live in fear of cho reports. the
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moment of families torn apart. here remains a ritual rather than an outrage the man simply chooses the woman he wants and forcibly takes her but the kidnapping of one young girl called him on one terribly wrong. i knew she went shopping bag. loans we had it and good outside and saw her being kidnapped yes she was shouting we saw. the kidnapper and his accomplice grabbed him on jumped into a car and sped away but a short way down the road they question to the truck. a young girl. when they were driving here they crashed in the old. school so there was an awful tragedy the car was just a piece of metal you couldn't tell what car it was. some say kidnap and bride's runs and occasional blood religious leaders and churches strongly disapprove and no
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laws have been brought in to curb the practice is as i'm able to go on chechens never had such as this is forbidden in islam every friday i say during the. this is great to see. and those who will be punished as during this life judgement day. the girls who have been kidnapped rarely bring this matter for trial as such a case may be considered it is grace bible but they never forget about it and i went through the experience forty years ago she left a shop and was heading home when it happened the news that when taking me away and i didn't even know who was kidnapping me it was several men in the car and i knew no one only on the second or third day did i find out who i was. reason remembers the day she spend not knowing what was coming next lost and frightened she had no choice but to stay with her kidnapper because youngest
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daughter was almost her age two months later resign or ran away but her life was changed forever for the rich and this really is the big tragedy because your life doesn't belong to you when you longer you can't mend it also if you were kidnapped girl even if you spent two or three days there and returned home you're not considered a virgin you belong to someone your so the woodruff sure but now tradition is getting tough on the practice with the new laws. i think lose lose for the global issue i think many families where girls are brought up to feel themselves musak you are probably a much loved writing lovers will face a prison sentence and have to be over so it is sold in dollars in fines to the girl's family even religious leaders forcing a girl to marry her kidnapper will be punished isn't all there is to restore also for girls interesting are yet to see whether the old tradition has been and is only on paper or angry allegiance to a son of god so are our genes from grassley. here now the latest business
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update and news today of delays in people getting follow insurance in russia short oh yes after devastating wildfires here this summer president very have called for mandatory fire insurance for every home so leading insurance company says it will take at least two years we have details later in the program but first this hour gas problem with the supply and no less than ten billion cubic meters of natural gas per year to south korea starting in five years time the president of russia supplies to asia just liquefied natural gas in modest volumes but plans delivered to the region as much gas as it says to europe that show where corporate reports. asia imports just one twenty five for gas that russia supplies to europe japan india and south korea receive a billion cubic meters of liquefied natural gas from russia by ten. car but their race who dream for growth visiting small head of gas pramod like say miller says these market alone expanding by fifteen percent within the decade. is in our
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korean partners are interested in increasing the gas supply into the korean market and today we've agreed with the coal gas company on the fact that we move to the next stage of negotiations gazprom is also in talks with china as ever as a sticking point as prize gas consumption in china is expected to balloon to two hundred billion cubic meters a year offering in new export markets for russia but analysts say russia should keep its western gas fields for europe and supply eastern consumers from annual tap . first of all we must think about the grizzle of production spot of russia it's very important to us because we know that the future for us in this industry in the east part of russia not in the west part of russia because of the decline of production although we're. versts fuels and that is why it's a very simple does of the new market we have the new fields which are not far from
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this you watch it the key to winning the asian markets in islands in the far east holding vast hydrocarbon reserves gastronomy is accelerating its cycle in three gas project to come on stream by two thousand and eleven if you have any goal of business our team. the global currency system is among the top issues on the age and the g twenty summit in south korea russia's president said russia will not ease any strong measures in its monetary policy despite suffering problems like rising inflation this year intensifying friction over currencies and trade and confronting leaders of major economies as they arrive in sell. his agenda aims to overhaul the global economy to help ensure stable growth and then to repeat the financial crisis in two thousand and eight. the bulgarian government is back to joint venture with gas prone to build a local section of the south stream pipeline last week about carried energy holding
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and gas probably won't attend the initial investment study yet to agreement will be signed during prime minister vladimir putin's visit is a fear on saturday. new government scheme is being put into place to ensure a steady inflow of foreign investment into the caucasus region in the exclusive interview with r t presidential envoy to the north caucasus federal district alexander plan and explains the government's plan. from next year the government is ready to offer a guarantee to investors that means that if they invest money the government of the russian federation will take on risks to the tune of seventy percent of the investment value and the remaining thirty percent should of course be taken on by the invest in self and the banks involved in the investment the amount of the government guarantees secured for the following year is equal to fifty billion rubles which is a very serious commitment to save the investor from any risks that might arise in the caucasus region. and you can catch the exclusive interview with the one in full
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on r.t. this saturday but time now to have a look at how the markets are performing age and start walking shrugging off forecasts of a rising inflation with energy and financial stocks in the main game and saying is gaining more than one percent this hour and japanese shares have climbed to take it as a weak provides a boost to exporters lifting in the case slightly and here in moscow both horses ended wednesday's session in the red. cross around one percent or the main players finished lower with energy stocks the major track shares a brick or two percent on my sex that's where bank was the biggest. three percent lower. now compulsory fire insurance may be delayed for another two years according to one of the country's leading insurance in september president dmitri medvedev called for mandatory fire insurance every home after the devastating wildfires but the general. says negotiations alone take two years.
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but there you. are only talks on how to implement mandatory fire insurance in the country when you talk of ensuring a partner means insuring liability when we talk about countryside and this deals more with property insuring the states hasn't made its decision yet i think talks will go on for at least two. years and the implementation of this. in two thousand and thirteen review two thousand and fourteen in the coming two years it want to frame the recovery of the insurance sector. and finally russia's economy could grow to an annual five point three percent the first quarter of two thousand and eleven as according to a report by renesas capital the russian investment bank said the economy could grow next quarter of the falls to pay since two thousand and eight as government spending you bound to consumer demand and bank lending continued to spur the
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recovery but when i say of the total g.d.p. growth expected for two thousand and ten but only be a disappointing three point seven the set the shop day for me can always find more stories on our website called the slash business.
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wouldn't dare to swim so deep. tourists would be scared of such cold water. and would never die. within a. day or not. they are a researcher. and if you were someone. in deep water. they are watching r.t. that take a look at the headlines now. seoul hosts a meeting of global powers as the group of twenty gather for a two day summit talk about the economy in crisis prevention the hot topics up to debate our shared recovery and currency was. violence breaks out in the streets
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of london a students protest against the hiking tuition fees and the government it says has broken its promises the demonstration resulted in dozens of arrests student leaders and politicians not condemning the bottom turn of events. selling a fantasy as the u.s. pulls out all the stops to recruit soldiers some veterans warn that youngsters are being herded into the army under false pretenses they claim that video games and ad campaigns to trade the reality of military don't think many to desert once they become disillusioned. the republican victories in the recent u.s. midterm elections have highlighted the dissatisfaction with the current government the country's economy is ailing and politicians are clashing over domestic policies welty spoke to democratic congressman dennis kucinich about the mountain of challenges facing the u.s. .


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