tv [untitled] November 11, 2010 4:00am-4:30am EST
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already kicked off and as we speak president of is meeting his chinese counterpart to tell us more about that. but like you said money is at the top of the talks and you can't talk a commie without having china involved present age of meeting with china's president hu jintao there we're going to hear a lot of dialogue on the u.s. fiscal policy policy especially that recent pumping of six hundred billion dollars into their economy this first day of the summit is really a way for leaders to meet in bilateral meetings to sort of lay the groundwork for when they all get together as a group of twenty and try to tackle the problems the worlds are facing to talk more about the g. twenty joining me now is alan alexander who is a pro at the g. twenty i'm going to you for years more with the g. eight but now we have the g. twenty is this new body right. the u.s. is demanding that china revalue its currency and at the same time lowering the
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value of its own dollar does this not smack of double standards a little bit but i wouldn't exactly demand chara in fact you know i think it's pretty evident. the secretary of the treasury. mr gardner really backed away from that current. pressure and really you know in effect by the activities here at the g. twenty really trying to multilateral is the question so it's not just the u.s. china problem but there's been so much reaction to that q do you think it was specially done and announced just before this g twenty eight no. it did it did if that was from the fed federal reserve and i don't think there was any intention necessarily to tie it into. that and they would have it seems to me they would have been aware that there would be solemn skepticism if not outright.
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concern certainly among the larger margin market countries like china and potentially brazil and others and germany might have been a bit of a surprise but i think there would they would have known that there would be concern about the quantitative easing. all right now the u.s. is the biggest that there it continues to be the biggest spender while in europe you have countries having tremendous success in cutting their deficits they are facing political challenges because of that is that really fair that europe is taking measures that people really aren't happy with while the u.s. are taking stimulus measures and that really to the rest of the world looks like it's just helping them back at home well i mean look i think the reality is if it was an ideal world first of all given high unemployment in the anemic growth in the united states. a they would have chosen probably a physical stimulus a second physical stimulus to. create more economic activity to
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bring down the unemployment rate but a second fiscal stimulus particularly in the face of the elections that just recently occurred is not a real prospect so really they were left with not a lot of tools if they if they believe that you know that they didn't want to do. you know in effect create a slow growth kind of economy which is what it appears in part to be just briefly do you think that this latest measure is going to kind of steal the stage here and not allow for the leaders to talk about other very important issues well no i don't i mean i think you know that quantitative easing it will be one issue but i mean there is a little bit of interplay there are by having that issue on the table which is really put there by the chinese and poland and the germans but you know there really will focus and try to focus in on this framework idea. we're all countries
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will be involved in the concern about. you know questions of surplus and deficit questions and see questions of trade surplus and so forth so it seems to me that there will be a real for the data about how far they can proceed i think it remains an issue it'll be within about twenty four hours and we'll know what the big question now in alexandria called director of the g. twenty research group thanks for being with us like alan said there is going to be a serious debate here let's take a closer look now artie's alice hebert takes a look at the offensive and defensive in this battle for the world's currency. they'll be plenty of soul searching at this g. twenty for the south korean capital it underlines its economic awakening but there are major spats to iron out as a country circle their financial wagons while others try to cool the shots then there's the problem to the north this year's g. twenty is being billed as the financial coming out of the end of the south korea
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proof of just how far the country's come in the nearly sixty years since the end of the korean war once poorer than it's a northern communist neighbor it now boasts the thirteenth largest economy in the world north korea may just four kilometers north of this freedom bridge and demilitarized zone but economically the two all worlds apart the threat from the democratic people's republic lives particularly large and so is it taking any chances with security forces on higher boss it's another call on the g. twenty b. does mines the outbreak of the so-called currency war the us lead the charge accusing china of cheating world trade by also officially weakening its currency it was the one to be pulsed it the united states is going to try and saying we want you to commit economic suicide just like japan did we want you to follow the same thing. thing we want you to revalue their currency we want you to squeeze your
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companies we want you to go bankrupt well you can imagine what the chinese are saying they're laughing they're thinking you know are you guys and yet washington stands accused of allowing its own dollar to twenty walling a merging markets his own currencies are rising strongly and damaging the export competitiveness can play a sin testified after the third will reserve announced a second print run of six hundred billion dollars the quantity of easing designed to get cash flowing but with other economies warry will float their markets russia's president medvedev wants the summit to agree that when countries like the u.s. take big steps to save themselves they consider the ripples it causes to get permission from the g. twenty first the russian position is that we need more coordinated approach we don't want surprises from partners. we want. more.
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central banks. and great some stability in the markets among all the leading critics of germany the world's fourth largest economy its finance minister calling the us helpless i don't think the u.s. is making its case any stronger through the measures that it's taking through printing dollars to weaken its own currency because that looks far too much like a competitive devaluations one hundred european countries see it as a dangerous move because what it could do is increase the capital control around the world but that's not what barack obama wants to hear the president's call for germany along with china and japan to rely lasso med dominant export markets and spend more sprawling death is the truth is that no one is happy with today's international monetary system especially the dominance. the dollar as
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a reserve currency and america's management of it and what business leaders want the g. twenty to realize is that nations will have to fight their natural urge to try and protect their own countries trade and should boost foreign investment less if it sells south korea. well later he speaks to american democratic congressman dennis kucinich about the financial situation in the united states he says the country's economy needs to be completely reformed. the structure of our system is wrong it doesn't work anymore for the average working person the american economic system when it comes to delivering to the practical aspirations of americans is falling apart look the economic system itself is the problem and the whether it's a democrat or republican in charge of it look it's a faulty vehicle right now we have to change the structure of our economy or people
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are just being dealt out of the economy what you would expect people to do is. you can watch that interview in full hair not in just over twenty minutes time. well to the u.k. and now where police have launched an inquiry into how the force handled wednesday student marches which turned violent riots broke out among tens of thousands of students who took to the streets of london protesting government plans to slash education spending which could see tuition fees travel struggling to reduce of the huge budget deficit the ruling coalition is facing unrest over the deep cuts required to tackle its massive debts. and its reports. social unrest in europe has spread to london what's thought to have been up to fifty thousand students from all of the u.k. protesting a the having to pay three times as much for their universe. city courses while
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education spending is slashed it began peacefully but descended into a riot as tempers boiled over outside the headquarters of the ruling coalition's main party the conservatives protesters burned banners break windows and stormed the roof throwing projectiles on to police below witnesses and demonstrators were divided as to whether the violence undermined their cause i think this is a reaction was angry frustrated by government who is acting in an extra constitutional money to start this once well first i guess that's what we dismantling the whole. situation is to support the world was diffusing process joining previous choice. i. reach was also vented at the coalition partners the liberal democrats they'd promise to phase out fees completely in a pre-election pledge for the students it's a u. turn too far as they told politicians don't make us pay for your mistakes.
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promises it to us your fears will be increased have just been wiped out you know the government claims this is necessary they'll be hungry whatever we know for a fact there are many other ways you can help including try to have the right to be around we'll try to my generation which is the baby boomer generation benefiting from education. which was very perceived as a public good and that. i was there but education cuts are just part of the pain for hard up britain's spendings being slashed by up to a quarter across the board health care defense and benefits for the less well off yet money to pay for the european union will rise next year prime minister david cameron is promising he won't spend more than the extra seven hundred million dollars earmarked but an e.u. budget negotiator says that's not true it'll be closer to a billion cash which critics say is money down the drain. we're sending forty eight
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million pounds a day forty eight million pounds a day to the e.u. i mean that's a huge amount of money i mean you know our cases are going if we pull out. of a referendum and pulling out would be saving that money we can you know we can look at all sorts of other you know savings and all these vicious cuts that you know that cameron and clegg are bringing in what's likely to make cash strapped taxpayers see red even more is that for the sixteenth year running e.u. auditor's have rejected the books saying over ninety percent of accounts have irregularities from awarding dodgy farming contracts through to rampant inefficiencies when the us seriously measures were announced last month that didn't seem to be any tangible response from the british people and that may blow the government into a false sense of security but protesters are laying siege to conservative party headquarters something they'll probably find god's will or the rabbit.
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on the way in the program left right left as thousands of young americans march off in afghanistan some veterans say youngsters are being herded into a trap by the government and there's always the option of does it take. now for some more news making headlines around the world the un says israel's easing of the economic blockade in gaza has had little effect on people living there certain restrictions on consumer goods were lifted but many still remain but he said near total ban on exports the blockade was imposed in two thousand and seven it was eased to international pressure after israel's attack on a turkish aid to the. iraqi m.p.'s are meeting to finalize a deal which will end the country's political stalemate prime minister. would return to power for a further four years and which includes parties from the shiite sunni and. kurdish
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sides let's hope stabilize security situation which has deteriorated the. country has broken the world record for taking the longest time ever to form a government after elections. the death toll from of cholera across haiti has risen to six hundred forty four as aid workers fight to contain the spread of the disease in the capital thousands of people with cholera are in hospitals across the country but fear is the epidemic will spread further into the water supply becoming contaminated to last month's hurrican millions are now said to be at risk of catching the disease. more than one hundred families have left their mexican border town to increase drug related violence residents have fled theater near to a neighboring town in a very interesting is killed in the area powerful drug cartels are blamed for a significant rise in. the past five years. as
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america celebrates veterans day number of its troops heading to overseas wars is on the rise but so is the number of soldiers refusing to fight the desertion rate among the american military has shot up three fold lower enlisted better in iraq veteran who couldn't take any more war and said others don't have to either. autumn in new york the leaves red and yellow reminders that seasons change green becomes obsolete for people to meet sergeant sure rove first name out this u.s. army all formerly and now but there are vets who are anti military i'm one of them you know there are vets who are anti american specifically because of what they experienced and i'm one of them he keeps moving forward as a college student and activist trying to create change. because he can't turn back time i came to that conclusion that personal conclusion that we were actually not
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just we hadn't just made a mistake but we were and continue to be in violation of the law to wage the war in iraq that i said it is imperative that i not go the math this took the military head on resistance even if more quiet is becoming more common since two thousand and four the number of soldiers who have gone a wall in the u.s. army has gone up two hundred thirty four percent according to an army report i would say it's him extensively linked to the wars in iraq and afghanistan to repeat deployments to even abuse within the military realities perhaps not told to young people when they enlist but use a lot of different underhanded tactics to recruit youth into the military here you can see for some of those after we already n.b.a. basketball game behind me the west point military academy drill team is performing because it's military appreciation night sponsored by the u.s. army and it's also student rewards night were students as young as grade school had
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been given free tickets to the game. so it's also a recruiting opportunity it is what we like to call this kind of community relations if. it is it could be a recruiting event as well as outside a souped up humvee welcomes kids from this poor new york suburb. off their bus the pretty awful hopelessness virtual reality and video games market flying drones going into battle and firing weapons you know they don't have. you know feeling suicidal again today a video game inside g.i. johnny draws a crowd and the future soldier trainer game as it's called i'm a teacher soldier draws a new recruit who recently enlisted praise you. have every shot around them you know. the math this is nothing this young man knows will prepare him they say your travel the world and you'll meet interesting people do is really going to be
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basically the things these promises are sold but something's missing and they never address the brutality they they always leave it out they just they just say oh you know what the military is like you know you've. played some shoot em up video game one time but war isn't a game and the u.s. military experience doesn't fit into a half time show and looking from a veteran on the other side of it this was a mile across a jacket to a soldier about to embark time almost stand still i was on to do something but seasons will change and time minutes soldiers will keep marching on lauren lyster r.t. new york. and we've got plenty more few to discover online including blogs speeches and videos it's a taste of what you can find right now tottie dot com reconstructing the russian capital for its use revealed their strategy to beat traffic jams new plans affect
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public transport supermarkets and kiosks little details in cities transformation that are to dot com. and the moscow metro has been described as a source beautiful in the world but it's also that it's a place with people who music explore the sounds of the underground but it's musicians. shot at his hand with all the businesses. hello welcome to business program here r r t with me charlayne folly and first to the g. twenty summit in russian president dmitry medvedev has called for better access to domestic and foreign capital for small and medium sized businesses to spur global
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economic growth speaking at the g. twenty business forum in south korea and very have said banks may need further encouragement to work more actively with s.m. means russia will urge the group of twenty policy makers to remove barriers to long term investment in developed countries to help emerging economies counter capital inflows it will intimidated aid our credit will call verge of hosel would offset the money for the entire emerging markets are creating an incoming flow of capital to industrialized nations. discuss these developments at the g twenty summit in more detail i'm joined in the studio by chris we folks chief structures that are all said thank you very much for speaking to us this hour so do you expect the g twenty then to souls the global imbalances in currencies and trade which threaten to make the crisis worse not at this summit i think this summit is more likely to expose the differences between the different countries on these issues particularly in the area of imbalances and the so-called competitive devaluation of currencies
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so i think investors have been looking for you know the same sort of outcome as we saw for the first summit eighteen months ago which produced a rally in global markets a lot of optimism i think this time around we're going to be quite disappointing what it will do i guess will having exposed these differences will now lead to perhaps a more focused debate for perhaps come to an agreement next year now russia wants its companies to be able to invest in developed nations do you think they'll make some progress in seoul. well again i don't really expect any progress in this meeting at all the difference is they've been exposed as probably get but you know this is a key issue for russia. this is we've certainly been a real bug bear over the last several years russia has accused the west of the like of deliberately blocking investment from russian companies into western europe in particular of course we have that big route two thousand and five when russia tried to buy investment in airbus d.s. industries last year of course russia tried to buy general motors opel yunus and
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the reason is because russia wants to establish these relationships with established foreign companies so that it can bring back that expertise to russian industries and the like that cooperation equity arrangement then helping the russian companies to modernize become more efficient to make up if you like the lack of international experience in russian company so it's a key part of russia's development and a key policy just for once or so now we've heard from countries like brazil like china being complaining about the u.s. federal reserve's decision to pump action of a six hundred billions worth of money into the economy we have already had many complaints from russia why is that world because initially russia could actually benefit from that emulates in a different situation to the other say so-called bric countries russia has not had a substantial amount of capital inflows in the last couple of years in fact quite the opposite flows in the last two years total almost two hundred billion so it actually could do it reversing some of that in taking some money back also the
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ruble is the cheaper end of the band so it's russia conservative with sustained some ruble appreciation again which would benefit the investment case and then frankly you know q.e. which is having the effect of weekend in dollar of course to counterbalance of that is weaker dollar means higher oil price higher metal prices which russia's boosts russia's trade position as well as its fiscal position so at least initially russia is one of the beneficiaries of capital flows that may change of course they are a year from now the priority of things to get money now in the last twenty two years ago the focus was very much on saving countries. from the financial melt out now it has changed somewhat the country's economy seem to be going their own way to what the risks involved on doing this well i think you just said it their country's going their own way because you know the g twenty in april two thousand and eight was a very much a unified of what needed to be done to pull the world out of recession and to
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prevent a deeper. depression as it were so they were very united then and now you have the differences have really emerged you have big differences between the strong exporting countries such as china and germany that do not specifically do not want you know to target trade balances because that would undermine their economies and indeed other hand you know the u.s. which has been talking about you know fairness in currencies and trying to have you prevent competitive devaluations of course it's q.e. policy has exactly that effect of the dollar of the dollars being very weak and of course it's already helping the u.s. economy to improve so we have major differences between you know countries like germany and china and us and europe over what should be what should be done and when you opinion what is the best strategy. i don't believe that they're actually going to be able to come up with a unified policy i think the best we could hope for is perhaps the role of the dollar in global trade will be reduced and i think this efforts to kind of create
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a new reserve currency i think that's more likely to gain momentum and i think if the dollars position of global trade is reduced and a lot of these problems i think will be less significant than they are today ok chris from euro said thank you very much for analysis. time no see how the markets that performing in both is a mix with m i six slipping into their red arrows nickel is leading gains on the arts yes but more than. enough to a good opening european stock that's dropped in spirit in every trade in london bt group shares have risen ninety three point one percent after the telecoms increase its forecasts for. an asian stock markets are showing off for cost of a rise in inflation with energy and financial stocks among the gain is one hundred saying it's gaining no point eight percent in japanese shares have climbed in tokyo as if we can provide a boost to exporters lifting the case slightly. and i shout they fit our we can
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only were nazi germany. the forum in r g. they feasted this is not a provocation but lord of. the flames it should scare should you should it's a pretty trees tree so they have no idea about the hardships to face. plate. this is. all too new to. bring any army to life never use the other is the most precious thing in the world. uses of self-sacrifice
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and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live it. real life stories from world need to see. the tree nineteen forty five don't. make headlines for you the current says growth the hot topics in seoul palace have gathered for a two day summit. this g. twenty is to find ways of strengthening with global economy and preventing future financial crisis. fed up british students for on to the streets of london
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protesting against the heightened solution please demanding that government stops taking advantage of them and breaking its promises the demonstration resulted in dozens of arrests student leaders and politicians condemning the fall turn of events. setting a fantasy as the u.s. pulls out all the stops to soldiers some veterans warn that youngsters all be good into the under false pretenses they claim a video game. ad campaigns don't portray the reality of military life causing many to desert disillusioned. well republican victories in the recent u.s. midterm elections have highlighted the satisfaction with the current government the country's economy's ailing and politicians are clashing over domestic policies. to democrat congressman dennis kucinich about the mountain of challenges facing the united states.
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