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tv   [untitled]    November 11, 2010 10:30am-11:00am EST

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telling ot see that with all the problems the country faces the blame was always going to land with the governing party that's next right here on aussie. congressman dennis kucinich joins me today to talk of the elections the federal reserve and the start treaty congressman good to see you as always thank you so i recently saw you on the o'reilly factor and of course you were asked about the elections and the results of the elections and you sad that the results are an indication that quote the american people are impatient is it that or is it an indication that americans aren't ready aren't willing to accept the policies that democrats are pushing through especially when broad democrats like yourself the policies that i wanted had been enacted we have a full employment economy we would have our children going to school to wishing for it we would have a universal pre-kindergarten we would have health care for all we wouldn't have any
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questions about this solvency of social security we would have america back to work we would be out of iraq and afghanistan those were the policies i was promoting that none of that happened you might not well because i believe that the popular mandate which the president of united states had. right from the moment of his inauguration in january of two thousand and nine was squandered. and instead of a program for immediate action to put the country back on its feet economically we had a temporizing we had more concern expressed over the fate of wall street and the bonuses for wall street than we did on saving jobs and main street and the wages and main street look the things in this country right now the economy is very unstable people are worried about losing their jobs their health care their
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pensions their retirement security why wouldn't there be a revolt but if we if we look at the results again and you can't help but think that this is a reflection of the health care bill that president obama pushed through you know i was covering some of the local debates and folks who voted members who voted for the health care bill were demonized you know even if they consider voting for it and they didn't in the end they were looked down upon you almost didn't vote for the health care bill because it didn't include the public option i mean isn't this an indication to you that america's youth are not interested not ready or just doesn't care that americans don't think that a we need a public option and b. it was the right thing to even even push the health care bill through i mean this was the major piece of legislation that obama was able to to push through fifty million americans without any health care at all i did want reform only within the context of a for profit system which is what president obama ultimately decided that he wanted to push for the fact of the matter is people are losing their homes because they
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can't afford to pay their medical bills where in the out where else in the world does that happen except in the united states of america because we have a for profit system so i want to change that system now to say that the referendum is some kind of the election was some kind of referendum on liberal economics be very interesting if we had liberal economics what we have was a wall street dictated bailout was wall street dictating the terms of reform was wall street getting their banks taken care of and main street losing jobs. income dropping losing homes and that kind of situation with so much fear people are going to hold the party in power responsible which is what they did but does it shock you that with all these problems i mean the problems are all the same home foreclosures record unemployment rates millions of people without health insurance reason or all clearly problems why do we have such different solutions to them.
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or the proposal because let me tell you. the level of analysis of this election is basically misplaced i'll tell you why because you have to look at the economics the structure of our system is wrong it doesn't work anymore for the average working person that american economic system when it comes to delivering food to the practical aspirations of americans is falling apart look the economic system itself is the problem and the whether it's a democrat or republican in charge of it look it's a faulty vehicle right now we have to change the structure of our economy or people are there just being dealt out of the economy what he would expect people to do with their man well if that's so then are we going to have a political situation or do we already where you either have to be uber conservative or uber liberal in order to get elected that there's just there's no
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room for moderates anymore because like you said you know when you try to please everyone you're going to end up pleasing nobody not give you give you another possibility that if neither the democrats nor the republicans are able to deliver you're going to look at a new opening in american politics is that we're going to where he party no it's not the tea party was i think a popular response to the insufficiencies of of government not responding not non-response or limited response to the economic crisis that was affecting main street. the tea party movement is born out of a lot of people for gray davis in your work the left side to get something out of the grass so you know government didn't really do enough not even didn't that that they did something they didn't do enough to stimulate the economy the two major parties here have a responsibility to the american people and if they fail to deliver you know the
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democrats. have faith failed to deliver in two thousand. and nine and two thousand and ten and if the republicans fail to deliver in two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve i think there's tidal forces that are moved one way one year in another way another time those title forces are going to wash both parties out just watched you know watch for that to happen because people are not going to tolerate excuse making i predict that america will necessarily go through a kind of person where we change our relationship with the world where we pull in our troops where we don't have this approach of wars in iraq and afghanistan we bring our troops home we start to take care of things here at home we look at the structure of our economy see how it's working for people i think that america has is going to have to go through a restructuring because frankly the way the economy set up right now is against
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working people it is against the middle class well speaking of the economy the federal reserve initiating round two of quantitative easing and basically the argument here is that the federal reserve had to do what the federal government could have done and should have done but could it you guys couldn't do that because of the gridlock because of the partisanship in washington d.c. would you agree with this assertion first of all we need to explain to people that the federal reserve creates money out of nothing it's a phenomenon called quantitative easing that's the lingo. they create money out of nothing they created they put it six hundred billion dollars and they give it to the banks who are then expected to somehow stimulate the economy the fed shouldn't be doing that the u.s. government should be investing in the creation of jobs to fit the fed help the
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banks with that but they didn't help main street there's no jobs there's no direct relationship between the fed printing six hundred billion dollars giving it to banks and jobs being created the federal reserve is not accountable congress can't even find out about its internal workings well speaking of both you and congressman ron paul have been calling on more oversight of the federal reserve even an audit of the fed this isn't this has been a long drawn out effort by you to i mean is it going anywhere or will it go anywhere why are more people sort of concerned about what happens behind closed doors in one of the most powerful institutions here in america well for almost one hundred years now for ninety eight years the federal reserve has been a long unto itself it's been a black box which directs monetary policy in america for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many. we could have you know we could have great wealth in america but the wealth accelerates to the top and one of the accelerates the top
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the fed helps that happen the fed looked the other way when the sub prime crisis was building when banks were were securitizing their mortgages and then going along with investments that were pyramiding the value of these securitizations when the bottom dropped out and people couldn't pay back their loans. the taxpayers got stuck with the bill the federal reserve knew what was going on they did not do anything about it because their responsibility. it is to wall street and to the banks the problem here is they also have a responsibility to maximize employment they have zero interest in that there are economists working for the fed who believe that a certain amount of unemployment is necessary for the proper functioning of the economy well they have jobs they can say that but we have people with college degrees people with ph d.'s who can't find work there's something drastically wrong in an economy when that's going on congressman you have been very adamant about
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improving u.s. russia relations yes you've been at the forefront of that at least in congress the start treaty was signed by both president obama and president in theater back in april it still has not been ratified why not well i think the fact that we had this highly contested election going on probably had something to do with it and i hope what does that mean in the future i mean that's a very good point because a lot of the opposition as we saw to this treaty came from the republican party so does that mean that you know what sort of debt in the water now not necessarily i mean i think the. the old thinking about russia has changed in the congress. has it it has. you know for the first time last year russia caucus was created and it was created for the purpose of building u.s.
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russia relations so i think that the start treaty. in the next senate. should have an opportunity for a hearing and for a positive vote it would be absolutely wrong for anyone to try to demonize russia at a time when we need russia's cooperation in order to limit the amount of nuclear weapons that are present in the world congressman thanks so much always an interesting conversation thank you very much. this is just a parliament building in the urban. slum. sixty five years ago it was the final chargers. to meet your fund some for the army.
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sculpture became the symbol on the foremost financial settlement. on the fig tree where nazi germany. the fall of muslims are cheap. little beasts and which brightened. only the sun from the funniest impressions. don't come.
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the headlines here on r.t. and leaders of the world's twenty richest nations off heads together in seoul as they brainstorm a financial revival but the threat of currency wars is casting a shadow over the summit with some countries being seen to use exchange rates to keep themselves afloat at a cost to weapons. a new twist in the transatlantic spy saga as
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a newspaper reveals who it claims betrayed eleven russian agents in the u.s. this summer a russian daily names former foreign intelligence service employee code old sort of michael. griffin is joining other europeans outcry over deep cuts to jobs and benefits with the biggest display yet of public anger tens of thousands of students descended on london against a massive hike in university fees all of this while more money is being poured into e.u. bureaucracy. and those were the top stories this hour but now it's time for union and the latest from the world of sports. great to have you with us this hour this is sports today i'm you know these are headlines all to play for c.s.m. law school dahlan leaders you meet to ensure from take the last fortnight in the
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russian premier league. off the mark one of your league's pre-season favorites c.s.k. mileage to win the last single union olympia and. the one step at a time by year since bob stay started. almost lost her life in a training accident and speaks to see what her future holds. the game back could yet to find the russian premier league season took place in some petersburg last night but it wasn't a healthy option for home sides a neat with the table toppers stunned three one by fellow title chase. victory well it would have handed sydney the title with three games to go while siesta had to win to stay in with a shi'ite nuts exactly what helped in the muscovites inflicting only a second the feat of the season. opened for the visitors after forty minutes with
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a long range cracker mark and then capitalized on a goal keeping hollar by yury jeff knopf with thirty four minutes on the clock. interval good work from their love put see doom be away from cool number three minutes after the break game over the need to. consolation through alice on the rustiness and stoppage time but the night for me belongs to the army. so let's have a quick look at how the result affects the top of the table as i mentioned a moment earlier victory for it's a need that would have seen them crowned champions. for the second time in four years but c.s. because wind sees them rise to second still in with a shot of glory themselves into the other autumn of a champions league spot ahead of reigning champions routine because on side moscow occupies the euro police berths the local motifs just outside the group qualifying
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on goal difference. probably the most anticipated clash of the english premier league season to date also occurred on wednesday evening the buffel of month chester city versus united one of eight top flight fixtures on the day huge buildup but the game itself didn't live up to its nil the scoreline of the emirates doing little to bolster either side's title credentials united remain second four points behind leaders chelsea with city and fourth chelsea themselves want to west london derby against full liverpool could have finished nine right outside the top four but ended up looking to escape with a point their wins for block burn while arsenal put wolves to the sword to move to with an up point of minute arsenal venders charges third. moving to the hardwood where it's taken a while but last recorded their first win of the europa league season the army men finally coming good to see of group d.
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table toppers union a limpia from slovenia resuscitate their slim qualifying hopes in the process but took up a seat for this one. it was a must win game put says scott as they found themselves in the boredom of group d. after their first three games while i leaned big game to mosco as group leaders in war and beat him in the euro league the season and the army man made their intentions clear right from the off they were fully concentrated in the fans and dominated for us as a result says scott conceded only five points in the first quarter we need tween t two for if the home side then kept increasing their lead to see over field goal percentage and they were up by twenty in the second quarter but after that beat break in consistency of this guy showed up and be a war able to cut the deficit this free points are from the slitheen in scott the gap to seven points halfway for the final quarter i would say skiles leaders kept
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their composure helping them to mean these games john gordon what they are in the court yet again with the fifteen points and nine rebounds. we came out and play with and. something we haven't gone. to the plate or the payment of good to feel the. difficulty you have brought to the same system for five years and then a couple of players and. players just at that and i was in the coach with a new system everything completely different so it takes a while to change and understand their philosophy but we're trying we're working hard every day and you know like i said hopefully this is stuff for us to get better. sixty five to fifty five for the final score that says god get there first year early queen and a new coach to reach but there are still seeking their best form and need to improve their game if they are to get to the last sixteen of base competition but.
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are. now the twenty third of november two thousand and nine is a day that will stay with us. forever the russian racer was left clinging for her life following a high speed collision during a training run in germany but now almost a year and thirty operations later the athletes can i start to look beyond the doctor's office the twenty two year old was speaking to r.t. on wed and states for physical recovery is well on track but that's just one part of the rehabilitation process psychologists are also spending time with her it was feared sports over was losing a leg during surgery but she's now expected to make a full recovery three times synchronized swimming a live picture and he can earn the executive director of the russian olympic committee to offer their support. herself was focusing on the future because as you put it could see that at the moment because i'm really into the recovery
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process of course it's tiring but going from doctor's office to another is most difficult but the fact that i'm getting tired means that there is something to look forward to and it's kind of the rush. which is what we need to know who is the head of the athletes commission along with the olympic committee of russia will obviously continue to support we're actually planning to hold several auctions where the proceeds will go to athletes like but preventing such accidents from happening is equally important. prepare for fireworks in the ice hockey world that's after team arrest because promised a more aggressive style from his players ahead of the new euro tourist season the first leg of which kicks off on thursday with russia taking on hosts finland in the car yalit cup robert for done in war. probably the very best players in the continental healthy league this is the way the russian nation hokie team head coach we just love week of the fun has scored the twenty three people heading to finland
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for the carling cup twenty ten now the first event in the new season's international kalinda mission. our policy is to get the very best place for over a year or two events to the point is that we need to bring our victorious mentality back plus we have to test new connections and tactics models were full of optimism and looking forward to starting the new season. sadistic sporting rush it is more than convincing they've been geared toward champions four times in the last six years as regards to the carling cup in particular this return will gemstones have been dominating the band since two thousand and six however the team's recent the feat seem to matter much more than did mention wins in the last world championships russian last czech republic in the final at the last winter olympics russia was thrashed by hosts found in the last eight something both the town's bosses would
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never like to repeat the worst move in is because we're entering a new four year limbic cycle and this is the main points but there now we aim to upgrade our game system make it more aggressive and fast it's a common trend for the world's leading teams and we want to keep pace with them russia must keep its leading role and dominates any event it takes part and keep in mind it's one hundred fourteen such olympics and we just can't let our bank over breakdown happen once again. an exercise is over and the team skipper see moros of is the only one who stays for another session on cool respects might be the reason for him to do so and gain what it takes to be tough. we've always aimed to play aggressive hockey switching fast from defense to offense but we need to be even better at it although we must easily get used to the new system it's also a matter of jure ability but the coach just told us that it implied faster lines change.
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through two. championships. world. championship. six with vision. doesn't matter what. they seem to be very hungry who wins and give their all to glory again robert for the new r t most original. brings us finally to motor sports where a massive weekend awaits fernando alonso is seeking to become only the fifth man in history to win three four one world titles the spaniard in the driving seat for the abu dhabi race but three other men can still claim the chron alonso holds an eight point lead over his nearest rival mark webber of red bull that means history and feels to win in the u.a.e. alonso would only need to finish fourth to claim the title and even if it ever does win the world trying would still be alonso if he comes second also with
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a chance of champion status our special battle on lewis hamilton but whatever the permutations ferrari's aims there said. we're going to make very difficult calculations we know that if you're in the middle of the tour the world is trying. but. first we need to. let you know that these are very important in the mental and we need to do the right so that we can and that brings us to the end of sports i'll see you soon the weather's coming up in just a tick. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on r t.
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she's available in. this photo.
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as a good. stroke for us to become the photo. get together with questions hanging over whether put that money on the table. shared growth beyond the price is not the main theme here and so were the g twenty has kicked off join me anything now wait for. the. court in the u.s. this summer. claims.
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protesting. benefits. university fees. more money is poured into e.u. bureaucracy. global news twenty four hours a day this is all a lie from. the g. twenty leaders are in south korea old. and to get the countries back into a good financial health but each keeping an eye on the currency war that threatens to overshadow the summit the heads of the world's biggest economies are keen to stop nations using their exchange rates to keep their own countries afloat at a cost to others and he said now is following the gathering in seoul.


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