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tv   [untitled]    November 11, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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more news today. in florida. these are the images cold world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing up for a shelter all day. well it's time for tonight's tool time of war and i'm sure that you all heard about the uproar over amazon dot com decision to sell a book on pedophilia that's right the electronic book called the pedophile's guide to love and pleasure a child lover's code of conduct was written by philip greaves the second now since news of the book began hitting the web twenty four hours ago it is absolutely exploded every cable news channels had a field day discussing amazon's decisions to first sell the book then their decision to pull it from their kindle store now the how to guide for pedophiles
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also quickly sparked massive protests online with thousands of twitter users and amazon customers calling for the company to remove the book some even threatening to boycott until they did but the main discussion of all of this was is amazon being that. but here's the sad part of the entire story if you ask me the part that everybody is missing this damn book is a hit sales of the self published e-book has shot up by one hundred and one thousand percent now the author said that he'd only sold one copy of his guide to being a child predator since it went online in october twenty eighth when tech crunch wrote about the book you became a viral success now before being taken down by amazon it was the one hundred forty sixth most popular e-book on kindle according to amazon's movers and shakers board because i've got to be getting the media's all focused on why amazon would sell such a book but i think they should be asking what the hell is wrong with the people who paid for it unless everyone's purchasing is just so weird creepy joke to scare
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their friends that we have to realize that there is a seriously large pedophilia issue at hand here tonight's tool time award goes to everyone who is focusing on the amazon part of the story rather than the fact that the pedophile's guide to love and pleasure a child lover's code of conduct is selling a lie. crazy. and now a new york bookkeeper is using in unusual method to grab the lady's attention john westwood says it has left a shall we say blunt classified ad in several women's magazines throughout the city for the past year the note card says the following says i am a single white male forty five years old five feet nine inches tall who wants to give oral sex to a woman age eighteen to fifty nine any race ethnicity nationality or religion i want to satisfy your carnal lusts by giving you powerful orgasms while john it really gets straight to the void doesn't it clearly his book keeper is open minded
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and his only goal is to pleasure any email long as they're under sixty of course but sadly john hasn't gotten any responses yet and you know does this sound like another all the place classified ad that we told you about a few weeks ago do member the phone booth know to manhattan resident who is looking for love in a very specific way malique turner was looking for a young single female but she had to have a long blond hair enjoy hockey and be into threesomes we saw i don't know if found his lovely lady but wait a minute what's what's this over here. hey ladies looking for a hot super smart news host to show me the world preferably preferably a brunette with russian roots was a cholesky guy now i can only draw one conclusion from all this that new yorkers just don't do well with traditional means of dating i mean there are websites like match dot com speed dating setups hell there's even a forum on craigslist these modern day romeo not have access to the web but here's
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a hint the kind of female that you're looking for probably won't be responding to an ad found in random public places every guy wants a blog isn't a hakim threesomes but your method is going to put you right at the bottom on the list. now today's world date means a lot more than just asking a girl to go to the movies now there is a complex strategy involved and snagging the woman of your dreams and frankly most men they just don't know how to do it and the writers i think are a good example but if you're one of those men you could be in luck because there are now trained pickup artists coming to your town for a small price you can be a student in the pick up which camp archies christine for south has won the story. let's get straight to the point when it comes to hitting the town on a saturday night many people go out with
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a goal. that goal to score i mean i do go to girls but like i would like to include the success rate i'm trying to improve my numbers i guess you could say success and numbers in a game called pick up one that doesn't always come easy for many american men because the number one rule of a more war girl girl that's walking is that you have to stop or so you have a conversation with her and it's not just a game it's an entire community i've been in the community and i've been doing pick up for a year and a half at least with its own language most of the my peers don't really call it approach which means go up to people they don't know and talk to them and i have separated from the crowd and i've started doing that and one of my recent we call them number close as we're just at the phone numbers. recently i got a phone number from a ravens cheerleader so it's just in a grocery store so guys are you meeting cheerleaders at the grocery store of all
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the guys will freeze up because they don't know what to say or what to do and so we haven't stifled the game the practice nicole was the c.e.o. of real social dynamics a company founded and funded on teaching people mostly guys to be effective p.-u. ways or pick up artists. nine nine percent of guys out there really don't know how to approach will see a hot girl walking down the street and you won't know what to say or what to do and just walk right by you even in the united states capitol city where politics equals power men who score high from nine to five. are batting zero after dark so there are some in ours like this one held recently at a washington d.c. hotel come who goes by papa is worshipped by some for his methods of well research at the time i was doing nothing but picking up girls and just loving r s d says the actual hands on training is achieved at their three day boot camps in cities around the world intense training courses to help guys seal the deal as well paid two
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thousand dollars for. yeah we get. we get about one hundred to two hundred boot camp clients on any given month paying two thousand dollars up to twenty five hundred dollars for a more customized program we actually fly your city of choice whether there's any suicide of her not. we had one god paid ten thousand dollars the flies to dubai i mean to spend two weeks there make no mistake most of those who sign up are looking for love or a long term relationship they're looking to perfect the funds to which they can take a look at this guy successful in picking up a girl at the mall but clearly still nervous he's being videotaped by an r.f.d. instructor just a few feet away that instructor is texting his client and well encouraging to stop doing what they call the one man salsa and to be more comfortable sure enough there is a shift in energy real social dynamics also puts out d.v.d.'s with teaching tools and
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stories of success saying fifteen girls right now i'm women all over the world approaching is a result of the way you live your life. and it is something that goes away one way to make it go away thinking outside the box when meeting girls like this guy did according to r.s. d. this approach worked. in this community it's all about strategy and speed gun phone numbers so i think my fastest number close like a brazilian supermodel in like fifteen seconds perhaps the ultimate goal well we won't talk about that but it starts with this here an introduction. and within seconds a close christine for our t. . now while american men are paying the big bucks for dating bootcamp to perfect the science of flirting things that american
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a women are the ones who really need help in that department and internet dating site did a study about which countries women initiate contact with met also known as flirt with them most often in the u.s. came in second to last right next to ecuador so we sent our faithful producer on to the streets of to see to find out how our nation's capital feels about the real flirty. that you think that women are in america are like the worst of plenty anybody i've been to other countries and i've met women in other countries. and i've met american women american women don't flirt really give me your best pick up line something like really if i was trying to flirt with you should it be the other way around that well no no no i think that's a little happened to pick you up or did you pick her up a few years time you troll i think. so have you ever had to be girls come up to you at a bar in four try to flirt with you in a bar you know oh so you are expecting guys to come out you know girls stay in
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their little group and they kind of look at the guys over there and it's kind of a guy's job to be like come over and talk and i know when i was in spain men weren't afraid to. sign the right here and it doesn't happen if you were a girl in a bar how would you put it was a guy what do you think girls should put like is it more of a look you think you just do it more or look where you were to me she just smiled or would use like a pick up line to maybe for the guy who would you do. i'd probably wait for the guy to approach me. ok all right. actually now that we talk about it i do agree that american women and how do you think. i'm sorry i have all the men and women we're equal in this country we have women c.e.o.'s presidential candidates and get women are still sitting around too scared to make a move when it comes to romance walking well joining me to help answer that question from our studio in new york is lily marcus and they're in chief of the gloss dot
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com thanks so much for joining us tell me i guess why do you think american women suck so bad when it comes to flirting. well i can't speak for everyone but i can say that like a lot of girls in america i grew up in a very conservative community and where i grew up you definitely didn't actively try to court a guy's attention or else you'd have really all. well things that about you so i think like the women in the clip before a lot of women wait for a guy to approach then just so that they don't have to make the first move because they've been trained that it's bad but aren't we liberated in this country i mean this is america like i said we have women that are c.e.o.'s of fortune five hundred firms we have women running for president and yet somehow we still got you know ranks a lower on this study than than mexico than italy countries that also you could say are more socially conservative at least when it comes to gender roles. i won't one thing that i want to take into account is i think you're right about equality and women being liberated as a result i think it's much less taboo for men and women to be friends with each
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other than it has been in previous generations it's not strange at all if i go out for a drink with a male friend of mine and there's nothing romantic going on so i think as a result men and women often meet each other through friends or in social situations where they have people they know in common and as a result you don't need to flirt with a guy if there is one there you already kind of know i will tell me this you say that you come from a conservative background but now that you are a free woman have you ever hit on a guy do you initiate contact. i would say i try to hit on them by not hitting on them. subtle version you know one thing that i find interesting is that this study didn't really account for age differences now we have the era of the cougar in america right so do you think that maybe older women are a little more aggressive than the younger girls. well i think it does have something to do with confidence in yourself i think you know if you're older if you're less wary about how other people perceive you or what other people might say
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about you you feel a little bit more free to just go and pursue somebody that you like now tell me this the internet has become a hot spot for dating these days right everyone goes on match dot com or whatever the rest of them are called do you think about it's kind of making us a little more socially awkward where we're starting to back away from having that confidence of actually approaching someone in person and being able to make the move in person face to face. yeah there are good and bad things about online dating i think it's really helpful for people who want something really specific if they're like i'm only going to date jewish men then they can make sure from finding out online that the person has the same religion as them or has the same background as them however that's more for people who are looking for long term relationships and if you just want to meet somebody in a bar it is a little bit harder well speaking of just meeting somebody at a bar we just showed a story where men they pay some money to go to dating boot camp to become pickup artists or be trained by a pick up artist who goes by the name of papa. which i have very entertaining do
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you think that women in this country would would pay for something like that that we'd be down. i mean i've heard of women doing it sure you know maybe some of those pick up classes work unfortunately i think the problem is that if you know about the class and you know what they're teaching you it's really easy for women to be on the lookout for some guy who is just repeating stuff that he read in a book to you i get you there but do you think also i mean are women just different do we not want to go to a bar and just pick someone up to have i don't know a fling for the night or a one night stand like. or is that an old way of thinking probably i'm sure there are women who feel that way i'm sure anybody who's watched sex and the city would say that there are definitely women who are like that and you mentioned earlier that the survey doesn't take age into account there are a lot of other factors that doesn't take into account like geographic region i think when you live in a more populated place where you can pick somebody up at a bar and then not have to ever see them again it's
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a lot easier to pursue something casual as opposed to if you live in a small town you know you don't really have that opportunity yeah i guess that's the pickings are slim you might have a bigger problem but you know in reality there are more women on this planet then there are men so do you think that women should start flirting more that we need to be a little more aggressive. you know my general attitude toward it is as long as men still make more than i do for doing the same job the least he can do is buy me a drink to make up the difference i hear you there thank you so much for joining us thank you. are we have one more segment ahead on tonight's show is the t.s.a. becoming a little too frisky when you pass or a security checkpoint we'll talk to one person who thinks that america needs to avoid caught the t.s.a. for a day. or some this is just
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a parliament building in. them. sixty five years ago. the final target. a major offensive for the army. scout became the symbol of the fall of the sun she was sitting. on the victory were nazi germany. the fallen. on r.g.p. . the moment when the world was changed forever. thousands passed to nothingness. thousands wounded. to suffer to endure the. first but probably not the landstuhl military uses this weapon.
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will become. common get on in the future. ever since the failed christmas day bombing attempt in two thousand and nine americans have been forced to again deal with increased security measures at airports only this time they could be crossing the line for full body scanners are now in thirty eight airports across the country by the end of the year there should be four hundred. and fifty of these machines all funded by barack obama's two thousand and nine stimulus bill and if you look at the two thousand and eleven national fiscal budget there will be more to come hundreds more and these machines are sparked controversy not only for the invasion of privacy the results when you're completely naked images being looked at by t.s.a. officials but also for the health risks that could result from exposure to radiation luckily they're not mandatory yet there is an opt out option but some
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feel that that option is even worse it's been compared to molestation t.s.a. officers literally feel up every part of any man woman or child who go through with it so now average americans as well as airline pilots and flight attendants are all fighting back in fact there are websites popping up encouraging travelers to hold national opt out days. so they really stand any chance of success and cities terrorized and militarized airports earlier today i caught up with steve beer phil the director of development for the campaign for liberty and i first asked him to recount with me how quickly all this seemed to happen how quickly body scanners were introduced into airports after the christmas day bombing attempt and how we never even got a chance to think it over. it did happen very quickly just like you're saying and it's that's the biggest problem with with the transportation security ministration
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is that they're doing all of this to get this you know safety quote unquote and really we have no time to respond in several ways that the best way to go about it is just basically pushing as many things as possible forward and they're saying let's throw a bunch of things at the wall and see if it sticks and that's not the way to do security now when you say they i mean who would you put the direct blame on because this wasn't something that had to be approved by congress essentially the president decided that you know he can give department of homeland security and the t.s.a. the authority to start rolling these things out mean george w. bush created the d h s he made senator tom ridge or maybe governor tom ridge of pennsylvania head of the d.h.s.s. now it's janet napolitano you basically have a department that is not you know constitutionally created that's not created by an act of congress or the senate it's just the department the president says well we need this type of thing and so we're going to do whatever we have to do but do you think that these body scanners first of all are unconstitutional i mean they do basically just project that entire new image of yourself you have to be radiated to go through them and then the only other option there are these you know extensive
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pat downs which a lot of people will compare with. and it is if you go through the body and image machines it's nothing short of a pornographic image and it takes a naked picture of you the t.s.a. has claimed the pictures are not saved it's come out that they're absolutely false they were lying the whole time they are safe and they can be stored they were weren't they in fact being distributed when for the famous i forget his name at them i was in they were hand him out exactly so we you really can't trust anything that the t.s.a. is saying and if you reject the body scanner you say i don't want someone seeing me naked you go through another procedure where they basically touch your neck they touch your chest they touch your genitals it's nothing short of a sexual assault and if in any other circumstance the person would be arrested instead they get a weekly paycheck and a badge and all now you're asking you are one of a number of other people that are calling for these days we haven't set a date yet but you're telling. not only to say that they don't want to go through the body scanners but also to opt out of the pat down because you don't think either one is right but what do you expect to happen if you're going to lock you
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all up i don't think the law is so i'm interested to see what their response is the idea it's a t.s.a. opt out project dot com is to get enough people to pledge to opt out on the specific day we're looking toward the spring to say that these body scanners someone seeing me naked is offensive that's wrong someone touching me or groping me or my wife or my child in appropriately that's just as wrong i don't have to give up my constitutional rights just in the name of flight so it's interesting to see what the t. is that is in the name of flight i mean of course the other explanation there is that this is in the name of national security because let's look at it this way if there was to be another bombing you know an airplane then who the plane clearly it would be the t.s.a. and their fault for not screening people well enough if you look at over the last year or two the t.s.a. is screening procedures every single procedure that they've had has not prevented these these incidents the christmas day bomber quote unquote put it in his underwear got through t.s.a. security completely his own dad called the government the u.s.
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government and tried to turn him in and they would listen so the procedures that are in place then were fine it's just a matter of being competent and taking thraldom the metal detectors work fine these this idea that we have to see someone make it this idea that we have to you know grow people to feel for things they're just they're throwing things at the wall hoping they stick and it's completely offensive it's completely unconstitutionally think that people are you know the people like yourself are obviously rising up saying that you don't do it but an average airport people are just you know heard right through these scanners not even think twice about it so do you think that americans are starting to get used to the fact that their rights are being taken away in this post nine eleven world the event that's my biggest worry and when i go through the airport i'm typically one of probably the only people to opt out of these procedures and wait there and i see people kind of watching me and they just go through the lines that's the biggest worry is that the more commonplace these machines become and these procedures become the more accepting people. the of them so i think there's really an opportunity now before it becomes real commonplace to say you know what we're not going to do it anymore we're putting
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a stop to it right now and see what happens now what do we know i in terms of i know that by the end of this year they're supposed to have about four hundred fifty of these machines i know that there are suppose there's enough money for maybe five hundred more of them mainly budget for two thousand and eleven so they're going to expand to expand this exponentially there's nothing to indicate that they're backing off every single story you read to say the t.s.a. you know someone is going to the t.s.a. and saying you know they followed me or they grow up meet appropriately the response is you know what it's in the name of security so they're not backing off so something has to be done and there's so much money they're putting into this and these machines cost i think a couple hundred thousand dollars each i mean it's so expensive they're not going to back off unless you have got our solution though sure absolutely i think you can be safe if you allow the screening procedures to focus on security and not on just throwing things against the wall there are people who do security for a living there are private security firms there are airlines that may do security for their own passengers for example if you want airlines handle their security you have different options southwest will handle their security different delta will or
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united will and you as the customer can choose how you want to fly and the airline pilots' unions of course are also very upset about this and they're saying the exact same thing that they don't necessarily need to be completely groped and molested like we said in order to stay safe steve thank you so much for joining us as you. all for we go it's time for our tweet of the day you know that crippled carnival cruise ship finally reached court today in san diego after spending four days at sea with no power and the passengers are telling horrible stories about the conditions and the food the u.s. military actually delivered spam and pop tarts to these stranded passengers so we're wondering what the passengers tweet about the meals well we thought they'd say we spent how much on defense in this country and the military delivered spam screw that give us a caviar right. that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure we come back tomorrow reasons michael moore to handle be on the show to this cause what being a fiscal conservative has to do with being
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a social conservative i'm going to give you a hint not much now in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of that show or any other nights you can always catch it all at youtube dot com slash the a lot of show where we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next as the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. wealthy british soil. the time to. go to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines. watch.
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most guys. in hotels i'm going to do know. all toto people published it is called a search on east west never told center no but. rather some mysterious sloviansk i book in soldiers historical hotels of escape culture in the city. because most. men do as a good i've been told from the struggle for leicester to become the hutto. more talking in fiji twenty summits here in seoul as world leaders sit down to if they can dave mckay stations will trade imbalances currency wolf in coping protectionism all the take. anybody who supports justice for palestinians and palestinian refugees is an enemy of israel and pro
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quo the terrorists human rights groups in israel are being forced underground as their permits are withdrawn and accusations of supporting terrorism. and they know it's unhealthy and costly but georgian smokers choose to stick to the heart it was something to spend their last money on cigarettes instead of food. this is our take your world news twenty four hours a day welcome to the program the g. twenty summit of the world's leading economies in this is in its second day with serious tensions.


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