tv [untitled] November 12, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EST
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manipulating so-called currency rates now the world's leading economies have decided to take time out and discuss fresh solutions in the first half of next year and he said now is in the south korean capital with more details on this guy let's get them out of life so any there's certainly been quite a lot of back and forth between some major players of the summit give me some good news here what issues have g. twenty members of managed to agree upon. well the g. twenty is of course a time for these leaders to get together and talk about what other problems challenges the world is facing and that's exactly what they did of course they're not going to be able to come to a consensus about everything when you get twenty leaders into the into a one room they're going to have different ways of looking at things but the leaders were able to find a consensus on being able to come up with early warning indicators to prevent economic turmoil of course that wasn't the case a couple of years ago when we saw this financial crisis hit they also agreed to
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with time slowly but surely move with currency that's a very sticky issue but most importantly and the russian president said it very well it's so important that these forums and summits take place because it is a way for these leaders to get on the same page. any issue that was raised was carefully considered the members of the summit to have reacted to the suggestions made i can say that the world leaders have learned to listen to each other they started hearing each other. so that's a good sign when leaders are listening to each other it provides a good environment for being able to find solutions concrete solutions which of course the g twenty has been criticized for not being able to provide again the currency war situation wasn't resolved talks are going to continue but at least it was brought up it's about time that talks started on this issue now and so we've certainly seen some tense moments between representatives of america and china on
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the issue of currency manipulation or currency was talk to me about the end game here how is that panned out. well we did and it's interesting a lot of the more intense dialogues of course took place in not the group sessions but the bilateral sessions when barack obama sat down face to face with hu jintao this is when the serious dialogue started china has said it doesn't want to get too deep into dialogue in a big group it wants to talk privately about this this currency war is on the brink of really intensifying in all of these countries know that of course the u.s. pumping six hundred billion dollars into its own economy devaluing the dollar essentially while demanding that china revalue its won and china has called the u.s. out on its hypocrisy germany a little softer on that whole popular see of course the u.s. demanding not so much demanding but asking that they look at their exports which are tremendous they've had tremendous success in building those exports since reunification the u.s. is watching that closely and asked them to join the team help global recovery and
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maybe do a little more spending and of course germany understands that it doesn't owe anything to the united states so not too much open dialogue on these currency wars but the leaders certainly have pledged to keep their eye on it but this battle certainly is not over yet. short of major economies that are missing reserve funds to receive signals from each other and agree that it's not acceptable to manipulate national currencies for the sake of short term gains so they will understand the balance should be observed they firmly believe that the threat of a currency war breaking out will significantly decrease following today's summit we have reasons to be optimistic about the future. so an optimistic statement there from president medvedev russia is not the only country that believes the world really needs to start thinking about a multi-currency reserve all right artes and he's in our there reporting live from
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the g. twenty in seoul thank you. oh staying with the issue of the g. twenty professor donald bean from the university of toronto says countries are should remember the promises they make at the g twenty summit when you think of what individual nations focus on when they set their economic policy they focus on what's important domestically the u.s. is focused on raising employment. china wants to continue its progress through export led growth but this this form of the g. twenty is is really a means by which individual nations are forced to consider the implications of what they do domestically for the larger stage for the global the global scene and every comment on the communique that has come out this afternoon as has addressed this particular point saying we are thinking about strong stable balance
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economic growth and we are nations our individual nation whether it's president obama or prime minister cameron or from my own country prime minister harper they say that they make these statements about that but when they leave tomorrow they will go back and focus on domestic issues the tough part is whether or not they will stick to their commitment to also consider the international the global implications of whatever economic policies they bring well russia's finance minister and how spoken about the dangers caused by countries trying to gain competitive advantages by artificially keeping their currencies low you can watch the full interview with him at one thirty pm g.m.t. but here's a preview for you. some technical difficult difficulties there but more information on that certainly on
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our website at r.t. top cop now terrorism and inciting unrest that's what human rights activists are working with palestinians in israel not being accused of the country's interior ministry says many international n.g.o.s present a threat and have withdrawn their permits forcing them underground critics say the organizations are suffering for simply doing their job. well you never really know there are the visitors israel doesn't want activists from around the world who come here to photograph and protest palestinian suffering while most of the n.g.o.s only bring more fuel to the conflict make it much more harder to solve the conflict bring more hate to the conflict and they have huge he kidnapped the terrorists human right which is why from the beginning of the year the israeli ministry of interior started going with permits from international n.g.o.s oxfam save the children and medicine some pontiff have all been affected everybody who voices
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a pro palestinian view anybody who supports justice for palestinians and palestinian refugees is an enemy of israel and said pro quo a terrorist i simply don't buy it and i don't think there's evidence that someone in tears say they have no choice but to do they work illegally emily's origins are palestinian but she can't live here because she can't get a visa for while she managed to evade the israeli authorities by leaving and returning every three months and lying to them that she lived in jerusalem but they eventually cautioned on and have given her one month to get out the more business you have in your passport the harder it gets. anything from initially it was more being overwhelmed and really understanding you know which borders to you is how to speak you know how to talk to soldiers what to say what not to say n.g.o.s monitor
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is an israeli organization that tracks non-governmental organizations working in the area it starts one speak on camera but they haven't shied away from writing on the net. this web site accuses several charities working in the west bank and gaza of having links to terrorist organizations here it says that the palestinian children's welfare fund owns a hate filled with site dedicated to the glorification of jihad and the denunciation of israel there has been no evidence whatsoever and no cases that anyone's heard of a people in n.g.o.s committing any kind of violence but as to terms on stones and grenades and on i.d.f. soldiers and was helping them you see a blonde girl from switzerland though i don't know where eighty more mix been in gaza for six months and plans to stay six more he's a volunteer with the international solidarity movement which israel claims has terrorist links they therefore won't have to cross into the west bank he's
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a human rights groups that are credible throughout the world and yet they are being stopped from entering many times in i mean the un report richard falk was stopped from entering so this stretch is up to the united nations for many n.g.o.s the challenge remains how to draw attention to the work they do without getting kicked out of the country many israelis continue to question the work they doing in the first place policy r.t. israel. and plenty still for you to come here on r t this hour. introduced reforms banning the practice of bride abduction a longstanding tradition of marriage making which not only goes against islam but can also cost the woman her life. while a russian newspaper has put a new twist on this summer's spy scandal between moscow and washington according to the paper ten people expelled from the u.s. on espionage charges were turned in by their own boss president medvedev says this
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was no surprise as he was aware of all of the events all the way along r.t. as you got it was going off met the journalists who publish the revelations this summer spy story. between the u.s. and russia just a few months after dropping out of headlines around the world the biggest spy scandal between moscow and washington since the cold war iraq is back but this time the drama of this whole situation is that the agents were turned in by their boss he's been named as colonel should about call for legend we headed the american department of russia's foreign intelligence service know firstly more photographs have been released to journalists from the moscow based committee sun newspaper see they've been holding their only investigation into the story and clean he is behind blowing his colleagues cover in the united states. everyone we spoke to agreed that this was the biggest failure in the history of a foreign intelligence service some of the agents worked undercover for decades and all were given away just like all cell. it was june when american authorities
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announced the captured ten people suspected of being russian secret agents all were found guilty by u.s. court and deported in exchange for four men serving time in russia themselves convicted of being foreign spies it was never going to stay out of the news for long the story instantly made headlines especially since the russian president's first official trip to the u.s. had just come to an end it's thought colonel sort of back off left russia to america just a few days before that movie of the visit and according to some reports a few months before that he was offered a promotion at work which could have seen him suggested to a lie detector test instead it suggested he turned the other way by turning in his associates the media quickly found its favorite among the group of deported agents young rich and beautiful on a chapman was deemed the russian james bond girl but did the paparazzi flashes draw focus away from the real super agent in the group mikail was in court was still in
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the shadows just as he had been for the past four decades that is true this is an amazing story it doesn't only have a trader. but a true hero is wells of the two absolute opposites i'm talking about with some coffee and his fantastic story that he left the soviet union in the one nine hundred sixty s. first to spain and then to south america working as a photographer he eventually married and moved to the us changing his name to one it said he continually denied being a russian agent until colonel presented secret documents that he then revealed his true identity but intelligence experts say naming and shaming russian operatives was probably not in the prime target. that. was probably a us agent for a long time him self and i'm sure this whole story was instigated by the american secret service the two presidents are working to restart relations and some people
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are obviously against us the timing of the scandal was picked perfectly. it puts another name in the frame for the russian intelligence service that still trying to establish how a massive decades long secret operation could fall port so easily seemingly at the hands of one man you've got this going on r g moscow. i now let's go to some other international news in brief and iraqi leaders have ended eight months old political stalemate by supporting the reappointment of nudie al maliki as prime minister but a sunni backed coalition led by his main rival turned walked out of the parliamentary session in protest before the vote they claimed other political blocs were not keeping a promise to vote on the power sharing agreement and the action underlines how fragile any new government is likely to be. an attack on an anti terrorist police headquarters in pakistan's largest city karate has left
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twenty dead and at least one hundred injured taliban fighters who claimed responsibility exchanged fire with officers of the criminal investigation department then detonated a massive car bomb and it comes a day after the same unit arrested several wanted militants in the city the blast took place in the evening rush hour and pakistan's commercial capital. the death toll from the cholera outbreak in haiti has risen to seven hundred and twenty four hours aid workers fight to contain the spread of the disease in the capital thousands of people are being treated in hospitals across the country there are fears the epidemic will spread further due to the water supply becoming contaminated after last month's hurricane millions are now said to be at risk. well brought in new laws to try and stamp out the practice of men kidnapping their brides to some it may seem just a quaint custom but for the women involved it can often be traumatic and.
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discovered when the kidnapping goes wrong it can even end in death. it is the moment of families torn apart the church and bride to be happening here remains a ritual rather than an outrage the man simply chooses the woman he wants and forcibly takes her but the kidnapping of one young girl called him on one terribly wrong. i knew she went shopping good bank. loans we had it good outside and saw her being kidnapped yes she was shouting we saw it all and. the good leopard his accomplice grabbed him on jumped into a car and sped away but a short way down the road they crashed into the truck. a young girl. when they were driving here they crashed in the old. post last night was an awful tragedy the car was just a piece of metal you couldn't tell what car it was. some say kidnapping brights ones and the cook asian blood religious leaders and churches strongly disapprove
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and no laws have been brought in to corrupt the practice the good l.t. says i'm able to go to the corner chechens never had such as this is forbidden in islam every friday i say during the. this is for meaning it's a senior and those who will be punished if you're in this life and on the judgment day. the girls who've been kidnapped rail a brain does not deter courtroom as such case may be considered it is grace buyable or but they never forget about it is on the one sword experience forty years ago she left the shop and was heading home when it happened the news that when taking me away and i didn't even know who was kidnapping me it was several men in the car and then you know one only on the second or third day did i find out who i was telling the whole. reasoner remembers the day she spent not knowing what was coming next lost and frightened she had no choice but to stay with her kidnapper whose
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youngest daughter was almost her age two months later prisoner ran away but her life was changed forever. this really is the big tragedy because your life doesn't belong to you any longer you come to mend it almost if you were kidnapped girl even if you spent two or three days there and returned home you're not considered a guy you belong to someone of the water but now trichoniscus and tough on the practice with the new laws. i think these laws fills a global issue i think many families where girls are brought up to feel themselves moved to queue up by a body of knowledge righted lovers will face a prison sentence and have to pay over still it is sold in dollars in fines to the girl's family even religious leaders forcing a girl to marry her kidnapper will be punished even though there appears to be a strong support goes into this now yet to see whether the old tradition has been ended only on paper or in real it's a sign that you are wrong crossly. nearly twenty minutes past the hour here in
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moscow coming up in ten minutes time for this week's moscow out explores the jewish community in russia discovers its russian flavor. bishop has everything regarding jewish culture from the menorah candlestick holder so the jameka skull caps are also a wide range of english and russian speaking books and even various souvenirs and games take a look at this we've got our stamps to. you when it comes to alcohol or even surprises. jewish stuff it's both pretty and. time now for the business news with charlotte.
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well i welcome to the business program here in r.t. with me charlayne with folly the g. twenty leaders are delayed till next year any effort to deal with trade and currency imbalances politicians meeting in south korea failed to reach agreement on key issues which could affect the recovery of the global economy instead they will merely watch for signs that countries are artificially deflating their currencies will take no action market reports on the divisions in seoul. reports of raised voices behind closed doors contrasts sharply with the image of unity two years ago then the leaders of the g twenty stood united in their efforts to avoid an acid crash turning into a global depression now member countries are divided on key issues the last g. twenty meeting pledge not to pursue currency wars since then the u.s. and around six hundred billion dollars of stimulus to drive down the dollar this conflict a problem leads to
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a more volatility of the. currency market. i think but with a very is a bet for the world economy even former u.s. federal reserve chairman alan greenspan stepped into the fray saying that the u.s. should not devalue its currency the move has divided emerging markets brazil condemning russia welcoming a new wave of capital inflows russia could actually benefit from that i mean it's in a different situation to the other say so-called bric countries russia has not had a substantial amount of capital inflows in the last couple of years in fact quite the opposite. flaws in the last two years total almost two hundred billion so it actually could do it reversing some of that and taken some money back a proposal from the head of the world bank for a new reserve currency met with silence in contrast with a desire in two thousand and eight to create a new world financial order on trade the g twenty is also struggling to get the
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world's leading manufacturers not just to sell goods but to buy them as well along with china germany opposed a u.s. suggestion of targets for cutting exist trade imbalances one ray of hope however is that all leaders did agree to avoid protectionism. michael of genco business r.t. . british prime minister david cameron says british companies are interested in the skolkovo innovation center he told russian president dmitri revered it that investors are keen on the russian project and a member of the british delegation to the g twenty summit said the u.k. makes the idea. and while they failed to agree any action leaders talked about a lot of tough sounding even otherworldly entities the f.s.b. is to monitor saif ali in case you're wondering what that means the financial stability board is compiling lists of bias considered too big to fail it calls the
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system a cli important financial institutions the f.s.b. will make these fines comply with tougher banking rules by two thousand and eleven . islands debt crisis was a key issue german chancellor angela merkel said preparations are in place for any aid request by a european country irish debt yields rose again on friday a bailout of others financial system would cost at least fifty billion euro in other news bailed out by the violent expect two thousand and ten operating profit to drop forty percent moody's rating agency said it may downgrade the country's credit rating. time no see how the markets are performing in here in russia their falling into the red for the second day echoing global trends seventy one of the top loses shooting one percent in the last year. and every year or so markets are making slight gain to the ducks now trading back in the black worries over islands debt levels and rattled investors. the news in brief we now russell has posted
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a third quarter net profit of twenty nine million dollars and that's down fifty five percent from a year earlier the world's second largest aluminum company cited rising finance expenses as the main cause for the drop there remained positive as global demand for the metal continues to grow. russia's biggest state a shipping company so called float says it's planning an i.p.o. next year the firm may sell one fourth of its shares with half of the received funds going towards the federal budget and the other half kept in the company analyst estimates some called floor to be worth between three to four billion dollars and so the i.p.o. is most likely to attract foreign investors. the value of initial public offerings by russian companies could jump to twenty eight billion dollars next year the highest since two thousand and seven according to the t.v. capital one reason the i.p.o. market may take off is the recovery in russia's benchmark investment indices
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they've gained the bulk of their record declined caused by the global economic meltdown key sectors the mining chemicals and retail industries where sales of shares are expected to surge to twenty billion dollars the sale of stakes in state companies expect to raise another eight billion. of premium vodka make a russian stunned has agreed in principle to buy a cranium rival the mirror of this is according to vote almost the newspaper details of the deal were not disclosed however experts believe nero famous for his honey and pepper infused vodka to be worth up to four hundred million dollars in september the ukrainian brand rejected a bit of a u.k. face to jupiter stocks there it. and news from fading now with these bands may start to assemble it's called in russia the russian call company offered to start producing the seat. on the group and most affordable in the sadie's range you offer was made his latest call it. failed to meet expected tomorrow.
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though so many years of. the prisoners. are still in law. as well as the fortune. those so many years of. summer will be designed to save. others take their executioners. for just. so many years or scratched. memory is still a moment. as well. as. great. more news today. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations to rule the day.
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wouldn't dare to swim so deep. that tourists would be scared of such cold water. and would never die if nothing is seen within arm's reach. they are not to lists they are researchers. and humors on land then in deep water. culture is that so much i'm going to make a lot of people here are you not but look at what makes a person powerful and influential maybe it is a combination of numerous factors and forbes magazine sixty most powerful. in
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indonesia available in the ground shirts and. the ritz carlton hotel motel hotel new millennium hotel in china you can see a sensor tell the town rocks hotel in the grand hotel macau divination marco resort hotel resort in the south. when results might come. to telecom riviera hotel in the coming cintra hotel mccown. moscow this is the headlines now putting a stop to currency wars world financial leaders agreed so five odd official devaluation in that final statement at the g. twenty summit. unwanted charity human rights groups in israel are being forced
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underground those that are withdrawn over accusations of supporting terrorism. newspaper on company. most russia u.s. spy scandal saying it was a top russian intelligence officer on march the his son the couple or rather his own agents. well up next. explores the jewish community in russia in the latest edition of mascot. and in a new. series families he sends out. this complex is being social but.
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