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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2010 7:00am-7:30am EST

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and he said no way is in the south korean capital with more details on this. well the g. twenty is of course a time for these leaders to get together and talk about what other problems challenges the world is facing and that's exactly what they did of course they're not going to be able to come to a consensus about everything when you get twenty leaders into the into a one room they're going to have different ways of looking at things but the leaders were able to find a consensus on being able to come up with early warning indicators to prevent economic turmoil of course that wasn't the case a couple of years ago when we saw this financial crisis hit they also agreed to with time slowly but surely move with currency that's a very sticky issue but most importantly and the russian president said it very well it's so important that these forums and summits take place because it is a way for these leaders to get on the same page you should see any issue that was raised was carefully considered the members of the summit to have reacted to the
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suggestions made i can see the world leaders have learned to listen to each other they started hearing each other so that's a good sign when leaders are listening to each other it provides a good environment for being able to find solutions concrete solutions which of course the g twenty has been criticized for not being able to provide a dam the currency war situation wasn't resolved talks are going to continue but at least it was brought up it's about time that talks started on this issue a lot of the more intense dialogues of course took place in not the group sessions but the bilateral sessions when barack obama sat down face to face with woods and how this is when the serious dialogue started china has said it doesn't want to get too deep into dialogue in a big group it wants to talk privately about this this current the war is on the brink of really intensifying in all of these countries know that of course the u.s. pumping six hundred billion dollars into its own economy devaluing the dollar essentially while demanding that china revalue its won and china has called the
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u.s. out. on its hypocrisy germany a little softer on that have popular see of course the u.s. demanding not so much demanding but asking that they look at their exports which are tremendous they've had tremendous success in building those exports since reunification the u.s. is watching that closely and asked them to join the team help global recovery and maybe do a little more spending and of course germany understands that it doesn't know when anything to the united states so not too much open dialogue on these currency wars but the leaders certainly have pledged to keep their eye on it but this battle certainly is not over yet. major economies that are emitting reserve funds to receive signals from each other and agree that it's not acceptable to manipulate national currencies for the sake of short term gains so they will understand the balance should be observed if i believe that the threats of a currency war breaking out will significantly decrease following today's summit we
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have reasons to be more optimistic about the future. so an optimistic statement there from president creative russia is not the only country that believes the world really needs to start thinking about a multi currency reserves. and he said now reporting that now to talk more about the outcomes of the g. twenty summit we're joined by william engdahl in frankfurt economic research and author of the book wall street oh god of money rather wall street and the death of the american century so best engdahl it seems a bit disheartening for such a global event such as the g. twenty summit to end with a simple conclusion ok we won't fight with currency wars but despite that the deal we do you think will remain true to their pledge their. i don't see how they can frankly after the federal reserve last week announced it was going to print six hundred billion more of dollars to soak up the toxic waste of the banking system there that's going to have a huge negative effect further on the u.s. dollar which is in effect
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a dollar devaluation. leaving the holders of dollar debt like china and japan holding a diminishing currency so. you know the one who talks the loudest about avoiding currency wars is the prime instigator of such actions in this case now let's get down to the nuts and bolts here much of the rhetoric has been coming from the u.s. and china but is it just about them what about europe does europe also play a role in the currency conflict. well in the respect not an active role in the sense that the u.s. treasury has played an active role in the attack on the euro since january of this year. i've talked about that before and the various programs here but the the european union is very concerned about an overvalued euro and in fact the german export boom got a tremendous boost when the euro dramatically dropped after the attacks because of the greek crisis earlier this spring so now that the euro was rising again there's
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a considerable amount of on the ease and not only in berlin and paris and frankfurt for the european central bank is but i don't think they're taking active measures to. initiate any currency wars i think they're trying to be defensive in that that's a weak position right now now russia's president dmitri medvedev has called the soul summit the last of the crisis period do you think it's optimism is well founded or could this just be the calm before another storm. well with due respect i think president medvedev is really putting a cosmetic face on irreconcilable differences the dollar system as i say in my book gods of money with this subprime crisis from zero seven that broke out is in the midst of a breakdown crisis the dollar system that has dominated as world's reserve currency for the last sixty five years it's as you would say in hollywood slang the system
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is broke it is in its death throes and talking about nice platitudes about the last summit for the financial crisis may sound good but i don't see it is realistic i think we're at the beginning of a next wave of crisis that is going to be far far more dangerous and far more unstable than the last two years have seen now i'm running out of time here but when you look at the g twenty summit now wrapping up in seoul has there been any positive factors to it do we have any reason for an optimistic outlook following this economic summit well as long as you try to reconcile the interests of those twenty nations the largest economies in the world taken together in this current situation with the debt burdens of the u.s. dollar and the federal debt is well it's irreconcilable as i said earlier and therefore you can't paper this over and have a smiling photo op of twenty heads of state and say that the crisis is over so i
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don't i don't see this is much more than a rhetorical exercise because no one is willing to budge on the fundamentals not china not germany not the united states most certainly so. there is no room for compromise on this world we're at the break of a new of a new era and the sooner we acknowledge that i think the better we can get on with the necessary work. economic research and author of the book. the death of the american century thank you. thank you. well also coming your way in just a few minutes here on r t a new twist in a spy ring scandal russian journalists have discovered who blew the cover on eleven agents in the biggest spy swap since the cold war. and chechnya has introduced reforms banning the practice of bride abduction a longstanding tradition of marriage making which not only goes against islam but can also cost a woman her life. terrorism and inciting unrest
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that's what human rights activists working with palestinians in israel are being accused of the country's interior ministry says many international n.g.o.s present a threat and has withdrawn their permits forcing them underground critics say the organizations are suffering for simply doing their job. they're the visitors israel doesn't want activists from around the world who come here to photograph and protest palestinian suffering where most of the n.g.o.s only bring more fuel to the conflict make it much more harder to solve the conflict bring more hate to the conflict and they have huge he kidnapped the terrorists human right which is why from the beginning of the year the israeli ministry of interior started doing work permits from international n.g.o.s oxfam save the children and medicine some pontiff have all been affected everybody who voices
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a pro palestinian view anybody who supports justice propels the ends and palestinian refugees is and then we have israel and said pro quo a terrorist i simply don't buy it and i don't think there's evidence of it someone in tears say they have no choice but to do they work illegally emily's origins are palestinian but she can't live here because she can't get a visa for a while she managed to evade the israeli authorities by leaving and returning every three months and lying to them that she lived in jerusalem but they eventually cautioned on and have given her one month to get out the more visas you have in your passport the harder it gets and i think for me initially it was more being overwhelmed and really understanding you know which borders to you is how to speak you know how to talk to the soldiers what to say what not to say. is an israeli
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organization that tracks non-governmental organizations working in the area its staff won't speak on camera but they haven't shied away from writing on the net. this web site accuses several charities working in the west bank and gaza of having links with terrorist organizations here it says that the palestinian children's welfare fund owns a hate filled website dedicated to the glorification of jihad and the denunciation of israel there has been no evidence whatsoever and no cases that anyone's heard of a people in n.g.o.s committing any kind of violence but as to terms on stones in the grenades and on i.d.f. soldiers and who is helping them you see a blonde girl from switzerland though i don't know where eighty more mixed been in gaza for six months and plans to stay six more he's a volunteer with the international solidarity movement which israel claims has terrorist links they therefore won't cross into the west bank he's
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a human rights groups that are credible throughout the world and yet they are being stopped from entering many times in the un report richard falk was stopped from entering so this stretches up to the united nations for many n.g.o.s the challenge remains how to draw attention to the work they do without getting kicked out of the country many israelis continue to question the work they doing in the first place policy r.t. israel. and we've got plenty more for you to discover online including blogs features and videos here's a taste now and what you can find waiting for you on our go to a russian prisoner has devised the usual method for getting drugs into jail by training his feline friend learn more about how heroin dealers thought they had come up with the perfect crime that's here on r.t. dot com. also you side of beauty while fake cosmetics may be cheap the real price to pay for using counterfeit makeup could be much greater discover
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why looking and smelling good can turn out bad at our website r t v dot com. a russian newspaper has put a new twist on this summer's spy scandal between moscow and washington according to the paper the ten people expelled from the u.s. on espionage charges were turned in by their own boss president here the says this was no surprise as he was aware of the events all the way along artes you got a piece going off at the journalists who published the revelations. that summer spy story between the u.s. and russia just a few months after dropping out of headlines around the world the biggest spy scandal between moscow and washington since the cold war iraq is back over the drama of this whole situation is that the agents were turned in by their boss he's
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been named as colonel said about call for legend we headed the american department of russia's foreign intelligence service know firstly more photographs have been released to journalists from the moscow based community newspaper see they've been holding their only investigation into the story and clean he is behind blowing his colleagues cover in the united states. everyone we spoke to agreed that this was the biggest failure in the history of a foreign intelligence service some of the agents worked undercover for decades and all were given away just like all cell yes it was june when american authorities announced the captured ten people suspected of being russian secret agents all were found guilty by u.s. court and deported in exchange for four men serving time in russia themselves convicted of being foreign spies it was never going to stay out of the news for a long term the story instantly meet headlines especially since the russian president's first official trip to the u.s.
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had just come to an end it's thought colonel said about off left russia to america just a few days before the movie of the visit and according to some reports a few months before that he was offered a promotion at work which could have seen him suggested to a lie detector test and that some believe is why he rejected the job offer instead it suggested he turned the other way way turning in his associates the media quickly found its favorite among the group of deported agents young rich and beautiful on a chapman was deemed the russian james bond girl but did the paparazzi flashes draw focus away from the real super agent in the group me collision course was still in the shadows just as he had been for the four past. decades that is true this is an amazing story it doesn't only have a trader but a true hero is wells of the two absolute opposites i'm talking about with some coffee and his fantastic story. he left the soviet union in the one nine hundred
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sixty s. first to spain then to south america working as a photographer he eventually married and moved to the us changing his name to one it said he continues we denied being a russian agent until colonels are well presented secret documents that he then revealed his true identity but intelligence experts say naming and shaming russian operatives was probably not in the prime target. as that. was probably a us agent for a long time him self and i'm sure this whole story was instigated by the american secret service the two presidents are working to restart relations and some people are obviously against that the timing of the scandal was picked perfectly. it puts another name in the frame for the russian intelligence service that's still trying to establish how a massive decades long secret operation could fall port so easily seemingly at the hands of one man you've got this going on r.t.
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moscow. well as we get to some other stories making headlines around the world it's worth noting that another spy story is also making international headlines the government although iceland is investigating whether the us embassy in the country is spying on icelandic citizens the inquiry was opened after three other scandinavian countries launched similar probes u.s. officials say no espionage is taking place but the embassy does have a counter surveillance program to deal with potential threats they claim security was tightened after lethal attacks on u.s. embassies in africa in one thousand nine hundred eight. and in other news former israeli prime minister ariel sharon has been moved from a hospital to his ranch home the leader has been in a coma for more than four years after suffering a series of strokes in two thousand and six doctors say they hope he'll eventually be able to remain at his house with a full medical team to care for him sharon was one of israel's most popular but also the most controversial figures. while chechnya has brought in
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a new laws to try and stamp out the practice of men kidnapping their brides to some it may seem just a quaint custom but for the women involved it can often be traumatic and as i was on a little discovered when the kidnapping goes wrong it can even end in death. it is the moment of families torn apart. here remains a ritual rather than an outrage the man simply chooses the woman he wants and forcibly takes her but the kidnapping of one young girl called him on one terribly wrong. i knew she went shopping bank. loans we had it a good outside and saw her being kidnapped yes she was shouting we saw. the kid lebron his accomplice grabbed him on jumped into a car and sped away but a short way down the road they crashed into the truck. a young girl. when they were driving here they crashed in the. northwest it was an awful tragedy
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the car was just a piece of metal you couldn't tell what car it was. some say kidnapping brides runs and occasional blood religious leaders and churches strongly disapprove and no laws have been brought in to curb the practice because it is as i'm able to go the chechens never had such as this is. every friday i say during the. scene. and they will be punished as doing this life and on the judgement day. the girls who have been kidnapped relevant this matter to a courtroom as such case may be considered it is grace viable but they never forget about it result no one saw the experience forty years ago she left the shop and was heading home when it happened this is the one taking me away and i didn't even know who was kidnapping me it was several men in the car and then you know one only on
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the second or third day did i find out who i was telling the whole. reason or remembers the day she spend not knowing what was coming next lost and frightened she had no choice but to stay with her kidnapper whose youngest daughter was almost her. rage two months later resign or ran away but her life was changed forever for the rich and this really is this big tragedy because your life doesn't belong to you when you longer you come to mend it almost if you were kidnapped girl even if you spent two or three days there and return home you're not considered a grudge and you belong to someone you're so the woodruff but now tradition is getting tough on the practice with the new lords. i think lose lose for the global issue i think many families where girls are brought up to feel themselves musak you are probably a much loved righted lovers will face a prison sentence and have to be oversold as sold in dollars in fines to the girl's family even religious leaders forcing
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a girl to marry her kidnapper will be punished isn't all there appears to be a strong support goes into this now years to see whether the old tradition has been ended early on facebook or in reality to a son of god so are these from grossly. talking off you to get your listeners to business update with short. hello welcome to business program here on r t with me is folly several world leaders including russia's president of it it will go straight from the g. twenty summit in seattle to oklahoma for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit after the d twenty failed to agree help to boost the world's economy the apec summit is seen as another attempt to settle global financial issues at the g. twenty a look ahead to apec i'm joined by jaroslav is a folic chief economist at deutsche bank russia thank you very much for joining us and there's been lots of tough talking but no actually agreements at the g. twenty what can we expect from the apec. i think more i think there will be more
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decisions more concrete decisions so for unfortunately a lot of the things that we've seen from g twenty has been pretty general. even the commitments with respect to not using protectionist measures have not been adhered to strictly i think we should be expecting more from the apec because this is more of a regional blog as opposed to more of a global organization that is g g twenty regional issues are likely to be addressed more forcefully i think by the neighbors in the region in the asia pacific region and can we expect apec to address such issues as trade imbalances perhaps by curbing barriers to regional trade i think that's really the biggest question the biggest issue with regard to this apec summit because perhaps one of the ways in which these global imbalances could be addressed would be by more liberalization
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rather than more protection is more is greater state involvement and say with respect to trade liberalization i think part of the liberalization would have to be done by the bill of countries but also by countries such as china and some of the other countries in the region because that in turn would perhaps lead to some. you know some resolution of this imbalance trade imbalance that we see whereby china just has a very high trade surplus and perhaps greater imports into the region could somehow help to solve the situation now is lots of people waiting to see if the leaders of china and japan will indeed meet it apec summit now what exactly the role what role does china play at this apec summit i think it's a key role it's a central role. clearly and terms of investment flows in terms of trade flows this is one of the decide. players in the world economy i think
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what we will look for would be first of all of course the central issue the exchange rate regime in china but i think. probably we won't see that much of a radical change there traditionally we've seen that if china makes a decision changes tend to be quite gradual. and then of course i think the better way to address those imbalances will be through trade and again china has a significant role to play by opening up itself but also i think it is a country that is very much interested in having a lot of the neighbors in this region or pinup in terms of trade investment as well moving back it to russia what exactly does russia now seek from this summit i think this is. an important summit for russia because previously in the past ten to twenty years russia's foreign economic policy was i would say civilly
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eurocentric it was excessively centered on europe on trying to boost ties with the west to some degree this apec summit is a way for russia to would balance trade policy and to seek more integration more openness more trade flows and investment flows in the east. to some degree i think there is potential for that and obviously russia is also interested in using this greater trade integration within the apec region to boost the development of its far east region which so far is probably one of the most underdeveloped regions in russia ok our stuff is the bullet chief economist at deutsche bank in russia thank you very much here in alabama. now birches prime minister david cameron says british companies are interested in the skulk innovation center he told russian president dmitri medvedev to invest as
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a kid on the russian project and a member of the british delegation to the g twenty summit said the u.k. . recovered slightly on friday after german chancellor angela merkel separate preparations are in place for an aid request for the european country a bailout of iran's financial system would cost at least fifty billion euros you know the news bailed out bank of ireland expects two thousand and ten operating profit to drop forty percent these ratings agencies may downgrade the country's credit rating. see how the markets have a full menu here in russia the markets of falling into the red for the second day echoing global trends spare bank is one of the top loses one percent of them all ts european stock markets are also at the foot sea and sliding into the red worries over islands debt levels have rattled investments. premium vodka make a rush to the great in principle to buy ukrainian rival new merrill this is
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according to the newspaper details of the deal we're not disclosed however experts believe famous for its honey and pepper if used to be worth up to four hundred million dollars in september the cranium bryant rejected a bid for u.k. faces stock spirits. so for me my colleague kareen will be here next hour business the rest of the day for now they stay with the headline news coming up next.
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for your commitments are comfortable shuttle bus will teach you to do some cool just a few hours of surfing persian photos and scary scurry mirrors. on the moon. crater. scorching sun. are included. a photo with the wilds of the lunar rover for free. wealthy british scientists and some. of.
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the. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports. it's. often in here in the russian capital with all the headlines now putting a stop to currency wars world finance. agreed to artificial devaluation in their final state at the g twenty something. unwanted charity human rights groups in
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israel are being forced underground. with drawn up accusations of supporting terrorism. a moscow newspaper details of this summer's russia u.s. spy scandal saying it was a top russian intelligence officer who on lost his own. well next it's our debate show cross talk where our. guests try to work out just what it takes these days to be one of the most powerful people on the planet that's coming your way in just a moment. this is just a parliament building in. sixty five years ago. was the final target.


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