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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2010 10:00am-10:30am EST

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money and he said no way has more from seoul well the g twenty has come and gone and unfortunately so has another chance for concrete results on the world's most pressing issues the leaders did propose to continue to work together but very little headway on those so-called currency wars that great divide between east and west in this battle over the bar. the world at war the weapon currency. the fallout trade imbalance the world's paying i mean the world is paying the price for the asset bubbles that are being blown throughout the emerging markets and this high stakes battle for global exchanges it's china versus the u.s. on the western front the fed pumping six hundred billion bucks into the american economy the valuing the dollar while slamming china for not readily revaluing its you want on the eastern front the chinese position is well you're depreciating the
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dollar why should we really value the removal be the chinese currency which the us keeps on insisting on so it's really a standoff but one that smacks of double standards it's absolutely true that the united states of late has made don't mess to clean self-serving policy that was shortsighted and that did not consider the rest of the world and this set up the sole summit but despite global outrage with u.s. fiscal policy they got more of a high level silent treatment than any kind of fight right now it's the world against the united states and in terms of an agreement to deal with the currency war nun's going to happen there is no interest coming from china or germany the two other key players to solve this problem not interested or protecting interest. and that was before the session even started obama might have guessed there would be no compromising china wasn't budging and germany and export giant defense it's right not to surrender its strength by spending more abroad to appease u.s.
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calls to help economic recovery much of europe seems to be sitting back and watching how this will all play out i think they are trying to be defensive and that's a weak position right now russia sees itself as a mediator and hopes multi-currency reserves over place currency wars should. i believe that the threats of a coup. she will breaking out will significantly decrease following today's summit we have reasons to be more optimistic about the future the group of twenty did agree to develop early warning indicators to prevent economic turmoil and gradually move on currency the question now is not enough to prevent this cas class from getting out of control. well that was all to use and use in our reporting right well professor donald breen an economist from toronto university says this g twenty should encourage leaders to take a wider world view while trying to tackle problems back at home when you think of
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what individual nations focus on when they set their economic policy they focus on what's important domestically the u.s. is focused on raising employment. china wants to continue its progress through export led growth but this this forum of the g twenty is is really a means by which individual nations are forced to consider the implications of what they do domestically for the larger stage for the global the global scene when they leave they will go back and focus on domestic issues the tough part is whether or not they will stick to their commitment to also consider the international the global implications of whatever economic policies they bring or let's get some more insight on this now from sonic got our money who's president of the global currency and lists and ask you to micro advisors he joins us now from
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new york good to see you so the big results from the summit tackling currency wars but what does what they've agreed on actually mean anything. well i think it means very little for the currency markets quite frankly people have been talking about currency wars for quite some time the fact of the matter is is that there was a lot of concern over the pace of the depreciation of the dollar so the fed has come out already with their quantitative easing. proposal or not proposing their plan so it's a relatively modest plan our bond markets have not rallied to since the fed since the fed came out with their announcement interest rates have stopped going down in the u.s. on the dollar has actually stopped depreciating since since since the fed announcement so this whole attention about you know kind of currency wars and in and rebalancing
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between the u.s. and china and all that has actually taken a little bit of a of a back step and one of the interesting things that happened at this g. twenty is that the u.s. was really looking for the g. twenty to be a forum to continue to pressure china and to have you know more unified front against china and asian currencies current account surplus countries. from from the rest of the world and what it actually ended up turning into was that the u.s. had to go in there and do the tables were turned at the u.s. actually had to explain its own behavior to a whole host of countries in the chinese i think we're pretty adept at turning this around and there were a lot of other countries who didn't mind actually turning the tables a little bit on the u.s. and saying ok well why don't you guys explain what you're doing with the with the fed before and your country before you start kind of throwing stones at us so the tables are turned they're against america the g. twenty summit let's talk about this balancing act washington wants china to reflate
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its currency all the while pumping six hundred billion dollars into its own economy thereby bringing down the dollar now would you call this fair competition. well i think the point that you're making is exactly the point that the chinese are making and and some other countries as well they're saying look you you want us to to play ball and to and to let our currency appreciate and meanwhile you up through your monetary policy are working to devalue your currency yourself and your player kind of playing trade wars with with with your currency. and treasury secretary geithner and president obama itself have actually been kind of on the defensive explaining this and saying look we're the fed is doing this but you know we don't have an objective of actually weakening our currency so there's no kind of tit for tat between what we want you guys to do and what we're doing here. in the united
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states the fact of the matter is that you know you had a good article even by alan greenspan saying it would look the u.s. would like a weaker dollar and so the u.s. feels a little bit of vulnerable on this point the argument from the u.s. side is that is that look we're not aggressively trying to weaken our dollar here we're just trying to provide a little bit of cushion here and that number you know what the fed did with the six hundred billion even though it's a big number it's still not you know two trillion dollars or this shock and awe that you know some people were concerned about and that we're actually going to try to be a little bit more measured and more balanced on our approach so so what we have here is is you know the u.s. i think vulnerable to this kind of criticism that that you mention the u.s. is not going to back off on pressuring china but to the extent that you know the u.s. would like to get a lot more aggressive pressure on on on china they are not really getting it
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but having said all that the chinese also are looking to and to some extent to deflate some of the tension between the countries and in practice they have a law. their currency to gradually move and i think they're going to continue to do that just to kind of keep it quiet so if i can if i can just jump in for a moment i'm running low on time but you're saying that america was put on the defensive with the g twenty summit in seoul but recent comments the u.s. claims that if it prospers everybody prospers now it does sound good but how accurate is it could we say the same about china. the question that if it costs us it costs everybody i'm sorry i didn't the us say that if you are oscars then everybody prospers oh yes that's right and the u.s. is saying look we tween you know a little bit of a weaker dollar and some growth in the u.s. you all should be at all know that it actually helps everybody to have some growth
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in the u.s. what the chinese are saying on the other side and they've said this for quite some time is that is that look we can appreciate our currency gradually but be careful what you wish for if we appreciate it too rapidly and we hurt our own economy then we ought that will also have negative consequences for for the rest of the world and i think people. understand that and they they're pressuring them for you know twenty percent thirty percent type you know appreciation and revaluation of the currency knowing in reality that if they get you know six or seven percent or something like that they'll believe in the course of a year that they will be and should be more than happy with that from china or a son of god i'm on the president and c.e.o. of currency analysts s.t.h. micro devices thank you. well our russian newspaper has revealed the ten russian agents expelled by the u.s. this summer were betrayed by their own boss president medvedev says the revelations are no surprise and that he was well aware of the events all the time long as
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artie's you go to prison off explains the journalists behind the story saw the media hype also draw attention away from the real top spy. the summer spy story between the u.s. and russia just a few months after dropping out of headlines around the world the biggest spy scandal between moscow and washington since the cold war iraq is back but over the drama of this whole situation is that the agents were turned in by their boss he's been named as colonel said about call for legend we headed the american department of russia's foreign intelligence service no first name or photograph had been released to journalists from the moscow based community newspaper see if they've been holding their only investigation into the story and clean he is behind blowing his colleagues cover in the united states. everyone we spoke to agreed that this was the biggest failure in the history of a foreign intelligence service some of the agents worked undercover for decades and
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all were given away just like all self yes it was june when american authorities announced the captured ten people suspected of being russian secret agents all were found guilty by u.s. court and deported in exchange for four men serving time in russia themselves convicted of being foreign spies it was never going to stay out of the news for long the story instantly made headlines especially since the russian president's first official trip to the u.s. had just come to an end it's thought colonel sort of back off left russia to america just a few days before the movie of the visit and according to some reports a few months before that he was offered a promotion at work which could have seen him suggested to a lie detector test and that some believe is why he rejected the job offer instead it suggested he turned the other way way turning in his associates the media quickly found its favorite among the group of deported agents young rich and beautiful on
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a chapman was deemed the russian james bond girl but did the paparazzi flashes draw focus away from the real super agent in the group me collision course was still in the shadows just as he had been for the four past. dedicate that is true this is an amazing story it doesn't only have a trainer but a true hero is wells of the two absolute opposites i'm talking about with some coffee and his fantastic story. he left the soviet union in the one nine hundred sixty s. first to spain and then to south america working as a photographer he eventually married and moved to the us changing his name to one it said he continually denied being a russian agent until colonel presented secret documents that he then revealed his true identity but intelligence experts seem naming and shaming russian operatives was probably not the prime target. that. was probably a u.s. agent for a long time him self and i'm sure this whole story was instigated by the american
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secret service the two presidents are working to restart relations and some people are obviously against the timing of this scandal was picked perfectly. it puts another name in the frame for the russian intelligence service that's still trying to establish how a massive decades long secret operation could fall port so easily seemingly at the hands of one man you've got this going on moscow just out on in quarter past the hour here in the russian capital this is r.t. and in a few minutes the girls who were snatched from the street and forced marriage in a bride is known as an ancient custom in russia's chechen republic we'll tell you what the authorities are doing to stamp it out. while human rights activists working with palestinians say they're under pressure from israel which claims that stoking the conflict there the interior ministry has stopped issuing
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permits to many forcing them to work illegally. has been meeting activists who say the accusations are groundless now that israel regards any palestinian supporter as an enemy. well you know. there are the visitors israel doesn't want activists from around the world who come here to photograph and protest palestinian suffering where most of the n.g.o.s only bring more fuel to the conflict make it much more harder to solve the conflict bring more hate to the conflict and they have huge he kidnapped the terrorists human right which is why from the beginning of the year the israeli ministry of interior started with doing work permits from international n.g.o.s oxfam save the children and medicine some pontiff have all been affected everybody who voices a pro palestinian view anybody who supports justice propels them the ends and palestinian refugees is an enemy of israel and says pro quo
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a terrorist i simply don't buy it and i don't think there's evidence of it someone in tears say they have no choice but to do they work illegally emilie's origin's a palestinian but she can't live here because she can't get a visa for while she managed to evade the israeli authorities by leaving and returning every three months and lying to them that she lived in jerusalem but they eventually cautioned on and have given her one month to get out the more visas you have in your passport the harder it gets. and i think for me initially it was more being overwhelmed and really understanding you know which borders tears how to speak you know how to talk to the soldiers what to say what not to say. is an israeli organization that tracks non-governmental organizations working in the area its staff won't speak on camera but they haven't shied away from writing on the net . this website has
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a several charities working in the west bank and gaza of having links to terrorist organizations here it says that the palestinian children's welfare fund owns a hate filled website dedicated to the glorification of jihad and the denunciation of israel there has been no evidence whatsoever and no cases that anyone's heard of a people in n.g.o.s committing any kind of violence but throwing stones on stones and grenades and on i.d.f. soldiers and who is helping them you see a blonde girl from switzerland who i don't know where eighty more mix been in gaza for six months and plans to stay six more he's a volunteer with the international solidarity movement which israel claims has terrorist links they therefore want to cross into the west bank he's a human rights groups that are credible throughout the world and yet they are being stopped from entering many times in i mean the un report to richard falk was stopped from entering so this stretch is up to the united nations for many n.g.o.s
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the challenge remains how to draw attention to the work they do without getting kicked out of the country while many israelis continue to question the work they doing in the first place policy r.t. israel. well you can check out that story online and add your comments as well as r.t. dot com here's what else is lined up for you to watch on the web site right now from cambodia learn to cut smuggler read how a russian prison a train his feline friend and her sneak in his fix of heroin. and three d. thrill for fans of the not cracker which is now cracking hollywood details of the town heavyweights bringing the cherished fairy tale to life while waiting for you and artie dot com right now.
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men who kidnapped girls off the street and forced them into marriage now face jail in russia's republic of chechnya it's been seen as a tradition among some muslim communities of the north caucuses but religious leaders and officials say it's deeply wrong and must be stopped what's on a list of reports on the practice which is tearing families apart. it is a moment of family stand upright a church in brighton happening here remains a ritual rather than the man simply chooses the woman he wants and forcibly takes her but the kidnapping of one young girl called him on one terribly wrong. i knew she went shopping. we had a good outside and saw her being kidnapped yes she was shouting we saw. the kidnapper and his accomplice grabbed him on jumped into a car and sped away but a short way down the road to question to be. a young girl.
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when we were driving. in the. northwest it was an awful tragedy the car was just a piece of metal you couldn't tell what car it was. some say kidnap and brights ones and the cook asian blood religious leaders and churches strongly disapprove and no laws have been brought in to corrupt the practice the. chechens never had such as this is. every friday i say during the. this is great to see. and be punished with you in this life. the girls who've been kidnapped really bring this matter to a courtroom as such case may be considered it is grazed by all but they never forget about it result no one saw the experience forty years ago she left the shop and was heading home when it happened this is the one taking me away and i didn't even know who was kidnapping me it was several men in the car and i knew no one
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only on the second or third day did i find out who i was. reason remembers the day she spent not knowing what was coming next lost and frightened she had no choice but to stay with her kidnapper chris youngest daughter was almost her rage two months later resign or ran away but her life was changed forever though which is. this really is this big tragedy because your life doesn't belong to you when you long to come to the most if you were kidnapped even if you spent two or three days there and you're not considered a large when you belong to someone your said the woodruff sure but now attrition is getting tough on the practice with the new laws. i think the global issue i think many families where girls are brought up. probably have a lot of writing letters will face a prison sentence and have to be oversold as sold in dollars in fines to the girl's
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family even religious leaders forcing the girl to marry her kidnapper will be punished if one's older appears to be a strong support girl's interest in our years to see whether the old tradition has been ended only on paper or in reality to a sound that you heard so far to you from crossly. i just a moment karim is here with the prisoners. for the feel we've got. the biggest issues get the cuban voice face to face with the news makers . much brighter if you knew the song from silence to question its.
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stance on. parallel come to a business program here in r.t. thanks for joining me russia's economy slowed in the third quarter gross domestic product rose two point seven percent year on year after expanding five point two percent in the quarter to june the worst drought in fifty years hit crops and forced manufacturers to cut production the economy ministry says the heat wave will cost the country point eight percentage points of growth this year. now the g twenty leaders have delayed till next year any effort to deal with the trade and currency imbalances politicians meeting in south korea failed to reach agreement on key issues which could affect the recovery of the global economy instead they would merely watch for signs that countries are artificially deflating their currencies it will take no action by the reports on the divisions.
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reports of raised voices behind closed doors contrasts sharply with the image of unity two years ago then the leaders of the g. twenty studio united in their efforts to avoid an acid crash turning into a global depression now member countries are divided on key issues the last g. twenty meeting pledge not to pursue currency wars since then the u.s. and around six hundred billion dollars of stimulus to drive down the dollar in this conflict so there's no problem with italy's two or more volatility of the. exchange currency market. i think but this is very is a bet for the world economy and even former us federal reserve chairman alan greenspan stepped into the fray saying that the u.s. should not devalue its currency the move has divided emerging markets brazil
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condemning russia welcoming a new wave of capital inflows russia could actually benefit from that emulates in a different situation to the other says so-called bric countries russia has not had a substantial amount of capital inflows in the last couple of years in fact quite the opposite flaws in the last two years total almost two hundred billion so it actually could do it reversing some of that in taken some money back a proposal from the head of the world bank for a new reserve currency met with silence in contrast with a desire in two thousand and eight to create a new world financial order on trade the g twenty is also struggling to get the world's leading manufacturers not just to sell goods but to buy them as well along with china germany opposed the u.s. suggestion of targets for cutting exchange imbalances one ray of hope however is that all leaders did agree to avoid protectionism. michael of genco business r.t. . ethical look at how the markets are doing the russian markets are in the red
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enabling trading for the second day of a plan. the r.t.s. is losing point eight percent is going to analyze it's the setting less than a quarter of a percent energy majors the main losers on the forces bucking the trend though are going to be released and ross telecom. and european stock markets are up in midday trading both the pussy and the dax recovered from earlier losses and are now pointing forward however investors are still concerned over the island's debt levels. and stocks in the u.s. trimmed losses after gouging consumer confidence increased more than a forecast stock and stock indices came off their lows ahead of the data and commodities are getting hit pretty hard with copper leading the way stocks fell off to china said it was preparing to hike interest rates to tame its was a call to me and fight inflation now the value of initial public offerings by russian companies could jump to twenty eight billion dollars next year the highest
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since two thousand and seven according to v.b. capital one reason the i.p.o. market may take off is the recovery in russia's benchmark investment indices there again the bulk of their record decline caused by the global economic meltdown now key sectors of mining chemicals and retail industries where sales of shares are expected to twenty billion dollars the sale of stakes in state companies is expected to raise another. preview of what could make a russian standout has agreed in principle to buy ukrainian rival new meter this is according to the mr newspaper details of the deal we're not disclosed however experts believe new meat are famous for its honey and pepper infused vodka to be worth up to four hundred million dollars in september the ukrainian brand rejected a bid by u.k. based distributor stocks. that's all for me i'll be back with more at twenty past the hour thanks for watching.
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the news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations are on the day.
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the g. twenty leaders put their money on the table. for the most. trouble for other countries. on friday the world's richest economies pledged to work
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together to avoid currency conflicts. a russian newspaper says the man who claims. president says the revelations are no surprise and that he was well aware of the source. of fueling the conflict in the region and supporting terrorism. at the jewish community in russia with a twist that's in the latest edition of stay with us.


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