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tv   [untitled]    November 12, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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goes to bunch of scientists that are screwing around where they should be see down in the cayman islands there is a major problem with dane favor a potentially deadly illness that comes from infected mosquitoes and the problem is so severe that scientists have come up with a solution to genetically modify the insects d.n.a. and only produce male mosquitoes so the females are the only ones who can bite you and leave those itchy red marks so scientists decided they would just make the male insects were sterile thus preventing them from reproducing now so far the data has been promising the mosquito population has dropped by eighty percent in the regions where the franken mosquitoes have been released but i feel like everyone is overlooking the real problem here the obvious issue here scientists are creating frank in mosquitoes and everyone says a ok that's no problem as long as i don't get bites anymore go ahead how leno has already forgotten about how the ecosystem works every organism is links and no matter how much of an annoyance something like an insect can be it does play a crucial role in how nature operates so does that mean that if i don't like the
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way a bug looks we should just get rid of it i'm no scientist i just don't think toying with nature is the best idea and so for that scientists who created the franking mosquitoes we're tonight's tool time winner because i just have this really horrible feeling that down the line you're frank of mosquitoes could come back to haunt to solve. now an inch might seem like nothing but for one texan criminal it only took an inch of hair a fragment of evidence to sentence him to death for a crime that he didn't commit claude jones executed in december of two thousand and four in one nine hundred eighty nine murder at a liquor store and he was convicted based on eyewitness accounts that described a man fitting jones's description and one tiny little fragment of hair that was found at the crime scene the one piece of hair that wasn't submitted to d.n.a. scent testing testing excuse me either a chemist simply looked at it under a microscope and then testify if the hair was a perfect match with jones and that single piece of physical evidence will have put
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men on death row and now here is where it gets tragic the day before jones was set to be executed his lawyer filed a plea to then governor george bush for a thirty day stay of execution so d.n.a. testing could be done on this piece of hair bush refused because apparently his staff somehow neglected to tell him that d.n.a. tests were specifically requested hoops so what happened is the jones was executed so now five years later d.n.a. tests show that the hair doesn't in fact belong to jones actually it's linked to it's likely to belong to the victim and in fact since there is so short has no route or tip it was never suitable severance anyway so was claude jones innocent i don't think we'll ever know but the point is that a man was killed by the state of texas who could very well have been innocent this story make you guys sick i think it should because this is an example of our screwed up capital punishment system a possible mistake the now can never ever be fixed. now america's
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two party system seems to be reaching a tipping point of polarization these states where the idea of a bipartisan anything getting through congress seem like an impossible dream and the midterm elections may have just solidified that which is perhaps why more americans are looking for an alternative be it the rise of the tea party movement despite their flaws and thought versus funding or just simply libertarian thought that's starting to seep into the mainstream but our politicians are resisting change at all costs take for example senator jim de mint who said the following on fox news just a few days ago. some of your fellow republicans mitch daniels the governor of indiana has suggested calling a truce on social issues while the country deals with the emergency economic situation where you think about that well you can be a fiscal conservative and not be a social concern a large part of the experience and. now we've heard this type of logic from
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demented before at the values voter summit where he argued that you can't have a message about small government in fiscal responsibility what out of being an extra could be linked to religion but if you want government to be a small god needs to be big so is this just a tired washed up stagnant way of thinking alienates many americans or in some twisted way does he have a point that we either need god or government to keep us all saying or joining me to discuss that is michael moynihan senior editor of reason magazine and reason dot com michael thanks for being here thank you for telling me how you yourself as a libertarian and you are going to back that jim de mint doesn't think you can be fiscally conservative without or you know what i mean he's basically denied that i exist which is kind of interesting because that i am fiscally conservative i think of myself as a classical liberal in a lot of ways and i am socially very liberal and i'm not a social conservative so he's trying to to say that people like us libertarians
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like us don't exist and there's a particular reason he's doing this too because he's terrified of the influence of libertarians now this kind of thinking is old thinking and he would like it to stay like that he would like the republican party not to move in any libertarian direction and this is his pushback against it saying that you know i'm fearful of the piece called senator tea party which is the interesting thing and he's worried as a lot of these you know sort of social conservatives and people on the far right of the spectrum don't want us libertarian types to have any influence in this movement you guys are just so so scared we are scared but i want to ask you this you know if we look at the. picture yeah right of what he was really trying to say is that people in need some kind of you know top down moral authority to control them and that you either need a big god and when god becomes small then people start going towards a big government to do you think that we need one or the other to keep us off i'm just running around i know i don't at all and i mean i think that's an individual choice and this is why you know i am very skeptical of government pushing choices
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on people and if jim de mint wants to think that a big god has to you know divine person has to navigate life for him fine as long as doesn't bother me the thing that i find very strange about this is that this is the hypocrisy of people on the religious right often jim de mint wants smaller government right this is what he says into law it interferes with his religious beliefs so for instance when i was writing about jim de mint i did point out that he had said to me this is absolutely insane and he said that we shouldn't have gay teachers in south carolina he's a senator from south carolina or people that are straight couples that are cohabitate meaning that they are sleeping together both to be negotiated and say hello and they shouldn't be teaching were students now who would mandate something as well the government of course so he is one of these guys who despises government when it's you know issuing transfer payments welfare payments or something and really wants the government to be involved in the business of marriage for instance
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or in the business of who teachers for children that i mean this is not want to recruit as i'm talking to people who are living together that aren't married he's pushing his religious values on everyone else yeah i think that's you know the biggest of the g.o.p. is this of course that's their line is small government until we want to regulate every single thing that goes on in your bedroom or the haps even in your house you know but i think is christianity even the right religion in that sense because i mean he's essentially christianity would tell you that you're supposed to love thy neighbor and share with the neighbor which isn't necessarily a fiscally conservative mode of thought there look at i mean it's i mean none of this really has to do with religion it's all politics he. he has you know his religious beliefs fun not entirely sure what they are in the specifics but he i mean he's going to pick and choose these things and try to legislate them whether it be from stem cell research or gay marriage so i don't think that you know he is trying to figure out the theology of all its participants i think he's trying to you know push a very narrow agenda that i think i mean look jim de mint actually is quite good on
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some spending issues and this is would be fantastic if if libertarians could could join up with a guy like dement on these issues but the problem is what he's arguing is that that sort of welfare programs this is a social conservative thing that is increasing government spending so these things are going to trickle strictly linked. fine if you want to make that argument so that it's a sliver of the budget big part of the budget are actually things like department of defense and but what he's well i mean you could say medicare social security and medicare savings that even consider gave it would never give up and the interesting thing about medicare is that you have old people getting medicare payments this is nothing to do with social conservatism i mean they're not getting medicare payments because they're. angering god or something i mean this is a strange i mean the very very strange organ you can't take it all the way down so for instance what does gay marriage is a big social conservative issue what does this have to do with fiscal responsibility absolutely nothing i mean that's a huge problem well to me this i mean if republicans and people like jim de mint don't just get out of this you know i'm tired all the way of thinking then where
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are the libertarians going to go in two thousand and twelve yes well this is a hard thing about twenty twelve it's hard to get every election about we will win by the way in time the republican party is going to have to change i mean demographic shifts these jim de mint types i don't think have are long for this world a lot of ways and that's a very positive thing we're to be going twenty twelve it depends on you know who runs if we have somebody like chris christie who's running as a republican who i think is pretty fantastic in a lot of ways and as far as i can tell is not a you know extreme social conservative of any type perhaps but we don't know right now usually that hama off the table. i'm sorry to say i know you guys like him here he's off the road for anyway ok michael thank you so much for joining us well i can tell you the jim de mint is going to be off the table here definitely a lot of americans out of these comments you are yes we have one more segment on tonight's show one of the only industries that usually makes it out of the recession unscathed finally been hit swinger parties in new york city have been
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feeling the financial pinch like never before are session and no swinging sex sounds a recipe for disaster to me and it's friday so it's time for a mash up of the most bizarre and ridiculous stories of the week so speak to comedian gonzalo cordova on everything from d.c. being ugly to the s.t.d. test you can take on your phone. hungry for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. this is just a parliament building in. that. sixty five years ago. was the final target. major offensive for the army. this country became the symbol of the fall of the sons are sitting. on the victory over nazi germany. the follow. on r.g.p.
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. holidaymaker who wouldn't dare to swim so deep. the tourists would be scared of such cold water. and would never die. within a week. they are not tourists they are researchers. consumers on line. in deep water. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images go world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations rule the day.
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right and if you move. from phones to. me don't talk don't come. to tonight's fireside with your. the midterm elections last week they came and they went the people spoke either by voting or by sitting at home and skipping the polls because they've given up on our
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political system altogether you know it is safe to say that the majority is currently unhappy but i don't think it's because they disagree with the obama administration's policies or because they support republicans a new claim at heart you know i think it's just that other feeling of disappointment this enchantment the comes along with realizing that our political world is filled with a bunch of gutless when it's the people that are too scared to step outside of the box to take a risk of any sort that isn't deemed politically safe but now in an effort not to let on that they're completely spineless you see they try to turn the tables they trying to turn the tables on the people by spreading fear and lies they think hey if you keep the body weight and scared all the diving they're going to be asked were questions the more they're going to trust you to do the right thing because only you supposedly know the dangers that are out there and how to stop them and
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the worst part is that those politicians are egged on by non-elected advisors consultants leeches whatever you want to call them the people who are not. are held accountable for their lies you know the people who actually get paid to just keep pushing them into men in particular are the example today john bolton and john yoo who wrote an op ed together in the new york times this week now in an effort to squash all hopes of the new start treaty being approved they decided to take the route of dishonesty by leaving out any actual figures or details and instead of turning the mid-term elections into a referendum on the idea of a nuclear free world they say the senate should heed the will of the voters and reject the treaty or amended because voters want government brought closer to the vision that the framers outlined in the constitution and that's the message that they sent in the midterms never mind the fact that foreign policy wasn't even a blip on the midterm radar that most americans unfortunately probably don't even
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know the new start treaty is because our media fails to say more about it senators should be in no hurry to pass it's a vote new they called it a two minute drill forget the fact of the language for the new treaty was in the works for months of the foreign relations committee held twelve hearings on it before indorsing it the best part of it all is the bolton and you say of the new start treaty would place low limits on nuclear warheads ones that ignore the importance of america's nuclear umbrella oddly enough they don't even mention any numbers they don't bother to say why they think more than fifteen hundred nuclear warheads per country is still considered low and i could go on for days here with the sorry miss truth that these two men wrote but i will let you read it for yourselves all i can say is that if our lawmakers if they don't pass the start treaty which in no way jeopardizes america's national security but rather makes it stronger makes our relationship with russia stronger makes our goals of living in
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a world where nuclear weapons are numbered in the thousands stronger if they listen to john boehner and john you as if those two men represent the america being. well that's going to be a final blow to faith and our politicians the final sign then we can have confidence of people who have none of themselves and who will be pressured by a sloppily written a fabulous truthless op ed by two men who are paid to keep the world scared. now this past summer we brought you the story about the russian spy ring that was busted here in the u.s. even though the spies we did return to russia this story is far from over today many russians are asking were the spies be traded by one of their own parties it is kind of has the story. the summer spy story between the u.s. and russia just a few months after dropping out of headlines around the world the biggest spy scandal between moscow and washington since the cold war iraq is back with the
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drama of this whole situation is that the agents were turned in by their boss. he's been named as colonel suitable court who allegedly headed the american department of russia's foreign intelligence service neither his first name or grant have been found to journalists from the moscow based committed news people who've held their investigation clean he is behind blowing his colleagues cover in the united states . everyone we spoke to agreed that this was the biggest failure in the history of the foreign intelligence service some of the agents worked undercover for decades and all were given away just like all cell. their findings have been confirmed by the president on friday dmitry medvedev said he knew who the traitor was from the thursday of the scandal it was june when american authorities announced the captured ten people suspected of being russian secret agents all were found guilty by a u.s. court and deported in exchange for four men serving time in russia themselves
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convicted of being foreign spies it was never going to stay out of the news for long the story instantly made headlines especially since the russian president's first official trip to the u.s. had just come to an end it's thought colonel sort of back off russia to the united states just a few days before the meeting me they give the visit and according to some reports of a few months before that he was offered a promotion at work which could have seen him subjected to a lie detector test and that some believe is why he we jetted the job offer instead he turned the other way by turning in his associates the media quickly found its favorite among the group of deported agents young rich and beautiful on a chapman was deemed the russian james bond girl but did the paparazzi flashes draw focus away from the real super agent in the group me collision course was still in the shadows just as he had been for the past four decades but that's what is true
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this is an amazing story it doesn't only have a trainer but a true hero as well so to absolute opposites i'm talking about with some coffee and his fantastic story. he left the soviet union in the one nine hundred sixty s. first to spain then just south america working as a photographer he eventually married and moved to the us changing his name to one it said he continues we denied being a russian agent until colonels are well called presented secret documents that he then revealed his true identity but intelligence experts say naming and shaming russian operatives was probably not the prime target. as that. was probably a us agent for a long time him self and i'm sure this whole story was instigated by the american secret service the two presidents are working to restart relations and some people are obviously against us the timing of the scandal was picked perfectly it puts another name in the frame for the russian intelligence service that's still trying
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to establish how a massive decades long secret operation could fall port so easily seemingly at the hands of one man igor is going off to moscow. you know it seems like we have to talk about the harsh effects of a weak economy on a daily basis but we don't usually talk about how it affects the sex industry in the u.s. see it turns out of the industry that usually prevails when everything else that america is suffering has finally taken a hit as well new york city is home to some of the biggest is so winger's sex parties in the country they host several permanent and traveling encounters on a weekly basis but owners are now complaining that they're losing swingers like crazy some of the venues are seeing anywhere from a twenty to forty percent drop in membership and membership dues are as much as nine hundred dollars and that means that sex parties are taking a serious financial whipping apparently many people have the attitude that if you want to save money if you stay home and get laid for free and to be
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a swinger you obviously need a partner so these people have someone that they can play at home don't now does have to experience normal life know what it's like to sleep with the exact same person every night i'm so sorry for your woes swingers but maybe somebody out there is going to find a stimulus package just for you. well it's friday and as usual we are dying for a bit of comedic relief so we compiled some of the week's funniest and most bizarre stories everything from the new s.t.d. i phone app to an entire concert performed by a holograph in japan where i know now joining me from our studio in new york to discuss it is gonzalo cordova a blogger for comedy central insider and contributor for comedy central's indecision and dog thank you so much for joining us now before we get into this i want to show the audience a clip of this new holograph the apparently has become a rock star in japan. my.
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what do you think of that would you go see a concert that way made me some kind of sad i would i would definitely go see a concert that way it makes me happy because i don't really like singers i think they've got they've got an attitude i like i like it this way more well what about you know some of the great performers throughout the years what eldest you think he would just be rolling over in his grave if out there is a weird holograph those entertaining masses now i think would be amazing i love elvis who doesn't love elvis i would love to see elvis in hologram form i would like to see him like that creepy anime girl i would like to see him like anime and . also are you into anime answer because we on this show we're constantly just fascinated by japanese culture and you know i mean there they have robots these days that are marrying couples they have robots that are taking care of the elderly now they have holograph concerts are they just ahead of us we just can't understand
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the mia. well to answer your first question alone a look at me i'm clearly into enemy. main target but i think that they are ahead of us i think that they're definitely ahead of us i don't know if this is something that will actually become a thing i think it's too creepy to be honest it looks you know the thing that the thing about it is i think this is something more about me how into an e-mail i was when i first saw that video i couldn't tell the difference between the hologram and like a normal japanese person she just look the same to me ouch well she kind of looks a little young like a lot of the girls in anime do which brings me to my next story which is the fact that you know everybody freaked out when they found out the amazon dot com was selling this header files that guide book on the web so that everybody you know wanted to boycott amazon they had to remove the thing the book from their website and the media went crazy over it but for some reason i think nobody's paying attention to the fact that their sales skyrocketed that people are actually buying
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the pedophile's guide. people love buying things ironically that's the world we live in now it's the internet world when it went online when people complain people wanted to know what this weird book was about so you don't think that people are just a bunch of really sick pedophiles that want to creep on little kids out there. yeah but i don't think a book is going to convince anyone to do it like i do they get the ones they are not a pedophile and then read the book and be like you know would be great kids you know i don't think that's going to happen have our book supposed to you know open your mind idea it tells you about something new this is a guide oh it's pretty disgusting it's pretty disgusting i'm more on amazon side of like they didn't know what the content was and it's not their fault but also i think the author of it is the worst human being alive. i'm with you there i don't know the worst but he's a pretty sick person ok earlier we brought up a story this week that researchers are now creating a new i phone app with a little chip that you can pee on and put it on your phone and it will test you for
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as t.v.'s would you do that. i would definitely do that i mean i don't have sex that often so it's not necessary but i would definitely do that because i don't like doctors and i also don't have health insurance but what about you know if you have i don't know what i phone or a blackberry the cost of couple hundred dollars you actually want to pee on something and then put it in the techie gadget. oh i would be on in the second i'd be on my phone all the time. ok you must you must have a lot of. you was going through the very quick could argue it actually helps the roaming never mind. thank you very much for joining us and i did good luck to your phones they're going to need it there you are you guys that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure that you come back on monday we're going to discuss u.s. energy secretary steven chu stripped to china and the clean energy battle that's brewing between china and the u.s. now in the meantime don't forget to become
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a fan of the show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you tube dot com slash the alone a show we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety they're coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. wealthy british style. markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy for no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to cause a report on. those so many years of time some former prisoners. are still a lot. as well as the closure of. those so many years
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of past. summer hoping to find to save. others take their executioners longing for justice. you know so many years of past memory is still in my eyes as well as hope and hate.
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the twenty one members of the asia pacific economic cooperation gather in doha much of pattern get down to business join me for the details in a few moments. this fight it's declared dead socialism it has to be making a comeback in countries across the world with many experts predicting the decay of capitalism. sifting ocean currents temperatures going up and down
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so what's happening to the world's climate and what is this world coming to we try to answer that question in just a few moments. ago are you watching r t world news around the clock welcome to the program they already account for hard of all global economic activity but they want more pacific rim nations are gathering in japan seeking to expand their influence and increase free trade that's now details from artie's to our city who's following the annual apec summit tell us what's on the agenda for this year's four. right will carry the twenty one members of the asia pacific economic forum are now gathering he.


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