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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EST

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the global economy and get out of the woods for b. global financial crisis which is only just two years ago and that happened two years ago and so on the table if they're going to be talking about free trade agreements said opening up their economies further this has this is the very reason for the existence of a pact to begin with but of course all this is easier said than done coming on the back of the g. twenty where the fear of protectionism was hanging over the heads of the leaders now this is going to be much more of a child as they have to talk about concrete plans profits the steps they're going to be discussing existing free trade agreements their pockets of these agreements within the pacific countries members of apec and they're going to be discussing more of the details of this now the u.s. is pushing for a agreement that will and can pass all twenty one members of this is going to be a bit difficult because having all twenty one members talk about the give and take the pros and cons of opening up their economies is going to be a bit difficult there's good for and example of japan wants to explore more course
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of the world while the u.s. wants more access to its agriculture industry which is a bit of a sensitive industry here in japan so it's going to take a bit more than just talking talking sitting down and talking about it right here at the apec forum you know the leaders i've come here with the responsibility of contributing to the growth the good of the global economy getting out of the cloud quagmire that they find themselves in but also they have the concerns of their local electorate in mind and other issues concerning trade we know that asia pacific economic cooperation the members are very powerful in terms of their clout economically they make up more than half of the g.d.p. of the world they have forty one percent of the global economy have a forty three percent of global trade so again they are very important which is why the u.s. is really looking obama is going to give a speech this morning and he says that age is really an important partner for the u.s. and other issues that they're talking about would be labor security there. talking
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about sharing of innovation and technology they're talking about protecting intellectual property all these are very important terms of trade and economic development now also they will be talking having sidelight meetings on the sidelines but that's going to happen later if the day the u.s. and japan had already met and also the russian leaders of a russian judge a parent in china had signed an agreement to build a chemical plant and that has already been done and this morning and later today we will have the leader of a russia and japan sitting down together for more talks in the afternoon and this again comes on the back of the twenty now the currency war is one of the issues that have been talked about in this still needs to be ironed out by the countries involved in the apec the four and so let's look at the package followed by my colleague and he said now we from that you can turn to. the world at war the
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weapon currency. the fallout trade imbalance the world's paying i mean the world is paying the price for the asset bubbles that are being blown throughout the emerging markets and this high stakes battle for global exchanges it's china versus the u.s. on the western front the fed pumping six hundred billion bucks into the american economy the valuing the dollar while slamming china they're not readily revaluing it's you want on the eastern front the chinese position is well you're differentiating the dollar why should we really value the removal be the chinese currency which the us gives on insisting on so it really is the one that smacks of double standards it's absolutely true that the united states of late has made don't mess to clean self-serving policy that was shortsighted and that did not consider the rest of the world and this set up the sole summit despite global outrage with u.s. fiscal policy. they got more of
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a high level silent treatment than any kind of fight right now it's the world against the united states and in terms of an agreement to deal with the currency war nun's going to happen there is no interest coming from china or germany the two other key players to solve this problem not interested or protecting interest. and that was before the session even started obama might have guessed there would be no compromising china wasn't budging and germany an export giant defends its right not to surrender its strength by spending more abroad to appease u.s. calls to help economic recovery much of europe seems to be sitting back and watching how this will all play out i think they are trying to be defensive and that's a weak position right now russia sees itself as a mediator and hopes multi-currency reserves over place currency wars should i believe that the threat of a currency war breaking out will significantly decrease following the g twenty
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summit we have reasons to be more optimistic about the future the group of twenty did agree to develop early warning indicators to prevent economic turmoil and gradually move on currency the question now is not enough to prevent this cas class from getting out of control. correspondent and he said no way reporting that well the u.s. wanted to use the g twenty to pressure china but to explain it instead that's one leading global currency analysts around me and told r.t. . the u.s. was really looking for the g. twenty to be a forum to continue to pressure china and to have you know more unified front against china and asian currencies current account surplus countries. from from the rest of the world and what it actually ended up turning into was that the u.s. had to go in there and do the tables were turned that the u.s. actually had to explain its own behavior to
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a whole host of countries and the chinese i think were pretty adept at turning this around and there were a lot of other countries who didn't mind actually turning the tables a little bit on the u.s. and saying ok well why don't you guys explain what you're doing with with the fed before and your currency before you start kind of throwing stones at us well that still to come in the program including. the theme of capitalism is in pick a point. socialist ideas are seeing a revival cost the world define the top of this regime shaken by the economic downturn. but after this summer's sweltering heat temperatures in russia breaking records again several regions including the capital are experiencing extremely warm weather on head over this time of the end well if he's joins us more from moscow. the site you're out there tao's it really that warm
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outside. well of course up obviously i'm not wearing a swimsuit so it's not that hot but it's the law it's a lot warmer than it should but that it really should i just remember five years ago right around this time and there was snow already on the streets ice everywhere you could literally ice skate on the most corridor if you try to undertake that now you could only succeed if you were with the messiah and you could walk on water because the rivers of very obviously not frozen in fact there were some reports that flowers are about to bloom once again in some regions of russia and of course last quite tough been i would say probably enjoying the last several days because it was it's been very very warm you literally could walk outside and just wear a sweater and not have to bother with a coat or a hat and of course if we go down just a little bit further earlier you hear of course like you said there was the sweltering heat people literally dying from heat exhaustion exhaustion in moscow fires the raging all of that because of the extreme temperatures not just in the russian capital blood all over the country and that is something very unusual
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taking a trip down the memory lane even further back in one thousand nine hundred forty one for example during the great patriotic war fuel was freezing in tanks of course like i said about ten years ago again no very cold temperatures but not in ostentatiously cold not not something out of the ordinary right around this time people again could play snow. ball fights this year not so much and of course this isn't limited just to moscow or russia in particular in fact we could if we just took a brief look at weather reports for most of the here we could see that there were some very extreme temperatures or conditions for example in europe europe was suffering from floods there was literally deluge the only thing that seemed to have been missing from the news weather reports over the past summer and spring of course is no with this arc that if we go down to south america they actually had snow they very rarely had snow less than mountains so obviously something is going
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in the world something is happening to the world's climate what exactly is what most people are trying to figure out find out whether or not they should worry about it this worldwide problems as you say that what all of the experts saying about the cause of all this. well scientists as usually could be as usual could not agree on one single answer of course some are saying that this is all due to global warming in a sack and of course the man and the fact that the man the human race has on the planet they're literally saying that we're killing the planet with of for example the pollution and of course we have to remember the oil spill the b.p. oil spill in the gulf of mexico and if we stop and look at that for a second that oil spill actually a lot of scientists worry about it because it has not just damage the environment in the gulf of mexico it has affected some say it has affected the so-called loop current which is an intrinsic part of the gulf stream it's it's a small but very warm current which goes from cuba goes up to florida washington
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down to florida and goes up the eastern coast of the united states and basically keeps the eastern occur coast of the united states war and like i said it's also part of the gulf stream current and of course if that loop current is affected it's going to affect the gulf stream and of the gulf stream is affected we're not talking about extreme weather conditions just in the united states but also in europe as well and of course there are some scientists who are blaming it all on solar energy saying the solar energy is it's as it is it's peak right now but others are saying that actually that the cast past two years ago so we should leave the sun alone and focus on other sayings and of course there's also a final group of experts who are saying look this has been happening for millions of years the plan of the still around if we did not focus on this right now it probably will still be a still be around for a little much longer and this is just something that happens there's warm temperatures there's cold temperatures we're going through periods of warm and cold
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weather so we should just take a break and enjoy while while the warmth lasts carry ok well there's always a debate on this of course so we shall see what happens thank you artie's. reporting from the russian capital. well you can always find more on that and other stories at our website r.t. dot com has a quick preview of what's available online right now awaiting turn bloody find out why what it was supposed to be the history of then dives one bride and groom turned to tragedy. and over food meet the georgians who choose beating their habit rather than feeding themselves find out more time to meet up. in times of economic downturn those who promised equality for all are once more
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gaining ground the age old debate between socialism and capitalism is coming to the fore again and his own and office reports the left seems to be winning. mr gorbachev tear down this wall i these images have come to symbolize the end of the called who are. the scenes of the berlin wall falling were beamed across the world as the historic moment when the west beat the soviet union and capitalism formula defeated project communism. years later the cameras show the other angle the economic collapse brought by capitalism victory the us mark said as world freedom day with the us government means when they say they celebrated our freedom day with the fall of the berlin wall what they really need is the freedom of us corporations to be able to plunder
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exploit and really do what they please within the borders that they weren't able to initially begin to. say. right now to say and isn't that something they said saddam would cling to power and now that the status he was hanging on to berlin seems to my all the words are what you're seeing here images of american soldiers and iraqis declaring virtual victory over the statue of saddam hussein beamed to viewers worldwide. it was staged as a spontaneous outpouring of iraqis inspired by the american soldiers who came to liberate them that was we found out soon afterward the organized by the u.s. army so the symbols are really hatched by messengers coming out often of the pentagon and the white house and the state department and these symbols some insist are used to indicate that washington's agenda is the only agenda and those
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are these the symbols of victory for the u.s. government so all over the world that if you oppose united states you are targeted from destruction and we will inevitably throw you. socialism despite being declared dead. has seen a revival in governments in countries all over the world. really wanted to talk about the overthrow of the soviet union and the coming down of the berlin wall at the end of socialism it's absolutely not true a system of capitalism is in the k. at this point there are pieces of the berlin wall all over the world what came following the historic moments was the snow ball a hood era of freedom now marked by economic collapse and list war two decades after the fall of the berlin wall some argue the u.s. empire is also in plotting its influence waning in the face of rising world powers several of them with distinct socialist leanings jan hospice r t washington d.c.
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why the developing countries socialist policies are getting vocal vice presidential candidates in the two thousand and eight u.s. election. explains why he feels america. well we believe that in a world and particularly in a country where there's so much wealth and it's primarily appropriated by a small few people to the detriment of millions and millions hundreds of millions of people the vast majority of people who are either in abject poverty or at least don't see the full rewards of their labor that socialism is a system in which the needs of people can be met by production and in fact the production of society in the way society of organ is organized is one hundred percent directed towards the broad needs of the people which are not bad now whether it's health care whether it's education access to jobs and so on this is why we believe socialism is the answer to the current economic woes that exist under the capitalist system that are particularly pronounced now during this economic crisis. not to some other international news in brief the u.n.
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has made in the field for over one hundred sixty million dollars to. breaking haiti which is now claims seven hundred twenty four lives aid agencies battling to contain the epidemic and he is it will spread even further off the water supply was contaminated for the last month. millions are now said to be at risk they've been thousand cases have been confirmed since it began last month. seven people have been charged in connection with international organ trafficking in cause of that group it's those twenty foreign nationals in the region in the organs for transplant making false promises of payment of former senior health official was among those charged the trafficking eventually took place to a clinic in the capital the two people have been listed as wanting to put. me on mars military authorities have sanctioned the release of pro-democracy leader
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aung san suu kyi later on saturday the house arrest for fifteen of the past twenty one years has drawn widespread international condemnation but her lawyer says she won't accept release of conditions on those projects the politics. peace prize laureate has become a symbol of the struggle to rid the country for decades. now ballance continues to rage in afghanistan and the latest attack a security checkpoint in the darkest airport in the east of the country and a nato base with targeted by militants and then the rising tide of unrest the u.s. is preventing it stay there for another four years but it's on these major contributor says washington's strategy to increase its military presence in the region it was all the surprise it was a bad idea from the outset to set up an artificial deadline for the u.s. forces withdraw from afghanistan so it didn't come as a surprise when recently their washington trio the u.s. state department chief the pentagon chief and the u.s.
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joint chiefs of staff and now the deadline will be postponed for another four years it has been long suspected but now it's official. but the credit for the extension of the u.s. forces was drawl comes to general petraeus and the u.s. commander in afghanistan the whole idea of the artificial deadline for the u.s. pullout cut both ways on the other side it was a good idea to provide the sense of urgency for the abdullah leadership to clean up their act together and to take full responsibility for the future of the country starting from providing the security all across afghanistan but since there is no leadership in afghanistan regarding the afghan government which is completely paralyzed by the corruption and incompetence while soaked in drug trafficking business no doubt it was
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a smashing tactical success for general petraeus. to call the u.s. counter-narcotics offensive in afghanistan as. initiative. ten minutes time herron aleksey special report looks at the red operation which free europe the brain with it for the nazis. or so this is just a quantum of building in. the. sixty five years ago. it was the final target. a major offensive from the army. its country became the symbol on the floor of the fracture sort of. a victory. speech or. the fall of.
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well charlotte is here now with the business up and you go first this hour hello well more or less is of the apec meeting in japan but also news that russia could soon become a lot greener details later in the program but first is that our new data shows russia's economy slowed in the third quarter g.d.p. rose two point seven percent year on year after expanding five point two percent in the quarter up until june this summer the worst drought in fifty years pick crops and force manufacturers to cut production the finance ministry says the heatwave will cost the country no point eight percentage points of growth this year. several world leaders including russia's president medvedev have gone straight from the g. twenty summit in seoul to yokohama for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit the business summit is a ready brought some deals among them the signing of a contract between russia japan and china to construct a fertilizer plant in russia's tatarstan the first major facility in the region for the last twenty years and one of the world's largest of this type the project is
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worth one billion dollars would involve china's national chemical engineering quickly ration person it's a busy heavy industry suggests a russian state of mourning the apec summit is seen as another attempt to settle global financial issues like pushing for free trade after the g twenty failed to agree how to boost the world's economy. clearly there is a very ambitious agenda for trade liberalisation and the region and i think one of the important issues will be the degree to which countries follow and deliver on the commitments that they have with respect to this liberalization. another issue i think will be the issue of investments in the region and the possibility to again facilitate the flow of investment across countries that will be important i think and we balancing the world economy as well because really we're talking about the most important region probably in terms of growth for the world economy. i
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must see how the markets are performing in russia markets finished lower on friday echoing global trends the r.t.s. will stay in my sights less and less energy majors were the main drag on the existence and i for one percent on both the bosses bucking the trend they were worth telling. the value of initial public offerings by russian companies could jump to twenty eight billion dollars next year the highest since two thousand and seven as according to the t.v. capital one reason the i.p.o. market may take off is the recovery in russia's benchmark investment indices regain the folk they recall decline caused by the global economic meltdown key sectors a mining chemicals and retail industries by sales of shares are expected to surge twenty billion dollars the sale stakes and state companies expected to raise another eight billion. now irish bonds recovered slightly on friday after
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assurances at the g twenty the tough new plans to pain wise bondholders in the event of sovereign bailouts will not apply to existing debt the fear that bondholders may be paid allies was one reason the bones of countries like ireland and portugal plunged to this week spinelessness so welcome to the g. twenty is sure and says however moody's rating agency said it may downgrade the country's credit rating. premium vodka make a russian's done has agreed in principle to buy ukrainian rival the mayor of this according to veteran was to newspaper details of the deal will not disclose to other experts believe numero famous for its money and prefer. to be worth up to four hundred million dollars in september the cray new brands rejected a bid by u.k. basis to stop spirits. and russian power machines both at home and a game will produce wind turbines from two thousand and twelve the move by the states companies signals the green energy has finally come of age in russia to put
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a covert reports. the global wind turbine market is booming growing over thirty percent last year but russia's share so far is close to zero russia is the leading producer of traditional hydro carbon energy but experts say the country needs to harness the power of done some in older to make best use of its oil and gas the one thing you know about your oil and gas assets is that their value will increase over time so in terms of a long term economic strategy selling as much as you can now is a really bad idea and what you should be doing is selling a moderate amount but saving and developing as much as you can for the time when price when the price of oil is two hundred or three hundred or four hundred or five hundred dollars a barrel once humanity has come to the notion that oil is is way too valuable to burn according to the international energy agency new clear and renewable energy
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will supply two thirds off world and energy by twenty third to russia's fuel giants and gas probably. all looking at alternative sources the declared strategy is to boost the sheriff renewables in the country's energy balance to turn a half percent in five years but they're having to do it without the state subsidy is common in europe how much money does the government spends on a renewable generation not. using it for you know now we warn portion green energy producers want the government to go and taint higher prices for electricity derived from bringing you a bill sol says they admit that's the only way green and energy can be profitable but russia's dependence on traditional sources is so strong that renewable projects are likely to remain no more than experiments and till they prove their long term
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viability him that's all the business our team. that shot that for now but you can always find more stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business.
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this is just a parliament building in birmingham. but there are. sixty five years ago. this was the final target am i asked me through from some from the army . it's come true became the symbol on the form of financial tsunami. and the fig tree were nazi germany. the fall m m m r r g. a moment when the world has changed forever. thousands passed to nothingness. thousands wounded. and noone to suffer today in the land. it was the first
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but probably not the last military uses of this weapon. will make. sure common get on in the future. this is all t. other's take on the now time main headlines countries making up call for the world's economy asia pacific summit in japan seeking to promote free trade and everything. spies its declared dead to socialism the
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history making comeback countries across the world many experts predicting that the case of capitalism from. weather extremes experienced on every continent top tripling what is up in the whole chain climatic permits and the search for someone to blame for. the next hour special report looks at the four have been in the last major offensive although. come. early in the rush to germany's parlor.


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