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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2010 9:00am-9:30am EST

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summit of pacific rim the nations as well the leaders also have some territorial disputes which need their attention. are syria is at the apec summit. free and open trade and investment has always been one of the main goals of the twenty one of member states but this year it's easier said than done it's a little more difficult especially since a lot of the leaders attending apec had just come from the g twenty and at the g twenty nothing really was accomplished there were no pre-meds signed between the countries and basically there was an air of the protectionism there were fears of protectionism and there were also accusations coming from the different countries that each one was protecting the interests of their own country now in a peg there's a lot of skepticism coming into this so people are not expecting much really from apec i don't think anything particularly positive is. going to come out of it other than i think this is a forum in which the focus is on trade and economics but the fact that the u.s.
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could not get the free trade deal in seoul through done with the south koreans before this meeting which is something that i think president obama clearly wanted to happen the fact that it didn't frankly suck some of the air from from this meeting now so as it is with any four of leaders of the countries are represented here do meet on the sidelines for bilateral or multilateral talks and one of those talks that happened was between the russian president dmitry medvedev and the prime minister of japan and as we know tokyo added moscow have been in a rather tense mood because of the issue of the karylle islands the president of russia had a visit to these islands earlier this month that he's a first cousin actually to set foot on those islands and egypt pal is laying claim to them but russia has ownership say that their ownership is disputed and here is what foreign minister sergei lavrov had to say about that meeting. as decrees dry
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minutes sunil it's a con once again expressed regret over president medvedev sousa to can assure islands president drift. our vision of the situation the president decided seems self region to visit this is our territory and things will stay this way the president all foods to change their approach to the issue of the peace treaty and to prioritize the economy instead well there will be more bilateral talks happening to more the second day of the summit and the one that we are looking forward to is the one between russian president medvedev and us president barack obama will have to wait and see if something was come out of that. reporting there well this is r.t. and there are many more stories on your way this hour including soon we take you to . phone numbers in my fastest on the course like a brazilian supermodel fifteen seconds it's a place for love torn
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a war torn guide where they learn to pick up one o one and they're prepared to pay handsomely for the perfect floating facts. while winter's on the way in russia but you would never know it after suffering a sweltering summer novembers heating up as well temperatures should be dipping below freezing but right now they're hitting fourteen celsius. why it's still hats off. usually with pulling out our winter coats right now but something is definitely our ra in the weather department in fact it's not just most poor muscovites have been enjoying several very very warm days no need for for coat sore heads but if we were to go down to the south of russia in fact we could enjoy swimming and sunbathing to the fullest degree it's that hot out there and of course this is not something that russians are historically used to if we were to go back to let's see one thousand nine hundred forty one during the world war two period
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fuel was freezing in tanks of course people were people were need deeper in snow blizzards basically the usual winter things that were happening in the vendor and we don't have to go that far in time is not earth that just let's say ten years ago same story again snow would be out here people could ice skate on the moscow river you could not do that right now obviously something is going on and winter is in no hurry to arrive in fact in some places in the western part of russia trees are starting to bloom again and they can grow the grass is still green and bears are not hibernating roaming around looking for food to eat birds are not flying south so something is going on something that people are not used to and definitely winter is in no hurry to arrive at this moment actually the experts are sort of separated into three groups one of them is saying that of course the manmade pollution is to blame we don't have to go back far to remember the british
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petroleum disaster in mexico gulf of course that has affected the loop current in the gulf and that is one of the intrinsic parts of the gulf stream and if that is affected of course obviously temperatures at not just northern america but in europe are going to be affected as well and as a matter of fact something is going on in the world in fact everything that's been happening for the last year year and a half as far as weather is concerned actually looks small. something out of a hollywood blockbuster the apocalypse about the apocalypse rather than something that we're usually used to for example snow in australia and in south america you don't get to hear much about that at least you didn't until about this year you were suffering from severe flooding at this past spring and of course like you mentioned earlier it's sweltering heat in moscow people dying from overheating fires raging all of that because of the weather of course other scientists are saying that it's all because of the sun so the sun flares are to blame and yet of
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course there's a third group of scientists who are saying this has been going on for millions of years and we should just relax and enjoy the warm weather while we can. well we've been hearing about where russia is on usual weather can be traced you go to justin from the world wildlife fund in russia believes the severity of the weather conditions will be felt even harsher around the globe. we do see warming especially near the poles. for example the woman is twice as much observed as a year in the rest of the world also in the antarctic it's much more pronounced but what we will see more are more hurricanes are more floods more droughts more snow in the places where people didn't get used to snow and more where they are where people go to much milder weather so their. frequency. of normal climate events like we have now. is simply empty and that's their
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most severe consequences for the economist as well as for their social systems much more severe than the consequences of rising temperatures such. well rain or shine. so what is one step ahead of the news for you and his was there right now we bring you a one room for flying through the traffic jam muscovites with deep pockets are being wooed by this vehicle which allows them to swap. sky high commuting. despite winning over a new generation of young fans soviet style animation tough time. of morality big budget and. the stories that are. there's also a video report on our you tube channel as well taken.
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in his past the hour. here in moscow and first impressions last when it comes to romance but many kind of fall flat at the first hurdle datings are difficult game but there's a solution for americans who can't find the right words to christine for sales been visiting a boot camp for failed flights. let's get straight to the point when it comes to hitting the town on a saturday night many people go out with a goal. that goal to school i mean i do go to girls be like i would like
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to improve the success rate i'm trying to improve my numbers i guess you could say success and numbers in a game called pick up one that doesn't always come easy for many american men because the number one rule of a mobile girl girl that's walking is that you have to stop or so she could have a conversation with her and it's not just a game it's an entire community i've been in the community i've been doing pick up for a year and a half at least with its own language most of the my peers don't really cold approach which means go up to people that they don't know and talk to them and i have separated from the crowd and i've started doing that and one of my recent we call them number closer just got the phone numbers. recently i got a phone number from a ravens cheerleader so it's just in a grocery store so guys are you meeting cheerleaders at the grocery stores of all the guys will freeze up because they don't know what to say or what to do and so we
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have a stifle the day in the practice nicole was the c.e.o. of real social dynamics a company founded and funded on teaching people mostly guys to be effective p.-u. ways or pick up artists nine nine percent of guys out there really don't know how to approach you'll see a hard girl walking down the street and you won't know what to say or what to do and just walk right by you even in the united states capitol city where politics equals power men who score high from nine to five. are batting zero after dark so there are some in ours like this one held recently at a washington d.c. hotel column who goes by papa is worshipped by some for his methods of well. the search at the time i was doing nothing but picking up girls and just loving r s d says the actual hands on training is achieved at their three day boot camps in cities around the world intense training courses to help guys seal the deal so guys are actually willing to pay two thousand dollars for it. yeah we did.
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we get about one hundred to two hundred cam clients on any given month paying two thousand dollars up to twenty five hundred dollars for a more customized program where actually for your city of choice whether there's any student side of her not. we had one god paid ten thousand dollars to flies to dubai to spend two weeks there make no mistake most of those who sign up are looking for true love or a long term relationship they're looking to perfect the funds to achieve success take a look at this guy successful in picking up a girl at the mall but clearly still nervous he's being videotaped by an r. is d. instructor just a few feet away an instructor is texting his client and well encouraging to start doing what they call the one man salsa and to be more comfortable sure enough there is a shift in energy real social dynamics also puts out d.v.d.'s with teaching tools and
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stories of success saying fifteen girls right now i mean women all over the world approaching it is a result of the way you live your life. and it is something that goes away one way to make it go away i'm thinking outside the box when meeting girls like this guy did according to r s d this approach worked. in this community it's all about strategy and speed and go on the phone numbers in my fastest number close like a brazilian supermodel in like fifteen seconds perhaps the ultimate goal well we won't talk about that but it starts with this here and introduction all around and within seconds a close christine for is now our t. . well let's check out some of the other world news stories now making headlines this hour and a pro-democracy leader has a war free office spending most of the past two decades under house arrest unsung
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some cheap greeted thousands of cheering supporters the military authorities allowed her release and remove barricades surrounding her lakeside residence had become one of the most prominent political prisoners and world leaders are welcoming the move and. the u.n. is appealing for over one hundred sixty million dollars to try and stem haiti's cholera outbreak seven hundred and twenty four people are known to have died after the disease spread into the capital and beyond the money will be used to bring in more doctors and medicines to treat the eleven thousand known infections as also a lack of purifying equipment which is much needed after hurricane floods contaminated will come into the water supply rather potentially spreading the disease further. but in times of economic downturn those who promised equality for all are once more gaining ground the age old debate between socialism
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and capitalism is coming to the foreground again and as our office reports the left seems to be winning the argument. mr gorbachev tear down this wall i these images have come to symbolize the end of the cold war. the scenes of the berlin wall falling were beamed across the world as the historic moment when the west beat the soviet union and capitalism formula defeated project communism. years later the cameras show the other angle the economic collapse brought by capitalism victory the us marks it as world freedom day with the us government means when they say they celebrated our freedom day with the fall of the berlin wall what they really need is the freedom of us corporations to be able to plunder exploit and really do what they please within the borders that they weren't able to on this ship you. say.
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and is that something they said saddam would cling to power and now but the status he was hanging on to berlin seems to my old the words are what you're seeing here images of american soldiers and iraqis declaring virtual victory over the statue of saddam hussein beamed to viewers worldwide. it was staged as a spontaneous outpouring of iraqis inspired by the american soldiers who came to liberate them that was lead found out soon afterward to organized by the u.s. army so the symbols are really hatched by messengers coming out often of the pentagon and the white house and the state department and these symbols some insist are used to indicate that washington's agenda is the only agenda and those are these the symbols of victory for the u.s. government so i will give the world that if you oppose the united states you are
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targeted from destruction and we will never complete story. socialism despite being declared dead. has seen a revival in governments in countries all over the world. when the united states talked about the overthrow of the soviet union and the coming down of the berlin wall as the end of socialism it's absolutely not true a system of capitalism is in the case at this point there are pieces of the berlin wall all over the world what came following the historic moment was this bali hood era of freedom now marked by economic collapse and list war two decades after the fall of the berlin wall some argue the u.s. empire is also in clothing its influence waning in the face of rising world powers several of them with the stink of socialist leanings jan hospice r t washington d.c. . one is now just approaching the twenty minute mark of the hour here in the russian capital you always. bear in mind our two don't call me it's always waiting for you
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twenty four hours a day it's just a click away and then you'll find videos and blogs and forums and top top of the news as well so you don't come any time now google's internet giant will give its top management a thirty percent pay rise next year and careen is now here with this new tell us more about it so we're tell us why why is google doing well despite the crisis well primarily to stop its employees defecting to rivals facebook smart moves by the way more on that coming up after a short break. a moment when the world is forever.
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thousands times to nothing. thousands remember. nothing. new such. as the first but probably not the last military this one. packing. will become. common get on in the future. and welcome to our business program with weaker email account good to have you with us russia and bulgaria close to sealing a deal which would carry gas to europe horrible galleon section of the south stream pipeline russian prime minister vladimir putin is in a selfie yet to meet his bold darian codified boycott body surf the south stream agreement is expected to provide for the establishment of
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a joint stock company to begin construction the deal could help gas pump compete at such a compete at south stream project ahead of the ears of the vocal pipeline. no gary is the key contrarian for it deciding which plan will be at all and probably which problem would with the forest won the booker or solve. a pretty important conference or was on the spot once for a book is essential basically for all of this meeting will finally decide the question we will be. through the book or in territory south stream or in the pipeline overall everybody's talking about gas pipeline south stream an oil pipeline from go go right to greece i think the most important things are. discussions of the gas price. gas problem should give a five to seven percent discount for gas for bulgaria for next two or three years. to japan now where world leaders including russia's president made
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a very defiant meeting for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit the summit has already brought deals among them a contract between russia and china and japan to build the fertilizer plant in tatarstan the first major facility in the region for the last twenty years the project is one of the biggest of its type worth one billion dollars i will involve china's national chemical engineering corp japan's mitsubishi. swords and russia's state owned a morning the summit also focus on global issues like trade after the june twenty fifth to agree how to boost the world economy. clearly there is a very ambitious agenda for trade liberalization in the region and i think one of the important issues will be the degree to which countries follow and deliver on the commitments that they have with respect to this liberalization. another issue i think will be the issue of investments in the region and the possibility to again
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facilitate the flow of investment across countries that will be important i think and we balancing the world economy as well because really we're talking about the most important region probably in terms of growth for the world economy. time to see how the market the performing now here in moscow the voices of the artists is trading half a percent lower and the wise axis down point eight percent this hour all the way players are in the red but it's energy majors which are the biggest drag on the markets as noticed because she has more than one percent. the russian insurance market will which pre-crisis levels within months so far this year the market has grown by only five percent and the key drivers are life and motor insurance i do the coach has more. young journey and his company and read the russian insurance market only two years ago from the start of the financial downturn. two years on some saturation of the economy have almost recovery to pre-crisis levels and among
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them the insurance market we have followed the guy and on the russian market so. it's all going on on the other market and based on that though we are strong because you got a recovery in terms of market especially in the sector off from what the insurance indeed this year the domestic insurance market will grow by twenty four percent x.p. see the market will reach the pre-crisis levels of two thousand and eight within months one key driver is the masti car production forecast to reach one point seven million next year and now the growth sector is buildings insurance and september president meet the needs of easy of called form and battery find surance after the summer's devastating wildfires however this will take much longer than the government wants according to one of the country's leading insurers the general director of industry negotiations along will take two years. to use what we see
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now only talks on how to implement mandatory fire insurance in the country if we talk about insuring apartments it mostly means insuring liability but if you talk about countryside houses then this deals more with property insurance the state hasn't made its decision yet i think talks will go on for at least two years it's clear that number is so long it won't drive the recovery consumer confidence is crucial as the industry is to meet its potential my dinner which no business r.t. . and finally good news if you work at google the internet giant says it will give its top management a thirty percent pay raise next year a pay rise next year this comes after google announced it will give all its employees a ten percent increase to stop them defecting to facebook in a landmark case one employee has been given three and a half million dollars in stock to remain with the search company c.e.o. eric smith and co-founder sergey brin and larry page who combined all over half of
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google's stock will continue to accept a salary of just one us dollar. it's all we have for you this ali joining me at twenty past the alpha mall this news. this is just
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a parliament building in. but then. sixty from years ago. it was the final target of the last major offensive from the red army. its country became the symbol on the former financial system. and the fig tree where nazi germany. the fall i'm in. those so many years of past sins former prisoners. are still a lot. as well deserved for sure. those so many years of past. summer hoping to find the same. others shake their executioners longing for justice.
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those so many years of past. memory is still a minus. as well as. wealthy british stock. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy. for a no holds the global financial headlines kaiser reports. for your economist are comfortable shuttle bus will teach you to smoke. just a few hours closer to persian forest and scary to score and mirrors in your direction. on the move.
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scorching soil. are included. with the wow. more news today violence flared up. these are the images and seeing from the streets of canada. today. in india.
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beatriz. the lead. singer in connection. made. the. move to the asia pacific.
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economic issue. following. a. special. report checkered history of a place that's now a seat of democracy but which symbolized the defeat of nazi fascism sixty five years ago. the lucky.


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