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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2010 11:30am-12:00pm EST

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for the food we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news maker. hello again awoke the spotlight. on our. today my guest in the studio is alexander. the first. to turn the area into development how's he going to make the promising but currently unprofitable. is it possible at all paris the deputy prime minister and presidential envoy to.
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the ministry of regional development says it's going to make precious north caucasus a successful and cost effective for region in just fifteen years vicious project proposed by alexander plans to develop crippled budding other culture it also says great possibilities put through in the region the project should be inspired and driven by. development which is yet to be created presently the region is an economic and has problems with security but the country's political elite is resolute in implementing the promise changes. and welcome to our show hello. well to begin with here's one of the latest citations and the rather controversial one from president. concerning his not being pleased with the work of some north caucasus officials and here i quote unless someone can. he shouldn't work there and i will decide accordingly and quote. i
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believe it concerns regional officials from north caucuses. did he give you some particular time to get things done or what what else did you talk about when the cameras were switched off of the machine. well let me first comment on the president's words it's unrewarding anyway. today that the law enforcement agencies have been actively terrorism and extremism in the north caucasus area. and it's safe to say this work has been a success. with results tangible indeed. in other words we have become stronger. at the same time using only force in addressing terrorism in the. is next to impossible and this should be.
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very important components to be surely dealt with by regional leaders including the heads of federal power structure attention should be focused on the fact that terrorism is a disease. and rather social problem. unfortunately we have to admit that this has accumulated a huge layer of social problems we face and have to address. on the one hand it's about very deep poverty and high unemployment. with the background of a very good demographic situation we have an ever growing number of young men who eventually can't find ways. and become potential candidates for terrorists and extremists recruited through ideology. and the decision
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adopted on a strategy of social and economic development. is meant. to some extent the issues of economic development. poverty. creating new technologies and. so what the president meant is that we don't have too much time to get ourselves moving and that it's necessary to start accelerating starting from next year we want to see real results. secondly we have a lot of young people needing attention and. we need an appropriate policy for them in the. it which is exclusively. authorities in the forests which we have to review educational standards how we teach and train young people. and how they should work we should also consider.
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the demographic equilibrium in the. inclusion cross situations migration and the refugee issues each of which need attention. in this respect regional authorities have a lot to consider. when speaking about the information war. came from the. story. the pilots who do you mean they are. countries organizations or regions or what. we could delve into the subject too deeply but i am not representing the security forces here. i can only say that there are obviously certain people claiming to be a kind of leaders of the united caucasus and even forming
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a shadow government of the caucasus that is actually backed by some special services from abroad. with an obvious goal to disturb the situation in the region. inside the country and i mean the. great man said we are destroying ourselves with our own hands we have to solve our problems on our own. there has been many assertions in the media recently that the creation of the north caucasus federal district is a kind of assault against the independence of the regions in the caucasus area and there are such fears there or rather does moscow feel. what it has created. i believe that the creation of the north caucasus federal district means to draw
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the attention of the federal authorities to the problems in the caucasus. it means the concentrated attention of the federal authorities towards bringing instability in the region let's take a closer look at this region here's this report from spotlights. one of the most beautiful places in russia with hardly the most peaceful news of shootings and questions coming from there on a regular basis the lack of safety in the region is often blamed on its economic instability to get the territory move under control it was singled out into a separate federal district it includes stopper polk right and the republics of courage. korea north. chechnya and dagestan the district is home to dozens of ethnic groups and languages relationships between
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neighbors are not always perfect which is also an obstacle to development there are signs of progress with grozny the cutoff to undergo an intensive rebuilding and neighboring. he's considering being turned into a specially can on. exultant with tax breaks for local businesses in north caucasus possesses economic potential as it is reaching natural resources however attracting vestment to ground stable region is a challenge and the federal district remains much choice subsidized by the state it's a place where people have become used to relying on themselves so experts know we cannot make progress is possible without changing public attitudes and the development of a civil society. we know that a new body is being established in the north caucasus area names the social council of the north caucasus federal district what is it and what authorities are going to have. it's apparent that it's impossible to solve many questions without the close
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cooperation with the population yourselves and with this dozens we set ourselves a priority of creating civil society institutions as conduits of a dialogue between the populations and the store it seems to me it's so the city council affiliated to that plenty potentially envoy the president is a public body including prominent and authoritative figures also men of faith enjoy great respect from the people. within the. course we discussed topic and sensitive issues. and see good ways of solving them. this is a board which will include representatives from non-governmental human rights organizations such as the elders peoples youths see them journalists.
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including those from free media. will you stick your i believe the council will be formed very soon and will consist of three major parts. one to be all fourteen representatives from the federal authorities. it will be up to the russian federation's public chamber to address the problem. another fourteen people will be delegated from the federal district mainly from non-governmental organization is the stone a prominent figures we have been in dialogue with from the elites every republic every day and the since and those include representatives from human rights groups and the remaining fourteen members will come from every single republican as a whole forty two will constitute this social council but this is only the first
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step which will be followed by the creation of the youth organizations through which we will have direct dialogue with the population since this says deputy prime minister and presidential envoy to the north caucasus federal district alex on the . spotlight will be back shortly after a break so i will continue this interview stay with us and. for you. are comfortable shuttle buses will take you to do so. just a few hours of service. and scary to start. your day. on the moon. craters. scorching soil
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toward yeah are included. a photo with the wild lunar rover for free. those so many years of past some former prisoners. are still along. as well as good fortune. those so many years of power. some are hoping to find their savior. others take their executioners longing for justice. those so many years of past. memory is still a long. as well. as. eight. welcome
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back to spotlight i'll get off in just a reminder of my guest in the studio today is that a devotee prime minister and presidential envoy to the north caucasus federal district we're talking about the situation in the north caucasus brush up. to the uk tobar attack on the chin chin palm and book has shown that a terrorist on the ground still exists in the caucasus doesn't mean that the counterterrorist strategy adopted for the north caucasus does not work and should be have be revised or should be implemented with greater efforts. yourself let me clarify something i would not describe the terrorist attack as
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having been carried out from outside unfortunately all the known terrorist attacks were on the territory of our publics which is of course the russian federation. and agencies and those directly responsible for this work i can say that there is perhaps no technology available in the world to. the problems to the system of combating terrorism is very complex so much so we'll learning from our mistakes. at the same time we have learned something and learned to preempt. many attacks have been prevented. i can't say any details. that is a good indicator of success. agencies. including the federal security service. the interior ministry there's the rational and the
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terrorist committee and the security council. now much work is underway and each time we improve performance at the same time let me emphasize this without the support of the population it is impossible to solve the problem. one can't fight the consequences one must fight the disease because the causes are mostly social. but this disease is no not only in russia this is a plague spreading all over the world now if the terrorist attacks do happen. some success will come. here i accept your clarification but i meant only that when we were talking about a terrorist threat from outside. the organization or ideological. this threat is recognized by all let's take france for example that is openly threatened by bin laden that the americans have prevented
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a number of attacks on the usa now the whole world is saying that al-qaeda is getting more active you feel that in the north caucasus it's been said more than once that this region is one of talk it's. let me say this again this question can hardly be addressed to me. i can calmly trace the link between representatives from al qaeda and representatives from the so-called emirates of the caucasus like the kind of. it's all the people abroad for whom the north caucasus is a place where one can gain a reputation and become respected among certain terrorist organizations. coming through some n.g.o.s from abroad to finance these underground bandit activities suppose. we are preventing those attempts.
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not withstanding. that is the same all over the world unfortunately. i guess just said that people in russia generally don't have a clip of what's going on in the north caucasus they well let's see what people think about the situation in the north caucasus spotlights. try to find out. hi there well not pockets this is often identified in people's mind in the place of terror and tense situations in the region let's try to find out what has this place became a breeding ground for extremism. there's a number of issues it has to do with history religion economy and it's natural there are many problems and not an area. well the region has a long history of underground extremist islamic groups this experience of the past serves as a good ground for extremists. people from that region have always been unpredictable
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. i think it is in the blood of people who live in that region who are always conflicts there doesn't keep them so i think it has something to do with the nationality of the people who live there however i also think there's somebody behind those conflicts these conflicts are a result of forty minute delay should. help. you get a question. like think it's infants from abroad and result of special services work what do you think mr. extensively. that's what you just speak to that gentleman i must have seen you on t.v. saying western secret services and some problem here is a keen on developing the source ports of all the caucuses agenda. what. upsets me a little in that interview i had today in all those questions or rather the answers
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it is that we have let the situation slide in terms of information and blockaded the caucuses in the one nine hundred ninety s. as a good reason because of the wars in chechnya. that we have that it is beautiful place we used to go to for skiing for instance it's a marvelous place where we spend leisure time with our friends. and good people it was one single the whole territory that lived within its code. and peculiar traditions its territory giving birth so outstandingly talented people. we have somehow forgotten that prominent. education schools come from there and bring fame to our country. for some reason the current image of the caucus is linked entirely to bombings bloodshed and vengeance. as well that's really what he has shown people
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are saying not about family so culture. kalashnikov's. indeed this isn't the end of the. many of us. regrettably it's a tragedy we faced in the caucasus. what we want sorry for interrupting you when you came to our office the first thing you began talking about was providing information exactly is it one of your main concerns is of a plan to potentially and one of the present or are the issues of secondary importance. or is it because you are on television and you begin with these issues . frankly today i have a function of a messenger from the caucasus with a mission to proclaim it as a territory of russia unique in its beauty nature. traditions.
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in its time to face the turmoil and war in which a huge number of citizens have died regrettably. but it does not mean we should avoid talking about it and try making it an integral part of russia. this is a territory belonging to russia a territory that we neglected in circumstances. of time and economic development education and so forth. the rebuilding of the chechen republic programs. and so on and so. now it's high time to radically change the situation in the caucasus there are brilliant people there so we should be giving them opportunities to live and work alongside us. this is what i'm trying to convey to. les we realize that unless we make the way that it is a territory of. interesting. unique and investment
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attractive. i'll never be able to attract an investor who would revive the economy of this territory. we want to develop it. wait for any support from the west to preserve the. same this with such enthusiasm and concern at the same time you see we have let it slide. doesn't mean people have no wish to react. do you hear the same words you are now saying from the top officials there in the caucasus to say they want likewise to work along. with russia and develop everything. is there a continent well i don't want to pretend that there aren't any problems here i don't want to pretend that people who live in other cities outside of the federal district are frightened by the circumstances by the tragedies that have been
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occurring in the caucasus but when i took interest the talented and well educated young people from the north caucasus they asked me why is it that when i when leaving the stabber poor region i get transformed into the so-called person who ethnically comes from the caucasus in terms of the police. from another state and i designed in a different way what space in my living in what do you want from. me to be proud of living in the united states that i'm ready to be devoted to this reach a common ground somehow with peculiarities let's never forget it's a territory of the russian federation it's a territory that belongs to you and me if there are any problems and they should be solved. this problem. and let's return to where we started it's true that the caucasus is a region we used to go to for you to. get acquainted with this marvelous culture
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present terms on could derail went as far as to call chechnya a swizzle interesting place. at the same time it's curious that when a project tough creating a north caucasus tourist region was presented the st petersburg economic forum. was not mentioned there. well. well you see the idea was well the idea was that the project would develop the existing skiing resorts which are built to a built in the region and bring them to international standards. there are full key projects in the north caucasus. among them he is going to share in the. in. i guess done by the. oh no i don't but he is in his area. man is
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in. my class. so that's about the four major projects this does not mean though if that's any project to develop scheme proposed for the chechen republic will not be completed the stage is ready to invest into their infrastructure and grant tax breaks to the regions with these projects are going to be developed it means as soon as a project is ready for the chechen republic and their religious take office will be ready for them which incidentally can deal if and myself have already been involved in developing ski resorts in the czech republic will make your borders which was super spicy but thank you thank you very much for being with us and just to remind my guest in the studio today was the deputy prime minister and presidential envoy to the north caucasus federal district. court and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your south park life just drop me
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a line would be back with more first time comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take a listen. the
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business of tackling trade troubles moves to the asia pacific summit in japan after world leaders failed to agree on concrete measures at the g twenty. kosovo's organ trades exposed at least nawin are suspected of tricking people into being their kidneys removed and sold it comes after years of ignored claims that serbs had all been harvested in the ninety ninety five plus. shipping ocean
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currents temperatures going up and down what's happening to the planet's climate and what is this world coming to with right answer later in the program. even from moscow it's eight pm saturday night here you're watching r t with me kevin oh in our top story after failing to find a remedy for currency maneuvering and trade troubles at the g twenty summit the world leaders have no headed to japan and while economic strife tops the list at the summit of pacific rim nations as well the leaders also have some territorial disputes which need their attention centers at the apec meeting free and open trade and investment has always been one of the main goals of the twenty one of member states but the.


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