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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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here it's easier said than done it's a little more difficult especially since a lot of the leaders attending apec had just come from the g twenty. at the g twenty if not nothing really was accomplished there were no pre-meds signed between the countries and basically there was an air of the protectionism there were fears of protectionism and there were also accusations coming from the different countries that each one was protecting the interests of their own country so people are not expecting much really from apec i don't think anything particularly positive is. going to come out of it other than i think this is a forum in which the focus is on trade and economics but the fact that the u.s. could not get the free trade deal in seoul through done with the south koreans before this meeting which is something that i think president obama clearly wanted to happen the fact that it didn't frankly suck some of the air from from this meeting now so as it is with any forum leaders of the countries at overrepresented
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here do meet on the sidelines for bilateral or multilateral talks and one of those talks that happened was between the russian president dmitry medvedev and the prime minister of japan and as we know tokyo added moscow have been in a rather tense mood because of the issue of the karylle islands the president of russia had a visit to these islands earlier this month that he's a first cousin actually to set foot on those islands and egypt pal is laying claim to them but russia has ownership say that their ownership is disputed and here is what foreign minister sergei lavrov had to say about that meeting. as decrees dry minister knowledge of con once again expressed regret over president. president reaffirms our vision of the situation the president just saw it seems self woodridge into visits this is over territory and things will stay this way the president. all foods to change their approach to the issue of the peace treaty. is
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the economy instead well there will be more bilateral talks happening to more the second day of the summit and the one that we're looking forward to is the one between russian president medvedev and u.s. president barack obama it's all have to wait to see and see if something walkabout of that meeting. with a political analyst from moscow state institute of international relations he says the world economy is still far from recovery. i think there's an option that the world is leaving the courses because i was wrong. the german the great as a journalist too premature i think the proof of that is the american intervention to inject six hundred billion newly printed dollars into the economy it's a saying that previous estimates to stimulate the economy did not work the problem is that this is not a measure of national character because dollar is not in the national currency of
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the united states it's a global currency so it's it in their will to believe will have global consequences . many of them not for the better for the global economy. this is r.t. coming up we take you to romeo boot camp. got phone numbers fast this number for a brazilian supermodel it. seems is a place for guys to pick up one on one and they're prepared to pay handsomely for the perfect flirting facts about ahead. also the aspiring russian drivers who could soon make believe this. to be the country's first formula one car is on its way as we explain shortly. after years of ignored claims organ trafficking in kosovo has finally reached prosecutors at least seven people have been charged suspected of luring poor people to sell their kidneys with false
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promises of cash one of the suspects is being linked to the kosovo liberation army which was accused of selling the organs of captured serbs during the one nine hundred ninety s. war r.t. sara first reports. police intel emerging here in kosovo at the moment an organized crime group including a former health minister involved in organ trafficking now the story starts a couple of years ago when doctors working for the private health clinic medicaid is the you can see behind me were investigated for allegedly performing these illegal organ transfer of peroration zx now the group was said to have targeted poor people from regions such as russia kazakhstan and remain year and offering them around twenty thousand dollars to come here and have these operations performed with the recipients as well being charged a huge amount of money for the cases taken over by. police commission working here in kosovo and they boards these indictments the seven people now the prosecution haven't actually made these public but we've been able to gain access to one of the
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documents and seeing what the indictment said no one person named in the indictment also has links to another shocking case involving organ trafficking now in that instance is alleged that around three hundred serbian war prisoners during the costume war who kept in a house in northern albania by the cause their liberation army and were killed and their organs used for trafficking now the details of that case came to light when the former chief prosecutor of the war crimes tribunals khalid to ponce released a book detailing some of this information now what it was covered by the media at the time in the new toys yellow house incident and other details of that case with particularly greece and the allegations of people having organs for me and then being kept alive until the other organs we needed and then being killed and although the case to detain media attention there was heavy criticism that it was never fully investigated properly and that there were many people who were trying to block that and the story coming to light that with this latest case there really
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are growing concerns because they could become a breeding ground for these types of crimes indeed connotates is saying that there are many people including possibly authorities who are profiting heavily from this type of crime. our correspondents are first reporting from kosovo. winter is on the way in russia but you'd never guess it outside after suffering a sweltering summer in november is heating up to temperatures should be dipping below freezing but right now outside the hitting fourteen celsius is really looks at why it's still hats off whether. usually with pulling out our winter coats right now but something is definitely our ra in the weather department in fact it's not just most our most guys have been enjoying several very very warm days no need for for code sore heads but if we were to go down to the south of russia in fact we could enjoy swimming and sunbathing to the fullest degree it's that hot out there
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and of course this is not something that russians are historically used to if we were to go back to let's say nine hundred forty one during the world war two period fuel is freezing in tanks of course people were people were need deeper in snow blizzards basically the usual winter things that were happening in the vendor and we don't have to go that far in time is not a fact just say ten years ago same story again snow would be out here people could ice skate on the moscow river you could not do that right now obviously something is going on and winter is in no hurry to arrive in fact in some places in the western part of russia trees are starting to bloom again they can grow at the grass is still green and bears are not hibernating roaming around looking for food to eat birds are not flying south so something is going on something that people are not used to and definitely winter is in no hurry to arrive at this moment actually the
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experts are sort of separated into three groups one of them is saying that of course the manmade pollution is to blame we don't have to go back far to remember the british petroleum disaster in mexico gulf of course that has affected the bill loop current in the gulf and that is one of the intrinsic parts of the gulf stream and if that is affected of course obviously temperatures at not just northern america but in europe are going to be affected as well and as a matter of fact something is going on in the world in fact everything that's been happening for the last year year and a half as far as weather is concerned actually looks small. something out of a hollywood blockbuster be a pocket about the apocalypse rather than something that we're usually used to for example snow in australia and in south america you don't get to hear much about that at least you didn't until about this year europe was suffering from severe flooding but this past spring and of course like you mentioned earlier it's
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sweltering heat in moscow people dying from overheating fires raging all of that because of the weather of course other scientists are saying that it's all because of the sun so the sun flares are to blame and yet of course there is a third group of scientists who are saying this has been going on for millions of years and we should just relax and enjoy the warm weather while we can. while she's been hearing about wherever she is unusual weather can be traced to go christine from the world wildlife fund and russia believes the severity of the weather conditions will be felt even harsher around the globe. good to see warming especially near the poles. for example the woman is twice as much observed as the rest of the world also in the antarctic it's much more pronounced but what we will see more are more hurricanes are more floods more droughts more snow in the places where people didn't get used to snow and more where there were people got so much milder weather. severe frequency. of normal
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climate events like we have now. simply. much more severe consequences for the economist as well as for their social systems much more severe than the consequences of rising temperatures such. as you tube channel and website help keep you ahead of the stories we're covering of course. this weekend we bring you one solution the flying through the traffic jams clever thing this provides with deep pockets to being booed by this vehicle which allows them to small road rage for some high sky commuting not quite sure where you park when you finally get there but. also. one of the world's biggest pop diva russian fans explicit. the pop star. what was it all about. become.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. but first impressions last when it comes to romance they say but so many can fall flat on the first hurdle dating is a difficult game so know there's a solution for americans who can't find the right words to woo christine from when visiting a boot camp the failed. let's get straight to the point when it comes to hitting the town on
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a saturday night many people go out with a goal. that goal to school i mean i do go to girls be like i would like to improve the success rate i'm trying to improve my numbers i guess you could say success and numbers in a game called pick up one that doesn't always come easy for many american men because the number one rule of a more war girl girl that's walking is that you have to stop or so you have a conversation with her and it's not just a game it's an entire community i've been in the community i've been doing pick up for a year and a half at least with its own language most of my peers don't really cold approach which means go up to people that they don't know and talk to them and i have separated from the crowd and i've started doing that and one of my recent we call them number closer it just got the phone numbers. recently i got a phone number from a ravens cheerleader so and just in a grocery store so guys are you meeting cheerleaders at the grocery stores of all
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the guys will freeze up because they don't know what to say or what to do and so we haven't stifled the buy in the practice nicole was the c.e.o. of real social dynamics a company founded and funded on teaching people mostly guys to be effective p.-u. ways or pick up artists the no percent of guys out there really don't know how to approach will see a hard girl walking down the street and you won't know what to say or what to do and just walk right by you even in the united states capitol city where. politics equals power men who score high from nine to five. are batting zero after dark so there are some in ours like this one held recently at a washington d.c. hotel column who goes by papa is worshipped by some for his methods of well research at the top was doing nothing but picking up girls and just loving r s d says the actual hands on training is achieved at their three day boot camps in cities around the world intense training courses to help guys seal the deal so guys
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are actually willing to pay two thousand dollars for it. yeah we did. we get about one hundred to two hundred boot camp clients on any given month paying two thousand dollars up to twenty five hundred dollars for a more customized program we actually fly your city of choice whether there's any suicide of her not. we had one god paid ten thousand dollars to flies to dubai going to spend two weeks there make no mistake most of those who sign up are looking for true love or a long term relationship they're looking to perfect the funds to which you think you take a look at this guy successful in picking up a girl at the mall but clearly still nervous he's being videotaped by an r. is d. instructor just a few feet away an instructor is texting his client and well encouraging to start doing what they call the one man salsa and to be more comfortable sure enough there
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is a shift in energy real social dynamics also puts out d.v.d.'s with teaching tools and stories of success seen fifteen girls right now i women all over the world approaching design is a result of the way you live your life. and it is something that goes away one way to make it go away i'm thinking outside the box when meeting girls like this guy did according to r s d this approach worked. in this community it's all about strategy and speed go on the phone numbers i think my fastest number close like a brazilian supermodel in like fifteen seconds perhaps the ultimate goal well we won't talk about that but it starts with this here an introduction. and within seconds a close christine for is now r t. let's go across more serious news now and run a perverse some top world news headlines and first off pro-democracy leaders will
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have to spend most of the past two decades under house arrest and son suki greeted thousands of cheering supporters of the military authority. allowed her release had removed the barricades running a lakeside residence since she'd become one of most prominent political prisoners the world leaders are welcoming the move to end her detention. fires swept through zoo in south was germany killing twenty six of the animals and broke out in a farming closure and staff were unable to save the shetland pony sheep and goats inside the nearby large mammals including elephants and keepers to safety none of the staff or visitors rejected the blaze which took one hundred firefighters to tackle. was the around the world heading to saudi arabia for the annual hard pilgrimage which starts monday it's a required ritual for muslims who are able to travel to mecca and at least two and a half million are expected worshippers have gathered for the first present holy city ahead of the official opening security been intensified over fears of possible
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terror attacks. the russian carmaker zooming into position to get a head start in formula one motor sheer is developing its first super car and comes as the country gets its first place on the high octane racing calendar and results he's told bought reports now would we dream ticket for those drivers stuck in more modest forms of motor sport russian restraint military option is still somewhat unknown. but that might not be the case for much longer he has on bishops and aims hire people to buy fish. from one. of the best cases they share the point of but that was the age of the cattle this was. watching but for now he's currently stuck in go karts. that's because no russian company has ever built a formula one car in fact the image of russian cars internationally is quite the opposite. the books that could get get this side of the right that are some car.
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that is until now. enter a new russian comic. they're out to build super powerful super fast cars and now they've bought a stake in britain's virgin racing team they'll be helping to build the first f one machine when i should i would have you know has got all the shit i would we started working with the virgin team as technical partners a year and a half ago at this point we've bought a significant part of this team now this is going to be the first russian team change and. in fact russia seems to have well and truly waived the start of flying on its formula one ambitions the prime minister hopped into a runaway if one comes here this week and hit two hundred forty kilometers an hour and the ink's just striking a deal to host formula one races in the southern city of sochi from two thousand and fourteen but despite all this promise russian races have
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a long way to go to realize their own bishops see them accountable for human. when idea of just exceeds all of the units the one to twelve team will have a russian driver but it's not easy it takes time to bring up a driver just like any athlete. now mikhail will have to stay in the cell and. it might seem rather menial for aspiring formula one drivers but mikhail says his experience on the go kart track is crucial. when you do the you're in line raise the seventy years old you're busy just the feel everything the feel the car. it's very important because then when you become the perspiration joe you're the don't think people that you're doing forward because the feeling you so well maternal is fairly russian race and the now is the coming. of the it is the day he's finally terms you see here it's good stuff even if it's attempt to create
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something when the one machine here the embodiment of the purpose to speak to success tamati. beautiful machine isn't going to cause what about ten minutes time on saddam's resolve about these explorations again it being that we can but say we can business before that. hello and welcome to our business program here in r t thanks for joining me energy companies from russia in bulgaria have signed a deal to build a bulgarian section of the south stream pipeline gary had wayward about taking part in the pipeline project which will supply washing gas to europe under the black sea russia's prime minister said bulgaria will quadruple its earnings for gas transit under the deal also build a nuclear power plant. and is looking for european investors to help finance the project at a signing marks the final step before the actual construction of the pipeline as
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early as next year. now earlier i spoke to r t correspondent daniel bosso who is in sofia. there's a saying here hungry bear one dance and bog areas side proof that today sophia finally signed up to one of europe's largest energy projects but it comes after a bitter battle between two of your old men. premier parker the result is a seven karate black belt in the democrats and a black belt in choose the next person suggested only a little tongue in cheek but this reflect the way our stupidness as soon as bruce of one power he threw out existing energy deals with russia including an agreement to build south stream through his country this pipeline more pumping massive sixty three billion cubic meters of gas a year from russia to western europe enough to supply thirteen million gallons it took a classic good judo maneuver a feint
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a cunning find from curtains of paper is off on the back foot process head of government pushed forward negotiations with the rival transit states romania bulgaria was the preferred shorter route always a breeze off is fighting his way into several concessions including cheaper russian gas and russia building a big nuclear plant carry out let's listen in when leaders have to say which are which group please let you know because i want to underline the all european importance of south stream the leading companies of italy and france are already included in the development of this project and we have proposals from other west european partners gazprom and balgair in energy holding a working on the technicalities of the bug area and part of south stream that work has already started this is not the end of the story russia is continuing talks to romania in case ball gary a lot sell three once again but also a price has not been agreed for cheaper gas and that as winter approaches here
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above kerry is a particular concern for the country of course two years ago in a price dispute between russia and ukraine all garia was in the cold. and. head of gas products in miller said the company may begin building south stream for months ahead of he said prepare to work in bulgaria where the pipeline will emerge from the black sea is going faster than planned the project is slated for completion at the end of two thousand and fifteen. there are no problems with financing the bulgarian part of so stream the entire project will work very productively with varying partners everything is going to cause him to decline and may even perform it and if it goes well it will finalize the whole project for months ahead of schedule. other stories leaders meeting at the asia pacific economic cooperation summit in japan agreed not to slide into protectionist measures tatarstan will get one of the world's largest fertiliser operations
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companies from china and japan will work with russia's state owned more need to build the billion dollar plant. might also continue the work towards a regional free trade zone. russia this is very slow on saturday all the bush ips were in the red with energy majors the biggest drag bucking the trend was spared banking to be ambros telecom maker lost over half a percent although it boosted sales revenue thirty nine percent year on year between first and third quarter of two thousand and ten. the russian markets that traded six days this week were showing growth at the beginning of it however they close in the red on saturday. vice president or troika dialog up the trends of the week. the first half of the week was really strong we traded off to these and it looks like this edition is changing in terms of russia we see more and more demand for russian stock and to see the money entering the market and buying
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into russia the second half of this week is kind of a very healthy and. weighted correction the market not only in russia but globally actually russia is following international market come what it is market and the second half of this week was led by the concerns that the inflation in china is above the expectations and that china can start raising rates and that would lead to slowdown of all economy growth globally that's all we have for you but you can always find all stories on our website. thanks to watch.
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this is just a parliament building in durban. but then. sixty five years ago. it was the final target and the last major of from some from an army. base country became the symbol on the fall of the financial tsunami. and the fig tree all were nazi germany. the fall i'm in archie. in indonesia oh geez available in hotels come in delhi results in spawns good results in spite of only come a come down upon the motive been turned on sentry and the result in spawn sunday of
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peach otoh the wisdom result use of doing something sofitel some in your customs only result in spawn the ritz carlton hotel grounds many as you call the hotel the full seasons hotel the sultan which owns. holidaymaker who wouldn't dare to swim so deep. a tourist would be scared of such cold mushroom. and would never die if nothing is seen within arm's reach. they are not two lists they are researchers. and feel worse on land than in deep water. they faced it this is not a production but a war of. the forces and we should use steverson issue to
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suppress free trade speaks of they have no idea about the hardships to face. they wanted to says it all to tunis and for any army the life of abusing them is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism of those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. the true one nine hundred forty five dollars on t.v. dot com. this is our team from moscow these are the top stories this saturday evening the business of tackling trade troubles that moves to the asia pacific summit in japan after world leaders failed to agree on concrete measures at the g twenty as well as
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major economic issues the leaders also have some territorial disputes which meet their attention. trade is exposed at least suspected of tricking people into having their kidneys removed all that comes after years of ignored claims that serbs had their organs harvested in the one thousand nine hundred more. than up at russia following this summer's extraordinary wave fuelling talk of global warming is closing in temperatures should be dipping below freezing in central asia is right now but they're not they're hitting fourteen celsius. if anything it was a melting pot of cultures new has been through the centuries gives you an insight into one of them as martin andrews finds out what the jewish community brings to the capital.


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